"Citation: Milewicz, K., Hollway, J., Peacock, C. and Snidal, D., 2018. Beyond Trade: The Expanding Scope of the Non-trade Agenda in Trade Agreements. Journal of Conflict Resolution 62(4): 743-773. Corresponding author: Karolina Milewicz (karolina.milewicz@politics.ox.ac.uk) Version: 2016-01-07",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NumberSimple,Number,NTI_PTA_numID,NTI_PTA_numID3dig,NTI_PTA_alphaID,Name,Year,FileName,Members,Members_EC,Type_Memb_EC,Fulltext,EntryForceYear,Inactive,InactiveYear,WTOListed,WTO_Name,WTODateNotification,WTOLegalCover,GPTAD_Name,HBAgreement,HBType,HBTypeCode,WTOType,WTOTypeCode,TypeMemb,NumberMS,Dyads,NorthSouth,RegionCon,TypeDepth,Sectoral,Protocol,NTI_preamble,NTI_preamble_corruption,NTI_preamble_labour,NTI_preamble_env,NTI_preamble_HR,NTI_preamble_demo,NTI_preamble_sec,NTI_preamble_others,NTI_preamble_socdevel,NTI_preamble_comments,NTI_corruption,NTI_corruption_comments,NTI_corruption_refMT,NTI_corruption_refMT_comments,NTI_labour,NTI_labour_comments,NTI_labour_refILO,NTI_labour_refILO_comments,NTI_env,NTI_env_comments,NTI_env_refMT,NTI_env_refMT_comments,NTI_HR,NTI_HR_comments,NTI_HR_refMT,NTI_HR_refMT_comments,NTI_demo,NTI_demo_comments,NTI_demo_refMT,NTI_demo_refMT_comments,NTI_sec,NTI_sec_comments,NTI_sec_refMT,NTI_sec_refMT_comments,NTI_others,NTI_comments_general,,,,,,,,,,,, 001,001,001,001,AFG_IND,Afghanistan India,2003,Afghanistan India 2003.pdf,AF-IN,AF-IN,0,1,2003,0,,1,India Afghanistan,08-Mar-10,Enabling Clause,Afghanistan India,Afghanistan-India PTA,PTA_PSA,1,PTA,1,1,2,1,3,3,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 002,002,002,002,AFRICANCM,African Common Market,1962,African Common Market 1962.pdf,DZ-EG-GH-GN-ML-MA,DZ-EG-GH-GN-ML-MA,0,1,1963,1,NA,1,African Common Market,22914,GATT Art. XXIV,,,,,CU,3,2,6,15,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Full and rewarding employment of human resources; Reference to the spirit and principles of the Casablanca Charter,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Harmonization of the respective countries' social legislations (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 003,003,003,003,AFRICANEC,African Economic Community,1991,African Economic Community 1991.pdf,DZ-AO-BJ-BW-BF-BI-CM-CV-CF-KM-CG-CI-DJ-EG-ET-GQ-GA-GH-GM-GN-GW-KE-LS-LR-LY-MG-MW-ML-MR-MU-MZ-NA-NE-NG-RW-EH-ST-SN-SC-SL-SO-SD-SZ-TZ-TD-TG-TN-UG-ZM-ZW-CD,DZ-AO-BJ-BW-BF-BI-CM-CV-CF-KM-CG-CI-DJ-EG-ET-GQ-GA-GH-GM-GN-GW-KE-LS-LR-LY-MG-MW-ML-MR-MU-MZ-NA-NE-NG-RW-EH-ST-SN-SC-SL-SO-SD-SZ-TZ-TD-TG-TN-UG-ZM-ZW-CD,0,1,1994,0,,0,,,,African Economic Community,,,,,,2,51,1275,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,"Mindful of the principles of international law governing relations between States; Considering the “Monrovia Declaration of Commitment on the Guidelines and Measures for National and Collective Self-reliance in Economic and Social Development for the Establishment of a New International Order”; Conscious of our duty to develop and utilise the human and natural resources of the Continent for the general well-being of our peoples in all fields of human endeavour: Considering further the Lagos Plan of Action and the Final Act of Lagos of April 1980 reaffirming our Commitment to establish, by the year 2000, an African Economic Community in order to foster the economic, social and cultural integration of our Continent; Noting the need to share, in a equitable and just manner, the advantages of co-operation among Member States in order to promote a balanced development in all parts of the Continent",0,,0,,1,"Harmonize gradually their labour and social security legislation with a view to eliminating poverty and promoting balanced socio-economic development within the Community; Take necessary measures for the survival and development of the child and the protection of the child against abuse, neglect and exploitation (Art. 72.2)",0,,1,"Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 30 and 31 of this Treaty, any Member State, having made its intention known to the Secretariat of the Community which shall inform Member States thereof, may impose or continue to impose restrictions or prohibitions affecting: (f) The control of hazardous wastes, nuclear materials, radio-active products or any other material used in the development or exploitation of nuclear energy (exception) (Art. 35.1); Member States shall cooperate in the following fields: (b) Nuclear energy; (c) New and renewable energy; Member States undertake to promote a healthy environment. To this end, they shall adopt national, regional and continental policies, strategies and programmes and establish appropriate institutions for the protection and enhancement of the environment (Art. 58.1); Member States undertake, individually and collectively, to take every appropriate step to ban the importation and dumping of hazardous wastes in their respective territories. They further undertake to cooperate in the transboundary movement, management and processing of such wastes produced in Africa (Art. 59)",0,,1,"Recognition, promotion and protection of human and peoples' rights in accordance with the provisions of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (Art. 3g, p.7); Member States agree to formulate, harmonize, coordinate and establish appropriate policies and mechanisms for the full development of the African woman through the improvement of her economic, social and cultural conditions (Art. 75)",1,Reference to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (Art. 3g),1,"For example on institution-building: Implementation of the final stage for the setting up of the structure of the Pan-African Parliament and election of its members by continental universal suffrage (Art. 6.2); Implementation of the final stage for the setting up of the structures of the executive organs of the Community (Art. 6.2); In order to ensure that the peoples of Africa are fully involved in the economic development and integration of the Continent, there shall be established a Pan-African Parliament (Art. 14.1); The Court of Justice shall ensure the adherence to law in the interpretation and application of this Treaty and shall decide on disputes submitted thereto pursuant to this Treaty (Art. 18.2)",0,,1,"Peaceful settlement of disputes among Member States, active co-operation between neighbouring countries and promotion of a peaceful environment as a pre-requisite for economic development (Art. 3f); The objectives of the Community shall be: (c)…to foster close and peaceful relations among Member States (Art. 4.1); Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 30 and 31 of this Treaty, any Member State, having made its intention known to the Secretariat of the Community which shall inform Member States thereof, may impose or continue to impose restrictions or prohibitions affecting: (a) The application of security laws and regulations; (b) The control of arms, ammunitions and other military items and equipment (exception) (Art. 35.1); ",0,,"Inter-State co-operation, harmonisation of policies and integration of programmes; Promotion of harmonious development of economic activities among Member States (Art. 3); The strengthening of existing regional economic communities and the establishment of other communities where they do not exist (Art. 4.2); The harmonisation of national policies in order to promote Community activities, particularly in the fields of: industry, transport and communications, energy, natural resources, money and finance, human resources, education, culture, science and technology (Art. 4.2); Strengthening of sectoral integration at the regional and continental levels in all areas of activity particularly in the fields of: money and finance, transport and communications, industry and energy (Art. 6.2); Member States shall, in accordance with the Protocol concerning Customs Co-operation, take all necessary measures for harmonising and standardising their customs regulations and procedures in such a manner as shall be appropriate for ensuring the effective implementation of the provisions of this Chapter (Art. 39); Promote technical co-operation and the exchange of experience in the field of industrial technology and implement technical training programmes among Member States (Art. 49); Science and technoloy: Member States shall: (a) Strengthen scientific and technological capabilities in order to bring about the socio-economic transformation required to improve the quality of life of their population; (d) Cooperate in the development, acquisition and dissemination of appropriate technologies; (e) Strengthen existing scientific research institutions and, where they do not exist, establish new institutions. (Art. 51.1); Member states shall: (a) Harmonize, at the Community level, their national policies on scientific and technological research with a view to facilitating their integration into the national economic and social development plans (Art. 51.2); Member States shall coordinate and harmonize their policies and programmes in the field of energy and natural resources (Art. 54.1); promote the continuous training of skilled manpower (Art. 54.2); Promote the integration of transport and communications infrastructure (Art. 61.1); In the field of Posts, Member States undertake to: (a) Establish a Pan-African Postal Network (Art. 63.1); Member States undertake to: (a) Coordinate their efforts and pool their resources in order to promote the exchange of radio and television programmes at bilateral, regional and continental levels (Art. 64.1); The collection, dissemination and exchange of meteorological information at the continental level, particularly with regard to the development of early warning systems for the prevention of natural disasters and for ensuring safety in aerial, coastal and inland navigation (Art. 64.2); The promotion of intra-African tourism (Art. 65.1); Co-operation in the field of education for the purpose of training persons capable of fostering the changes necessary for enhancing social progress and the development of the Continent (Art. 68.1); On culture: (a) Pursue the objectives of the Cultural Charter for Africa; (b) Promote and propagate endogenous African cultural value; (c) Make every effort to preserve and recover their cultural heritage (Art. 69); Member States agree to cooperate with a view to developing, planning and utilising their human resources (Art 71); Harmonize gradually their labour and social security legislation with a view to eliminating poverty and promoting balanced socio-economic development within the Community (Art. 72.2); Member States agree to promote and increase co-operation among themselves in the field of health (Art. 73); Harmonize efforts to put an end to the illegal production, trafficking and use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (Art. 72.2)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 003,3+1,301,301,AFRICANEC_p1,African Economic Community South Africa accession,1997,,DZ-AO-BJ-BW-BF-BI-CM-CV-CF-KM-CG-CI-DJ-EG-ET-GQ-GA-GH-GM-GN-GW-KE-LS-LR-LY-MG-MW-ML-MR-MU-MZ-NA-NE-NG-RW-EH-ST-SN-SC-SL-SO-SD-SZ-TZ-TD-TG-TN-UG-ZM-ZW-CD-ZA,DZ-AO-BJ-BW-BF-BI-CM-CV-CF-KM-CG-CI-DJ-EG-ET-GQ-GA-GH-GM-GN-GW-KE-LS-LR-LY-MG-MW-ML-MR-MU-MZ-NA-NE-NG-RW-EH-ST-SN-SC-SL-SO-SD-SZ-TZ-TD-TG-TN-UG-ZM-ZW-CD-ZA,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,52,51,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,"Mindful of the principles of international law governing relations between States; Considering the “Monrovia Declaration of Commitment on the Guidelines and Measures for National and Collective Self-reliance in Economic and Social Development for the Establishment of a New International Order”; Conscious of our duty to develop and utilise the human and natural resources of the Continent for the general well-being of our peoples in all fields of human endeavour: Considering further the Lagos Plan of Action and the Final Act of Lagos of April 1980 reaffirming our Commitment to establish, by the year 2000, an African Economic Community in order to foster the economic, social and cultural integration of our Continent; Noting the need to share, in a equitable and just manner, the advantages of co-operation among Member States in order to promote a balanced development in all parts of the Continent",0,,0,,1,"Harmonize gradually their labour and social security legislation with a view to eliminating poverty and promoting balanced socio-economic development within the Community; Take necessary measures for the survival and development of the child and the protection of the child against abuse, neglect and exploitation (Art. 72.2)",0,,1,"Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 30 and 31 of this Treaty, any Member State, having made its intention known to the Secretariat of the Community which shall inform Member States thereof, may impose or continue to impose restrictions or prohibitions affecting: (f) The control of hazardous wastes, nuclear materials, radio-active products or any other material used in the development or exploitation of nuclear energy (exception) (Art. 35.1); Member States shall cooperate in the following fields: (b) Nuclear energy; (c) New and renewable energy; Member States undertake to promote a healthy environment. To this end, they shall adopt national, regional and continental policies, strategies and programmes and establish appropriate institutions for the protection and enhancement of the environment (Art. 58.1); Member States undertake, individually and collectively, to take every appropriate step to ban the importation and dumping of hazardous wastes in their respective territories. They further undertake to cooperate in the transboundary movement, management and processing of such wastes produced in Africa (Art. 59)",0,,1,"Recognition, promotion and protection of human and peoples' rights in accordance with the provisions of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (Art. 3g, p.7); Member States agree to formulate, harmonize, coordinate and establish appropriate policies and mechanisms for the full development of the African woman through the improvement of her economic, social and cultural conditions (Art. 75)",1,Reference to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (Art. 3g),1,"For example on institution-building: Implementation of the final stage for the setting up of the structure of the Pan-African Parliament and election of its members by continental universal suffrage (Art. 6.2); Implementation of the final stage for the setting up of the structures of the executive organs of the Community (Art. 6.2); In order to ensure that the peoples of Africa are fully involved in the economic development and integration of the Continent, there shall be established a Pan-African Parliament (Art. 14.1); The Court of Justice shall ensure the adherence to law in the interpretation and application of this Treaty and shall decide on disputes submitted thereto pursuant to this Treaty (Art. 18.2)",0,,1,"Peaceful settlement of disputes among Member States, active co-operation between neighbouring countries and promotion of a peaceful environment as a pre-requisite for economic development (Art. 3f); The objectives of the Community shall be: (c)…to foster close and peaceful relations among Member States (Art. 4.1); Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 30 and 31 of this Treaty, any Member State, having made its intention known to the Secretariat of the Community which shall inform Member States thereof, may impose or continue to impose restrictions or prohibitions affecting: (a) The application of security laws and regulations; (b) The control of arms, ammunitions and other military items and equipment (exception) (Art. 35.1); ",0,,"Inter-State co-operation, harmonisation of policies and integration of programmes; Promotion of harmonious development of economic activities among Member States (Art. 3); The strengthening of existing regional economic communities and the establishment of other communities where they do not exist (Art. 4.2); The harmonisation of national policies in order to promote Community activities, particularly in the fields of: industry, transport and communications, energy, natural resources, money and finance, human resources, education, culture, science and technology (Art. 4.2); Strengthening of sectoral integration at the regional and continental levels in all areas of activity particularly in the fields of: money and finance, transport and communications, industry and energy (Art. 6.2); Member States shall, in accordance with the Protocol concerning Customs Co-operation, take all necessary measures for harmonising and standardising their customs regulations and procedures in such a manner as shall be appropriate for ensuring the effective implementation of the provisions of this Chapter (Art. 39); Promote technical co-operation and the exchange of experience in the field of industrial technology and implement technical training programmes among Member States (Art. 49); Science and technoloy: Member States shall: (a) Strengthen scientific and technological capabilities in order to bring about the socio-economic transformation required to improve the quality of life of their population; (d) Cooperate in the development, acquisition and dissemination of appropriate technologies; (e) Strengthen existing scientific research institutions and, where they do not exist, establish new institutions. (Art. 51.1); Member states shall: (a) Harmonize, at the Community level, their national policies on scientific and technological research with a view to facilitating their integration into the national economic and social development plans (Art. 51.2); Member States shall coordinate and harmonize their policies and programmes in the field of energy and natural resources (Art. 54.1); promote the continuous training of skilled manpower (Art. 54.2); Promote the integration of transport and communications infrastructure (Art. 61.1); In the field of Posts, Member States undertake to: (a) Establish a Pan-African Postal Network (Art. 63.1); Member States undertake to: (a) Coordinate their efforts and pool their resources in order to promote the exchange of radio and television programmes at bilateral, regional and continental levels (Art. 64.1); The collection, dissemination and exchange of meteorological information at the continental level, particularly with regard to the development of early warning systems for the prevention of natural disasters and for ensuring safety in aerial, coastal and inland navigation (Art. 64.2); The promotion of intra-African tourism (Art. 65.1); Co-operation in the field of education for the purpose of training persons capable of fostering the changes necessary for enhancing social progress and the development of the Continent (Art. 68.1); On culture: (a) Pursue the objectives of the Cultural Charter for Africa; (b) Promote and propagate endogenous African cultural value; (c) Make every effort to preserve and recover their cultural heritage (Art. 69); Member States agree to cooperate with a view to developing, planning and utilising their human resources (Art 71); Harmonize gradually their labour and social security legislation with a view to eliminating poverty and promoting balanced socio-economic development within the Community (Art. 72.2); Member States agree to promote and increase co-operation among themselves in the field of health (Art. 73); Harmonize efforts to put an end to the illegal production, trafficking and use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (Art. 72.2)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 004,004,004,004,AGADIR,Agadir Agreement,2004,Agadir Agreement 2004.pdf,EG-JO-MA-TN,EG-JO-MA-TN,0,1,2006,0,,0,,,,Agadir (Egypt Jordan Morocco Tunisia),Arab Mediterranean FTA (Agadir Agreement) ,FTA,2,,,2,4,6,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,commodities not covered for environmental reasons (Art. 19),1,Economic and Social Committee of the Arab League (Art. 19),0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Commodities not covered for security reasons (Art. 19),1,Economic and Social Committee of the Arab League (Art. 19),"Social development such as support standard of living (Art. 2); economic development such as support employment or develop economic activity (Art. 2), commodities not covered for religious and health reasons (Art. 19)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 005,005,005,005,ALB_BIH,Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina,2003,Albania Bosnia Herzegovina 2004.pdf,AL-BA,AL-BA,0,1,2004,1,2007,1,Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina,14-Dec-04,GATT Art. XXIV,,Albania Bosnia+Herzegovina,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,Respect for fundamental principles of democracy and human rights; Agreement shall contribute to theParties process of integration in Europe,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living standards and increase of employment (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 006,006,006,006,ALB_BGR,Albania Bulgaria,2003,Albania Bulgaria 2003.pdf,AL-BG,AL-BG,0,1,2003,1,2006,1,Albania Bulgaria,31-Mar-04,GATT Art. XXIV,Albania-Buglaria,Albania Bulgaria,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit, justified on grounds of environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 21)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Raising the living standard (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 007,007,007,007,ALB_HRV,Albania Croatia,2002,Albania Croatia 2003.pdf,AL-HR,AL-HR,0,1,2003,1,2007,1,Croatia Albania,31-Mar-04,GATT Art. XXIV,Albania Croatia,Albania Croatia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,Cooperation to reduce the potential for fraud in the application of the trade provisions of the Agreement (Art. 25),0,,0,,0,,1,"Prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit, justified on grounds of environment (Exception) (Art. 23)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Raising the standard of living (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 008,008,008,008,ALB_EC,Albania EC SAA,2006,Albania EC SAA 2006.pdf,AL-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EE-LV-LT-CY-MT-CZ-SI-SK-HU-PL-BG-RO,AL-EU,1,1,2009,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,3,28,27,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Strengthen and extend the relationship with the EU,1,"Emphasis on the commitment to combat irregularities and fraud in customs matters, administrative cooperation concerining fraud (Art. 30); Mutual administrative assistance in customs matters to prevent and combat operations in breach of that legislation (Art. 2, protocol 5: Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 7, Art. 10)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 1),1,"Reference to Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1)",1,Respect for the democratic principles and rule of law (Art. 1),1,"Reference to Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1)",0,,0,,"Transit Traffic: granting unrestricted access to each others transit traffic, simplifying transportation by rail and road (Art. 33); Albanias regional cooperation with countries candidate for accession to the EU (Art. 48)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 009,009,009,009,ALB_EFTA,Albania EFTA,2009,Albania EFTA,AL-LI-IS-NO-CH,AL-LI-IS-NO-CH,0,1,2010,0,,1,EFTA Albania,,,,,,,FTA,2,3,5,4,2,1,2,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,"Commitment to democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms, and to the political freedoms; Commitment to economic and social development, the protection of health and safety, and the respect for the fundamental rights of workers; Creating new employment opportunities and improving health and living standards in their respective territories; Implement the Agreement with the objectives to preserve and protect the environment and to ensure the use of natural resources; Commitment to the rule of law, to prevent and combat corruption in international trade and investment and to promote the principles of transparency and good governance; Reference to the principles set out in the relevant International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions, to the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights",1,Annex 3: Risk management includes the systematic assessment of risks related to the infringement of customs legislation (Art. 6),0,,0,,0,,1,It is inappropriate to encourage investment by relaxing or environmental standards (Art. 24),0,,1,The objectives of this Agreement are based on the respect of human rights (Art. 1),0,,1,The objectives of this Agreement are based on the respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,"It is inappropriate to encourage investment by relaxing health or safety standards (Art. 24); Protocol B: Provisions on filling out certificate of origings to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Art. 17, Appendix 3a p. 1), Verifications of proofs of origin shall be carried out whenever the customs authorities of the importing Party have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Art. 33), Penalties for any person who completes a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential tariff treatment (Art. 35)","no protocol on customs administration, maybe missing ",,,,,,,,,,,, 010,010,010,010,ALB_KV,Albania Kosovo,2003,Albania Kosovo 2003.pdf,AL-BA,AL-BA,0,1,2003,1,2007,1,Albania Kosovo,38085,GATT Art. XXIV,Albania UNMIK,Albania UNMIK (Kosovo),FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of environment (Exceptions) (Art. 21)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Raising the living standard of the Parties population (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 011,011,011,011,ALB_MKD,Albania Macedonia,2002,Albania Macedonia 2002.pdf,AL-MK,AL-MK,0,1,2002,1,2007,1,Albania Macedonia,14-Dec-04,GATT Art. XXIV,Albania Macedonia (FYROM),Albania FYR of Macedonia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Fostering the Parties process of integration in Europe,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit, justified on grounds of the protection of environment and the conservation of exhaustible natural resources (Exceptions) (Art. 24)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Raise the standard of living (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 012,012,012,012,ALB_MDA,Albania Moldova,2003,Albania Moldova 2003.pdf,AL-MD,AL-MD,0,1,2004,1,2007,1,Albania Moldova,20-Dec-04,GATT Art. XXIV,Albania Moldova,Albania Moldova,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,Strengthening of the European integration processes in Southeast Europe; Respect for fundamental principles of democracy and human rights,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or traffic of goods in transit justified on grounds of the environment (Exceptions) (Art. 17)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Fostering the improvement of living standards and the increase of employment (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 013,013,013,013,ALB_ROU,Albania Romania,2003,Albania Romania 2003.pdf,AL-RO,AL-RO,0,1,2004,1,2006,1,Albania Romania,14-Dec-04,GATT Art. XXIV,Albania-Romania,Albania Romania,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Economic integration as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter, the final document of the Bonn Conference on Economic Co-operation in Europe",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or traffic of goods in transit justified on grounds of the environment (Exceptions) (Art. 17)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 014,014,014,014,ALB_SRB,Albania Serbia,2003,Albania Serbia Montenegro 2004.pdf,AL-RS,AL-RS,0,1,2004,1,2007,1,Albania Serbia and Montenegro,19-Oct-04,GATT Art. XXIV,,Albania Serbia+Montenegro,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Agreement will bring to the process of integration in Europe,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or traffic of goods in transit justified on grounds of the environment (Exceptions) (Art. 24)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Raising the standard of standard of living (Art. 1),Following agreement was coded: Albania_Serbia-Montenegro 2004,,,,,,,,,,,, 015,015,015,015,ALB_TUR,Albania Turkey,2006,Albania Turkey 2006.pdf,AL-TR,AL-TR,0,1,2008,0,,1,Turkey Albania,09-May-08,GATT Art. XXIV,Albania Turkey,,,,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Raising the living standart (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 016,016,016,016,DZA_EC1,Algeria EC,1976,Algeria EC 1976,DZ-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB,DZ-EU,1,1,1976,1,2005,1,EC Algeria,27969,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Algeria,Algeria EC (Cooperation Agreement),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,3,10,9,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Wishing to demonstrate their common desire to maintain and strengthen their friendly relations in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter (EEC); Resolved to establish wide-ranging cooperation which will contribute to Algeria's economic and social development (EEC); Having regard to their respective levels of development (EEC); ,1,"On wine containers: the means of closing the containers must be such that they cannot be tampered with and must ensure that they cannot be the subject of operations during transportation or storage other than those carried out under the supervision of the authorities of Algeria or of the Member States of the Community (Art.19, p.7, EEC)",0,,1,"The treatment accorded by each Member State to workers of Algerian nationality employed in its territory shall be free from any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions or remuneration, in relation to its own nationals (Art.38, p.10, EEC); Workers of Algerian nationality and any members of their families living with them shall enjoy, in the field of social security, treatment free from any discrimination based on nationality in relation to nationals of the Member States in which they are employed; The workers in question shall be able to transfer any pensions or annuities in respect of old age, death, industrial accident or occupational disease, or of invalidity resulting from industrial accident or occupational disease (Art.39, p.11, EEC)",0,,1,"Cooperation in the field of the protection of the environment (Art.4, p.3, EEC); ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.33, p.9, EEC); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (Art.51, p.13 EEC)",0,,"Contributing to the economic and social development of Algeria (Art.1, p.2, EEC); Economic, technical, social, and financial cooperation (Art.1, p.2, EEC); Cooperation with the aim of contributing to the development of Algeria (Art.2, p.2, EEC); Promoting regional cooperation between Algeria and other States (Art.3, p.2, EEC); Promotion of participation by the Community in the efforts made by Algeria to develop its production and economic infrastructure in order to diversify its economic structure; industrial cooperation and development (Art.4, p.2-3, EEC); Cooperation in the fields of science, technology (Art.4, p.3, EEC); Exploration, production and processing of Algeria's energy resources (Art.4, p.3, EEC); Exchange of information on the economic and financial situation (Art.4, p.3, EEC); Community shall participate in the financing of any measures to promote the development of Algeria (Art.6, p.3, EEC); Proper performance of cooperation and investment contracts (Art.7, p.3, EEC); Algeria may derogate from the provisions of paragraph 1 in the case of measures adopted with a view to the economic integration of the Maghreb, or measures benefiting the developing countries (exceptions) (Art.25, p.9, EEC); Having regard to Algeria's essential development requirements (Art.28, p.9, EEC)","The agreements coded are the ""COOPERATION AGREEMENT between the European Economic Community (EEC) and The People's Democratic republic of Algeria"", AND the ""AGREEMENT between the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria"". To clarify which articles come from which agreement, the articles are labelled/referenced as follows: ""Art.53 EEC"" or ""Art.2 ECSC"". Annexes and protocols missing",,,,,,,,,,,, 016,16+2,1602,820,DZA_EC,Algeria EC Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,DZ-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-AT-FI-SE,DZ-EU-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,2005,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Wishing to demonstrate their common desire to maintain and strengthen their friendly relations in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter (EEC); Resolved to establish wide-ranging cooperation which will contribute to Algeria's economic and social development (EEC); Having regard to their respective levels of development (EEC); ,1,"On wine containers: the means of closing the containers must be such that they cannot be tampered with and must ensure that they cannot be the subject of operations during transportation or storage other than those carried out under the supervision of the authorities of Algeria or of the Member States of the Community (Art.19, p.7, EEC)",0,,1,"The treatment accorded by each Member State to workers of Algerian nationality employed in its territory shall be free from any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions or remuneration, in relation to its own nationals (Art.38, p.10, EEC); Workers of Algerian nationality and any members of their families living with them shall enjoy, in the field of social security, treatment free from any discrimination based on nationality in relation to nationals of the Member States in which they are employed; The workers in question shall be able to transfer any pensions or annuities in respect of old age, death, industrial accident or occupational disease, or of invalidity resulting from industrial accident or occupational disease (Art.39, p.11, EEC)",0,,1,"Cooperation in the field of the protection of the environment (Art.4, p.3, EEC); ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.33, p.9, EEC); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (Art.51, p.13 EEC)",0,,"Contributing to the economic and social development of Algeria (Art.1, p.2, EEC); Economic, technical, social, and financial cooperation (Art.1, p.2, EEC); Cooperation with the aim of contributing to the development of Algeria (Art.2, p.2, EEC); Promoting regional cooperation between Algeria and other States (Art.3, p.2, EEC); Promotion of participation by the Community in the efforts made by Algeria to develop its production and economic infrastructure in order to diversify its economic structure; industrial cooperation and development (Art.4, p.2-3, EEC); Cooperation in the fields of science, technology (Art.4, p.3, EEC); Exploration, production and processing of Algeria's energy resources (Art.4, p.3, EEC); Exchange of information on the economic and financial situation (Art.4, p.3, EEC); Community shall participate in the financing of any measures to promote the development of Algeria (Art.6, p.3, EEC); Proper performance of cooperation and investment contracts (Art.7, p.3, EEC); Algeria may derogate from the provisions of paragraph 1 in the case of measures adopted with a view to the economic integration of the Maghreb, or measures benefiting the developing countries (exceptions) (Art.25, p.9, EEC); Having regard to Algeria's essential development requirements (Art.28, p.9, EEC)","The agreements coded are the ""COOPERATION AGREEMENT between the European Economic Community (EEC) and The People's Democratic republic of Algeria"", AND the ""AGREEMENT between the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria"". To clarify which articles come from which agreement, the articles are labelled/referenced as follows: ""Art.53 EEC"" or ""Art.2 ECSC"". Annexes and protocols missing",,,,,,,,,,,, 017,017,017,017,DZA_EC2,Algeria EC Euro-Med Association Agreement,2002,Algeria EC 2002.pdf,DZ-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE,DZ-EU,1,1,2005,0,,1,EC Algeria,38922,GATT Art. XXIV,,Algeria EC (Euro Mediterranean Agreement),FTA,2,FTA,2,3,16,15,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,"Human rights; Political freedom, developing political consultation; Regional stability: terrorism and international organized crime as a threat; Regional integration of the Maghreb; Economic and social development for Algeria; regular dialogue on scientific, technological, social, cultural and environmental issues; Reference to United Nations Charter",1,"Preventing and tackling organised crime in the fields of corruption (Art. 86); Fight against corruption: measures against all forms of corruption, bribery and illicit activities of every sort in international business transactions (Art. 90)",1,Reference to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) (Art. 87),1,"Equal treatment to workers of both Parties regarding working conditions, dismissal etc. (Art. 67) ; Social security (dealings with sickness, invalidity, old-age, industrial accident, unemployment etc.) for Algerian workers and similar treatment for workers who are nationals of an EU Member State in Algeria (Art. 68); Social dialogue covering working conditions (Art. 72)",0,,1,"Preservation of the environment and ecological balances as a central component of economic cooperation (Art. 48); Regional cooperation of the Maghreb countries in environmental matters (Art. 50), Environment: preventing deterioration of the environment, controlling pollution etc (enumeration of various measures) (Art. 52); Promoting environmentally-friendly forms of agriculture and fisheries (Art. 58); Developing renewable energies and energy efficiency (Art. 61)",0,,1,Respect for fundamental human rights (Art. 2); Cooperation in the social field: promoting respect for human rights in the socio-professional context (Art. 74),1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Respect for democratic principles (Art. 2); Agreement as a framework for political dialogue (Art. 1): Establishing political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Consolidation of the rule of law (Art. 82)",1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Political dialogue to consolidate security and stability in the Euro-Mediterranean region (Art. 3, Art. 4); Combating racism and xenophobia (Art. 88); Fight against terrorism (Art. 90)",0,,"Encouraging the integration of the Maghreb countries (Art. 1, Art. 48), political dialogue to ensure regional development (Art. 4), regional cooperation of the Maghreb countries in scientifc, educational, cultural, economic and customs matters (Art. 50); Economic and social development for Algeria (Art. 47, Art. 48, Art. 66, Art. 80): industrial cooperation: helping to modernise and restructure Algeria's industry (Art. 53), supporting the reform of Algeria's financial system (Art. 57), restructuring and modernisation Algeria's transport infrastructure (Art. 59), support for the modernisation and development of Algeria's energy networks (Art. 61); Scientific, technical and technological cooperation (Art. 51); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 62); Coopration in statistics (Art. 64); Dialogue in social matters such as migration and illegal immigration (Art. 72, Art. 73); Cooperation in the social field: Improvment of living conditions, repatriation, promoting the role of women, improving the social welfare and health systems etc (Art. 1, Art. 74); Cooperation in the fields of education and culture: (Art. 1, Art. 77, Art. 78); Financial cooperation / aid for Algeria (Art. 1, Art. 79, Art. 80); Cooperation in the prevention and control of illegal immigration; readmission (Art. 84); Civil and criminal judicial cooperation (Art. 85); Preventing and tackling organised crime, combating money laundering (Art. 86); Combating drugs and drug addiction (Art. 89)","Protocol 7 may contain measures against breach of customs legislation, but it is not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 017,17+2,1702,822,DZA_EC2_p2,Algeria EC Euro-Med Association Agreement Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,DZ-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,DZ-EU-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,"Human rights; Political freedom, developing political consultation; Regional stability: terrorism and international organized crime as a threat; Regional integration of the Maghreb; Economic and social development for Algeria; regular dialogue on scientific, technological, social, cultural and environmental issues; Reference to United Nations Charter",1,"Preventing and tackling organised crime in the fields of corruption (Art. 86); Fight against corruption: measures against all forms of corruption, bribery and illicit activities of every sort in international business transactions (Art. 90)",1,Reference to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) (Art. 87),1,"Equal treatment to workers of both Parties regarding working conditions, dismissal etc. (Art. 67) ; Social security (dealings with sickness, invalidity, old-age, industrial accident, unemployment etc.) for Algerian workers and similar treatment for workers who are nationals of an EU Member State in Algeria (Art. 68); Social dialogue covering working conditions (Art. 72)",0,,1,"Preservation of the environment and ecological balances as a central component of economic cooperation (Art. 48); Regional cooperation of the Maghreb countries in environmental matters (Art. 50), Environment: preventing deterioration of the environment, controlling pollution etc (enumeration of various measures) (Art. 52); Promoting environmentally-friendly forms of agriculture and fisheries (Art. 58); Developing renewable energies and energy efficiency (Art. 61)",0,,1,Respect for fundamental human rights (Art. 2); Cooperation in the social field: promoting respect for human rights in the socio-professional context (Art. 74),1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Respect for democratic principles (Art. 2); Agreement as a framework for political dialogue (Art. 1): Establishing political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Consolidation of the rule of law (Art. 82)",1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Political dialogue to consolidate security and stability in the Euro-Mediterranean region (Art. 3, Art. 4); Combating racism and xenophobia (Art. 88); Fight against terrorism (Art. 90)",0,,"Encouraging the integration of the Maghreb countries (Art. 1, Art. 48), political dialogue to ensure regional development (Art. 4), regional cooperation of the Maghreb countries in scientifc, educational, cultural, economic and customs matters (Art. 50); Economic and social development for Algeria (Art. 47, Art. 48, Art. 66, Art. 80): industrial cooperation: helping to modernise and restructure Algeria's industry (Art. 53), supporting the reform of Algeria's financial system (Art. 57), restructuring and modernisation Algeria's transport infrastructure (Art. 59), support for the modernisation and development of Algeria's energy networks (Art. 61); Scientific, technical and technological cooperation (Art. 51); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 62); Coopration in statistics (Art. 64); Dialogue in social matters such as migration and illegal immigration (Art. 72, Art. 73); Cooperation in the social field: Improvment of living conditions, repatriation, promoting the role of women, improving the social welfare and health systems etc (Art. 1, Art. 74); Cooperation in the fields of education and culture: (Art. 1, Art. 77, Art. 78); Financial cooperation / aid for Algeria (Art. 1, Art. 79, Art. 80); Cooperation in the prevention and control of illegal immigration; readmission (Art. 84); Civil and criminal judicial cooperation (Art. 85); Preventing and tackling organised crime, combating money laundering (Art. 86); Combating drugs and drug addiction (Art. 89)","Protocol 7 may contain measures against breach of customs legislation, but it is not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 017,17+1,1701,823,DZA_EC2_p10,Algeria EC Euro-Med Association Agreement Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,DZ-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,DZ-EU-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,"Human rights; Political freedom, developing political consultation; Regional stability: terrorism and international organized crime as a threat; Regional integration of the Maghreb; Economic and social development for Algeria; regular dialogue on scientific, technological, social, cultural and environmental issues; Reference to United Nations Charter",1,"Preventing and tackling organised crime in the fields of corruption (Art. 86); Fight against corruption: measures against all forms of corruption, bribery and illicit activities of every sort in international business transactions (Art. 90)",1,Reference to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) (Art. 87),1,"Equal treatment to workers of both Parties regarding working conditions, dismissal etc. (Art. 67) ; Social security (dealings with sickness, invalidity, old-age, industrial accident, unemployment etc.) for Algerian workers and similar treatment for workers who are nationals of an EU Member State in Algeria (Art. 68); Social dialogue covering working conditions (Art. 72)",0,,1,"Preservation of the environment and ecological balances as a central component of economic cooperation (Art. 48); Regional cooperation of the Maghreb countries in environmental matters (Art. 50), Environment: preventing deterioration of the environment, controlling pollution etc (enumeration of various measures) (Art. 52); Promoting environmentally-friendly forms of agriculture and fisheries (Art. 58); Developing renewable energies and energy efficiency (Art. 61)",0,,1,Respect for fundamental human rights (Art. 2); Cooperation in the social field: promoting respect for human rights in the socio-professional context (Art. 74),1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Respect for democratic principles (Art. 2); Agreement as a framework for political dialogue (Art. 1): Establishing political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Consolidation of the rule of law (Art. 82)",1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Political dialogue to consolidate security and stability in the Euro-Mediterranean region (Art. 3, Art. 4); Combating racism and xenophobia (Art. 88); Fight against terrorism (Art. 90)",0,,"Encouraging the integration of the Maghreb countries (Art. 1, Art. 48), political dialogue to ensure regional development (Art. 4), regional cooperation of the Maghreb countries in scientifc, educational, cultural, economic and customs matters (Art. 50); Economic and social development for Algeria (Art. 47, Art. 48, Art. 66, Art. 80): industrial cooperation: helping to modernise and restructure Algeria's industry (Art. 53), supporting the reform of Algeria's financial system (Art. 57), restructuring and modernisation Algeria's transport infrastructure (Art. 59), support for the modernisation and development of Algeria's energy networks (Art. 61); Scientific, technical and technological cooperation (Art. 51); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 62); Coopration in statistics (Art. 64); Dialogue in social matters such as migration and illegal immigration (Art. 72, Art. 73); Cooperation in the social field: Improvment of living conditions, repatriation, promoting the role of women, improving the social welfare and health systems etc (Art. 1, Art. 74); Cooperation in the fields of education and culture: (Art. 1, Art. 77, Art. 78); Financial cooperation / aid for Algeria (Art. 1, Art. 79, Art. 80); Cooperation in the prevention and control of illegal immigration; readmission (Art. 84); Civil and criminal judicial cooperation (Art. 85); Preventing and tackling organised crime, combating money laundering (Art. 86); Combating drugs and drug addiction (Art. 89)","Protocol 7 may contain measures against breach of customs legislation, but it is not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 016,16+1,1601,821,DZA_EC1_p2,Algeria EC Portugal Spain accession,1985,,DZ-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-AT-FI-SE-PT-ES,DZ-EU-PT-ES,1,,,1,2005,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Wishing to demonstrate their common desire to maintain and strengthen their friendly relations in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter (EEC); Resolved to establish wide-ranging cooperation which will contribute to Algeria's economic and social development (EEC); Having regard to their respective levels of development (EEC); ,1,"On wine containers: the means of closing the containers must be such that they cannot be tampered with and must ensure that they cannot be the subject of operations during transportation or storage other than those carried out under the supervision of the authorities of Algeria or of the Member States of the Community (Art.19, p.7, EEC)",0,,1,"The treatment accorded by each Member State to workers of Algerian nationality employed in its territory shall be free from any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions or remuneration, in relation to its own nationals (Art.38, p.10, EEC); Workers of Algerian nationality and any members of their families living with them shall enjoy, in the field of social security, treatment free from any discrimination based on nationality in relation to nationals of the Member States in which they are employed; The workers in question shall be able to transfer any pensions or annuities in respect of old age, death, industrial accident or occupational disease, or of invalidity resulting from industrial accident or occupational disease (Art.39, p.11, EEC)",0,,1,"Cooperation in the field of the protection of the environment (Art.4, p.3, EEC); ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.33, p.9, EEC); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (Art.51, p.13 EEC)",0,,"Contributing to the economic and social development of Algeria (Art.1, p.2, EEC); Economic, technical, social, and financial cooperation (Art.1, p.2, EEC); Cooperation with the aim of contributing to the development of Algeria (Art.2, p.2, EEC); Promoting regional cooperation between Algeria and other States (Art.3, p.2, EEC); Promotion of participation by the Community in the efforts made by Algeria to develop its production and economic infrastructure in order to diversify its economic structure; industrial cooperation and development (Art.4, p.2-3, EEC); Cooperation in the fields of science, technology (Art.4, p.3, EEC); Exploration, production and processing of Algeria's energy resources (Art.4, p.3, EEC); Exchange of information on the economic and financial situation (Art.4, p.3, EEC); Community shall participate in the financing of any measures to promote the development of Algeria (Art.6, p.3, EEC); Proper performance of cooperation and investment contracts (Art.7, p.3, EEC); Algeria may derogate from the provisions of paragraph 1 in the case of measures adopted with a view to the economic integration of the Maghreb, or measures benefiting the developing countries (exceptions) (Art.25, p.9, EEC); Having regard to Algeria's essential development requirements (Art.28, p.9, EEC)","The agreements coded are the ""COOPERATION AGREEMENT between the European Economic Community (EEC) and The People's Democratic republic of Algeria"", AND the ""AGREEMENT between the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria"". To clarify which articles come from which agreement, the articles are labelled/referenced as follows: ""Art.53 EEC"" or ""Art.2 ECSC"". Annexes and protocols missing",,,,,,,,,,,, 691,691,691,691,DZA_IRQ,Algeria Iraq,2001,,DZ-IQ,DZ-IQ,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 018,018,018,018,DZA_JOR,Algeria Jordan,1997,Algeria Jordan 1997.doc,DZ-JO,DZ-JO,0,1,1999,0,,0,,,,,Algeria Jordan,FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Both contracting parties undertake to exempt the products of Jordanian and Algerian origin indicated in Article three above form all non-customs restraints, with the exception of those which are applied for protecting the environment (Art. 4)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 019,019,019,019,DZA_MAR2,Algeria Morocco,1989,Algeria Morocco 1989_Arab.pdf,DZ-MA,DZ-MA,0,1,1989,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 692,692,692,692,DZA_MAR1,Algeria Morocco,1973,,DZ-MA,DZ-MA,0,0,,1,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 020,020,020,020,DZA_TUN2,Algeria Tunisia,2008,Algeria Tunesia 2008 .pdf,DZ-TN,DZ-TN,0,1,2010,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Measures to protect the environment (p. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,"Just one page of the Agreement encoded, the rest is missing",,,,,,,,,,,, 021,021,021,021,DZA_TUN1,Algeria Tunisia,1981,,DZ-TN,DZ-TN,0,0,,1,2010,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 693,693,693,693,ANDEANAUTO,Andean Community Auto Agreement,1999,Andean Community Auto Agreement 1999.pdf,CO-EC-VE,CO-EC-VE,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,3,3,3,4,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 693,693_1,693001,974,ANDEANAUTO_m1,Andean Community Auto Agreement withdrawal Venezuela,2006,,CO-EC,CO-EC,0,,,1,2006,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 022,022,022,022,ANDEAN_BRA,Andean Community Brazil,1999,Andean Brazil 1999.pdf,CO-EC-PE-VE-BR,CO-EC-PE-VE-BR,0,1,1999,1,2005,0,,,,Andean Community Brazil,"Brazil PTA with Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela (Andean Community) (ECA 39, leads to ECA 58 and ECA 59)",PTA_PSA,1,,,3,5,4,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 022,22_1,22001,824,ANDEAN_BRA_m1,Andean Community Brazil withdrawal Venezuela,2006,,CO-EC-PE-BR,CO-EC-PE-BR,0,,,1,2006,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 694,694,694,694,ANDEANSUCRE,Andean Community Sucre Protocol,1997,Andean Community 1997 Sucre Protocol.pdf,BO-CO-EC-PE-VE,BO-CO-EC-PE-VE,0,1,2003,,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,5,10,3,4,3,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,Programs for promoting initiatives aimed at the protection and welfare of the working population (Art. 24),0,,1,Actions for the use and conservation of natural resources and the environment (Art. 2),0,,0,,0,,1,"The intensification of political relations with extra-regional systems, dovetailing of national laws on pertinent matters (Art. 2, Art. 4); Formulation the common foreign policy on matters of subregional interest (Art. 4) ",0,,0,,0,,"The intensification of social relations with extra-regional systems, harmonization of social policies (Art. 2, Art. 4); Cooperation in the fields of border integration, tourism, social development programs, and social communication (Art. 2); Affirmation of the cultural identity and formation of civic values conducive to the integration of the Andean area (Art. 23); Educational programs to improve basic education, recognition of higher education degrees, women's participation in economic policies, child and family support and protection, service to ethinic groups etc (Art. 24)",The Sucre Protocol is an amendment to the Cartagena Agreement,,,,,,,,,,,, 023,023,023,023,ANDEANTRUJ,Andean Community Trujillo Protocol,1996,Andean Community 1996 Trujillo Protocol.doc,BO-CO-EC-PE-VE,BO-CO-EC-PE-VE,0,1,1997,0,,0,,,,Andean Community (CAN),Andean Community (previously Andean Group) (Cartagena Agreement),CU,3,,,2,5,10,3,4,3,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Political institutions and organs of the Andean integration (Art. 6); Tasks which should be fullfilled during the reunions of the Andean Community (Art. 9); The Presidential Andean Council (El Consejo Presidencial), its formation, procedures and tasks (Art. 11, Art. 12, Art. 13, Art. 14); The Andean Ministry Council of Exterior Relations (el Consejo Andino de Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores), its formation, procedures and tasks (Art. 15, Art. 16, Art. 17, Art. 18, Art. 19, Art. 20); the Commission of the Andean Community (la Comisión de la Comunidad Andina), its formation, procedures and tasks (Art. 21, Art. 22, Art. 23, Art. 24, Art. 25, Art. 26; The General Secretary's office (la Secretaría General de la Comunidad Andina), its formation, procedures and the Sectretary's tasks (Art. 29, Art. 30, Art. 31, Art. 32, Art. 33, Art. 34, Art. 35, Art. 36, Art. 37, Art. 38, Art. 39); Court of Justice of the Andean Community (el Tribunal de Justicia de la Comunidad Andina) (Art. 40, Art. 41); The Andean Parliament (el Parlamento Andino), its formation and tasks (Art. 42, Art. 43); Consultative institutions, their formation, procedures and tasks (Art. 44)",0,,0,,0,,"Effective coordination of the organs and institutions of the Andean Community shall aim at the deepening of the subregional integration (Art. 7); Immunity for representants, functionaries, and institutions of the Andean Community (Art. 49) ","The Trujillo Protocol is an amendment to the Cartagena Agreement; this protocol mostly defines the political institutions of the Andean Community, their formation, procedures and tasks",,,,,,,,,,,, 024,024,024,024,ANDEAN_ARG,Andean Countries Argentina,2000,Andean countries Argentina 2000,CO-EC-PE-VE-AR,CO-EC-PE-VE-AR,0,1,2001,1,2005,0,,,,,"Argentina PTA with Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela (Andean Community) (ECA 48, leads to ECA 58 and ECA 59)",PTA_PSA,1,,,3,5,4,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Strengthening the integration process of Latin America; the formation of a free trade area as one of the instruments to advance economic and social development in the respective countries,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 025,025,025,025,ANDEAN_MRCSR,Andean Countries MERCOSUR,2004,AndeanCommunity Mercosur 2004.PDF,CO-EC-VE-AR-BR-PY-UY,CO-EC-VE-AR-BR-PY-UY,0,1,2005,0,,0,,,,MERCOSUR Andean Community,"Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela FTA with MERCOSUR countries (part of Andean Community MERCOSUR FTA) (ECA 59)",PTA_PSA,1,,,4,7,12,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,Emphasis of validity of democratic institutions,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Fostering cooperation in science and technology (Art. 1, Art. 4)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 025,25+1,2501,825,ANDEAN_MRCSR_p1,Andean Countries MERCOSUR Venezuela accession,2006,,CO-EC-AR-BR-PY-UY-VE,CO-EC-AR-BR-PY-UY-VE,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,8,12,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,Emphasis of validity of democratic institutions,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Fostering cooperation in science and technology (Art. 1, Art. 4)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 026,026,026,026,ANDEANCART,Andean Group Cartagena Agreement,1969,Andean Group 1969.pdf,BO-CL-CO-EC-PE,BO-CL-CO-EC-PE,0,1,1969,0,,0,,,,,Agreement on Andean Sub-Regional Integration (Andean Group - Preferential Trade Relations) (Cartagena Agreement) (evolves into Andean Free Trade Area),PTA_PSA,1,,,2,5,10,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Goals: to promote a balanced and harmonious development of the Member States designed to secure the progressive improvement of the living standards of the peoples of the Subregion (Art. 1); The process should be periodically assessed, taking into account, its effect on the generation of new employment (Art. 2); Reference to the coordination of economic and social policies (Art. 3); Reference to the acceleration of economic development of Member States on an equitable basis; increased generation of employment opportunities; reduction in the existing discrimination of development levels among Member States, achieving a maximum utilization of scientific and technological progress, and activation of research in these fields (Art. 25); Member States shall initiate immediately a coordinated procedure in their development planning in specific sectors, and a harmonization of their economic and social policies (Art. 26, Art. 92); Reference to taking into account the financial and technical assistance of industrial plants, perspectives for establishment of joint systems of trade, research, technology and other forms of cooperation among similar enterprises (Art. 37); The Member States sgall undertake concerted action to solve infrastructural problems in the fields of energy, transportation and communications (Art. 86); Reference to the creation of programs to provide technical and financial assistance (Art 87); The Member States shall coordinate their national policies in matters of finance and payments (Art. 89); Bolivia and Ecuador shall enjoy special treatment to permit them to achieve a more accelerated rate of economic development, through effective and immediate participation in the advantages of area industrialization and liberalization of trade (Art. 91, Art. 92, Art. 93; Art. 94, Art. 103; Art. 106)","The English translation was coded, not the original Spanish text",,,,,,,,,,,, 026,26+1,2601,826,ANDEANCART_p1,Andean Group Cartagena Agreement Venezuela accession,1973,,BO-CL-CO-EC-PE-VE,BO-CL-CO-EC-PE-VE,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,6,5,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Goals: to promote a balanced and harmonious development of the Member States designed to secure the progressive improvement of the living standards of the peoples of the Subregion (Art. 1); The process should be periodically assessed, taking into account, its effect on the generation of new employment (Art. 2); Reference to the coordination of economic and social policies (Art. 3); Reference to the acceleration of economic development of Member States on an equitable basis; increased generation of employment opportunities; reduction in the existing discrimination of development levels among Member States, achieving a maximum utilization of scientific and technological progress, and activation of research in these fields (Art. 25); Member States shall initiate immediately a coordinated procedure in their development planning in specific sectors, and a harmonization of their economic and social policies (Art. 26, Art. 92); Reference to taking into account the financial and technical assistance of industrial plants, perspectives for establishment of joint systems of trade, research, technology and other forms of cooperation among similar enterprises (Art. 37); The Member States sgall undertake concerted action to solve infrastructural problems in the fields of energy, transportation and communications (Art. 86); Reference to the creation of programs to provide technical and financial assistance (Art 87); The Member States shall coordinate their national policies in matters of finance and payments (Art. 89); Bolivia and Ecuador shall enjoy special treatment to permit them to achieve a more accelerated rate of economic development, through effective and immediate participation in the advantages of area industrialization and liberalization of trade (Art. 91, Art. 92, Art. 93; Art. 94, Art. 103; Art. 106)","The English translation was coded, not the original Spanish text",,,,,,,,,,,, 026,26_1,26001,827,ANDEANCART_m1,Andean Group Cartagena Agreement withdrawal Venezuela,2006,,BO-CO-EC-PE-CL,BO-CO-EC-PE-CL,0,,,1,2006,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Goals: to promote a balanced and harmonious development of the Member States designed to secure the progressive improvement of the living standards of the peoples of the Subregion (Art. 1); The process should be periodically assessed, taking into account, its effect on the generation of new employment (Art. 2); Reference to the coordination of economic and social policies (Art. 3); Reference to the acceleration of economic development of Member States on an equitable basis; increased generation of employment opportunities; reduction in the existing discrimination of development levels among Member States, achieving a maximum utilization of scientific and technological progress, and activation of research in these fields (Art. 25); Member States shall initiate immediately a coordinated procedure in their development planning in specific sectors, and a harmonization of their economic and social policies (Art. 26, Art. 92); Reference to taking into account the financial and technical assistance of industrial plants, perspectives for establishment of joint systems of trade, research, technology and other forms of cooperation among similar enterprises (Art. 37); The Member States sgall undertake concerted action to solve infrastructural problems in the fields of energy, transportation and communications (Art. 86); Reference to the creation of programs to provide technical and financial assistance (Art 87); The Member States shall coordinate their national policies in matters of finance and payments (Art. 89); Bolivia and Ecuador shall enjoy special treatment to permit them to achieve a more accelerated rate of economic development, through effective and immediate participation in the advantages of area industrialization and liberalization of trade (Art. 91, Art. 92, Art. 93; Art. 94, Art. 103; Art. 106)","The English translation was coded, not the original Spanish text",,,,,,,,,,,, 027,027,027,027,ANDEANQUIT,Andean Group Quito Protocol,1987,AndeanGroup_QuitoProtocol87.PDF,BO-CO-EC-PE-VE,BO-CO-EC-PE-VE,0,1,1988,0,,1,Andean Community (CAN),01-Oct-90,Enabling Clause,,Andean Group Andean Free Trade Area (FTA process leads to Andean Community),FTA,2,CU,3,2,5,10,3,4,3,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,"Formation of subregional Andean community; Regional integration as a historical, social, political and cultural mandate with the aim of preserving independence; Mentioning the principles of peace, democracy, solidarity and equality",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Actions for the use and conservation of natural resources and the environment (Art. 3, Art. 42)",0,,0,,0,,1,Harmonization of social policies (Art. 3); Provisions on the organs of the Community: Principal and auxiliary organs (Art. 5); the Commission (Art. 6); Consultive council (Art. 20),0,,0,,0,,"Aim of the Agreement: social cooperation, employment generating, facilitating the process of regional integration, reducing the economic discrepancies between the member countries, improving the living standards of the respective peoples (Art. 2); Programs to advance scientific and technological development, programs in the field of tourism, social development and social communication (Art. 3); Improving the living standard of the rural population, protection against risks of food supply (Art. 41); Joint economic and social cooperation, joint efforts towards scientific and technological development, cooperation in the field of tourism, elimination of poverty of the marginalized population, identity affirmation of the Andean region etc (Art. 70)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 028,028,028,028,AND_EC,Andorra EC,1990,Andorra EC 1990.pdf,AD-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT,AD-EU,1,1,1991,0,,1,EC Andorra,35849,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Andorra,Andorra EC (exchange of letters) (replaced prior arrangements),CU,3,CU,3,3,13,12,2,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 028,28+1,2801,828,AND_EC_p3,Andorra EC Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,AD-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE,AD-EU-AT-FI-SE,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 028,28+3,2803,829,AND_EC_p2,Andorra EC Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,AD-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,AD-EU-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 028,28+2,2802,830,AND_EC_p10,Andorra EC Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,AD-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,AD-EU-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 029,029,029,029,ARABCM,Arab Common Market,1964,Arab Common Market 1964.pdf,EG-JO-IQ-SY,EG-JO-IQ-SY,0,1,1964,1,1998,1,Arab Common Market,05-Mar-65,GATT Art. XXIV,,Agreement for Arab Economic Unity (under auspices of Arab League) (also called Arab Common Market or Taysir) (leads to GAFTA),PTA,1,CU,3,2,4,6,3,6,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Securing the welfare of the respective countries,0,,0,,1,"Coordination of legislation concerning labour and social security (Art. 2); Forming of the Economic Committee to consider matters relating to labour and social security (Art. 4); Drafting unified labour and social security legislations as one of the Councils tasks (Art. 9); Desire of improving working conditions (p. 11)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Emphasis on the rights of ownership, donation and inheritance (Art. 1); Coordination of policies relating to social matters contributing to the realization of objectives such as rights of property, guardianship and inheritance etc. (p. 10); Desire of achieving social progres and the raising of respective living standards (p. 11)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 029,29+1,2901,831,ARABCM_p1,Arab Common Market Libya accession,1975,,EG-JO-IQ-SY-LY,EG-JO-IQ-SY-LY,0,,,1,1998,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,4,3,6,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Securing the welfare of the respective countries,0,,0,,1,"Coordination of legislation concerning labour and social security (Art. 2); Forming of the Economic Committee to consider matters relating to labour and social security (Art. 4); Drafting unified labour and social security legislations as one of the Councils tasks (Art. 9); Desire of improving working conditions (p. 11)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Emphasis on the rights of ownership, donation and inheritance (Art. 1); Coordination of policies relating to social matters contributing to the realization of objectives such as rights of property, guardianship and inheritance etc. (p. 10); Desire of achieving social progres and the raising of respective living standards (p. 11)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 030,030,030,030,ARABMU,Arab Maghreb Union,1989,Arab Maghreb Union 1989.pdf,DZ-LY-MR-MA-TN,DZ-LY-MR-MA-TN,0,1,1989,0,,0,,,,Arab Maghreb Union,,,,,,2,5,10,3,3,5,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"Agreement shall contribute to the consolidation of pacific relations, peace and security inside the international Community; Emphasis on economic and social development; an Arabic unity as a point of departure to enlarge it towards other Arab and African states",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: Developing a common policy in different domains (Art. 2); Common foreign policy: the realization of concord between the Parties on the international plan and the establishment of close diplomatic cooperation based on dialogue (Art. 3),0,,1,"Objective of the Agreement: Contribution to the preservation of peace based on justice and equity (Art. 2); Common foreign policy: Safeguarding each Parties' independance on the plan of defence (Art. 3); Every agression towards one member state is considered an agression towards all other member States (Art. 14); Interdiction of every activity or organisation on the Parties territory which endangers the security, integrity or political system of one of the Parties (Art. 15), Interdiction to adhere any political or military pact or alliance which contradicts the political independance and territorial unity of the member states (Art. 15) ",0,,"Objective of the Agreement: Realizing progress and prosperity of the respective peoples Réaliser (Art. 2); Emphasis on social development in the fields of economic cooperation (Art. 3); Cultural cooperation: Preserving spiritual values and morals taken from Islam, safeguarding the national Arab identity, exchange of teachers and students, creation of cultural institutions, universities etc. (Art. 3) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 695,695,695,695,ARABTRCONV,Arab Trade Convention / Treaty on Transit Trade,1953,,EG-IQ-JO-KW-LB-SA-SY,EG-IQ-JO-KW-LB-SA-SY,0,0,1953,1,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,7,21,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 031,031,031,031,ARG_BOL,Argentina Bolivia,1992,,AR-BO,AR-BO,0,0,1992,1,1997,0,,,,,"Argentina Bolivia (ECA 19, leads to ECA 36)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"""Inspired by the goal to intensify cooperation in the economic, financial, technological, touristic, and cultural fields, and to strengthen integration""; Reference to the treaty of Montevideo as the framework for the agreement",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""facilitate the the activity of official and private missions, the organization of fairs and exhibitions, the realization of informative workshops, market studies.."" (Art.19); ""signatory countries will promote the strengthening of mutual communications... especially regarding transportation of goods, in order to facilitate commerce and consolidate the integration process"" (Art. 21)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 032,032,032,032,ARG_BRA1,Argentina Brazil,1986,Argentina Brazil 1986.pdf,AR-BR,AR-BR,0,1,1987,1,1990,0,,,,,"Argentina Brazil (ECA 7, leads to ECA 14)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Strategic importance of modernization, and technological expansion and development of the capital goods sector",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""examine the regulation on transportation in order to ensure the establishment of a supply corridor that allows to tackle food emergency situations"" (Annex I of Protocol 3 Part I Art. 2.c)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 033,033,033,033,ARG_BRA2,Argentina Brazil,1988,Argentina Brazil 1988.doc,AR-BR,AR-BR,0,1,1989,1,1990,0,,,,,"Argentina Brazil (ECA 12, leads to ECA 14)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,"Reference to the Argentinitan-Brazilian Act of Democracy, Peace and Development (el Acta de Amistad Argentino-Brasileña de Democracia, Paz y Desarrollo)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Political cooperation in the fields of communication, transport, science and technology (Art. 4)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 034,034,034,034,ARG_BRA3,Argentina Brazil,1990,Argentina Brazil 1990,AR-BR,AR-BR,0,1,1990,0,,0,,,,,"Argentina Brazil (this treaty covers comprehensive aspects of the Argentina Brazil trade relationship, including the elimination of tariffs between them over ten years) (ECA 14, for the most part overtaken by ECA 18 though still in force, effectively preserving a bilateral option should the plurilateral route encounter difficulties)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Measures against illegal activities: Sanctions for drawing up false certificates of origin (Annex V Art. 11),,,,,,,,,,,,, 035,035,035,035,ARG_CHL,Argentina Chile,1991,Argentina Chile 1991.pdf,AR-CL,AR-CL,0,1,1991,1,1996,0,,,,,"Argentina Chile (ECA 16, leads to ECA 35)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,Democracy shall legitimate economic cooperation; Social and economic development,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Cooperation in developing joint projects concerning tourism and energy (Art. 1); Strenghten communication (Art. 16); Promote cooperation on research (Art. 16); Promote tourism (Art. 16),,,,,,,,,,,,, 036,036,036,036,ARG_COL,Argentina Colombia,1988,Argentina Colombia 1988.pdf,AR-CO,AR-CO,0,1,1988,1,2000,0,,,,,"Argentina Colombia (treaty to stimulate integration by increasing trade, industrial, scientific, and technical cooperation) (ECA 11, leads to ECA 48, then leads to ECA 59)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo as the framework for the agreement; ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""stimulate investment"" as one of the goals of the agreement (Art.1.e); ""facilitate the activities of official and private missions, the organization of fairs and exhibitions, the realization of informative workshops and market studies"" (Art. 28); ""Parties will promote the strengthening of mutual communications, especially those related to transportation of goods"" (Art. 30)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 037,037,037,037,ARG_CRI,Argentina Costa Rica,1983,,AR-CR,AR-CR,0,0,1983,1,1986,0,,,,,Argentina Costa Rica (PSA 2),PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 038,038,038,038,ARG_CUB1,Argentina Cuba,1984,,AR-CU,AR-CU,0,0,,1,2000,0,,,,,"Argentina Cuba (PSA 4, leads to ECA 45)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,"Mention to two annexes but only summaries available, not full text. ",,,,,,,,,,,, 039,039,039,039,ARG_CUB2,Argentina Cuba,1999,Argentina Cuba 1999.pdf,AR-CU,AR-CU,0,1,2000,1,2007,0,,,,,"Argentina Cuba (ECA 45, seems largely subsumed into ECA 62, though it remains in force)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 040,040,040,040,ARG_ECU1,Argentina Ecuador,1984,Argentina Ecuador 1984.pdf,AR-EC,AR-EC,0,1,1984,1,1993,0,,,,,"Argentina Ecuador (ECA 3, leads to ECA 21)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""the parties will revise the agreement every third year,.. In order to.. Foster technological cooperation and promote the development of reciprocal investment"" (Art. 19)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 041,041,041,041,ARG_ECU2,Argentina Ecuador,1993,Argentina Ecuador 1993.pdf,AR-EC,AR-EC,0,1,,1,2000,0,,,,,"Argentina Ecuador (ECA 21, leads to ECA 48, then leads to ECA 59)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"""facilitate comprehensive development of the societies of both countries""; ""Common will to accelerate Latin-American integration"" ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""establish programmes of commercial diffusion and promotion, facilitating activities of official and private missions, the organization of exhibitions and fairs, the organization of information workshops, and market studies"" (Art. 10), ""facilitate joint initiatives to promote the development, acquisition, and diffusion of technologies.. They will promote the celebration of specific agreements between the national institution of science and technology, the participation of universities and of the public and private research centres that have the following objectives: a) exchange of data, technology, patents and licenses; b) exchange of material goods, equipment and good necessary to the development of specific programmes and projects; c) joint research to solve scientific and technological problems of the productive sectors"" (art. 13); Promotion of technical cooperation and technological exchange in agro industrial, chemical, petrochemical, automotive, energetic, metal-mechanical, naval, and steel sectors (art 14); the countries will subscribe specific agreements and protocols devoted to technical and administrative facilitation of reciprocal commerce in order to prevent the application of rules and... requirements from becoming an obstacle to exchange"" (Chapter 9 ""technical normalisation"", art. 18)",Reference to annexes and protocols which are not available,,,,,,,,,,,, 042,042,042,042,ARG_SLV,Argentina El Salvador,1983,,AR-SV,AR-SV,0,0,,1,1986,0,,,,,Argentina El Salvador (PSA 3),PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""applications of security laws and regulations; regulation of importations and exportations of weapons, ammunitions and other war materials and, in exceptional circumstances, of all other military goods"" (exception) (Art.3); ",0,,"""exportations, use, and consumption of nuclear material, radioactive products, or any other material usable in the development or nuclear energy"" (exception) (Art. 3); ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 043,043,043,043,ARG_MEX,Argentina Mexico,1986,Argentina Mexico 1986.pdf,AR-MX,AR-MX,0,1,1987,1,2007,0,,,,,Argentina Mexico (expanded agreement entered into force on 1/1/07) (overall umbrella for MERCOSUR Mexico negotiations provided by framework of ECA 54) (ECA 6),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,"""common interest to adopt measure of permanent stimulus for .. Investment.. That allow the strengthening of regional development",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 045,045,045,045,ARG_PRY,Argentina Paraguay,1989,Argentina Paraguay 1989.doc,AR-PY,AR-PY,0,1,1989,1,1991,0,,,,,"Argentina Paraguay (ECA 13, partial scope) (seems overtaken by ECA 18 though still listed as being in force)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"""goal of intensifying cooperation in the economic, financial, technological, touristic and cultural field, and strengthening reciprocal integration""; Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980; ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""in the context of the integration process established by the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980"" (Art. 1.a); ""promote investment (Art. 1.f); ""facilitating transportation"" (Art. 1.g); ""establishing single bi-national centres of border control"" (Art 1.h); ""establishing an adequate juridical framework to make possible ties between Paraguay and one or more Argentinian provinces"" (Art. 1.j); ""activities of economic cooperation... will be fostered taking into account...the goals and programmes of the regional and sub-regional integration process"" (Art. 15); ""establish programmes of commercial diffusion and promotion, facilitating activities of official and private missions, the organization of exhibitions and fairs, the organization of information workshops, and market studies"" (Art. 16); Art. 17 deals with various ways of promoting investment; ""both governments will promote... the strengthening of communication as much as possible, especially those referring to the transportation of goods through roads, rail, air, rivers and sea"" (Art. 18); There are specific measures related to regional and sub-regional integration in an annex protocol (art 20); Protocol creates a Permanent Working Group to coordinate integration policies, which deals with business, transportation, cultural, educational, technical-scientific and touristic cooperation (especially art. 4); ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 046,046,046,046,ARG_PER,Argentina Peru,1988,Argentina Peru 1988.pdf,AR-PE,AR-PE,0,1,1988,1,2000,0,,,,,"Argentina Peru (ECA 9, leads to ECA 48, then leads to ECA 58)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""activities of economic cooperation... will be fostered taking into account...the goals and programmes of the regional and sub-regional integration process"" (Art. 40); ""establish programmes of commercial diffusion and promotion, facilitating activities of official and private missions, the organization of exhibitions and fairs, the organization of information workshops, and market studies"" (Art. 41); both countries ""will promote... the strengthening of communication as much as possible"" (Art. 43); ","Reference to Annex I and Annex II, not available",,,,,,,,,,,, 047,047,047,047,ARG_URY4,Argentina Uruguay,2003,Argentina Urugua 2003 automotor sector,AR-UY,AR-UY,0,1,2003,0,,0,,,,,Argentina Uruguay (ECA 57) (dealing with automotive trade) (this may expire upon full implementation of MERCOSUR auto policy),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,"Reference to Annex, not available",,,,,,,,,,,, 697,697,697,697,ARG_URY3,Argentina Uruguay,1984,Argentina Uruguay 1984.pdf,AR-UY,AR-UY,0,1,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980; ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 699,699,699,699,ARG_URY2,"Argentina Uruguay ",1982,Argentina Uruguay 1982.pdf,AR-UY,AR-UY,0,1,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"""strengthening integration of both countries""; ""economic development and social progress of both nations will be stimulated through coordinated action""; ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""stimulate investment"" as one of the goals of the agreeement (Art 1.d); Chapter V (Art. 17-20) deals entirely with policy coordination of investment, coordination between planning entities, and external trade policies, and establishes a series of coordinating mechanisms; Chapter VI establishes cooperation on infrastructure; ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 698,698,698,698,ARG_URY1,"Argentina Uruguay ",1974,Argentina Uruguay CAUCE 1974.pdf,AR-UY,AR-UY,0,1,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""The development of this joint action will duly take into account the preservation of the environment"" (Art. 14); ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""stimulating investment in a framework of co-participation, both of the public sector in order to improve productive infrastructure, and of private origin, in order to foster operations to satisfy the demand of both countries, the maximum exploitation of existing and potential productive factors and the betterment of the technological level"" (Art. 9.a); ""permanent consult of the planning institution both in terms of policies and in terms of specific projects"" (art. 9.b); Article 10 establishes several forms and mechanisms of cooperation: regular meetings, policy coordination, law harmonization; ""joint action to solve infrastructure problems that have negative effects on the integration of both countries. This will be mainly done in the areas of energy, transportation, and communication. .. Joint action mechanisms before international credit institutions will be established"" (Art. 14)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 048,048,048,048,ARG_VEN1,Argentina Venezuela,1986,Argentina Venezuela 1986.pdf,AR-VE,AR-VE,0,1,1988,1,1992,0,,,,,"Argentina Venezuela (ECA 10, leads to ECA 20)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"""strengthen integration… reaffirm their constant adhesion to the goals of Latin-American economic integration"" ""increase economic and social development""",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""facilitate the transfer of technologies associated to the project of integration"" (Art. 1.j); Art. 6 includes a series of provisions for the harmonization of regulations in matters such as transportation and technological transfer and the stimulation of investment; ""Signatory countries commit to carrying out a joint action to solve the infrastructure problems that have negative effect on the integration process. This action will happen mainly in the fields of transportation and communication"" (Art. 8)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 049,049,049,049,ARG_VEN2,Argentina Venezuela,1992,Argentina Venezuela 1992.pdf,AR-VE,AR-VE,0,1,1995,1,2000,0,,,,,"Argentina Venezuela (ECA 20, leads to ECA 48, then leads to ECA 59)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"""will to accelerate Latin-American integration"" ""facilitate the integral development of the societies of both countries""; reference to ALADI and MERCOSUR;",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""""establish programmes of commercial diffusion and promotion, facilitating activities of official and private missions, the organization of exhibitions and fairs, the organization of information workshops, and market studies"" (Art. 10); Chapter 5 (art 13) on Technological cooperation: commitment to promoting joint initiatives to ""foster the technological capacity of productive sectors"";",,,,,,,,,,,,, 050,050,050,050,ARM_BLR,Armenia Belarus,2000,,AM-BY,AM-BY,0,0,2003,,,0,,,,,Armenia Belarus,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,793,793,ARM_CYP,Armenia Cyprus,1995,,AM-CY,AM-CY,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,2,,3,1,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 051,051,051,051,ARM_EST,Armenia Estonia,2002,Armenia Estonia 2002.pdf,AM-EE,AM-EE,0,1,2002,1,2004,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 052,052,052,052,ARM_GEO,Armenia Georgia,1995,Armenia Georgia 1995.pdf,AM-GE,AM-GE,0,1,1998,0,,1,Georgia Armenia,36930,GATT Art. XXIV,Armenia Georgia,Armenia Georgia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Investigation and production concerning defensive needs (added to exeptions) (Art. 10),1,unspecified: international agreements participant of which the Side is or wishes to be (Art. 10),,,,,,,,,,,,,, 053,053,053,053,ARM_IRN,Armenia Iran,1995,Armenia Iran 1995.pdf,AM-IR,AM-IR,0,1,1997,0,,0,,,,Armenia-Iran,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Protection of public health (Art. 14), Protection of national interests (Art. 14)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 054,054,054,054,ARM_KAZ,Armenia Kazakhstan,1999,Armenia Kazakhstan 2001.pdf,AM-KZ,AM-KZ,0,1,2002,0,,1,Armenia Kazakhstan,38155,GATT Art. XXIV,Armenia Kazakhstan,Armenia Kazakhstan,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Protection of the environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 11),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 055,055,055,055,ARM_KGZ,Armenia Kyrgyzstan,1994,Armenia Kyrgyz Republic 1994.pdf,AM-KG,AM-KG,0,1,1995,0,,1,Kyrgyz Republic Armenia,12-Dec-00,GATT Art. XXIV,Armenia Kyrgyz,Armenia Kyrgyz Republic,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Taking measures in the field of information affecting the interest of national defense and investigation or production connected with needs of defese (added to exceptions) (Art. 10),0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 056,056,056,056,ARM_MDA,Armenia Moldova,1993,Armenia Moldova 1995.pdf,AM-MD,AM-MD,0,1,1995,0,,1,Armenia Moldova,38155,GATT Art. XXIV,Armenia Moldova,Armenia Moldova,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Providing full employment,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Taking measures in the field of information affecting the interest of national defence and research or production related to the defence needs (added to exceptions) (Art. 11),0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 057,057,057,057,ARM_RUS,Armenia Russia,1992,Armenia Russian Federation 1992.pdf,AM-RU,AM-RU,0,1,1993,0,,1,Armenia Russian Federation,38155,GATT Art. XXIV,Armenia Russia,Armenia Russia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,"Providing full employment, promoting a common market for labour",1,Inter-state Coordination Council shall examinate cases of export control requirements violation (Art. 12),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Taking measures in the field of information affecting the interest of national defence and research or production related to the defence needs (added to exceptions) (Art. 11),0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 058,058,058,058,ARM_TJK,Armenia Tajikistan,1994,,AM-TJ,AM-TJ,0,0,1994,,,0,,,,,Armenia Tajikistan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 059,059,059,059,ARM_TKM,Armenia Turkmenistan,1995,Armenia Turkmenistan 1996.pdf,AM-TM,AM-TM,0,1,1996,0,,1,Armenia Turkmenistan,38155,GATT Art. XXIV,Armenia Turkmenistan,Armenia Turkmenistan,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Improving the standard of living for the Parties population,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Taking measures in the field of information affecting the interest of national defence and research or production related to the defence needs (added to exceptions) (Art. 10),0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 060,060,060,060,ARM_UKR,Armenia Ukraine,1994,Armenia Ukraine 1996.pdf,AM-UA,AM-UA,0,1,1996,0,,1,Armenia Ukraine,38155,GATT Art. XXIV,Armenia Ukraine,Armenia Ukraine,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Providing full employment,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Taking measures in the field of information affecting the interest of national defence and research or production related to the defence needs (added to exceptions) (Art. 8),0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 700,700,700,700,ARUSHA1,Arusha Agreement I,1968,Arusha Agreement 1968.pdf,BE-FR-DE-IT-LU-NL-KE-TZ-UG,EU-KE-TZ-UG,1,1,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,4,9,18,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,"Wishing to demonstrate their common desire to maintain and strengthen their friendly relations, observing the principles of the United Nations Charter; Desirous of contributing to the development of intra-African cooperation; ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of Articles 5 and 6 shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.10, p.747)",0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 061,061,061,061,ARUSHA2,Arusha Agreement II,1969,Arusha Agreement 1969.pdf,BE-FR-DE-IT-LU-NL-KE-TZ-UG,EU-KE-TZ-UG,1,1,1971,1,1975,1,Arusha Agreement,13-Mar-70,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Association with East African States (Arusha) (evolves into Lome Convention),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,4,9,18,3,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Reference to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,The development needs are those arising from the implementation of economic development programaiened sat raising the general.standardof living in the country in question (Protocol 3 Art. 2),,,,,,,,,,,,, 062,062,062,062,APTA,Asia Pacific Trade Agreement (Bangkok Agreement amended),2005,Asia Pacific 2005.pdf,BD-CN-IN-KR-LA-LK,BD-CN-IN-KR-LA-LK,0,1,2006,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,6,15,3,2,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Providing greater opportunities of employment and securing higher living standards for the respective populations,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Special consideration for Least Developed Country Participating States SpecialSpecial Consideration for Least Developed Country Participating States Special consideration for least developed country participating states (Art. 15)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 063,063,063,063,CARIBSTATES,Association of Caribbean States,1994,Association of Carribean States 1994.pdf,AG-BS-BB-BZ-CR-CO-CU-DM-DO-SV-GD-GY-GT-HT-HN-JM-NI-PA-KN-LC-VC-SR-TT-MX-VE,AG-BS-BB-BZ-CR-CO-CU-DM-DO-SV-GD-GY-GT-HT-HN-JM-NI-PA-KN-LC-VC-SR-TT-MX-VE,0,1,1995,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,25,300,3,4,5,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Strentghening cultural political, scientific, social and technological relations; Enhanced cooperation shall contribute to the future cultural, economic and social development; Promoting, consolidating and strengthening the regional cooperation and integration process in the Caribbean Region; Committed to the consolidation of the principles of democracy and rule of law; Respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and the right to self-determination of peoples; Respect for human rights; Preserving the environment of the region in particular the Caribbean Sea",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Preservation of the environment and conservation of the natural resources of the region and especially of the Caribbean Sea (Art. 3); Institution-building: Establishing the Committee for the Protection and Conservation of the Environment and of theCaribbean Sea and the Committee on Natural Resources (Art. 8),0,,0,,0,,1,"Institution-building: the Ministerial Council and the Secretariat (Art. 7, Art. 8, Art. 14); Functions of the Ministerial Council (Art. 9); Composition of the Ministerial Council (Art. 10); Procedures of the Ministerial Council (Art. 11); Functions of the Secretariat (Art. 15); Legal Capacity (Art. 16)",0,,1,Strengthening of friendly relationships among the Governments and peoples of the Caribbean (Art. 3),0,,"The purpose of the Agreement is to achieve sustained cultural social, scientific and technological advancement (Art. 3); Institution-building responsive to the various cultural identities, developmental needs and normative systems within the region (Art. 3); Institution-building: Establishing the Committee on Science, Technology, Health, Education and Culture (Art. 8); Social development issues as a task of the Secretariat (Art. 15)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 064,064,064,064,ASEANFTA,Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) FTA,1992,ASEAN 1992.pdf,BN-ID-MY-PH-SG-TH,BN-ID-MY-PH-SG-TH,0,1,1992,0,,1,ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA),30-Oct-92,Enabling Clause,ASEAN (AFTA),ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA),FTA,2,FTA,2,2,6,15,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"Enhancing intra-ASEAN economic cooperation to sustain the economic growth and development of all Member States which are essential to the stability and prosperity of the region (p. 7, p. 25); Emphasis on the importance of enhancing other fields of economic cooperation such as in science, technology and tourism (p. 7, p. 25); Economic cooperation to sustain the economic growth and development of all Member States which are essential to the stability and prosperity of the region (p. 86); Cooperation in the fields of science and technology, agriculture, financial services and tourism (p. 86)",1,Carrying out an examination of goods to prevent abuses such as fraud when irregularity is suspected (Art. 5 p. 16; Art. 5 p. 34),0,,0,,0,,1,"Enhancing technical joint cooperation to better manage, conserve, develop and market forest resources (Art. 2 p. 9)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Enhancing cooperation in the field of energy, including energy planning, exchange of information, transfer of technology, research and development, conservation and efficiency etc (Art. 2 p. 8; Art. 2 p. 27); Cooperation in Food: Strenghtening regional cooperation in the areas of development, production and promotion of agricultural products for ensuring food security (Art. 2 p. 9, Art. 2 p. 27); Cooperation in transportation and communications such as developing the intra-country postal and telecommunications system (Art. 2 p. 9, Art. 2 p. 27); Cooperation in research and development, technology transfer, tourism promotion, human resource development (Art. 3 p. 9; Art. 3 p. 27); Carrying out an examination of goods to prevent abuses such as smuggling when irregularity is suspected (Art. 5 p. 16; Art. 5 p. 34); Cooperation in the field of energy, including energy planning, research and development, conservation and efficiency, and the exploration, production and supply of energy resources (Art. 2 p. 87); Cooperation in food, agriculture and forestry to strengthen regional cooperation in the areas of development for ensuring food security (Art. 2, p. 87); Cooperation in transportation and communications (Art. 2 p. 87); Cooperation in research and development, technology transfer, tourism promotion, human resource development and other economic-related areas (Art. 2 p. 88); Strengthen cooperation with other countries, as well as regional and international organisations and arrangements (Art. 5 p. 88)",The texts are twice available,,,,,,,,,,,, 064,64+3,6403,832,ASEANFTA_p1b,Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) FTA Cambodia accession,1999,,BN-ID-MY-PH-SG-TH-VN-LA-MM-KH,BN-ID-MY-PH-SG-TH-VN-LA-MM-KH,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,10,9,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"Enhancing intra-ASEAN economic cooperation to sustain the economic growth and development of all Member States which are essential to the stability and prosperity of the region (p. 7, p. 25); Emphasis on the importance of enhancing other fields of economic cooperation such as in science, technology and tourism (p. 7, p. 25); Economic cooperation to sustain the economic growth and development of all Member States which are essential to the stability and prosperity of the region (p. 86); Cooperation in the fields of science and technology, agriculture, financial services and tourism (p. 86)",1,Carrying out an examination of goods to prevent abuses such as fraud when irregularity is suspected (Art. 5 p. 16; Art. 5 p. 34),0,,0,,0,,1,"Enhancing technical joint cooperation to better manage, conserve, develop and market forest resources (Art. 2 p. 9)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Enhancing cooperation in the field of energy, including energy planning, exchange of information, transfer of technology, research and development, conservation and efficiency etc (Art. 2 p. 8; Art. 2 p. 27); Cooperation in Food: Strenghtening regional cooperation in the areas of development, production and promotion of agricultural products for ensuring food security (Art. 2 p. 9, Art. 2 p. 27); Cooperation in transportation and communications such as developing the intra-country postal and telecommunications system (Art. 2 p. 9, Art. 2 p. 27); Cooperation in research and development, technology transfer, tourism promotion, human resource development (Art. 3 p. 9; Art. 3 p. 27); Carrying out an examination of goods to prevent abuses such as smuggling when irregularity is suspected (Art. 5 p. 16; Art. 5 p. 34); Cooperation in the field of energy, including energy planning, research and development, conservation and efficiency, and the exploration, production and supply of energy resources (Art. 2 p. 87); Cooperation in food, agriculture and forestry to strengthen regional cooperation in the areas of development for ensuring food security (Art. 2, p. 87); Cooperation in transportation and communications (Art. 2 p. 87); Cooperation in research and development, technology transfer, tourism promotion, human resource development and other economic-related areas (Art. 2 p. 88); Strengthen cooperation with other countries, as well as regional and international organisations and arrangements (Art. 5 p. 88)",The texts are twice available,,,,,,,,,,,, 064,64+2,6402,833,ASEANFTA_p2,Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) FTA Laos and Myanmar accession,1997,,BN-ID-MY-PH-SG-TH-VN-LA-MM,BN-ID-MY-PH-SG-TH-VN-LA-MM,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,9,14,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"Enhancing intra-ASEAN economic cooperation to sustain the economic growth and development of all Member States which are essential to the stability and prosperity of the region (p. 7, p. 25); Emphasis on the importance of enhancing other fields of economic cooperation such as in science, technology and tourism (p. 7, p. 25); Economic cooperation to sustain the economic growth and development of all Member States which are essential to the stability and prosperity of the region (p. 86); Cooperation in the fields of science and technology, agriculture, financial services and tourism (p. 86)",1,Carrying out an examination of goods to prevent abuses such as fraud when irregularity is suspected (Art. 5 p. 16; Art. 5 p. 34),0,,0,,0,,1,"Enhancing technical joint cooperation to better manage, conserve, develop and market forest resources (Art. 2 p. 9)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Enhancing cooperation in the field of energy, including energy planning, exchange of information, transfer of technology, research and development, conservation and efficiency etc (Art. 2 p. 8; Art. 2 p. 27); Cooperation in Food: Strenghtening regional cooperation in the areas of development, production and promotion of agricultural products for ensuring food security (Art. 2 p. 9, Art. 2 p. 27); Cooperation in transportation and communications such as developing the intra-country postal and telecommunications system (Art. 2 p. 9, Art. 2 p. 27); Cooperation in research and development, technology transfer, tourism promotion, human resource development (Art. 3 p. 9; Art. 3 p. 27); Carrying out an examination of goods to prevent abuses such as smuggling when irregularity is suspected (Art. 5 p. 16; Art. 5 p. 34); Cooperation in the field of energy, including energy planning, research and development, conservation and efficiency, and the exploration, production and supply of energy resources (Art. 2 p. 87); Cooperation in food, agriculture and forestry to strengthen regional cooperation in the areas of development for ensuring food security (Art. 2, p. 87); Cooperation in transportation and communications (Art. 2 p. 87); Cooperation in research and development, technology transfer, tourism promotion, human resource development and other economic-related areas (Art. 2 p. 88); Strengthen cooperation with other countries, as well as regional and international organisations and arrangements (Art. 5 p. 88)",The texts are twice available,,,,,,,,,,,, 064,64+1,6401,834,ASEANFTA_p1a,Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) FTA Vietnam accession,1995,,BN-ID-MY-PH-SG-TH-VN,BN-ID-MY-PH-SG-TH-VN,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,7,6,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"Enhancing intra-ASEAN economic cooperation to sustain the economic growth and development of all Member States which are essential to the stability and prosperity of the region (p. 7, p. 25); Emphasis on the importance of enhancing other fields of economic cooperation such as in science, technology and tourism (p. 7, p. 25); Economic cooperation to sustain the economic growth and development of all Member States which are essential to the stability and prosperity of the region (p. 86); Cooperation in the fields of science and technology, agriculture, financial services and tourism (p. 86)",1,Carrying out an examination of goods to prevent abuses such as fraud when irregularity is suspected (Art. 5 p. 16; Art. 5 p. 34),0,,0,,0,,1,"Enhancing technical joint cooperation to better manage, conserve, develop and market forest resources (Art. 2 p. 9)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Enhancing cooperation in the field of energy, including energy planning, exchange of information, transfer of technology, research and development, conservation and efficiency etc (Art. 2 p. 8; Art. 2 p. 27); Cooperation in Food: Strenghtening regional cooperation in the areas of development, production and promotion of agricultural products for ensuring food security (Art. 2 p. 9, Art. 2 p. 27); Cooperation in transportation and communications such as developing the intra-country postal and telecommunications system (Art. 2 p. 9, Art. 2 p. 27); Cooperation in research and development, technology transfer, tourism promotion, human resource development (Art. 3 p. 9; Art. 3 p. 27); Carrying out an examination of goods to prevent abuses such as smuggling when irregularity is suspected (Art. 5 p. 16; Art. 5 p. 34); Cooperation in the field of energy, including energy planning, research and development, conservation and efficiency, and the exploration, production and supply of energy resources (Art. 2 p. 87); Cooperation in food, agriculture and forestry to strengthen regional cooperation in the areas of development for ensuring food security (Art. 2, p. 87); Cooperation in transportation and communications (Art. 2 p. 87); Cooperation in research and development, technology transfer, tourism promotion, human resource development and other economic-related areas (Art. 2 p. 88); Strengthen cooperation with other countries, as well as regional and international organisations and arrangements (Art. 5 p. 88)",The texts are twice available,,,,,,,,,,,, 065,065,065,065,ASEANPTA,Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Preferential Trading Arrangements (PTA),1977,ASEAN PTA 1977.pdf,ID-MY-PH-SG-TH,ID-MY-PH-SG-TH,0,1,1977,1,1992,0,,,,,Agreement on ASEAN Preferential Trading Arrangements (PTA),PTA_PSA,1,,,2,5,10,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Reference to the International Development Strategy for the Second UN Development Decade,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 065,65+1,6501,835,ASEANPTA_p1,Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Preferential Trading Arrangements (PTA) Brunei accession,1984,,ID-MY-PH-SG-TH-BN,ID-MY-PH-SG-TH-BN,0,,,1,1992,,,,,,,,,,,5,6,5,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Reference to the International Development Strategy for the Second UN Development Decade,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 066,066,066,066,ASEAN_AUS_NZL,Association of Southeast Asian Nations Australia New Zealand FTA (AANZFTA),2009,ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand 2009,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN-AU-NZ,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN-AU-NZ,0,1,2010,0,,1,ASEAN Australia New Zealand,40276,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,ASEAN Australia New Zealand,,,,FTA_EIA,2,4,12,20,2,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Ensuring transparency in the application of customs laws (Art. 1 p. 41; Art. 4 p. 52 ); A Party can adopt and apply standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures to prevent deceptive practices (Art. 2 p. 66); enhancing co-operation in the improvement of technical regulations and conformity assessment relating to deceptive practices (Art. 9 p. 71)",0,,1,Protecting the domestic labour force and permanent employment in the territories of the Parties (Movement of natural persons) (Art. 1 p. 136),0,,1,"A Party can adopt and apply standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures to protect the environment (Art. 2 p. 66), enhancing co-operation in the improvement of technical regulations and conformity assessment relating to the environment (Art. 9 p. 71)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"A Party can adopt and apply standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures for national security reasons and human safety (Art. 2 p. 66); enhancing co-operation in the improvement of technical regulations and conformity assessment relating to safety (Art. 9 p. 71); Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to protect the Parties security interests: Protection of critical public infrastructures including communications, power and water infrastructures from deliberate attempts intended to disable or degrade such infrastructures (added to exceptions) (Art. 2 p. 202)",0,,"Actions against fraudulent acts in connection with the Certificate of Origin (Art. 23 p. 47); facilitating the movement of natural persons engaged in the conduct of trade and investment between the Parties (Art. 1 p. 136, Art. 2 p. 136f.), granting temporary entry (Art. 4 p. 138, Art. 5 p. 138), processing of applications for an immigration formality (Art. 6 p. 139), immigration measures and transparency of its provisions (Art. 7 p. 139, Art. 8 p. 140); Economic development: assistance to strengthen the new ASEAN members capacity in relation to investment policies (Art. 15 p. 164), Appropriate contribution to programms of economic cooperation recognising the development gaps among among the Parties (Art. 3 p. 184); Prevention or delaying of money transfer relating to criminal or penal offences and the recovery of the proceeds of crime (investment) (Art. 8 p. 154)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 067,067,067,067,ASEAN_CHN,Association of Southeast Asian Nations China,2004,ASEAN China 2004.pdf,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN-CN,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN-CN,0,1,2005,0,,1,ASEAN China,21-Sep-2005(G),Enabling Clause,ASEAN China,ASEAN China Agreement on Trade in Goods (CAFTA) (ACFTA) (agreement on services follows and negotiations on investment continue),FTA,2,PTA_EIA,2,3,11,10,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Other areas of economic co-operation: Mekong River basin development, environment and forestry (Art. 7)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Other areas of economic co-operation: Information and communications technology, human resources development and Mekong River basin development, tourism,transport, telecommunications, bio-technology, fishery, forestry products, mining, energy and sub-regional development (Art. 7)",Protocols and Annexes have not been added; the mentioned date of this Agreement is 2002 not 2004 (?),,,,,,,,,,,, 068,068,068,068,ASEAN_CHNSERV,Association of Southeast Asian Nations China Services,2007,ASEAN China Services 2007.pdf,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN-CN,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN-CN,0,1,2007,0,,1,ASEAN China,26-Jun-2008(S),GATS Art. V,,,,,,,3,11,10,3,2,4,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Special and differential treatment and flexibility for the newer ASEAN Member Countries of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam (i.e. the least developed countries)",1,Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Party of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws which are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Agreement including those relating to the prevention of deceptive and fraudulent practices (added to Exceptions) (Art. 12),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to prevent any Party from taking any action which it considers necessary to protect critical communications infrastructure from deliberate attempts intended to disable or degrade such infrastructure / actions taken in time of war or other emergency in domestic relations (added to Exceptions) (Art. 13),0,,"Recognition of the education or experience obtained, requirements met, or licenses or certifications granted in another Party (Art. 6); Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to prevent the adoption by any Party of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws which are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Agreement including those relating to the protection of the privacy of individuals in relation to the processing and dissemination of personal data (added to Exceptions) (Art. 12); Economic assistance to Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam: Strengthening of their domestic services capacity and its efficiency and competitiveness (Art. 17)","Annexes have not been added; As this is an Agreement on Trade in Services, it was coded as a whole (normally provisions on trade in services are not coded)",,,,,,,,,,,, 069,069,069,069,ASEANGOODS,Association of Southeast Asian Nations Goods,2009,ASEAN 2009 Trade in Goods.pdf,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN,0,1,2010,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,10,45,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Economic development: the need to address the development gaps and facilitate increasing participation of the MemberStates, especially Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam, in the AEC through the provision of flexibility and technical and development co-operation; Recognizing the provisions of the ministerial declarations of the WTO on measures in favour of least-developed countries",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent a Member State, which is a party to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal or other relevant international agreements, from adopting or enforcing any measure in relation to hazardous wastes or substances based on its laws and regulations, in accordance with such international agreements (Art. 42)",1,Reference to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal and other relevant international agreements (unspecified) (Art. 42),0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent any Member State from taking any action to protect critical public infrastructure, including communications, power and water infrastructures, from deliberate attempts intended to disable or degrade such infrastructure / taken in time of domestic emergency (added to Security Exceptions) (Art. 9)",0,,"Actions against illegal activities: In the event that circumvention is suspected, the final importing Member State(s) could request that the original Certificate of Origin (Form D) be submitted to their respective customs authority (Annex 8 Rule 11); Action and legal sanctions against fraudulent acts in connection with the Certificate of Origin (Annex 8 Rule 24)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 070,070,070,070,ASEAN_IND2,Association of Southeast Asian Nations India,2009,ASEAN India 2009.pdf ASEAN India framework 2003.pdf,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN-IN,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN-IN,0,1,2010,0,,1,ASEAN India,40409,Enabling Clause,ASEAN India,,,,FTA,2,3,11,10,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Recognising the different stages of economic development among ASEAN Member States and the need for flexibility, such as facilitating the increasing participation of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam (the New ASEAN Member States) in the India-ASEAN economic co-operation",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Areas of economic cooperation: environmental cooperation, forestry, Mekon Basin development (Art. 6, p. 15)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Economic development: facilitating the more effective economic integration of the new ASEAN Member States and bridging the development gap among the Parties (Objectives of the Agreement) (Art. 1), capacity building programmes and technical assistance, particularly for the New ASEAN Member States (Art. 6); Areas of economic cooperation: business visa and travel facilitation, media and entertainment, tourism, construction, mining and energy, power generation and supply, science and technology, transport and communication, human resource development such as capacity building, education, technology transfer, Mekong Basin Development (Art. 6, p. 15)",,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,807,807,ASEAN_IND1,Association of Southeast Asian Nations India Framework Agreement,2003,,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN-IN,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN-IN,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,11,,3,2,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Economic development for the new ASEAN members: strengthening of their domestic capacity, efficiency and competitiveness etc.",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Environmental services as one of Indias and ASEANs focal points (see p. 15),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Strenghening cooperation in the fields of mining and energy, science and technology, transport and infrastructure, human resource development (Art. 6, see also p. 15); Economic development for the new ASEAN members (Art. 1, Art. 2) such as capacity building programmes and technical assistance (Art. 6)",The date mentioned of the Agreement is 2003 not 2009 (?),,,,,,,,,,,, 071,071,071,071,ASEAN_JPN2,Association of Southeast Asian Nations Japan,2008,ASEAN Japan 2008.pdf,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN-JP,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN-JP,0,1,2008,0,,1,ASEAN Japan,40140,GATT Art. XXIV,ASEAN-Japan,,,,FTA,2,3,11,10,2,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Desiring to deepen the relationship between Japan and ASEAN, which is built on mutual confidence and trust in wide-ranging fields covering not only political and economic areas, but also social and cultural areas; Recognising further the various stages of economic development among the ASEAN Member States;",1,"Each Party shall establish or maintain, in accordance with its laws and regulations, appropriate penalties or other measures against its exporters or producers who have committed fraudulent acts in connection with a CO, including submission of false declarations or documents to its competent governmental authority or its designees (Rule 10, Annex 4)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent a Party which is a party to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal or other relevant international agreements from adopting or enforcing any measure in relation to hazardous wastes or hazardous substances based on its laws and regulations, in accordance with such international agreements (exception) (Art. 16.3); The Parties, on the basis of mutual benefit, shall explore and undertake economic cooperation activities in... environment (Art. 53)",1,"Reference to Art.XX of the GATT 1994 (Art.7, p.10); Reference to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes (Art.16.3)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in this Chapter shall limit the right of a Party to prepare, adopt and apply standards and technical regulations, to the extent necessary, to fulfil a legitimate objective. Such legitimate objectives are, inter alia, national security requirements (Art. 44)",0,,"Special and differential treatment is accorded to ASEAN Member States, especially the newer ASEAN Member States, in recognition of their different levels of economic development; additional flexibility is accorded to the newer ASEAN Member States; technical assistance and capacity building are important elements of economic cooperation provided under this Agreement (Art. 2; Art. 52; Art. 56; Art. 57); Bridging the development gap among ASEAN Member States (Art. 3); Strengthening information exchange and cooperation among the Parties in relation to the preparation, adoption and application of standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures (Art. 43, Art. 46); Field of economic cooperation such as energy, human resource developent, tourism (Art. 53)",,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,808,808,ASEAN_JPN1,Association of Southeast Asian Nations Japan Framework Agreement,2003,,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN-JP,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-TH-VN-JP,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,11,,2,2,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in the fields of environment and sustainable forest management (Art. 5),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Economic development especially for the newer ASEAN states: Facilitating the economic integration of the (newer) ASEAN members and bridging the development gap among them (Art. 1), differential treatment and flexibility to the ASEAN Member States regarding their different levels of economic development (Art. 1), capacity building programms to (newer) ASEAN Member States (Art. 1, Art. 4); Cooperation in the fields of energy, human resource development, tourism and hospitality, transportation, science and technology etc. (Art. 5)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 072,072,072,072,ASEAN_KOR,Association of Southeast Asian Nations Korea,2006,ASEAN Korea goods 2006.pdf ASEAN Korea_Framework 2005,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-VN-KR,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-VN-KR,0,1,2010,0,,1,"ASEAN Korea, Republic of",,GATT Art. XXIV,ASEAN Korea,,,,FTA_EIA,2,3,10,9,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Cooperation in tourism, economic development (capacity building, development of infrastructure for CLMV-countries)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 073,073,073,073,ASEAN_KORSERV,Association of Southeast Asian Nations Korea services,2007,ASEAN Korea services 2007.pdf,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-VN-KR,BN-KH-ID-LA-MY-MM-PH-SG-VN-KR,0,1,2009,0,,1,"ASEAN Korea, Republic of",,GATS V,ASEAN Korea,,,,,,3,10,9,3,2,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Party of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws or regulations which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement including those relating to: the prevention of deceptive and fraudulent practices or to deal with the effects of a default on services contracts (exception) (Art. 13),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from applying measures to regulate the entry of natural persons of the other Parties into, or their temporary stay in, its territory (Art.2.4, p.9); For the purposes of fulfillment of their respective standards or criteria for the authorisation, licencing or certification of services suppliers, each Party may recognise the education or experience obtained, requirements met, or licences or certifications granted in another Party (Art. 7.1); Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Party of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws or regulations which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement including those relating to: the protection of the privacy of individuals in relation to the processing and dissemination of personal data and the protection of confidentiality of individual records and accounts (Art. 13) ","As this is an Agreement on Trade in Services, it was coded as a whole (normally provisions on trade in services are not coded)",,,,,,,,,,,, 074,074,074,074,AUS_CAN,Australia Canada,1960,Australia Canada 1960.doc,AU-CA,AU-CA,0,1,1960,0,,0,,,,,Australia Canada Trade Agreement (CANATA) (amended in 1973),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,1,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 075,075,075,075,AUS_CHL,Australia Chile,2008,Australia Chile 2008.pdf,AU-CL,AU-CL,0,1,2009,0,,1,Australia Chile,03-Mar-09,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Australia Chile,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Encouraging a closer economic partnership that will bring social benefits, create new employment opportunities, and improve living standards for the people; Fostering creativity and innovation; Implementing the Agreement in a manner consistent with environmental protection and conservation",1,"Penalities / Sancitons: Maintaining measures for the imposition of civil or administrative penalties or sanctions, and, where appropriate, criminal sanctions for violations of its customs laws (Art. 5.5); Customs cooperation such as assistance in the investigation and prevention of infringements of customs and customs related laws and regulations (Art. 5.8); Ensuring integrity in procurement practices: Each Party shall ensure that criminal or administrative penalties exist to address corruption in its government procurement (Art. 15.22)",0,,1,"Areas of cooperation may include labour, cooperation on labour and employment matters will be based on the concept of decent work, including the principles embodied in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up (1998)(Art. 18.2)",1,Reference to the principles embodied in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up (1998)(Art. 18.2),1,"Nothing in the Chapter on Investment shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or related to the conservation of living or non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 10.7); Areas of cooperation may include the environment, cooperation on environment will reflect the commitment of both Parties to strengthening environmental protection and the promotion of sustainable development (Art. 18.2); The Parties understand that the measures referred to in GATT 1994 Article XX(b) / in GATS Article XIV(b) include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health (Art. 22.1)",1,Reference to GATT 1994 Article XX(b) / GATS Article XIV(b) (Art. 22.1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"See for example: Investor treatment in cases of investment losses due to civil strife or armed conflict (Art. 10.6); Measures against illegal activities such as: a Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offences (Art. 10.10); See Chapter 18 on Cooperation in the fields of science, agriculture including the wine industry, food production and processing, mining, energy, tourism, education, human capital development and cultural collaboration (Art. 18.2)",,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,794,794,AUS_RHODNYA,Australia Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland,1955,,AU-ZW,AU-ZW,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,2,,2,6,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 077,077,077,077,AUS_NZL2,Australia New Zealand (ANZCERTA),1983,Australia New Zealand ANZCERTA goods 1983.pdf,AU-NZ,AU-NZ,0,1,1983,0,,1,Australia New Zealand (ANZCERTA),14-Apr-1983(G),GATT Art. XXIV ,Australia New Zealand (ANZCERTA),Australia New Zealand CER (ANZCERTA),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,1,5,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Nothing shall preclude the adoption by either Party of measures necessary to prevent unfair, deceptive, or misleading practices (added to exceptions) (Art. 18)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,National treatment to persons of the other Member State may be different for safety reasons (Art. 5),0,,National treatment to persons of the other Member State may be different for reasons of health (Art. 5); Nothing shall preclude the adoption by either Party of measures necessary to prevent national disorder and crime (added to exceptions) (Art. 18),,,,,,,,,,,,, 078,078,078,078,AUS_NZLSERV,Australia New Zealand (ANZCERTA) Protocol on services,1988,Australia New Zealand ANZCERTA services 1989.pdf,AU-NZ,AU-NZ,0,1,1989,0,,1,Australia New Zealand (ANZCERTA),22-Nov-1995(S),GATS V,,,,,,,1,2,1,1,5,4,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Nothing in the Protocol shall preclude the adoption by either Member State of measures necessary to prevent disorder or crime (added to Exceptions) (Art. 18),,,,,,,,,,,,, 079,079,079,079,AUS_NZL1,Australia New Zealand Free Trade Agreement,1965,Australia New Zealand 1965.pdf,AU-NZ,AU-NZ,0,1,1966,1,1983,1,Australia New Zealand Free Trade Agreement,22-Oct-65,GATT Art. XXIV,,Australia New Zealand Interim Agreement on Free Trade (NAFTA),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,1,2,1,1,5,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by a Member State of measures necessary to reserve for approved purposes the use of the Royal Arms, national, state and territorial arms, flags and seals, and the word ""Anzac"" (added to Exceptions) (Art. 12)",0,,"Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by a Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime, necessary to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs or other essential goods (added to Exceptions) (Art. 12)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 080,080,080,080,AUS_PNG2,Australia Papua New Guinea,1991,Australia Papua New Guinea 1991.pdf,AU-PG,AU-PG,0,1,1991,0,,0,,,,,Papua New Guinea Australia FTA (PATCRA II),FTA,2,,,1,2,1,2,5,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Having resolved to establish between their two countries a Free Trade Area with a view to achieving sustained development of their economies through expansion of trade and investment in accordance with their respective objectives and priorities for economic development and social progress,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by a Member State of measures: necessary to prevent unfair, deceptive or misleading practices; necessary to secure compliance with laws relating to customs enforcement, or to tax avoidance or evasion, or to the classification, grading or marketing of goods, or to the operation of recognised commodity marketing boards (exceptions) (Art. 8)",0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by a Member State of measures necessary to protect its indigenous flora and fauna; related to the conservation of limited natural resources (exceptions) (Art. 8),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The objectives of this Agreement are: to further the development and use of the resources of the Area in accordance with the respective social and economic objectives of the Member States; to promote and facilitate commercial, industrial, administrative and technical co-operation between the Member States (Art. 2); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by a Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime; necessary to prevent or relieve shortages of foodstuffs or other essential goods (exceptions) (Art. 8); The Member States ... shall consult, at the request of either Member State, on the most appropriate ways in which future Australian direct investment ... can contribute to the social and economic development of Papua New Guinea (Art. 14.1); The Australian Government shall assist the Government of Papua New Guinea in the promotion and development of the small business sector in Papua New Guinea. Such assistance may include the provision of initial professional and technical staff and various forms of training (Art. 15.2); Member States shall encourage and facilitate the interchange of applied scientific and technical knowledge, including the supply of information, where practicable, on new issues and from international meetings at which Papua New Guinea is not represented (Art. 16): Member States shall take steps to facilitate administrative co-operation (Art. 17); For the purpose of promoting trade (including investment and investment in tourism) between the Member States, each Member State shall encourage and facilitate: the interchange of commercial and technical representatives (Art. 18.1); The Australian Government shall assist the Government of Papua New Guinea in primary industry development, export expansion and diversification (Art. 19.1)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 081,081,081,081,AUS_PNG1,Australia Papua New Guinea ,1976,Australia Papua New Guinea 1977.pdf,AU-PG,AU-PG,0,1,1977,1,1991,1,Australia Papua New Guinea (PATCRA),20-Dec-76,GATT Art. XXIV,Australia Papua New Guinea (PATCRA),Papua New Guinea Australia FTA (PATCRA I) (upgraded in 1991),FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,5,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Expansion of trade and investment in accordance with their respective social objectives,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by a Member State of measures necessary to protect its indigenous flora and fauna (added to Exceptions) (Art. 8),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by a Member State of measures necessary to reserve for approved purposes the use of Royal Arms or national, state, provincial and territorial arms (added to Exceptions) (Art. 8)",0,,See for example: Objectives of the Agreement: furthering the development and use of the resources of the Area in accordance with the respective social objectives of the Member States (Art. 2); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by a Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime / necessary to prevent or relieve shortages of foodstuffs (added to Exceptions) (Art. 8); Emphasis that Australian direct investment can contribute to the social and economic development of Papua New Guinea (Art. 14); Iterchange of applied scientific and technical knowledge (Art. 16),,,,,,,,,,,,, 082,082,082,082,AUS_SGP,Australia Singapore,2003,Australia Singapore 2003.pdf,AU-SG,AU-SG,0,1,2003,0,,1,Singapore Australia,37889,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Singapore Australia,Australia Singapore (SAFTA),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Strenghening of closer economic partnership shall bring social benefits and improve the living standards of the respective people,1,Customs procedures: Providing each other information to assist in the investigation and prevention of infringements of customs law (Art. 3),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in the Chapter on Investment shall construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws including those relating to safety (Art. 19); Nothing in the Chapter on Investment shall be construed to prevent a Party from taking any action which it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interest relating to the production of arms (added to Security Exceptions) (Art. 21),0,,"See for example: Nothing in the Chapter on Goverment Procurement shall prevent Australia from promoting employment and training oppurtunities for its indigenious people (Art. 15); Compensation for investment losses owing to war or other armed conflict, civil strife etc. (Art. 10); See Chapter 15 on Education Cooperation",Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 083,083,083,083,AUS_THA,Australia Thailand,2004,Australia Thailand 2004.pdf,AU-TH,AU-TH,0,1,2005,0,,1,Thailand Australia,27-Dec-04,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Australia Thailand,Australia Thailand (TAFTA),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,Measures to prevent breaches of customs legislation (Art. 305) (Customs procedures),0,,0,,0,,0,,0, ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 084,084,084,084,AUS_USA,Australia US,2004,Australia United States 2004.pdf,AU-US,AU-US,0,1,2005,0,,1,US Australia,22-Dec-04,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,United States Australia,Australia United States Free Trade Agreement with Annexes and Exchange of Letters,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,1,6,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Encouraging a closer economic partnership that will bring social benefits, create new employment opportunities, and improve living standards for their people; Fostering creativity and innovation; Commitment to high labour standards, sustainable development, and environmental protection",1,"Customs cooperation: preventing circumvention of international agreements affecting trade in textile or apparel goods (Art. 4.3); Cooperation in customs procedures: Where a Party has a reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity related to its laws governing importations, it may request that the other Party provide information pertaining to trade transactions relevant to the activity (Art. 6.5); Penalties: Adopting measures that provide for the imposition of civil or administrative penalties and, where appropriate, criminal penalties for violations of its customs laws and regulations (Art. 6.7); Ensuring integrity in procurement practices (anti-corruption): criminal or administrative penalties to sanction a procurement official who accepts monetary value or other benefit in exchange for any act or omission in the performance of that procurement official’s procurement functions etc. (Art. 15.10); Anti-corruption: cooperation in seeking to eliminate bribery and corruption and to promote transparency in international trade, commitment to seeking avenues in relevant international fora to address bribery, corruption, and transparency and to build on anti-corruption efforts in these fora (Art. 22. 5) ",0,,1,"Right of each Party to establish its own labour standards, but ensuring that its laws provide for labour standards consistent with the internationally recognised labour principles (Art. 18.1); Application and enforcement of labour laws (Art. 18.2); Enforcement of respective labour laws and promoting public awareness of respective labour laws (Art. 18.3); Establishing a Subcommittee on Labour Affairs / consultations with representatives of labour and business organizations (Art. 18.4); Promoting respect for workers’ rights, cooporation on labour matters of mutual interest and exploring ways to further advance labour standards (Art. 18.5); Labour consultations (Art. 18.6); Definition of internationally recognised labour principles and rights as the right of association, a prohibition on the use of any form of forced or compulsory labour, labour protections for children and young people etc. (Art. 18.7)",1,"Commitment to the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental pinciples and Rights at Work and its Follow-up (1998) (ILO Declaration) (Art. 18.1, Art. 18.5)",1,"Nothing in the Chapter on Investment shall not be construed to prevent a Party from adopting environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or related to the conservation of living or non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 11.9); Investment and Environment: Ensuring that investment activity in its territory is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 11. 11); Levels of environmental protection (Art. 19.1); Application and enforcement of environmental laws (Art. 19.2), Enforcement of environmental laws and promotionof public awareness of respective environmental laws (Art. 19.3); Voluntary mechanism to enhance environmental performance (Art. 19.4); Establishing a Subcommittee on Environmental Affairs and pubic particpation in environmental protection (Art. 19.5); Recognizing the importance of strengthening capacity to protect the environment and to promote sustainable development in concert with strengthening bilateral trade and investment relations (Art. 19.6); Environmental consultations (Art. 19.7); Definition of environmental law as the prevention or control of the release, discharge, or emission of pollutants or environmental contaminants, the control of environmentally hazardous or toxic substances or the protection or conservation of wild flora or fauna (Art. 19.9); The Parties understand that the measures referred to in GATT 1994 Article XX(b) / Article XIV(b) in GATS include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health (Art. 22.1)",1,"The Parties recognise that multilateral environmental agreements to which they are both party play an important role, globally and domestically, in protecting the environment and that their respective implementation of these agreements is critical to achieving the environmental objectives of these agreements (unspecified) (Art. 19.8); Reference to Article XX(b) in GATT 1994 / Article XIV(b) in GATS (Art. 22.1)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"See for example: Measures against illegal activities such the prevention of a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offences (Art. 10.10; Art. 11.8), Cross-border consumer protection: detection of consumer protection law violations, cooperation to against fraudulent and deceptive commercial practices against consumers, reference to the OECD Guidelines for Protecting Consumers from Fraudulent and Deceptive Commercial Practices Across Borders of 2003 (Art. 14.6), Monetary restitution to those who have suffered economic harm as a result of being deceived, defrauded, or misled; Treatment of investors in cases of strife or armed conflict (Art. 11.6)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 085,085,085,085,AUT_EC,Austria EC,1972,Austria EC 1972.pdf,AT-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB,AT-EU,1,1,1972,1,1995,1,EC Austria Agreement of 1972,26630,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Austria FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,10,9,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 085,85+1,8501,836,AUT_EC_p2,Austria EC Portugal Spain accession,1985,,AT-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-PT-ES,AT-EU-PT-ES,1,,,1,1995,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 701,701,701,701,AUT_FRO,Austria Faroe Islands,1993,,AT-FO,AT-FO,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,1,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 702,702,702,702,AZE_BLR,Azerbaijan Belarus,2004,,AZ-BY,AZ-BY,0,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 086,086,086,086,AZE_GEO,Azerbaijan Georgia,1996,Azerbaijan Georgia 1996.pdf,AZ-GE,AZ-GE,0,1,1996,0,,1,Georgia Azerbaijan,36930,GATT Art. XXIV,Azerbaijan Georgia,Azerbaijan Georgia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Intending to promote the insurance of complete employment,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The agreement does not prevent the right of any Side to implement measures adopted in international practice that are considered to be necessary for protection of the Side's fundamental interests and that are essential for fulfilment of international agreements, participant of which the Side is or intends to be, if such measures concern the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 10)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement does not prevent the right of any Side to implement measures adopted in international practice that are considered to be necessary for protection of the Side's fundamental interests and that are essential for fulfilment of international agreements, participant of which the Side is or intends to be, if such measures concern the investigation and production concerning defensive needs (added to Exceptions) (Art. 10)",1,"Reference to international agreements, participant of which the Side is or intends to be (unspecified) (Art. 10)",,,,,,,,,,,,,, 087,087,087,087,AZE_KAZ,Azerbaijan Kazakhstan,1997,,AZ-KZ,AZ-KZ,0,0,1999,,,0,,,,,Azerbaijan Kazakhstan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 088,088,088,088,AZE_KGZ,Azerbaijan Kyrgyzstan,2004,,AZ-KG,AZ-KG,0,0,,0,,0,,,,,Azerbaijan Kyrgyz Republic,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 089,089,089,089,AZE_MDA,Azerbaijan Moldova,1995,,AZ-MD,AZ-MD,0,0,1996,,,0,,,,,Azerbaijan Moldova,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 090,090,090,090,AZE_RUS,Azerbaijan Russia,1992,,AZ-RU,AZ-RU,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Azerbaijan Russia,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 091,091,091,091,AZE_TKM,Azerbaijan Turkmenistan,1996,,AZ-TM,AZ-TM,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Azerbaijan Turkmenistan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 092,092,092,092,AZE_UKR,Azerbaijan Ukraine,1995,Azerbaijan Ukraine 1995.pdf,AZ-UA,AZ-UA,0,1,1996,0,,1,Ukraine Azerbaijan,39678,GATT Art. XXIV,Azerbaijan Ukraine,Azerbaijan Ukraine,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 093,093,093,093,AZE_UZB,Azerbaijan Uzbekistan,1996,,AZ-UZ,AZ-UZ,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Azerbaijan Uzbekistan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 703,703,703,703,BHR_IRQ,Bahrain Iraq,2002,,BH-IQ,BH-IQ,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 094,094,094,094,BHR_JOR,Bahrain Jordan,2001,Bahrain Jordan 2001.pdf,BH-JO,BH-JO,0,1,2005,0,,0,,,,Bahrain Jordan,Bahrain Jordan,FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Exemptions provided for in this agreement do not apply to the goods and products mentioned in the annex in addition to products not allowed to be imported due environmental reasons (exceptions) (Art. 3); Joint cooperating to protect improve the environment (Art. 12),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Exemptions provided for in this agreement do not apply to the goods and products mentioned in the annex which is considered integral part of this agreement in addition to products not allowed to be imported due to security reasons (exceptions, no reference to GATT) (Art. 3)",0,,Exemptions provided for in this agreement do not apply to the goods and products mentioned in the annex which is considered integral part of this agreement in addition to products not allowed to be imported due to religious reasons (Art. 3),Annex is not added,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,809,809,BHR_THA,Bahrain Thailand Framework Agreement,2002,,BH-TH,BH-TH,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,2,,3,2,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Raising living standards and employment,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 096,096,096,096,BHR_USA,Bahrain US,2004,Bahrain US 2004.pdf,BH-US,BH-US,0,1,2006,0,,1,US Bahrain,38968,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,United States Bahrain,"Bahrain United States Agreement on Establishment of Free Trade Area, with Annexes and Exchange of Letters",FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Commitment to transparency and their desire to eliminate bribery and corruption in international trade and investment; Desiring to protect, enhance, and enforce basic workers’ rights and to strengthen the development and enforcement of labor laws and policies; Desiring to create new employment opportunities and raise the standard of living for the citizens; Desiring to strengthen the development and enforcement of environmental laws and policies; Fostering creativity and innovation; Improving technology; fFree trade area in the Middle East shall contribute to development in the region",1,"Customs cooperation when there is a reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity related to the countrys' laws or regulations governing importation (Art. 5.5 p. 56); Imposition of civil, administrative, and, where appropriate, criminal sanctions for violations of ist customs laws (Art. 5.9 p. 58); Advance rulings: If a requester provides false information or omits relevant circumstances or facts in its request for an advance ruling, the importing Party may apply civil, criminal, and administrative penalties or other sanctions (Art. 5. 10 p. 58f); Anti-Corruption: Reaffirment the Parties resolve to eliminate bribery and corruption in international trade and investment / adopting the necessary legislative or other measures to establish that it is a criminal offense under its law / adopting appropriate penalties and procedures to enforce the criminal measures / protecting persons who report acts of bribery (Art. 17.5 p. 154)",0,,1,"The right of each Party to establish its own domestic labor standards, but each Party shall strive to ensure that its laws provide for labor standards consistent with the internationally recognized labor rights (Art. 15.1 p. 144); Application and enforcement of labour laws (Art. 15.2 p. 144); Procedural guarantees and public awareness: Guarantee of appropriate access to tribunals for the enforcement of the Party’s labor laws, promoting public awareness of the respective labor laws (Art. 15.3 p. 145); Labor cooperation such as advancing other common commitments regarding labor matters (Art. 15.5 p. 146); Labor consultations (Art. 15.6 p. 146); Definition of labor laws such as the right of association, the right to organize and bargain collectively, a prohibition on the use of any form of forced or compulsory labor etc. (Art. 15.7 p. 147); Annex 15-A on Labor Cooperation on the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, the effective abolition of child labor and discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, social safety net programs; working conditions etc. (p. 184)",1,"Reaffirment of their obligations as members of the International Labor Organization (“ILO”) and their commitments under the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up (1998) (“ILO Declaration”) (Art. 15.1 p. 144); Reference to the ILO Convention No. 182 Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (1999) (“ILO Convention 182”) (Art. 15. 5 p. 146); See also Annex 15-A p. 185",1,"Levels of environment protection: each Party shall ensure that its laws and policies provide for and encourage high levels of environmental protection (Art. 16.1 p. 148); Application and enforcement of the respective environmental laws (Art. 16.2 p. 148); Ensuring that judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative proceedings are available under its law to sanction or remedy violations of the respective environmental laws (Art. 16. 3 p. 148); Voluntary mechanisms to enhance environmental performance (Art. 16.4 p. 148); Establishing the Subcommittee on Environmental Affairs (Art. 16.5 p. 150); Opportunities for public participation in environmental matters (Art. 16.6 p. 150); Environmental cooperation (Art. 16.7 p. 151); Environmental consultations (Art. 16. 8 p. 151); Definition of environmental law such as the prevention or control of the release, discharge, or emission of pollutants or environmental contaminants, the control of environmentally hazardous or toxic chemicals etc. (Art. 16.10 p. 152)",1,"Reference to multilateral environmental agreements to which the US and Bahrain are both party which play an important role, globally and domestically, in protecting the environment and their respective implementation is critical to achieving the environmental objectives of these agreements / The Parties shall consult regularly with respect to negotiations in the WTO regarding multilateral environmental agreements (Art. 16.9 p. 152) (unspecified)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Measures against criminal activities: Customs cooperation for the purpose of preventing circumvention of international agreements affecting trade in textile or apparel goods or when there is a reasonable suspicion of respecitve unlawful activities (Art. 3.3 p. 16); Technical advice and assistance for Bahrain for the purpose of improving risk assessment techniques, simplifying and expediting customs procedures (Art. 5.5 p. 56; Art. 5.11 p. 59);Transfers and payments relating to the cross-border supply of services: a Party may prevent a transfer or payment through the application of its law relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 10.10 p. 85); Financial Services: nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent the adoption of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws or regulations that are not inconsistent with this Chapter, including those relating to the prevention of deceptive and fraudulent practices (Art. 11.10 p. 93)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 097,097,097,097,BAFTAAGRIC,Baltic Free Trade Area (BAFTA) agriculture,1996,BAFTA (agricultural goods) 1996.pdf,EE-LV-LT,EE-LV-LT,0,1,1997,1,2004,0,,,,BAFTA Agricultural Goods,,,,,,2,3,3,3,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,Intention to participate actively in the process of integration in Europe; Objective to preserve and protect the environment and to ensure an optimal use of natural resources in accordance with the principle of sustainable growth,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit, justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 8)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Scientific and technical co-operation in agriculture and related fields (Art. 18),,,,,,,,,,,,, 098,098,098,098,BAFTAINDUST,Baltic Free Trade Area (BAFTA) industrial,1993,BAFTA (industrial) 1993.pdf,EE-LV-LT,EE-LV-LT,0,1,1994,1,2004,1,Estonia Latvia Lithuania,36326,GATT Art. XXIV,BAFTA Industrial Goods,Baltic Free Trade Agreement (BAFTA) (broadened to cover agricultural products on 1/1/1997) (additional protocol eliminating NTBs entered into force on 7/1/1998),FTA,2,FTA,2,2,3,3,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,"Commitment to the idea of creating the State based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe ",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: Improving of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"Objective of the Agreement: economic aid in the environment protection (Art. 1); The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit, justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 8)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: Improving of living conditions and scientific cooperation (Art. 1),Annexes and the Protocols have not been added,,,,,,,,,,,, 099,099,099,099,BAFTANTB,Baltic Free Trade Area (BAFTA) Non Tariff Barriers,1997,BAFTA (NonTariff Barriers) 1997.pdf,EE-LV-LT,EE-LV-LT,0,1,1998,1,2004,0,,,,BAFTA Non Tarriff Barriers,,,,,,2,3,3,3,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Ultimate objective of the Parties is to become members of the European Union, emphasis on the need for improving regional co-operation; Reducing the differences existing between the various regions and the backwardness of the less favoured regions",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of the Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of legitimate objectives such as the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 4); Where relevant international standards concerning technical regulations exist or their completion is imminent, the Parties shall use them except where they are inappropriate for such reasons as the environment or fundamental climatic factors (Art. 14)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 100,100,100,100,BANGKOK,Bangkok Agreement,1975,Bangkok Agreement 1975.pdf,IN-BD-KR-LA-LK-PH-TH,IN-BD-KR-LA-LK-PH-TH,0,1,1976,1,NA,1,Asia Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA),28066,Enabling Clause,Bangkok Agreement (now known as APTA),"Asia Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA) ""Bangkok Agreement""",PTA_PSA,1,PTA,1,2,7,21,3,2,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Expanding investment and production opportunities through benefits to be gained from specialization and economies of scales thus providing greater opportunities of employment and securing higher living standards for their populations; Reference to resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations establishing the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade and the Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order and the Programme of Action for the Establishment of a New International Economic Order; the Concerted Declaration on Trade Expansion, Economic Co-operation and Regional Integration among Developing Countries adopted at UNCTAD 11",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent any Participating State from taking action and adopting measures which it considers necessary for the protection of its national security (exception) (Art.30, p.9)",0,,"The objectives of this Agreement are to promote economic development; further economic co-operation (Art.2, p.2); Any Participating State may grant to another Participating State, which is considered by the United Nations to be a least developed country, special concessions (Art.5, p.2; Art.11, p.4); Industrial cooperation agreements (Art, 11, p.4; Art.12, p.5); Committee may request the technical advice and the co-operation of national and international organizations (Art.19, p.7)",Annexes missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 100,100+1,10001,975,BANGKOK_p1,Bangkok Agreement China accession,2001,,IN-BD-KR-LA-LK-CN,IN-BD-KR-LA-LK-CN,0,0,2002,0,,1,Asia Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA) Accession of China,38107,Enabling Clause,Bangkok Agreement (now APTA) Accession of China,,A,,PTA,,5,6,5,3,2,1,0,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Expanding investment and production opportunities through benefits to be gained from specialization and economies of scales thus providing greater opportunities of employment and securing higher living standards for their populations; Reference to resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations establishing the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade and the Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order and the Programme of Action for the Establishment of a New International Economic Order; the Concerted Declaration on Trade Expansion, Economic Co-operation and Regional Integration among Developing Countries adopted at UNCTAD 11",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent any Participating State from taking action and adopting measures which it considers necessary for the protection of its national security (exception) (Art.30, p.9)",0,,"The objectives of this Agreement are to promote economic development; further economic co-operation (Art.2, p.2); Any Participating State may grant to another Participating State, which is considered by the United Nations to be a least developed country, special concessions (Art.5, p.2; Art.11, p.4); Industrial cooperation agreements (Art, 11, p.4; Art.12, p.5); Committee may request the technical advice and the co-operation of national and international organizations (Art.19, p.7)",Annexes missing,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,795,795,BGD_IND,Bangladesh India,1980,,BD-IN,BD-IN,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,2,,3,2,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"The two Governments agree to cooperate effectively with each other to prevent infringement and circumvention of the laws, rules and regulations of either country in regard to matters relating to foreign exchange and foreign trade (Art. 10)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 843,843,810,810,BIMSTEC,Bay of Bengal Initiative for MultiSectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC),2004,,BT-IN-MM-NP-LK-TH,BT-IN-MM-NP-LK-TH,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,6,,3,2,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Promoting technical cooperation; Special and differential treatment for the least developed countries,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Facilitating the more effective economic integration of the least developed countries in the region and to bridge the development gap among the Parties (Art. 1, Art. 2); Cooperation in the fields of technology, communication, energy and tourism (Art. 6); Capacity building programmes and technical assistance particularly for the least developed countries (Art. 6)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 108,108+3,10803,979,BLR_RUS2_p1a,Belarus Kazakh Kyrgyz Russia CU Tajikistan accession,1998,,BY-KZ-RU-KG-TJ,BY-KZ-RU-KG-TJ,0,0,,1,2001,0,,,,,Belarus Russia Kazakh Kyrgyz CU Accession of Tajikistan (evolves into EAEC),A,,,,5,5,4,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 705,705,705,705,BLR_KAZ,Belarus Kazakhstan,1997,,BY-KZ,BY-KZ,0,0,1999,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 104,104,104,104,BLR_KAZ_RUS,Belarus Kazakhstan Russia,2009,,BY-KZ-RU,BY-KZ-RU,0,0,2010,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,3,3,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 105,105,105,105,BLR_KGZ,Belarus Kyrgyzstan,1999,,BY-KG,BY-KG,0,0,2000,,,0,,,,,Belarus Kyrgyz Republic,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 106,106,106,106,BLR_MDA,Belarus Moldova,1993,,BY-MD,BY-MD,0,0,1994,,,0,,,,,Belarus Moldova,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 107,107,107,107,BLR_RUS1,Belarus Russia,1992,,BY-RU,BY-RU,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Belarus Russia FTA,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 108,108,108,108,BLR_RUS2,Belarus Russia,1995,,BY-RU,BY-RU,0,0,,1,1999,0,,,,,Belarus Russia CU (evolves into EAEC),CU,,,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 109,109,109,109,BLR_RUS3,Belarus Russia (Union State),1999,Belarus Russia 1999 (Union State).pdf,BY-RU,BY-RU,0,1,2000,0,,0,,,,,Belarus Russia Unified State,CU,3,,,1,2,1,3,1,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,The formation of the Union State shall permit a united effort in the interests of the social and economic progress of both States; Desire to live in peace and good-neighbourliness with other states; Reference to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations,1,Combating corruption (Art. 18),0,,1,"A coordinated social policy including employment, working conditions and safety procedures, social security and insurance (Art. 18); Unified labour legislation and legislation on social protection and pensions shall apply within the Union State (Art. 31)",0,,1,"Environmental protection: Joint action in the sphere of environmental security, prevention of natural and manmade disasters and elimination of their consequences, including the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station (Art. 18)",0,,1,"The purpose of the Union State is to respect at all times basic human and civil rights and freedoms in accordance with the universally acknowledged principles and norms of international law (Art. 2); In the Union State, human and civil rights and freedoms shall be guaranteed in accordance with the universally acknowledged principles and norms of international law (Art. 14); For purposes of promoting the exercise and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Union State, a Commission on Human Rights shall be established (Art. 16); Exercise and protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens of the Union State (Art. 18)",1,"Reference to the universally acknowledged principles and norms of international law (unspecified) (Art. 2, Art. 14)",1,"The Agreement shall mark a new stage in the process of unification of the peoples of the two countries into a democratic State ruled by law (Art. 1); The purposes of the Union State is to ensure the democratic development of the fraternal peoples of the participating States and to establish a single legal system appropriate to a democratic State (Art. 2); The Union State shall be based on the principles of sovereign equality of the participating States (Art. 3); Establishing of common institutions such as a supreme State Council, a Parliament, a Council of Ministers, a Court and a Board of Audit of the Union State (Art. 4); The Union State shall be a secular, democratic, social State ruled by law in which political and ideological diversity are recognized (Art. 5); Citizens of the Union State shall have the right to elect and be elected to the Parliament of the Union State as well as to establish public associations of the Union (Art. 14); Coordination and cooperation in the foreign policy field in relation to the implementation of the present Treaty, cooperation in the implementation of democratic transformations (Art. 18); Organs of the Union State, their tasks and processes: The Supreme State Council (Art. 34, Art. 35, Art. 36, Art. 37); the Parliament of the Union State (Art. 38, Art. 39, Art. 40, Art. 41, Art. 42, Art. 43); the Council of Ministers (Art. 44, Art. 45, Art. 46, Art. 47, Art. 48); the Court of the Union State (Art. 50, Art. 51, Art. 52, Art. 53, Art. 54); the Board of Audit (Art. 55, Art. 56)",0,,1,"The purposes of the Union State is to ensure the peaceful development of the fraternal peoples of the participating States, to pursue a coordinated foreign and defence policy, and to ensure the security of the Union State (Art. 2); The participating States shall ensure the integrity and inviolability of the territory of the Union State (Art. 7); Drafting and placement of joint defence orders, a unified system of technical support for the armed forces of the participating States, operation of a regional grouping of troops, the border policy of the Union State (Art. 17); Joint defence policy, coordination of activity in the area of military construction, developmentof the armed forces of the participating States, joint utilization of military infrastructure, combating terrorism etc. (Art. 18)",1,Implementation of international agreements concluded by the participating States on issues of armed forces reduction and arms limitation (unspecified) (Art. 18),"The purposes of the Union State is to raise well-being and the standard of living, to establish a single economic space in order to ensure socio-economic development, to pursue a coordinated social policy aimed at creating conditions that ensure life in dignity and the free development of the person, and to combat crime; (Art. 2); A joint policy in terms of statistical and accounting reports, unified data banks (Art. 17); Development of science, education and culture and creation of equal conditions for the preservation and development of the distinctive ethnic, cultural and linguistic features of peoples, a coordinated social policy including migration, combating drug distribution and other types of crimes (Art. 18)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 108,108+1,10801,980,BLR_RUS2_p1b,Belarus Russia CU Kazakhstan accession,1996,,BY-RU-KZ,BY-RU-KZ,0,0,,1,1999,0,,,,,,,,,,5,3,2,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 108,108+2,10802,981,BLR_RUS2_p1c,Belarus Russia Kazakhstan CU Kyrgyz Republic accession,1996,,BY-KZ-RU-KG,BY-KZ-RU-KG,0,0,,1,1999,0,,,,,Belarus Russia Kazakhstan CU Accession of Kyrgyz Republic (evolves into EAEC),A,,,,5,4,3,3,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 112,112,112,112,BLR_SRB,Belarus Serbia,2009,Belarus Serbia 2009.pdf,BY-RS,BY-RS,0,1,2009,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of conditions for the respective citizens (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions for the respective citizens, increasing the employment rates in the field of production (Art. 1)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 113,113,113,113,BLR_TJK,Belarus Tajikistan,1998,,BY-TJ,BY-TJ,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Belarus Tajikistan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 114,114,114,114,BLR_UKR,Belarus Ukraine,1992,Belarus Ukraine 1992 (2005 version).pdf,BY-UA,BY-UA,0,1,2006,0,,1,Ukraine Belarus,39678,GATT Art. XXIV,Belarus Ukraine,Belarus Ukraine,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Ensure complete employment,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 115,115,115,115,BLZ_GTM,Belize Guatemala,2006,Belize Guatemala 2006.PDF,BZ-GT,BZ-GT,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Strenghten cultural relations between the Parties,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 706,706,706,706,BENELUX,Benelux Economic Union,1958,Benelux Economic Union 1958.pdf,BE-NL-LU,BE-NL-LU,0,1,1960,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,3,3,1,1,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Desirous of pursuing coordinated policies in the economic financial and social domains and achieving the most satisfactory level of employment and highest standard of living consistent with monetary stability; Aware that economic progress must promote human and social well-being; ,1,"The High Contracting Parties shall assist each other in the application of laws and regulations concerning the import, export and transit of goods and payments related thereto, as well as for the prevention and punishment of offenses (Art.76, p.15); Mutual assistance for the prevention and punishment of crimes (Art.83, p.16)",0,,1,"The nationals of each High Contracting Party are to enjoy the treatment accorded to nationals of the country they are in in respect of working conditions, social security (Art.2, p.2); The treatment of nationals of the High Contracting Parties regarding the exercize of gainful employment and the benefit of social security is to be determined by agreement between the High Contracting Parties (Art.60, p.12); Restoration of social provisions for people and maximum protection and social security (Art.70, p.14); Regarding the benefits of social security, nationals of each of the High Contracting Parties are to be treated in accordance with the multilateral conventions (unspecified) to which they are parties (Protocol/Memorandum of Execution, Art.4, p.33)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The High Contracting Parties determine the conditions for the entry, exit, stay and establishment of nationals of other High Contracting Parties with regards to security (Art.55, p.11)",0,,"Coordination of social policy (Art.1, p.2; Art.8, p.3; Art.70, p.14); Nationals of all High Contracting Parties to have the same treatement regarding their enjoyment of civil rights (Art.2, p.2); Coordination of laws and regulations not covered by paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article (unspecified) (Art.11, p.3); Statistical cooperation (Art.90, p.18)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 116,116,116,116,BTN_IND5,Bhutan India,2006,Bhutan India 2006.pdf,BT-IN,BT-IN,0,1,2006,0,,1,India Bhutan,39629,Enabling Clause,Bhutan-India,,,,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Measures against import of contrabands (Export procedure) (p. 6),,,,,,,,,,,,, 117,117,117,117,BTN_IND2,Bhutan India,1972,Bhutan India 1972.pdf,BT-IN,BT-IN,0,1,1972,1,2006,0,,,,,Bhutan India Agreement on Trade and Commerce (renewed periodically with modifications) (current agreement operational as of 7/29/06 for a period of ten years),FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Convinced of the benefits which can accrue to their people from the expansion of trade and from collaboration in economic development,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The two Governments will identify the areas of co-operation and complementarily in their industrial and commercial plans, with a view to further the economic development of Bhutan (Art. 2); The Government of India agrees to provide technical and financial assistance to the Royal Government of Bhutan for the development and diversification of Bhutan’s economy (Art. 3)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 707,707,707,707,BTN_IND1,Bhutan India,1949,,BT-IN,BT-IN,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 708,708,708,708,BTN_IND3,Bhutan India,1983,,BT-IN,BT-IN,0,0,1984,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 709,709,709,709,BTN_IND4,Bhutan India,1990,,BT-IN,BT-IN,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 118,118,118,118,BOL_BRA,Bolivia Brazil,1994,,BO-BR,BO-BR,0,0,1994,1,1997,0,,,,,"Bolivia Brazil (ECA 26, leads to ECA 36)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"""convinced of the need to strengthen the Latin American integration process in order to reach the goals of the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980, through the celebration of bilateral and multilateral agreements"";",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""facilitate the attraction of external finacial services""(art. 1.e); ""facilitate technological transfer and horizontal cooperation"" (Art. 1.f); ""Coordinate action to facilitate transportation"" (Art. 1.g);""facilitate the the activity of official and private missions, the organization of fairs and exhibitions, the realization of informative workshops, market studies.."" (Art. 17); Chapter XI on technological cooperation: ""facilitate and support colaboration and joint initiatives on science and technology as well as joint research projects"" (Art.22); ""the countries will establish reciprocal technical assistance programmes"" (Art.23);",,,,,,,,,,,,, 119,119,119,119,BOL_CHL,Bolivia Chile,1993,Bolivia Chile 1993.pdf,BO-CL,BO-CL,0,1,1993,0,,0,,,,Bolivia Chile,Bolivia Chile Preferential Trade Agreement (ECA 22),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Fostering the integration process of Latin America,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Economic cooperation concerning the preservation of the environment (Art. 19; Protocol 6 on Economic Cooperation Art. 5 p. 29),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Economic cooperation concerning security norms (Art. 19),0,,"Energetic cooperation: electric, geothermic and hidrocarobonic (Art. 15, Art. 16); Buying Bolivian gas and constructiong gas pipelines (Art. 17); Economic cooperation in the fields of public health, tourism (Art. 19); First Protocol on Cooperation in Tourism (p. 14f); Protocol 6 on Cooperation in Science and Technology (p. 28-31)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 120,120,120,120,BOL_CUB1,Bolivia Cuba,1995,,BO-CU,BO-CU,0,0,,1,2000,0,,,,,"Bolivia Cuba (PSA 34, subsumed in ECA 47)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo; ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""facilitate the the activity of official and private missions, the organization of fairs and exhibitions, the realization of informative workshops, market studies.."" (Art. 24); ","There is an additional agreement at the end on Investment, but it is not labelled Protocol or Annex, ",,,,,,,,,,,, 121,121,121,121,BOL_CUB2,Bolivia Cuba,2000,Bolivia Cuba 2000.pdf,BO-CU,BO-CU,0,1,2001,0,,0,,,,,Bolivia Cuba (ECA 47),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Deepening the regional integration process,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objective of the Agreement: Reaching a better level of integration between the two countries in order to lauch joint actions of cooperation (Art. 1); Investment compensation when there is loss due to war, an armed confliced, civil turmoils, a national emergency etc. (Art. 5 p. 9) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 122,122,122,122,BOL_MRCSR,Bolivia MERCOSUR,1995,,BO-AR-BR-PY-UY,BO-AR-BR-PY-UY,0,0,1996,1,1997,0,,,,,"Bolivia and Chile MERCOSUR (ECA 34, regionally extending preferences granted in previous arrangements) (subsumed and replaced by ECA 35 and ECA 36)",PTA/PSA,,,,3,5,4,3,4,,,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"""need to strengthen the Latin American integration process""; ""economica integration is essential… in order advance in economic and social development, ensuring a better quality of life for their peoples""",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""Business agreements should refer…to those activities … that fulfill some or all of the following features: c) activities related to the defence and protection of the environment"" (Art. 28)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""promote the development and use of physical infrastructure… especially fluvial and terrestrial transportation"" (Art. 1); ""promote economic, scientific, and technological cooperation and complementation"" (Art. 1); ""facilitate the the activity of official and private missions, the organization of fairs and exhibitions, the realization of informative workshops, market studies.."" (Art. 30); ""the parties will seek to facilitate and supoort forms of collaboration and joint initiatives on science and technology, as well as joint research projects. To this effect they may establish reciprocal technical assistance programmes"" (Art. 38)",Mention to multiple unavailable annexes,,,,,,,,,,,, 123,123,123,123,BOL_MRCSR,Bolivia MERCOSUR,1996,Bolivia MERCOSUR 1996.pdf,BO-AR-BR-PY-UY,BO-AR-BR-PY-UY,0,1,1997,0,,0,,,,MERCOSUR Bolivia,Bolivia MERCOSUR Free Trade Agreement (ECA 36),FTA,2,,,3,5,4,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,Fostering the integration process of Latin America; Economic integration as an essential instrument for social development and better living conditions in the respective countries; Democratic institutions as an essential element for the development of the regional integration process,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Service (?) agreements should be referred preferently to activities of goods production or services which relate to the preservation of the environment (Art. 28) ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Fostering cooperation in the fields of energy, science and technology (Art. 1); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 38); Development of regional touristic programs (Art. 3 p. 13); Penalties for falsification or adulteration of certificates of origin (Art. 23 p. 43 / p. 119) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 123,123+1,12301,837,BOL_MRCSR_p1,Bolivia MERCOSUR Venezuela accession,2006,,BO-AR-BR-PY-UY-VE,BO-AR-BR-PY-UY-VE,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,6,5,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,Fostering the integration process of Latin America; Economic integration as an essential instrument for social development and better living conditions in the respective countries; Democratic institutions as an essential element for the development of the regional integration process,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Service (?) agreements should be referred preferently to activities of goods production or services which relate to the preservation of the environment (Art. 28) ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Fostering cooperation in the fields of energy, science and technology (Art. 1); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 38); Development of regional touristic programs (Art. 3 p. 13); Penalties for falsification or adulteration of certificates of origin (Art. 23 p. 43 / p. 119) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 124,124,124,124,BOL_MEX,Bolivia Mexico,1994,Bolivia Mexico 1995.PDF,BO-MX,BO-MX,0,1,1995,1,2010,0,,,,,Bolivia Mexico FTA (ECA 31),FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Fostering Latin American integration; Creating new working opportunities, improving working and living conditions in the respective territories; Protecting fundamental workers' rights; Emphasis on the protection and conservation of the environment; Safeguarding public welfare",1,"Penalties: Maintaining measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations related to the provisions of Chapter 6 on Customs Procedures (Art. 6-09)",0,,0,,0,,1,Environmental protection and dealing with substances dangerous for the environment (Art. 13-12); Investment and environment: ensuring that investment activities observe legislation stipulations concerning the environment (Art. 15-14),1,Reference to the rules of international agreements of which the Parties are members including those concerning the environment (unspecified) (Art. 13-04); Application of provisions and recommendations of the United Nations and international agreements of which the Parties are both members (unspecified) (Art. 12-14),0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Emphasis on the need to ensure border security in connection with temporary entry for business persons (Art. 11-02); Relative (investment) measures concerning security (Art. 15-14),0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: Each Party shall stipulate that a false certificate or declaration of origin made by an exporter or producer produce the same administrative consequences as would false declarations or statements made in its territory by an importer in violation of its Customs laws and regulations (Art. 6-04); A Party may prevent a transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 12-17, Art. 15-08)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 125,125,125,125,BOL_PRY,Bolivia Paraguay,1994,Bolivia Paraguay 1994.pdf,BO-PY,BO-PY,0,1,1994,1,1997,0,,,,,"Bolivia Paraguay (ECA 29, leads to ECA 36)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"""need to strengthen the Latin-American integration process in order to reach the goals of the Treaty of Montevideo""",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Art 11.c: ""activities related to the protection and preservation of the environment""",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""facilitate technological transfer and horizontal cooperation"" (Art. 1.f); ""coordinate actions to facilitate transportation"" (Art. 1.g); ""establish programmes of commercial diffusion and promotion, facilitating activities of official and private missions, the organization of exhibitions and fairs, the organization of information workshops, and market studies"" (art 25); Chapter 9 deals with cooperation in the mater of stimulation of investment; Chapter 10 deals with Technologic cooperation, and the parties ""commit to facilitate and support forms of collaboration and joint initiatives in science and technology as well as joint research projects"" (art 31), Art 32 establishes programs of technical assistance; ","Mention of annexes, not available. ",,,,,,,,,,,, 126,126,126,126,BOL_URY,Bolivia Uruguay,1991,Bolivia Uruguay 1991.pdf,BO-PY,BO-PY,0,1,1991,1,1997,0,,,,,"Bolivia Uruguay (ECA 15, leads to ECA 36)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"""multidisciplinary exchange that fosters economic and social development of both countries""; ""Incentivise technological use through horizontal cooperation""; Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo as the framework for the agreement; ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""facilitate technological transfer and horizontal cooperation"" (Art. 1.7); ""coordinate actions to facilitate transportation"" (Art. 1.8); Chapter 10 deals with Technological exchange, and promotes programs of reciprocal technical assistance (art 28); ""establish programmes of commercial diffusion and promotion, facilitating activities of official and private missions, the organization of exhibitions and fairs, the organization of information workshops, and market studies"" (art 29(",,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,796,796,BORNEO,Borneo Free Trade Area ,1961,Borneo Free Trade Area 1961.pdf,MY,MY,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,3,2,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"The provisions of this Article shall not prevent any Participating Government from taking such measures as are necessary to prevent evasion, by means of transfer and export, of duties which it applies to exports to territories outside the Area or to prevent serious injury to its revenues (Art.8, p.7; Art.12, p.8) Participating Governments undertake to introduce legislation making such provision as may be necessary for penalities against persons who furnish or cause to be furnished a document which is untrue in a material particular in support of a claim in the territory of another Participating Government that goods should be accepted as eligible for Area tariff treatment (Appendix A, Rule 9, p.17)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of non-residents where such measures are justified by reasons of national security (exception) (Art.15, p.8)",0,,"Objectives of the agreement: sustained expansion of economic activity, increased productivity and the rational use of resources, financial stability and a continuous improvement in living standards (Art.2, p.3); Nothing in Articles 11 and 12 shall prevent the adoption of or enforcement by any Participating Government of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder and crime (exception) (Art.13, p.8)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 128,128,128,128,BIH_BGR,Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria,2003,Bosnia Herzegovina Bulgaria 2003.pdf,BG-BA,BG-BA,0,1,2004,1,2006,1,Bulgaria Bosnia and Herzegovina,11-Mar-05,GATT Art. XXIV,Bulgaria Bosnia and Herzegovina,Bosnia+Herzogovina Bulgaria,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,Eonomic integration in Europe as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe,0,,0,,1,The improvement of employment conditions as objective of the Agreement (Art. 1),0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 19)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,The improvement of living conditions as an objective of the Agreement (Art. 1),Annexes and protocola are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 129,129,129,129,BIH_HRV,Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia,2000,Bosnia Herzegovina Croatia 2000.pdf,BA-HR,BA-HR,0,1,2001,1,2007,1,Croatia Bosnia and Herzegovina,06-Oct-03,GATT Art. XXIV,Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia,Bosnia+Herzegovina Croatia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to contribute to the strengthening of European integration processes in Southeast Europe, Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; commitment to basic democratic principles and human rights",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 18), The Contracting Parties shall apply the provisions of regulations for mutual trade in goods, which pollute the environment originating in the Contracting Parties (Art. 19)",1,"Reference to international agreements and conventions for mutual trade in goods, which pollute the environment(unspecified) (Art. 19)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Increasing the standard of living and employment as an objective of the Agreement (Art. 1),Annexes and protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 130,130,130,130,BIH_EC,Bosnia and Herzegovina EC SAA,2008,Bosnia Herzegovina EC SAA 2008.pdf,BA-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EE-LV-LT-CY-MT-CZ-SI-SK-HU-PL-BG-RO,BA-EU,1,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,3,28,27,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Allowing Bosnia and Herzegovina to strengthen and extend the already established relationship with the European Union,1,"Emphasis on administrative coopration to combat irregularities and fraud in customs and related matters, consequences if such administrative cooporation fails (Art. 29); Protocol 4 on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters: preventing, investigating and combating operations in breach of that legislation (Art. 2); Assistance on request regarding activities which are operations in breach of customs legislation including surveillance of natural or legal persons, goods and means of transport (Art. 3); Sponanteous assistance if there are activities which are or appear to be operations in breach of customs legislation (Art. 4); Form and substance of requests for assistance to combat breach of customs legislation (Art. 5); Execution of requests to assist against breaches of customs legislation (Art. 6)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 1),1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1)",1,"Respect for democratic principles (Art. 1); Respect for principles of international law, including full cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the rule of law (Art. 1)",1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1)",0,,0,,Bosnia and Herzegovina should foster its regional cooperation with any other country candidate for EU accession not concerned by the Stabilisation and Association process (Art. 52),,,,,,,,,,,,, 710,710,710,710,BIH_KV,Bosnia and Herzegovina Kosovo,2006,,BA-KV,BA-KV,0,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 131,131,131,131,BIH_MKD,Bosnia and Herzegovina Macedonia,2002,Bosnia Herzegovina Macedonia 2002.pdf,BA-MK,BA-MK,0,1,2002,1,2007,1,Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Bosnia and Herzegovina,11-May-05,GATT Art. XXIV,Bosnia-Herzegovina Macedonia (FYROM),Bosnia+Herzegovina FYR of Macedonia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Active participation in the process of European integration,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Applying provisions of the regulations in accordance to the international agreements and conventions to mutual goods exchange originating in the Contracting Parties which contaminate human environment (Art. 33),1,Reference to international agreements and conventions (unspecified) (Art. 33),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Raising the standard of living of the population as objective of the Agreement (Art. 1); Protocol A: Verification of proofs of origin when there are reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Art. 32), Penalties for any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect information (Art. 34)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 711,711,711,711,BIH_MKD,Bosnia and Herzegovina Macedonia,1997,,BA-MK,BA-MK,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 132,132,132,132,BIH_MDA,Bosnia and Herzegovina Moldova,2002,Bosnia Herzegovina Moldova 2002.pdf,BA-MD,BA-MD,0,1,2004,1,2007,1,Moldova Bosnia and Herzegovina,38380,GATT Art. XXIV,Moldova Bosnia & Herzegovina,Bosnia+Herzegovina Moldova,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on observance of the rules, rights and basic human liberties of the state governed by the rule of law; Agreement shall contribute to the process of European integration",0,,0,,1,Improvement of working conditions as an objective of the Agreement (Art. 1),0,,1,"The provisions of the Agreement shall not prevent from applying prohibitions or restrictions on import, export, or goods in transit justified on grounds of environment protection (added to exceptions) (Art. 19)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living standards as an objective of the Agreement (Art. 1),Annexes and protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 133,133,133,133,BIH_ROU,Bosnia and Herzegovina Romania,2003,Bosnia Herzogovina Romania 2003.pdf,BA-RO,BA-RO,0,1,2003,1,2006,1,Romania Bosnia and Herzegovina,38397,GATT Art. XXIV,Bosnia and Herzegovina Romania,Bosnia+Herzegovina Romania,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Fostering economic integration in Europe as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions as an objective of the Agreement (Art. 1),0,,1,"The provisions of the Agreement shall not prevent from applying prohibitions or restrictions on import, export, or goods in transit justified on grounds of environment protection (added to exceptions) (Art. 19)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions as an objective of the Agreement (Art. 1),Annexes and protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 134,134,134,134,BIH_SRB_MNE,Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia Montenegro,2002,Bosnia Herzegovina Serbia Montenegro 2002.pdf,BA-RS,BA-RS,0,1,2002,1,2007,0,,,,,Bosnia+Herzegovina Serbia+Montenegro,FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,Respect of fundamental principles of democracy and human rights; Commitment to contribute strengthening of integration processes in Southeast Europe; Agreement shall contribute to the integration process in Europe,0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The provisions of the Agreement shall not prevent from applying prohibitions or restrictions on import, export, or goods in transit justified on grounds of environment protection (added to exceptions) (Art. 14); For mutual traffic of goods originating in the Contracting Parties, which contaminate human environment, the Contracting Parties shall apply provisions of the regulations in accordance with international agreements and conventions (Art. 15)",1,Reference to international agreements and conventions (unspecified) (Art. 15),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Arrangements for administrative customs cooperation (protocol): Verification of proofs of origin such as the authenticity of documents or if an invoice declaration is incorrect etc (Art. 31); Penalties for persons who draw up a document which contains incorrect information (Art. 33),,,,,,,,,,,,, 135,135,135,135,BIH_SVN,Bosnia and Herzegovina Slovenia,2001,Bosnia Herzegovina Slovenia 2001.pdf,BA-SI,BA-SI,0,1,2002,1,2004,1,Slovenia Bosnia and Herzegovina,37277,GATT Art. XXIV,Bosnia and Herzegovina Slovenia,Bosnia+Herzegovina Slovenia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Emphasis on economic integration in Europe as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Agreement shall contribute to the process of the Parties integration in Europe",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 13)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),"Annexes, protocols and amendments are not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 136,136,136,136,BIH_TUR,Bosnia and Herzegovina Turkey,2002,Bosnia Herzegovina Turkey 2002.pdf,BA-TR,BA-TR,0,1,2003,0,,1,Turkey Bosnia and Herzegovina,37862,GATT Art. XXIV,Turkey Bosnia and Herzegovina,Bosnia+Herzegovina Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Economic integration in Europe as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions as an objective of the Agreement (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 13)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions as an objective of the Agreement (Art. 1),Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 137,137,137,137,BWA_ZWE,Botswana Zimbabwe,1988,,BW-ZW,BW-ZW,0,0,,0,,0,,,,,Botswana Zimbabwe Trade Agreement (B/ZTA),PTA,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 138,138,138,138,BRA_CUB1,Brazil Cuba,1989,Brazil Cuba 1989_Portuguese.pdf,BR-CU,BR-CU,0,1,,1,2000,0,,,,,"Brazil Cuba (PSA 21, leads to ECA 43)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Signed according to the guidelines of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI). Annexes are not included in the text,,,,,,,,,,,, 139,139,139,139,BRA_CUB2,Brazil Cuba,1999,Brazil Cuba 1999.pdf,BR-CU,BR-CU,0,1,2000,1,2007,0,,,,,"Brazil Cuba (ECA 43, for the most part subsumed into ECA 62, though it nominally remains in force)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140,140,140,140,BRA_GUY,Brazil Guyana,2001,Brazil Guyana 2001.pdf,BR-GY,BR-GY,0,1,2004,0,,0,,,,,Brazil Guyana (PSA 38),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 141,141,141,141,BRA_MEX2,Brazil Mexico ,2002,Brazil Mexico 2002,BR-MX,BR-MX,0,1,2003,0,,0,,,,,Brazil Mexico (ECA 53) (trade expansion agreement negotiations to expand taking place in the context of framework provided by ECA 54),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Strengthening the Latin Amercian integration process; the economic integration as a means to more economic and social development in Latin America; Securing the better living standard for the respective people,1,"Application of penal, civil or administrative sanctions for infrictions related to Chapter 4 on Regime of Origin and Border Procedures (Art. 4.33); Criminal activities: False certificates of origin done by an exporter or producer shall have the same administrative consequences as would have false declarations done by an importer in his territory by contravening laws and reglementations (Art. 4.25)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Activities of economic integration shall consider the aims and programs of the regional integration process (Art. 7.1),No Annexes added,,,,,,,,,,,, 712,712,712,712,BRA_MEX1,Brazil Mexico ,1983,,BR-MX,BR-MX,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 142,142,142,142,BRA_PER,Brazil Peru,1993,Brazil Peru 1993_Portuguese.pdf,BR-PE,BR-PE,0,1,,1,1999,0,,,,,"Brazil Peru (ECA 25, leads to ECA 39, then leads to ECA 58)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Art. 10c makes a provision for enhancing environmental issues as the economic integration among the parties advance,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Economic development (with provisions on technological cooperation, investment, and enhancement of transport networks)",Signed according to the guidelines of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI),,,,,,,,,,,, 143,143,143,143,BRA_SUR,Brazil Suriname,2005,Brazil Suriname 2005.pdf,BR-SR,BR-SR,0,1,2006,0,,0,,,,,"Brazil Suriname (PSA 41, deals with rice)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 144,144,144,144,BRA_URY2,Brazil Uruguay,1986,Brazil Uruguay 1986,BR-UY,BR-UY,0,1,1986,1,1991,0,,,,,Brazil Uruguay (ECA 2) (scope of agreement likely overtaken by ECA 18 (MERCOSUR)),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes I to IV are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 792,792,792,792,BRA_URY1,Brazil Uruguay,1982,Brazil Uruguay 1982,BR-UY,BR-UY,0,1,,1,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 145,145,145,145,BRA_VEN,Brazil Venezuela,1994,,BR-VE,BR-VE,0,0,1994,1,1999,0,,,,,"Brazil Venezuela (ECA 27, leads to ECA 39, then leads to ECA 59)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"""considering the need to strengthen the Latin American integration process"";",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""the countries will create the conditions to stimulate joint investment that allow the development of productive activities…, including those referring to defence and preservation of the environment"" (Art. 9)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""support mechanisms to promote investments between both countries"" (Art. 1.d); ""armonization of customs systems"" (Art. 12); ""facilitate the the activity of official and private missions, the organization of fairs and exhibitions, the realization of informative workshops, market studies.."" (Art. 13); ""facilitate and support forms of collaboration and joint initiatives on science and technology, as wel as joint research projects"" (Art. 17)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 146,146,146,146,BRN_JPN,Brunei Japan,2007,Brunei Japan 2007.pdf,BN-JP,BN-JP,0,1,2008,0,,1,Brunei Darussalam Japan,39660,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Brunei Darussalam Japan,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Economic development, social development and environmental protection as interdependent and mutually reinforcing components of a sustainable development",1,"Assisting each other through the respective customs authorities to ensure proper application of customs laws, and to prevent, investigate and repress any violation or attempted violation of customs laws (Art. 2 p. 709)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Each Party recognises that it is inappropriate to encourage investments by investors of the other Party by relaxing its environmental measures (Art. 71); Environmental Aspects in the energy sector: minimising in an economically efficient manner, harmful environmental impacts of all activities related to energy, taking into account of environmental considerations throughout the process of formulation and implementation of its policy on energy etc (Art. 93); Cooperation in the fields of environment (Art. 102); Recognising the importance of a sustainable development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (Art. 14 p. 714); Recognising the importance of strengthening capacity to protect the environment and promote sustainable development, and the critical role of multilateral environmental agreements (Art. 24 p. 719); Areas and forms of cooperation in the field of environment (Art. 25 p. 719)",1,"Reference to international agreements concerning environment to which Brunei and Japan are a party (unspecified) (Art. 93); Reference to multilateral environmental agreements (unspecified) (Art. 24 p. 719)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Cooperation and exchanging information with each other in the field of customs procedures, including the enforcement against the trafficking of prohibited goods (Art. 53); Delaying or preventing money transfers through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offences or obligations of investors arising from social security (Art. 65); Promoting cooperation for the well-being of the peoples of both Parties (Art. 101); Cooperation in the fields of tourism, education and human resource development, information and communications technology, science and technology, land transportation (Art. 102); Cooperation through the respective customs authorities in the area of research, development, and testing of new customs procedures etc. (Art. 2 p. 709); Promotion of the use of information and communications technology in customs procedures (Art. 3 p. 709); Enforcement against the trafficking of illicit drugs (Art. 5 p. 709); Cooperation in the field of energy (Art. 9 p. 711); Recognising the importance of securing stable food supply (Art. 14 p. 714); Areas of cooperation may include the development and promotion of technologies relating to agriculture, forestry and fisheries, promoting capacity building for agriculture, forestry and fisheries etc. (Art. 15 p. 714); Cooperation in order to promote and develop tourism in the Countries (Art. 16 p. 715), Areas and forms of cooperation in the field of tourism (Art. 17 p. 715); Cooperation in the field of education and human resource development (Art. 18 p. 716); Areas and forms of cooperation in the field of education and human resource development (Art. 19 p. 716); Developing and promoting cooperation for peaceful purpose, in the field of science and technology (Art. 22 p. 718); Areas and forms of cooperation in the fields of science and technology (Art. 23 p. 718)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 147,147,147,147,BGR_CZE,Bulgaria Czech Republic,1995,,BG-CZ,BG-CZ,0,0,1996,1,2004,1,Czech Republic Bulgaria Free Trade Agreement,29-May-97,GATT Art. XXIV,,Czech Republic Bulgaria FTA,FTA,,FTA,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,"Acknowledging that the process of economic integration is an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Convinced that this Agreement will foster the process of integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes Ia to VII and the Protocols 1 to 4 are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 148,148,148,148,BGR_EC,Bulgaria EC,1993,Bulgaria EC 1993.pdf,BG-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT,BG-EU,1,1,1993,1,2006,1,EC Bulgaria,23-Dec-94,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EC Bulgaria,EC Bulgaria(Europe Agreement),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,13,12,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing Bulgaria to take part in the process of European integration; Emphasis on the emergence of a new democracy in Bulgaria based on the rule of law and human rights, political pluralism and a pluralist multi-party system involving free and democratic elections, strengthening the political freedoms; the Parties commitment to the rule of law and human rights, continuation of the actual accomplishment of Bulgaria's political and legal reforms, establishing a regular political dialogue; Promoting improved contacts among the Parties citizens as well as the free flow of information and ideas to enhance in Europe a system of stability; Social and economic development and assistance for Bulgaria: financial assistance, economic restructuring and technological modernization; Cultural cooperation; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the concluding documents of Vienna and Madrid, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe and the European Energy Charter",1,"Protocol 6 on mutual assistance in customs matters: Prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of the customs legislation (Art. 2), assistance on request including information regarding operations which contravene such legislation and the surveillance of natural or legal persons, movement of goods and means of transport (Art. 3), spontaneous assistance (Art. 4), execution of requests: authorized officials obtain from the offices of the requested authority information relating to the contravention of customs legislation (Art. 7)",0,,1,"Treatment of legally employed Bulgarian workers in the EU shall be free from any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions, remuneration or dismissal (Art. 38); social security systems for workers of Bulgarian nationality: all periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such workers shall be added together for the purpose of pensions etc., any pensions or annuities in respect of old age etc. shall be freely transferable (vice vesa) (Art. 39); The approximation of laws for the protection of workers at the workplace (Art. 70); Social cooperation: improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers (Art.1, Art. 89)",0,,1,"Approximation of laws in the fields of environment (Art. 70); Economic and social development shall ensure that environmental considerations are fully incorporated (Art. 72); Energy: the promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency, consindering the environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art. 79), Nuclear Energy: radiation protection, including environmental radiation monitoring, safeguarding of nuclear materials, radioative waste management, decontamination (Art. 80); Cooperation in environmental mattes such as combating air and water pollution, waste reduction and other measures (Art. 81); Reducing the pollution level of the water of transboundary rivers, preventing all other forms of pollution of such water, promoting the effective protection of flora and fauna at the estuary of the transboundary rivers (Protocol 8 p. 87) ",1,"Reference to the Convention on the protection and use of transboundary watercourses and international lakes (Art. 81; Protocol 8 p. 87), the Basle Convention (waste management) (Art. 81); the European Environment Agency (Art. 81), the Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context (Protocol 8 p. 87)",1,Respect for human rights (Art. 6),1,Reference to Respect for the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 6),1,"Providing a framework for the political dialogue between the Parties and allowing the development of close political relations (Art. 1); Establishing a regular political dialogue to facilitate Bulgaria's full integration into the community of democratic nations and the progressive rapprochement with the Community (Art. 2); procedures, mechanisms and levels for political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5), Respect for the democratic principles (Art. 6)",1,Reference to Respect for the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 6),1,"Political dialogue shall contribute to the rapprochement of the Parties' positions on security issues to enhance security and stability in the whole of Europe (Art. 2); Restructuring of individual sectors in Bulgaria such as the conversion of the defence industry (Art. 73); Nuclear safety: upgrading Bulgaria's laws on nuclear safety and strengthening the supervisory authorities, nuclear emergency preparedness and management (Art. 80); Protocol 6: The Contracting Parties may refuse to give assistance on customs matters where to do so would be likely to prejudice security (Art. 9)",0,,"Economic development for Bulgaria: Fostering the dynamic economic development and prosperity in Bulgaria (Art. 1, Art. 72), modernizing and restructuring Bulgarias industry (Art. 73), modernization and restructuring the agro-industrial sector in Bulgaria (Art. 78); Social development (in general: Art. 72): technical assistance for the establishment of a suitable social security system in Bulgaria (Art. 44, Art. 89); Providing a framework for the gradual integration of Bulgaria into the Community (Art. 1); Access to employment for Bulgarian workers accorded by Member States ought to be preserved and if possible improved (Art. 42); Taking steps to provide for the mutual recognition of professional qualifications (Art. 47); Approximation of law in the fields of protection of health and life of humans, animals and plants, consumer protection, technical rules, nuclear law and and transport (Art. 70), technical assistance to Bulgaria for the approximation of law (Art. 71); Focus of economic cooperation on energy, transport, telecommunications, regional development and tourism (Art. 72); Regional integration: fostering cooperation between the countries of central and eastern Europe (Art. 72), cooperation on regional development for regions situated on Bulgaria's border (Art. 88); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 76); Cooperation in education and training: raising the level of education in Bulgaria, mutual recognition of diplomas etc. (Art. 77); Cooperation in the energy sector: formulation and planning of energy policy, nuclear energy etc. (Art. 79); Enabling Bulgaria to modernize its transport system and to improve the movement of passengers (Art. 82); Cooperation in telecommunications and postal services (Art. 83); Cooperation in the tourism sector (Art. 90); Cooperation in the Information and the audiovisual sector such as providing information about the Community, cross-border broadcasting etc. (Art. 92); Statistical cooperation (Art. 95); Countering the supply and illicit traffic of narcotic drugs referring to the standars of Chemical Action Task Force (Art. 97); Promoting, encouraging and facilitating cultural cooperation (Art. 1, Art. 98); Temporary financial assistance from the Community to Bulgaria with reference to the G-24, the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Art. 99, Art. 100, Art. 101, Art. 102, Art. 103, Art. 104); Establising a framework for cooperation aimed at preventing the use of their financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities (Art. 87)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 148,148+1,14801,838,BGR_EC_p3,Bulgaria EC Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BG-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE,BG-EU-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,2006,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing Bulgaria to take part in the process of European integration; Emphasis on the emergence of a new democracy in Bulgaria based on the rule of law and human rights, political pluralism and a pluralist multi-party system involving free and democratic elections, strengthening the political freedoms; the Parties commitment to the rule of law and human rights, continuation of the actual accomplishment of Bulgaria's political and legal reforms, establishing a regular political dialogue; Promoting improved contacts among the Parties citizens as well as the free flow of information and ideas to enhance in Europe a system of stability; Social and economic development and assistance for Bulgaria: financial assistance, economic restructuring and technological modernization; Cultural cooperation; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the concluding documents of Vienna and Madrid, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe and the European Energy Charter",1,"Protocol 6 on mutual assistance in customs matters: Prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of the customs legislation (Art. 2), assistance on request including information regarding operations which contravene such legislation and the surveillance of natural or legal persons, movement of goods and means of transport (Art. 3), spontaneous assistance (Art. 4), execution of requests: authorized officials obtain from the offices of the requested authority information relating to the contravention of customs legislation (Art. 7)",0,,1,"Treatment of legally employed Bulgarian workers in the EU shall be free from any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions, remuneration or dismissal (Art. 38); social security systems for workers of Bulgarian nationality: all periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such workers shall be added together for the purpose of pensions etc., any pensions or annuities in respect of old age etc. shall be freely transferable (vice vesa) (Art. 39); The approximation of laws for the protection of workers at the workplace (Art. 70); Social cooperation: improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers (Art.1, Art. 89)",0,,1,"Approximation of laws in the fields of environment (Art. 70); Economic and social development shall ensure that environmental considerations are fully incorporated (Art. 72); Energy: the promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency, consindering the environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art. 79), Nuclear Energy: radiation protection, including environmental radiation monitoring, safeguarding of nuclear materials, radioative waste management, decontamination (Art. 80); Cooperation in environmental mattes such as combating air and water pollution, waste reduction and other measures (Art. 81); Reducing the pollution level of the water of transboundary rivers, preventing all other forms of pollution of such water, promoting the effective protection of flora and fauna at the estuary of the transboundary rivers (Protocol 8 p. 87) ",1,"Reference to the Convention on the protection and use of transboundary watercourses and international lakes (Art. 81; Protocol 8 p. 87), the Basle Convention (waste management) (Art. 81); the European Environment Agency (Art. 81), the Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context (Protocol 8 p. 87)",1,Respect for human rights (Art. 6),1,Reference to Respect for the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 6),1,"Providing a framework for the political dialogue between the Parties and allowing the development of close political relations (Art. 1); Establishing a regular political dialogue to facilitate Bulgaria's full integration into the community of democratic nations and the progressive rapprochement with the Community (Art. 2); procedures, mechanisms and levels for political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5), Respect for the democratic principles (Art. 6)",1,Reference to Respect for the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 6),1,"Political dialogue shall contribute to the rapprochement of the Parties' positions on security issues to enhance security and stability in the whole of Europe (Art. 2); Restructuring of individual sectors in Bulgaria such as the conversion of the defence industry (Art. 73); Nuclear safety: upgrading Bulgaria's laws on nuclear safety and strengthening the supervisory authorities, nuclear emergency preparedness and management (Art. 80); Protocol 6: The Contracting Parties may refuse to give assistance on customs matters where to do so would be likely to prejudice security (Art. 9)",0,,"Economic development for Bulgaria: Fostering the dynamic economic development and prosperity in Bulgaria (Art. 1, Art. 72), modernizing and restructuring Bulgarias industry (Art. 73), modernization and restructuring the agro-industrial sector in Bulgaria (Art. 78); Social development (in general: Art. 72): technical assistance for the establishment of a suitable social security system in Bulgaria (Art. 44, Art. 89); Providing a framework for the gradual integration of Bulgaria into the Community (Art. 1); Access to employment for Bulgarian workers accorded by Member States ought to be preserved and if possible improved (Art. 42); Taking steps to provide for the mutual recognition of professional qualifications (Art. 47); Approximation of law in the fields of protection of health and life of humans, animals and plants, consumer protection, technical rules, nuclear law and and transport (Art. 70), technical assistance to Bulgaria for the approximation of law (Art. 71); Focus of economic cooperation on energy, transport, telecommunications, regional development and tourism (Art. 72); Regional integration: fostering cooperation between the countries of central and eastern Europe (Art. 72), cooperation on regional development for regions situated on Bulgaria's border (Art. 88); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 76); Cooperation in education and training: raising the level of education in Bulgaria, mutual recognition of diplomas etc. (Art. 77); Cooperation in the energy sector: formulation and planning of energy policy, nuclear energy etc. (Art. 79); Enabling Bulgaria to modernize its transport system and to improve the movement of passengers (Art. 82); Cooperation in telecommunications and postal services (Art. 83); Cooperation in the tourism sector (Art. 90); Cooperation in the Information and the audiovisual sector such as providing information about the Community, cross-border broadcasting etc. (Art. 92); Statistical cooperation (Art. 95); Countering the supply and illicit traffic of narcotic drugs referring to the standars of Chemical Action Task Force (Art. 97); Promoting, encouraging and facilitating cultural cooperation (Art. 1, Art. 98); Temporary financial assistance from the Community to Bulgaria with reference to the G-24, the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Art. 99, Art. 100, Art. 101, Art. 102, Art. 103, Art. 104); Establising a framework for cooperation aimed at preventing the use of their financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities (Art. 87)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 148,148+2,14802,839,BGR_EC_p10,Bulgaria EC Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,BG-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,BG-EU-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,1,2006,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing Bulgaria to take part in the process of European integration; Emphasis on the emergence of a new democracy in Bulgaria based on the rule of law and human rights, political pluralism and a pluralist multi-party system involving free and democratic elections, strengthening the political freedoms; the Parties commitment to the rule of law and human rights, continuation of the actual accomplishment of Bulgaria's political and legal reforms, establishing a regular political dialogue; Promoting improved contacts among the Parties citizens as well as the free flow of information and ideas to enhance in Europe a system of stability; Social and economic development and assistance for Bulgaria: financial assistance, economic restructuring and technological modernization; Cultural cooperation; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the concluding documents of Vienna and Madrid, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe and the European Energy Charter",1,"Protocol 6 on mutual assistance in customs matters: Prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of the customs legislation (Art. 2), assistance on request including information regarding operations which contravene such legislation and the surveillance of natural or legal persons, movement of goods and means of transport (Art. 3), spontaneous assistance (Art. 4), execution of requests: authorized officials obtain from the offices of the requested authority information relating to the contravention of customs legislation (Art. 7)",0,,1,"Treatment of legally employed Bulgarian workers in the EU shall be free from any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions, remuneration or dismissal (Art. 38); social security systems for workers of Bulgarian nationality: all periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such workers shall be added together for the purpose of pensions etc., any pensions or annuities in respect of old age etc. shall be freely transferable (vice vesa) (Art. 39); The approximation of laws for the protection of workers at the workplace (Art. 70); Social cooperation: improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers (Art.1, Art. 89)",0,,1,"Approximation of laws in the fields of environment (Art. 70); Economic and social development shall ensure that environmental considerations are fully incorporated (Art. 72); Energy: the promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency, consindering the environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art. 79), Nuclear Energy: radiation protection, including environmental radiation monitoring, safeguarding of nuclear materials, radioative waste management, decontamination (Art. 80); Cooperation in environmental mattes such as combating air and water pollution, waste reduction and other measures (Art. 81); Reducing the pollution level of the water of transboundary rivers, preventing all other forms of pollution of such water, promoting the effective protection of flora and fauna at the estuary of the transboundary rivers (Protocol 8 p. 87) ",1,"Reference to the Convention on the protection and use of transboundary watercourses and international lakes (Art. 81; Protocol 8 p. 87), the Basle Convention (waste management) (Art. 81); the European Environment Agency (Art. 81), the Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context (Protocol 8 p. 87)",1,Respect for human rights (Art. 6),1,Reference to Respect for the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 6),1,"Providing a framework for the political dialogue between the Parties and allowing the development of close political relations (Art. 1); Establishing a regular political dialogue to facilitate Bulgaria's full integration into the community of democratic nations and the progressive rapprochement with the Community (Art. 2); procedures, mechanisms and levels for political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5), Respect for the democratic principles (Art. 6)",1,Reference to Respect for the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 6),1,"Political dialogue shall contribute to the rapprochement of the Parties' positions on security issues to enhance security and stability in the whole of Europe (Art. 2); Restructuring of individual sectors in Bulgaria such as the conversion of the defence industry (Art. 73); Nuclear safety: upgrading Bulgaria's laws on nuclear safety and strengthening the supervisory authorities, nuclear emergency preparedness and management (Art. 80); Protocol 6: The Contracting Parties may refuse to give assistance on customs matters where to do so would be likely to prejudice security (Art. 9)",0,,"Economic development for Bulgaria: Fostering the dynamic economic development and prosperity in Bulgaria (Art. 1, Art. 72), modernizing and restructuring Bulgarias industry (Art. 73), modernization and restructuring the agro-industrial sector in Bulgaria (Art. 78); Social development (in general: Art. 72): technical assistance for the establishment of a suitable social security system in Bulgaria (Art. 44, Art. 89); Providing a framework for the gradual integration of Bulgaria into the Community (Art. 1); Access to employment for Bulgarian workers accorded by Member States ought to be preserved and if possible improved (Art. 42); Taking steps to provide for the mutual recognition of professional qualifications (Art. 47); Approximation of law in the fields of protection of health and life of humans, animals and plants, consumer protection, technical rules, nuclear law and and transport (Art. 70), technical assistance to Bulgaria for the approximation of law (Art. 71); Focus of economic cooperation on energy, transport, telecommunications, regional development and tourism (Art. 72); Regional integration: fostering cooperation between the countries of central and eastern Europe (Art. 72), cooperation on regional development for regions situated on Bulgaria's border (Art. 88); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 76); Cooperation in education and training: raising the level of education in Bulgaria, mutual recognition of diplomas etc. (Art. 77); Cooperation in the energy sector: formulation and planning of energy policy, nuclear energy etc. (Art. 79); Enabling Bulgaria to modernize its transport system and to improve the movement of passengers (Art. 82); Cooperation in telecommunications and postal services (Art. 83); Cooperation in the tourism sector (Art. 90); Cooperation in the Information and the audiovisual sector such as providing information about the Community, cross-border broadcasting etc. (Art. 92); Statistical cooperation (Art. 95); Countering the supply and illicit traffic of narcotic drugs referring to the standars of Chemical Action Task Force (Art. 97); Promoting, encouraging and facilitating cultural cooperation (Art. 1, Art. 98); Temporary financial assistance from the Community to Bulgaria with reference to the G-24, the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Art. 99, Art. 100, Art. 101, Art. 102, Art. 103, Art. 104); Establising a framework for cooperation aimed at preventing the use of their financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities (Art. 87)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 149,149,149,149,BGR_EFTA,Bulgaria EFTA,1993,Bulgaria EFTA 1993.pdf,BG-AT-FI-SE-LI-IS-NO-CH,BG-AT-FI-SE-LI-IS-NO-CH,0,1,1993,1,2006,1,EFTA Bulgaria,34157,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Bulgaria,Bulgaria EFTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,8,7,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights (minorities) and fundamental freedoms; Agreement as an important contribution to European integration; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe, the final document of the CSCE Bonn Conference on Economic Co-operation in Europe and the Council of Europe",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of environment protection (added to exceptions) (Art. 10)",0,,1,Agreement is based on respect of human rights (Art. 1),0,,1,Agreement is based on respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),"Annexes, and Protocols B and F are not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 149,149_1,149001,840,BGR_EC_m3,"Bulgaria EFTA withdrawal Austria, Finland, Sweden",1994,,BG-LI-IS-NO-CH,BG-LI-IS-NO-CH,0,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights (minorities) and fundamental freedoms; Agreement as an important contribution to European integration; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe, the final document of the CSCE Bonn Conference on Economic Co-operation in Europe and the Council of Europe",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of environment protection (added to exceptions) (Art. 10)",0,,1,Agreement is based on respect of human rights (Art. 1),0,,1,Agreement is based on respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),"Annexes, and Protocols B and F are not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 150,150,150,150,BGR_EST,Bulgaria Estonia,2001,Bulgaria Estonia 2001.pdf,BG-EE,BG-EE,0,1,2002,1,2004,1,Bulgaria Estonia,25-Mar-03,GATT Art. XXIV,Bulgaria Estonia,Bulgaria Estonia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; economic integration as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Implementation of the Agreement with the objective to preserve and protect the environment; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on the grounds of environmental protection (added to exceptions) (Art. 16)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes and protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 151,151,151,151,BGR_FIN,Bulgaria Finland,1974,Bulgaria Finland 1974.pdf,FI-BG,FI-BG,0,1,1975,1,1995,1,Finland Bulgaria,31-Dec-75,GATT Art. XXIV,,Bulgaria Finland,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Penalties shall be imposed, according to national legislation, on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a declaration of origin which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining for the goods the preferential treatment provided for by this Agreement (Protocol No.3 Art.10)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of law and order or public security (exception) (Art. 12); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes(exceptions) (Art. 13);",0,,"To promote through the expansion of reciprocal trade the most favourable conditions for the enterprises and other economic organizations of the Contracting Parties to develop their economic, industrial and technical co-operation to the mutual benefit of their economies (Art. 1)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 152,152,152,152,BGR_ISR,Bulgaria Israel,2001,Bulgaria Israel 2001.pdf,BG-IL,BG-IL,0,1,2002,1,2006,1,Bulgaria Israel,37725,GATT Art. XXIV,Bulgaria Israel,Bulgaria Israel,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of health and life of humans, animals or plants including environmental measures (added to exceptions) (Art. 24)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 153,153,153,153,BGR_LVA,Bulgaria Latvia,2002,Bulgaria Latvia 2002.pdf,BG-LV,BG-LV,0,1,2003,1,2004,1,Bulgaria Latvia,37719,GATT Art. XXIV,Bulgaria Latvia,Bulgaria Latvia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,"Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Paris Charter, and the final document of the Bonn Conference on Economic Co-operation in Europe",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 2),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 2),,,,,,,,,,,,, 154,154,154,154,BGR_LTU,Bulgaria Lithuania,2001,Bulgaria Lithuania 2001.pdf,BG-LT,BG-LT,0,1,2002,1,2004,1,Bulgaria Lithuania,37741,GATT Art. XXIV,Bulgaria Lithuania,Bulgaria Lithuania,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Emphasis on economic integration as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Implementation of the Agreement with the objective to preserve and protect the environment; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Paris Charter",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on the grounds of environment protection (added to exceptions) (Art. 17)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 155,155,155,155,BGR_MKD,Bulgaria Macedonia,1999,Bulgaria Macedonia 1999.pdf,BG-MK,BG-MK,0,1,2000,1,2006,1,Bulgaria Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,36574,GATT Art. XXIV,Bulgaria Macedonia,Bulgaria FYR of Macedonia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Strengthening co-operation in Southeastern Europe, in the Black Sea region and in the process of integration in Europe; the Agreement shall promote the Parties integration in Europe",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit, justified on grounds of environment protection (added to exceptions) (Art. 24)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Raising the standard of living of the Parties population as an objective of the Agreement (Art. 1),"Annexes, Protocols and Records of Understanding are not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 156,156,156,156,BGR_MDA,Bulgaria Moldova,2004,Bulgaria Moldova 2004.pdf,BG-MD,BG-MD,0,1,2004,1,2006,1,Moldova Bulgaria,38380,GATT Art. XXIV,,Bulgaria Moldova,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe",1,"Protocol B: Proof of Origin: Checking if the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude allpossibility of fraudulent additions (Art. 16); Mutual Assistance: verifications of proofs of origin shall be carried out at random orwhenever the customs authorities have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Art. 32), penalities for persons who draws up a document which contains incorrect information (Art. 34)",0,,1,Improvement of working conditions as an objective of the Agreement (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit, justified on grounds of environment protection (added to exceptions) (Art. 16)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,improvement of living standards as an objective of the Agreement (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 157,157,157,157,BGR_SRB,Bulgaria Serbia,2003,Bulgaria Serbia Montenegro 2003.pdf,BG-RS,BG-RS,0,1,2004,1,2006,1,Bulgaria Serbia and Montenegro,11-Mar-05,GATT Art. XXIV,,Bulgaria Serbia+Montenegro,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,"Commitment to the principles of a pluralistic democracy based on the human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Paris Charter",1,"Protocol 2: Proof of Origin: Checking descriptions of the products in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Art. 16); Arrangements for administrative co-operation: Verifications of proofs of origin whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Art. 32), penalties on any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect information (Art. 34)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: Enhancing co-operation between the Contracting Parties (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 158,158,158,158,BGR_SVK,Bulgaria Slovakia,1995,,BG-SK,BG-SK,0,0,1996,1,2004,1,Bulgaria Slovak Republic Free Trade Agreement,29-May-97,GATT Art. XXIV,,Bulgaria Slovak Republic FTA,FTA,,FTA,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,"Acknowledging that the process of economic integration is an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Convinced that this Agreement will foster the process of integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes Ia to VII and the Protocols 1 to 4 are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 159,159,159,159,BGR_SVN,Bulgaria Slovenia,1996,,BG-SI,BG-SI,0,0,1997,1,2004,1,Bulgaria Slovenia,35481,GATT Art. XXIV,,Bulgaria Slovenia FTA,FTA,,FTA,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,"Acknowledging that the process of economic integration is an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Convinced that this Agreement will foster the process of integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 160,160,160,160,BGR_TUR,Bulgaria Turkey,1998,Bulgaria Turkey 1998.pdf,BG-TR,BG-TR,0,1,1999,1,2006,1,Bulgaria Turkey,04-May-99,GATT Art. XXIV,Bulgaria Turkey,Bulgaria Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of environment protection (added to exceptions) (Art. 26)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,811,811,CMR_EC,Cameroon EC,2009,,CM-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EE-LV-LT-CY-MT-CZ-SI-SK-HU-PL-BG-RO,CM-EU,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,28,,2,6,,,,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,"Liberalisation of trade, of establishment and of trade in services between the Parties must be based on the regional integration of the Central African States; Not encouraging foreign direct investment by making domestic environmental, labour or occupational health and safety legislation less stringent",1,"Commitment to tackle irregularities and fraud in customs and related matters (Art. 26); Legitimate public policy objectives, including those relating to the prevention of fraud shall not be compromised in any way (Art. 32); The Parties undertake to prevent and tackle fraudulent and corrupt illegal activities such as money laundering (Art. 105); Protocol on Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters: Definition of ""operation in breach of customs legislation"" as any violation or attempted violation of customs legislation (Art. 1 p. 516); Preventing, investigating and combating operations in breach of customs legislation (Art. 2 p. 517); Assistance on request regarding activities noted which are operations in breach of customs legislation (Art. 3 p. 517); Spontaneous assistance regarding operations which could breach customs legislation (Art. 4 p. 519); Execution of requests for assistance relating to activities that are or may be operations in breach of customs legislation (Art. 7 p. 522)",1,Reference to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (Art. 105),1,"Part of sustainable development is the promotion of decent work (Art. 60); Improvement of the business environment such as labour standards (Annex I, p. 119)",1,Reference to the standards of the International Labour Organisation (Art. 60),1,"In the need for greater environmental protection, the Central Africa Party may introduce customs duties on exports for a limited number of additional goods (Art. 15); Scope of Chapter 5: Chapter shall apply to trade in timber and forest products originating in Central Africa and to the sustainable management of the forests from which these products are extracted (Art. 49); Help to achieve sustainable development concerning timber and non-timber forests such as systems to improve the traceability of timber and forest products, raising consumer awareness etc (Art. 50); Ensuring that intra-regional trade in timber and forest products from Central Africa come from objectively verifiable legal sources (Art. 51); Facilitating assistance in the implementation of the Treaty on the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forests in Central Africa (COMIFAC) (Art. 52); Sustainable development as an overall objective of the EPA, drafting specific chapters covering environmental issues (Art. 60)",1,"Reference to the Treaty on the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forests in Central Africa (COMIFAC) (Art. 52); Reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the European Union's action plan on forest law enforcement, governance and trade (FLEGT) (Art. 53); Reference to the use of international environmental standards (unspecified) (Art. 60)",1,"Interest in protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons, and in particular their right to privacy, with respect to the processing of personal data (Art. 61)",0,,1,"Objective of the Agreement: Fostering good governance in the Central African region (Art. 2, Art. 3)",0,,1,"Legitimate public policy objectives, including those relating to security shall not be compromised in any way (Art. 32); Rules ensuring that penalties imposed for minor breaches of customs regulations or the requirements of international trade procedures are proportionate and non-discriminatory (Art. 35); The Parties undertake to prevent and tackle illegal activities such as the financing of terrorism (Art. 105)",1,Reference to the United Nations Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism (Art. 105),"Objectives of the Agreement: Contribution to the reduction and eventual eradication of poverty by establishing a trade partnership consistent with the objective of sustainable development, the Millennium Development Goals and the Cotonou Agreement, fostering regional integration, promoting employment growth (Art. 2, Art. 3); Economic development: promoting capacity building and economic modernisation in Central Africa (Art. 4); Priority areas for capacity building and modernisation (Art. 5); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the EC Party from applying existing measures to improve the structural, social and economic situation of its outermost regions (Art. 103); Financial aid: European Community financing pertaining to development cooperation (Art. 7); Financing of the EPA regional fund (Art. 9); Technical and financial assistance measures in different areas (Art. 10); Food security (Art. 25); Regional integration in Central Africa (Art. 39); Building and implementing a regional framework to govern trade in timber and forest products originating in Central Africa (Art. 51); Maintaining effective data protection regimes (Art. 61, Art. 63); Refernce to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime and its Protocols (Art. 105); Capacity building and modernisation of the economies of Central Africa under the EPA, social and economic development of the ACP States, objectives of sustainable development, eradication of poverty, enummeration of key areas of assistance (Annex I, p. 110-122)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 161,161,161,161,CAN_CHL,Canada Chile,1996,Canada Chile 1997.pdf,CA-CL,CA-CL,0,1,1997,0,,1,Canada Chile,35641,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Canada Chile,Canada Chile Free Trade Agreement,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,4,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,Creating new employment opportunities and improving working conditions and living standards in the respective territories; Undertaking each of the preceding in a manner consistent with environmental protection and conservation; Preserving the flexibility to safeguard the public welfare; Strenghtening the development and enforcement of environmental laws; Enforcing basic workers' rights; Contributiong to hemispheric integration,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Chapter on Investment shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health or necessary for the conservation of living or non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. G-06); Environmental measures: ensuring that investment activity in the respective territory is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. G-14); The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health (Art. O-01)",1,"Reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora,1973; the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1987; the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, 1989 (Art. A-04); Reference to the Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 (Art. O-01)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Emphasis on the need to ensure border security in connection with temporary entry for business persons (Art. K-01),0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: Maintaining measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of laws and regulations relating to the Chapter on Rules of Origin (Art. E-08); A Party may prevent a transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. G-09)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 162,162,162,162,CAN_COL,Canada Colombia,2008,Canada Colombia 2008.pdf,CA-CO,CA-CO,0,1,,0,,1,Canada Colombia,,,Canada Colombia,,,,,,1,2,1,2,4,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,"Securing improved working conditions, enhancing basic workers' rights; Environmental protection: enforcing environmental laws and regulations, strengthing cooperation on environmental matters; Respect of democratic principles; Protection of human rights, Reference to Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Economic development for Colombia, Social development such as securing new employment opportunities, improving living standards, reducing poverty, safeguarding public welfare, protection of public health; Cultural policies",1,"Encouraging enterpirses to incorporate internationally recognized standards of corporate social responsibility in their internal policies, such as anti-corruption (Art. 816); Affirmation to prevent and combat bribery and corruption (Art. 1907); Anti-Corruption Measures (Art. 1908); Cooperation to advance efforts in international fora to prevent and combat bribery and corruption (Art. 1909)",1,WCO Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade (Trade Facilitation) (Art. 414),1,"Encouraging enterpirses to incorporate internationally recognized standards of corporate social responsibility in their internal policies, such as labour (Art. 816); Affirmation of the obligations as members of the International Labour Organization (Art. 1601); Commitment and enforcement of domestic labour laws (Art. 1602, Art. 1603, Art. 1604); Commitment to internationally recognized labour rights (Art. 1603, Art. 1604); Promotion of social dialogue on labour matters among workers and employers (Art. 1603)",1,"ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998) (Art. 1601), reference to the ILO Declaration and ILO Convention No. 182 Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour 1999 (art. 17.6).",1,"Encouraging enterpirses to incorporate internationally recognized standards of corporate social responsibility in their internal policies, such as environment (Art. 816); Relation of the Agreement to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (Art. 103); Affirmations such as responsibility to protect the environment (Art. 1701; Art. 1703); Non-derogation of the Parties domestic environmental laws (Art. 1702, Art. 1703); Enforcement of environmental laws and cooperation therein (Art. 1703); Establishement of Committee on Environment (Art. 1704); A measure that requires an investment to use a technology to meet generally applicable health, safety or environmental requirements shall not be construed to be inconsistent with subparagraph 1(f) (Art 807)",1,Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (p 10); the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (p 10); the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disp (p 10); the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade (p 10); Reference to Agreement on the Environment between Canada and Colombia (Art. 1703),1,"Encouraging enterpirses to incorporate internationally recognized standards of corporate social responsibility in their internal policies, such as human rights (Art. 816)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Improving living standards(Art. 1603), Reduction of poverty through trade (Art. 1801); Fostering dialogue and cooperation among academies of science, governmental and non-governmental organizations, research and technological centers in areas of mutual interest relating to science, technology and innovation (Art. 1801)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 163,163,163,163,CAN_CRI,Canada Costa Rica,2001,Canada CostaRica 2002.pdf,CA-CR,CA-CR,0,1,2002,0,,1,Canada Costa Rica,37634,GATT Art. XXIV,Canada Costa Rica,Canada Costa Rica,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,4,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,"Promote sustainable development; Undertake each of the preceding in a manner consistent with environmental protection and conservation;Recognize the increased cooperation between our countries on labour and environmental cooperation; Create new employment opportunities and improve working conditions and living standards in their respective territories; ",1,"Penalities: Maintaining measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations relating to the Chapter on Customs Procedures (Art. 7.8)",0,,0,,0,,1,"The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health, and that Article XX(g) of the GATT 1994 applies to measures relating to the conservation of living and non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 14.1)",1,"Reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973; the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, done at Montreal, 1990; the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, 1989 (all Art. 1.4); Reference to Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 and to Article XX(g) of the GATT 1994 (Art. 14.1)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,See for example measures against illegal activities: The Parties agree to develop a technical cooperation program in customs-related areas such as the prevention and detection of contraband and illegal activities (Art. 9.3),,,,,,,,,,,,, 164,164,164,164,CAN_EFTA,Canada EFTA,2008,Canada EFTA 2008.pdf,CA-LI-IS-NO-CH,CA-LI-IS-NO-CH,0,1,2009,0,,1,EFTA Canada,40029,GATT Art. XXIV,Canada EFTA ,,,,FTA,2,3,5,4,1,6,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,"Commitment to the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Aiming to create new employment opportunities and improve working conditions and living standards in their respective territories; Maintaining the ability to preserve, develop and implement their cultural policies for the purpose of strengthening cultural diversity; Recognizing the need for mutually supportive trade and environmental policies; Commitment to economic and social development and the respect for the fundamental rights of workers, Reference to the principles set out in the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work;",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health, and that Article XX(g) of the GATT 1994 applies to measures relating to the conservation of living and non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 22)",1,Reference to Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 and to Article XX(g) of the GATT 1994 (Art. 22),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: Each Party shall provide for the imposition of criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its legislation related to Certificates of Origin (Art. 27)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 165,165,165,165,CAN_ISR,Canada Israel,1996,Canada Israel 1997.pdf,CA-IL,CA-IL,0,1,1997,0,,1,Canada Israel,35445,GATT Art. XXIV,Canada Israel,Canada Israel,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Penalties: Maintaining measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of respective customs laws and regulations (Art. 5.9)",0,,0,,0,,1,"The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of GATT 1994 also include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health (Art. 10.1)",1,Reference to Article XX(b) of GATT 1994 (Art. 10.1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,See for example measures against illegal activities: Each Party shall provide that a false certification of origin by an exporter in its territory shall have the same legal consequences as would apply to an importer in its territory for a contravention of its customs laws (Art. 5.3),,,,,,,,,,,,, 166,166,166,166,CAN_JOR,Canada Jordan,2009,Canada Jordan 2009.pdf,CA-JO,CA-JO,0,1,,0,,1,Canada Jordan,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,"Promoting new employment opportunities and improved working conditions and living standards in their respective territories; Emphasis on environmental protection and conservation; Enhancing and enforcing basic workers' rights and strengthening cooperation on labour matters; Respecting internationally recognized corporate social responsibility standards; Safeguarding public welfare; Preserving and developing and implementing respective cultural policies; Commitment to respect the value and priciples of democracy and the promotion and protection of human rights, Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Promoting (Jordans) economic development",1,"Penalities: Each party shall maintain measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalities for violations of its laws relating to the Chapter on Customs Procedures (Art. 5-8); Confirmation to prevent and combat bribery and corruption in international trade (Art. 12-7); Anti-corruption measures (Art. 12-3); Cooperation in international fora to combat bribery and corruption (Art. 11-9)",1,"Reference to United Convetion against Corruption, (2003) (Art. 11-3)",1,Reaffirment of obligations as members of the ILO and its Declaration (Art. 11-1); Objectives concerning cooperation on labour matters (Art. 11-2); Setting out the Agreement on Labour between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Art. 11-3); Developing a framework for cooperative labour activities (Art. 11-4); Agreement on Labour Cooperation between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (full text) (p. 367-395),1,"Reference on the Agreement on Labour between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Art. 1-7; Art. 11-3); Reference to the ILO and its Declaration on Fundamental Priciples and Rights at Work and ist follow-up (1998) (Art. 11-1, p. 367, p. 369, p. 378f, p. 386); Reference to internationally recognizes labour principles (enumeration) (p. 369f); Reference to the ILO's Decent Work Agenda (p. 369); Reference to the ILO Convention 182 (p. 386)",1,"Recognition of sovereing rights to conserve and protect the respective environment (Art. 10-1); Setting out a common Agreement on the Environment enumerating various measures (Art. 10-2); The relationsship between this analyzed Agreement and the Agreement on the Environment (Art. 10-3); The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of GATT 1994 also include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health (Art. 15-1); Agreement on the Environment between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (full text) (p. 345-367)",1,"Relation to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (unspecified) (Art. 1-5; p. 359); Reference on the Agreement on the Environment between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Art. 1-7); Reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer; the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disp; the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade; the Stockholm Convention on Persistant Organic Polluants, 2001 (all Annex 1-5); Reference to international obligations and multilateral environmental agreements (unspecified) (Art. 10-1); Reference to Article XX(b) of GATT 1994 (Art. 15-1); Reference to Rio Declaration on Environment and Development / Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development (p. 345)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,See for example measures against illegal activities: A false declaration of a certificate of origin shall be subject to penalties (Art. 5-4); Technical cooperation in customs-related areas such as the prevention and detection of contraband and illegal activities (Art. 6-3),,,,,,,,,,,,, 167,167,167,167,CAN_NZL,Canada New Zealand,1981,Canada New Zealand 1981.pdf,CA-NZ,CA-NZ,0,1,1982,1,NA,0,,,,,Canada New Zealand Trade Agreement,PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,1,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Encouragement of technological cooperation,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Technological cooperation (Art. 1, Art. 9, Art. 11); Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude the adoption by either Contracting Party of measures necessary to prevent disorder or crime (added to Exceptions) (Art. 6)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 168,168,168,168,CAN_PER,Canada Peru,2008,Canada Peru 2008.pdf,CA-PE,CA-PE,0,1,2009,0,,1,Canada Peru,40025,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Canada Peru,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,4,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,"Creating new employment opportunities and improved working conditions and living standards in their respective territories; Emphasis on environmental protection and conservation; Enhancing and enforcing basic workers' rights, strengthen cooperation on labour matters; Promoting broad-based economic development in order to reduce poverty; Safeguarding the public welfare; Preserving, developing and implementing cultural policies for the purpose of strengthening cultural diversity; Commitment to respect the values and principles of democracy and promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights",1,"Each Party should encourage enterprises operating within its territory to voluntarily incorporate internationally recognized standards of corporate social responsibility in their internal policies, such as principles that address issues relating to anti-corruption (Art. 810); A procuring entity shall conduct procurement covered by this Chapter in a transparent and impartial manner that prevents corrupt practices (Art. 1403); Affirmation to prevent and combat bribery and corruption in international trade and investment (Art. 1907); Anti-corruption measures (Art. 1908); Cooperation in international fora to prevent and combat bribery and corruption in international trade and investment (Art. 1909)",0,,1,"Each Party should encourage enterprises operating within its territory to voluntarily incorporate internationally recognized standards of corporate social responsibility in their internal policies, such as principles that address issues relating to labour (Art. 810); Commitment to the International Labour Organization (ILO) and their commitments to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998) and its Follow-Up (Art. 1601); Objective to strengthen cooperation on labour and in particular improving working conditions in each Party's territory, promoting their commitment to the internationally recognized labour principles and rights etc. (Art. 1602); Setting out in the Labour Cooperation Agreement between Canada and the Republic of Peru (Art. 1603)",1,Reference to the International Labour Organization (ILO) and their commitments to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998) and its Follow-Up (Art. 1601); Reference to Labour Cooperation Agreement between Canada and the Republic of Peru (Art. 1603),1,"Relation of the analyzed agreement to multilateral environmental agreements (Art. 103); The Parties recognize that it is inappropriate to encourage investment by relaxing domestic environmental measures (Art. 809); Each Party should encourage enterprises operating within its territory to voluntarily incorporate internationally recognized standards of corporate social responsibility in their internal policies, such as principles that address issues relating to the environment (Art. 810); Affirmations concerning the environment (Art. 1701); Setting out mutual obligations in an Agreement on the Environment (Art. 1702); Relationship between the analyzed Agreement and the Agreement on the Environment (Art. 1703); The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX (b) of GATT 1994 / Article XIV (b) of GATS include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health. The Parties further understand that Article XX (g) of GATT 1994 applies to measures relating to the conservation of living and non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 2201)",1,"Reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973; the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1987; the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, 1989; the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, 1998; and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, 2001 (all Annex 103 p. 11); Reference to international obligations under multilateral environmental agreements (unspecified) (Art. 1701); Reference to the Agreement on the Environment (Art. 1702, Art. 1703); Reference to Article XX (b) of GATT 1994, Article XIV (b) of GATS and to Article XX (g) of GATT 1994 (Art. 2201)",1,"Each Party should encourage enterprises operating within its territory to voluntarily incorporate internationally recognized standards of corporate social responsibility in their internal policies, such as principles that address issues relating to human rights (Art. 810)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Emphasis on the need to ensure border security / national security as mentioned in Chapter 12 on Temporary Entry of Business Persons (Art. 1201, Art. 1203)",0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: A false certification of origin by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer in the territory of the exporting Party that makes a false statement or representation (Art. 404); Customs cooperation: Where a Party has reasonable grounds to suspect that an offence related to a fraudulent claim for preferential tariff treatment pursuant to this Agreement has occurred, it may request the other Party to provide it with information pertaining to the offence (Art. 414); Penalties: Maintaining measures that allow for the imposition of criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations relating to the Chapter of Rules of Origin Procedures and Trade Facilitation (Art. 418); Comepensation for investors losses due to armed conflict, civil strife or a natural disaster (Art. 811); See especially Chapter 18 on Trade-related cooperation including dialogue and cooperation among respective academies of science, governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, universities, colleges, as well as their science, research and technological centers and institutes",,,,,,,,,,,,, 783,783,783,783,CAN_PRT,Canada Portugal,1954,Canada Portugal 1954.pdf,CA-PT,CA-PT,0,1,1954,1,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,1,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"On port and Madeira: Canada undertakes to make available to these wines the protection provided by her national legislation concerning false, misleading and deceptive labelling and advertising (Art.4.2, p.259-260)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 784,784,784,784,CAN_ESP,Canada Spain,1954,Canada Spain 1954.pdf,CA-ES,CA-ES,0,1,1954,1,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,1,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"With respect to the Spanish wines known as Jerez, Xeres, Sherry, Canada undertakes to make available the protection provided by her national legislation concerning false, misleading and deceptive labelling and advertising (Art.8, p.280)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 169,169,169,169,CAN_USA,Canada US,1988,canada usa 1988.pdf,CA-US,CA-US,0,1,1989,1,1994,1,Canada US Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA),32535,GATT Art. XXIV,,Canada United States FTA with exchange of letters (subsumed by NAFTA),FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,1,4,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"strenghten friendship, strenghten national identity, promote employment, financial stability, living standards",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,"This is no contract, but an Implementation Act",,,,,,,,,,,, 170,170,170,170,CAN_USAAUTO,Canada US Automotive Products Trade Agreement (APTA),1965,Canada US Automotive Products 1965.doc,CA-US,CA-US,0,1,1966,1,2001,0,,,,,Canada US Automotive Pact,PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,1,4,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 171,171,171,171,CARICOM1,Caribbean Community (CARICOM),1973,CARICOM 1973.pdf,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT,0,1,1973,0,,1,Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM),14-Oct-1974(G),GATT Art. XXIV,CARICOM,"CARICOM (Caribbean Single Market and Economy, first known as Caribbean Community and Common Market) (Treaty of Chaguaramas)",CU,3,CU_EIA,3,2,12,66,3,4,3,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Conscious that these objectives can most rapidly be attained by: accelerated, coordinated and sustained economic development; by the efficient operation of common services and functional cooperation in the social, cultural, educational and technological fields; and by a common front in relation to the external world; Sharing a common determination to fulfil the hopes and aspirations of their peoples for full employment and improved standards of work and living; Convinced of the need to elaborate an effective regime by establishing and utilising institutions designed to enhance the economic, social and cultural development of their peoples",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in Articles 21 and 22 of this Annex shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures relating to conservation of exhaustible natural resources (exception) (Art. 23 of Annex),0,,0,,0,,1,Coordination of foreign policy (Ch. 3),0,,1," Nothing in this Annex shall prevent any Member State from taking action in pursuance of any obligations to which it is subject for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security (exceptions) (Art. 24 of Annex); Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of persons where such measures are justified by reasons of national security of that Member State (Art. 35 of Annex)",0,,"The strengthening, coordination and regulation of the economic and trade relations among Member States in order to promote their accelerated harmonious and balanced development; reference to taking into account the need to provide special opportunities for the Less Developed Countries; The More Developed Countries undertake to provide opportunities for the use of their technological and research facilities by the Less Developed Countries; the the coordination of the foreign policies of Member States; the promotion of greater understanding among its peoples and the advancement of their social, cultural and technological development (Art. 4; Art. 3 of Annex; Ch. 7 of Annex); Reference to possible coordination of foreign policies and trade policies (Art. 17; Art. 34 of Annex); Nothing in Articles 21 and 22 of this Annex shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime; necessary to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs in any exporting Member State (exceptions) (Art. 23 of Annex); Consultation on economic policies; coordination of statistical services (Art. 39.1 of Annex); Harmonization of fiscal incentives to tourism (Art. 40 of Annex); Harmonization of laws or administrative practices with regards to industrial standards, labeling of food and drugs, plant and animal qurantine restrictions ... (Art. 42 of Annex); Coordination of national development planning (Art. 45 of Annex); Joint development of natural resources (Art. 47 of Annex); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 50 of Annex)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 172,172,172,172,CARICOM_COL,Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Colombia,1994,CARICOM Columbia 1994.pdf,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-CO,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-CO,0,1,1995,0,,0,,,,CARICOM Colombia,CARICOM Colombia (PSA 31) (scope expanded in 1998),PTA_PSA,1,,,3,13,12,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Emphasis on the necessity to accelerate the Caribbean and Latin American integration process and on the significance of the various sub-regional integration processes as a means to facilitate full development; Promoting greater technical cooperation,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in areas such as environmental management (Art. 19),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in areas such as disaster preparedness and management (Art. 19),0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: the development of technical and scientific cooperation activities (Art. 1, Art. 19); The Joint Council shall review the technical and public health standards to recommend the actions which it considers appropriate to ensure that these standards do not constitute obstacles to trade between the Parties (Art. 10); The Agreement allows the adoption or enforcement by Colombia or by any Member State of CARICOM of measures, provided they are not used as obstacles to trade: laws and regulations necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime / those needed to ensure compliance with laws and regulations related to customs control/ those required to prevent or alleviate critical shortages of foodstuffs (added to Exceptions) (Art. 11); Cooperation in areas such as human resource development, institution building, science and technology, research and development, health research and tourism (Art. 19)",Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 173,173,173,173,CARICOM_CRI,Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Costa Rica,2004,CARICOM Costa Rica 2004.PDF,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-SR-CR,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-SR-CR,0,1,2005,0,,0,,,,CARICOM Costa Rica,CARICOM Costa Rica,PTA_PSA,1,,,3,14,12,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Promoting regional integration in the Americas; Creating new employment opportunitie, improving working conditions and the quality of life in the respective territories, safeguarding public welfare; Emphasis on the protection and conservation of the environment",1,"Customs procedures: Each Party shall establish measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations relating to customs procedures (Art. 5.10); Investment: A Party may prevent a transfer through the equitable and non-discriminatory application of its laws relating to criminal or administrative offenses (Art. 10.08)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: promoting regional integration in the Americas (Art. 1.02); Admission of Goods: the importing Party may impose any criminal, civil or administrative sanction that the circumstances determine (Art. 3.05); The Parties shall convene meetings of officials responsible for customs, immigration or border inspection facilities etc. (Art. 3.17); Customs Procedures: Obligations regarding exports when there is a reason to believe that the Certificate of Origin contains incorrect information (Art. 5.05), Investment: A Party may prevent a transfer through the equitable and non-discriminatory application of its laws relating to criminal or administrative offenses (Art. 10.08)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 174,174,174,174,CARICOM_CUB,Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Cuba,2000,CARICOM Cuba 2000.pdf,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-SR-CU,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-SR-CU,0,1,2001,0,,0,,,,CARICOM Cuba,CARICOM Cuba,PTA_PSA,1,,,3,14,13,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Emphasis on need to accelerate the process of Caribbean integration and on the importance attached by the Parties to the various ongoing sub-regional integration processes aimed at increasing facilitating regional development; Recognizing the importance of improving the living standards of the Caribbean peoples; Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980 a means of promoting the integration of the Latin American and Caribbean region,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by Cuba or any Member State of CARICOM of measures which are required to preserve the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 9),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Exchanging information and views on economic and social matters of mutual interest for the adoption of common positions at international forums and vis-a-vis third countries (Art. 2), promoting mutual economic and social co-operation in support of the the economic and social development of each Party (Art. 10), cooperation in development of human resources, science, technology and culture (Art. 10); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by Cuba or any Member State of CARICOM of measures which are required to control the production, distribution and use of narcotics and psychotropic substances / to secure compliance with the laws and regulations pertaining to customs / to prevent or alleviate any critical food shortage (added to Exceptions) (Art. 9); Cooperation in the field of tourism (Art. 16)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 175,175,175,175,CARCICOM_DOM,Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Dominican Republic,1998,CARICOM DR 1998.pdf,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-SR-DO,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-SR-DO,0,1,2001,0,,0,,,,CARICOM Dominican Republic,CARICOM Dominican Republic,PTA_PSA,1,,,3,14,13,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,The symmetry and complementarity that exist between the economies of the Parties favours the economic development of both Parties,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Cooperative activities in the areas of tourism, telecommunications, science and technology (Art. 2, Art. 9)",Annexes and Appendices are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 176,176,176,176,CARICOMSERV,Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Protocol on Services,1997,CARICOM services 1997,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-SR,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-SR,0,1,1997,0,,1,Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM),19-Feb-2003(S),GATS V,,,,,,,2,13,91,3,4,4,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Conscious of: attaining food security, achieving structural diversification and improving the standard of living of their peoples; unrestricted movement of capital, labour and technology",1,"Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed as preventing the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws or regulations which are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Treaty including those relating to the prevention of deceptive and fraudulent practices, and the effects of a default on contracts (exception) (Art. 38b)",0,,1,Activities forming part of a statutory system of social security or public retirement plans (exception) (Art. 35),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Activities forming part of a system of national security or for the establishment or maintenance of public order (exception) (Art. 35); Nothing in this Treaty shall be construed: as preventing any Member State from taking any action in pursuance of its obligations for the maintenance of international peace and security (exception) (Art. 38b),0,,"The Council for Human and Social Development, in consultation with the competent Organ, shall establish common standards and measures for accreditation or when necessary for the mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of qualifications of the nationals of Member States (Art. 35e); Member States shall take such measures as are necessary to coordinate their foreign exchange policies (Art. 37c);The Council for Trade and Economic Development and the Council for Finance and Planning shall, adopt appropriate measures for harmonised legal and administrative requirements for the operation of partnerships, companies, or other entities; abolition of exchange controls in the Community, and free convertibility of the currencies of Member States; convergence of macro-economic performance and policies through the co-ordination or harmonisation of monetary and fiscal policies; the establishment of economical and efficient land, sea and air transport services throughout the Community; the establishment of efficient communication services (Art. 38)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 177,177,177,177,CARICOM2,Caribbean Community (CARICOM) revised ,2001,CARICOM revised 2001.pdf,AG-BB-BZ-DM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-SR-TT,AG-BB-BZ-DM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-SR-TT,0,1,2006,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,13,78,3,4,3,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,"Emphasis on co-ordinated foreign policies; Enhancing the participation of the respective peoples and in particular the social partners; Attaining food security and improving the standard of living of their peoples; Conducting agricultural production on a environmentally sound basis; Importance of land, air and maritime transportation for maintaining social and cultural linkages as well as facilitating emergency assistance among the Member States of the Community; importance of promoting adequate air and maritime transport services for the continued viability of the tourism industry; Establishing effective measures to assist disadvantaged countries, regions and sectors of the Community; Reference to the Charter of Civil Society adopted by the Conference of Heads of Government on 19 February 1997 reaffirming the human rights of their peoples",1,Co-operation among customs administrations and with international agencies to combat customs and other cross-border offences (Art. 95),0,,1,"Objective of the Agreement: improved standards of work (Art. 6); Promoting the objectives of improved working conditions; adequate social security policies and programmes; tripartite consultations among governments, workers' and employers' organisations (Art. 73); Nothing shall be construed as preventing the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures relating to child labour (added to Exceptions) (Art. 226)",0,,1,"Formulation a sustainable tourism development while conserving natural resources (Art. 55); The goal of the Community Agricultural Policy shall be an environmentally sound production of agricultural products, the efficient management and sustainable exploitation of the Region's natural resources, including its forests and the living resources (Art. 56); Natural Resource Management: adopting effective measures to assist the Member States in the management of their natural resources in support of the transformation and sustainable development of the agricultural sector such as the effective management of the soil, air and all water resources,and the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of biological resources of the Member States (Art. 58); Encouraging the establishment of protected aquatic habitats and associated terrestrial areas and fish populations for the sustainable development of fisheries resources (Art. 60); Promote the development, management and conservation of the forest resources in the Member States on a sustainable basis (Art. 61); Environmental Protection (Art. 65); Co-operate in achieving international recognition for the Caribbean Sea as a Special Area requiring protection from the potentially harmful effects of the transit of nuclear and other hazardous wastes, and pollution by oil (Art. 141); Nothing shall be construed as preventing the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary to prevent or relieve critical food shottages (added to Exceptions) (Art. 226)",0,,1,"Diffusion and transfer of appropriate technologies in order to achieve increased agricultural production and productivity, bearing in mind the need to protect the human rights of the farming community (Art. 64)",0,,1,"Objectives of the Agreement: enhanced co-ordination of Member States' foreign and {foreign] economic policies (Art. 6); Organs of the Community, their functions and powers including voting procecures (Art. 10 - Art. 29); Co-ordination of national industrial policies of the Member States (Art. 52)",0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: improved standards of living, full employment of labour, accelerated promotion of greater understanding among its peoples and the advancement of their social, cultural and technological development, intensified activities in areas such as health and education (Art. 6); Special provisions for less developed countries (Art. 49, Art. 77; Chapter 7 on Disadvantaged Countries and Regions); The Community industrial policy to promote the Region's economic and social development (Art. 51); Formulation a sustainable tourism development while conserving cultural resources (Art. 55); The goal of the Community Agricultural Policy shall be improved income and employment opportunities, food and nutrition security, and poverty alleviation in the Community (Art. 56); Human Resources Development (Art. 63); Research and Development (Art. 64); Development of Social Infrastructure: Establishment of adequate social infrastructure, the alleviation of poverty, and securing social stability through the establishment and improvement of health, education, sports and social security institutions (Art. 75); Promoting co-operation in air and maritime search and rescue operations in the Community (Art. 136); Aircraft accident and incident investigation (Art. 139); Nothing shall be construed as preventing the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary to prevent or relieve critical food shottages (added to Exceptions) (Art. 226)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 177,177+2,17702,842,CARICOM2_p1,Caribbean Community (CARICOM) revised Haiti accession,2002,,AG-BB-BZ-DM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-SR-TT-HT,AG-BB-BZ-DM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-SR-TT-HT,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,14,13,3,4,3,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,"Emphasis on co-ordinated foreign policies; Enhancing the participation of the respective peoples and in particular the social partners; Attaining food security and improving the standard of living of their peoples; Conducting agricultural production on a environmentally sound basis; Importance of land, air and maritime transportation for maintaining social and cultural linkages as well as facilitating emergency assistance among the Member States of the Community; importance of promoting adequate air and maritime transport services for the continued viability of the tourism industry; Establishing effective measures to assist disadvantaged countries, regions and sectors of the Community; Reference to the Charter of Civil Society adopted by the Conference of Heads of Government on 19 February 1997 reaffirming the human rights of their peoples",1,Co-operation among customs administrations and with international agencies to combat customs and other cross-border offences (Art. 95),0,,1,"Objective of the Agreement: improved standards of work (Art. 6); Promoting the objectives of improved working conditions; adequate social security policies and programmes; tripartite consultations among governments, workers' and employers' organisations (Art. 73); Nothing shall be construed as preventing the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures relating to child labour (added to Exceptions) (Art. 226)",0,,1,"Formulation a sustainable tourism development while conserving natural resources (Art. 55); The goal of the Community Agricultural Policy shall be an environmentally sound production of agricultural products, the efficient management and sustainable exploitation of the Region's natural resources, including its forests and the living resources (Art. 56); Natural Resource Management: adopting effective measures to assist the Member States in the management of their natural resources in support of the transformation and sustainable development of the agricultural sector such as the effective management of the soil, air and all water resources,and the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of biological resources of the Member States (Art. 58); Encouraging the establishment of protected aquatic habitats and associated terrestrial areas and fish populations for the sustainable development of fisheries resources (Art. 60); Promote the development, management and conservation of the forest resources in the Member States on a sustainable basis (Art. 61); Environmental Protection (Art. 65); Co-operate in achieving international recognition for the Caribbean Sea as a Special Area requiring protection from the potentially harmful effects of the transit of nuclear and other hazardous wastes, and pollution by oil (Art. 141); Nothing shall be construed as preventing the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary to prevent or relieve critical food shottages (added to Exceptions) (Art. 226)",0,,1,"Diffusion and transfer of appropriate technologies in order to achieve increased agricultural production and productivity, bearing in mind the need to protect the human rights of the farming community (Art. 64)",0,,1,"Objectives of the Agreement: enhanced co-ordination of Member States' foreign and {foreign] economic policies (Art. 6); Organs of the Community, their functions and powers including voting procecures (Art. 10 - Art. 29); Co-ordination of national industrial policies of the Member States (Art. 52)",0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: improved standards of living, full employment of labour, accelerated promotion of greater understanding among its peoples and the advancement of their social, cultural and technological development, intensified activities in areas such as health and education (Art. 6); Special provisions for less developed countries (Art. 49, Art. 77; Chapter 7 on Disadvantaged Countries and Regions); The Community industrial policy to promote the Region's economic and social development (Art. 51); Formulation a sustainable tourism development while conserving cultural resources (Art. 55); The goal of the Community Agricultural Policy shall be improved income and employment opportunities, food and nutrition security, and poverty alleviation in the Community (Art. 56); Human Resources Development (Art. 63); Research and Development (Art. 64); Development of Social Infrastructure: Establishment of adequate social infrastructure, the alleviation of poverty, and securing social stability through the establishment and improvement of health, education, sports and social security institutions (Art. 75); Promoting co-operation in air and maritime search and rescue operations in the Community (Art. 136); Aircraft accident and incident investigation (Art. 139); Nothing shall be construed as preventing the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary to prevent or relieve critical food shottages (added to Exceptions) (Art. 226)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 171,171+1,17101,841,CARICOM1_p1,Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Suriname accession,1995,,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-SR,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-SR,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,13,12,3,4,3,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Conscious that these objectives can most rapidly be attained by: accelerated, coordinated and sustained economic development; by the efficient operation of common services and functional cooperation in the social, cultural, educational and technological fields; and by a common front in relation to the external world; Sharing a common determination to fulfil the hopes and aspirations of their peoples for full employment and improved standards of work and living; Convinced of the need to elaborate an effective regime by establishing and utilising institutions designed to enhance the economic, social and cultural development of their peoples",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in Articles 21 and 22 of this Annex shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures relating to conservation of exhaustible natural resources (exception) (Art. 23 of Annex),0,,0,,0,,1,Coordination of foreign policy (Ch. 3),0,,1," Nothing in this Annex shall prevent any Member State from taking action in pursuance of any obligations to which it is subject for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security (exceptions) (Art. 24 of Annex); Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of persons where such measures are justified by reasons of national security of that Member State (Art. 35 of Annex)",0,,"The strengthening, coordination and regulation of the economic and trade relations among Member States in order to promote their accelerated harmonious and balanced development; reference to taking into account the need to provide special opportunities for the Less Developed Countries; The More Developed Countries undertake to provide opportunities for the use of their technological and research facilities by the Less Developed Countries; the the coordination of the foreign policies of Member States; the promotion of greater understanding among its peoples and the advancement of their social, cultural and technological development (Art. 4; Art. 3 of Annex; Ch. 7 of Annex); reference to possible coordination of foreign policies and trade policies (Art. 17; Art. 34 of Annex); Nothing in Articles 21 and 22 of this Annex shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime; necessary to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs in any exporting Member State (exceptions) (Art. 23 of Annex); Consultation on economic policies; coordination of statistical services (Art. 39.1 of Annex); Harmonization of fiscal incentives to tourism (Art. 40 of Annex); Harmonization of laws or administrative practices with regards to industrial standards, labeling of food and drugs, plant and animal qurantine restrictions ... (Art. 42 of Annex); Coordination of national development planning (Art. 45 of Annex); Joint development of natural resources (Art. 47 of Annex); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 50 of Annex)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 178,178,178,178,CARICOM_VEN,Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Venezuela,1992,CARICOM Venezuela 1992.pdf,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-VE,AG-BB-BZ-GM-GD-GY-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-VE,0,1,1993,0,,0,,,,CARICOM Venezuela,CARICOM Venezuela (PSA 24),PTA_PSA,1,,,3,13,12,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Emphasis on the necessity of accelerating the Caribbean and Latin American integration process and on the significance of the various sub-regional integration processes as a means of facilitating full development,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,The Agreement allows the adoption by Venezuela or any Member State of CARICOM of measures provided that they are not used as obstacles to trade: Those necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime / those necessary to secure compliance with laws or regulations relating to customs enforcement / those necessary to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs (added to Exceptions) (Art. 8);,,,,,,,,,,,,, 179,179,179,179,CARIFTA1,Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA),1965,CARIFTA 1965_Supplementary Agreements 1966&68.pdf,AG-BB-GY,AG-BB-GY,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,3,3,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Aiming for full employment and improved living standards,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent any Member Territory from taking action which it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests, where such action relates to research, development or productionof arms, ammunition or war materials or indispensable for defence purposes (added to Security Exceptions) (Art. 17)",0,,Nothing in Articles 13 and 14 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member Territory of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime / necessary to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs in any exporting Member Territory (Art. 15); Promotion of Industrial Development in Less-Developed Territcries (Art. 39; Annex A p. 28); Penalties against persons who furnish or cause to be furnished a document which is untrue in a material particular in support of a claim in another Member Territory that goods should be accepted aseligible for Area tariff treatment (Annex C Art. 10) ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 180,180,180,180,CARIFTA2,Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA),1968,CARIFTA 1968.pdf,AG-BB-GY-DM-GD-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT,AG-BB-GY-DM-GD-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT,0,1,1968,1,1973,1,Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA),22-Oct-68,GATT Art. XXIV,,Caribbean Free Trade Agreement (CARIFTA) (becomes CARICOM),FTA,2,FTA,2,2,11,55,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Fulfilling within the hopes and aspirations of the peoples of the Caribbean Territories for full employment and improved living standards,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Institutions of CARIFTA, its tasks and procedures: Examining Committees (Art. 27); the Council (Art. 28); Administrative arrangements of the association (Art. 29)",0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent any Member Territory from taking action which it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests, where such action relates to research, development or production of arms, ammunition or war materials or indispensable for defence purposes (added to Exceptions) (Art. 16); Adoption and enforcement by a Member Territory of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of persons where such measures are justified by reasons of national security (Art. 20)",0,,"Nothing in Articles 13 and 14 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member Territory of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime or necessary to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs (added to Exceptions) (Art. 15); Promotion of industrial development in less-developed territcries (Art. 39; Annex A p. 28); Other provisions on less-developed terrotories (Annex B: p. 32; Annex D: p. 45); Introduction of legislation as may be necessary for penalties against persons who, in their territory, furnish or cause to be furnished a document which is untrue (Annex C: Art. 10)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 180,180+1,18001,843,CARIFTA2_p4,"Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA) Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago accession",1968,,AG-BB-GY-DM-GD-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT,AG-BB-GY-DM-GD-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT,0,,,1,1973,,,,,,,,,,,5,11,28,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Fulfilling within the hopes and aspirations of the peoples of the Caribbean Territories for full employment and improved living standards,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Institutions of CARIFTA, its tasks and procedures: Examining Committees (Art. 27); the Council (Art. 28); Administrative arrangements of the association (Art. 29)",0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent any Member Territory from taking action which it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests, where such action relates to research, development or production of arms, ammunition or war materials or indispensable for defence purposes (added to Exceptions) (Art. 16); Adoption and enforcement by a Member Territory of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of persons where such measures are justified by reasons of national security (Art. 20)",0,,"Nothing in Articles 13 and 14 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member Territory of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime or necessary to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs (added to Exceptions) (Art. 15); Promotion of industrial development in less-developed territcries (Art. 39; Annex A p. 28); Other provisions on less-developed terrotories (Annex B: p. 32; Annex D: p. 45); Introduction of legislation as may be necessary for penalties against persons who, in their territory, furnish or cause to be furnished a document which is untrue (Annex C: Art. 10)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 180,180+2,18002,844,CARIFTA2_p1,Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA) Belize accession,1971,,AG-BB-GY-DM-GD-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-BZ,AG-BB-GY-DM-GD-JM-MS-KN-LC-VC-TT-BZ,0,,,1,1973,,,,,,,,,,,5,12,11,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Fulfilling within the hopes and aspirations of the peoples of the Caribbean Territories for full employment and improved living standards,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Institutions of CARIFTA, its tasks and procedures: Examining Committees (Art. 27); the Council (Art. 28); Administrative arrangements of the association (Art. 29)",0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent any Member Territory from taking action which it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests, where such action relates to research, development or production of arms, ammunition or war materials or indispensable for defence purposes (added to Exceptions) (Art. 16); Adoption and enforcement by a Member Territory of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of persons where such measures are justified by reasons of national security (Art. 20)",0,,"Nothing in Articles 13 and 14 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member Territory of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime or necessary to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs (added to Exceptions) (Art. 15); Promotion of industrial development in less-developed territcries (Art. 39; Annex A p. 28); Other provisions on less-developed terrotories (Annex B: p. 32; Annex D: p. 45); Introduction of legislation as may be necessary for penalties against persons who, in their territory, furnish or cause to be furnished a document which is untrue (Annex C: Art. 10)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 181,181,181,181,CARIFORUM_EC,CARIFORUM EC EPA,2008,CARIFOUM EC 2008.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EE-LV-LT-CY-MT-CZ-SI-SK-HU-PL-BG-RO-AG-BS-BB-BZ-DM-DO-GD-GY-JM-KN-LC-VC-SR-TT,EU-AG-BS-BB-BZ-DM-DO-GD-GY-JM-KN-LC-VC-SR-TT,1,1,2008,0,,1,EC CARIFORUM States EPA,16-Oct-08,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EC CARIFORUM States EPA,,,,FTA_EIA,2,4,41,378,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,"Commitment to the respect for human rights, democratic principles and the rule of law, which constitute the essential elements, and to good governance; the need to promote the economic, cultural and social development of the CARIFORUM States, considering the difference in levels of economic and social development existing between the CARIFORUM States and the European Community, EU commitment to scaling up development aid; contributing to peace and security and promoting a stable and democratic political environment; respecting basic labour rights; protecting the environment; Supporting the regional integration process among CARIFORUM States to achieve economic growth and social progress; Reference to the ILO, the 2002 Johannesburg Declaration (environment); the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, the Paris Declaration on aid effectiveness, the EU consensus on development and the EU Caribbean Partnership for Growth, Stability and Development",1,"(Failed) Administrative cooperation concerning the combat of irregularities and fraud in customs matters (Art. 20, Art. 31); Objectives of costums and trade faciliation: public policy objectives, including those in relation to the prevention of fraud, shall not be compromised in any way (Art. 29); Behaviour of investors: Investors be forbidden from, and held liable for, offering any undue pecuniary to any public official in order to achieve any favour in relation to a proposed investment (Art. 72); Collaboration in the fight against illegal financial activities: preventing and fighting against illegal, fraudulent and corrupt activities (Art. 237); Protocol 2 on Customs Cooperation: Definition ‘operation in breach of customs legislation’ means any violation or attempted violation of customs legislation (Art. 1 p. 1932), Scope of customs cooperation: preventing, investigating and combating operations in breach of that legislation (Art. 2 p. 1932); Customs assistance on request including information regarding activities which are or could be operations in breach of customs legislation, ensuring special surveillance of persons, places, goods and means of transport (Art. 3 p. 1932); Spontaneous assistance by providing information obtained pertaining to activities which are to be operations in breach of customs legislation, methods employed to breach customs legislation, goods known to be subject to operations in breach of customs legislation etc. (Art. 4 p. 1932f)",1,"Reference to the revised Kyoto Convention on the simplification and harmonisation of customs procedures, the WCO Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade, the WCO data set and the HS Convention (Art. 31, Art. 35); Reference to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (Art. 237)",1,"Investors do not manage or operate their investments in a manner that circumvents labour obligations arising from agreements to which the EC Party and the Signatory CARIFORUM States are parties (Art. 72); Foreign direct investment shall not be encouraged by lowering domestic labour or occupational health legislation or by relaxing core labour standards (Art. 7); commitment to the internationally recognised core labour standards, as defined by the relevant ILO Conventions, and in particular the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, the abolition of forced labour, the elimination of the worst forms of child labour and nondiscrimination in respect to employment (Art. 191); Levels of labour protection: Ensuring that the Parties own social and labour regulations and policies provide for and encourage high levels of social and labour standards consistent with the internationally recognised rights (Art. 192); Upholding levels of labour protection (Art. 193); Emphasis on the importance of establishing social cohesion policies and measures to promote decent work at regional level (Art. 194); Consultation and monitoring process regarding labour protection (Art. 195); Emphasis on the importance of cooperating on social and labour issues such as the formulation of national social and labour legislation, promoting the Decent Work Agenda as defined by the ILO etc . (Art. 196)",1,"Reference to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-Up (1998) (Art. 72, Art. 191, Art. 195, Art. 196); Reference to the Ministerial declaration by the UN Economic and Social Council on Full Employment and Decent Work (Art. 191)",1,"The application of this Agreement shall fully take into account the environmental best interests of their respective population (Art. 2); Marine ecosystems of the CARIFORUM States as complex, biologically diverse and fragile, therefore: effective conservation and management of the fisheries resources and related ecosystems (Art. 37); Adoption of quality standards relating to food production including standards relating to environmentally sound agricultural practices (Art. 43); The objectives of the TBTs Chapter are to facilitate trade in goods between the Parties while increasing the capacity of the Parties to protect the environment (Art. 45, Art. 49); Investors do not manage or operate their investments in a manner that circumvents international environmental obligations arising from agreements to which the EC Party and the Signatory CARIFORUM States are parties (Art. 72); Foreign direct investment shall not be encouraged by lowering domestic environmental legislation and standards (Art. 73); Encouraging compliance with environmental and quality standards applicable to tourism services to facilitate the participation of the Signatory CARIFORUM States in relevant international organisations setting environmental and quality standards applicable to tourism services (Art. 116); Capacity building for environmental management in tourism areas at the regional and local level (Art. 117); Cooperation on eco-innovation and renewable energy (Art. 138); Preserving knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity (Art. 150); Objectives of Chapter 4 on Environment and its sustainable development context: The Parties and the Signatory CARIFORUM States are resolved to conserve, protect and improve the environment; facilitating trade in goods and services which are beneficial to the environment such as environmental technologies, renewable- and energy-efficient goods and services and eco-labelled goods (Art. 183); National levels of environment protection and right to regulate (Art. 184); Regional integration and use of international environmental standards (Art. 185); Taking account of scientific and technical information when preparing and implementing measures aimed at protecting the environment (Art. 186); Transparency when developing, introducing and implementing any measures aimed at protecting the environment that affect trade between the Parties (Art. 187); Upholding levels of environmental protection (Art. 188); Consultation and monitoring process concerning environmental protection (Art. 189); Emphasis on the importance of cooperating on environmental issues (Art. 190)",1,"Reference to the FAO Code of Conduct on Responsible Fisheries (Art. 37); Reference to multilateral and regional environmental agreements to which the EC and CARIFORUM states are parties (unspecified) (Art. 183, Art. 185, Art. 186, Art. 189)",1,"Protecting fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons, and in particular their right to privacy, with respect to the processing of personal data (Art. 197)",0,,1,Objectives of the Agreement: Promoting good governance (Art. 1),0,,1,"Objectives of costums and trade faciliation: public policy objectives, including those in relation to security shall not be compromised in any way (Art. 29); Cooperation between operators and the customs administrations should be aimed at protecting the security and safety of the citizen (Art. 32); Foreign direct investment shall not be encouraged by lowering domestic safety legislation and standards (Art. 72)",0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: reduction and eventual eradication of poverty through the establishment of a trade partnership, promoting regional integration, improving the CARIFORUM States' capacity in trade policy (Art. 1, Art. 2, Art. 37); The application of this Agreement shall fully take into account the human, cultural, economic, social, and health best interests of their respective population (Art. 2); Regional integration (Art. 64): As a factor of enhanced regional stability (Art. 3), regional integration in the field of customs (Art. 34), regional integration in the agricultural, food and fisheries sectors (Art. 38), regarding innovation (Art. 153), regarding environmental protection (Art. 185), regarding labour protection (Art. 194); Development cooperation with financial and non-financial forms (Art. 7); Development cooperation priorities: technical assistance to build human, legal and institutional capacity etc. (Art. 8); Cooperation between operators and the customs administrations should be aimed at fighting against illicit practices (Art. 32); Acknowledgment of the economic and social importance of the fisheries in CARIFORUM States in relation to food security, employment, poverty alleviation, foreign and social stability of fishing communities (Art. 37); Guaranteing food security in CARIFORUM states (Art. 40); Economic development: Promoting the CARIFORUMS agricultural, food and fisheris sectors, with the aim of increasing their competitiveness and contributing to the sustainable development (Art. 43); Mutual recognition in the following disciplines: accounting, architecture, engineering and tourism (Art. 85); Financing programs to support the sustainable development of tourism in the CARIFORUM states (Art. 115); Development cooperation and technical assistance for the advancement of the tourism sector in the Signatory CARIFORUM States such as language training for tourism services providers (Art. 117); Cooperation on science and technology (Art. 136); Protection of traditional knowledge and folklore (Art. 150); Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by the EC Party or a Signatory CARIFORUM State of measures which are necessary to secure compliance with laws which are relating to the prevention of deceptive and fraudulent practices (added to Exceptions) (Art. 224); Collaboration in the fight against illegal financial activities: preventing and fighting against money laundering and terrorist financing with reference to the United Nations Convention on Transnational Organised Crime and its Protocols and the United Nations Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Financing (Art. 237); Protocol 1: Penalties for any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment (Art. 37 p. 1816); Protocol 3 on Cultural Cooperation: Reference to UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (p. 1936), Scope of protocol 3: facilitating exchanges of cultural activities, goods and services; protecting and promoting cultural diversity (Art. 1 p. 1936); Cultural exchanges and dialogue (Art. 2 p. 1936f); Artists and other cultural professionals and practitioners (Art. 3 p. 1937); Technical assistance to CARIFORUM States with the aim of assisting in the development of their cultural industries, development and implementation of cultural policies (Art. 4 p. 1937); Audio-visual, including cinematographic, cooperation (Art. 5 p. 1937); Temporary importation of material and equipment for the purpose of shooting cinematographic films and television programmes (Art. 6 p. 1938); Fostering cooperation in performing arts (Art. 7 p. 1938), facilitating exchange with and dissemination of publications of the other Party in areas such as the organisation of fairs, seminars, literary events and other similar events; training for librarians, writers, translators, booksellers and publishers (Art. 8 p. 1938f), Protection of sites and historic monuments (Art. 9 p. 1939); Reference to financial assistance and economic development in the joint declaration on development cooperation especially the importance of bananas (p. 1951) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 182,182,182,182,UDEAC,Central African Customs and Economic Union (UDEAC),1964,UDEAC 1964.pdf,CF-TD-GA-CG-CM,CF-TD-GA-CG-CM,0,1,1966,1,1998,0,,,,,Central African Customs and Economic Union (CACEU) (UDEAC) (created by Treaty of Brazzaville in 1964) (subsumes Equatorial Customs Union Cameroon) (later Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC or CAEMC)),FTA_CU,3,,,2,5,10,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Convinced that the extension of present national markets through the co-ordination of development programmes for the various production sectors will greatly contribute to the improvement of the living standard of their peoples,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The Council shall co-ordinate the Customs and economic policy of the Members States (Art. 9.1); Reference to the harmonisation of internal fiscal systems (Title 4); The High Contracting Parties agree to harmonize their industrialization policies, development plans and transport policies within a framework which would permit an improvement in the living standards of their peoples (Art. 47); Harmonization of development plans and transport policies (Art. 48)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 183,183,183,183,CENTAMER_CHL,Central America Chile,1999,Central America Chile 1999.pdf,CR-SV-GT-HN-NI-CL,CR-SV-GT-HN-NI-CL,0,1,2002,0,,0,,,,Chile Costa Rica (Central America) (English),,,,,,3,6,5,3,4,1,0,0,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,,1,"Customs procedures: Each Party shall establish measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations relating to customs procedures (Art. 5.11)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973; the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, done at Montreal, 1990; the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, 1989 (all Art. 1. 04)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Maintaining border security as far as the temporary entry for business persons is concerned (Art. 14.02),0,,See for example measures against illegal activities: : A false certification by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer that makes a false statement or representation (Art. 5.04); Customs cooperation to prevent the illegal transfer of goods (Art. 5.13),,,,,,,,,,,,, 184,184,184,184,CENTAMER_DOM,Central America Dominican Republic,1998,Central American DR 1998.pdf,CR-SV-GT-HN-NI-DO,CR-SV-GT-HN-NI-DO,0,1,2001,0,,0,,,,,"Central America Dominican Republic (to be subsumed by CAFTA DR when fully approved by all participants, including Costa Rica)",FTA,2,,,2,6,5,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,Creationg working opportunities and improving the standard of living in the respective territories; Protection and conservation of the environment; Safeguarding the public welfare,1,Customs procedures: Exchange of information concerning new techniques to fight fraudulent customs activities and offences (Art. 5.07),1,Reference to the Interamercian Convention against Corruption (Art. 18 p. 303) ,0,,0,,1,Investment and environment: ensuring that investment activity in its territory is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 9.15); Environmental protection (Art. 13. 14),1,Reference to provisions or recommendations of the United Nations and international agreements of which the Parties are members (unspecified) (Art. 13. 14),0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Maintaining border security as far as the temporary entry for business persons is concerned (Art. 11.02),0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: Penalties for false declarations concerning goods qualifying as originate (Art. 4.28); Customs cooperation to prevent illegal trade activities (Art. 5.02); Treatment of investor's losses due to armed conflict, civil strife etc. (Art. 9.06)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 185,185,185,185,CENTAMER_PAN,Central America Panama,2002,Central America Panama 2002.pdf7Central America Panama 2002 anexo16 01.PDF77Central America Panama Annexes (bilateral),CR-SV-GT-HN-NI-PA,CR-SV-GT-HN-NI-PA,0,1,2003,0,,1,Panama El Salvador (Panama Central America),38407,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,,El Salvador Panama (separable component of CACM Panama framework),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,6,5,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,Facilitating hemispheric integration; Creating working opportunities and improving the living standard of the people in the respective territories; Emphasis on the proctection and conservation of the environment; Safeguarding the public welfare,1,"Each Party shall establish or maintain criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations relating to the Chapter on Customs Procecures (Art. 5.11)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in Chapter 10 on Investment shall construed to prevent a Party from adopting environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health; or related to the conservation of living or non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 10.07); Environment and investment: ensuring that investment activity in its territory is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 10.15)",1,"Reference to The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973; the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1987; the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, 1989 (Art. 1.04)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Emphasis on ensuring border security relationg to Chapter 14 on the Temporary Entry of Business Persons (Art. 14.02),0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: A false certification by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer that makes a false statement or representation (Art. 5.04); Customs cooperation to discover and prevent the transfer of illicit goods (Art. 5.13); Treatment of investor's losses owing to civil strife, armed conflict etc. (Art. 10.05); A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 11.10; Art. 12.17)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 186,186,186,186,CACM,Central American Common Market (CACM),1960,CACM 1960.pdf,SV-GT-HN-NI,SV-GT-HN-NI,0,1,1961,0,,1,Central American Common Market (CACM),22336,GATT Art. XXIV,Central American Common Market (CACM),"General Treaty for Central American Economic Integration (Treaty of Managua) (becomes Central American Common Market (CACM)) (process revitalized with the Protocol to the General Treaty signed on October 29, 1993 in Guatemala City) ",FTA_CU,3,CU,3,2,4,6,3,4,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Improving the living conditions of the peoples,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 186,186+1,18601,845,CACM_p1,Central American Common Market (CACM) Costa Rica accession,1962,,SV-GT-HN-NI-CR,SV-GT-HN-NI-CR,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,4,3,4,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Improving the living conditions of the peoples,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,797,797,CACM_MEX,Central American Common Market (CACM) Mexico,1993,,SV-GT-HN-NI-MX,SV-GT-HN-NI-MX,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,3,4,,,,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Investment and environmental measures: Environmental legislation shall not be loosened in order to attract investment (Art. 14-16); Dealing with dangerous substances such as (radioactive) waste which constitute a danger to the environment (Art. 15-19),1,Reference international agreements concerning environmental preservation of which the Parties are members (unspecified) (Art. 15.03); Reference to the United Nations Charter and the Basel Convention del Convenio de Basilea (Art. 15-19),0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Maintaining border security as far as the temporary entry for business persons is concerned (Art. 13-02),0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: A false certification by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer that makes a false statement or contravenes the Parties' respective legislation (Art. 7-04); Criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations relating to customs procedures, which check rules of origin (Art. 7-09); A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses; (Art. 11-17; Art. 14-10); Treatment of investor's losses due to armed conflict, civil strife etc. (Art. 14-06)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 714,714,714,714,CACMGUAT,Central American Common Market (CACM) Protocol of Guatemala,1993,Central American Common Market Protocol of Guatemala 1993.pdf,CR-SV-GT-HN-NI-PA,CR-SV-GT-HN-NI-PA,0,1,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,6,15,3,4,3,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,"""convinced of the need to face together the challenges posed by peace building, liberty, democracy and development, fundamental goal of the Central American Integration System""; ""development must be fostered on the basis of principles of… preservation of the environment,.. modernization of the different economic sectors""; ""process of regional integration""; ",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""reach sustainable development"" as the basic goal of the agreement (Art. 3); ""the parties commit to harmonize and pass common norms and technical rules ...in order to protect... the environment,..."" (Art. 26); ""parties agree to adopt converging strategies to increase competitiveness, based on a better use of human and natural resources, through education, conservation of natural resources, and transformation of scientific and technological knowledge"" (Art.32); ""In the area of natural resources and the environment, the parties agree to develop common strategies in order to strengthen the capacity of states to value and protect the region's natural heritage, to adopt ways of sustainable development, to use the area's natural resources in an optimal and rational way, to control pollution and re-establish: ecological equilibrium, among others, through the improvement and harmonization at a regional level of environmental legislation and the financing and execution of environment preservation projects"" (Art. 35); ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""The right of States to establish security, police and health measures is safe"" (exception) (Art. 7); ""the parties commit to harmonize and pass common norms and technical rules ...in order to protect... security,..."" (Art. 26)",0,,"""the basic goal… is to reach the equitable and sustainable economic and social development of the Central American countries, which leads to the wellbeing of its peoples and the growth of all member countries, through a process that allows the transformation and modernization of productive, social, and technological structures"" (Art. 3); Section 5 establishes monetary and financial integration; ""agree to foster and develop the necessary instruments for the achievement of a regional policy on tourism"" (art. 20); ""En the agricultural sector, the States commit to gradually developing a Central American agricultural policy, that advocates the modernization and reconversion of the productive system"" (Art. 21); ""In the industrial sector, the parties commit to stimulating modernization"" (Art. 24); ""the parties commit to harmonize and pass common norms and technical rules ...in order to protect human, animal, and plant health, the environment, security,..."" (Art. 26); ""the parties will promote the development of physical infrastructure and services, especially energy, transportation, and telecommunication. ... They also agree to harmonize service policies in infrastructure"" (Art. 28); ""in the services sector, the Parties agree to harmonize, among others, their legislation on banking, financial, stock-exchange, and insurance organizations. They will as well harmonize their laws on intellectual and industrial property"" (Art. 30); ""The parties agree to harmonize their legislation for the free exercise of university professions"" (Art. 31); ""parties agree to adopt converging strategies to increase competitiveness, based on a better use of human and natural resources, through education, conservation of natural resources, and transformation of scientific and technological knowledge"" (Art.32); ""The parties agree to establish converging strategies to promote training of human resources"" (Art. 33); ""Parties commit to executing a regional strategy to strive for the incorporation of science and technology into the productive process, through the betterment of the technological ability of human resources, the strengthening of the ability to develop applied research, the increase, diversification, and betterment of technological services; the establishment of financing mechanisms for the technological innovation in companies, and the fostering of cooperation in this field among the entities in the region (Art. 34); ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 187,187,187,187,CAFTA2,Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA),2004,CAFTA 2004.pdf,CR-SV-GT-HN-NI-US,CR-SV-GT-HN-NI-US,0,1,2004,0,,0,,,,United States CAFTA,,,,,,2,6,15,2,4,2,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,Promoting transparency and eliminate bribery and corruption in international trade and investment; Creating new opportunities for economic and social development in the region; Protecting and enhaning basic workers’ rights and strengthen their cooperation on labor matters; Creationg new employment opportunities and improve working conditions and living standards in their respective territories; Emphasis on environmental protection and conservation; Safeguarding the public welfare; Contributing to hemispheric integration,1,"Customs cooperation in deterring circumvention of laws, regulations, and procedures of any Party or international agreements affecting trade in textile or apparel goods (Art. 3.24); Penalties:adoptiong measures that allow for the imposition of civil or administrative penalties and, where appropriate, criminal sanctions for violations of its customs laws and regulations (Art. 5.9); Ensuring integrity in procurement practices: Further to Article 18.8 (Anti-Corruption Measures), each Party shall adopt procedures to declare ineligible for participation in the Party’s procurements suppliers that the Party has determined to have engaged in fraudulent or other illegal actions in relation to procurement (Art. 9.13); The Parties affirm their resolve to eliminate bribery and corruption in international trade and investment (Art. 18.7); Anti-corruption measures (Art. 18.8); The Parties recognize the importance of regional and multilateral initiatives to eliminate bribery and corruption in international trade and investment (Art. 18.9)",0,,1,"Recognizing the right of each Party to establish its own domestic labor standards, ensuring that its laws provide for labor standards consistent with the internationally recognized labor rights (Art. 16.1); Enforcement of labor laws (Art. 16.2); Enforcement of the Party’s labor laws and promoting public awareness of its labor laws (Art. 16.3); Establishing a Labor Affairs Council (Art. 16.4); Labor Cooperation and Capacity Building Mechanism (Art. 16.5); Cooperative labor consultations (Art. 16.6); Establishing a labor roster (Art. 16.7); Definition of labor laws such the right of association, the right to organize and bargain collectively, a prohibition on the use of any form of forced or compulsory labor, a minimum age for the employment of children etc. (Art. 16.8); Annex 16.5 on the Labor Cooperation and Capacity Building Mechanism (p. 172)",1,"Reference to the International Labor Organization (ILO) (Art. 16.1, p. 172); Reference to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-Up (1998) (ILO Declaration) (Art. 16.1; p. 173); Reference to the ILO Declaration and ILO Convention No. 182 Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (1999) (ILO Convention 182) (Art. 16.5; p. 173); Reference to the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank,and the Organization of American States to advance common commitments regarding labor matters (Annex 16.5 p. 172)",1,"Nothing in Chapter 10 on Investment shall construed to prevent a Party from adopting environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health; or related to the conservation of living or non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 10.9); Environment and investment: ensuring that investment activity in its territory is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 10.11); Levels of environmental protection (Art. 17.1); Enforcement of environmental laws (Art. 17.2); Procedural matters: judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative proceedings are available to sanction or remedy violations of environmental laws (Art. 17.3); Voluntary mechanisms to enhance environmental performance (Art. 17.4); Establishing an Environmental Affairs Council (Art. 17.5); Opportunities for public participation concerning environmental proctection (Art. 17.6); Submissions on enforcement matters: filing a submission asserting that a Party is failing to effectively enforce its environmental laws (Art. 17.7); Environmental cooperation: Recognizing the importance of strengthening capacity to protect the environment and to promote sustainable development in concert with strengthening trade and investment relation (Art. 17.9); Collaborative environmental consultations (Art. 17.10); Environmental roster (Art. 17.11); Relationship to environmental agreements (Art. 17.12); Definition of environmental law as the prevention or control of the release of pollutants or environmental contaminants, the control of environmentally hazardous or toxic substances, the protection or conservation of wild flora and fauna etc. (Art. 17.13); Annex 17.9 on Environmental Cooperation (p. 181f); The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 7 Article XIV(b) of the GATS include environmental measures and that Article XX(g) of the GATT 1994 applies to measures relating to the conservation of living and non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 21.1)",1,Reference to the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (“NAAEC”) (Art. 17.7); Reference to multilateral environmental agreements to which they are all party (unspecified) (Art. 17.12; Annex 17.9 p. 241); Reference to Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 7 Article XIV(b) of the GATS and Article XX(g) of the GATT 1994 (Art. 21.1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: A false certification by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer that makes a false statement or representation (Art. 4.18); Customs Cooperation: Where a Party has a reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity related to its laws or regulations governing importations, the Party may request another Party to provide specific confidential information normally collected in connection with the importation of goods / prevention of smuggling (Art. 5.5); A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses; (Art. 10.8; Art. 11.10); Treatment of investor's losses in case of strife (Art. 10.6)",The same text as CAFTA-Dominican Rebulic,,,,,,,,,,,, 188,188,188,188,CAFTA_DOM,Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) Dominican Republic,2004,CAFTA Dominican Republic 2004.pdf,CR-SV-GT-HN-NI-US-DO,CR-SV-GT-HN-NI-US-DO,0,1,2006,0,,1,Dominican Republic Central America United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA DR),17-Mar-06,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Central America Dominican Republic United States (CAFTA -DR),Central America DR United States (CAFTA DR),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,7,6,2,4,2,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,Promoting transparency and eliminating bribery and corruption in international trade and investment; Creating new opportunities for economic and social development in the region; Protecting and enforcing basic workers’ rights and strengthen their cooperation on labor matters; Creating new employment opportunities and improve working conditions and living standards; Emphasis on environmental protection and conservation; Safeguarding public welfare; Contributiong to hemispheric integration,1,"Customs cooperation in deterring circumvention of laws, regulations, and procedures of any Party or international agreements affecting trade in textile or apparel goods (Art. 3.24); Penalties: adoptiong measures that allow for the imposition of civil or administrative penalties and, where appropriate, criminal sanctions for violations of respective customs laws and regulations (Art. 5.9); Ensuring integrity in procurement practices: Further to Article 18.8 (Anti-Corruption Measures), each Party shall adopt procedures to declare ineligible for participation in the Party’s procurements suppliers that the Party has determined to have engaged in fraudulent or other illegal actions in relation to procurement (Art. 9.13); The Parties affirm their resolve to eliminate bribery and corruption in international trade and investment (Art. 18.7); Anti-corruption measures (Art. 18.8); The Parties recognize the importance of regional and multilateral initiatives to eliminate bribery and corruption in international trade and investment (Art. 18.9)",0,,1,"Recognizing the right of each Party to establish its own domestic labor standards, ensuring that its laws provide for labor standards consistent with the internationally recognized labor rights (Art. 16.1); Enforcement of labor laws (Art. 16.2); Enforcement of the Party’s labor laws and promoting public awareness of its labor laws (Art. 16.3); Establishing a Labor Affairs Council (Art. 16.4); Labor Cooperation and Capacity Building Mechanism (Art. 16.5); Cooperative labor consultations (Art. 16.6); Establishing a labor roster (Art. 16.7); Definition of labor laws such the right of association, the right to organize and bargain collectively, a prohibition on the use of any form of forced or compulsory labor, a minimum age for the employment of children etc. (Art. 16.8); Annex 16.5 on the Labor Cooperation and Capacity Building Mechanism (p. 232f)",1,"Reference to the International Labor Organization (ILO) (Art. 16.1, p. 232); Reference to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-Up (1998) (ILO Declaration) (Art. 16.1; p. 232); Reference to the ILO Declaration and ILO Convention No. 182 Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (1999) (ILO Convention 182) (Art. 16.5; p. 232); Reference to the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank,and the Organization of American States to advance common commitments regarding labor matters (Annex 16.5 p. 232)",1,"Nothing in Chapter 10 on Investment shall construed to prevent a Party from adopting environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health; or related to the conservation of living or non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 10.9); Environment and investment: ensuring that investment activity in its territory is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 10.11); Levels of environmental protection (Art. 17.1); Enforcement of environmental laws (Art. 17.2); Procedural matters: judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative proceedings are available to sanction or remedy violations of environmental laws (Art. 17.3); Voluntary mechanisms to enhance environmental performance (Art. 17.4); Establishing an Environmental Affairs Council (Art. 17.5); Opportunities for public participation concerning environmental proctection (Art. 17.6); Submissions on enforcement matters: filing a submission asserting that a Party is failing to effectively enforce its environmental laws (Art. 17.7); Environmental cooperation: Recognizing the importance of strengthening capacity to protect the environment and to promote sustainable development in concert with strengthening trade and investment relation (Art. 17.9); Collaborative environmental consultations (Art. 17.10); Environmental roster (Art. 17.11); Relationship to environmental agreements (Art. 17.12); Definition of environmental law as the prevention or control of the release of pollutants or environmental contaminants, the control of environmentally hazardous or toxic substances, the protection or conservation of wild flora and fauna etc. (Art. 17.13); Annex 17.9 on Environmental Cooperation (p. 241f); The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 7 Article XIV(b) of the GATS include environmental measures and that Article XX(g) of the GATT 1994 applies to measures relating to the conservation of living and non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 21.1)",1,Reference to the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (“NAAEC”) (Art. 17.7); Reference to multilateral environmental agreements to which they are all party (unspecified) (Art. 17.12; Annex 17.9 p. 241); Reference to Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 7 Article XIV(b) of the GATS and Article XX(g) of the GATT 1994 (Art. 21.1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: A false certification by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer that makes a false statement or representation (Art. 4.18); Customs Cooperation: Where a Party has a reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity related to its laws or regulations governing importations, the Party may request another Party to provide specific confidential information normally collected in connection with the importation of goods / prevention of smuggling (Art. 5.5), A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses; (Art. 10.8; Art. 11.10); Treatment of investor's losses in case of strife (Art. 10.6)",The same text as CAFTA,,,,,,,,,,,, 189,189,189,189,CAFTA1,Central American Free Trade Area (CAFTA),1958,CAFTA 1958.pdf,CR-SV-GT-HN-NI,CR-SV-GT-HN-NI,0,1,1959,1,1961,1,Central American Free Trade Area,20689,GATT Art. XXIV,,Multilateral Central American Free Trade and Economic Integration Treaty (superseded by General Treaty for Central American Economic Integration),FTA,2,FTA,2,2,5,10,3,4,2,0,0,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 190,190,190,190,CENTAMERINT,Central American Integration System,1991,Central American Integration System 1991.pdf,CR-SV-GT-HN-NI-PA,CR-SV-GT-HN-NI-PA,0,1,1992,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,6,15,3,4,5,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Desiring to advance in the Latin American integration process,1,Intention of the Agreement: Eradication of corruption (Art. 3),0,,0,,0,,1,"Intention of the Agreement: Promotion of a sustainable development, protection of the environment, aim of establish a new ecological ordern in the region (Art. 3) ",0,,1,"Respect of the human rights as an important intention of the Agreement (Art. 3, Art. 4)",1,"Respect of the principles in the UN Charter and the "" Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA)"" (not more specified) (Art. 4)",1,"Fundamental objective of the Centro-American integration process is its establishment as a region democracy, consolidation of democracy and its institutions, strengthening civil society, fosterin political development (Art. 3); Peace, Democracy, Development and Freedom as indivisable, but fundamental principles of the Agreement (Art. 4); The institutional structure should guarantee the development of the political sector (Art. 8); Establishing the following political organs: Presidental reunions, Minister Council, Executive Committee, General Secretariat and their tasks (Art. 12 - Art. 28) ",1,"Respect of the principles in the UN Charter and the "" Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA)"" (not more specified) (Art. 4)",1,"Fundamental objective of the Centro-American integration process is its establishment as a region of freedom and peace, forming a new model of regional security, erradication of violence, terrorism and trade in arms (Art. 3); Peace, Democracy, Development and Freedom as indivisable, but fundamental principles of the Agreement (Art. 4) ",0,,"Fostering Centro-American integration (Art. 1, Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4); Intention of the Agreement: Erradication of extreme poverty, promoting economic, social, and cultural development in the whole region (Art. 3); Peace, Democracy, Development and Freedom as indivisable, but fundamental principles of the Agreement (Art. 4); The institutional structre should garantuee social and cultural development (Art. 8) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 191,191,191,191,CAEC,Central Asian Economic Community,1994,,KZ-KG-UZ,KZ-KG-UZ,0,0,,1,2005,0,,,,,Central Asian Economic Community Central Asian Cooperation Organization (CACO) (subsumed in EAEC by decree of heads of CACO members),CU,,,,2,3,3,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 192,192,192,192,CEFTA1,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA),1992,CEFTA 1992.pdf,CZ-HU-PL-SK,CZ-HU-PL-SK,0,1,1993,1,2007,1,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA),34515,GATT Art. XXIV,CEFTA,"Central European Free Trade Area (CEFTA) (Visegrad process) (to be replaced by new CEFTA in 2007, which will involve new Central European members and subsume a large number of regional bilateral pacts)",FTA,2,FTA,2,2,4,6,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the Parties integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 193,193,193,193,CEFTA2,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA),2006,CEFTA accession framework 2006.pdf,AL-BA-BG-HR-MK-MD-ME-RO-RS-KV,AL-BA-BG-HR-MK-MD-ME-RO-RS-KV,0,1,2007,0,,1,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) 2006,39289,GATT Art. XXIV,CEFTA 2006,,,,FTA,2,2,10,45,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Aim of eligible Parties to accede to the European Union; Emphasis on the necessity to amend CEFTA, in order to contribute to the process of integration in Europe",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,This is the Agreement on Amendment of and Accession to the Central European Free Trade Agreement ,,,,,,,,,,,, 194,194,194,194,CEFTA_BGR,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Bulgaria,1998,CEFTA Bulgaria(accession) 1998.pdf,CZ-HU-PL-SK-RO-SI-BG,CZ-HU-PL-SK-RO-SI-BG,0,1,1999,1,2006,1,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Accession of Bulgaria,24-Mar-99,GATT Art. XXIV,CEFTA Accession of Bulgaria,CEFTA Accession of Bulgaria,A,4,FTA,2,3,7,6,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the Parties integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe, the Paris Charter (CEFTA 1992); Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe (accession document)",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),"This is the Agreement on Accession of Bulgaria to the Central European Free Trade Agreement. The coding is from CEFTA 1992 and adds any additions from the accession document. Agreement is dated back to 1994, not 1998 as indicated here. Protocols are not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 192,192+3,19203,846,CEFTA1_p1c,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Bulgaria accession,1998,,CZ-HU-PL-SK-SI-RO-BG,CZ-HU-PL-SK-SI-RO-BG,0,,,1,2007,,,,,,,,,,,5,7,6,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the Parties integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe, the Paris Charter (CEFTA 1992); Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe (accession document)",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),"This is the Agreement on Accession of Bulgaria to the Central European Free Trade Agreement. The coding is from CEFTA 1992 and adds any additions from the accession document. Agreement is dated back to 1994, not 1998 as indicated here. Protocols are not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 195,195,195,195,CEFTA_HRV,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Croatia,2002,CEFTA Croatia accession 2002.pdf,CZ-HU-PL-SK-BG-RO-SI-HR,CZ-HU-PL-SK-BG-RO-SI-HR,0,1,2003,0,,1,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Accession of Croatia,38040,GATT Art. XXIV,CEFTA Accession of Croatia,CEFTA Accession of Croatia,A,4,FTA,2,3,8,7,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the Parties integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe, the Paris Charter (CEFTA 1992); Wishing to contribute to the process of integration in Europe (Accession document)",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),This is the Agreement on Accession of Croation to the Central European Free Trade Agreement. The coding is from CEFTA 1992 and adds any additions from the accession document. Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 192,192+4,19204,847,CEFTA1_p1d,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Croatia accession,2002,,CZ-HU-PL-SK-SI-RO-BG-HR,CZ-HU-PL-SK-SI-RO-BG-HR,0,,,1,2007,,,,,,,,,,,5,8,7,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the Parties integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe, the Paris Charter (CEFTA 1992); Wishing to contribute to the process of integration in Europe (Accession document)",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),This is the Agreement on Accession of Croation to the Central European Free Trade Agreement. The coding is from CEFTA 1992 and adds any additions from the accession document. Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 192,192+5,19205,848,CEFTA1_p1e,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Macedonia accession,2006,,RO-BG-HR-MK,RO-BG-HR-MK,0,,,1,2007,,,,,,,,,,,5,4,3,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the Parties integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 196,196,196,196,CEFTA_ROU,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Romania,1997,CEFTA Romania(accession) 1996.pdf,CZ-HU-PL-SK-SI-RO,CZ-HU-PL-SK-SI-RO,0,1,1997,1,2006,1,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Accession of Romania,35803,GATT Art. XXIV,CEFTA Accession of Romania,CEFTA Accession of Romania,A,4,FTA,2,3,6,5,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the Parties integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe, the Paris Charter (CEFTA 1992); Wishing to contribute to the process of integration in Europe (Accession document)",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),This is the Agreement on Accession of Romania to the Central European Free Trade Agreement. The coding is from CEFTA 1992 and adds any additions from the accession document,,,,,,,,,,,, 192,192+2,19202,849,CEFTA1_p1b,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Romania accession,1997,,CZ-HU-PL-SK-SI-RO,CZ-HU-PL-SK-SI-RO,0,,,1,2007,,,,,,,,,,,5,6,5,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the Parties integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe, the Paris Charter (CEFTA 1992); Wishing to contribute to the process of integration in Europe (Accession document)",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),This is the Agreement on Accession of Romania to the Central European Free Trade Agreement. The coding is from CEFTA 1992 and adds any additions from the accession document,,,,,,,,,,,, 197,197,197,197,CEFTA_SVN,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Slovenia,1995,CEFTA Slovenia(accession) 1995.pdf,CZ-HU-PL-SK-SI,CZ-HU-PL-SK-SI,0,1,1996,1,2004,1,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Accession of Slovenia,35803,GATT Art. XXIV,CEFTA Accession of Slovenia,CEFTA Accession of Slovenia,A,4,FTA,2,3,5,4,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the Parties integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe, the Paris Charter (CEFTA 1992); Wishing to contribute to the process of integration in Europe (Accession document)",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),This is the Agreement on Accession of Romania to the Central European Free Trade Agreement. Annexes and Protocols are not added. The coding is from CEFTA 1992 and adds any additions from the accession document,,,,,,,,,,,, 192,192+1,19201,850,CEFTA1_p1a,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Slovenia accession,1995,,CZ-HU-PL-SK-SI,CZ-HU-PL-SK-SI,0,,,1,2007,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,4,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the Parties integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe, the Paris Charter (CEFTA 1992); Wishing to contribute to the process of integration in Europe (Accession document)",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1) (CEFTA 1992),This is the Agreement on Accession of Romania to the Central European Free Trade Agreement. Annexes and Protocols are not added. The coding is from CEFTA 1992 and adds any additions from the accession document,,,,,,,,,,,, 193,193_1,193001,852,CEFTA2_m2,Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) withdrawal Bulgaria and Romania,2007,,AL-BA-HR-MK-MD-ME-RS-KV,AL-BA-HR-MK-MD-ME-RS-KV,0,,,1,2007,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Aim of eligible Parties to accede to the European Union; Emphasis on the necessity to amend CEFTA, in order to contribute to the process of integration in Europe",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,This is the Agreement on Amendment of and Accession to the Central European Free Trade Agreement ,,,,,,,,,,,, 192,192_1,192001,851,CEFTA1_m5,"Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) withdrawal Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic, Slovenia",2004,,RO-BG-HR,RO-BG-HR,0,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the Parties integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-Operation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 198,198,198,198,TCH_MAR,Chad Morocco,1997,,TD-MA,TD-MA,0,0,1997,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 199,199,199,199,CHL_CHN,Chile China,2005,Chile China 2005.PDF,CL-CN,CL-CN,0,1,2006,0,,1,Chile China,39253,GATT Art. XXIV,Chile China,Chile China,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Raising the standard of living, creating new job opportunities, and promoting sustainable development in a manner consistent with environmental protection and conservation; Committed to promoting the public welfare",0,,0,,1,Enhancing communication and cooperation on labor and social security through the Memorandum of Understanding on Labor and Social Security Cooperation (Art. 108),0,,1,Enhancing communication and cooperation on environment through the Environmental Cooperation Agreement between the Parties (Art. 108),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: Penalties shall be imposed in accordance with domestic legislation of each Party for infringement on the provisions of Procedures related to rules of origin (Art. 29); See especially Chapter 13 on Cooperation with the aim of promoting economic and social development; Cooperation in research, science and technology (Art. 106); Cooepration in education (Art. 107); Cultural cooperation (Art. 110)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 200,200,200,200,CHL_COL1,Chile Colombia,1993,Chile Colombia 1993.pdf,CL-CO,CL-CO,0,1,1993,1,2006,0,,,,Chile Colombia,Chile Colombia (ECA 24) (apparently subsumed in Chile Colombia FTA upon that treaty's entry into force),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 201,201,201,201,CHL_COL2,Chile Colombia,2006,Chile Colombia 2006,CL-CO,CL-CO,0,1,2009,0,,1,Chile Colombia,40039,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,,Chile Colombia FTA (additional protocol to ECA 24),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,4,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,Customs cooperation in the case of reasonable suspicions that there are illegal activities related to the respective Parties legislation on importation and exportation (especially contrabands) (Art. 5.6); Imposition of civil or administrative sanctions for violating the Parties customs legislation (Art. 5.10),0,,1,Promotion of labour procedures in order to improve labour and employment conditions as well as the standard of living of the respective peoples (Art. 1.2),0,,1,"Economic and environmental policies should support each other mutually, promotion to use natural resources in a more sustainable way, protection of ecosystems (Art. 1.2)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Illegal activities: Sanctions for exporters who draw up certificates of origins which contain false information (Art. 4.19); Penalties and civil and administrative sanctions for violating laws and regualtions related to Chapter 4 on Rules of Origin (Art. 4.22),The text doesn't contain any preamble,,,,,,,,,,,, 715,715,715,715,CHL_CUB,Chile Cuba,1999,Chile Cuba 1999.pdf,CL-CU,CL-CU,0,1,2008,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the Latin-American Integration Association; ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""invigorating the integration process"" as one of the goals of the agreement (Art. 1.d); """,Complete text of annex I and II missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 202,202,202,202,CHL_EC,Chile EC,2002,Chile EC 2002.pdf,CL-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE,CL-EU,1,1,2003,0,,1,EC Chile,03-Feb-2004(G),GATT Art. XXIV,EC Chile,Chile EC Association Agreement,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,16,15,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,"Commitment to the respect for democratic principles and fundamental human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Attachment to the principles of the rule of law and of good governance; Promoting social progress for their peoples, taking into account environmental protection requirements; Importance of strengthening the regular political dialogue; Reference to the principles and values set out in the Final Declaration of the World Summit for Social Development (1995); Importance to fight against all forms of terrorism and the commitment to establish effective international instruments to ensure its eradication; Desirability of a cultural dialogue",0,,0,,1,"Respect for fundamental social rights, notably by promoting the relevant conventions of the International Labour Organisation covering such topics as the freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining and non-discrimination, the abolition of forced and child labour, and equal treatment between men and women (Art. 44)",1,Reference to respect the relevant conventions of the International Labour Organisation (Art. 44),1,"The Parties shall establish close cooperation aimed at the protection of the environment (Art. 16); Cooperation on energy: consolidating economic relations in key sectors such as renewable energy and energy-saving technology (Art. 22); Cooperation on the environment (Art. 28)",0,,1,Respect for fundamental human rights (Art. 1); Objective of the political dialogue: the promotion and common defence of the respect for human rights a the freedom of the individual (Art. 12); Establishing close cooperation aimed at strengthening the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (Art. 16),1,Reference the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 1),1,"Respect for democratic principles and for the principle of the rule of law, attachment to the principle of good governance (Art. 1); Enhancement of political dialogue (Art. 2, Art. 8); Objective of the political dialogue: the promotion, and common defence of democratic values, such as the principles of the rule of law as the foundation of a democratic society (Art. 12); Mechanism of political dialogue (Art. 13); Cooperation in the field of foreign policy (Art. 14); Establishing close cooperation aimed at strengthening democracy and the rule of law (Art. 16); Strengthening of civil society and its incorporation into the process of defining public policies, modernisation of the State and of public administration, decentralisation and the strengthening of regional and local government (Art. 41); Participation of civil society in cooperation (Art. 48)",1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 1),1,Objectives of political dialogue: joint initiatives concerning any issue of mutual interest with a view to pursuing common goals like security (Art. 12); Cooperation in the field of security policy (Art. 14); Cooperation against terrorism (Art. 15),1,"Reference to the Resolution 1373 of the United Nations Security Council and other relevant United Nations Resolutions, international conventions (against terrorism) (Art. 15)","See for example: The promotion of sustainable economic and social development (Art. 1); Objective of the Agreement: It covers in particular political, scientific, technological, social, cultural and cooperation fields (Art. 2); Promotiong regular meetings of representatives of the Chilean and the European Union’s civil societies, including the academic community, social partners, and non-governmental organisations (Art. 11); The Parties shall establish close cooperation aimed at the promoting social development, which should go hand in hand with economic development with particular respect for basic social rights (Art. 16); Modernising Chile’s transport systems (Art. 23); Cooperation on statistics (Art. 27); Cooperation on tourism (Art. 34); Cooperation on science and technology (Art. 36); Cooperation on education and training (Art. 38); Cooperation in the audio-visual field (Art. 39); Exchange of information and cultural cooperation (Art. 40); Cooperation on programmes such as job creation and vocational training programmes, social service managemen, development project, health and primary education programmes etc. (Art. 41); See provisions on social cooperation (Art. 43); Cooperation related to gener (Art. 44, Art. 45); Cooperation on illegal immigration (Art. 46); Cooperation on drugs and combating organised crime (Art. 47); Regional cooperation and integration (Art. 49); Commitment to combat irregularities and fraud related to origin (Art. 82); Penalties for on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document (certificate of origin) which contains incorrect information (p. 156) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 202,202+2,20202,853,CHL_EC_p1,Chile EC Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,CL-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,CL-EU-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,"Commitment to the respect for democratic principles and fundamental human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Attachment to the principles of the rule of law and of good governance; Promoting social progress for their peoples, taking into account environmental protection requirements; Importance of strengthening the regular political dialogue; Reference to the principles and values set out in the Final Declaration of the World Summit for Social Development (1995); Importance to fight against all forms of terrorism and the commitment to establish effective international instruments to ensure its eradication; Desirability of a cultural dialogue",0,,0,,1,"Respect for fundamental social rights, notably by promoting the relevant conventions of the International Labour Organisation covering such topics as the freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining and non-discrimination, the abolition of forced and child labour, and equal treatment between men and women (Art. 44)",1,Reference to respect the relevant conventions of the International Labour Organisation (Art. 44),1,"The Parties shall establish close cooperation aimed at the protection of the environment (Art. 16); Cooperation on energy: consolidating economic relations in key sectors such as renewable energy and energy-saving technology (Art. 22); Cooperation on the environment (Art. 28)",0,,1,Respect for fundamental human rights (Art. 1); Objective of the political dialogue: the promotion and common defence of the respect for human rights a the freedom of the individual (Art. 12); Establishing close cooperation aimed at strengthening the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (Art. 16),1,Reference the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 1),1,"Respect for democratic principles and for the principle of the rule of law, attachment to the principle of good governance (Art. 1); Enhancement of political dialogue (Art. 2, Art. 8); Objective of the political dialogue: the promotion, and common defence of democratic values, such as the principles of the rule of law as the foundation of a democratic society (Art. 12); Mechanism of political dialogue (Art. 13); Cooperation in the field of foreign policy (Art. 14); Establishing close cooperation aimed at strengthening democracy and the rule of law (Art. 16); Strengthening of civil society and its incorporation into the process of defining public policies, modernisation of the State and of public administration, decentralisation and the strengthening of regional and local government (Art. 41); Participation of civil society in cooperation (Art. 48)",1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 1),1,Objectives of political dialogue: joint initiatives concerning any issue of mutual interest with a view to pursuing common goals like security (Art. 12); Cooperation in the field of security policy (Art. 14); Cooperation against terrorism (Art. 15),1,"Reference to the Resolution 1373 of the United Nations Security Council and other relevant United Nations Resolutions, international conventions (against terrorism) (Art. 15)","See for example: The promotion of sustainable economic and social development (Art. 1); Objective of the Agreement: It covers in particular political, scientific, technological, social, cultural and cooperation fields (Art. 2); Promotiong regular meetings of representatives of the Chilean and the European Union’s civil societies, including the academic community, social partners, and non-governmental organisations (Art. 11); The Parties shall establish close cooperation aimed at the promoting social development, which should go hand in hand with economic development with particular respect for basic social rights (Art. 16); Modernising Chile’s transport systems (Art. 23); Cooperation on statistics (Art. 27); Cooperation on tourism (Art. 34); Cooperation on science and technology (Art. 36); Cooperation on education and training (Art. 38); Cooperation in the audio-visual field (Art. 39); Exchange of information and cultural cooperation (Art. 40); Cooperation on programmes such as job creation and vocational training programmes, social service managemen, development project, health and primary education programmes etc. (Art. 41); See provisions on social cooperation (Art. 43); Cooperation related to gener (Art. 44, Art. 45); Cooperation on illegal immigration (Art. 46); Cooperation on drugs and combating organised crime (Art. 47); Regional cooperation and integration (Art. 49); Commitment to combat irregularities and fraud related to origin (Art. 82); Penalties for on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document (certificate of origin) which contains incorrect information (p. 156) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 202,202+1,20201,854,CHL_EC_p10,Chile EC Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,CL-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,CL-EU-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,"Commitment to the respect for democratic principles and fundamental human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Attachment to the principles of the rule of law and of good governance; Promoting social progress for their peoples, taking into account environmental protection requirements; Importance of strengthening the regular political dialogue; Reference to the principles and values set out in the Final Declaration of the World Summit for Social Development (1995); Importance to fight against all forms of terrorism and the commitment to establish effective international instruments to ensure its eradication; Desirability of a cultural dialogue",0,,0,,1,"Respect for fundamental social rights, notably by promoting the relevant conventions of the International Labour Organisation covering such topics as the freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining and non-discrimination, the abolition of forced and child labour, and equal treatment between men and women (Art. 44)",1,Reference to respect the relevant conventions of the International Labour Organisation (Art. 44),1,"The Parties shall establish close cooperation aimed at the protection of the environment (Art. 16); Cooperation on energy: consolidating economic relations in key sectors such as renewable energy and energy-saving technology (Art. 22); Cooperation on the environment (Art. 28)",0,,1,Respect for fundamental human rights (Art. 1); Objective of the political dialogue: the promotion and common defence of the respect for human rights a the freedom of the individual (Art. 12); Establishing close cooperation aimed at strengthening the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (Art. 16),1,Reference the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 1),1,"Respect for democratic principles and for the principle of the rule of law, attachment to the principle of good governance (Art. 1); Enhancement of political dialogue (Art. 2, Art. 8); Objective of the political dialogue: the promotion, and common defence of democratic values, such as the principles of the rule of law as the foundation of a democratic society (Art. 12); Mechanism of political dialogue (Art. 13); Cooperation in the field of foreign policy (Art. 14); Establishing close cooperation aimed at strengthening democracy and the rule of law (Art. 16); Strengthening of civil society and its incorporation into the process of defining public policies, modernisation of the State and of public administration, decentralisation and the strengthening of regional and local government (Art. 41); Participation of civil society in cooperation (Art. 48)",1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 1),1,Objectives of political dialogue: joint initiatives concerning any issue of mutual interest with a view to pursuing common goals like security (Art. 12); Cooperation in the field of security policy (Art. 14); Cooperation against terrorism (Art. 15),1,"Reference to the Resolution 1373 of the United Nations Security Council and other relevant United Nations Resolutions, international conventions (against terrorism) (Art. 15)","See for example: The promotion of sustainable economic and social development (Art. 1); Objective of the Agreement: It covers in particular political, scientific, technological, social, cultural and cooperation fields (Art. 2); Promotiong regular meetings of representatives of the Chilean and the European Union’s civil societies, including the academic community, social partners, and non-governmental organisations (Art. 11); The Parties shall establish close cooperation aimed at the promoting social development, which should go hand in hand with economic development with particular respect for basic social rights (Art. 16); Modernising Chile’s transport systems (Art. 23); Cooperation on statistics (Art. 27); Cooperation on tourism (Art. 34); Cooperation on science and technology (Art. 36); Cooperation on education and training (Art. 38); Cooperation in the audio-visual field (Art. 39); Exchange of information and cultural cooperation (Art. 40); Cooperation on programmes such as job creation and vocational training programmes, social service managemen, development project, health and primary education programmes etc. (Art. 41); See provisions on social cooperation (Art. 43); Cooperation related to gener (Art. 44, Art. 45); Cooperation on illegal immigration (Art. 46); Cooperation on drugs and combating organised crime (Art. 47); Regional cooperation and integration (Art. 49); Commitment to combat irregularities and fraud related to origin (Art. 82); Penalties for on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document (certificate of origin) which contains incorrect information (p. 156) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 203,203,203,203,CHL_ECU1,Chile Ecuador,1994,Chile Ecuador 1994 Partial PTA.pdf,CL-EC,CL-EC,0,1,1994,1,2010,0,,,,,Chile Ecuador (ECA 32) (broad coverage with some exceptions),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 29, Art. 30)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 204,204,204,204,CHL_ECU2,Chile Ecuador,2008,Chile Ecuador 2008 .pdf,CL-EC,CL-EC,0,1,2010,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,"""importance of doing all of the above in a manner consistent with the protection and preservation of the environment"" ""Importance of strengthening ALADI"" ""achieve the betterment of social development of peoples"" ""creation of new employment opportunities, improvement of working conditions and of standards of living""; reference to the Treaty of Montevideo; ",0,,0,,0,,0,,1," ""legitimate goals (for technical regulations to restrict commerce) are: … the protection of the environment"" (Art 8.6)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""legitimate goals (for technical regulations to restrict commerce) are: national security imperatives,...protection of health or human security"" (Art 8.6); Annex 5.1, article 5: exceptions to mutual assistance and cooperation are when this may affect sovereignty and public safety""",1,Reference to GATT Art. XXI (art. 3.6),"Chapter 11 deals with entry and stay of business persons, but there is an exception for migrants seeking jobs, residency or citizenship. ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 205,205,205,205,CHL_EFTA,Chile EFTA,2003,Chile EFTA 2003.pdf/Chile EFTA AnnexXIII.pdf/Chile Efta03 Annexes/Chile Efta03.txt,CL-LI-IS-NO-CH,CL-LI-IS-NO-CH,0,1,2004,0,,1,EFTA Chile,03-Dec-04,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EFTA Chile,Chile EFTA,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,5,4,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,"Improve working conditions, Promote environmental protection and conservation, commitment to human rights and fundamental freedoms, commitment to democracy and the rule of law, ensure a stable and predictable environment; Reference to United Nations Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Exclude supplier for criminal participation, false declarations etc. (Art. 57.5)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 206,206,206,206,CHL_IND,Chile India,2006,Chile India 2007.pdf,CL-IN,CL-IN,0,1,2007,0,,1,Chile India,39826,Enabling Clause,Chile India,Chile India PTA,PTA_PSA,1,PTA,1,1,2,1,3,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Each Party shall adopt or maintain measures that provide for the imposition of civil, administrative, and criminal sanctions for violations of its customs laws and regulations (Annex C: Art. 35)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Provision on the control and verification of certificates of origin in cases of doubt which shall not shall not preclude the application of the national legislation relating to breach of customs law (Annex C: Art. 16),,,,,,,,,,,,, 207,207,207,207,CHL_JPN,Chile Japan,2007,Chile Japan 2007.pdf,CL-JP,CL-JP,0,1,2007,0,,1,Chile Japan,39318,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Chile Japan,Chile Japan EPA,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,"A strategic economic partnership between the Parties shall bring social benefits, create new and better opportunities for employment, improve the living standards of peoples; economic development, social development and environmental protection are interdependent and mutually reinforcing pillars of sustainable development",1,Each Party shall adopt or maintain appropriate sanctions or other measures against violations of its customs laws (Art. 59),0,,0,,0,,1,Environmental measures: it is inappropriate to encourage investments by investors of the other Party by relaxing its environmental measures (Art. 87),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Emphasis on ensuring border security relating to Chapter 11 on Entry and Temporary Stay of Nationals for Business Purposes (Art. 129),0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: Penalties and measures against false declaration (Art. 50); Ensuring effective enforcement against illicit trafficking of goods (Art. 57), A Party may delay or prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 81); Protection of investors who have suffered loss relating to their investments made in the Area of the former Party due to armed conflict, revolution, insurrection, civil disturbance or any other similar event (Art. 76)",Annexes and Notes have not been added,,,,,,,,,,,, 208,208,208,208,CHL_KOR,Chile Korea,2003,Chile Korea 2003.pdf,CL-KR,CL-KR,0,1,2004,0,,1,"Korea, Republic of Chile",38085,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Chile Korea,Chile Korea,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,"Raising the standard of living, creating new work opportunities, and promoting sustainable development in a manner consistent with environmental protection and conservation; Committed to promoting the public welfare; Desiring to strengthen the parallel development of market economy and democracy within their countries",1,"Each Party shall maintain measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative responsibilities for violations of its laws and regulations relating to the Chapter on Customs Procedures (Art. 5.11)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in Chapter 10 on Investment shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health or necessary for the conservation of living or non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 10.7); Environmental measures: ensuring that an investment activity in its territory is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 10.18)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Emphasis on the need to ensure border security relating to Chapter 13 on the Temporary Entry for Business Persons (Art. 13.2),0,,See for example measures against illegal activities: Each Party shall provide that a false certification by an exporter or a producer in its territory shall have the same legal consequences as would apply to an importer in its territory for a contravention of its customs laws and regulations regarding the making of a false statement or representation (Art. 5.4); Compensations for investors losses owing to war or other armed conflict (Art. 10.6); A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating criminal or penal offenses (Art. 10.11),,,,,,,,,,,,, 209,209,209,209,CHL_MRCSR,Chile MERCOSUR,1996,Chile MERCOSUR 1996.pdf,CL-AR-BR-PY-UY,CL-AR-BR-PY-UY,0,1,1996,0,,0,,,,MERCOSUR Chile,Chile MERCOSUR Free Trade Agreement (ECA 35),FTA,2,,,3,5,4,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,Emphasis on the necessity to fortify the integration process in Latin America as an instrument for progress in economic and social development; safeguarding better living conditions for the respective peoples; Democratic institutions as an essential element for progress in the regional integration process ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Cooperation in energy, science and technology (Art. 1, Art. 44); Forms of cooperation in science and technology (Art. 45); Provisions for more physical integration: facilitatatin the transit of persons and circulation of goods etc. (Art. 32; p. 14: Art. 1, Art. 2, Art. 3); Improvement of the national infrastructure to develop oceanic transit connections / Improvement of communications ways and port capacities (Art. 33, p. 14: Art. 5, Art. 6); Penalities and sanctions for falsification and adulteration certificates of origin (Annex 13: Art. 23 p. 219)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 210,210,210,210,CHL_MRCSRSERV,Chile MERCOSUR Protocol on Services,2009,Chile MERCOSUR Services 2009,CL-AR-BR-PY-UY,CL-AR-BR-PY-UY,0,1,2011,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,3,5,4,3,4,4,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Protocol art 7.6 establishes that ""contracting parties will periodically celebrate meetings in order to determine whether it is possible to eliminate the remaining restrictions on matters of citizenship or permanent residency""; Protocol article 8 establishes that recognition of educational degrees and certificates will not be automatic, unless there is a specific agreement, but that opportunities for this recognition or for concluding one such agreement will be given. ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 209,209+1,20901,855,CHL_MRCSR_p1,Chile MERCOSUR Venezuela accession,2006,,CL-AR-BR-PY-UY-VE,CL-AR-BR-PY-UY-VE,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,6,1,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,Emphasis on the necessity to fortify the integration process in Latin America as an instrument for progress in economic and social development; safeguarding better living conditions for the respective peoples; Democratic institutions as an essential element for progress in the regional integration process ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Cooperation in energy, science and technology (Art. 1, Art. 44); Forms of cooperation in science and technology (Art. 45); Provisions for more physical integration: facilitatatin the transit of persons and circulation of goods etc. (Art. 32; p. 14: Art. 1, Art. 2, Art. 3); Improvement of the national infrastructure to develop oceanic transit connections / Improvement of communications ways and port capacities (Art. 33, p. 14: Art. 5, Art. 6); Penalities and sanctions for falsification and adulteration certificates of origin (Annex 13: Art. 23 p. 219)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 211,211,211,211,CHL_MEX1,Chile Mexico,1991,Chile Mexico 1991.pdf,CL-MX,CL-MX,0,1,1992,1,1999,0,,,,,"Chile Mexico (ECA 17, leads to Chile Mexico FTA, ECA 41)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"""need to strengthen the Latin-American integration process to achieve the goals of the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980""; reference to ALADI; ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""Signatory countries will promote investment"" (Art. 21) ""Signatory countries commit to harmonize all rules that are considered indispensible for this agreement"" (Art. 29); promotion of cooperation in transportation and communication, as well as modern services such as technology, engineering, consulting and other services"" (Art. 30); Organization of fairs and exhibitions, as well as meetings and reciprocal visitors of businessmen, information on supply and demand, and market studies"" (Art. 32)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 212,212,212,212,CHL_MEX2,Chile Mexico,1998,Chile Mexico 1998.pdf/Chile Mexico 1998 Annex.pdf,CL-MX,CL-MX,0,1,1999,0,,1,Chile Mexico,36949,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Chile Mexico,Chile Mexico FTA (ECA 41),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Creating new employment opportunities and improving working conditions and living standards in their respective territories; Emphasis on the environmental protection and conservation; Safeguarding the public welfare; Contributing to hemispheric integration",1,"Each Party shall establish or maintain measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations relating to the Chapter on Customs Procedures (Art. 5-10)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Relation of the Agreement to environmental and conservation agreements (Art. 1-06); Nothing in Chapter 9 on Investment shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health or necessary for the conservation of living or non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 9-07); Environmental measures: ensuring that investment activity is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 9-15); The Parties undertake to identify the measures, restrictions or prohibitions on the importation or exportation of goods for reasons of preservation of wildlife and the environment (Art. 3-17)",1,"Reference to The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973; the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1987; the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, 1989 (all Art. 1-06)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Emphasis on the need to ensure border security relating to Chapter 13 on the Temporary Entry for Business Persons (Art. 13-02); The Parties undertake to identify the measures, restrictions or prohibitions on the importation or exportation of goods for reasons of national security (Art. 3-17)",0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: Each Party shall provide that a false certification or statement by an exporter or a producer shall have the same legal consequences as would apply to an importer in its territory for a contravention of its customs laws and regulations (Art. 5-04); Customs cooperation in seeking mechanisms for the detection and prevention of unlawful transhipments of goods from a non-Party (Art. 5-13); A Party may prevent a transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal offences (Art. 9-10)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 213,213,213,213,CHL_PAN,Chile Panama,2006,Chile Panama 2006.pdf,CL-PA,CL-PA,0,1,2008,0,,1,Panama Chile,39555,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Chile Panama,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,Creating new employment opportunities and improving working conditions and living standards in the respective territories; Protecting and strenghening the worker's labour rights; Protection and conservation of the environment; Safeguarding public welfare; Fostering hemispheric integration,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 7 Article XIV(b) of the GATS include environmental measures and that Article XX(g) of the GATT 1994 applies to measures relating to the conservation of living and non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 14.1),1,"Reference to Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994, Article XIV(b) of the GATS and Article XX(g) of the GATT 1994 (Art. 21.1)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"See for example measures agains illegal activities: Customs cooperation to prevent illicit activities (Art. 5.5); Penalties: Each Party shall establish or maintain measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations relating to preferential treatment, rules of origin etc / a false certification or statement by an exporter or a producer shall have the same legal consequences as would apply to an importer in its territory for a contravention of its customs laws and regulations (Art. 5.9)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 215,215,215,215,CHL_PER2,Chile Peru,1998,Chile Peru 1998.pdf,CL-PE,CL-PE,0,1,1998,1,2009,0,,,,Chile Peru,"Chile Peru FTA (ECA 38) (limited to goods, expanded in 2006 including for services and investment)",FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Fostering the Latin American integration process,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Political cooperation especially in the field of financial politics (Art. 27),0,,0,,0,,Cooperation on tourism (Art. 25); Cooperation on energy (Art. 27); Sacntions for adulteration and falsification of certificates of origin (Annex 3 Art. 20),,,,,,,,,,,,, 716,716,716,716,CHL_PER3,Chile Peru,2006,Chile Peru 2006.pdf,CL-PE,CL-PE,0,1,2009,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980; ""need to strengthen Latin America's integration process""; ""set the bases for an open regionalism""; ""creation of new employment opportunities, betterment of working conditions and of living standards""; ""Doing all of the above in a manner consistent with the protection and preservation of the environment""",1,"""each party will try to give the other party any information that may help determine whether imports or exports from or to the other part abide by their applicable imports laws and regulation, in particular, those related to the prevention of illicit activities"" (art 5.5.4)",,,0,,0,,1,"""Nothing of the previous paragraphs will be interpreted as to prevent one of the parties from adopting or keeping measures, include those of an environmental nature,…. Related to the preservation of exhaustible natural resources whether or not they are alive"" (exception) (Art. 11.4.3.c); ""Nothing in this chapter will be interpreted as an impediment for one of the parties to adopt, maintain or enforce any measure.. deemed appropriate to ensure that investment activities in their territory are carried out taking into account concerns in environmental issues"" (Art. 11.13); ""except in exceptional circumstances, regulatory acts for the goals of public wellbeing, such as public health, security and environment, are not indirect expropriations"" (Annex 11-D.3(b))",1,"""the parties understand that the measures referred to in Art. XIV(b) of the General Agreement on Trade in Services include the environmental measures necessary to protect the health and life of people and animals or to preserve vegetables"" (exception) (Art. 17.1.2)",0,,0,,1,"""Parties confirm their common understanding that 'customary international law'… results from a general and consistent practice of states, followed by them in the sense of a legal obligation"" (Annex 11-A); ",0,,1,"entry of business people is conditional on their fulfilling the ""applicable measures related to public health and safety, as well as those concerned with national security"" (Art. 13.3.1); ""except in exceptional circumstances, regulatory acts for the goals of public wellbeing, such as public health, security and environment, are not indirect expropriations"" (Annex 11-D.3(b))",0,,"Several mentions of technical assistance and advice in matters of border cooperation (art 5.5.3); "" projects of technical cooperation that allow for the creation and development of a level of interconnectedness between border administrations"" (Art. 5.5.6); Chapter 8 establishes cooperation in matters relating to Free competition including: ""the parties will cooperate and coordinate their activities in the application of their laws on free competition. This cooperation will include notification, consults, information exchange, and technical assistance"" (Art. 8.1.4), Articles 8.4 and 8.5 established several measures of cooperation and coordination in matters of free competition, such as establishment of agreements, Art 8.8 on Exchange of Information, Art. 8.9 on technical assistance.; Art. 10.12 establishes technical cooperation and assistance in matters of normalization and technical rules; Art. 12.10 deals with mutual recognition of education, experience, licenses, and certificates; Chapter 11 deals with investment; Chapter 13 deals with temporary entry of business people as well as all the migration and visa issues connected to this; ""Parties will promote cooperation in economic areas such as... energy, transportation and communications; modern services such as technology, engineering, consulting and others""(art. 18.1.1); ""Parities will carry out joint programmes of commercial promotion that comprise, among other actions, showings, fairs and exhibitions, as well as businessmen meetings and visits"" (art. 18.2)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 214,214,214,214,CHL_PER1,Chile Peru,1983,,CL-PE,CL-PE,0,0,,1,1998,0,,,,,"Chile Peru (PSA 28, leads to ECA 38, the Chile Peru FTA)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 216,216,216,216,CHL_TUR,Chile Turkey,2009,Chile Turkey 2009.pdf,CL-TR,CL-TR,0,1,2011,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Development of the relationship in the field of sustainable development, protection and conservation of environment; Improving working conditions and strengthening fundamtental labour rights; Improving the living standard in the respective countries",0,,0,,1,"Securing that the principles of the ILO declaration and the international recognized labour rights are introduced and protected by the respective domestic laws; cooperation in labour affairs, social protection and social dialogue, labour standars, decent work (Art. 37)",1,"Reference to the ILO, its Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up (1998) (Art. 37)",1,"Areas of cooperation between the two parties: protection of the environment and fostering a sustainable development; it's inappropriate to loosen environmental laws in order to foster trade and investment, enummeration of various areas of environmental cooperation (Art. 37) ",1,Fullfilling of respective multilateral arrangements concerning the environment (unspecified) (Art. 37),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Improving the living standards of the population in both countries (Art. 2); Areas of cooperation between the two parties: energy, tourism, education, labour and employment, development of human captial (Art. 37); Measures against illegal activities: Sanctions for every person who draws up a document which contains incorrect information with the aim of obtaining a prefertial tratment (Annex V: Art. 33)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 217,217,217,217,CHL_URY,Chile Uruguay,1985,Chile Uruguay 1985.pdf,CL-UY,CL-UY,0,1,1985,1,1996,0,,,,,"Chile Uruguay (ECA 4, partially overlaps with ECA 35) (in negotiations about expanding ECA 4 on the way to possible FTA)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 218,218,218,218,CHL_USA,Chile US,2003,Chile US 2003.pdf,CL-US,CL-US,0,1,2004,0,,1,US Chile,16-Dec-03,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,United States Chile,Chile United States Free Trade Agreement with Annexes and Exchange of Letters,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,4,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Fostering creativity and innovation; Creating new employment opportunities and improving working conditions and living standards in the respective territories; Strengthening cooperation on labor matters; Protecting, enhancing and enforcing basic workers’ rights; Emphasis on environmental protection and conservation; Safeguarding the public welfare; Contributing to hemispheric integration",1,"Customs cooperaton for the purpose of preventing circumvention of laws, regulations, and procedures of either Party or international agreements affecting trade in textile and apparel goods (Art. 3.21); Customs procedures: Where a Party has a reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity related to its laws or regulations governing importations, the Party may request that the other Party provide specific confidential information normally collected by the other Party (Art. 5.5); Penalties: the imposition of civil, administrative, and, where appropriate, criminal sanctions for violations of its customs laws and regulation (Art. 5.9); Ensuring integrity in procurement practices (anti-corruption): Each Party shall adopt the necessary legislative or other measures to establish that it is a criminal offense under its law for a procurement official to solicit or accept any article of monetary value or other benefit etc. (Art. 9.12)",0,,1,"Chapter 18 on ""Labor"". E.g. Each Party shall strive to ensure that such labor principles and the internationally recognized labor rights set forth in Article 18.8 are recognized and protected by its domestic law; Recognizing the right of each Party to establish its own domestic labor standards, and to adopt or modify accordingly its labor laws, each Party shall strive to ensure that its laws provide for labor standards consistent with the internationally recognized labor rights set forth in Article 18.8 and shall strive to improve those standards in that light. (Art.18.1); A Party shall not fail to effectively enforce its labor laws, through a sustained or recurring course of action or inaction, in a manner affecting trade between the Parties, after the date of entry into force of this Agreement (Art.18.2); Labor Cooperation Mechanism (Annex 18.5)",1,"The Parties reaffirm their obligations as members of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and their commitments under the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up (1998) (Art.18.1); Recognizing that cooperation provides enhanced opportunities for the Parties to promote respect for the principles embodied in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up (1998), compliance with ILO Convention 182 Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor (1999), and to advance other common commitments, the Parties hereby establish a Labor Cooperation Mechanism, as set out in Annex 18.5. (Art.18.5) ",1,"The Parties understand that subparagraph (b) (adopting or maintaining measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health) includes environmental measures (added to Exceptions) (Art. 9.16)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 219,219,219,219,CHL_VEN,Chile Venezuela,1993,Chile Venezuela 1993.pdf,CL-VE,CL-VE,0,1,1993,0,,0,,,,Chile Venezuela,Chile Venezuela (ECA 23),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 220,220,220,220,CHN_HKG,China Hong Kong,2003,China Hong Kong 2003.pdf,CL-HK,CL-HK,0,1,2004,0,,1,"China Hong Kong, China",27-Dec-03,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,China Hong Kong (CEPA),China Hong Kong China Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in the transparency of law and regulations (Art. 17),0,,1,Recognition that the development of enterprises plays an important role in maintaining social stability (Annex 6 p. 37),0,,"Cooperation on tourism (Art. 14); Mutual recognition of professional qualifications (Art. 15); Cooperation in customs clearance, chinese medicine and medical products (Art. 17; Annex 6 p. 33 p. 37); Importance of mutual trade and investment and customs clearance facilitation to the Parties economic and social development (Annex 6 p. 33, p. 34); The development of enterprises as an important role in increasing employment and promoting economic development (Annex 6 p. 37)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 221,221,221,221,CHN_MACAU,China Macao,2003,China Macao 2003.pdf/China Macao annexes (Chinese)/China Macao annexes in folder above.txt,CL-MO,CL-MO,0,1,2004,0,,1,"China Macao, China",27-Dec-03,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,China Macao,China Macau China Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 222,222,222,222,CHN_NZL,China New Zealand,2008,China New Zealand 2008.pdf PLUS ANNEXES,CN-NZ,CN-NZ,0,1,2008,0,,1,China New Zealand,39924,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,China New Zealand,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Preserving the flexibility to safeguard the public welfare; Mindful that economic development, social development and environmental protection are interdependent and mutually reinforcing components; Desiring to strengthen social benefits, to create new opportunities for employment and to improve the living standards of the respective peoples",0,,0,,1,Labour Cooperation: The Parties shall enhance their communication and cooperation on labour matters through the Memorandum of Understanding on Labour Cooperation (Art. 177),0,,1,"Environmental Cooperation: The Parties shall enhance their communication and cooperation on environment matters through the Environment Cooperation Agreement between the Parties (Art. 177); The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of GATT 1994 and Article XIV(b) of GATS can include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health, and Article XX(g) of GATT 1994 applies to measures relating to the conservation of living and nonliving exhaustible natural resources (Art. 200)",1,"Reference to Article XX(b) of GATT 1994, Article XIV(b) of GATS, and Article XX(g) of GATT 1994 (Art. 200)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Emphasis on the necessity to ensure border security relating to Chapter 10 on Movements of Natural Persons (Art. 126),0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offences (Art. 142); Compensation for investor's losses owing to war or other armed conflict, a state of national emergency, insurrection, riot or other similar events (Art. 144); Establishing appropriate measures to protect genetic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore (Art. 165); Taking measures to restrict the illicit import of cultural property from the other Party under the framework of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (“UNESCO”) Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, 1970 (Art. 200); Treaty of Waitangi: according more favourable treatment to Maori (Art. 205)",Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 224,224,224,224,CHN_PAK2,China Pakistan,2006,China Pakistan 2006.pdf,CN-PK,CN-PK,0,1,2007,0,,1,Pakistan China,18-Jan-2008(G) ,GATT Art. XXIV & ,China Pakistan,China Pakistan FTA (early harvest entered into force on 1/1/2006),PTA_FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Raising the standard of living, creating new job opportunities, and promoting sustainable development in a manner consistent with environmental protection and conservation; Promoting the public welfare ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"See for example: Special requirements related to border measures: each Party shall provide that any right holder initiating procedures for suspension by the customs authorities of the release of suspected counterfeit trademark or pirated copyright goods into free circulation is required to provide adequate evidence to satisfy the competent authorities that there is prima facie an infringement of the right holder’s intellectual property right (Art. 10); Compensation for investors losses and damages owing to war, a state of national emergency, insurrection, riot or other similar events in the territory of the other Party (Art. 50)",Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 223,223,223,223,CHN_PAK1,China Pakistan,2003,,CN-PK,CN-PK,0,0,2004,1,2006,0,,,,,China Pakistan (subsumed by early harvest portion of FTA),PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 225,225,225,225,CHN_PAKSERV,China Pakistan Services,2009,China Pakistan Services 2009.pdf,CN-PK,CN-PK,0,1,2009,0,,1,Pakistan China,20-May-2010(S),GATS V,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,1,"Reference to GATS Art. XIV ""General Exceptions"" which includes: ""the prevention of deceptive and fraudulent practices"" ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from applying measures to regulate the entry of natural persons of the other Parties into, or their temporary stay in, its territory (exception) (Art.2, p.6); A Party may recognise the education or experience obtained, requirements met, or licences or certification granted in the country of the other Party for purposes of the fulfilment, in whole or in part, of its standards or criteria for the authorisation, licensing, or certification of service suppliers of the other Party (Art. 6.1); Both Parties shall facilitate development of mutual recognition arrangements among professional or regulatory bodies through facilitating discussion among these bodies and exchange of information on focal points to be appointed by both Parties (Art. 6.2); Reference to the GATS Annexes (e.g. Annex on telecommunications) (Art. 22)","As this is an Agreement on Trade in Services, it was coded as a whole (normally provisions on trade in services are not coded)",,,,,,,,,,,, ,,798,798,CHN_PAN,China Panama,2003,,CN-PA,CN-PA,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,2,,3,6,,,,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Creating employment opportunities and improve living standards of their people in the respective territories; Promotiong economic development in a manner consistent with environmental protection, conservation, and sustainable development; Preserving the ability to safeguard the public welfare",1,"Penalties: Maintaining measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations related to the provisions of Chapter 5 on Customs Procedures (Art. 5.10)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in Chapter 10 on Investment shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting or maintaining measures, including environment measures, necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health, or to conserve living or non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 10.07); Environmental measures: ensuring that investment activity in its territory is undertaken under ecological or environmental laws (Art. 10.15)",1,"Reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973; the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer done at Montrealm, 1990; the Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, 1989 (Art. 1.03)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Emphasis on the necessity to ensure border security relating to Chapter 14 on Temporary Entry for Business Persons (Art. 14.02),0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: Each Party shall provide that if a false certification by its exporter or producer shall have the similar legal consequences, as would apply to an importer in its territory for contravening its customs laws and regulations by false statement (Art. 5.04); A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 10.10; Art. 12.17)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 227,227,227,227,CHN_PER,China Peru,2009,China Peru 2009.PDF,CN-PE,CN-PE,0,1,2010,0,,1,Peru China,03-Mar-10,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,China Peru,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Emphasis on raising the standard of living, creating new employment opportunities, reducing poverty and promoting sustainable development in a manner consistent with environmental protection and conservation; Preserving the ability to safeguard public welfare",0,,0,,1,Enhancing communication and cooperation on labor and social security issues through Memorandum of Understanding on Labor Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Peru and the Government of the People’s Republic of China (Art. 161),0,,1,"Enhancing communication and cooperation on environmental issues through Memorandum of Understanding on Labor Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Peru and the Government of the People’s Republic of China (Art. 161); Cooperation on forestry matters and environmental protection (Art. 162); Fishery: Conservation of natural resources under the approach of responsible fishing (Art. 163); Cooperation in Agriculture: promoting sustainable rural development, conservation and management of the water resource for agricultural use (Art. 164)",1,"Reference to the Network of Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Rehabilitation in Asia- Pacific Region, initiated at the 15th Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meeting (Art. 162)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: creating new employment opportunities (Art. 1); Penalties in accordance with the domestic legislation of each Party for infringement on the provisions of operational procedures related to origin (Art. 47); Prevention or delayin a money transfer or payment through the equitable, non-discriminatory and good faith application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offences (Art. 112, Art. 135); Cooperation in migratory issues, including those related to the use of biometric technology, advanced passenger information systems, frequent passenger programs and security in travel documents (Art. 121); (Most favoured) National treatment in investment: Right to adopt or maintain any measure that accords differential treatment to socially or economically disadvantaged minorities and ethnic groups (Art. 129, Art. 131); Reaffirming the importance of all forms of cooperation, with particular attention to technical, educational and cultural cooperation (Art. 149); Establishment of close cooperation aimed at economic and social development (Art. 149); Research, science and technology cooperation (Art. 152); Information technologies cooperation (Art. 153); Education cooperation (Art. 154); Cultural cooperation (Art. 156); Tourism cooperation (Art. 158); Traditional medicine cooperation (Art. 160); Crime: combat of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (Art. 163), Fostering a gender approach in the development of agricultural policies and strategies (Art. 164); Customs procedures and trade facilitation: If a requester provides false information or omits relevant facts in its request for an advance ruling, or does not act in accordance with the ruling’s terms and conditions, the importing Party may apply appropriate measures, including civil, criminal, and administrative actions, penalties, or other sanctions in accordance with its domestic laws (Art. 60)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 228,228,228,228,CHN_SGP,China Singapore,2008,China Singapore 2008.pdf,CN-SG,CN-SG,0,1,2009,0,,1,China Singapore,02-Mar-09,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,China Singapore,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,,1,Penalities: Each Party shall impose punitive measures for violations of its laws and regulations relating to Chapter 5 on Customs Procedures in accordance with its domestic legislation (Art. 33),0,,0,,0,,1,Developing of the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city project as a model for sustainable development and enhance co-operation in areas including environmental protection and resource and energy conservation (Art. 87),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Recognising the need to ensure border security while facilitating temporary entry of natural persons (Art. 78); Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to prevent a Party from taking any action which it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests relating to protection of critical public infrastructure, including critical communication infrastructure, from deliberate attempts intended to disable or degrade such infrastructures (added to Security Exceptions) (Art. 106)",0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: encouraging greater collaboration among their respective professional bodies and academic institutions (Art. 2); Areas of economic co-operation may include Participation in China’s regional development, tourism do-operation and human resource development (Art. 85); Participation in China's regional development (Art. 87); Tourism cooperation (Art. 88); Human resource development (Art. 89)",Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,799,799,CHN_THA,China Thailand,2003,,CN-TH,CN-TH,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,2,,3,2,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 717,717,717,717,CISAGRARIAN,CIS Common Agrarian Market (CAM),1998,,AM-BY-GE-KG-KZ-MD-RU-TJ-UA-UZ,AM-BY-GE-KG-KZ-MD-RU-TJ-UA-UZ,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,10,45,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 230,230,230,230,COL_CRI,Colombia Costa Rica,1984,Colombia Costa Rica 1984.doc,CO-CR,CO-CR,0,1,1985,0,,0,,,,,Colombia Costa Rica (PSA 7),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 231,231,231,231,COL_CUB1,Colombia Cuba,1988,,CO-CU,CO-CU,0,0,,1,1994,0,,,,,"Colombia Cuba (PSA 19, leads to PSA 33, then leads to ECA 49)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""b) application of security laws and regulations; c) regulation of importations and exportations of weapons, ammunitions and other war materials and, in exceptional circumstances, of all other military goods"" (exception) (Art.3.b,c); ",0,,"""exportation, use, and consumption of nuclear materials, radioactive products or any other material usable in the development of nuclear energy"" (Art.3.g)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 232,232,232,232,COL_CUB2,Colombia Cuba,1994,,CO-CU,CO-CU,0,0,,1,2001,0,,,,,"Colombia Cuba (PSA 33, leads to ECA 49)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo, which authorises the celebration of agreements.."" as a means to promote Latin American integration""",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""facilitate the the activity of official and private missions, the organization of fairs and exhibitions, the realization of informative workshops, market studies.."" (Art. 26); Chapter IX deals with investment; ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 233,233,233,233,COL_CUB3,Colombia Cuba,2000,Colombia Cuba 2000.pdf,CO-CU,CO-CU,0,1,2001,0,,0,,,,,Colombia Cuba Trade Expansion Agreement (ECA 49),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 234,234,234,234,COL_EFTA,Colombia EFTA,2008,Colombia EFTA 2008.pdf,CO-LI-IS-NO-CH,CO-LI-IS-NO-CH,0,1,,0,,1,EFTA Colombia,,,EFTA Colombia,,,,,,3,5,4,2,6,2,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,"Commitment to democracy, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms, Reference to the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Preventing and combating corruption; Commitment to economic and social development and the respect for the fundamental rights of workers; Reference to the ILO; Aiming at creating new employment opportunities, improving health and living standards, reducing poverty and preserving the ability to safeguard the public welfare; Emphasis on interests of the public in general such as education, research, public health and access to information; Environmental protection and conservation, co-operation on environmental matters",1,A procuring entity shall conduct covered procurement in a transparent and impartial manner that prevents corrupt practices (Art. 7.4),0,,0,,0,,1,"Exceptions that include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health (added to Exceptions) (Art. 7.3); A Party may prepare, adopt, or apply technical specifications (public procurement) to promote the conservation of natural resources or protect the environment (Art. 7.8)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing shall be construed to prevent a Party from taking any action or not disclosing any information that it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests relating to the procurement of arms, ammunition, or war materials, or to procurement indispensable for national security or for national defense purposes (Art. 7.3)",0,,Crime: A Party may exclude a supplier on grounds such as false declarations or final judgments in respect of serious crimes or other serious offences (Art. 7.7); Objective of Chapter 10 on Cooperation: contribute to the reduction of poverty (Art. 10.1),Annexes and Appendices have not been added,,,,,,,,,,,, 235,235,235,235,COL_SLV,Colombia El Salvador,1984,Colombia El Salvador 1984 spanish.pdf,CO-SV,CO-SV,0,1,1985,1,2010,0,,,,,Colombia El Salvador (PSA 8),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 236,236,236,236,COL_GTM,Colombia Guatemala,1984,Colombia Guatemala 1984 spanish.pdf,CO-GT,CO-GT,0,1,1985,1,2009,0,,,,,Colombia Guatemala (PSA 5),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 237,237,237,237,COL_HND,Colombia Honduras,1984,Colombia Honduras 1984 spanish.pdf,CO-HN,CO-HN,0,1,1985,1,2010,0,,,,,Colombia Honduras (PSA 9),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,800,800,COL_MEX_VEN,Colombia Mexico Venezuela,1995,,CO-MX-VE,CO-MX-VE,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,,3,4,,,,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Advancing the process of Latin American integration; Creating new employment opportunities and improving working conditions and living standards in the respective territories; Preserving the flexibility to safeguard the public welfare",1,"Establishing or maintaining criminal, civil, or administrative penalties for violations of laws and regulations as related to the provisions of Chapter 7 on Customs Procedures (Art. 7-09)",0,,0,,0,,1,Environmental measures and investment: ensuring that investment activity in its territory is undertaken under environmental laws (Art. 17-13),1,Reference to international environmental agreements of which the respective Parties are members (unspecified) (Art. 14-04),0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Emphasis on the necessity to ensure border security relating to Chapter 13 on Temporary Entry for Business Persons (Art. 13-02),0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: Each Party shall stipulate that a false certificate or declaration of origin made by an exporter or producer produce the same administrative consequences as would false declarations or statements made in its territory by an importer in violation of its Customs laws and regulations (Art. 7-04); A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 12-17, Art. 17-07)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 238,238,238,238,COL_NIC,Colombia Nicaragua,1984,Colombia Nicaragua 1984,CO-NI,CO-NI,0,1,1985,0,,0,,,,,Colombia Nicaragua (PSA 6),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 239,239,239,239,COL_NORTHTRI,Colombia Northern Triangle,2007,Colombia Northern Triangle 2007.pdf,CO-SV-GT-HN,CO-SV-GT-HN,0,1,2009,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,3,4,3,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,Economic integration as an essential instrumment for economic and social development in Latin America; Ensuring better living conditions for the respective peoples; Creating working opportunities; Emphasis on the protection and conservation of the environment; Safeguarding public welfare,1,Cooperation against corruption (Art. 16.9),1,Reference to the Convención Interamericana contra la Corrupción (Art. 16.9),0,,0,,1,Environmental measures and investment: ensuring that investment activity in its territory is undertaken under environmental laws (Art. 12.16); Cooperation in environmental matters (Art. 20.2),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: An exporter or procuder who signed a certificate of origin assumes aministrative, civil or penal responsibility for probably having given incorrect or false information (Art. 5.2); : A false certification by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer that makes a false statement or representation (Art. 5.5); Cooperation to prevent illicit activities like contrabanding (Art. 6.5); Imposing administrative, civil or penal sancitions for violating customs legislation and norms which relate to certificates of origin (Art. 6.9); A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 12.7; Art. 13.11); Compensation for investor's losses owing to strife, armed conflict etc. (Art. 12.14); See also Chapter 20 on Cooperation which concerns social, juridical or cultural fields ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 240,240,240,240,COL_PAN,Colombia Panama,1993,Colombia Panama 1993 Partial PTA.pdf,CO-PA,CO-PA,0,1,1995,0,,0,,,,,Colombia Panama (PSA 29),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Economic integration shall facilitate the development of the respective societies,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 241,241,241,241,COL_USA,Colombia US,2006,Colombia US 2006.pdf,CO-US,CO-US,0,1,,0,,1,US Colombia,,,,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,4,2,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Promoting broad-based economic development in order to reduce poverty and generate opportunities for sustainable economic alternatives to drug-crop production; Creating new employment opportunities and improving labor conditions and living standards in their respective territories; Preventing and combating corruption, including bribery in international trade and investment; Enhancing and enforcing basic workers’ rights, strengthening cooperation on labor matters, building on their respective international commitments on labor matters; Emphasis on environmental protection and conservation; Safeguarding the public welfare; Contributiong to hemispheric integration",1,"Customs cooperation: enforcing or assisting in the enforcement, and deterring circumvention, of the laws, regulations, and procedures of each Party, and international agreements affecting trade in textile or apparel goods (Art. 3.2); Ensuring integrity in procurement practices: Further to Article 19.9 (Anti-Corruption Measures), each Party shall establish or maintain procedures to declare ineligible for participation in the Party's procurements suppliers that the Party has determined to have engaged in fraudulent or other illegal actions in relation to procurement (Art. 9.10); Commitment to prevent and combat corruption, including bribery, in international trade and investment (Art. 19.7); Recognition of the importance of regional and multilateral initiatives to prevent and combat corruption, including bribery, in international trade and investment (Art. 19.8); Adopting anti-corrpution measures (Art. 19.9) See for example measures against illegal activities: A false certification by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer that makes a false statement or representation (Art. 4.20), A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 10.8, Art. 11.10), Adopting measures to protect consumers from fraudulent and deceptive commercial practices when they engage in electronic commerce (Art. 15.5)",1,Reference to the 1996 Inter-American Convention Against Corruption and the 2003 United Nations Convention Against Corruption (Art. 19.8),1,"Reference to the International Labor Organization (ILO) (Art. 17.1, Art. 17.5, p. 1399); Reaffirment of obligations as members of the International Labor Organization (ILO) (Art. 17.1); Commitment to fundamental labor rights such as freedom of association, the elimination of all forms of compulsory or forced labor, the effective abolition of child labor etc. (Art. 17.2); Enforcement of labor laws (Art. 17.3); Enforcement of the Party’s labor laws and promoting public awareness of respective labor laws (Art. 17.4); Establishing a Labor Affairs Council (Art. 17.5); Establishing a Labor Cooperation and Capacity Building Mechanism (Art. 17.6); Cooperative labor consultations (Art. 17.7); Definition of labor laws (Art. 17.8); Annex 17.6 on Labor Cooperation and Capacity Building Mechanism (p. 1399-1401); Reference to the ILO, the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, and the Organization of American States, to advance common commitments regarding labor matters (Art. 17.5)",1,"Reference to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-Up (1998) (Art. 17.2, Art. 17.6); Reference to the ILO Convention No. 182 Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (1999) (Art. 17.6, p. 1399)",1,"Nothing in Chapter 10 on Investment shall not be construed to prevent a Party from adoptingenvironmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health, or related to the conservation of living or non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 10.9); Investment and environment: ensuring that investment activity is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 10.11); Levels of environmental protection (Art. 18.1); Adopting measures to fulfill respective obligations under the multilateral environmental agreements (Art. 18.2); Enforcement of environmental laws (Art. 18.3); Procedural matters to investigate alleged violations of its environmental laws (Art. 18.4); Mechanisms to enhance environmental performance (Art. 18.5); Establishing an Environmental Affairs Council (Art. 18.6); Opportunities for public participation in environmental protection (Art. 18.7); Submissions on enforcement matters to enforce environmental laws (Art. 18.8); Recognition of the importance of strengthening the capacity to protect the environment in concert with strengthening trade and investment relations, commitment to expand the cooperative relationship on environmental matters etc. (Art. 18.10); Recognition of the importance of the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity (Art. 18.11); Environmental consultations and panel procedure (Art. 18.12); Definition of environmental laws the prevention or control of the emission of pollutants or environmental contaminants, the control of environmentally hazardous or toxic substances, the protection or conservation of wild flora or fauna etc. (Art. 18.14); The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 / Article XIV(b) of the GATS include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health, and that Article XX(g) of the GATT 1994 applies to measures relating to the conservation of living and non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 22.1)",1,"Reference to multilateral environmental agreements (unspecified) (Art. 18.2, Art. 18.13); Reference to the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) (Art. 18.8); Reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973; the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer,1987; the Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973; the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, 1971; the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, 1980; the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, 1946; the Convention for the Establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, 1949 (all in Annex 18.2 p. 1415); ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 242,242,242,242,COMECZONE,Common Economic Zone,2003,Common Economic Zone 2003.pdf,BY-KZ-RU-UA,BY-KZ-RU-UA,0,1,2004,0,,1,Common Economic Zone (CEZ),39678,GATT Art. XXIV,Common Economic Zone,,,,FTA,2,2,4,6,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Promotiong the social progress of all peoples and raising their standards of living,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Establishing the SES to raisee the standards of living of the population (Art. 1, p. 4); The principle of assuring the free movement of labor provides for formulating a concerted migration policy relative to third countries (p. 6)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 243,243,243,243,COMESA,Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA),1993,COMESA 1993.pdf,BI-KM-CD-DJ-ET-KE-MG-MW-MU-RW-SC-SD-SZ-UG-ZM-ZW-AO-LS-MZ-TZ-NA-ER-EG-LY,BI-KM-CD-DJ-ET-KE-MG-MW-MU-RW-SC-SD-SZ-UG-ZM-ZW-AO-LS-MZ-TZ-NA-ER-EG-LY,0,1,1994,0,,1,Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA),04-May-95,Enabling Clause,Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA),Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) (previously known as Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States),PTA_FTA_CU,3,FTA,2,2,23,253,3,3,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,"Emphasis on principles of international law governing relations between sovereign states, and the principles of liberty, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law",1,"Scope of customs co-operation: the prevention, investigation and suppression of customs offences (Art. 63); Communication of customs information relating to the prevention, investigation and suppression of customs offences (Art. 65); Prevention, investigation and suppression of customs offences such as exchanging lists of goods known to be the subject of illicit traffic, surveillance over particular places and vehicles etc. (Art. 66); Annex I Licensing of carriers: The conditions for the issuance of the licences shall be that the applicant has not convicted of a serious offence, including accepting, receiving or offering bribes (Art. 4 p. 79)",0,,1,"Co-operation in social and cultural affairs with respect to employment and working conditions, labour laws, the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases, the right of association and collective bargaining between employers and workers (Art. 143)",0,,1,"Cooperation in wildlife development and the development and management of natural resources, energy and environment (Art. 4); Coordination in maritime transport: Inter-linking national communication systems so as to identify polluted points in oceans for concerted regional marine pollution control (Art. 88); Cooperation in meteorological services: Supporting each other in all activities of the World Meteorological Organization especially the monitoring of the atmosphere and climatic changes on the planet (Art. 94); Cooperation in the development of energy: development of local or renewable energy resources and the rational management of existing resources (Art. 106); Recognising the importance of standardisation and quality assurance in the protection of the environment (Art. 112); Scope and principles of cooperation in the development of natural resources, environment and wildlife such as the preservation of the environment against all forms of pollution including industrial pollution, pollution of the water resources, and pollution from urban development, control of hazardous waste, nuclear materials, radioactive materials etc. (Art. 122); Cooperation in the management of natural resources for the preservation of the ecosystems and arrest environmental degradation: conserving forests, and fishery resources, avoiding desertification etc. (Art. 123); Cooperation in the management of the environment: developing a common environmental management policy that would preserve the ecosystems, reversing the effects of environmental and industrial pollution, declining bio-diversity, loss of genetic diversity and land degradation (Art. 124); Measures in the cooperation of environment protection: Using biodegradable pesticides, herbicides, discouraging the excessive use of agricultural chemicals and fertilizers, controlling of soil erosion, desertification, using ozone and environmental friendly chemicals etc. (Art. 124); Prevention of illegal international trade in toxic and hazardous wastes (Art. 125); Adopting common policies for the conservation of wildlife and natural reserves, anti-poaching activities (Art. 126); Co-operation in drought and desertification management (Art. 134); Dissemination of information necessary to enhance the achievement of the objectives of the Common Market in respect of natural resources, energy and the environment (Art. 139)",1,Willing to accede to international agreements that are designed to improve the management of energy resources and developin new renewable energy resources (unspecified) (Art. 109); Willing to accede to the UNCED Agreements relating to the Conventions on climatic change and biodiversity and the UNEP Convention for Eastern and Southern Africa on water and marine resources (Art. 124); Willing to accede to the Montreal Protocol on the Environment (Art. 125),1,"Recognition, promotion and protection of human and peoples' rights ",1,Reference to the provisions of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (Art. 6),1,"Fundamental principles: Inter-State co-operation and harmonisation of policies, the recognition and observance of the rule of law, the promotion and sustenance of a democratic system of governance (Art. 6)",0,,1,"Objectives of COMESA: promotion of peace, security and stability among the Member States in order to enhance economic development in the region (Art. 3); Fundamental principles: Non-aggression between the Member States, the maintenance of regional peace and stability through the promotion and strengthening of good neighbourliness, the peaceful settlement of disputes among the Member States (Art. 6); A Member State may execute restrictions or prohibitions affecting the application of security laws and regulations; the control of arms, ammunition and other war equipment and military items (Art. 50); Cooperation on road, railway transport: adopting common regulations prescribing minimum safety requirements for the transport of dangerous substances (Art. 85, Art. 86); Cooperation in air transport: coordinating measures and cooperating in the maintenance of the high security of air services operations (Art. 87); Provisions on regional peace and security as pre-requisites to social and economic development and vital to the achievement of regional economic integration (Art. 163)",0,,"Objectives of COMESA: Joint adoption of macro-economic policies and programmes to raise the standard of living of its peoples, joint promotion of research and adaptation of science and technology for development (Art. 3); Cooperation In the field of transport and communications (Art. 4, Art. 84); Cooperation in the field of agriculture such as enhancing regional food sufficiency (Art. 4); Cooperation in the field of economic and social development (Art. 4); Cooperation in social, cultural and tourism affairs (Art. 4); Establishment of the Committee on Labour, Human Resources and Social and Cultural Affairs, the Committee on Natural Resources and Environment, the Committee on Tourism and Wildlife, the Committee on Transport and Communications (Art. 15); Member State may execute restrictions or prohibitions affecting the maintenance of food security in the event of war and famine (Art. 50); Cooperation on road transport with reference to international Conventions on Road Traffic and Road Signs and Signals (Art. 85); Cooperation on railway transport: establishment of an efficient and coordinated railway services which would interlink Member States (Art. 86); Cooperation in air transport such as the use of equipment, in the pooling of aircraft maintenance and training facilities, in the acquisition of fuel etc. with reference to the African Civil Aviation Commission, the African Airlines Association, the International Air Transport Association and the International Civil Aviation Organisation, the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation (Art. 87); Coordination of their maritime transport policies (Art. 88), Cooperation on inland waterway transport (Art. 89); Cooperation in the development of pipeline transport (Art. 90); Cooperation in meteorological services (Art. 94); Cooperation in postal services with reference to Universal Postal Union and Pan-African Postal Union (Art. 95); Common telecommunication policies to develop rural telecommunication so as to enhance socio-economic interaction between rural and urban centres, reference to the Pan-African Telecommunications Union and the International Telecommunications Union (Art. 96); Cooperation in the electronic media such as radio and television (Art. 97); Crime: prohibition of the transportation of those products, mail and merchandise that are considered illegal in another Member State or in accordance with the rules of that Member State (Art. 98); Structural transformation of the industrial sector that would foster the overall socio-economic development (Art. 99); Providing substantial employment or reducing unemployment within the respective territories through multinational industrial enterprises (Art. 101); Trade in energy resources (Art. 107); Efficient use of energy in transport (Art. 108); Cooperation in health matters such as combating outbreak of epidemics or facilitating mass immunization etc., reference to the WHO Certification (Art. 110); Joint action in the prevention of drug trafficking, developing a national drug policy (Art. 110); Fighting illicit drug trafficking and use of banned ingredients (Art. 111); Recognising the importance of standardisation and quality assurance in the promotion of health, the enhancement of the standard of living (Art. 112); Scope of cooperation in the development of science and technology: Emphasis on the importance of science in socio-economic and cultural development and technological progress, build ing up scientific and technological research capabilities, development of applied sciences related to health, energy, the environment, soil science, oceans, transport and communications, reference to the IAEA, UNESCO and UNIDO in basic science and the CGIAR Network for applied science and technology (Art. 127); Measures to promote co-operation in science and technology: establishing joint institutions, exchanging expertise and research results, training of personnel etc. (Art. 128); Food security as an objective of co-operation in the agricultural sector (Art. 129, Art. 131); Co-operation in rural development: the Member States shall promote rural development through the adoption of measures such as improved water supply, health services etc. (Art. 137); Promotion of tourism (Art. 138); Co-operation in drought and desertification management (Art. 134); Dissemination of information necessary to enhance the achievement of the objectives of the Common Market in respect of transport and communications (Art. 139); Co-operation in statistical development (Art. 140); Co-operation in social and cultural affairs such as eradication of adult illiteracy in the region, cultural and sporting exchanges (Art. 143); Economic and social development: reducing the disparities among various areas in the region and paying attention to the special problems especially of least developed Member States (Art. 144), Development of infrastructures in the least developed Member States (Art. 145); Industrial development of the least developed countries and economically depressed areas (Art. 146); Agriculture and agro-industrial development of the least developed countries and economically depressed areas (Art. 147); Development of services in the least developed countries and economically depressed areas (Art. 148); Special fund for co-operation, compensation and development for tackling the special problems of under-developed areas (Art. 150); Women: promoting the integration and participation of women at all levels of development (Art. 154), promoting the role of women in business, reference to the Federation of National Associations of Women in Business (Art. 155); Coordination of human resources development policies and programmes (Art. 156); Technical and regional cooperation (Art. 157); Relations with cooperating partners: the Organisation of African Unity, the United Nations,the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the African Development Bank and other intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations in Eastern and Southern Africa (Art. 180, Art. 181) ",There is an interesting chapter (24) about gender,,,,,,,,,,,, 244,244,244,244,CIS,Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS),1994,Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 1994.pdf,AM-AZ-BY-GE-KG-KZ-MD-RU-TJ-TM-UA-UZ,AM-AZ-BY-GE-KG-KZ-MD-RU-TJ-TM-UA-UZ,0,1,1994,0,,1,Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS),36340,GATT Art. XXIV,Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Free Trade Agreement,"FTA Between CIS States (as with other FSU agreements, degree of implementation uncertain)",FTA,2,FTA,2,2,11,55,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Guided by aspiration to the regular increase of living standard,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not hamper the right to accept measures of state regulation in the area of foreign economic relations generally accepted in international practice, that it considers necessary for the protection of its vital interests if these measures concern the protection of environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 13)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall hamper the right to accept any measures of state regulation that it considers necessary, if these measures concern rendering services for the production of arms and military equipment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 13)",0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Promotion of scientific technical cooperation (Art. 1, Art. 12)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 244,244_1,244001,856,CIS_m1,Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) withdrawal Georgia,2009,,AM-AZ-BY-KG-KZ-MD-RU-TJ-TM-UA-UZ,AM-AZ-BY-KG-KZ-MD-RU-TJ-TM-UA-UZ,0,,,1,2009,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Guided by aspiration to the regular increase of living standard,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not hamper the right to accept measures of state regulation in the area of foreign economic relations generally accepted in international practice, that it considers necessary for the protection of its vital interests if these measures concern the protection of environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 13)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall hamper the right to accept any measures of state regulation that it considers necessary, if these measures concern rendering services for the production of arms and military equipment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 13)",0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Promotion of scientific technical cooperation (Art. 1, Art. 12)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 723,723,723,723,COK_FJI,Cook Islands Fiji,1998,,CK-FJ,CK-FJ,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,5,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 246,246,246,246,CRI_DOM,Costa Rica Dominican Republic,1981,,CR-DO,CR-DO,0,0,,1,2001,0,,,,,Costa Rica Dominican Republic PTA (Convenio Comercial) (leads to Central America Dominican Republic FTA),PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 247,247,247,247,CRI_MEX1,Costa Rica Mexico,1982,Costa Rica Mexico 1982.pdf,CR-MX,CR-MX,0,1,1984,1,1995,0,,,,,"Costa Rica Mexico (PSA 1, leads to Costa Rica Mexico FTA)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""help the consolidation of Latin America's integration process"" (Art. 1); ""exchange of commercial missions and delegations, as well as participation in fairs and exhibitions"" (Art. 19)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 248,248,248,248,CRI_MEX2,Costa Rica Mexico,1994,Costa Rica Mexico 1994.pdf,CR-MX,CR-MX,0,1,1995,0,,1,Costa Rica Mexico,38915,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Costa Rica Mexico,Costa Rica Mexico FTA,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Creating new working opportunities, improving working and living conditions of the respective territories; Emphasis on the protection and conservation of the environment; Strenghtening fundamental worker's rights",1,"Penalties: Establishing or maintaining measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations related to the provisions of Chapter 6 on Customs Procedures (Art. 6-09)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Dealing with toxic and dangerous substances (Art. 11-15); Investment and environment: ensuring that investment activity is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 13-15) ",1,"Reference to the rules of international agreements of which the Parties are members in order to conserve the environment (unspecified) (Art. 11-04); Reference to recommendations in the Basel Convention, the UN Charter and the London directives (?) on Chemical Substances in international Trade (Art. 11-15) ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: A false certification by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer that makes a false statement or representation (Art. 6-04); Customs administration: Prevent illegal trade (Art. 6-12); A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offences (Art. 13-09) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 249,249,249,249,CRI_NIC_PAN,Costa Rica Nicaragua Panama,1961,Costa Rica Nicaragua Panama 1961.pdf,CR-NI-PA,CR-NI-PA,0,1,1962,1,1973,0,,,,,Costa Rica Nicaragua Panama 10 Year Commercial Agreement (leads to Free and Preferential Trade Agreements),PTA_PSA,1,,,2,3,3,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""for reasons of health, security, police…"" (exception) (Art. 10)",0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 250,250,250,250,CRI_PAN,Costa Rica Panama,1973,Costa Rica Panama 1973.pdf,CR-PA,CR-PA,0,1,1974,1,2008,0,,,,Costa Rica Panama,"Costa Rica Panama Free and Preferential Trade Agreement (revised and expanded in 1986) (in lieu of a Costa Rica Panama component of CACM Panama, this treaty is assumed to be in force)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Improving the standard of living and employment opportunities of the respective peoples,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 251,251,251,251,CRI_VEN,Costa Rica Venezuela,1986,Costa Rica Venezuela 1986,CR-VE,CR-VE,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,Costa Rica Venezuela (PSA 26),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: Consolidatiting the Latin American integration process (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 252,252,252,252,CIV_EC,Cote d'Ivoire EC EPA,2008,Cote dIvoire EC 2009.pdf,CI-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EE-LV-LT-CY-MT-CZ-SI-SK-HU-PL-BG-RO,CI-EU,1,1,2009,0,,1,EC Côte d'Ivoire,11-Dec-08,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Cote d'Ivoire,,,,FTA,2,3,28,27,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Respect for human rights, democratic principles, the rule of law and good governance; Promotion of economic, cultural and social development of West African States; Eradication of poverty; creatin new opportunities for employment and improving living conditions; Contributing to peace and security and to promoting a stable and democratic political environment; Supporting the regional integration process in West Africa to achieve economic and social development objectives; Reference to Cotonou Agreement",1,"Special provisions on administrative cooperation: Commitment to combating irregularities and fraud as regards customs (Art. 21); Objectives of public policy, including those in relation to fraud prevention, shall not be compromised in any way (Art. 27); Cooperation in the fight against illegal financial activities: preventing and combating illegal, fraudulent and corrupt activities (Art. 79); Protocol on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters: Ensuring the correct application of the customs legislation, in particular by preventing, investigating and prosecuting operations in breach of that legislation (Art. 2 p. 91), Assistance on request including information regarding activities which are operations in breach of customs legislation, ensuring the surveillance of natural or legal persons, places, goods, means of transport if there are grounds for believing that they are intended to be used in operations in breach of customs legislation (Art. 3 p. 91), Spontaneous assistance if it is necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly by providing information obtained pertaining to activities which are or appear to be operations in breach of customs legislation (Art. 4 p. 93); Execution of requests: Authorised officials may be present to obtain information relating to activities that are or may be operations in breach of customs legislation (Art. 7 p. 96) ",1,Reference to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (Art. 79),0,,0,,1,Introduction of customs duties on exports if the Ivorian Party can justify specific needs for environmental protection (Art. 16),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Objectives of public policy, including those in relation to security shall not be compromised in any way (Art. 27); Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed as preventing the Parties from taking any action they deem necessary for the protection of their essential security interests connected with the manufacturing of weapons, ammunition and war materiel and relating to government procurement essential to national security (added to Exceptions) (Art. 69)",0,,"Economic development: Supporting the Ivorian Party in the achievement of the EPA objectives. This cooperation shall take financial and non-financial forms (Art. 3); Finacial assistance: European Community financing pertaining to development cooperation between the Ivorian Party and the European Community in support of the implementation of this Agreement (Art. 4); Food stuff security: if there are difficulties regarding the availability of, or access to, foodstuffs necessary to ensure food security, the Côte d'Ivoire may take appropriate measures (Art. 20); Commitment to improving public health in Côte d'Ivoire (Art. 36); The Agreement shall not be construed as preventing the adoption or enforcement by the Parties of measures which are necessary to ensure compliance with laws including those relating to the protection of the privacy of individuals in relation to the processing and dissemination of personal data (added to Exceptions) (Art. 68); Regional integration: strengthening economic and social links between these regions and Côte d'Ivoire, financial instruments of the European Community's cohesion and development policies in order to foster this cooperation (Art. 74); Cooperation in the fight against illegal financial activities: preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing, reference to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime and its Protocols, the United Nations Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Financing and the Financial Action Task Force recommendations (Art. 79)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 253,253,253,253,COTONOU,Cotonou Agreement,2000,Cotonou Agreement 2000 .doc,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-AO-AG-BS-BB-BW-BI-BZ-CM-CF-TD-CD-CV-CK-DJ-DM-DO-ET-ER-BJ-FJ-GA-GM-GH-GD-GN-GW-GQ-GY-HT-JM-KE-KI-KM-LS-LR-CI-MW-MG-ML-MH-MR-MU-MZ-FM-NE-NG-NR-NU-CG-PG-PW-RW-KN-LC-VC-SB-SN-SL-ST-SC-SO-SD-SR-SZ-TG-TZ-TO-TT-TV-VU-UG-WS-BF-ZM-ZW-ZA,EU-AO-AG-BS-BB-BW-BI-BZ-CM-CF-TD-CD-CV-CK-DJ-DM-DO-ET-ER-BJ-FJ-GA-GM-GH-GD-GN-GW-GQ-GY-HT-JM-KE-KI-KM-LS-LR-CI-MW-MG-ML-MH-MR-MU-MZ-FM-NE-NG-NR-NU-CG-PG-PW-RW-KN-LC-VC-SB-SN-SL-ST-SC-SO-SD-SR-SZ-TG-TZ-TO-TT-TV-VU-UG-WS-BF-ZM-ZW-ZA,1,1,2003,0,,0,,,,,EC ACP (78) (Cotonou Agreement),PTA_PSA,1,,,4,91,1140,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,"Anxious to respect basic labour rights, reference to the conventions of the International Labour Organisation; Objectives of poverty eradication; Sustainable development; Contribution to the economic, social and cultural development of the ACP States and to the greater well-being of their population; Strengthened partnership based on political dialogue and development cooperation; A political environment guaranteeing peace, security and stability, respect for human rights, democratic principles and the rule of law, and good governance; Reference to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the conclusions of the 1993 Vienna Conference on Human Rights, the Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women, the International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination, the 1949 Geneva Conventions, the 1954 Convention relating to the status of stateless persons, the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 New York Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of the Council of Europe, the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights and the American Convention on Human Rights",1,"Transparent and accountable institutions, the primacy of law in the management and distribution of resources and capacity building for elaborating and implementing measures aiming in particular at preventing and combating corruption; acts of bribery leading to such corruption constitute a violation of good governance (Art. 9); Regional cooperation against money laundering, bribery and corruption (Art. 30); Institutional development and capacity building: The Parties shall work together in the fight against bribery and corruption in all their societies; ensuring transparent and accountable governance and administration in all public institutions (Art. 33); Consultation procedure and appropriate measures as regards corruption (Art. 97) ",0,,1,"Commitment to the internationally recognised core labour standards, as defined by the relevant International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions, and in particular the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, the abolition of forced labour, the elimination of worst forms of child labour and non-discrimination in respect to employment (Art. 50)",1,Reference to the relevant International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions (Art. 50),1,"Objectives of the Agreement shall take in account the environmental aspects of development, sustainable management of natural resources and the environment shall be applied (Art. 1); Political dialogue shall encompass global and sectoral policies, including environment (Art. 8); Approach of development policies: promoting environmental sustainability, regeneration and best practices, and the preservation of natural resource base (Art. 20); Support programmes relating to macroeconomic and structural reforms and policies shall be adapted to the different situation in each ACP State and be sensitive to the environment of these States (Art. 22); Sustainable development of water resources and fisheries as well as marine resources within the economic exclusive zones of the ACP States (Art. 23); Regional cooperation in the fields of the the environment, water resource management and energy (Art. 30); Environment and natural resources: mainstreaming environmental sustainability, strengthening the scientific and technical human and institutional capacity for environmental management, fields of concern: tropical forests, water resources, coastal, marine and fisheries resources, wildlife, soils, biodiversity; protection of fragile ecosystems (e.g. coral reef); renewable energy sources, sustainable rural and urban development; desertification, drought and deforestation etc (Art. 32); Restoring and/or enhancing critical public sector capacity and supporting institutions needed to improve the capacity to analyse, plan, formulate and implement policies, in particular in the environmental field (Art. 33); Economic and trade cooperation shall aim at fostering the smooth and gradual integration of the ACP States into the world economy, thereby promoting their sustainable development (Art. 34); Access to information and communication technologies through the development and encouragement of the use of affordable renewable energy resource (Art. 43); Trade and environment: commitment to promoting the development of international trade in such a way as to ensure sustainable and sound management of the environment (Art. 49); Negotiating fishery agreements aimed at guaranteeing sustainable and mutually satisfactory conditions for fishing activities in ACP States (Art. 53) ",1,Reference to international conventions (unspecified) (Art. 49); Reference to the Rio Principles (Art. 49),1,"Political dialogue shall encompass a regular assessment of the developments concerning the respect for human rights (Art. 8); Respect for and promotion of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, including respect for fundamental social rights, promoting and protecting all fundamental freedoms and human rights, be they civil and political, or economic, social and cultural. In this context, the Parties reaffirm the equality of men and women (Art. 9); Eliminating all forms of discrimination based particularly on origin, sex, race, language and religion (Art. 13); Respect for basic social rights (Art. 25); Protecting the rights of children and youth, especially those of girl children (Art. 26); Regional cooperation shall help promote and develop a regional political dialogue in areas of human rights (Art. 30); Institutional development and capacity building to promote and sustain human dignity and full respect for and observance and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms (Art. 33); Humanitarian and emergency assistance shall be granted without discrimination between victims on grounds of race, ethnic origin, religion, gender, age, nationality or political affiliation (Art. 72); Consultation procedure and appropriate measures as regards human rights (Art. 96)",1,"Reference to the Parties' international obligations and commitments concerning respect for human rights (unspecified) (Art. 9, Art. 13); Reference to the principles of international humanitarian law (unspecified) (Art. 72)",1,"Objectives of the Agreement: Promoting a stable and democratic political environment, objectives shall take in account the political aspects of development, improving the institutional framework necessary for the functioning of a democratic society and for the emergence of an active and organised civil society (Art. 1); Civil society organisations as partners and including them into the mainstream of political, economic and social life, emphasis on the pivotal role of dialogue (Art. 2); Recognition of non-governmental actors shall depend on the extent to which they are organised and managed democratically and transparently (Art. 6); Regurlarly engagement in a comprehensive, balanced and deep political dialogue leading to commitments on both sides, through dialogue the Parties shall contribute to a stable and democratic political environment, political dialogue shall encompass a regular assessment of the developments concerning the respect for democratic principles, the rule of law and good governance (Art. 8); Respect for and promotion of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, including democracy based on the rule of law and transparent and accountable governance are an integral part of sustainable development; good governance as a fundamental element of this Agreement (Art. 9); Enummeration of elements that contribute to the maintenance and consolidation of a stable and democratic political environment (Art. 10); Joint institutions of this Agreement and their tasks (Art. 14): the Council of Ministers (Art. 15), the Committee of Ambassadors (Art. 16) and the Joint Parliamentary Assembly (Art. 17); Approach of development policies: promoting institutional reforms and development, strengthening the institutions necessary for the consolidation of democracy, good governance (Art. 20); Regional cooperation shall help promote and develop a regional political dialogue in areas of democratisation (Art. 30); Institutional development and capacity building to promote and sustain democracy and pluralism; to develop and strengthen the rule of law (Art. 33); Consultation procedure and appropriate measures as regards democratic principles and the rule of law (Art. 96) ",0,,1,"Objectives of the Agreement: Contributing to peace and security (Art. 1); Through dialogue, the Parties shall contribute to peace, security and stability; the political dialogue shall focus on specific political issues of mutual concern such as the arms trad or excessive military expenditure; broadly based policies to promote peace and to prevent, manage and resolve violent conflicts shall play a prominent role in this dialogue (Art. 8); Peace-building policies, conflict prevention and resolution with a particular emphasis on a campaign against anti-personnel landmines as well as addressing the spread and illegal trafficking of small arms and light weapons (Art. 11); Regional cooperation in the fields of arms control, regional cooperation shall help promote and develop a regional political dialogue in areas of conflict prevention and resolution (Art. 30)",0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Promoting and expediting the economic, cultural and social development of the ACP States, reducing and eventually eradicating poverty, increasing employment, regional and sub-regional integration processes, improving the institutional framework necessary for social cohesion, systematic account shall be taken of the situation of women and gender issues in all areas, objectives shall take in account at the same time the economic, social, and cultural aspects of development (Art. 1); Special treatment shall be given to the least-developed countries (Art. 2); Recognition of the complementary role and contributions by non-State actors to the development process (Art. 3); Strengthening community organisations and non-profit non-governmental organisations in all spheres of cooperation (Art. 7); Political dialogue shall encompass global and sectoral policies, including gender, migration and questions related to the cultural heritage, political dialogue shall focus on specific political issues of mutual concern such as drugs and organised crime, or ethnic, religious or racial discrimination (Art. 8); Migration, strategies aiming at reducing poverty, improving living and working conditions, creating employment and developing training contribute in the long term to normalising migratory flows, exmining issues arising from illegal immigration, readmission of third country nationals and stateless persons etc (Art. 13); The central objective of ACP-EC cooperation is poverty reduction and ultimately its eradication; sustainable development (Art. 19); The approach of development policies: fostering regional cooperation and integration; promoting human and social development, promoting gender equality; promoting cultural values of communities etc (Art. 20); Support programmes relating to macroeconomic and structural reforms and policiesshall be adapted to the different situation in each ACP State and be sensitive to the social conditions and culture of these States (Art. 22); Tourism development; and development of scientific, technological and research infrastructure and services (Art. 23); Tourism including the development of indigenous cultures (Art. 24); Social sector development such as improving education and training, improving health systems and nutrition, eliminating hunger and malnutrition, family planning, prevention of female genital mutilation, promoting the fight against HIV/AIDS etc (Art. 25); Comprehensive policy for realising the potential of youth such as promoting the skills, energy, innovation and potential of youth (Art. 26); Cultural development (Art. 27); Economic development: fostering participation of Least Developed Countries (LDC) ACP States in the establishment of regional markets and sharing the benefits therefrom (Art. 29); Regional cooperation in the fields of infrastructure, health, education and training, research and technological development, regional initiatives for disaster preparedness and mitigation, action against drugs and organised crimes (Art. 30); Gender issues: Strenghening policies and programmes that improve, ensure and broaden the equal participation of men and women in all spheres of political, economic, social and cultural life (Art. 31); Restoring and/or enhancing critical public sector capacity and supporting institutions needed to improve the capacity to analyse, plan, formulate and implement policies, in particular in the social, research, science and technology and innovation fields (Art. 33); Economic and trade cooperation shall aim at fostering the smooth and gradual integration of the ACP States into the world economy, thereby contributing to poverty eradication in the ACP countries (Art. 34); Food security (Art. 54); Scope of financing development: humanitarian and emergency assistance including assistance to refugees and displaced persons, short-term rehabilitation measures and disaster preparedness (Art. 60); Financial assistance from the European Development Fund to ACP countries (Art. 61, Art. 65); Support for debt relief such as contributing to debt relief initiatives approved at international level for the benefit of ACP countries (Art. 66); Structural adjustment support by the European Community (Art. 67); Cooperation shall support social and economic sectoral policies and reforms (Art. 69); Decentralized cooperation between EC and ACP countries / micro-projects at local level (Art. 70, Art. 71); Humanitarian and emergency assistance shall be accorded to the population in ACP States faced with serious economic and social difficulties of an exceptional nature resulting from natural disasters (Art. 72); Post-emergency action, aimed at physical and social rehabilitation consequent on the results of natural disasters or extraordinary circumstances (Art. 73); Financial assistance to ACP countries (Art. 74); Economic development: Investment promotion in ACP countries (Art. 75), Investment finance and support (Art. 76); Investment guarantees as an important tool for development finance (Art. 77); Technical cooperation to assist the ACP States in the development of national and regional manpower resources (Art. 79); Measures against brain drain from the ACP States (Art. 80); Special treatment for the least developed ACP countries, consideration of the needs of countries in post-conflict situations (Art. 84, Art. 85, Art. 86) ",Protocols and Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 254,254,254,254,HRV_EC1,Croatia EC,2001,Croatia EC SAA 2001.pdf,HR-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE,HR-EU,1,1,2005,0,,0,,,,,Croatia EC (SAA),PTA_PSA,1,,,3,16,15,2,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Considering the importance of this Agreement, in the framework of the Stabilisation and Association process with the countries of south-eastern Europe, in the establishment and consolidation of a stable European order; Contributing to the stabilisation in Croatia as well as in the region, through the development of civic society and democratisation, institution building, the strengthening of national and regional security; Commitment to respect human rights and the rule of law, including the rights of persons belonging to national minorities, and democratic principles through a multiparty system with free and fair elections; Establishing regular political dialogue; Commitment by Croatia to approximate its legislation in the relevant sectors to that of the Community; Commitment to the right of return for all refugees and displaced persons; the Community's willingness to provide support for the implementation of reform and reconstruction, and to use all instruments of technical, financial and economic assistance; Reference to the UN Charter, the OSCE, the Helsinki Final Act, the concluding documents of the Madrid and Vienna Conferences, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, the Stability Pact for south-eastern Europe, as well as to the obligations under the Dayton/Paris and Erdut agreements",1,"Development of neighbourly projects of common interest, notably those related to corruption and money laundering (Art. 4); Preventing and combating crime and other illegal activities such as: illegal economic activities, and in particular corruption, counterfeiting of currencies (Art. 80); Cooperation in the field of taxation with a view to ensuring effectiveness of the fight against fiscal fraud (Art. 90); Protocol 5: Definition of ‘operation in breach of customs legislation’ as any violation or attempted violation of customs legislation (Art. 1); Scope: ensuring the correct application of the customs legislation by preventing, investigating and combating operations in breach of that legislation (Art. 2); Assistance in customs matters on request regarding activities noted or planned which are or could be operations in breach of customs legislation (Art. 3); Spontaneous assistance by providing information obtained pertaining to activities which are or appear to be operations in breach of customs legislation, new means or methods employed in carrying out operations in breach of customs legislation etc (Art. 4); Form and substance of requests for assistance regarding breaches in customs legislation (Art. 6); Execution of requests concerning breaches of customs legislation (Art. 7) ",0,,1,"Rules shall be laid down for the coordination of social security systems for workers: all periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such workers in the various Member States shall be added together for the purpose of pensions and annuities in respect of old age, invalidity and death and for the purpose of medical care (Art. 47); Social cooperation: adjustment of the Croatian legislation concerning working conditions, improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers (Art. 91)",0,,1,"Preventing and combating crime and other illegal activities such as: illegal transactions on products such as industrial waste and radioactive material (Art. 80); Modernisation and restructuring of the Croatian industry and individual sectors under conditions that ensure that the environment is protected (Art. 86); Cooperation in the field of agriculture shall have as its aim the water management (Art. 92); Improving the protection of environment in transport, reduction of harmful effects and pollution (Art. 100); Promotion of energy saving, energy efficiency, renewable energy and studying of the environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art. 101); radiation protection, including environmental radiation monitoring, radioactive waste management and decommissioning of nuclear facililties (Art. 102); Cooperation in the combating environmental degradation (enummeration of various measures) (Art. 103); Protocol 6: cooperation in developing a transport system which meets environmental needs (Art. 1); Ensuring that amajor proportion of their bilateral and transit transport through Croatia is performed under more environmentally-friendly conditions (Art. 7), In order to protect the environment: introducing standards on gaseous and particulate emissions and noise levels for heavy goods vehicles, which ensure a high level of protection (Art. 15); The subcommittee on transport shall draw up plans for cooperation on rail and combined transport, transport, research and the environment (Art. 20)",1,"Reference to the European Energy Charter Treaty (Art. 101); Reference to the Basle Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal (Basle, 1989) (Art. 103)",1,Respect for human rights (Art. 2); Reference to the the standards of the 1951 Geneva Convention and the 1967 New York Protocol to ensure that the principle of non-refoulement is respected (Art. 76),1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 2)",1,"Objective of the Agreement: providing an appropriate framework for political dialogue, supportion the approximation of Croationa's legislation to that of the Community (Art. 1); Respect for democratic principles, international law principles and the rule of law (Art. 2); Political dialogue is intended to promote Croatia's full integration into the community of democratic nations, an increasing convergence of positions of the Parties on international issue, cooperation in the areas covered by the Common Foreign Policy of the European Union (Art. 7); Where political dialogue should take place (Art. 9, Art. 10, Art. 11); Cooperation with other countries having signed a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the aim of political dialogue (Art. 12); Approximation of laws: Recognition of the importance of the approximation of Croatia's existing legislation to that of the Community (Art. 69); Consolidation of the rule of law and the reinforcement of institutions at all levels in the areas of administration in general, and law enforcement and the machinery of justice in particular, focus in particular on the independence of the judiciary (Art. 75)",1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 2)",1,"International and regional peace and stability and the development of good neighbourly relations are central to the Stabilisation and Association Process (Art. 3); The political dialogue is intended to promote common views on security and stability in Europe, including cooperation in the areas covered by the Common Security Policy of the European Union (Art. 7); Preventing and combating crime and other illegal activities such as: illicit arms trafficking and terrorism (Art. 80); Nuclear safety (Art. 102); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which relate to the research, development or production of arms, munitions or war materials indispensable for defence purposes / which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order (added to exceptions) (Art. 118)",0,,"Objective of the Agreement: fostering regional cooperation (Art. 1); Development of neighbourly projects of common interest, notably those related to refugee return and combating organised crime, illegal migration and trafficking (Art. 4); Croatia active promotion of regional cooperation. The Community will also support projects having a regional or cross-border dimension through its technical assistance programmes (Art. 11); Cooperation with other countries having signed a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with a view to concluding bilateral conventions on regional cooperation (Art. 12); Croatia shall engage in regional cooperation with the other countries concerned by the Stabilisation and Association Process (Art. 13); Croatia may foster its cooperation and conclude a convention on regional cooperation with any country candidate for EU accession (Art. 14); Consumer protection: alignment of the standards of consumer protection in Croatia on those of the Community (Art. 74); Cooperation in the areas of asylum and migration, reference to the the standards of the 1951 Geneva Convention and the 1967 New York Protocol to ensure that the principle of non-refoulement is respected (Art. 76); Prevention and control of illegal immigration; readmission (Art. 77); Measures against illegal activities: Cooperation on money laundring and illicit drugs (Art. 78, Art. 79); Preventing and combating crime and other illegal activities such as: trafficking in human beings, illicit trafficking in drugs and psychotropic substances, and smuggling (Art. 80); Economic development for Croatia (Art. 81), Cooperation shall be aimed at promoting the modernisation and restructuring of the Croatian industry and individual sectors (Art. 86); Statistical cooperation (Art. 83); Cooperation in the field of tourism (Art. 88); Socal cooperation: upgrading job-finding and careers advice services, promoting local development to assist industrial and labour market restructuring etc (Art. 91); Education and training: raising the level of general education and professional qualifications in Croatia (Art. 94); Cultural cooperation (Art. 95); Providing the general public with basic information about the Community (Art. 96); Encouragement of co-production in the fields of cinema and television, cross-border broadcasting (Art. 97); Restructuring and modernization of transport and related infrastructure in Croatia (Art. 100); Cooperation in the field of energy (Art. 101); promote bilateral cooperation in civil scientific research and technological development (RTD) (Art. 104); Strengthening of regional development cooperation with the objective of contributing to economic development and reducing regional imbalances (Art. 105); Financial assistance from the Community to Croatia (Art. 106, Art. 107, Art. 108, Art. 109); Measures against illegal activities: Checking the filling out of origins of certificates in order to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol 4 Art. 17); Penalties on any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment (Protocol 4 Art. 34); The Community shall contribute financially to Croatia's necessary transport infrastructure (Protocol 6 Art. 6); Modernisation of the Croatian railways (Protocol 6 Art. 8); Social aspects of transport legislation (Protocol 6 Art. 16)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 254,254+2,25402,857,HRV_EC1_p2,Croatia EC Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,HR-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,HR-EU-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Definition of ‘operation in breach of customs legislation’ as any violation or attempted violation of customs legislation (Protocol 5 Art. 1); Customs cooperation to ensure the correct application of the customs legislation, in particular by preventing, investigating and combating operations in breach of that legislation (Art. 2); Assistance on request including information regarding activities planned which are or could be operations in breach of customs legislation (Art. 3); Spontaneous assistance considered necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly by providing information obtained pertaining to activities, persons, goods etc which are operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 5 Art. 4); Execution of requests concerning breaches of customs legislation (Protocol 7 Art. 5)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 1),1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1)",1,Respect for the democratic principles and the rule of law (Art. 1),1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1)",1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which relate to the production of arms, munitions or war materials or to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes, or which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the Parties (added to Security Exceptions) (Art. 44)",0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: Both Parties agree to cooperate to reduce the potential for fraud in the application of the trade provisions of the Agreement (Art. 30); Penalties for any person who draws up, or a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Protocol 4 Art. 34)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 254,254+1,25401,858,HRV_EC1_p10,Croatia EC Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,HR-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,HR-EU-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Definition of ‘operation in breach of customs legislation’ as any violation or attempted violation of customs legislation (Protocol 5 Art. 1); Customs cooperation to ensure the correct application of the customs legislation, in particular by preventing, investigating and combating operations in breach of that legislation (Art. 2); Assistance on request including information regarding activities planned which are or could be operations in breach of customs legislation (Art. 3); Spontaneous assistance considered necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly by providing information obtained pertaining to activities, persons, goods etc which are operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 5 Art. 4); Execution of requests concerning breaches of customs legislation (Protocol 7 Art. 5)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 1),1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1)",1,Respect for the democratic principles and the rule of law (Art. 1),1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1)",1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which relate to the production of arms, munitions or war materials or to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes, or which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the Parties (added to Security Exceptions) (Art. 44)",0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: Both Parties agree to cooperate to reduce the potential for fraud in the application of the trade provisions of the Agreement (Art. 30); Penalties for any person who draws up, or a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Protocol 4 Art. 34)",,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,812,812,HRV_EC2,Croatia EC Interim,2001,,HR-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE,HR-EU,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,16,,2,1,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Both Parties agree to cooperate to reduce the potential for fraud in the application of the trade provisions (Art. 30); Protocol 5 on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters: Definition of ‘operation in breach of customs legislation’ as any violation or attempted violation of customs legislation (Art. 1); Customs assistance with the aim of preventing, investigating and combating operations in breach of that legislation (Art. 2); Assistance on request regarding activities noted or planned which are or could be operations in breach of customs legislation (Art. 3); Spontaneous assistance regarding persons, goods, activities noted or planned which are or could be operations in breach of customs legislation (Art. 4); Execution of requests concerning operations in breach of customs legislation (Art. 7); Information exchange and confidentiality concerned operations in breach of customs legislation (Art. 10)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 1),1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and human rights as defined in the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1),1,"Respect for democratic principles, international law principles and the rule of law (Art. 1)",1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act, and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1)",1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which relate to the resarch on arms, munitions or war materials for defence purposes or which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order (added to Exceptions) (Art. 44)",0,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 255,255,255,255,HRV_EFTA,Croatia EFTA,2001,Croatia EFTA 2001 (into effect 2002).pdf,HR-LI-IS-NO-CH,HR-LI-IS-NO-CH,0,1,2002,0,,1,EFTA Croatia,37270,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Croatia,Croatia EFTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,5,4,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,"Reference to the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe; Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights, including rights of persons belonging to minorities, and fundamental freedoms; Reference to the United Nations Charter; Objectives to preserve and protect the environment",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 17)",0,,1,Agreement is based on the respect of human rights (Art. 1),0,,1,Agreement is based on the respect of democratic rights (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 256,256,256,256,HRV_HUN,Croatia Hungary,2001,,CR-HU,CR-HU,0,0,2001,1,2004,0,,,,,Croatia Hungary,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 724,724,724,724,HRV_KV,Croatia Kosovo,2006,,CR-KV,CR-KV,0,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 257,257,257,257,HRV_LTU,Croatia Lithuania,2002,Croatia Lithuania 2002.pdf,HR-LT,HR-LT,0,1,2003,1,2004,0,,,,Croatia Lithuania,,,,,,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,Implementing the Free Trade Agreement with the objective to preserve and protect the environment; sustainable growth,1,"Protocol III: Definition of ""offence"" as breaching or attempting to breach of customs legislation (Art. 1), protocol III shall Protocol shall ensure the prevention, detection and investigation of offences to this legislation (Art. 2), assistance on requeste regarding information on operations that breach such legislation (Art. 3), spontaneous assistance necessary to prevent operations which breach the customs legislation (Art. 4)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Raising the living standard of the population (Art. 1); Protocol II: Subsequent verifications of proofs of origin whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as the authenticity is concerned (Art. 32),,,,,,,,,,,,, 258,258,258,258,HRV_MKD1,Croatia Macedonia,1997,Croatia Macedonia 1997.pdf,HR-MK,HR-MK,0,1,1997,1,2003,1,Croatia Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,38443,GATT Art. XXIV,Croatia Macedonia (FYROM),Croatia FYR of Macedonia (later amended),FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Protection of environment (added to common Exceptions) (Art. 17),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living standards and employment possibilities (Art. 1),"Protocol 3 on mutual assistance and co-operation between CustomsAdministrations of the Contracting Parties mait contain provisions against corruption, but it is not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 259,259,259,259,HRV_MKD2,Croatia Macedonia (amended),2002,Croatia Macedonia 2002.pdf,HR-MK,HR-MK,0,1,2003,1,2006,0,,,,,Croatia FYR of Macedonia (amended),FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,The Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the environment protection and especially, the conservation of exhaustible natural resources (added to Exceptions) (Art. 17); The provisions of regulations pursuant to international agreements and connections shall be applied to environment polluting goods (Art. 18)",1,"Reference to international agreements (unspecified) (Art. 17, Art. 18)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objectives of the Agreement: improvement of living standards and employment possibilities (Art. 1),Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 260,260,260,260,HRV_MDA,Croatia Moldova,2004,Croatia Moldova 2004.pdf,HR-MD,HR-MD,0,1,2004,1,2007,1,Moldova Croatia,38383,GATT Art. XXIV,Croatia Moldova,Croatia Moldova,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on observance of the rules, rights and basic human liberties of the state governed by the rule of law; Agreement shall contribute to the process of European integration",1,Protocol II: Subsequent verifications of proofs of origin whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as the authenticity is concerned (Art. 31),0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: Improvement of conditons of work (Art. 1),0,,1,"The provisions of the Agreement shall not prevent from applying prohibitions or restrictions on import, export, or goods in transit justified on grounds of environment protection (Art. 17)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: improvement of living standards (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 261,261,261,261,HRV_SRB_MNE,Croatia Serbia Montenegro,2002,Croatia Serbia Montenegro 2002.pdf,HR-RS,HR-RS,0,1,2004,1,2007,1,Croatia Serbia and Montenegro,38617,GATT Art. XXIV,Croatia Serbia Montenegro,Croatia Serbia+Montenegro,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Reference to the Final Act on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter for new Europe; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),"Annexes, Protocols and Appendices are not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 262,262,262,262,HRV_SVN,Croatia Slovenia,1997,Croatia Slovenia 1997.pdf,HR-SI,HR-SI,0,1,1998,1,2004,1,Slovenia Croatia,30-Mar-98,GATT Art. XXIV,Croatia Slovenia,Croatia Slovenia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,"Protocols are not added, except Protocol One",,,,,,,,,,,, 263,263,263,263,HRV_TUR,Croatia Turkey,2002,Croatia Turkey 2002.pdf,HR-TR,HR-TR,0,1,2003,0,,1,Turkey Croatia,37866,GATT Art. XXIV,Croatia Turkey,Croatia Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Developing and strenghtening friendly relations,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: Rainsing the living standard of the population (Art. 1),Protocol III on the rules of origin and methods of administrative cooperation is missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 725,725,725,725,CROSSBORDER,Cross Border Initiative,1992,,BI-KM-KE-MG-MW-MU-NA-RW-SC-SZ-TZ-UG-ZM-ZW,BI-KM-KE-MG-MW-MU-NA-RW-SC-SZ-TZ-UG-ZM-ZW,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,14,98,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 264,264,264,264,CUB_ECU1,Cuba Ecuador,1995,,CU-EC,CU-EC,0,0,,1,2000,0,,,,,"Cuba Ecuador (PSA 32, leads to ECA 46)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 265,265,265,265,CUB_ECU2,Cuba Ecuador,2000,Cuba Ecuador 2000.pdf,CU-EC,CU-EC,0,1,2001,0,,0,,,,,Cuba Ecuador (ECA 46) (partial scope),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Intesifying the cooperation in fields of mutual interest ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Deepened cooperation in aviation and seafaring in order to ensure an efficent service between the two respective territories (Art. 8); Technological cooperation (Art. 12),,,,,,,,,,,,, 266,266,266,266,CUB_GTM,Cuba Guatemala,1999,Cuba Guatemala 1999.pdf,CU-GT,CU-GT,0,1,2001,0,,0,,,,,Cuba Guatemala (PSA 36),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 267,267,267,267,CUB_MRCSR,Cuba MERCOSUR,2006,Cuba Mercosur 2006 .doc,CU-AR-BR-PY-UY,CU-AR-BR-PY-UY,0,1,2007,0,,0,,,,,"Cuba MERCOSUR (ECA 62) (upon entry into force, seems to overtake preferences and associated provisions contained in ECA 43, ECA 44, ECA 45, and ECA 52, though those treaties nominally remain in force)",PTA_PSA,1,,,3,5,4,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"""strengthen and deepen the integration process of Latin America in order to achieve the goals of the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980""; ""economic liberalization in Latin America … is one of the instruments for economic and social development""",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,""" facilitate the activities of official and private missions, the organization of fairs and exhibitions, the realization of information workshops, and market studies"" (Art. 24); ""e) increase participation and foster coordination of common positions in international and regional organizations through normalisation, measuring, and evaluation of conformity activities; f) favour the development, adoption and application of international and regional norms; increase education and training of human resources devoted to the goals of this annex"" (Annex 6 art 4)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 267,267+1,26701,859,CUB_MRCSR_p1,Cuba MERCOSUR Venezuela accession,2006,,CU-AR-BR-PY-UY-VE,CU-AR-BR-PY-UY-VE,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,6,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"""strengthen and deepen the integration process of Latin America in order to achieve the goals of the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980""; ""economic liberalization in Latin America … is one of the instruments for economic and social development""",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Reference to GATT Art. XXI (Art. 8),""" facilitate the activities of official and private missions, the organization of fairs and exhibitions, the realization of information workshops, and market studies"" (Art. 24); ""e) increase participation and foster coordination of common positions in international and regional organizations through normalisation, measuring, and evaluation of conformity activities; f) favour the development, adoption and application of international and regional norms; increase education and training of human resources devoted to the goals of this annex"" (Annex 6 art 4)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 268,268,268,268,CUB_MEX1,Cuba Mexico,1985,Cuba Mexico 1985.pdf,CU-MX,CU-MX,0,1,,1,2001,0,,,,,"Cuba Mexico (PSA 12, leads to ECA 51)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo as the framework for the agreement,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""the goal of this agreement is to foster the Latin-American integration process on the basis of the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980"" (Art. 1)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 269,269,269,269,CUB_MEX2,Cuba Mexico,2000,Cuba Mexico 2000.pdf,CU-MX,CU-MX,0,1,2001,0,,0,,,,,Cuba Mexico Trade Expansion Agreement (ECA 51),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Energizing the process of Latin American integration (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 270,270,270,270,CUB_PRY,Cuba Paraguay,2000,Cuba Paraguay 2000.pdf,CU-PY,CU-PY,0,1,2001,1,2007,0,,,,,"Cuba Paraguay Trade Expansion Agreement (ECA 52, for the most part subsumed into ECA 62 though remains nominally in force)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 271,271,271,271,CUB_PER1,Cuba Peru,1987,,CU-PE,CU-PE,0,0,,1,1994,0,,,,,"Cuba Peru (PSA 18, leads to PSA 30, then ECA 50)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,References to the Treaty of Montevideo and the Latin American Integration Association; ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"the goal of the agreement is to ""foster the region's integration process on the basis of the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980 taking into account the degree of economic development of both parties…"" (art. 1); ""dinamize the integration process"" (Art. 1.d)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 272,272,272,272,CUB_PER2,Cuba Peru,1994,,CU-PE,CU-PE,0,0,,1,2000,0,,,,,"Cuba Peru (PSA 30, leads to ECA 50)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo, which authorises signing agreements as a means to foster Latin American integration; ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""facilitate the the activity of official and private missions, the organization of fairs and exhibitions, the realization of informative workshops, market studies.."" (art. 22); Chapter IX deals with investment",Reference to multiple annexes which are not included; ,,,,,,,,,,,, 273,273,273,273,CUB_PER,Cuba Peru,2000,Cuba Peru 2000 spanish.pdf,CU-PE,CU-PE,0,1,2006,0,,0,,,,,Cuba Peru Trade Expansion Agreement (ECA 50),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Fostering the facilitation of transport between the respective territories(Art. 7),,,,,,,,,,,,, 274,274,274,274,CUB_URY1,Cuba Uruguay,1987,,CU-UY,CU-UY,0,0,,1,1999,0,,,,,"Cuba Uruguay (PSA 17, leads to ECA 44)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""dinamize the Latin American integration process"" as one of the goals of the agreement (Art. 1.c); ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 275,275,275,275,CUB_URY2,Cuba Uruguay,1999,Cuba Uruguay 1999.pdf,CU-UY,CU-UY,0,1,2000,1,2007,0,,,,,"Cuba Uruguay (ECA 44, seems largely subsumed into ECA 62 though remains in force)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""invigorating Latin America's integration process"" (Art. 1)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 276,276,276,276,CUB_VEN1,Cuba Venezuela,1995,,CU-VE,CU-VE,0,0,,1,1999,0,,,,,"Cuba Venezuela (PSA 35, leads to ECA 40)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo, which authorises signing agreements as a means to foster Latin American integration; ",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""environmental protection and preservation of natural resources"" (exception) (Art. 5.h)",1,"""environmental protection and preservation of natural resources, on the basis of the International Agreements on this issue signed by the Parties"" (exception) (Unspecified) (Art. 5.h); ",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""b) application of security laws and regulations; c) regulation of importations and exportations of weapons, ammunitions and other war materials and, in exceptional circumstances, of all other military goods"" (exception) (Art.5.b,c); ",0,,"dinamize the Latin American integration process as one of the goals of the agreement (Art. 1.d); ""exportation, use, and consumption of nuclear materials, radioactive products or other material usable in the development of nuclear energy"" (exception)(Art. 5.g); ""facilitate the the activity of official and private missions, the organization of fairs and exhibitions, the realization of informative workshops, market studies.."" (Art. 26); ""parties will promote the establishment of programmes of technical cooperation and training of human resources in the area of Intellectual property"" (Art. 31): Chapter XI deals with investment; ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 277,277,277,277,CUB_VEN2,Cuba Venezuela,1999,Cuba Venezuela 1999.doc,CU-VE,CU-VE,0,1,2001,0,,0,,,,,Cuba Venezuela (ECA 40),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"""need to deepen Latin America's integration process""; Reference to the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""protection of the environment and preservation of natural resources"" (art. 5.h )(exception)",1,"Unspecified: ""international agreements on this issue""",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""Application of security laws and regulations"" (exception) (Art. 6.b)",0,,"""invigorating the integration process... to which end actions of investment will be fostered"" (Art. 1.d); ""export, use, and consumption of nuclear materials, radioactive products or any other material usable in the development of nuclear energy"" (exception) (Art. 5.g); promotion of investment (Chapter 11); ""establish programmes of commercial diffusion and promotion, facilitating activities of official and private missions, the organization of exhibitions and fairs, the organization of information workshops, and market studies"" (Art. 26); ""the parties will promote the education of specialists qualified in areas of interest as well as general cooperation"" (art 27)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 726,726,726,726,UDEAO,Customs and Economic Union of West African States (UDEAO),1966,,SN-ML-MR-NE-BF-BJ-CI,SN-ML-MR-NE-BF-BJ-CI,0,0,,1,1994,0,,,,,,,,,,2,7,21,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 278,278,278,278,CYP_EC,Cyprus EC,1972,Cyprus EC 1972.pdf,CY-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB,CY-EU,1,1,1973,1,2004,1,EC Cyprus Association Agreement,26828,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Cyprus,EC Cyprus (Association Agreement),CU,3,CU,3,3,10,9,2,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Protocol on methods of administrative cooperation: Requirements to issue a certificate of origin to make any falsification by chemical or mechanical means apparent to the eye (Art. 10 p. 14),,,,,,,,,,,,, 278,278+2,27802,860,CYP_EC_p3,Cyprus EC Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,CY-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-PT-ES-AT-FI-SE,CY-EU-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,2004,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Protocol on methods of administrative cooperation: Requirements to issue a certificate of origin to make any falsification by chemical or mechanical means apparent to the eye (Art. 10 p. 14),,,,,,,,,,,,, 278,278+1,27801,861,CYP_EC_p2,Cyprus EC Portugal Spain accession,1985,,CY-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-PT-ES,CY-EU-PT-ES,1,,,1,2004,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,2,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Protocol on methods of administrative cooperation: Requirements to issue a certificate of origin to make any falsification by chemical or mechanical means apparent to the eye (Art. 10 p. 14),,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,813,813,CZE_SVK_EC,Czech and Slovak Federal Republic EC Interim Agreement,1991,,CZ-SK-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT,CZ-SK-EU,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,14,,2,1,,,,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,Interim Agreement with the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic / Hungary / Poland: Providing an appropriate framework for political dialogue; Financial co-operation and assistance and the promotion of co-operation in cultural matters,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Interim Agreement with the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic / Hungary / Poland: Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which relate to the production of arms, munitions or war materials or to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes / which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order (added to Exceptions) (Art. 41)",0,,,This document shows the European Agreements between the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic AND Hungary AND Poland!!; Protocols and Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 279,279,279,279,CZE_SVK_EFTA,Czech and Slovak Republic EFTA,1992,Czech and Slovak Republic EFTA 1992.pdf,CZ-SK-AT-FI-SE-LI-IS-NO-CH,CZ-SK-AT-FI-SE-LI-IS-NO-CH,0,1,1992,1,2004,1,EFTA Czechoslovakia,33788,GATT Art. XXIV,,EFTA Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (later the Czech and Slovak republics via protocol of accession on 4/19/93),FTA,2,FTA,2,3,9,8,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms, recalling the membership in the Council of Europe; Agreement shall contribute to European integration; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Charter of Paris for a new Europe",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 10)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes and the Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 280,280,280,280,CZE_EC,Czech Republic EC,1993,CzechRepublic EC 1993.pdf,CZ-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT,CZ-EU-AT-FI-SE,1,1,1995,1,2004,1,EC Czech Republic Europe Agreement,13-May-96,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EC Czech Republic,EC Czech Republic (Europe Agreement),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,13,12,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Considering the opportunities for a relationship of a new quality offered by the emergence of a new democracy in the Czech Republic; Strengthening the political freedoms; Czech Republic as a new political order which represents the rule of law and human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities, and operates a multi-party system with free and democratic elections; Establishing regular political dialogue; Economic, technical and financial assistance by the Community (EU); Establishing cultural cooperation; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the concluding documents of Vienna and Madrid and the Charter of Paris for a new Europe",1,"Definition of contravention: any violation of the customs legislation as well as any attempted violation of such legislation (Protocol 6 Art. 1); Assistance in customs matters to ensure that customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of this legislation (Protocol 6 Art. 2); Assistance on request to ensure that customs legislation is correctly applied, including information regarding operations noted or planned which contravene such legislation (Protocol 6 Art. 3); Sponateous assistance if it is necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly when there is information pertaining to operations which contravene such legislation (Protocol 6 Art. 4); Execution of requests relating to the contravention of customs legislation (Protocol 6 Art. 7)",0,,1,Approximation of law in the fiels of the protection of workers at the workplace (Art. 70),0,,1,Approximation of law in the fiels of the environment (Art. 70); Economic cooperation to ensure that environmental considerations are also fully incorporated from the outset (Art. 72),0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 6),1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a new Europe (Art. 6),1,"Objectives of the Agreement: providing an appropriate framework for the political dialogue, allowing the development of close political relations between the Parties (Art. 1); Establishing a regular political dialogue to facilitate the Czech Republic's full integration into the community of democratic nations and progressive rapprochement with the Community (Art. 1); Procedures and mechanisms for political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Respect for democratic principles (Art. 6) ",1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a new Europe (Art. 6),1,"Establishing a regular political dialogue to contribute to the rapprochement of the Parties' positions on security issues (Art. 1); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to the production of arms, munitions or war materials or to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (added to Security Exceptions) (Art. 114)",0,,"See for example: Objectives of the Agreement: fostering the dynamic economic development and prosperity in the Czech Republic, financial and technical assistance to the Czech Republic, Czech Republic's gradual integration into the Community, cooperation in cultural matters (Art. 1); Assistance to the Czech Republic: technical assistance for the establishment of a suitable social security system in the Czech Republic (Art. 44); Approximation of law in the fiels of consumer protection and nuclear law (Art. 70); Economic cooperation to bring about economic and social development of the Czech Republic (Art. 72); modernization and restructuring of Czech Republic industry (Art. 73); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 76); Education and training (Art. 77); Cooperation in energy (Art. 79); Cultural cooperation (Art. 97); Finacial assistance to the Czech Republic (Art. 98 - Art. 103); Penalties for any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining preferential treatment for products (Protocol 4 Art. 29)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 280,280+1,28001,862,CZE_EC_p3,Czech Republic EC Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,CZ-BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE,CZ-EU-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,2004,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Considering the opportunities for a relationship of a new quality offered by the emergence of a new democracy in the Czech Republic; Strengthening the political freedoms; Czech Republic as a new political order which represents the rule of law and human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities, and operates a multi-party system with free and democratic elections; Establishing regular political dialogue; Economic, technical and financial assistance by the Community (EU); Establishing cultural cooperation; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the concluding documents of Vienna and Madrid and the Charter of Paris for a new Europe",1,"Definition of contravention: any violation of the customs legislation as well as any attempted violation of such legislation (Protocol 6 Art. 1); Assistance in customs matters to ensure that customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of this legislation (Protocol 6 Art. 2); Assistance on request to ensure that customs legislation is correctly applied, including information regarding operations noted or planned which contravene such legislation (Protocol 6 Art. 3); Sponateous assistance if it is necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly when there is information pertaining to operations which contravene such legislation (Protocol 6 Art. 4); Execution of requests relating to the contravention of customs legislation (Protocol 6 Art. 7)",0,,1,Approximation of law in the fiels of the protection of workers at the workplace (Art. 70),0,,1,Approximation of law in the fiels of the environment (Art. 70); Economic cooperation to ensure that environmental considerations are also fully incorporated from the outset (Art. 72),0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 6),1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a new Europe (Art. 6),1,"Objectives of the Agreement: providing an appropriate framework for the political dialogue, allowing the development of close political relations between the Parties (Art. 1); Establishing a regular political dialogue to facilitate the Czech Republic's full integration into the community of democratic nations and progressive rapprochement with the Community (Art. 1); Procedures and mechanisms for political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Respect for democratic principles (Art. 6) ",1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a new Europe (Art. 6),1,"Establishing a regular political dialogue to contribute to the rapprochement of the Parties' positions on security issues (Art. 1); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to the production of arms, munitions or war materials or to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (added to Security Exceptions) (Art. 114)",0,,"See for example: Objectives of the Agreement: fostering the dynamic economic development and prosperity in the Czech Republic, financial and technical assistance to the Czech Republic, Czech Republic's gradual integration into the Community, cooperation in cultural matters (Art. 1); Assistance to the Czech Republic: technical assistance for the establishment of a suitable social security system in the Czech Republic (Art. 44); Approximation of law in the fiels of consumer protection and nuclear law (Art. 70); Economic cooperation to bring about economic and social development of the Czech Republic (Art. 72); modernization and restructuring of Czech Republic industry (Art. 73); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 76); Education and training (Art. 77); Cooperation in energy (Art. 79); Cultural cooperation (Art. 97); Finacial assistance to the Czech Republic (Art. 98 - Art. 103); Penalties for any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining preferential treatment for products (Protocol 4 Art. 29)",,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,801,801,CZE_EFTA,Czech Republic EFTA,1992,Czech republic EFTA 1992.doc,AT-FI-SE-IS-LI-NO-CH-CZ,AT-FI-SE-IS-LI-NO-CH-CZ,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,8,,2,1,,,,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Reaffirming their commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute constituting to European integration; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe and Council of Europe",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 10)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes and protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 282,282,282,282,CZE_EST,Czech Republic Estonia,1996,Czech Republic Estonia 1996.pdf,CZ-EE,CZ-EE,0,1,1998,1,2004,1,Czech Republic Estonia,36013,GATT Art. XXIV,Czech Republic Estonia,Czech Republic Estonia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,"Economic integration as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent, Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Paris Charter",1,"Protocol 3: Definition of ""Contravention"" as any violation of the customs legislation as well as any attempted violation of such legislation (Art. 1); Prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of customs legislation (Art. 2); Customs assistance on request regarding operations noted or planned which contravene or would contravene customs legislation (Art. 3); Spontaneous assistance if it is necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly when there are operations which have contravened, contravene or would contravene customs legislation (Art. 4); Executing requests relating to contravention of customs legislation (Art. 7)",0,,1,Improvement employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Protocol 2: Checking certificates of origin to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Art. 17), Penalties for any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Art. 34); Protocol 3: Information concerning offences relating to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances may be communicated to other authorities directly involved in the combating of illicit drug traffic (Art. 11)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 283,283,283,283,CZE_ISR,Czech Republic Israel,1996,CzechRepublic Israel 1996.pdf,CZ-IL,CZ-IL,0,1,1997,1,2004,1,Czech Republic Israel,25-Mar-98,GATT Art. XXIV,Czech Republic Israel,Czech Republic Israel ,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of health and life of humans, animals or plants, including environmental measures (added to exceptions) (Art. 15)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The prevention of illicit trade in drugs, of smuggling, evasion of taxes relating to the movement of goods between the Parties (customs cooperation) (Art. 13)",Annexes and protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 284,284,284,284,CZE_LVA,Czech Republic Latvia,1996,Czech Republic Latvia 1996.pdf,CZ-LV,CZ-LV,0,1,1997,1,2004,1,Czech Republic Latvia,35747,GATT Art. XXIV,Czech Republic Latvia,Czech Republic Latvia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,"Economic integration as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent and expressing their preparedness to co-operate in seeking ways and means to strengthen this process; tha agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter",1,"Protocol 4: Definition of ""Contravention"" as any violation of the customs legislation as well as any attempted violation of such legislation (Art. 1); Prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of customs legislation (Art. 2); Customs assistance on request regarding operations noted or planned which contravene or would contravene customs legislation (Art. 3); Spontaneous assistance if it is necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly when there are operations which have contravened, contravene or would contravene customs legislation (Art. 4); Executing requests relating to contravention of customs legislation (Art. 7)",0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Protocol 2: Checking certificates of origin to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Art. 17), Penalties for any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Art. 34); Protocol 3: Information concerning offences relating to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances may be communicated to other authorities directly involved in the combating of illicit drug traffic (Art. 11); Protocol 4: Information concerning offences relating to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances may be communicated to other authorities directly involved in the combating of illicit drug traffic (Art. 11)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 285,285,285,285,CZE_LTU,Czech Republic Lithuania,1995,CzechRepublic Lithuania 1995.pdf,CZ-LT,CZ-LT,0,1,1997,1,2004,1,Czech Republic Lithuania,35747,GATT Art. XXIV,Czech Republic Lithuania,Czech Republic Lithuania,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 19,,,,,,,,,,,,, 286,286,286,286,CZE_ROU,Czech Republic Romania,1994,,CZ-RO,CZ-RO,0,0,1995,1,2004,1,Czech Republic Romania Free Trade Agreement,35223,GATT Art. XXIV,,Czech Republic Romania FTA,FTA,,FTA,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,"Intention to participate actively in the process of economic integration as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Aim of the agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Aim of the agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes Ia to VII and the Protocols 1 to 4 are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 287,287,287,287,CZE_SVK,Czech Republic Slovakia,1992,CzechRepublic Slovakia 1992.pdf,CZ-SK,CZ-SK,0,1,1993,1,2004,1,Czech Republic Slovak Republic Customs Union,34089,GATT Art. XXIV,Czech Republic Slovakia,Czech Slovak Customs Union Agreement,CU,3,CU,3,1,2,1,3,1,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Creating conditions for the admission to the European Communities,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Common commercial and customs policies (Art. 24),0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 288,288,288,288,CZE_SVN,Czech Republic Slovenia,1993,Czech Republic Slovenia 1993.pdf,CZ-SI,CZ-SI,0,1,1994,1,2004,1,Czech Republic Slovenia,04-May-94,GATT Art. XXIV,,Czech Republic Slovenia FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Protocols and Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 289,289,289,289,CZE_TUR,Czech Republic Turkey,1997,CzechRepublic Turkey 1997.pdf,CZ-TR,CZ-TR,0,1,1998,1,2004,1,Czech Republic Turkey,24-Mar-99,GATT Art. XXIV,Czech Republic Turkey,Czech Republic Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Agreement shall foster technical cooperation,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit concerning environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health (Art. 16) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and the Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 290,290,290,290,CSK_FIN,Czechoslovakia Finland,1974,CSFR Finland 1974.pdf,FI-CSFR,FI-CSFR,0,1,1975,1,1995,1,Finland Czechoslovakia Agreement,27416,GATT Art. XXIV,,Czechoslovakia Finland FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: Which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art. 14)",0,,"To develop economic, industrial and technical co-operation (Art. 1)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 291,291,291,291,D8PTA,D8 PTA,2006,D8 2006.pdf,BD-EG-ID-IR-MY-NG-PK-TR,BD-EG-ID-IR-MY-NG-PK-TR,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,8,28,3,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"Improve living standards, support members to access the WTO, fostering economic development; promote world peace and stability",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Restrictions on the grounds of the protection of genetic reserves (Art. 21) (Exceptions),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Restrictions on grounds of religious values (Art. 21) (Exceptions),,,,,,,,,,,,, 292,292,292,292,DOM_PAN,Dominican Republic Panama,1985,DominicanRepublic Panama 1985.pdf,DO-PA,DO-PA,0,1,1987,0,,0,,,,Dominican Republic Panama,Dominican Republic Panama,PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 787,787,787,787,EAC,East African Community (EAC),1999,East African Community 1999.pdf,KE-UG-TZ,KE-UG-TZ,0,1,2000,0,,1,East African Community (EAC),09-Oct-00,Enabling Clause,East African Community,,,,CU,,2,3,3,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,"Reference to the social integraton in the East African Region; Reference to ""the Tripartite Commission"" to be responsible for the co-ordination of economic, social, cultural, security and political issues; Strengthening economic, social, cultural, political, technological and other ties for a sustainable development; Cooperation in the fields of infrastructure and immigration; Reference to the pinciples of international law governing relationships between sovereign states; Allowing the civil society to play a leading role in the socio-economic development activities; Promoting greater awareness of the shared interests of their people; Cooperation at the sub-regional and regional levels will raise the standards of living of African peoples and foster close and peaceful relations among African states",0,,0,,1,"Harmonization of respective labour policies, programmes and legislation including those on occupational health and safety, enhancing the activities of the employer s’ and worker s’ organisations with a view to strengthening them (Art. 104); Cooperation in the field of social welfare with respect to employment and working conditions (Art. 120)",0,,1,"Definition of ""environment "" as the natural resources of air , water , soil, fauna and flora , eco-syst ems, land, the man-made physical features, cultural heritage, the characteristic aspects of the landscape and the socio-economic interaction between the said factors and any living and non-living organisms (Art. 1); Aim of the Agreement: promotion of sustainable utilisation of the natural resources of the Partner States and the taking of measures that would effectively protect the natural environment of the Partner States (Art. 5); Inter-connecting national communication systems so a s to identify polluted points in oceans for concerted marine pollution control (Art. 93); Joint ly tackling issues on inland water pollution with a view to achieving effective monitoring and control thereof (Art. 94); Meteorological support to environment management (Art. 100); Supplying affordable energy to the people taking cognisance of the protection of the environment (Art. 101); Joint actions in combating drought and desertification (Art. 105); Adopting and promoting the use of environmentally safe methods of land use (Art. 109); Environmental issues and natural resources: emphasis that a clean and healthy environment is a prerequisite for sustainable development, coordination of policies and actions for the protection and conservation of the natural resources and environment against all forms of degradation and pollution arising from developmental activities (Art. 111); Management of the environment (enummeration of various measures) (Art. 112); Joint and efficient management and the sustainable utilisation of natural resources (Art. 114); Conservation and sustainable utilisation of wildlife (Art. 116)",1,Reference to international environmental conventions that are designed to improve environmental policies and management (unspecified) (Art. 113); Reference to relevant international conventions related to wild life protection (unspecified) (Art. 116),1,"Considering the application by a foreign country to become a member of the Community, shall include that foreign country’s adherence to the observance of human rights (Art. 3); Fundamental principles: the recognition, promotion and protection of human and peoples rights (Art. 6); Abiding by the maintenance of universally accepted standards of human rights (Art. 7); Promoting the equality of the female gender with that of the male gender in every respect (Art. 121); Common foreign and security policy to develop and consolidate respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (Art. 123)",1,Reference to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (Art. 6),1,"Considering the application by a foreign country to become a member of the Community, shall include that foreign country’s adherence to universally acceptable principles of good governance, democracy and the rule of law (Art. 3); Aim of the Agreement: widening and deepening co-operation among the Partner States in the political field and legal and judicial affairs (Art. 5); Fundamental principles: good governance including adherence to the principles of democracy, the rule of law, accountability, transparency (Art. 6); Abiding by the principles of good governance, including adherence to the principles of democracy and the rule of law (Art. 7); Establishing the organs of the Community (Art. 9), their functions and procedures: the Summit (Art. 10, Art. 11, Art. 12); the Council (Art. 13, Art. 14, Art. 15, Art. 16); the Co-ordination Committee (Art. 17, Art. 18, Art. 19); Sectoral Committees (Art. 20, Art. 21, Art. 22); the East African Court of Justice (Art. 23, Art. 24, Art. 25, Art. 26, Art. 28, Art. 29, Art. 32, Art. 35, Art. 36, Art. 37, Art. 38, Art. 39, Art. 41, Art. 42, Art. 43, Art. 44, Art. 45, Art. 46, Art. 47); the East African Legislative Assembly (Art. 48, Art. 49, Art. 50, Art, 51, Art. 52, Art. 53, Art. 54, Art. 55, Art. 56, Art. 57, Art. 58, Art. 59, Art. 60, Art. 61, Art. 65); the Secretariat (Art. 66, Art. 67, Art. 68, Art. 69, Art. 70, Art. 71, Art. 72); the Assembly shall hold an annual debate on the report to be submitted to it by the Council on progress made by the Community in the development of its common foreign policies (Art. 59); Establishment of common foreign policies (Art. 123)",0,,1," Aim of the Agreement: widening and deepening co-operation among the Partner States in defence and security affairs, promotion of peace, security, and stability within, and good neighbourliness among, the Partner States (Art. 5); Fundamental principles: sovereign equality, peaceful co-existence and good neighbourliness, peaceful settlement of disputes (Art. 6); The Summit shall review the st ate of peace and security (Art. 11); Assembly shall hold an annual debate on the report to be submitted to it by the Council on progress made by the Community in the development of its common security policies (Art. 59); Establishment of common security policies such as coordinating the defence policies (Art. 123); Regional peace and security: fostering an atmosphere that is conducive to peace and security through cooperation and consultations on issues pertaining to peace and security of the Partner States with a view to prevention, better management and resolution of disputes and conflicts, formulationg security measures to combat terrorism (Art. 124); Close cooperation in defense affairs (Art. 125)",1,Reference to the United Nations model law on mutual assistance on criminal matters (mentioned in the context of security) (Art. 124),"Considering the application by a foreign country to become a member of the Community, shall include that foreign country’s adherence to social justice and its potential contribution to the strengthening of integration within the East African region (Art. 4); Aim of the Agreement: widening and deepening co-operation among the Partner States in social and cultural fields, research and technology, raising the standard of living and improving the quality of life of their populations, enhancement of the role of women in cultural, social, political, economic and technological development (Art. 5); Fundamental principles: social justice, gender equality (Art. 6); Abiding by the principle of social justice (Art. 7); Achieving the structural transformation of the economy that would foster the overall socio-economic development in the Partner States (Art. 79); Instituting measures to prevent money laundering activities (Art. 85); Common transport and communications policies (Art. 89); Cooperation on roads and road transport (Art. 90); Cooperation on railways and railway transport (Art. 91); Cooperation on civil aviation and civil air transport (Art. 92); Cooperation on maritime transport and ports (Art. 93); Cooperation on inland waterways transport (Art. 94); Harmonization of respective policies on post al services (Art. 98); Cooperation on telecommunications (Art. 99); Cooperation on meteorological services, meteorological support to key sector s of the economy which include tourism and construction (Art. 100); Energy: promoting the efficient exploitation, development , joint research and utilisation of various energy resources available within the region (Art. 101); Co-operation in education and training (Art. 102); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 103); Cooperation in the agricultural sector are the achievement of food security (Art. 105); Seed multiplication and distribution (Art. 106); Irrigation and water catchment management: effort to expand agricultural land through irrigation and water catchment strategies (Art. 109); Food security (Art. 110); Prevention of illegal trade in and movement of toxic chemicals, substances and hazardous wastes (Art. 113); Coordinated approach to the promotion and marketing of quality tourism (Art. 115); Cooperation in health, cultural and sports and social welfare activities (Art. 117); Health: prevention and control of diseases and control of pandemics and epidemics such a s HIV-AIDS, cholera, malaria, hepatitis and yellow fever, developing a common drug policy etc (Art. 118); Cooperation in the fields of culture and sports, reference to the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, the UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibition and Preventing the Illicit Import , Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (Art. 119); Cooperation in the field of social welfare such as poverty alleviation programmes and eradication of adult illiteracy (Art. 120); Empowering the role of women in socio-economic development (Art. 121); Increasing the participation of women in business (Art. 122); Creation of an enabling environment for the civil society (Art. 127); Fostering cooperative arrangements with other regional and international organisations whose activities have a bearing on the objectives of the Community (Art. 130)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 788,788,788,788,ECCM,East Caribbean Common Market,1968,ECCM 1968.pdf,AG-DM-GD-MS-KN-LC-VC,AG-DM-GD-MS-KN-LC-VC,0,1,1968,1,1981,0,,,,,,,,,,2,7,21,3,4,3,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,Resolved to ensure by common action economic and social development; Affirming as the prerequisite to their efforts the continuing improvement of the living standards and working conditions of their people ;,1,"The right of refusing to accept certificates from any authorised body which is shown to have repeatedly issued certificates in an improper manner (Annex A, Rule 8.4, p.41); If the importing Member State wishes an investigation to be made into the accuracy of the evidence which it has received, it may make a request to that effect to the other Member State or States concerned (Annex A, Rule 9.5, p.42); Member States undertake to introduce legislation, making such provision as may be necessary for penalties against persons who, in their territory, furnish or cause to be furnished a document which is untrue in a material particular in support of a claim in another Member State that goods should be accepted as eligible for Market Area tariff treatment (Annex A, Rule 10.1, p.42)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The objectives of the Common Market shall be: to promote in Member States harmonious development of economic activities; continuous economic expansion; accelerated improvement in the standard of living (Art.2, p.22); A co-operative approach to infrastructural development especially in the fields of transport and communication (Art.3, p.22); The common industrial policy shall have as its objectives: the utilization as efficiently as possible of the natural and human resources of Member States; the increase of production and productivity in industry by ensuring the rational development of the units of production due consideration being given to the size of the market (Art.13.3, p.28); The Council of Ministers, shall seek to procure the establishment of relationships with other international organisations (Art.23, p.34)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 293,293,293,293,ECROME,EC,1957,EC Treaty of Rome 1957.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL,1,1,1958,1,1987,1,EC Treaty,24-Apr-1957(G) 10-,GATT Art. XXIV,EC (Treaty of Rome),"EC (Treaty of Rome) (implementation of common external tariff in 1968 and single market in 1992 for goods, services, capital, and labor)",CU,3,CU_EIA,3,2,6,15,1,1,3,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,Decided to ensure the economic and social progress of their countries by common action in eliminating the barriers which divide Europe; Directing their efforts to the essential purpose of constantly improving the living and working conditions of their peoples; reference to the UN Charter; Resolved to strengthen the safeguards of peace and liberty,0,,0,,1,"The abolition of any discrimination based on nationality between workers of the Member States, as regards employment, remuneration and other working conditions (Art. 48.2); Member States hereby agree upon the necessity to promote improvement of the working conditions of labour (Art. 117); The Commission aims to promote close collaboration between Member States in the social field, particularly in matters relating to: employment, labour legislation and working conditions, occupational and continuation training, social security, protection against occupational accidents and diseases, industrial hygiene, the law as to trade unions, and collective bargaining between employers and workers (Art. 118); Each Member State shall maintain the application of the principle of equal remuneration for equal work as between men and women workers (Art. 119); Member States shall endeavour to maintain the existing equivalence of paid holiday schemes (Art. 120); Reference to the productive re-employment of workers by means of occupational re-training, resettlement allowances, and granting aids for the benefit of workers whose employment is temporarily reduced or wholly or partly suspended (Art. 125)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"On institution building: The Assembly (Art. 137-144), The Council (Art. 145-154), The Commission (Art. 155-163), The Court of Justice (Art, 164-188) (Part 5: Institutions of the Community); For example: the Assembly, which shall be composed of representatives of the peoples of the States united within the Community, shall exercise the powers of deliberation and of control which are conferred upon it by this Treaty (Art. 137); The Assembly shall draw up proposals for elections by direct universal suffrage in accordance with a uniform procedure in all Member States (Art. 138.3); Independence of the judiciary: The duty of the advocate-general shall be to present publicly, with complete impartiality and independence, reasoned conclusions on cases submitted to the Court of Justice (Art. 166)",0,,1,Reference to the Common Market promoting harmonious economic development and stabilty (Art. 2); Member States shall consult one another for the purpose of enacting in common the necessary provisions to prevent the functioning of the Common Market from being affected by measures which a Member State may be called upon to take in case of war or of serious international tension constituting a threat of war or in order to carry out undertakings into which it has entered for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (Art. 224),0,,"An accelerated raising of the standard of living/ improved living conditions of labour (Art. 2, Art. 117); Common transport policy; economic co-ordination and expansion under European Investment Bank; creation of a European Social Fund in order to contribute to raising of workers' standard of living and to improve the possibilities of employment for workers; increasing their effort towards economic and social development (Art. 3; Art.123); Coordination of economic policies (Art. 6); Setting up appropriate machinery for connecting offers of employment and requests for employment, with a view to equilibrating them in such a way as to avoid serious threats to the standard of living and employment (Art. 49); Member States shall, under a common programme, encourage the exchange of young workers. (Art. 50); Directives regarding mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other qualifications (Art. 57); The limitation of technical development is deemed incompatible with the Common Market (Art. 85; Art. 86); State aid of a social character, intended to promote the economic development of regions where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there exists serious under-employment, is compatible with the Common Market (Art. 92.2, Art. 92.33); Co-ordination of economic policies to ensure a high level of employment (Art. 105); Member States shall co-ordinate their commercial relations with third countries (Art. 111); Aid exports to third countries shall be progressively harmonised (Art. 112); The Commission shall, in its annual report to the Assembly, include a special chapter on the development of the social situation within the Community (Art. 122); The Council shall establish general principles for the implementation of a common policy of occupational training (Art. 128); The Member States hereby agree to bring into association with the Community the non-European countries. The purpose of this association shall be to promote the economic and social development of the countries and territories and this association shall lead them to the economic, social and cultural development which they expect (Art. 131)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 294,293+1,29301,863,EC10,EC (10) Enlargement ,1979,EC (10) Enlargement 1980.PDF,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR,EU-GR,1,1,1981,0,,1,EC (10) Enlargement,24-Oct-79,GATT Art. XXIV,EC (10) Enlargement,EC (Accession of Greece),A,4,CU,3,5,10,9,1,1,3,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,EC Treaty of Rome: Decided to ensure the economic and social progress of their countries by common action in eliminating the barriers which divide Europe; Directing their efforts to the essential purpose of constantly improving the living and working conditions of their peoples; reference to the UN Charter; Resolved to strengthen the safeguards of peace and liberty. Accession treaty: Determined in the spirit of those Treaties to construct an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe on the foundation already laid,0,,0,,1,"EC Treaty of Rome:The abolition of any discrimination based on nationality between workers of the Member States, as regards employment, remuneration and other working conditions (Art. 48.2); Member States hereby agree upon the necessity to promote improvement of the working conditions of labour (Art. 117); The Commission aims to promote close collaboration between Member States in the social field, particularly in matters relating to: employment, labour legislation and working conditions, occupational and continuation training, social security, protection against occupational accidents and diseases, industrial hygiene, the law as to trade unions, and collective bargaining between employers and workers (Art. 118); Each Member State shall maintain the application of the principle of equal remuneration for equal work as between men and women workers (Art. 119); Member States shall endeavour to maintain the existing equivalence of paid holiday schemes (Art. 120); Reference to the productive re-employment of workers by means of occupational re-training, resettlement allowances, and granting aids for the benefit of workers whose employment is temporarily reduced or wholly or partly suspended (Art. 125); Accession Text: Reference to application of social security schemes (Art.48, p.27); Provisions laid designed to ensure the protection of the health of the workers and the general public in the territory of the Hellenic Republic against the dangers arising from ionizing radiations shall, in accordance with Article 33 of the Euratom Treaty, be communicated by that State to the Commission within three months of accession (Art.149, p.50); Standard social security scheme for the whole rural population (IX social policy, p.99); Reference to national family allowances (p.101); Rules applicable in the case of overlapping of rights to sickness benefits, benefits with respect to accidents at work or occupational disease (p.101); Rules applicable in the case of overlapping of rights to unemployment benefits (p.101); Steady improvement of working conditions (Protocol 7, p.177)",0,,1,"Accession Treaty: Exchange of information in field of nuclear energy concerning environmental protection (Protocol 6, Art.1, p.176)",0,,0,,0,,1,"EC Treaty of Rome: On institution building: The Assembly (Art. 137-144), The Council (Art. 145-154), The Commission (Art. 155-163), The Court of Justice (Art, 164-188) (Part 5: Institutions of the Community); For example: the Assembly, which shall be composed of representatives of the peoples of the States united within the Community, shall exercise the powers of deliberation and of control which are conferred upon it by this Treaty (Art. 137); The Assembly shall draw up proposals for elections by direct universal suffrage in accordance with a uniform procedure in all Member States (Art. 138.3); Independence of the judiciary: The duty of the advocate-general shall be to present publicly, with complete impartiality and independence, reasoned conclusions on cases submitted to the Court of Justice (Art. 166). ",0,,1,EC Treaty of Rome: Reference to the Common Market promoting harmonious economic development and stabilty (Art. 2) Member States shall consult one another for the purpose of enacting in common the necessary provisions to prevent the functioning of the Common Market from being affected by measures which a Member State may be called upon to take in case of war or of serious international tension constituting a threat of war or in order to carry out undertakings into which it has entered for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (Art. 224),0,,"EC Treaty of Rome: An accelerated raising of the standard of living/ improved living conditions of labour (Art. 2, Art. 117); Common transport policy; economic co-ordination and expansion under European Investment Bank; creation of a European Social Fund in order to contribute to raising of workers' standard of living and to improve the possibilities of employment for workers; increasing their effort towards economic and social development (Art. 3; Art.123); Coordination of economic policies (Art. 6); Setting up appropriate machinery for connecting offers of employment and requests for employment, with a view to equilibrating them in such a way as to avoid serious threats to the standard of living and employment (Art. 49); Member States shall, under a common programme, encourage the exchange of young workers. (Art. 50); Directives regarding mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other qualifications (Art. 57); The limitation of technical development is deemed incompatible with the Common Market (Art. 85; Art. 86); State aid of a social character, intended to promote the economic development of regions where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there exists serious under-employment, is compatible with the Common Market (Art. 92.2, Art. 92.33); Co-ordination of economic policies to ensure a high level of employment (Art. 105); Member States shall co-ordinate their commercial relations with third countries (Art. 111); Aid exports to third countries shall be progressively harmonised (Art. 112); The Commission shall, in its annual report to the Assembly, include a special chapter on the development of the social situation within the Community (Art. 122); The Council shall establish general principles for the implementation of a common policy of occupational training (Art. 128); The Member States hereby agree to bring into association with the Community the non-European countries. The purpose of this association shall be to promote the economic and social development of the countries and territories and this association shall lead them to the economic, social and cultural development which they expect (Art. 131). Accession text: Exchange of information with the Hellenic Republic in the field of nuclear energy (Protocol 6, p.176); Protocol 7 on the economic and industrial development of Greece (Protocol 7, p.177); Steady improvement of the living standards (Protocol 7, p.177); Hellenic Government has embarked upon the implementation of a policy of industrialization and economic development designed to align the standards of living in Greece with those of the other European nations and to eliminate underemployment while progressively evening out regional differences in levels of development (Protocol 7, p.177)",Both the Treaty of Rome and the Enlargment document are coded (with comments),,,,,,,,,,,, 295,293+2,29302,864,EC12,EC (12) Enlargement ,1985,EC (12) Enlargement 1979.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT,EU-ES-PT,1,1,1986,0,,1,EC (12) Enlargement,11-Dec-85,GATT Art. XXIV,EC (12) Enlargement,EC (Accession of Portugal and Spain),A,4,CU,3,5,12,27,1,1,3,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,"EC Treaty of Rome: Decided to ensure the economic and social progress of their countries by common action in eliminating the barriers which divide Europe; Directing their efforts to the essential purpose of constantly improving the living and working conditions of their peoples; reference to the UN Charter; Resolved to strengthen the safeguards of peace and liberty. Accession Treaty: Determined in the spirit of those Treaties to construct an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe on the foundations already laid",0,,0,,1,"EC Treaty of Rome:The abolition of any discrimination based on nationality between workers of the Member States, as regards employment, remuneration and other working conditions (Art. 48.2); Member States hereby agree upon the necessity to promote improvement of the working conditions of labour (Art. 117); The Commission aims to promote close collaboration between Member States in the social field, particularly in matters relating to: employment, labour legislation and working conditions, occupational and continuation training, social security, protection against occupational accidents and diseases, industrial hygiene, the law as to trade unions, and collective bargaining between employers and workers (Art. 118); Each Member State shall maintain the application of the principle of equal remuneration for equal work as between men and women workers (Art. 119); Member States shall endeavour to maintain the existing equivalence of paid holiday schemes (Art. 120); Reference to the productive re-employment of workers by means of occupational re-training, resettlement allowances, and granting aids for the benefit of workers whose employment is temporarily reduced or wholly or partly suspended (Art. 125). Accession text: The foregoing is without prejudice to legislative provisions of a Member State whereby family benefits are to be payable in respect of members of the family, whatever their country of residence (exception) (Art.60, p.36); Notwithstanding Article 202, the Portuguese Republic shall abolish the discriminatory variation existing between the rate of reimbursement by the Social Security institutions for pharmaceutical products produced in Portugal and the rate of reimbursement for pharmaceutical products imported from the present Member States (Art.205, p.85); The foregoing is without prejudice to legislative provisions of a Member State whereby family benefits are to be payable in respect of members of the family, whatever their country of residence (exception) (Art.220, p.89); Provisions designed to ensure the protection of the health of workers and the general public in the territory of the Member States against the dangers arising from ionizing radiations shall, in accordance with Article 33 of the Euratom Treaty, be communicated by those States to the Commission within three months of accession (Art.399, p.138); Reference to legislation on accidents at work and occupational diseases (Annex 1, p.171); Annex 3 on social security conventions (Annex 3, p.175); The Annex must be amended, in so far as necessary, in order to ensure adequate participation within this Committee of representatives of Spanish and Portuguese employers' and workers' organizations (p.245)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"EC Treaty of Rome: On institution building: The Assembly (Art. 137-144), The Council (Art. 145-154), The Commission (Art. 155-163), The Court of Justice (Art, 164-188) (Part 5: Institutions of the Community); For example: the Assembly, which shall be composed of representatives of the peoples of the States united within the Community, shall exercise the powers of deliberation and of control which are conferred upon it by this Treaty (Art. 137); The Assembly shall draw up proposals for elections by direct universal suffrage in accordance with a uniform procedure in all Member States (Art. 138.3); Independence of the judiciary: The duty of the advocate-general shall be to present publicly, with complete impartiality and independence, reasoned conclusions on cases submitted to the Court of Justice (Art. 166)",0,,1,EC Treaty of Rome: Reference to the Common Market promoting harmonious economic development and stabilty (Art. 2) Member States shall consult one another for the purpose of enacting in common the necessary provisions to prevent the functioning of the Common Market from being affected by measures which a Member State may be called upon to take in case of war or of serious international tension constituting a threat of war or in order to carry out undertakings into which it has entered for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (Art. 224),0,,"EC Treaty of Rome: An accelerated raising of the standard of living/ improved living conditions of labour (Art. 2, Art. 117); Common transport policy; economic co-ordination and expansion under European Investment Bank; creation of a European Social Fund in order to contribute to raising of workers' standard of living and to improve the possibilities of employment for workers; increasing their effort towards economic and social development (Art. 3; Art.123); Coordination of economic policies (Art. 6); Setting up appropriate machinery for connecting offers of employment and requests for employment, with a view to equilibrating them in such a way as to avoid serious threats to the standard of living and employment (Art. 49); Member States shall, under a common programme, encourage the exchange of young workers. (Art. 50); Directives regarding mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other qualifications (Art. 57); The limitation of technical development is deemed incompatible with the Common Market (Art. 85; Art. 86); State aid of a social character, intended to promote the economic development of regions where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there exists serious under-employment, is compatible with the Common Market (Art. 92.2, Art. 92.33); Co-ordination of economic policies to ensure a high level of employment (Art. 105); Member States shall co-ordinate their commercial relations with third countries (Art. 111); Aid exports to third countries shall be progressively harmonised (Art. 112); The Commission shall, in its annual report to the Assembly, include a special chapter on the development of the social situation within the Community (Art. 122); The Council shall establish general principles for the implementation of a common policy of occupational training (Art. 128); The Member States hereby agree to bring into association with the Community the non-European countries. The purpose of this association shall be to promote the economic and social development of the countries and territories and this association shall lead them to the economic, social and cultural development which they expect (Art. 131)",Both the Treaty of Rome and the Enlargment document are coded (with comments),,,,,,,,,,,, 296,293+3,29303,865,EC15,EC (15) Enlargement,1994,EC (15) Enlargement 1993.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE,EU-AT-FI-SE,1,1,1995,0,,1,EC (15) Enlargement,15-Dec-1994(G),GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EC (15) Enlargement,"EC (Accession of Austria, Finland, Sweden)",A,4,CU_EIA,3,5,15,36,1,1,3,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,"EC Treaty of Rome: Decided to ensure the economic and social progress of their countries by common action in eliminating the barriers which divide Europe; Directing their efforts to the essential purpose of constantly improving the living and working conditions of their peoples; reference to the UN Charter; Resolved to strengthen the safeguards of peace and liberty. Accession treaty: Determined in the spirit of those Treaties to continue the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe on the foundations already laid",0,,0,,1,"EC Treaty of Rome:The abolition of any discrimination based on nationality between workers of the Member States, as regards employment, remuneration and other working conditions (Art. 48.2); Member States hereby agree upon the necessity to promote improvement of the working conditions of labour (Art. 117); The Commission aims to promote close collaboration between Member States in the social field, particularly in matters relating to: employment, labour legislation and working conditions, occupational and continuation training, social security, protection against occupational accidents and diseases, industrial hygiene, the law as to trade unions, and collective bargaining between employers and workers (Art. 118); Each Member State shall maintain the application of the principle of equal remuneration for equal work as between men and women workers (Art. 119); Member States shall endeavour to maintain the existing equivalence of paid holiday schemes (Art. 120); Reference to the productive re-employment of workers by means of occupational re-training, resettlement allowances, and granting aids for the benefit of workers whose employment is temporarily reduced or wholly or partly suspended (Art. 125). Accession Treaty: Provisions designed to ensure the protection of the health of workers and the general public in the territory of the Member States against the dangers arising from ionizing radiations shall, in accordance with Article 33 of the Euratom Treaty, be communicated by those States to the Commission within three months of accession (Art.173, p.58); Reference to social security provisions (Annex 1, IV, Social policy, A Social security, p.66); reference to health and safety provisions at work (Annex 1, E Health and Safety, p.99); Reference to social policy provisions such as Council Directive 76/207/EEC of 9 February 1976 on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women as regards access to employment, vocational training and promotion, and working conditions (Annex 15, V. Social policy, p.317)",0,,1,"Accession treaty: Ensure that the environment is protected and the countryside preserved (Art.142, p.51); Reference to provisions concerning water protection, monitoring of atmospheric pollution, noise pollution, chemicals, waste management and clean technology, (Annex 1, VIII Environment, p.155-173); References to environmental provisions (Annex XIX, III Environment, p.335)",0,,0,,0,,1,"EC Treaty of Rome: On institution building: The Assembly (Art. 137-144), The Council (Art. 145-154), The Commission (Art. 155-163), The Court of Justice (Art, 164-188) (Part 5: Institutions of the Community); For example: the Assembly, which shall be composed of representatives of the peoples of the States united within the Community, shall exercise the powers of deliberation and of control which are conferred upon it by this Treaty (Art. 137); The Assembly shall draw up proposals for elections by direct universal suffrage in accordance with a uniform procedure in all Member States (Art. 138.3); Independence of the judiciary: The duty of the advocate-general shall be to present publicly, with complete impartiality and independence, reasoned conclusions on cases submitted to the Court of Justice (Art. 166). Accession Treaty: recognizing the obligations and commitments of Norway, Sweden and Finland with regard to the Sami people under international law (Protocol 3, preamble, p.340); Provisions related to elections to the European Parliament in the interim period such as the right to vote and the right to stand as a candidate (Annex, p.345)",0,,1,EC Treaty of Rome: Reference to the Common Market promoting harmonious economic development and stabilty (Art. 2) Member States shall consult one another for the purpose of enacting in common the necessary provisions to prevent the functioning of the Common Market from being affected by measures which a Member State may be called upon to take in case of war or of serious international tension constituting a threat of war or in order to carry out undertakings into which it has entered for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (Art. 224),0,,"EC Treaty of Rome: An accelerated raising of the standard of living/ improved living conditions of labour (Art. 2, Art. 117); Common transport policy; economic co-ordination and expansion under European Investment Bank; creation of a European Social Fund in order to contribute to raising of workers' standard of living and to improve the possibilities of employment for workers; increasing their effort towards economic and social development (Art. 3; Art.123); Coordination of economic policies (Art. 6); Setting up appropriate machinery for connecting offers of employment and requests for employment, with a view to equilibrating them in such a way as to avoid serious threats to the standard of living and employment (Art. 49); Member States shall, under a common programme, encourage the exchange of young workers. (Art. 50); Directives regarding mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other qualifications (Art. 57); The limitation of technical development is deemed incompatible with the Common Market (Art. 85; Art. 86); State aid of a social character, intended to promote the economic development of regions where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there exists serious under-employment, is compatible with the Common Market (Art. 92.2, Art. 92.33); Co-ordination of economic policies to ensure a high level of employment (Art. 105); Member States shall co-ordinate their commercial relations with third countries (Art. 111); Aid exports to third countries shall be progressively harmonised (Art. 112); The Commission shall, in its annual report to the Assembly, include a special chapter on the development of the social situation within the Community (Art. 122); The Council shall establish general principles for the implementation of a common policy of occupational training (Art. 128); The Member States hereby agree to bring into association with the Community the non-European countries. The purpose of this association shall be to promote the economic and social development of the countries and territories and this association shall lead them to the economic, social and cultural development which they expect (Art. 131). Accession Treaty: reference to provisions on mutual recognition of professional qualifications (Annex 1, XI, D. Mutual recognition fo professional qualifications, p.196); Reference to provisions realting to education (Annex 1, XIV, Education); Noting that Norway, Sweden and Finland are committed to preserving and developing the means of livelihood, language, culture and way of life of the Sami people, Considering the dependence of traditional Sami culture and livelihood on primary economic activities, such as reindeer husbandry in the traditional areas of Sami settlement (Protocol 3: Preamble, p.340, Art.1, p.340)",Both the Treaty of Rome and the Enlargment document are coded (with comments),,,,,,,,,,,, 297,293+4,29304,866,EC25,EC (25) Enlargement,2003,EC (25) Enlargement.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EE-LV-LT-CY-MT-CZ-SI-SK-HU-PL,EU-EE-LV-LT-CY-MT-CZ-SI-SK-HU-PL,1,1,2004,0,,1,EC (25) Enlargement,38103,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EC (25) Enlargement,"EC (Accession of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovak Republic, Slovenia)",A,4,CU_EIA,3,5,25,150,2,1,3,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,EC Treaty of Rome: Decided to ensure the economic and social progress of their countries by common action in eliminating the barriers which divide Europe; Directing their efforts to the essential purpose of constantly improving the living and working conditions of their peoples; reference to the UN Charter; Resolved to strengthen the safeguards of peace and liberty. Accession Treaty: Determined in the spirit of those Treaties to construct an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe,0,,0,,1,"EC Treaty of Rome:The abolition of any discrimination based on nationality between workers of the Member States, as regards employment, remuneration and other working conditions (Art. 48.2); Member States hereby agree upon the necessity to promote improvement of the working conditions of labour (Art. 117); The Commission aims to promote close collaboration between Member States in the social field, particularly in matters relating to: employment, labour legislation and working conditions, occupational and continuation training, social security, protection against occupational accidents and diseases, industrial hygiene, the law as to trade unions, and collective bargaining between employers and workers (Art. 118); Each Member State shall maintain the application of the principle of equal remuneration for equal work as between men and women workers (Art. 119); Member States shall endeavour to maintain the existing equivalence of paid holiday schemes (Art. 120); Reference to the productive re-employment of workers by means of occupational re-training, resettlement allowances, and granting aids for the benefit of workers whose employment is temporarily reduced or wholly or partly suspended (Art. 125)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"EC Treaty of Rome: On institution building: The Assembly (Art. 137-144), The Council (Art. 145-154), The Commission (Art. 155-163), The Court of Justice (Art, 164-188) (Part 5: Institutions of the Community); For example: the Assembly, which shall be composed of representatives of the peoples of the States united within the Community, shall exercise the powers of deliberation and of control which are conferred upon it by this Treaty (Art. 137); The Assembly shall draw up proposals for elections by direct universal suffrage in accordance with a uniform procedure in all Member States (Art. 138.3); Independence of the judiciary: The duty of the advocate-general shall be to present publicly, with complete impartiality and independence, reasoned conclusions on cases submitted to the Court of Justice (Art. 166)",0,,1,EC Treaty of Rome: Reference to the Common Market promoting harmonious economic development and stabilty (Art. 2) Member States shall consult one another for the purpose of enacting in common the necessary provisions to prevent the functioning of the Common Market from being affected by measures which a Member State may be called upon to take in case of war or of serious international tension constituting a threat of war or in order to carry out undertakings into which it has entered for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (Art. 224),0,,"EC Treaty of Rome: An accelerated raising of the standard of living/ improved living conditions of labour (Art. 2, Art. 117); Common transport policy; economic co-ordination and expansion under European Investment Bank; creation of a European Social Fund in order to contribute to raising of workers' standard of living and to improve the possibilities of employment for workers; increasing their effort towards economic and social development (Art. 3; Art.123); Coordination of economic policies (Art. 6); Setting up appropriate machinery for connecting offers of employment and requests for employment, with a view to equilibrating them in such a way as to avoid serious threats to the standard of living and employment (Art. 49); Member States shall, under a common programme, encourage the exchange of young workers. (Art. 50); Directives regarding mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other qualifications (Art. 57); The limitation of technical development is deemed incompatible with the Common Market (Art. 85; Art. 86); State aid of a social character, intended to promote the economic development of regions where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there exists serious under-employment, is compatible with the Common Market (Art. 92.2, Art. 92.33); Co-ordination of economic policies to ensure a high level of employment (Art. 105); Member States shall co-ordinate their commercial relations with third countries (Art. 111); Aid exports to third countries shall be progressively harmonised (Art. 112); The Commission shall, in its annual report to the Assembly, include a special chapter on the development of the social situation within the Community (Art. 122); The Council shall establish general principles for the implementation of a common policy of occupational training (Art. 128); The Member States hereby agree to bring into association with the Community the non-European countries. The purpose of this association shall be to promote the economic and social development of the countries and territories and this association shall lead them to the economic, social and cultural development which they expect (Art. 131)",Both the Treaty of Rome and the Enlargment document are coded (with comments). Annexes and protocols missing ,,,,,,,,,,,, 298,293+5,29305,867,EC27,EC (27) Enlargement,2005,EC (27) Enlargement.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EE-LV-LT-CY-MT-CZ-SI-SK-HU-PL-BG-RO,EU-BG-RO,1,1,2007,0,,1,EC (27) Enlargement,27-Sep-2006(G),GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EC (27) Enlargement,EC (Accession of Bulgaria and Romania),A,4,CU_EIA,3,5,27,50,2,1,3,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,EC Treaty of Rome: Decided to ensure the economic and social progress of their countries by common action in eliminating the barriers which divide Europe; Directing their efforts to the essential purpose of constantly improving the living and working conditions of their peoples; reference to the UN Charter; Resolved to strengthen the safeguards of peace and liberty. Accession Treaty: Determined in the spirit of those Treaties to construct an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe,1,"Reference to Protocol of 12 March 1999, drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the scope of the laundering of proceeds in the Convention on the use of information technology for customs purposes (Annex 1, p.47); To conduct an independent audit of the results and the impact the current National Anti?Corruption Strategy has generated; to reflect the conclusions and recommendations of this audit in the new multi-annual anticorruption strategy; the strategy must include the commitment to revise the protracted criminal procedure by the end of 2005 to ensure that corruption cases are dealt with in a swift and transparent manner finally, it must contain steps to considerably reduce the number of bodies which all have powers to prevent or investigate corruption by the end of 2005, so that overlapping responsibilities are avoided (Annex 9, p.374)",0,,1,"EC Treaty of Rome:The abolition of any discrimination based on nationality between workers of the Member States, as regards employment, remuneration and other working conditions (Art. 48.2); Member States hereby agree upon the necessity to promote improvement of the working conditions of labour (Art. 117); The Commission aims to promote close collaboration between Member States in the social field, particularly in matters relating to: employment, labour legislation and working conditions, occupational and continuation training, social security, protection against occupational accidents and diseases, industrial hygiene, the law as to trade unions, and collective bargaining between employers and workers (Art. 118); Each Member State shall maintain the application of the principle of equal remuneration for equal work as between men and women workers (Art. 119); Member States shall endeavour to maintain the existing equivalence of paid holiday schemes (Art. 120); Reference to the productive re-employment of workers by means of occupational re-training, resettlement allowances, and granting aids for the benefit of workers whose employment is temporarily reduced or wholly or partly suspended (Art. 125). Accession Treaty: Provisions designed to ensure the protection of the health of workers and the general public in the territory of Bulgaria and Romania against the dangers arising from ionising radiations (Protocol, Art.54, p.44; Act, Art, 54, p.219)",0,,1,"Accession treaty: Environmental protection (Protocol, Art.28, p.38); Measures for environmental upgrading in line with the acquis; measures for the modernisation of the conventional energy production, transmission and distribution sectors in Bulgaria; measures to improve energy efficiency, to enhance the use of renewable energy sources (Protocol, Art.30, p.28); Reference to environmental provisions concerning air quality, waste management, water quality, industrial pollution (Annex 6, 10. Environment, p.118-128; Annex 7, 9. Environment, p.157-188; Annex 6, 10. Environment, p.292; Annex 7, 9. Environment, p.330); The implementation of the investments necessary to comply with environmental legislation (Annex 7, p.147, 148); Environmental protection (Act, Art.28, p.213); Measures for environmental upgrading in line with the acquis; measures for the modernisation of the conventional energy production, transmission and distribution sectors in Bulgaria; measures to improve energy efficiency, to enhance the use of renewable energy sources (Act, Art.30, p.202); The implementation of the investments necessary to comply with environmental legislation (Annex 7, p.320-321); If the Commission, having regard in particular to the environmental effects, considers that these plans are not sufficient to meet these objectives, it shall inform Romania (Annex 7, p.361)",0,,0,,0,,1,"EC Treaty of Rome: On institution building: The Assembly (Art. 137-144), The Council (Art. 145-154), The Commission (Art. 155-163), The Court of Justice (Art, 164-188) (Part 5: Institutions of the Community); For example: the Assembly, which shall be composed of representatives of the peoples of the States united within the Community, shall exercise the powers of deliberation and of control which are conferred upon it by this Treaty (Art. 137); The Assembly shall draw up proposals for elections by direct universal suffrage in accordance with a uniform procedure in all Member States (Art. 138.3); Independence of the judiciary: The duty of the advocate-general shall be to present publicly, with complete impartiality and independence, reasoned conclusions on cases submitted to the Court of Justice (Art. 166). Accession Treaty: Assistance shall fund institution?building projects; Strengthen their administrative and judicial capacity (Protocol, Art.31, p.29); The Committee of the Regions shall be enlarged by the appointment of 27 members representing regional and local bodies in Bulgaria and Romania, who either hold a regional or local authority electoral mandate or are politically accountable to an elected assembly (Protocol, Art.48, p.33); Assistance shall address the continued need for strengthening institutional capacity (Act, Art.31, p.214)",0,,1,"EC Treaty of Rome: Reference to the Common Market promoting harmonious economic development and stabilty (Art. 2) Member States shall consult one another for the purpose of enacting in common the necessary provisions to prevent the functioning of the Common Market from being affected by measures which a Member State may be called upon to take in case of war or of serious international tension constituting a threat of war or in order to carry out undertakings into which it has entered for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (Art. 224). Accession Treaty: Reference to Council Regulation (EC) No 2252/2004 of 13 December 2004 on standards for security features and biometrics in passports and travel documents issued by Member States (OJ L 385, 29.12.2004, p. 1) (p.230)",0,,"EC Treaty of Rome: An accelerated raising of the standard of living/ improved living conditions of labour (Art. 2, Art. 117); Common transport policy; economic co-ordination and expansion under European Investment Bank; creation of a European Social Fund in order to contribute to raising of workers' standard of living and to improve the possibilities of employment for workers; increasing their effort towards economic and social development (Art. 3; Art.123); Coordination of economic policies (Art. 6); Setting up appropriate machinery for connecting offers of employment and requests for employment, with a view to equilibrating them in such a way as to avoid serious threats to the standard of living and employment (Art. 49); Member States shall, under a common programme, encourage the exchange of young workers. (Art. 50); Directives regarding mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other qualifications (Art. 57); The limitation of technical development is deemed incompatible with the Common Market (Art. 85; Art. 86); State aid of a social character, intended to promote the economic development of regions where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there exists serious under-employment, is compatible with the Common Market (Art. 92.2, Art. 92.33); Co-ordination of economic policies to ensure a high level of employment (Art. 105); Member States shall co-ordinate their commercial relations with third countries (Art. 111); Aid exports to third countries shall be progressively harmonised (Art. 112); The Commission shall, in its annual report to the Assembly, include a special chapter on the development of the social situation within the Community (Art. 122); The Council shall establish general principles for the implementation of a common policy of occupational training (Art. 128); The Member States hereby agree to bring into association with the Community the non-European countries. The purpose of this association shall be to promote the economic and social development of the countries and territories and this association shall lead them to the economic, social and cultural development which they expect (Art. 131) Accession treaty: Pre?accession assistance (Protocol: Art.27, p.37; Art.28, p.38); Financial assistance (Protocol: Art.30, p.38; Art.31, p.39); Reference to various conventions such as: SCH/Com-ex (93) 14 Decision of the Executive Committee of 14 December 1993 on improving practical judicial cooperation for combating drug trafficking; SCH/Com-ex (94) 28 rev Decision of the Executive Committee of 22 December 1994 on the certificate provided for in Article 75 to carry narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; SCH/Com-ex (99) 1 rev 2 Decision of the Executive Committee of 28 April 1999 on the drugs situation etc. (Annex 2, p.51); Reference to SCH/Com-ex (98) 37 def 2 Decision of the Executive Committee of 27 October 1998 on the adoption of measures to fight illegal immigration etc.(Annex 2, p.51); Reference to SCH/Com-ex (98) 51 rev 3 Decision of the Executive Committee of 16 December 1998 on cross border police cooperation in the area of crime prevention and detection; SCH/Com-ex (99) 18 Decision of the Executive Committee of 28 April 1999 on the improvement of police cooperation in preventing and detecting criminal offences. etc. (Annex 2, p.51); Rural development, investment support, early retirement (Annex VIII, p.196-200); Pre-accessional assistance; financial assistance (Act: Art.27, p.212; Art.28, p.213; Art.30, p.214; Art.31, p.214); Reference to various conventions such as: Protocol of 12 March 1999, drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the scope of the laundering of proceeds in the Convention on the use of information technology for customs purposes and the inclusion of the registration number of the means of transport in the Convention; Convention of 29 May 2000, established by the Council in accordance with Article 34 of the Treaty on European Union, on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union (Annex 1, p.222, p.223); Rural development measures such as technical assistance, investment support (Annex 8, p.369, 371, 372-373); Romania must implement all necessary measures to effectively combat illegal immigration (Annex 9, p.374); To develop and implement a coherent multi-annual anti-crime strategy (Annex 9, p.375)",Both the Treaty of Rome and the Enlargment document are coded (with comments),,,,,,,,,,,, 299,293+6,29306,868,EC9,EC (9) Enlargement,1972,EC (9) Enlargement 1972.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB,EU-DK-IE-GB,1,1,1973,0,,1,EC (9) Enlargement,07-Mar-72,GATT Art. XXIV,EC (9) Enlargement,"EC (Accession of Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom)",A,4,CU,3,5,9,18,1,1,3,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,EC Treaty of Rome: Decided to ensure the economic and social progress of their countries by common action in eliminating the barriers which divide Europe; Directing their efforts to the essential purpose of constantly improving the living and working conditions of their peoples; reference to the UN Charter; Resolved to strengthen the safeguards of peace and liberty. Accession Treaty: Determined in the spirit of those Treaties to construct an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe,0,,0,,1,"EC Treaty of Rome:The abolition of any discrimination based on nationality between workers of the Member States, as regards employment, remuneration and other working conditions (Art. 48.2); Member States hereby agree upon the necessity to promote improvement of the working conditions of labour (Art. 117); The Commission aims to promote close collaboration between Member States in the social field, particularly in matters relating to: employment, labour legislation and working conditions, occupational and continuation training, social security, protection against occupational accidents and diseases, industrial hygiene, the law as to trade unions, and collective bargaining between employers and workers (Art. 118); Each Member State shall maintain the application of the principle of equal remuneration for equal work as between men and women workers (Art. 119); Member States shall endeavour to maintain the existing equivalence of paid holiday schemes (Art. 120); Reference to the productive re-employment of workers by means of occupational re-training, resettlement allowances, and granting aids for the benefit of workers whose employment is temporarily reduced or wholly or partly suspended (Art. 125)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"EC Treaty of Rome: On institution building: The Assembly (Art. 137-144), The Council (Art. 145-154), The Commission (Art. 155-163), The Court of Justice (Art, 164-188) (Part 5: Institutions of the Community); For example: the Assembly, which shall be composed of representatives of the peoples of the States united within the Community, shall exercise the powers of deliberation and of control which are conferred upon it by this Treaty (Art. 137); The Assembly shall draw up proposals for elections by direct universal suffrage in accordance with a uniform procedure in all Member States (Art. 138.3); Independence of the judiciary: The duty of the advocate-general shall be to present publicly, with complete impartiality and independence, reasoned conclusions on cases submitted to the Court of Justice (Art. 166)",0,,1,EC Treaty of Rome: Reference to the Common Market promoting harmonious economic development and stabilty (Art. 2) Member States shall consult one another for the purpose of enacting in common the necessary provisions to prevent the functioning of the Common Market from being affected by measures which a Member State may be called upon to take in case of war or of serious international tension constituting a threat of war or in order to carry out undertakings into which it has entered for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (Art. 224),0,,"EC Treaty of Rome: An accelerated raising of the standard of living/ improved living conditions of labour (Art. 2, Art. 117); Common transport policy; economic co-ordination and expansion under European Investment Bank; creation of a European Social Fund in order to contribute to raising of workers' standard of living and to improve the possibilities of employment for workers; increasing their effort towards economic and social development (Art. 3; Art.123); Coordination of economic policies (Art. 6); Setting up appropriate machinery for connecting offers of employment and requests for employment, with a view to equilibrating them in such a way as to avoid serious threats to the standard of living and employment (Art. 49); Member States shall, under a common programme, encourage the exchange of young workers. (Art. 50); Directives regarding mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other qualifications (Art. 57); The limitation of technical development is deemed incompatible with the Common Market (Art. 85; Art. 86); State aid of a social character, intended to promote the economic development of regions where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there exists serious under-employment, is compatible with the Common Market (Art. 92.2, Art. 92.33); Co-ordination of economic policies to ensure a high level of employment (Art. 105); Member States shall co-ordinate their commercial relations with third countries (Art. 111); Aid exports to third countries shall be progressively harmonised (Art. 112); The Commission shall, in its annual report to the Assembly, include a special chapter on the development of the social situation within the Community (Art. 122); The Council shall establish general principles for the implementation of a common policy of occupational training (Art. 128); The Member States hereby agree to bring into association with the Community the non-European countries. The purpose of this association shall be to promote the economic and social development of the countries and territories and this association shall lead them to the economic, social and cultural development which they expect (Art. 131)",Both the Treaty of Rome and the Enlargment document are coded (with comments),,,,,,,,,,,, 300,300,300,300,ECAMSTERDAM,EC Amsterdam,1997,EC Amsterdam Treaty 1997 consolidated.pdf/EC Amsterdam Treaty 1997.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE,1,1,1999,1,2003,0,,,,,,,,,,2,15,105,1,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Preventing and combating corruption and fraud (Art.1.11 on Art.K.1); Collection, storage, processing, analysis and exchange of relevant information on suspicious financial transactions (Art.1.11 on Art.K.2); The Community and the Member States shall counter fraud and any other illegal activities affecting the financial interests of the Community and coordinate their action (Art.2.52 on Art.209a)",0,,1,"Reference to the fundamental social rights of workers (Art. 1.1); The Council shall adopt such measures in the field of social security as are necessary to provide freedom of movement for workers (Art. 2.12); The promotion of employment, improved living and working conditions, proper social protection, dialogue between managment and labour (Art.2.22 on Art.117); Improvement of the working environment to protect workers' health and safety; working conditions: equality between men and women with regard to labour market opportunities (Art.2.22 on Art.118; Art.2.22 on Art.119); The Council shall act unanimously in the following areas: social security and social protection of workers; protection of workers where their employment contract is terminated; representation and collective defence of the interests of workers and employers (Art.2.22 on Art.118); The Commission shall encourage cooperation between the Member States in matters relating to: labour law and working conditions; social security; prevention of occupational accidents and diseases; the right of association and collective bargaining between employers and workers (Art.2.22 on Art.118c); Note: Reference to the 1989 Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers and the 1961 European Social Charter (Art. 1.1; Art. 2.22 on Art.117))",0,,1,"Reference to the principle of sustainable development and to environmental protection (Art. 1.1; Art. 2.2; Art. 2.17 on Art.100a); Integration of environmental protection requirements with a view to promoting sustainable development (Art. 2.4 on Art.3c); Community policy on the environment shall aim at a high level of protection and shall be based on the precautionary principle and on the principles that preventive action should be taken, that environmental damage should as a priority be rectified at source and that the polluter should pay (Art.2.34 on Art.130r(2)); ",0,,1,"The Union is founded on the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (Art.1.8 on Art.F; Art.1.10 on Art.J.1); The promotion of equality between men and women (Art. 2.2; Art. 2.3); The Council may take action to combat discrimination based on sex; racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation (Art. 2.7); The Treaty on European Union: the Union shall respect fundamental rights as guaranteed by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Protocol C)",1,Reference to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms signed in Rome on 4 November 1950 (Protocol C),1,"Common foreign policy (Art. 1.3; Art.1.5 on Art.B); The Union is founded on the principles of liberty, democracy, and the rule of law (Art.1.8 on Art.F; Art.1.10 on Art.J.1); The Union shall define the principles of and general guidelines for the common foreign and security policy (Art.1.10. on Art.J.2); The European Council shall define the principles of and general guidelines for the common foreign and security policy (Art.1.10 on Art.J.3); Member States shall inform and consult one another within the Council on any matter of foreign and security policy of general interest (Art.1.10 on Art.J.6); The European Parliament shall draw up a proposal for elections by direct universal suffrage (Art.2.38 on Art.138; Art. 3.4 on Art.21; Art.4.2 on Art.108)",0,,1,"Reference to the implementation of a common security policy including a common defence policy in order to promote peace, security; Reference to ensuring the safety and security of their peoples by establishing an area of freedom, security and justice (Art. 1.3; Art.1.5 on Art.B; Art.1.10 on Art.J.1; Art.1.11 on Art.K.12; Art. 2.15 on Art.73i; Protocol B); Consistency of external activities in context of security (Art. 1.6); The Union shall define the principles of and general guidelines for the common foreign and security policy (Art.1.10 on Art.J.2); Member States shall inform and consult one another within the Council on any matter of foreign and security policy of general interest (Art.1.10 on Art.J.6; Art.1.10 on Art.J.12); The common foreign and security policy shall include all questions relating to the security of the Union, including the progressive framing of a common defence policy (Art.1.10 on Art.J.7); The policy of the Union in accordance with this Article shall respect the obligations of certain Member States, which see their common defence realised in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) (Art.1.10 on Art.J.7; Protocol A); Questions referred to include humanitarian and rescue tasks, peace-keeping tasks and tasks of combat forces in crisis management, including peacemaking (Art.1.10 on Art.J.7); Member States which are also members of the United Nations Security Council will concert and keep the other Member States fully informed (Art.1.10 on Art.J.9); Preventing and combatting terrorism (Art.1.11 on Art. K.1); ",1,Reference to principles of the United Nations Charter (Art.1 on Art.J.1; Art.1 on Art.J.9); Reference to the Helsinki Final Act; The Paris Charter (Art.1 on Art.J.1); Reference to NATO (Art.1 on Art. J.7),"Common foreign policy (Art. 1.3); The promotion of economic and social progress and a high level of employment, social cohesion (Art. 1.2; Art.1.5 on Art. B; Art. 2.2); Preventing and combatting crime (Art.1.5 on Art.B); Consistency of external activities in context of economic and development policies (Art.1.6 on Art.C); Reference to safety within areas of freedom, security and justice by developing common action among the Member States in the fields of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters and by preventing and combating racism and xenophobia (Art.1.11 on Art.K.1); Preventing and combating crime, organised or otherwise, in particular trafficking in persons and offences against children, illicit drug trafficking and illicit arms trafficking (Art.1.11 on Art.K.1); Cooperation between the police, customs and other specialised law enforcement services; cooperation in police training subject to judicial review (Art.1.11 on Art.K.2); Reference to Europol and its activities such as establishing a research, documentation and statistical network on cross-border crime (Art.1.11 on Art.K.2); Common action on judicial cooperation in criminal matters and civil matters and progressively adopting measures establishing minimum rules relating to the constituent elements of criminal acts and to penalties in the fields of organised crime, terrorism and illicit drug trafficking (Art.1.11 on Art. K.3; Art.2.15 on Art.73i; Art.2.15 on Art.73m); Promotion of knowledge through wide access to education (Art. 2.1); The promotion of social protection, the raising of the standard of living and quality of life (Art. 2.2); The promotion of coordination between employment policies (Art. 2.3); Measures in the fields of asylum, immigration and safeguarding the rights of nationals of third countries (Art.2.15 on Art.73i); Rules on visas (Art.2.15 on Art.73j); On asylum seekers and refugees: reference to the Geneva Convention of 1951 and the protocol of 1967 relating ot the status of refugees and other relevant treaties (unspecified) (Art.2.15 on Art.73k) On employment: the development of a coordinated strategy for employment and promotion of a skilled, trained and adaptable workforce and labour markets responsive to economic change; a high level of employment and cooperation between Member States (Art.2.19 on Art.109n; Art.2.19 on Art.109p; Art. 2.19 on Art.109r); On customs cooperation: the creation of initiatives aimed at improving knowledge, developing exchanges of information and best practices, promoting innovative approaches and evaluating experiences in order to combat social exclusion (Art.2.22 on Art.118); A high level of human health protection shall be ensured. Examples: action towards preventing human illness and diseases; reducing drugs-related health damage (Art.2.26 on Art.129); Consumer protection: The Community shall contribute to protecting the health, safety and economic interests of consumers (Art. 2.27 on Art.129a); The Community shall aim at reducing disparities between the levels of development of the various regions (Art.2.30 on Art.130a); Reference to public broadcasting in the Member States as directly related to the democratic, social and cultural needs of each society (Protocol C); Improved protection and respect for the welfare of animals as sentient beings (Protocol C)","Note: The document coded is ""EC Amsterdam Treaty 1997.pdf"". As this document ammends previous treaties, the Article numbers listed are as follows: the article number in the Treaty of Amsterdam followed by the article number of the article that is being amended. For example: ""Art.1.1 on Art. B"" refers to Article 1.1 of the Treaty of Amsterdam which amends Article B of the Treaty on European Union. Article 1 in the Treaty of Amsterdam refers to amendments to the Treaty on European Union, Article 2 to The Treaty establishing the European Community, Article 3 to The Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, Article 4 to The Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, Article 5 to The Act concerning the election of the representatives of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage annexed to the Council Decision of 20 September 1976 ...",,,,,,,,,,,, 302,302,302,302,EC_EGY2,EC Egypt,1977,EC Egypt 1977.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-EG,EU-EG,1,1,1978,1,2004,1,EC Egypt Cooperation Agreement,,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Egypt (Cooperation Agreement),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,3,10,9,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Strengthen social and economic development in Egypt,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Protection of environment (Art. 4),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Promote economic development in Egypt (Art. 1, Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4); Promote social development in Egypt (Art. 1); Cooperation in the fields of science (Art. 4); financial aid (Art. 6)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 303,303,303,303,EC_EGY1,EC Egypt Agreement,1972,EC Egypt 1972.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-EG,EU-EG,1,1,1973,1,1977,1,EC Egypt Agreement of 1972,11-Oct-73,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Egypt,EC Egypt (Interim Agreement),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,3,10,6,2,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 302,302+2,30202,869,EC_EGY2_p2a,EC Egypt Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-EG-PT-ES-AT-FI-SE,EU-EG-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,2004,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Strengthen social and economic development in Egypt,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Protection of environment (Art. 4),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Promote economic development in Egypt (Art. 1, Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4); Promote social development in Egypt (Art. 1); Cooperation in the fields of science (Art. 4); financial aid (Art. 6)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 304,304,304,304,EC_EGY3,EC Egypt Euro-Med Association Agreement,2001,EC Egypt 2001.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EG,EU-EG,1,1,2004,0,,1,EC Egypt,38233,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Egypt (Euro Mediterranean Agreement),FTA,2,FTA,2,3,16,15,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,"Observance of human rights (political and economic freedom) and democractic principles; developing political dialogue; strenghten political stability; Social and econoic development in Egypt; Dialogue on scientific, cultural and social matters; Reference to principles of the United Nations",1,"Mutual assistance in customs matters (protocol 5): Breach of customs legislation (Art.1 p. 158; Art. 2 p. 158; Art. 3 p. 158, Art. 4 p.158; Art. 7 p. 159, Art. 10 p. 160)",1,Reference to international standards (unspecified) (Art. 56),1,"Fair treatment of the workers , social security rights, working conditions (Art. 62)",0,,1,"Considering conservation of environment and ecological balance in economic cooperation (Art. 40); Cooperation at preventing detoriation of environment: enumeration of various measures (Art. 44), Promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency (Art. 53)",0,,1,Respect for fundamental human rights (Art. 2),1,Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Development of political dialogue and close political relations (Art. 1, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Respect of democratic principles (Art. 2), Dialogue on democracy (Art. 4)",1,Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Encourage peaceful co-existence and political stability (Art. 1); enhance regional security and stability through political dialouge (Art. 2, Art. 4), Fight against terrorism (Art. 59; joint declaration p. 167)",1,Reference to international conventions (unspecified) (Art. 59),"Economic and social development for Egypt (Art. 1, Art. 39, Art. 45, Art. 49, Art. 65, Art. 72); Generate employment (Art. 40); Improve education especially for women and vocational training (Art. 42); Strenghing research capacity in Egypt (Art. 43); Cooperation in transport, improving roads, ports etc. (Art. 51); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 54), Cooperation on statistics (Art. 56); Fight against drugs (Art. 58); Dialogue on migration and prevention / cooperation in illegal migration (Art. 63, Art. 68, Art. 72, joint declaration p.167); Cooperation in cultural matters (Art. 71); Fight against laundring the proceeds arising from criminal activities (Art. 57)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 304,304+2,30402,871,EC_EGY3_p2,EC Egypt Euro-Med Association Agreement Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EG-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,EU-EG-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,"Observance of human rights (political and economic freedom) and democractic principles; developing political dialogue; strenghten political stability; Social and econoic development in Egypt; Dialogue on scientific, cultural and social matters; Reference to principles of the United Nations",1,"Mutual assistance in customs matters (protocol 5): Breach of customs legislation (Art.1 p. 158; Art. 2 p. 158; Art. 3 p. 158, Art. 4 p.158; Art. 7 p. 159, Art. 10 p. 160)",1,Reference to international standards (unspecified) (Art. 56),1,"Fair treatment of the workers , social security rights, working conditions (Art. 62)",0,,1,"Considering conservation of environment and ecological balance in economic cooperation (Art. 40); Cooperation at preventing detoriation of environment: enumeration of various measures (Art. 44), Promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency (Art. 53)",0,,1,Respect for fundamental human rights (Art. 2),1,Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Development of political dialogue and close political relations (Art. 1, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Respect of democratic principles (Art. 2), Dialogue on democracy (Art. 4)",1,Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Encourage peaceful co-existence and political stability (Art. 1); enhance regional security and stability through political dialouge (Art. 2, Art. 4), Fight against terrorism (Art. 59; joint declaration p. 167)",1,Reference to international conventions (unspecified) (Art. 59),"Economic and social development for Egypt (Art. 1, Art. 39, Art. 45, Art. 49, Art. 65, Art. 72); Generate employment (Art. 40); Improve education especially for women and vocational training (Art. 42); Strenghing research capacity in Egypt (Art. 43); Cooperation in transport, improving roads, ports etc. (Art. 51); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 54), Cooperation on statistics (Art. 56); Fight against drugs (Art. 58); Dialogue on migration and prevention / cooperation in illegal migration (Art. 63, Art. 68, Art. 72, joint declaration p.167); Cooperation in cultural matters (Art. 71); Fight against laundring the proceeds arising from criminal activities (Art. 57)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 304,304+1,30401,872,EC_EGY3_p10,EC Egypt Euro-Med Association Agreement Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EG-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,EU-EG-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,"Observance of human rights (political and economic freedom) and democractic principles; developing political dialogue; strenghten political stability; Social and econoic development in Egypt; Dialogue on scientific, cultural and social matters; Reference to principles of the United Nations",1,"Mutual assistance in customs matters (protocol 5): Breach of customs legislation (Art.1 p. 158; Art. 2 p. 158; Art. 3 p. 158, Art. 4 p.158; Art. 7 p. 159, Art. 10 p. 160)",1,Reference to international standards (unspecified) (Art. 56),1,"Fair treatment of the workers , social security rights, working conditions (Art. 62)",0,,1,"Considering conservation of environment and ecological balance in economic cooperation (Art. 40); Cooperation at preventing detoriation of environment: enumeration of various measures (Art. 44), Promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency (Art. 53)",0,,1,Respect for fundamental human rights (Art. 2),1,Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Development of political dialogue and close political relations (Art. 1, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Respect of democratic principles (Art. 2), Dialogue on democracy (Art. 4)",1,Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Encourage peaceful co-existence and political stability (Art. 1); enhance regional security and stability through political dialouge (Art. 2, Art. 4), Fight against terrorism (Art. 59; joint declaration p. 167)",1,Reference to international conventions (unspecified) (Art. 59),"Economic and social development for Egypt (Art. 1, Art. 39, Art. 45, Art. 49, Art. 65, Art. 72); Generate employment (Art. 40); Improve education especially for women and vocational training (Art. 42); Strenghing research capacity in Egypt (Art. 43); Cooperation in transport, improving roads, ports etc. (Art. 51); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 54), Cooperation on statistics (Art. 56); Fight against drugs (Art. 58); Dialogue on migration and prevention / cooperation in illegal migration (Art. 63, Art. 68, Art. 72, joint declaration p.167); Cooperation in cultural matters (Art. 71); Fight against laundring the proceeds arising from criminal activities (Art. 57)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 302,302+1,30201,870,EC_EGY2_p2b,EC Egypt Portugal Spain accession,1985,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-EG-PT-ES,EU-EG-PT-ES,1,,,1,2004,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Strengthen social and economic development in Egypt,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Protection of environment (Art. 4),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Promote economic development in Egypt (Art. 1, Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4); Promote social development in Egypt (Art. 1); Cooperation in the fields of science (Art. 4); financial aid (Art. 6)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 305,305,305,305,EC_EST1,EC Estonia,1994,EC Estonia 1994.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EE,EU-EE,1,1,1995,1,1998,1,EC Estonia Agreement,34880,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EC Estonia,"EC Estonia (FTA) (subsumed in Europe Agreement in 1998) (preceded by agreement on trade, commercial, and economic cooperation that entered into force on 3/1/1993)",FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,16,12,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing Estonia to participate in the process of European integration; Committed to the intensification of political liberties, further development of Estonia's new political system which respects to the rule of law and human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities, a multiparty system with free and democratic elections; Emphasizing the need to continue, with the Community's help, Estonia's political reform; Enhancing political dialogue; Assisting Estonia in facing the economic and social consequences of structural adjustment; Continuing regional cooperation among the Baltic States; Reference to the Helsinki Final Act, the concluding documents of the Madrid, Vienna and Copenhagen meetings, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, the European Convention on Human Rights as well as the European Energy Charter",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 1),1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1),1,Respect for democratic principles (Art. 1),1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1),1,"It is essential for the future prosperity and stability of the region that the Baltic States should maintain and develop cooperation among themselves (Art. 1); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which relate to the research and development of arms, ammunition or war materials indispensable for defence purposes / which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order / which it considers necessary to respect its international obligations and commitments on the control of dual use industrial goods and technologies (added to exceptions) (Art. 41)",0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 305,305+1,30501,873,EC_EST1_p3,EC Estonia Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EE,EE-EU-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,1998,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Development of Estonias political and economic system; assisting Estonia in facing social consequences of structural adjustment; Rule of law and human rights (minorities), a multiparty system with free and democratic elections, political liberties; helping Estonia to become a member of the EU; Reference to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), to the documents of the Madrid, Vienna and Copenhagen meetings, those of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe; to the European Convention on Human Rights as well as the European Energy Charter ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 1),1,Helsinki Final Act and in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1),1,Respect for democratic principles (Art. 1),1,Helsinki Final Act and in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1),0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 306,306,306,306,EC_EST2,EC Estonia Europe Agreement,1995,EC Estonia Europe Agreement 1995.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EE,EU-EE,1,1,1998,1,2004,0,,,,,EC Estonia (Europe Association Agreement),FTA,2,,,3,16,15,2,1,2,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing Estonia to participate in the process of European integration; Considering the commitment to the intensification of political and economic liberties which constitute the basis of this Agreement and to further development of Estonia’s new economic and political system which respects the rule of law and human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities, a multiparty system with free and democratic elections; Note: reference to the Helsinki Final Act, the concluding documents of the Madrid, Vienna and Copenhagen meetings, those of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, the CSCE Helsinki document 1992, the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Energy Charter Treaty as well as the Ministerial Declaration of the Lucerne Conference of 30 April 1993; Improving the free flow of information and ideas; Conscious of the importance of this Agreement in establishing and enhancing in Europe a system of stability based on cooperation; Recognising that there is a need to continue Estonia’s political and economic reform; Community’s wishes to contribute to the implementation of the reforms and to assist Estonia in facing the economic and social consequences of structural adjustment; Recognising the need for continuing regional cooperation among the Baltic States; Desirous of developing and intensifying regular political dialogue; Recalling that Estonia has been an associated partner of the Western European Union (WEU) since May 1994 and that it participates in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Partnership for Peace Programme; Recognising the contribution which the Pact on Stability in Europe can make to promoting stability and good-neighbourly relations in the Baltic region; Taking account of the Community’s willingness to employ instruments of cooperation and economic, technical and financial assistance on a global and multiannual basis; Desirous of establishing cultural cooperation and developing exchanges of information; willing to set up a framework for cooperation aimed at preventing illegal activities",1,"An aim of the agreement is to provide a basis for cooperation in the prevention of illegal activities (Art.1.2); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Art.32); Cooperation in order to prevent the use of financial systems for the laundering of proceeds from criminal activities in general and drug offences in particular (Art.89.1); Cooperation in the prevention of illegal activities such as: corruption, illegal transactions (Art. 100.1): Community and Estonia agreed to cooperate in order to prevent, to investigate and to take any necessary legal and/or administrative action against circumvention by transhipment, re-routing, false declaration concerning the country or place of origin, falsification of documents, false declaration concerning fibre content, quantities description or classification of merchandise and by whatever other means (Protocol 1. Art.6.1); The Parties shall assist each other in ensuring that customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of this legislation (Protocol 5. Art.2.1)",1,Reference to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) (Art.89),1,"On movement of workers: the treatment accorded to workers of Estonian nationality legally employed in the territory of a Member State shall be free from any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions, remuneration or dismissal, as compared with its own nationals (Art. 36.1); With a view to coordinating social security systems for workers of Estonian nationality all periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such workers in the various Member States shall be added together for the purpose of pensions and annuities in respect of old age, invalidity and death and for the purpose of medical care for such workers and such family members (Art. 37.1); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the Parties from applying their laws and regulations regarding entry and stay, work, labour conditions (exceptions) (Art.55); Rapid approximation of laws in protection of workers including health and safety at work (Art.69); Cooperation with the aim of improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers (Art.91.1); Cooperation between the Parties shall seek to adapt the Estonian social security system to the new economic and social situation (Art.91.3)",0,,1,"Rapid approximation of laws in environmental protection (Art.69); Policies and other measures will be guided by the principle of sustainable development and should ensure that environmental considerations are also fully incorporated from the outset (Art.71.2); Cooperation in environment such as: effective monitoring of pollution levels; reduction, recycling and safe disposal of waste and implementation of the Basel Convention; Sustainable use of non-renewable natural resources; Protection of forests and flora and fauna; conservation of biodiversity, etc.; Cooperation on environment shall take place through institution-building, approximation of laws etc. (Art.82.3); Estonia may participate in Community framework programmes, specific programmes, projects or other actions in the fields of the environment (Annex 10 on ""Participation of Estonia in Community Programmes)",1,Reference to the Basel Convention the European Environment Agency (Art.82),1,"Respect for human rights, established by the Helsinki Final Act and in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art.2)",1,"Reference to Helsinki Final Act, Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art.2)",1,"An aim of agreement is to provide an appropriate framework for the political dialogue between the Parties allowing the development of close political relations and to to set up institutions suitable to make the association effective (Art.1; Art.4); Respect for democratic principles, established by the Helsinki Final Act and in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art.2); Political dialogue is intended to promote better cooperation in areas covered by the common foreign and security policy of the European Union (Art.4); Political dialogue shall take place within the multilateral framework (unspecified) (Art. 5); Political dialogue to take full advantage of all diplomatic channels between the Parties, including appropriate contacts in third countries and within the United Nations, the OSCE and other international forums (Art.6.2).",1,"Reference to the Helsinki Final Act, Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art.1)",1,"The Parties consider that it is essential for the future prosperity and stability of the region that the Baltic States should maintain and develop cooperation among themselves (Art. 2.2); Political dialogue is intended to promote security and stability in Europe (Art.4); This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.34); General provisions shall be applied subject to limitations justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.54.1); Cooperation in nuclear safety (Art.81); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes or in order to carry out obligations it has accepted for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (exceptions) (Art.119) ",0,,"Aim of the agreement: to foster dynamic economic development, to provide a basis for economic, financial, cultural and social cooperation, to support Estonia’s efforts to develop its economy (Art.1); Exceptional measures of limited duration allowed where difficulties produce important social problems (Art.27; Art.50); Potential of access for professional training (Art.40.2); The entry into and the temporary presence within the territory of the Community or Estonia of Estonian and Community nationals respectively shall be permitted (Art.48, p.14); Examination of steps which are necessary to be taken to provide for the mutual recognition of qualifications (Art.49); Approximation of Estonia’s existing and future legislation to that of the Community (Art.68); Approximation of laws in technical rules and standards, transport, telecommunications, statistics, nuclear law (Art.69); Exchange of experts, training activities, seminars, to assist with approximation of laws (Art.70); Economic cooperation aimed at contributing to Estonia’s development (Art.71.1); Policies and other measures shall be designed to bring about the economic and social development of Estonia (Art. 71.2); Cooperation should focus on energy, transport, regional development, tourism, etc. (Art.70.3); Special attention shall be devoted to measures capable of fostering cooperation between the three Baltic countries, and with the other countries of central and eastern Europe as well as the other countries bordering the Baltic Sea with a view to an integrated development of the region (Art.70.4); Industrial cooperation (Art.72); Maintaining and improving a legal framework and a favourable climate for private investment and its protection, which is essential to economic and industrial reconstruction and development in Estonia (Art.73.1); Cooperation in science and technology (Art.76); Cooperation in education and training (Art.77); Cooperation in energy (Art.80); Cooperation in transport (Art.83); Cooperation in Telecommunications, postal services and broadcasting (Art.84); Cooperation in information infrastructure-for example: promotion and agreement of standards and certification (Art.85); Regional development (Art.90); Cooperation on encouragement of local employment development (Art.91.2); Cooperation in tourism (Art.92); Cooperation in information and communication (Art.93); Cooperation in consumer protection (Art.94); statistical cooperation (Art.96); Exchange of information on macroeconomic performance and prospects and on strategies for development (Art.97.2);The Parties shall cooperate in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of policies and measures to counter the illicit production, supply and traffic of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, including the prevention of diversion of precursor chemicals, as well as in promoting drug demand prevention and reduction (Art.99.1); Cooperation in the prevention of illegal activities such as: illegal immigration, organised crime, trafficking of human beings, drug trafficking (Art.100.1); Cultural cooperation (Art.101); Financial cooperation (Art.102-108); Estonia may participate in Community framework programmes, specific programmes, projects or other actions in the fields of: research, education,, social policy and health, tourism, culture, energy, transport, the fight against drugs and drug addiction; etc. (Annex 10 on ""Participation of Estonia in Community Programmes"")",,,,,,,,,,,,, 307,307,307,307,EC_FRO2,EC Faroe Islands,1996,EC Faroe Islands 1996.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-FO,EU-FO,1,1,1997,0,,1,EC Faroe Islands,35478,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Faroe Islands,EC Faroe Islands (replaces previous agreement dating from 1992),FTA,2,FTA,2,3,16,15,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Ensuring the correct application of customs legislation, measures against operations in breach of custums legislation (mutual assistance in customs matters protocol 5, Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 7)",0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,Mentioning import limitations for fishery products being of sensitive nature (Art. 36),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 308,308,308,308,EC_FRO1,EC Faroe Islands Agreement,1991,EC Faroe Islands 1991.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-FO,EU-FO,1,1,1992,1,1997,1,EC Faeroe Islands Agreement of 1992,25-Oct-95,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Faroe Islands (replaced by new agreement entering into force on 1/1/1997),FTA,2,FTA,2,3,13,12,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 308,308+1,30801,876,EC_FRO1_p3,EC Faroe Islands Agreement Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-FO-AT-FI-SE,EU-FO-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,1997,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 307,307+2,30702,874,EC_FRO2_p2,EC Faroe Islands Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-FO-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,EU-FO-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Ensuring the correct application of customs legislation, measures against operations in breach of custums legislation (mutual assistance in customs matters protocol 5, Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 7)",0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,Mentioning import limitations for fishery products being of sensitive nature (Art. 36),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 307,307+1,30701,875,EC_FRO2_p10,EC Faroe Islands Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-FO-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,EU-FO-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Ensuring the correct application of customs legislation, measures against operations in breach of custums legislation (mutual assistance in customs matters protocol 5, Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 7)",0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,Mentioning import limitations for fishery products being of sensitive nature (Art. 36),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 309,309,309,309,EC_FIN,EC Finland,1972,EC Finland 1973.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-FI,EU-FI,1,1,1974,1,1995,1,EC Finland Agreement,20-Dec-73,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Finland FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,10,9,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Penalties will be imposed on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate enabling the goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment. (Protocol 3, Art.17, p.109; Annex 5, ""Penalties"" p.183; Annex 6: ""Penalties"" p.196)",0,,1,"Improvement of employment conditions (Art.1, p.5)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exceptions) (Art.20, p.13; Art.15, p.227); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.21, p.14; Art.16, p.227)",0,,"Improvement of living conditions (Art.1, p.5)","The documents includes two agreements: 1. ""Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Finland"" with accompanying protocols and 2. ""Agreement between the member States of the Europoan Coal and Steel Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Finland, of the other part"" with accompanying protocols. Both are coded - pay attention to the referenced page numbers to find the referenced article. ",,,,,,,,,,,, 309,309+1,30901,877,EC_FIN_p2,EC Finland Portugal Spain accession,1985,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-FI-PT-ES,EU-FI-PT-ES,1,,,1,1995,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Penalties will be imposed on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate enabling the goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment. (Protocol 3, Art.17, p.109; Annex 5, ""Penalties"" p.183; Annex 6: ""Penalties"" p.196)",0,,1,"Improvement of employment conditions (Art.1, p.5)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exceptions) (Art.20, p.13; Art.15, p.227); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.21, p.14; Art.16, p.227)",0,,"Improvement of living conditions (Art.1, p.5)","The documents includes two agreements: 1. ""Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Finland"" with accompanying protocols and 2. ""Agreement between the member States of the Europoan Coal and Steel Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Finland, of the other part"" with accompanying protocols. Both are coded - pay attention to the referenced page numbers to find the referenced article. ",,,,,,,,,,,, 310,310,310,310,EC_GRC2,EC Greece Additional Protocol,1975,EC Greece Additional Protocol 1975.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR,EU-GR,1,1,1975,1,1980,1,EC Greece Additional Protocol,27596,GATT Art. XXIV,,,,,FTA,,3,10,9,1,1,2,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Administrative cooperation (Art.4, p.4-5)",The Additional Protocol is a short document referring to the EC Greece Association Agreement,,,,,,,,,,,, 311,311,311,311,EC_GRC1,EC Greece Association Agreement,1961,EC Greece Association 1961.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-GR,EU-GR,1,1,1962,1,1981,1,EC Greece Association Agreement,22587,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Greece (Association Agreement),FTA,2,CU,3,3,7,6,1,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Reference to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Furtherance of the progressive economic integration of the Maghreb (Art. 4),,,,,,,,,,,,, 312,312,312,312,EC_HUN,EC Hungary,1991,EC Hungary 1991.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-HU,EU-HU,1,1,1994,1,2004,1,EC Hungary Europe Agreement,33697,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EC Hungary,EC Hungary (Europe Agreement),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,13,12,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Commitment to pluralist democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms, a multiparty system involving free and democratic elections; Political dialogue on bilateral and international issues; Strenghtening the structures of a peaceful and stable Europe, Hungarys integration in the security order of a new Europe; Facilitate the participation of Hungary in the process of European integration; Establishing cultural cooperation; Social justice and social development",1,"Measures against contravention of customs legislation (mutual assisance in customs matters) (protocol 6, Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 7)",0,,1,Treatment of workers from other Parties should be free from any discrimination as regards working conditions or dismissal (Art. 37); Approximation of laws concerning the protection of workers at the workplace (Art. 68),0,,1,"Approximation of laws conerning the protection of the environment (Art. 68); Ensuring that environmental considerations are incorporated into economic and social development policies (Art. 70, Art. 71); Energy (the promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency, the environmental impact of energy production) (Art. 77), Environment (enumeration of various measures) (Art. 79); Water management (Art. 80)",1,European Environment Agency (Art. 79),0,,0,,1,"Development of close political relations (Art. 1) and political dialogue (Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Establishment of new rules and policies as a basis for Hungary's integration into the Community (Art. 1)",0,,1,Political dialogue for the rapprochement of the Parties on security issues to enhance security and stability in Europe (Art. 2); Nuclear safety such as nuclear emergency preparedness or radiation protection(Art. 78),0,,"Promotion of cultural cooperation (Art. 1, Art. 97); Movement of workers and their families (Art. 37; Art. 42); Coordinating social security systems for workers such as pensions, industrial accident etc. (Art. 38); assistance for the establishment of a social security system in Hungary (Art. 43); Steps for mutual recognition of qualifications (Art. 46); Approximation of laws concerning the protection of health and life (Art. 68); Policies designed to bring about the economic and social development of Hungary (Art. 70, Art. 71, Art. 73, Art. 76, Art. 81, Art. 82, Art. 88); Regional development with special attention to disadvantaged areas (Art. 87); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 74); Cooperation to raise the level of general education (Art. 75); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 89); Measures to counter the supply and illicit traffic of drugs and the reduction its abuse (Art. 96); Financial assistance for Hungary (Art. 98, Art. 99, Art. 100, Art. 101, Art. 102); Measures to prevent the use of the financial systems for money laundering from criminal activities in general and drug offences in particular (Art. 86)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 312,312+1,31201,878,EC_HUN_p3,EC Hungary Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-HU-AT-FI-SE,EU-HU-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,2004,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Commitment to pluralist democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms, a multiparty system involving free and democratic elections; Political dialogue on bilateral and international issues; Strenghtening the structures of a peaceful and stable Europe, Hungarys integration in the security order of a new Europe; Facilitate the participation of Hungary in the process of European integration; Establishing cultural cooperation; Social justice and social development",1,"Measures against contravention of customs legislation (mutual assisance in customs matters) (protocol 6, Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 7)",0,,1,Treatment of workers from other Parties should be free from any discrimination as regards working conditions or dismissal (Art. 37); Approximation of laws concerning the protection of workers at the workplace (Art. 68),0,,1,"Approximation of laws conerning the protection of the environment (Art. 68); Ensuring that environmental considerations are incorporated into economic and social development policies (Art. 70, Art. 71); Energy (the promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency, the environmental impact of energy production) (Art. 77), Environment (enumeration of various measures) (Art. 79); Water management (Art. 80)",1,European Environment Agency (Art. 79),0,,0,,1,"Development of close political relations (Art. 1) and political dialogue (Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Establishment of new rules and policies as a basis for Hungary's integration into the Community (Art. 1)",0,,1,Political dialogue for the rapprochement of the Parties on security issues to enhance security and stability in Europe (Art. 2); Nuclear safety such as nuclear emergency preparedness or radiation protection(Art. 78),0,,"Promotion of cultural cooperation (Art. 1, Art. 97); Movement of workers and their families (Art. 37; Art. 42); Coordinating social security systems for workers such as pensions, industrial accident etc. (Art. 38); assistance for the establishment of a social security system in Hungary (Art. 43); Steps for mutual recognition of qualifications (Art. 46); Approximation of laws concerning the protection of health and life (Art. 68); Policies designed to bring about the economic and social development of Hungary (Art. 70, Art. 71, Art. 73, Art. 76, Art. 81, Art. 82, Art. 88); Regional development with special attention to disadvantaged areas (Art. 87); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 74); Cooperation to raise the level of general education (Art. 75); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 89); Measures to counter the supply and illicit traffic of drugs and the reduction its abuse (Art. 96); Financial assistance for Hungary (Art. 98, Art. 99, Art. 100, Art. 101, Art. 102); Measures to prevent the use of the financial systems for money laundering from criminal activities in general and drug offences in particular (Art. 86)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 313,313,313,313,EC_ISL,EC Iceland,1972,EC Iceland 1972 (1973).pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-IS,EU-IS,1,1,1973,1,1994,1,EC Iceland,26627,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Iceland,EC Iceland (EC EFTA Agreement) (superseded by EEA),FTA,2,FTA,2,3,10,9,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Fostering the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 313,313+1,31301,879,EC_ISL,EC Iceland Portugal Spain accession,1985,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-IS-PT-ES,EU-IS-PT-ES,1,,,1,1994,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Fostering the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 314,314,314,314,EC_ISR1,EC Israel,1970,EC Israel 1970.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-IL,EU-IL,1,1,1970,1,1975,1,EC Israel Agreement of 1970,25818,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Israel (Interim Agreement on Free Trade),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,3,7,6,2,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Occasional random checks by customs authorities or checks if they have doubts as to whether the operation is above board/ if they suspect fraud (Protocol, Art.14)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of this Agreement shall not prevent prohibitions or restrictions being imposed on imports, exports or transit on the grounds of public order, public security (exceptions) (Art.13)",0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 315,315,315,315,EC_ISR2,EC Israel,1975,EC Israel 1975.doc,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-IL,EU-IL,1,1,1975,1,2000,1,EC Israel Agreement of 1975,27578,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Israel (Cooperation Agreement),FTA,2,FTA,2,3,10,9,2,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Penalties shall be imposed on any person who, in order to enable goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment, draws up, or causes to be drawn up, either a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate EUR. 1 or a form EUR. 2 containing incorrect particulars (Protocol 3, Art.17)",0,,1,Aims of the agreement: to foster the improvement of employment conditions (Art.1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of this Agreement shall not prevent prohibitions or restrictions being imposed on imports, exports or transit on the grounds of public order, public security (exceptions) (Art.11); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.23)",0,,"The Joint Committee shall facilitate the transfer of technological knowhow, and encourage private investment and contacts and cooperation between the industries of the Community and Israel (Art.18.2); Economic cooperation (Art.18.4)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 315,315+2,31502,880,EC_ISR2_p3,EC Israel Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-IL-PT-ES-AT-FI-SE,EU-IL-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,2000,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Penalties shall be imposed on any person who, in order to enable goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment, draws up, or causes to be drawn up, either a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate EUR. 1 or a form EUR. 2 containing incorrect particulars (Protocol 3, Art.17)",0,,1,Aims of the agreement: to foster the improvement of employment conditions (Art.1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of this Agreement shall not prevent prohibitions or restrictions being imposed on imports, exports or transit on the grounds of public order, public security (exceptions) (Art.11); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.23)",0,,"The Joint Committee shall facilitate the transfer of technological knowhow, and encourage private investment and contacts and cooperation between the industries of the Community and Israel (Art.18.2); Economic cooperation (Art.18.4)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 316,316,316,316,EC_ISR3,EC Israel Euro-Med Association Agreement,1995,EC Israel 1995.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-IL,EU-IL,1,1,2000,0,,1,EC Israel,36789,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Israel,EC Israel (Euro Mediterranean Agreement),FTA,2,FTA,2,3,16,15,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Observance of human rights and democracy, strengthen political stabilitiy, strenghten dialogue on politics, scietific, cultural and social matters; economic development; Reference to United Nations Charter",1,"Corruption in the context of breaching customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art. 3, Art. 4, p.152)",0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1); work safety (Art. 63); coordination of social security systems of Israeli workers and those from EC (Art. 64),0,,1,"Promotion of environment-friendly agriculture (Art. 46); Protection of the environment such as desertification, waste management etc. (Art. 50); renewable energy (Art. 51)",0,,1,Respect of human rights (Art. 2),0,,1,"Respect of democratic principles (Art. 2); political dialogue and development of political relations (Art. 1, Art. 3; Art. 5); enhance democracy through political dialogue (Art. 4)",0,,1,"Cooperation to consolidate peaceful coexistence and political stability (Art. 1); Enhance regional security and stability through political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4); Providing information relating to security policy (Art. 5); achieve saftey and security in maritime and air transport (Art. 53)",0,,"Improvement of living condidtions (Art. 1); Common foreign policy (Art. 3, Art. 5); Restrictions on grounds of public policy (Art. 27) (Exceptions); Scientific cooperation (Art. 40); Tourism (Art. 54); counter illicit trafficking in drugs (Art. 56); Migration (Art. 57); Education such as youth exchange, cooperation among universities ect. (Art. 59); Cultural cooperation such as conservation and restoration of art etc. (Art. 60); social matters (Art. 63); Fight against money laundering from criminal activities and drugs in particular (Art. 56)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 316,316+2,31602,882,EC_ISR3_p2,EC Israel Euro-Med Association Agreement Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-IL-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,EU-IL-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Observance of human rights and democracy, strengthen political stabilitiy, strenghten dialogue on politics, scietific, cultural and social matters; economic development; Reference to United Nations Charter",1,"Corruption in the context of breaching customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art. 3, Art. 4, p.152)",0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1); work safety (Art. 63); coordination of social security systems of Israeli workers and those from EC (Art. 64),0,,1,"Promotion of environment-friendly agriculture (Art. 46); Protection of the environment such as desertification, waste management etc. (Art. 50); renewable energy (Art. 51)",0,,1,Respect of human rights (Art. 2),0,,1,"Respect of democratic principles (Art. 2); political dialogue and development of political relations (Art. 1, Art. 3; Art. 5); enhance democracy through political dialogue (Art. 4)",0,,1,"Cooperation to consolidate peaceful coexistence and political stability (Art. 1); Enhance regional security and stability through political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4); Providing information relating to security policy (Art. 5); achieve saftey and security in maritime and air transport (Art. 53)",0,,"Improvement of living condidtions (Art. 1); Common foreign policy (Art. 3, Art. 5); Restrictions on grounds of public policy (Art. 27) (Exceptions); Scientific cooperation (Art. 40); Tourism (Art. 54); counter illicit trafficking in drugs (Art. 56); Migration (Art. 57); Education such as youth exchange, cooperation among universities ect. (Art. 59); Cultural cooperation such as conservation and restoration of art etc. (Art. 60); social matters (Art. 63); Fight against money laundering from criminal activities and drugs in particular (Art. 56)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 316,316+1,31601,883,EC_ISR3_p10,EC Israel Euro-Med Association Agreement Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-IL-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,EU-IL-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Observance of human rights and democracy, strengthen political stabilitiy, strenghten dialogue on politics, scietific, cultural and social matters; economic development; Reference to United Nations Charter",1,"Corruption in the context of breaching customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art. 3, Art. 4, p.152)",0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1); work safety (Art. 63); coordination of social security systems of Israeli workers and those from EC (Art. 64),0,,1,"Promotion of environment-friendly agriculture (Art. 46); Protection of the environment such as desertification, waste management etc. (Art. 50); renewable energy (Art. 51)",0,,1,Respect of human rights (Art. 2),0,,1,"Respect of democratic principles (Art. 2); political dialogue and development of political relations (Art. 1, Art. 3; Art. 5); enhance democracy through political dialogue (Art. 4)",0,,1,"Cooperation to consolidate peaceful coexistence and political stability (Art. 1); Enhance regional security and stability through political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4); Providing information relating to security policy (Art. 5); achieve saftey and security in maritime and air transport (Art. 53)",0,,"Improvement of living condidtions (Art. 1); Common foreign policy (Art. 3, Art. 5); Restrictions on grounds of public policy (Art. 27) (Exceptions); Scientific cooperation (Art. 40); Tourism (Art. 54); counter illicit trafficking in drugs (Art. 56); Migration (Art. 57); Education such as youth exchange, cooperation among universities ect. (Art. 59); Cultural cooperation such as conservation and restoration of art etc. (Art. 60); social matters (Art. 63); Fight against money laundering from criminal activities and drugs in particular (Art. 56)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 315,315+1,31501,881,EC_ISR2_p2,EC Israel Portugal Spain accession,1985,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-IL-PT-ES,EU-IL-PT-ES,1,,,1,2000,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,2,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Penalties shall be imposed on any person who, in order to enable goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment, draws up, or causes to be drawn up, either a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate EUR. 1 or a form EUR. 2 containing incorrect particulars (Protocol 3, Art.17)",0,,1,Aims of the agreement: to foster the improvement of employment conditions (Art.1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of this Agreement shall not prevent prohibitions or restrictions being imposed on imports, exports or transit on the grounds of public order, public security (exceptions) (Art.11); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.23)",0,,"The Joint Committee shall facilitate the transfer of technological knowhow, and encourage private investment and contacts and cooperation between the industries of the Community and Israel (Art.18.2); Economic cooperation (Art.18.4)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 317,317,317,317,EC_JOR1,EC Jordan,1977,EC Jordan 1977.doc,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-JO,EU-JO,1,1,1978,1,2002,1,EC Jordan Cooperation Agreement,,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Jordan (Cooperation Agreement),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,3,10,9,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Reference to the principles of the United Nations Charter; Resolved to establish wide-ranging cooperation which will contribute to Jordan's economic and social development; Having regard to their respective levels of development; ,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in the field of the protection of the environment (Art.4),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public policy or public security (exception) (Art.29); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.41)",0,,"Object of agreement is to contribute to the economic and social development of Jordan (Art.1); Provisions and measures on economic, technical and financial cooperation (Art.1); Cooperation with aim of contributing to Jordan's development with reference to strengthening economic links and supporting Jordan's own efforts; industrialisation and industrial cooperation (Art.2; Art.4); Reference to the importance of promoting regional cooperation between Jordan and other States (Art.3); Cooperation in the fields of science, technology (Art.4); Exchange of information on the economic and financial situation (Art.4); The Community shall participate in the financing of any measures to promote Jordan's development under the conditions laid down in Protocol 1 on technical and financial cooperation (Art.6)",Protocols and annexes missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 317,317+2,31702,884,EC_JOR1_p3,EC Jordan Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-JO-PT-ES-AT-FI-SE,EU-JO-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,2002,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Reference to the principles of the United Nations Charter; Resolved to establish wide-ranging cooperation which will contribute to Jordan's economic and social development; Having regard to their respective levels of development; ,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in the field of the protection of the environment (Art.4),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public policy or public security (exception) (Art.29); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.41)",0,,"Object of agreement is to contribute to the economic and social development of Jordan (Art.1); Provisions and measures on economic, technical and financial cooperation (Art.1); Cooperation with aim of contributing to Jordan's development with reference to strengthening economic links and supporting Jordan's own efforts; industrialisation and industrial cooperation (Art.2; Art.4); Reference to the importance of promoting regional cooperation between Jordan and other States (Art.3); Cooperation in the fields of science, technology (Art.4); Exchange of information on the economic and financial situation (Art.4); The Community shall participate in the financing of any measures to promote Jordan's development under the conditions laid down in Protocol 1 on technical and financial cooperation (Art.6)",Protocols and annexes missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 318,318,318,318,EC_JOR2,EC Jordan Euro-Med Association Agreement,1997,EC Jordan 1997.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-JO,EU-JO,1,1,2002,0,,1,EC Jordan,17-Dec-02,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Jordan,EC Jordan (Euro Mediterranean Agreement),FTA,2,FTA,2,3,16,15,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Observance of human rights, democratic principles and political and economic freedoms; Jordans objective of its participation in the community of democratic countries; Developing regular political dialogue; Strengthen political stability in the region; Helping Jordan in the process of social and economic modernisation; Cooperation in scientific, cultural and social matters; Reference to the United Nations Charter",1,"Assistance in preventing, detecting and investigating operations in breach of customs legislation (Mutual assistance in customs matters) (protocol 4, Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4)",0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"Taking into account the conservation of the environment and ecological balance (Art. 60); Promoting regional cooperation on environmental matters (Art. 62); Environment (enumeration of several measures) (Art. 65); Promotion of environment-friendly agriculture (Art. 71); Promotion of renewable energies, energy saving etc (Art. 74)",0,,1,"Respect of fundamental human rights (Art. 2), Political dialogue on human rights (Art. 4)",1,Universal Declaration on Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Providing a framework for political dialogue and political cooperation (Art. 1, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5, Art. 97); Respect of democratic principles (Art. 2), Political dialogue on democracy (Art. 4)",1,Universal Declaration on Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Encourage consolidation of peaceful coexistence and political stability (Art. 1); Political dialogue to enhance regional security, peace and stability (Art. 3, Art. 4)",0,,"Social development (Art. 1; Art. 59; Art. 60, Art. 82); Economic Development (Art. 59, Art. 60, Art. 66, Art. 67, Art. 70); Promoting regional cooperation on scientific and cultural matters (Art. 62; Art. 63, Art. 64, Art. 85); Cooperation on tourism (Art. 75); Cooperation on statistics (Art. 77); Fight against drugs (Art. 79); Dialogue on (illegal) migration (Art. 81, Art. 82); Financial aid for Jordan (Art. 86, Art. 87); Preventing the use of the Parties systems to launder the proceeds arising from criminal activities (Art. 78)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 318,318+2,31802,886,EC_JOR2_p2,EC Jordan Euro-Med Association Agreement Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-JO-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,EU-JO-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Observance of human rights, democratic principles and political and economic freedoms; Jordans objective of its participation in the community of democratic countries; Developing regular political dialogue; Strengthen political stability in the region; Helping Jordan in the process of social and economic modernisation; Cooperation in scientific, cultural and social matters; Reference to the United Nations Charter",1,"Assistance in preventing, detecting and investigating operations in breach of customs legislation (Mutual assistance in customs matters) (protocol 4, Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4)",0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"Taking into account the conservation of the environment and ecological balance (Art. 60); Promoting regional cooperation on environmental matters (Art. 62); Environment (enumeration of several measures) (Art. 65); Promotion of environment-friendly agriculture (Art. 71); Promotion of renewable energies, energy saving etc (Art. 74)",0,,1,"Respect of fundamental human rights (Art. 2), Political dialogue on human rights (Art. 4)",1,Universal Declaration on Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Providing a framework for political dialogue and political cooperation (Art. 1, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5, Art. 97); Respect of democratic principles (Art. 2), Political dialogue on democracy (Art. 4)",1,Universal Declaration on Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Encourage consolidation of peaceful coexistence and political stability (Art. 1); Political dialogue to enhance regional security, peace and stability (Art. 3, Art. 4)",0,,"Social development (Art. 1; Art. 59; Art. 60, Art. 82); Economic Development (Art. 59, Art. 60, Art. 66, Art. 67, Art. 70); Promoting regional cooperation on scientific and cultural matters (Art. 62; Art. 63, Art. 64, Art. 85); Cooperation on tourism (Art. 75); Cooperation on statistics (Art. 77); Fight against drugs (Art. 79); Dialogue on (illegal) migration (Art. 81, Art. 82); Financial aid for Jordan (Art. 86, Art. 87); Preventing the use of the Parties systems to launder the proceeds arising from criminal activities (Art. 78)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 318,318+1,31801,887,EC_JOR2_p10,EC Jordan Euro-Med Association Agreement Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-JO-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,EU-JO-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Observance of human rights, democratic principles and political and economic freedoms; Jordans objective of its participation in the community of democratic countries; Developing regular political dialogue; Strengthen political stability in the region; Helping Jordan in the process of social and economic modernisation; Cooperation in scientific, cultural and social matters; Reference to the United Nations Charter",1,"Assistance in preventing, detecting and investigating operations in breach of customs legislation (Mutual assistance in customs matters) (protocol 4, Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4)",0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"Taking into account the conservation of the environment and ecological balance (Art. 60); Promoting regional cooperation on environmental matters (Art. 62); Environment (enumeration of several measures) (Art. 65); Promotion of environment-friendly agriculture (Art. 71); Promotion of renewable energies, energy saving etc (Art. 74)",0,,1,"Respect of fundamental human rights (Art. 2), Political dialogue on human rights (Art. 4)",1,Universal Declaration on Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Providing a framework for political dialogue and political cooperation (Art. 1, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5, Art. 97); Respect of democratic principles (Art. 2), Political dialogue on democracy (Art. 4)",1,Universal Declaration on Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Encourage consolidation of peaceful coexistence and political stability (Art. 1); Political dialogue to enhance regional security, peace and stability (Art. 3, Art. 4)",0,,"Social development (Art. 1; Art. 59; Art. 60, Art. 82); Economic Development (Art. 59, Art. 60, Art. 66, Art. 67, Art. 70); Promoting regional cooperation on scientific and cultural matters (Art. 62; Art. 63, Art. 64, Art. 85); Cooperation on tourism (Art. 75); Cooperation on statistics (Art. 77); Fight against drugs (Art. 79); Dialogue on (illegal) migration (Art. 81, Art. 82); Financial aid for Jordan (Art. 86, Art. 87); Preventing the use of the Parties systems to launder the proceeds arising from criminal activities (Art. 78)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 317,317+1,31701,885,EC_JOR1_p2,EC Jordan Portugal Spain accession,1985,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-JO-PT-ES,EU-JO-PT-ES,1,,,1,2002,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Reference to the principles of the United Nations Charter; Resolved to establish wide-ranging cooperation which will contribute to Jordan's economic and social development; Having regard to their respective levels of development; ,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in the field of the protection of the environment (Art.4),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public policy or public security (exception) (Art.29); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.41)",0,,"Object of agreement is to contribute to the economic and social development of Jordan (Art.1); Provisions and measures on economic, technical and financial cooperation (Art.1); Cooperation with aim of contributing to Jordan's development with reference to strengthening economic links and supporting Jordan's own efforts; industrialisation and industrial cooperation (Art.2; Art.4); Reference to the importance of promoting regional cooperation between Jordan and other States (Art.3); Cooperation in the fields of science, technology (Art.4); Exchange of information on the economic and financial situation (Art.4); The Community shall participate in the financing of any measures to promote Jordan's development under the conditions laid down in Protocol 1 on technical and financial cooperation (Art.6)",Protocols and annexes missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 319,319,319,319,EC_LVA1,EC Latvia,1994,EC Latvia 1994.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-LV,EU-LV,1,1,1995,1,1998,1,EC Latvia Agreement,34880,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EC Latvia,"EC Latvia (FTA) (subsumed in Europe Agreement in 1998) (preceded by agreement on trade, commercial, and economic cooperation that entered into force on 2/1/1993)",FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,16,12,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing Latvia to participate in the process of European integration and help it to become a member of the EU; respect of the rule of law, a multiparty system with free and democratic elections; pursuing political reforms, Respect of human rights (minorities), Intensification of political liberties, enhancing political dialogue; Creation of a system of stability in Europe; Economic, political and social development for Latvia; Reference to Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Charter of Paris for a New Europe; the European Energy Charter; the European Convention on Human Rights",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Respect of human rights (Art. 1),1,Helsinki Final Act and in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1),1,Respect for democratic principles (Art. 1),1,Helsinki Final Act and in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1),1,Develop cooperation beetween the Baltic States to enhance regional stability (Art. 1),0,,,"Protocol 5 may contain measures against breach of customs legislation, but it is not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 319,319+1,31901,888,EC_LVA1_p3,EC Latvia Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-LV-AT-FI-SE,EU-LV-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,1998,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing Latvia to participate in the process of European integration and help it to become a member of the EU; respect of the rule of law, a multiparty system with free and democratic elections; pursuing political reforms, Respect of human rights (minorities), Intensification of political liberties, enhancing political dialogue; Creation of a system of stability in Europe; Economic, political and social development for Latvia; Reference to Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Charter of Paris for a New Europe; the European Energy Charter; the European Convention on Human Rights",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Respect of human rights (Art. 1),1,Helsinki Final Act and in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1),1,Respect for democratic principles (Art. 1),1,Helsinki Final Act and in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1),1,Develop cooperation beetween the Baltic States to enhance regional stability (Art. 1),0,,,"Protocol 5 may contain measures against breach of customs legislation, but it is not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 320,320,320,320,EC_LVA2,EC Latvia Europe Agreement,1995,EC Latvia 1995 (Europe Agreement).pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-LV,EU-LV,1,1,1998,1,2004,0,,,,,EC Latvia (Europe Association Agreement),FTA,2,,,3,16,15,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing Latvia to participate in the process of European integration; Commitment to the intensification of political liberties for further development of Latvia's new political system which respects the rule of law and human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities, a multiparty system with free and democratic elections; Emphasizing the need to continue, with the Community's help, Latvia's political reform; Developing and intensifying regular political dialogue; Improving contacts among their citizens as well as the free flow of information and ideas; Establishing and enhancing in Europe a system of stability based on cooperation; Assisting Latvia in facing the economic and social consequences of structural adjustment; Emphasizing the need for continuing regional cooperation among the Baltic States; Latvia as a participant in the NATO Partnership for Peace Programme; Reference to the contribution which the Pact on Stability in Europe can make to promoting stability and good-neighbourly relations in the Baltic region; Establishing cultural cooperation; Setting up a framework for cooperation aimed at preventing illegal activities; Reference to the Helsinki Final Act, the concluding documents of the Madrid, Vienna and Copenhagen meetings, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, the European Convention on Human Rights; the European Energy Charter Treaty as well as the Ministerial Declaration of the Lucerne Conference of 30 April 1993",1,Preventing illegal activities such as corruption (Art. 101),0,,1,No discrimination based on nationality as regards working conditions (Art. 37); Coordinating social security systems (Art. 38); For the purpose of Title IV nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the Parties from applying their laws and regulations regarding work and labour conditions (Art. 56); The approximation of laws shall extend to the areas of the protection of workers including health and safety at work and labour law (Art. 70); Social Cooperation: cooperation between the Parties with the aim of improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers (Art. 92),0,,1,"The approximation of laws shall extend to the area of environment (Art. 70); Economic cooperation should ensure that environmental considerations are fully incorporated from the outset (Art. 72); Agriculture and the agro-industrial sector: Promoting the protection and sustainable use of natural landscapes and non-polluted soils (Art. 79); Fisheries: the establishment of sustainable fishing in the world's oceans and the Baltic Sea (Art. 80); Energy: promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency, environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art. 81); Nuclear safety: radiation protection, including environmental radiation monitoring, radioactive waste management, decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear installations, decontamination (Art. 82); Strengthening cooperation on environment such as effective monitoring of pollution levels, combating air and water pollution, efficient, sustainable and clean energy production etc (Art. 83)",1,Reference to the Basle Convention (Art. 83),1,Respect for human rights (Art. 2),1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 2),1,"Aim of the Agreement: providing an appropriate framework for the political dialogue (Art. 1); Respect for democratic principles (Art. 2); Political dialogue between the European Union and Latvia shall be developed (Art. 4); Framework of political dialogue (Art. 5, Art. 6, Art. 7)",1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 2),1,"Consideration that it is essential for the future prosperity and stability of the region that the Baltic States should maintain and develop cooperation among themselves (Art. 2); Political dialogue between the European Union and Latvia shall be developed for a better cooperation in areas covered by the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union and for security and stability in Europe(Art. 4); Nuclear safety: preparation for nuclear emergencies and accident management (Art. 81, Art. 82); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to research, development or the production of arms, ammunition or war materials indispensable for defence purposes / which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order / which it considers necessary to respect its international obligations and commitments on the control of dual use industrial goods and technologies (added to exceptions) (Art. 120)",0,,"Aim of the Agreement: fostering dynamic economic development and prosperity in Latvia, providing a basis for cultural and social cooperation and cooperation in the prevention of illegal activities, providing an appropriate framework for the gradual integration of Latvia into the European Union (Art. 1); Technical assistance for the establishment of a suitable social security system in Latvia (Art. 43); The approximation of laws shall extend to the areas of nuclear law and regulation as well as statistics (Art. 70); Providing Latvia with technical assistance (Art. 71); Developing economic cooperation aimed at contributing to Latvia's development and growth potential, economic coopration in the fields energy, regional development and tourism (Art. 72); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 77); Education and training (Art. 78); Cooperation in the fields of energy such as formulation and planning of energy policy, development of energy resources etc (Art. 81); Restructuring and modernizing the transport system in Latvia (Art. 84); Cooperation in the fields of telecommunications policies, postal services and broadcasting policies (Art. 85); Setting up a Global Information Infrastructure (Art. 86); Improvement of efficient accounting and audit systems in Latvia (Art. 87); Aim of developing efficient financial control and audit systems in the Latvian administration (Art. 88); Measures against illegal activities: Cooperation in order to prevent the use of the Parties' financial systems for the laundering of proceeds from criminal activities and drug offenses, reference to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) (Art. 90), Drugs: countering the illicit production, supply and traffic of narcotic drugs including the prevention of diversion of precursor chemicals, as well as in promoting drug demand prevention and reduction, reference to the Chemical Action Task Force (CATF) (Art. 100); Preventing illegal activities such as illegal immigration, illegal transactions involving industrial or nuclear waste and counterfeit products, illegal trafficking in drugs or motor vechicles, organised crime (Art. 101); Strengthening cooperation on regional development (Art. 91); Cooperation in the field of tourism (Art. 93); Providing the general public with basic information about the European Union (Art. 94); Achieving full compatibility between the systems of consumer protection in Latvia and the Community (Art. 95); Statistical cooperation (Art. 97); Cooperation between the respective public administration authorities to improve mutual knowledge of the structure and functioning of the respective systems (Art. 99); Cultural cooperation: literary translations, exchange of non-commercial works of art and artists, cultural events etc (Art. 102); Temporary financial assistance from the Community to Latvia (Art. 103, Art. 104, Art. 105, Art. 106, Art. 107, Art. 108)",Protocols No. 1-5 and Annexes No. I-XVIII are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 321,321,321,321,EC_LBN1,EC Lebanon,1972,EC Lebanon 1972.doc,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-LB,EU-LB,1,1,1973,1,1977,1,EC Lebanon Agreement of 1972,08-Mar-74,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Lebanon (Interim Agreement),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,3,10,6,2,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Where an irregularity is suspected, the customs authorities of the Member State or of the Lebanese Republic may request verification by the customs authorities of the Lebanese Republic or of the Member State (Protocol Art.14)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public policy or public security (exception) (Art.8)",0,,"Protective measures allowed when they prove necessary for Lebanese industrialization and development (Art.13.1); The Lebanese Republic shall take all necessary measures so that imports which are subject to quantitative restrictions at the date of entry into force of the Agreement are progressively liberalized so far as is compatible with the economic development of Lebanon (Annex II ""On the Implementation of Article 2(2) of the Agreement"", Art.3.4, p. 9)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 322,322,322,322,EC_LBN2,EC Lebanon,1977,EC Lebanon 1977.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-LB,EU-LB,1,1,1978,1,2003,1,EC Lebanon Cooperation Agreement,,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Lebanon,EC Lebanon (Cooperation Agreement),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,3,10,9,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Strenghten Lebanon's economic and social development, establish a new model for relations between developed and developing states; Reference to United Nations Charter",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in the protection of the environment (Art. 4),0,,0,,0,,1,Take measures to facilitate cooperation and contacts between the European Parliament and the representatives of the People's Assembly of Lebanon (Art. 39),0,,0,,0,,"Contributing to the economic and social development of Lebanon (Art. 1, Art. 2, Art. 4); Cooperation in the fields of science (Art. 4); Finacial aid for Lebanon (Art. 6)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 322,322+2,32202,889,EC_LBN2_p3,EC Lebanon Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-LB-PT-ES-AT-FI-SE,EU-LB-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,2003,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Strenghten Lebanon's economic and social development, establish a new model for relations between developed and developing states; Reference to United Nations Charter",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in the protection of the environment (Art. 4),0,,0,,0,,1,Take measures to facilitate cooperation and contacts between the European Parliament and the representatives of the People's Assembly of Lebanon (Art. 39),0,,0,,0,,"Contributing to the economic and social development of Lebanon (Art. 1, Art. 2, Art. 4); Cooperation in the fields of science (Art. 4); Finacial aid for Lebanon (Art. 6)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 323,323,323,323,EC_LBN3,EC Lebanon Euro-Med Association Agreement,2002,EC Lebanon Euro-Med Association Agreement 2002.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-LB,EU-LB,1,1,2006,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,3,16,15,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Considering that the Community, its Member States and Lebanon wish to establish lasting relations, based on co-development; Considering the importance which the Parties attach to the principles of the United Nations Charter, particularly the observance of human rights, democratic principles and economic freedom; Considering recent political and economic developments both on the European continent and in the Middle East, and the resulting common responsibilities with regard to the stability, security and prosperity of the Euro-Mediterranean region; Considering the difference in economic and social development existing between Lebanon and the Community and the need to strengthen the process of economic and social development in Lebanon; Desirous of fully achieving the objectives of the association between them by implementing the relevant provisions of this Agreement to bring the levels of economic and social development of the Community and Lebanon closer to each other; Desirous of developing a regular political dialogue on bilateral and international issues of mutual interest; Taking account of the Community’s willingness to provide Lebanon with support in its endeavours to bring about economic reconstruction, reform and adjustment and social development; Desirous of cooperation, sustained by regular dialogue, on economic, scientific, technological, social, cultural and audiovisual issues; Convinced that this Agreement will create a climate conducive to growth in economic relations between them, more particularly in the trade and investment sectors which are essential to the success of the economic reconstruction and restructuring programme and to technological modernisation",1,"Both Parties agree to cooperate to reduce the potential for fraud in the application of the trade provisions of this Agreement (Art.17, p.6); Mutual assistance in the field of combating money laundering (Art.56, p.13); Cooperation to prevent the use of their financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities (Art.60, p.14); Prevent and fight organised crime in the fields of: corruption; the counterfeit of financial instruments; the illicit traffic of prohibited, counterfeited or pirated products and of illegal transactions; formulation of measures for crime prevention (Art.61, p.14); Nothing in this Agreement shall have the effect of preventing the adoption or application by either Party of any measure aimed at preventing fraud or the evasion of taxes (Art.85, p.18); On movement certificates: Where the box is not completely filled, a horizontal line must be drawn below the last line of the description, the empty space being crossed through; Customs authorities shall take steps necessary to verify the originating status of the products. They shall have the right to call for any evidence and to carry out any inspection of the exporter’s accounts or any other check considered appropriate; they shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol 4, Art.17, p.80; Protocol 4, Annex 4, p.168); In order to ensure the proper application of this Protocol, the Community and Lebanon shall assist each other in checking the authenticity of the movement certificates EUR.1 or the invoice declarations and the correctness of the information given in these documents (Protocol 4, Art.31, p.83); Subsequent verifications of proofs of origin shall be carried out whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Protocol 4, Art.32, p.83); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Protocol 4, Art.34, p.84); Ensuring that products traded under cover of a proof of origin which in the course of transport use a free zone situated in their territory, are not substituted by other goods (Protocol 4, Art.35, p.84); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 4, Annex 4, p.167); The Contracting Parties shall assist each other by preventing, investigating and combating operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art.2, p.175); At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall provide it with information regarding activities noted or planned which are or could be operations in breach of customs legislation; special surveillance of persons, places, goods, or means of transport that are or have been involved in operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art.3, p.175); Spontaneous assistance by providing information pertainng to operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art.4, p.176); Duly authorised officials of a Contracting Party may be present to obtain information relating to activities that are or may be operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art.7.3, p.177)",1,"Reference to establishing effective standards and their efficient implementation in the area of combating money laundering in line with international standards (unspecified) (Art.60, p.14)",1,"Dialogue on working conditions of migrant communities (Art.64, p.14); Dialogue on unemployment, rehabilitation of the less able-bodied, equal treatment for men and women, labour relations, safety and health at work (Art.65, p.15)",0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of conservation of exhaustible natural resources (exception) (Art.27, p.7); Preservation of the environment and ecological balances shall constitute a central component of the various fields of economic cooperation (Art.41.3, p.9); Cooperation in preventing deterioration of the environment, controlling pollution and ensuring the rational use of natural resources, with a view to ensuring sustainable development. Examples: water quality, waste management, salinisation, education, soil preservation, etc. (""enumeration of environmental measures"") (Art.45, p.10); Promotion of renewable energy; promotion of energy-saving and energy efficiency (Art.54, p.13); Ensure that the interaction between tourism and the environment is suitably maintained (Art.55, p.13)",0,,1,"Relations between the Parties, as well as all the provisions of this Agreement itself, shall be based on respect of fundamental human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, which guides their internal and international policy and constitutes an essential element of this Agreement (Art.2, p.3)",1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art.2, p.3) ",1,"Political dialogue between the Parties (Art.1, p.3; Art.3, p.3; Art.5, p.4); Relations between the Parties, as well as all the provisions of this Agreement itself, shall be based on respect of democratic principles as set out in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, which guides their internal and international policy and constitutes an essential element of this Agreement (Art.2, p.3); Political dialogue shall cover all issues of common interest to the Parties, examining in particular the conditions required to ensure peace and security through support for cooperation (Art.4, p.4); Cooperation in reinforcement of institutions and rule of law (Art.59, p.13); The Parties also agree that these measures shall be taken in accordance with international law and shall be proportional to the violation (Art.86, p.18)",1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art.2, p.3) ",1,"Political dialogue to build lasting links of solidarity between the partners which will contribute to the prosperity, stability and security of the Mediterranean region (Art.3, p.3); Political dialogue shall examine the conditions required to ensure peace and security through support for cooperation (Art.4, p.4); Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.27, p.7); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes; which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order (exception) (Art.83); Assistance may be refused in cases where a Party is of the opinion that assistance under this Protocol would be likely to prejudice public security (exception) (Protocol 5, Art.9, p.177) ",0,,"Dialogue and cooperation, so as to foster the development and prosperity of Lebanon and its people (Art.1, p.3); Promotion of economic, social, cultural, financial and monetary cooperation (Art.1, p.3); A climate of understanding and tolerance between cultures; cultural dialogue (Art.3, p.3; Art.67, p.15);f Economic cooperation to support Lebanon’s own efforts to achieve sustainable economic and social development (Art.40.3, p.9); Cooperation shall focus on generating growth and employment (Art.41.2, p.9); On economic cooperation: exchange of information, ideas, expertise, and training; technical, administrative and regulatory assistance (Art.42, p.10); Improve the situation in the field of education and training; youth, university, know-how exchanges; encouraging access of female population to education (Art.43, p.10); Scientific, technical and technological cooperation (Art.44, p.10); Industrial cooperation to: Modernise and restructure Lebanon’s public and private sector industry; Enhance Lebanon’s human resources and industrial potential through better use of policy in the fields of innovation and research and technological development; Encourage development of SMEs; Increase the flow of capital, expertise and technology; the planning and implementation of projects demonstrating the development of human resources and the creation of jobs locally (Art.46, p.11; Art.47, p.11); Approximation of legislation (Art.49, p.11); Telecommunications cooperation; recognition that telecommunications are vital to ecoomic and social development (Art.53, p.12); Cooperation in tourism (Art.55, p.13); Customs cooperation and technical assistance (Art.56, p.13); Mutual assistance in the field of combating drug abuse (Art.56, p.13); Cooperation in statistics (Art.57, p.13); Cooperation in consumer protection (Art.58, p.13); Prevention and fight against organised crime such as human trafficking, exploitation for sexual purposes (Art.61, p.14); Cooperation on illicit drugs; reference to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Drugs of 1998 (UNGASS) (Art.62, p.14); Dialogue on social matters such as: equal treatment and social integration of Lebanese and Community nationals legally residing in the territories of their host countries; living conditions of migrant communities; illegal immigration; mutual knowledge of cultures and civilisations and removal of discrimination (Art.64, p.14); Consolidating cooperation in the social field; improving living conditions; promoting the role of women in the economic and social development process; bolstering and developing Lebanon’s family planning and mother and child protection programmes; improving the social security, health and health insurance systems (Art.65, p.14-15); Cooperation in audiovisual media (Art.67, p.15); Cooperation for the prevention and control of illegal immigration (Art.68, p.15; Art.69, p.16; Art.70, p.16); Financial cooperation such as: promoting job creation activities, modernising the economy, enhancing social welfare (Art.71, p.16; Art.72, p.16)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 323,323+2,32302,891,EC_LBN3_p2,EC Lebanon Euro-Med Association Agreement Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-LB-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,EU-LB-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Considering that the Community, its Member States and Lebanon wish to establish lasting relations, based on co-development; Considering the importance which the Parties attach to the principles of the United Nations Charter, particularly the observance of human rights, democratic principles and economic freedom; Considering recent political and economic developments both on the European continent and in the Middle East, and the resulting common responsibilities with regard to the stability, security and prosperity of the Euro-Mediterranean region; Considering the difference in economic and social development existing between Lebanon and the Community and the need to strengthen the process of economic and social development in Lebanon; Desirous of fully achieving the objectives of the association between them by implementing the relevant provisions of this Agreement to bring the levels of economic and social development of the Community and Lebanon closer to each other; Desirous of developing a regular political dialogue on bilateral and international issues of mutual interest; Taking account of the Community’s willingness to provide Lebanon with support in its endeavours to bring about economic reconstruction, reform and adjustment and social development; Desirous of cooperation, sustained by regular dialogue, on economic, scientific, technological, social, cultural and audiovisual issues; Convinced that this Agreement will create a climate conducive to growth in economic relations between them, more particularly in the trade and investment sectors which are essential to the success of the economic reconstruction and restructuring programme and to technological modernisation",1,"Both Parties agree to cooperate to reduce the potential for fraud in the application of the trade provisions of this Agreement (Art.17, p.6); Mutual assistance in the field of combating money laundering (Art.56, p.13); Cooperation to prevent the use of their financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities (Art.60, p.14); Prevent and fight organised crime in the fields of: corruption; the counterfeit of financial instruments; the illicit traffic of prohibited, counterfeited or pirated products and of illegal transactions; formulation of measures for crime prevention (Art.61, p.14); Nothing in this Agreement shall have the effect of preventing the adoption or application by either Party of any measure aimed at preventing fraud or the evasion of taxes (Art.85, p.18); On movement certificates: Where the box is not completely filled, a horizontal line must be drawn below the last line of the description, the empty space being crossed through; Customs authorities shall take steps necessary to verify the originating status of the products. They shall have the right to call for any evidence and to carry out any inspection of the exporter’s accounts or any other check considered appropriate; they shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol 4, Art.17, p.80; Protocol 4, Annex 4, p.168); In order to ensure the proper application of this Protocol, the Community and Lebanon shall assist each other in checking the authenticity of the movement certificates EUR.1 or the invoice declarations and the correctness of the information given in these documents (Protocol 4, Art.31, p.83); Subsequent verifications of proofs of origin shall be carried out whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Protocol 4, Art.32, p.83); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Protocol 4, Art.34, p.84); Ensuring that products traded under cover of a proof of origin which in the course of transport use a free zone situated in their territory, are not substituted by other goods (Protocol 4, Art.35, p.84); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 4, Annex 4, p.167); The Contracting Parties shall assist each other by preventing, investigating and combating operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art.2, p.175); At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall provide it with information regarding activities noted or planned which are or could be operations in breach of customs legislation; special surveillance of persons, places, goods, or means of transport that are or have been involved in operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art.3, p.175); Spontaneous assistance by providing information pertainng to operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art.4, p.176); Duly authorised officials of a Contracting Party may be present to obtain information relating to activities that are or may be operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art.7.3, p.177)",1,"Reference to establishing effective standards and their efficient implementation in the area of combating money laundering in line with international standards (unspecified) (Art.60, p.14)",1,"Dialogue on working conditions of migrant communities (Art.64, p.14); Dialogue on unemployment, rehabilitation of the less able-bodied, equal treatment for men and women, labour relations, safety and health at work (Art.65, p.15)",0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of conservation of exhaustible natural resources (exception) (Art.27, p.7); Preservation of the environment and ecological balances shall constitute a central component of the various fields of economic cooperation (Art.41.3, p.9); Cooperation in preventing deterioration of the environment, controlling pollution and ensuring the rational use of natural resources, with a view to ensuring sustainable development. Examples: water quality, waste management, salinisation, education, soil preservation, etc. (""enumeration of environmental measures"") (Art.45, p.10); Promotion of renewable energy; promotion of energy-saving and energy efficiency (Art.54, p.13); Ensure that the interaction between tourism and the environment is suitably maintained (Art.55, p.13)",0,,1,"Relations between the Parties, as well as all the provisions of this Agreement itself, shall be based on respect of fundamental human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, which guides their internal and international policy and constitutes an essential element of this Agreement (Art.2, p.3)",1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art.2, p.3) ",1,"Political dialogue between the Parties (Art.1, p.3; Art.3, p.3; Art.5, p.4); Relations between the Parties, as well as all the provisions of this Agreement itself, shall be based on respect of democratic principles as set out in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, which guides their internal and international policy and constitutes an essential element of this Agreement (Art.2, p.3); Political dialogue shall cover all issues of common interest to the Parties, examining in particular the conditions required to ensure peace and security through support for cooperation (Art.4, p.4); Cooperation in reinforcement of institutions and rule of law (Art.59, p.13); The Parties also agree that these measures shall be taken in accordance with international law and shall be proportional to the violation (Art.86, p.18)",1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art.2, p.3) ",1,"Political dialogue to build lasting links of solidarity between the partners which will contribute to the prosperity, stability and security of the Mediterranean region (Art.3, p.3); Political dialogue shall examine the conditions required to ensure peace and security through support for cooperation (Art.4, p.4); Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.27, p.7); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures: which it considers necessary to prevent the disclosure of information contrary to its essential security interests; which relate to the production of, or trade in, arms, munitions or war materials or to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes; which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order, in time of war or serious international tension constituting threat of war or in order to carry out obligations it has accepted for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security(exception) (Art.83); Assistance may be refused in cases where a Party is of the opinion that assistance under this Protocol would be likely to prejudice public security (exception) (Protocol 5, Art.9, p.177) ",0,,"Dialogue and cooperation, so as to foster the development and prosperity of Lebanon and its people (Art.1, p.3); Promotion of economic, social, cultural, financial and monetary cooperation (Art.1, p.3); A climate of understanding and tolerance between cultures; cultural dialogue (Art.3, p.3; Art.67, p.15);f Economic cooperation to support Lebanon’s own efforts to achieve sustainable economic and social development (Art.40.3, p.9); Cooperation shall focus on generating growth and employment (Art.41.2, p.9); On economic cooperation: exchange of information, ideas, expertise, and training; technical, administrative and regulatory assistance (Art.42, p.10); Improve the situation in the field of education and training; youth, university, know-how exchanges; encouraging access of female population to education (Art.43, p.10); Scientific, technical and technological cooperation (Art.44, p.10); Industrial cooperation to: Modernise and restructure Lebanon’s public and private sector industry; Enhance Lebanon’s human resources and industrial potential through better use of policy in the fields of innovation and research and technological development; Encourage development of SMEs; Increase the flow of capital, expertise and technology; the planning and implementation of projects demonstrating the development of human resources and the creation of jobs locally (Art.46, p.11; Art.47, p.11); Approximation of legislation (Art.49, p.11); Telecommunications cooperation; recognition that telecommunications are vital to ecoomic and social development (Art.53, p.12); Cooperation in tourism (Art.55, p.13); Customs cooperation and technical assistance (Art.56, p.13); Mutual assistance in the field of combating drug abuse (Art.56, p.13); Cooperation in statistics (Art.57, p.13); Cooperation in consumer protection (Art.58, p.13); Prevention and fight against organised crime such as human trafficking, exploitation for sexual purposes (Art.61, p.14); Cooperation on illicit drugs; reference to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Drugs of 1998 (UNGASS) (Art.62, p.14); Dialogue on social matters such as: equal treatment and social integration of Lebanese and Community nationals legally residing in the territories of their host countries; living conditions of migrant communities; illegal immigration; mutual knowledge of cultures and civilisations and removal of discrimination (Art.64, p.14); Consolidating cooperation in the social field; improving living conditions; promoting the role of women in the economic and social development process; bolstering and developing Lebanon’s family planning and mother and child protection programmes; improving the social security, health and health insurance systems (Art.65, p.14-15); Cooperation in audiovisual media (Art.67, p.15); Cooperation for the prevention and control of illegal immigration (Art.68, p.15; Art.69, p.16; Art.70, p.16); Financial cooperation such as: promoting job creation activities, modernising the economy, enhancing social welfare (Art.71, p.16; Art.72, p.16)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 323,323+1,32301,892,EC_LBN3_p10,EC Lebanon Euro-Med Association Agreement Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-LB-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,EU-LB-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Considering that the Community, its Member States and Lebanon wish to establish lasting relations, based on co-development; Considering the importance which the Parties attach to the principles of the United Nations Charter, particularly the observance of human rights, democratic principles and economic freedom; Considering recent political and economic developments both on the European continent and in the Middle East, and the resulting common responsibilities with regard to the stability, security and prosperity of the Euro-Mediterranean region; Considering the difference in economic and social development existing between Lebanon and the Community and the need to strengthen the process of economic and social development in Lebanon; Desirous of fully achieving the objectives of the association between them by implementing the relevant provisions of this Agreement to bring the levels of economic and social development of the Community and Lebanon closer to each other; Desirous of developing a regular political dialogue on bilateral and international issues of mutual interest; Taking account of the Community’s willingness to provide Lebanon with support in its endeavours to bring about economic reconstruction, reform and adjustment and social development; Desirous of cooperation, sustained by regular dialogue, on economic, scientific, technological, social, cultural and audiovisual issues; Convinced that this Agreement will create a climate conducive to growth in economic relations between them, more particularly in the trade and investment sectors which are essential to the success of the economic reconstruction and restructuring programme and to technological modernisation",1,"Both Parties agree to cooperate to reduce the potential for fraud in the application of the trade provisions of this Agreement (Art.17, p.6); Mutual assistance in the field of combating money laundering (Art.56, p.13); Cooperation to prevent the use of their financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities (Art.60, p.14); Prevent and fight organised crime in the fields of: corruption; the counterfeit of financial instruments; the illicit traffic of prohibited, counterfeited or pirated products and of illegal transactions; formulation of measures for crime prevention (Art.61, p.14); Nothing in this Agreement shall have the effect of preventing the adoption or application by either Party of any measure aimed at preventing fraud or the evasion of taxes (Art.85, p.18); On movement certificates: Where the box is not completely filled, a horizontal line must be drawn below the last line of the description, the empty space being crossed through; Customs authorities shall take steps necessary to verify the originating status of the products. They shall have the right to call for any evidence and to carry out any inspection of the exporter’s accounts or any other check considered appropriate; they shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol 4, Art.17, p.80; Protocol 4, Annex 4, p.168); In order to ensure the proper application of this Protocol, the Community and Lebanon shall assist each other in checking the authenticity of the movement certificates EUR.1 or the invoice declarations and the correctness of the information given in these documents (Protocol 4, Art.31, p.83); Subsequent verifications of proofs of origin shall be carried out whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Protocol 4, Art.32, p.83); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Protocol 4, Art.34, p.84); Ensuring that products traded under cover of a proof of origin which in the course of transport use a free zone situated in their territory, are not substituted by other goods (Protocol 4, Art.35, p.84); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 4, Annex 4, p.167); The Contracting Parties shall assist each other by preventing, investigating and combating operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art.2, p.175); At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall provide it with information regarding activities noted or planned which are or could be operations in breach of customs legislation; special surveillance of persons, places, goods, or means of transport that are or have been involved in operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art.3, p.175); Spontaneous assistance by providing information pertainng to operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art.4, p.176); Duly authorised officials of a Contracting Party may be present to obtain information relating to activities that are or may be operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art.7.3, p.177)",1,"Reference to establishing effective standards and their efficient implementation in the area of combating money laundering in line with international standards (unspecified) (Art.60, p.14)",1,"Dialogue on working conditions of migrant communities (Art.64, p.14); Dialogue on unemployment, rehabilitation of the less able-bodied, equal treatment for men and women, labour relations, safety and health at work (Art.65, p.15)",0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of conservation of exhaustible natural resources (exception) (Art.27, p.7); Preservation of the environment and ecological balances shall constitute a central component of the various fields of economic cooperation (Art.41.3, p.9); Cooperation in preventing deterioration of the environment, controlling pollution and ensuring the rational use of natural resources, with a view to ensuring sustainable development. Examples: water quality, waste management, salinisation, education, soil preservation, etc. (""enumeration of environmental measures"") (Art.45, p.10); Promotion of renewable energy; promotion of energy-saving and energy efficiency (Art.54, p.13); Ensure that the interaction between tourism and the environment is suitably maintained (Art.55, p.13)",0,,1,"Relations between the Parties, as well as all the provisions of this Agreement itself, shall be based on respect of fundamental human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, which guides their internal and international policy and constitutes an essential element of this Agreement (Art.2, p.3)",1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art.2, p.3) ",1,"Political dialogue between the Parties (Art.1, p.3; Art.3, p.3; Art.5, p.4); Relations between the Parties, as well as all the provisions of this Agreement itself, shall be based on respect of democratic principles as set out in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, which guides their internal and international policy and constitutes an essential element of this Agreement (Art.2, p.3); Political dialogue shall cover all issues of common interest to the Parties, examining in particular the conditions required to ensure peace and security through support for cooperation (Art.4, p.4); Cooperation in reinforcement of institutions and rule of law (Art.59, p.13); The Parties also agree that these measures shall be taken in accordance with international law and shall be proportional to the violation (Art.86, p.18)",1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art.2, p.3) ",1,"Political dialogue to build lasting links of solidarity between the partners which will contribute to the prosperity, stability and security of the Mediterranean region (Art.3, p.3); Political dialogue shall examine the conditions required to ensure peace and security through support for cooperation (Art.4, p.4); Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.27, p.7); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes; which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order (exception) (Art.83); Assistance may be refused in cases where a Party is of the opinion that assistance under this Protocol would be likely to prejudice public security (exception) (Protocol 5, Art.9, p.177) ",0,,"Dialogue and cooperation, so as to foster the development and prosperity of Lebanon and its people (Art.1, p.3); Promotion of economic, social, cultural, financial and monetary cooperation (Art.1, p.3); A climate of understanding and tolerance between cultures; cultural dialogue (Art.3, p.3; Art.67, p.15);f Economic cooperation to support Lebanon’s own efforts to achieve sustainable economic and social development (Art.40.3, p.9); Cooperation shall focus on generating growth and employment (Art.41.2, p.9); On economic cooperation: exchange of information, ideas, expertise, and training; technical, administrative and regulatory assistance (Art.42, p.10); Improve the situation in the field of education and training; youth, university, know-how exchanges; encouraging access of female population to education (Art.43, p.10); Scientific, technical and technological cooperation (Art.44, p.10); Industrial cooperation to: Modernise and restructure Lebanon’s public and private sector industry; Enhance Lebanon’s human resources and industrial potential through better use of policy in the fields of innovation and research and technological development; Encourage development of SMEs; Increase the flow of capital, expertise and technology; the planning and implementation of projects demonstrating the development of human resources and the creation of jobs locally (Art.46, p.11; Art.47, p.11); Approximation of legislation (Art.49, p.11); Telecommunications cooperation; recognition that telecommunications are vital to ecoomic and social development (Art.53, p.12); Cooperation in tourism (Art.55, p.13); Customs cooperation and technical assistance (Art.56, p.13); Mutual assistance in the field of combating drug abuse (Art.56, p.13); Cooperation in statistics (Art.57, p.13); Cooperation in consumer protection (Art.58, p.13); Prevention and fight against organised crime such as human trafficking, exploitation for sexual purposes (Art.61, p.14); Cooperation on illicit drugs; reference to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Drugs of 1998 (UNGASS) (Art.62, p.14); Dialogue on social matters such as: equal treatment and social integration of Lebanese and Community nationals legally residing in the territories of their host countries; living conditions of migrant communities; illegal immigration; mutual knowledge of cultures and civilisations and removal of discrimination (Art.64, p.14); Consolidating cooperation in the social field; improving living conditions; promoting the role of women in the economic and social development process; bolstering and developing Lebanon’s family planning and mother and child protection programmes; improving the social security, health and health insurance systems (Art.65, p.14-15); Cooperation in audiovisual media (Art.67, p.15); Cooperation for the prevention and control of illegal immigration (Art.68, p.15; Art.69, p.16; Art.70, p.16); Financial cooperation such as: promoting job creation activities, modernising the economy, enhancing social welfare (Art.71, p.16; Art.72, p.16)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 322,322+1,32201,890,EC_LBN2_p2,EC Lebanon Portgual Spain accession,1985,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-LB-PT-ES,EU-LB-PT-ES,1,,,1,2003,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Strenghten Lebanon's economic and social development, establish a new model for relations between developed and developing states; Reference to United Nations Charter",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in the protection of the environment (Art. 4),0,,0,,0,,1,Take measures to facilitate cooperation and contacts between the European Parliament and the representatives of the People's Assembly of Lebanon (Art. 39),0,,0,,0,,"Contributing to the economic and social development of Lebanon (Art. 1, Art. 2, Art. 4); Cooperation in the fields of science (Art. 4); Finacial aid for Lebanon (Art. 6)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 324,324,324,324,ECLISBON,EC Lisbon,2007,EC Treaty of Lisbon 2007.pdf/EC Treaty of Lisbon 2007 consolidated.PDF,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EE-LV-LT-CY-MT-CZ-SI-SK-HU-PL-BG-RO,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EE-LV-LT-CY-MT-CZ-SI-SK-HU-PL-BG-RO,1,1,2009,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,27,351,1,1,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,Desiring to complete the process started by the Treaty of Amsterdam and by the Treaty of Nice with a view to enhancing the efficiency and democratic legitimacy of the Union and to improving the coherence of its action,1,"Minimum rules concerning definition of criminal offences and sanctions in the areas of particularly serious crime with a cross-border dimension. Areas include: corruption, money laundering (Art 2.67 on Art 69B, p.65); The Union and the Member States, in accordance with Article 280, shall counter fraud and any other illegal activities affecting the financial interests of the Union (Art.2.257 on Art.268, p.121); Combatting fraud (Art.2.275 on Art.280, p.127)",0,,1,"The Union shall guarantee of adequate social protection (Art.2.17 on Art.5a, p.49); Where a member of the Council declares that a draft legislative act referred to in the first subparagraph would affect important aspects of its social security system, including its scope, cost or financial structure, or would affect the financial balance of that system, it may request that the matter be referred to the European Council (Art.2.50 on Art.42, p.55); ",0,,1,"A high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment (Art.1.4 on Art.2.3, p.11); Sustainable development of the Earth (Art.1.4 on Art.2.5, p.11); Fostering of sustainable environmental development of developing countries (Art.1.24 on Art.10a, p.24); Help develop international measures to preserve and improve the quality of the environment and the sustainable management of global natural resources, in order to ensure sustainable development (Art.1.24 on Art.10a, p.24); Shared competence in area of environment (Art.2.12 on Art.2C, p.47); Promoting measures at international level to deal with regional or worldwide environmental problems, and in particular combating climate change (Art.2.143 on Art.174, p.87); ",0,,1,"Drawing inspiration from the cultural, religious and humanist inheritance of Europe, from which have developed the universal values of the inviolable and inalienable rights of the human person (Art.1.1, Preamble, p.10; Art.1.24 on Art.10A, p.23); The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which equality between women and men prevails. (Art.1.3 on Art.1a, p.11); The Union shall promote equality between women and men, protection of the rights of the child (Art.1.4 on Art.2.3, p.11); Protection of human rights, the rights of the child (Art.1.4 on Art.2.5, p.11); The Union recognises the rights, freedoms and principles set out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union of 7 December 2000 and the Union shall accede to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Fundamental rights, as guaranteed by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and as they result from the constitutional traditions common to the Member States, shall constitute general principles of the Union's law. (Art.1.8 on Art.6, p.13); The Union shall have close and peaceful relations based on cooperation with neighbouring countries (Art.1.10 on Art.7a, p.14); Respect for fundamental rights (Art.2.64 on Art.61, p.57); Reference to the Council of Europe (Art.2.176 on Art188P, p.99)",1,"Reference to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union of 7 December 2000 (Art.1.8 on Art.6, p.13); The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Art.1.8 on Art.6, p.13; Art.2.173 on Art.188N, p.97, p.98; Art.1 of Protocol Relating to Article 6(2) of the TEU on the Accession of the Union to the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, p.155)",1,"Drawing inspiration from the cultural, religious and humanist inheritance of Europe, from which have developed freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law (Art.1.1 on Preamble, p.10; Art.1.24 on Art.10A, p.23); The Union is founded on the values of respect for freedom, democracy, and the rule of law (Art.1.3 on Art.1a, p.11); The Union shall contribute to the strict observance and the development of international law including repsect for the principles of the United Nations Charter (Art.1.4 on Art.2.5, p.11); 1. The Union shall be founded on representative democracy; Citizens are directly represented at Union level in the European Parliament; Member States are represented in the European Council by their Heads of State or Government and in the Council by their governments, themselves democratically accountable either to their national Parliaments, or to their citizens; The institutions shall, by appropriate means, give citizens and representative associations the opportunity to make known and publicly exchange their views in all areas of Union action (Art.1.12 on Art.8a, 8b, p.14-15); Institutions of the EU and their roles. For example: The European Council shall define the general political directions and priorities of the Union (Art.1.14 on Art.9, p.17-22; Art.2.177-Art.2.232, p.101-112); The Union shall promote multilateral solutions to common problems, in particular in the framework of the United Nations (Art.1.24 on Art.10a, p.23; Art.1.24. on Art.10a, p.24; Art.2.176 on Art188P, p.99); Common foreign and security policy (Art.1.24 on Art.10b, p.24; Ch.2, p.25; Art.2 on Art.2A, p.46); Reference to international law (Art.2.65 on Art.62, p.60); Encouraging the participation of young people in democratic life in Europe (Art.2.124 on Art.149, p.82); Humanitarian aid operations shall be conducted in compliance with the principles of international law (Art.2.168 on Art.188J, p.95); Reference to the Council of Europe (Art.2.176 on Art188P, p.99)",1,"Reference to the principles of the United Nations Charter (Art.1.4 on Art.2, p.11; Art.1.24 on Art.10A, p.23); ",1,"The Union's aim is to promote peace, its values and the well-being of its peoples (Art.1.4 on Art.2.1, p.11); The Union shall offer its citizens an area of security (Art.1.4 on Art.2.2, p.11); The Union shall contribute to peace and security (Art.1.4 on Art.2.5, p.11; Art.1.24 on Art.10a, p.23); The Union shall respect essential State functions, including ensuring the territorial integrity of the State, maintaining law and order and safeguarding national security. In particular, national security remains the sole responsibility of each Member State (Art.1.5 on Art.3a.2, p.12; Art.1.12 on Art.8c, p.15); The Union shall work for a high degree of cooperation in all fields of international relations, in order to safeguard its security (Art.1.24 on Art.10a, p.23); Common foreign and security policy (Art.1.24 on Art.10b, p.24, Ch.2, p.25; Art.2 on Art.2A, p.46; Art.2.170-2.174 on Art.188, p.96-99; Protocol on Permanent Structured Cooperation Established by Article 28A of the TEU, p.153); Common defense policy (Art.1.27 on Art.10c, p.25; Section 2 on common defense policy, p.34; Art.2 on Art.2A, p.46; Protocol on Permanent Structured Cooperation Established by Article 28A of the TEU, p.153-155); Missions outside the Union for peace-keeping, conflict prevention and strengthening international security (Art.1.49 on Art.28A, p.34; Protocol on Permanent Structured Cooperation Established by Article 28A of the TEU, p.154); European Defence Agency and its role (Art.1.49 on Art.28A, p.35; Art.1.49 on Art.28D, p.36); If a Member State is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other Member States shall have towards it an obligation of aid and assistance by all the means in their power, in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter (Art.1.49 on Art.28A, p.35); Commitments and cooperation in this area shall be consistent with commitments under the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Art.1.49 on Art.28A, p.35; Protocol on Permanent Structured Cooperation Established by Article 28A of the TEU, p.155); Tasks include joint disarmament operations, humanitarian and rescue tasks, military advice and assistance tasks, conflict prevention and peace-keeping tasks, tasks of combat forces in crisis management, including peace-making and post-conflict stabilisation. All these tasks may contribute to the fight against terrorism, including by supporting third countries in combating terrorism in their territories (Art.1.49 on Art.28A, p.35); Shared competence in area of security (Art.2.12 on Art.2C, p.47); The Union as an area of security (Art.2.64 on Art.61, p.57); A high level of security through measures to prevent and combat crime, racism and xenophobia (Art.2.64 on Art.61, p.58); This Title shall not affect the exercise of the responsibilities incumbent upon Member States with regard to the maintenance of law and order and the safeguarding of internal security (exception); It shall be open to Member States to organise between themselves such forms of cooperation and coordination as they deem appropriate for safeguarding national security. (Art.2.64 on Art.61E,61F, p.58); freezing of funds, financial assets etc. to prevent and combat terrorism (Art.2.64 on Art. 61H, p.59); Minimum rules concerning definition of criminal offences and sanctions in the areas of particularly serious crime with a cross-border dimension. Areas include: terrorism, illicit arms trafficking (Art 2.67 on Art 69B, p.65); Europol to prevent and combat serious crime affecting two or more Member States, terrorism (Art.2.68 on Art.69G, p.68); The Union shall establish all appropriate forms of cooperation with the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (Art.2.175 on Art.188P, p.99); The Union and its Member States shall act jointly in a spirit of solidarity if a Member State is the object of a terrorist attack or the victim of a natural or man-made disaster. The Union shall mobilise all the instruments at its disposal, including the military resources made available by the Member States to: prevent the terrorist threat in the territory of the Member States; protect democratic institutions and the civilian population from any terrorist attack; etc. (Art.2.176 on Art.188R, p.100)",1,"Reference to the principles of the United Nations Charter (Art.1.49 on Art.28A, p.34; Protocol on Permanent Structured Cooperation Established by Article 28A of the TEU, p.153); Reference to Art.51 of the UN Charter (Art.1.49 on Art.28A, p.35); Reference to Helsinki Final Act and and the aims of the Charter of Paris (Art.1.24. on Art.10a, p.23); Reference to NATO (Art.1.49 on Art.28A, p.35); ","Prevention and combating of crime (Art.1.4 on Art.2.2, p.11); Aiming at full employment and social progress (Art.1.4 on Art.2.3, p.11); The Union shall promote scientific and technological advance (Art.1.4 on Art.2.3, p.11); The Union shall combat social exclusion and discrimination, and shall promote social justice and protection and economic and social cohesion (Art.1.4 on Art.2.3, p.11); The Union shall respect its rich cultural and linguistic diversity, and shall ensure that Europe's cultural heritage is safeguarded and enhanced (Art.1.4 on Art.2.3, p.11); The Union shall contribute to the eradication of poverty (Art.1.4 on Art.2.5, p.11; Art.1.24 on Art.10a, p.24); The Union shall observe the principle of the equality of its citizens (Art.1.12 on Art.8, p.14); Fostering of economic and social development (Art.1.24 on Art.10a, p.24); Assistance of populations, countries and regions confronting natural or man-made disasters and preventing and protecting against natural or man-made disasters (Art.1.24 on Art.10a, p.24; Art.2.176 on Art.188R, p.100; Art.2.149 on Art.176C, p.89); Common foreign policy. For example: The diplomatic missions of the Member States and the Union delegations in third countries and at international organisations shall cooperate (Art.1.35 on Art.16, p.30; Ch.2; Art.2.12 on Art.2A, p.46); Shared competence in social policy, economic, social and territorial cohesion, transport, energy, common safety concerns in public health etc. (Art.2.12 on Art.2C, p.47); In the areas of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, the Union shall have competence to carry out activities and conduct a common policy (Art.2.12 on Art.2C, p.48); Coordination of economic policies (Art.2.12 on Art.2D, p.48); Coordination of employment policies (Art.2.12 on Art.2D, p.48); Support and coordination of Member States' actions in tourism, education, youth, sport, culture etc. (Art.2.12 on Art.2E, p.48); Union shall take into account requirements linked to the promotion of a high level of employment, the guarantee of adequate social protection, the fight against social exclusion, and a high level of education, training and protection of human health (Art.2.17 on Art.5a, p.49); Combat discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation (Art.2.18 on Art 5b, p.49); The Union respects and does not prejudice the status under national law of churches and religious associations or communities in the Member States (Art.2.30 on Art.16C, p.51); Common policy on asylum, immigration, external border control (Art.2.64 on Art.61, p.58; Ch.2 on ""Policies on Border Checks, Asylum and Immigration"", p.60); Reference to the Geneva Convention of 1951 (Art.2.64 on Art.63, p.60); Judicial cooperation (Art.2.66-2.67 on Art.65, 69, p.62-67); Minimum rules concerning definition of criminal offences and sanctions in the areas of particularly serious crime with a cross-border dimension. Areas include: trafficking in human beings and sexual exploitation of women and children, illicit drug trafficking, computer crime and organised crime. (Art 2.67 on Art 69B, p.65); Police Cooperation (Art.2.68 on Chapter 5: Police Cooperation, p.67); When the measures referred to in paragraph 1 are adopted, account shall be taken of cases where their application might seriously affect the standard of living and level of employment in certain regions, and the operation of transport facilities (Art.2.70 on Art.69H, p.69); Approximation of laws (Art.2.80-2.83, p.70-71); Council may decide on measures appropriate to the the economic situation, notably in the supply of energy (Art.2.87 on Art.100, p.72); Dialogue between social partners (Art.2.115 on Art.136a, p.81); Sport and its social and educational functions (Art.2.124 on Art.149, p.82); Combating serious cross-border threats to health (Art.2.127 on Art.152, p.83); The Union shall have the objective of strengthening its scientific and technological bases by achieving a European research area in which researchers, scientific knowledge and technology circulate freely (Art.2.136 on Art.163, p.85); European space policy (Art.1.42 on Art.172a, p.86); Energy Policy (Art.2.147 on Art.176A, p.88); Tourism (Art.2.148 on Art.176B, p.89); Administrative cooperation (Art.2.150 on Art.176D, p.90); Development cooperation (Art.2.159-2.164 on Art.188, p.93-94); Economic, financial and technical cooperation (Art.2.165-2.167 on Art. 188, p.94-95); Humanitarian aid and its coordination with and consistency with the United Nations system (Art.2.168 on Art.188, p.96-96); Cooperation with the United Nations and its specialised agencies, the Organisation for Economic Cooperaiton and Development (Art.2.176 on Art188P, p.99); close cooperation between Union delegations and Member States' diplomatic and consular missions (Art.2.176 on Art188Q, p.100); ","Note: As this document amends previous treaties, the Article numbers listed are: the article number in the Treaty of Lisbon followed by the article number of the article that is being amended. For example: ""Art.1.1 on Art. B"" refers to Article 1.1 of the Treaty of Lisbon which amends Article B of the Treaty on European Union; p.154 is missing",,,,,,,,,,,, 325,325,325,325,EC_LTU1,EC Lithuania,1994,EC Lithuania 1994.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-LT,EU-LT,1,1,1995,1,1998,1,EC Lithuania,34968,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EC Lithuania,"EC Lithuania (FTA) (subsumed in Europe Agreement in 1998) (preceded by agreement on trade, commercial, and economic cooperation that entered into force on 2/1/1993)",FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,16,12,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing Lithuania to participate in the process of European integration; Intensification of political liberties; transition of Lithuania to a new political system: a multiparty system with free and democratic elections, respect of the rule of law; Respect of human rights (minorities), enhancing political dialogue; Importance of trade liberalization for stability in Europe; Social and economic development: Community's help in Lithuania's political and economic reform process, assisting Lithuania in facing the economic and social consequences of structural adjustment; fostering regional integration; References to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Helsinki Final Act, the concluding documents of the Madrid, Vienna and Copenhagen meetings, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, the European Energy Charter, the European Convention on Human Rights",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Respect of human rights (Art. 1),1,Reference to Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1),1,Respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),1,Reference to Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1),1,Fostering regional integration for stability in the region of the Baltic States (Art. 1),0,,,"Protocol 5 may contain measures against breach of customs legislation, but it is not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 325,325+1,32501,893,EC_LTU1_p3,EC Lithuania Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-LT-AT-FI-SE,EU-LT-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,1998,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing Lithuania to participate in the process of European integration; Intensification of political liberties; transition of Lithuania to a new political system: a multiparty system with free and democratic elections, respect of the rule of law; Respect of human rights (minorities), enhancing political dialogue; Importance of trade liberalization for stability in Europe; Social and economic development: Community's help in Lithuania's political and economic reform process, assisting Lithuania in facing the economic and social consequences of structural adjustment; fostering regional integration; References to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Helsinki Final Act, the concluding documents of the Madrid, Vienna and Copenhagen meetings, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, the European Energy Charter, the European Convention on Human Rights",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Respect of human rights (Art. 1),1,Reference to Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1),1,Respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),1,Reference to Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1),1,Fostering regional integration for stability in the region of the Baltic States (Art. 1),0,,,"Protocol 5 may contain measures against breach of customs legislation, but it is not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 326,326,326,326,EC_LTU2,EC Lithuania Europe Agreement,1995,EC Lithuania Europe Agreement 1995.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-LT,EU-LT,1,1,1998,1,2004,0,,,,,EC Lithuania (Europe Association Agreement),FTA,2,,,3,16,15,2,1,2,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing Lithuania to participate in the process of European integration; political and economic reform; The further development of Lithuania's new economic and political system which respects in accordance inter alia with the undertakings made within the context of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) the rule of law and human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities, a multiparty system with free and democratic elections and liberalization aimed at setting up a market economy; Reference to: the Helsinki Final Act, the concluding documents of the Madrid, Vienna and Copenhagen meetings, those of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, the CSCE Helsinki document 1992, the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Energy Charter Treaty as well as the Ministerial Declaration of the Lucerne Conference of 30 April 1993; the free flow of information and ideas; Importance of this Agreement in establishing and enhancing in Europe a system of stability based on cooperation; Assistance to Lithuania in facing the economic and social consequences of structural adjustment; the need for continuing regional cooperation among the Baltic States; Economic restructuring and the renewal of technology; Bearing in mind that political dialogue on matters of mutual interest has been established by the Joint Declaration of May 1992; Desirous of developing and intensifying regular political dialogue; Recalling that Lithuania has been an associated partner of the Western European Union (WEU) since May 1994 and that it participates in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Partnership for Peace Programme; Recognising the contribution which the Pact on Stability in Europe can make to promoting stability and good-neighbourly relations in the Baltic region; Community's willingness to employ instruments of cooperation and economic, technical and financial assistance on a global and multiannual basis; Bearing in mind the economic and social disparities between the Community and Lithuania; cultural cooperation and developing exchanges of information; Cooperation aimed at prevention of illegal activities",1,"Cooperation in the prevention of illegal activities (Art.1); Cooperation in order to prevent the use of financial systems for the laundering of proceeds from criminal activities; the establishment of suitable standards to combat money laundering, equivalent to those adopted by the Community and other international bodies in this field, in particular the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) (Art.90); The Parties shall cooperate with the aim of preventing corruption (Art.102); Cooperation to prevent circumvention by transhipment, rerouting, false declaration concerning the country or place of origin, falsification of documents, etc. (Protocol I, Art.6 p.429); Verification of certificates of origin or export licences shall be carried out at random (Protocol A, Art.20, p.442; Protocol 3, Art.30, p.472); When it appears the provisions of this Agreement are being circumvented or infringed, the two Contracting Parties shall cooperate closely and with the appropriate urgency in order to prevent any such circumvention or infringement (Protocol A, Art.21, p.443); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Protocol 3, Art. 32, p.473); Pattern background which makes any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (ANNEX III to Protocol 3, p.477); The prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of this legislation (Protocol 5, Art.2, p.483)",1,Reference to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) (Art.90),1,"The treatment accorded to workers of Lithuanian nationality legally employed in the territory of a Member State shall be free from any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions, remuneration or dismissal (Art.37); Coordinating social security systems for workers of Lithuanian nationality (Art.38); The Community shall provide technical assistance for the establishment of a suitable social security system in Lithuania (Art.43); Approximation of laws on the protection of workers including health and safety at work (Art.70); Improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers (Art.93.1); With regard to social security, cooperation between the Parties shall seek to adapt the Lithuanian social security system to the new economic and social situation, primarily by providing the services of experts and information and training (Art.93.3); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the Parties from applying their laws and regulations regarding work, labour conditions (exception) (Art.56)",0,,1,"Rapid approximation of law in environmental protection (Art.70); Policies to be guided by the principle of sustainable development and environmental considerations are to be fully incorporated from the outset (Art.72.2); Community participation in Lithuania's efforts to modernize and restructure its industry under conditions which ensure that the environment is protected (Art.73); Promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency; environmental impact of energy production and consumption; the nuclear energy sector (Art.81); The restructuring of environmental cooperation such as: effective monitoring of pollution levels; combating local, regional and cross-border air and water pollution; reduction, recycling and safe disposal of waste and implementation of the Basle Convention; protection of forests;...""enumeration of environmental measures"" (Art.83); Lithuania may participate in Commuity framework programmes in the field of the environment (Annex XX, p.423); Nuclear safety such as: radiation protection, including environmental radiation monitoring (Art.82); Taking into account the environment in the housing and construction sector (Art.92)",1,Reference to the Basel Convention; the European Environment Agency (Art.83),1,Respect for human rights (Art.2.1),1,Reference to: the Helsinki Final Act (Art.2.1) The Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art.2.1),1,Political dialogue: An aim of agreement is to provide an appropriate framework for the political dialogue and to to set up institutions suitable to make the association effective (Art.1.2; Art.4); ; Political dialogue to foster better cooperation in areas covered by the Common Foreign and Security Policy (Art.4); Political dialogue shall take place within the multilateral framework (Art.5); Reference to diplomatic channels including the United Nations and the OSCE (Art.6); Respect for democratic principles (Art.2): Institution building as part of environmental cooperation (Art.83),1,Reference to: the Helsinki Final Act (Art.2.1) The Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art.2.1),1,"The Parties consider that it is essential for the future prosperity and stability of the region that the Baltic States should maintain and develop cooperation among themselves (Art. 2.2); Political dialogue is intended to promote security and stability in Europe (Art.4); This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.35); The provisions of this Title shall be applied subject to limitations justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.55; Protocol 5, Art.9, p.486); Nuclear safety (Art.82); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes; or in order to carry out obligations it has accepted for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (exceptions) (Art.121)",0,,"To foster dynamic economic development (Art.1.2); To provide a basis for economic, financial, cultural and social cooperation (Art.1.2); To provide an appropriate framework for the gradual integration of Lithuania into the European Union (Art.1.2); The existing facilities for access to employment for Lithuanian workers accorded by Member States under bilateral agreements ought to be preserved and if possible improved; access for professional training (Art.41); The entry into and the temporary pr esence within the terr itory of the Community or Lithuania of Lithuanian and Community nationals respectively shall be permitted (Art.49); Approximation of laws - for example: customs law, consumer protection, technical rules and standards, nuclear law and regulation, telecommunications, environment (Ch. 3, Art.69-71 p.29-30); The Community shall provide Lithuania with technical assistance for the implementation of these measures (Art.71); economic cooperation aimed at contributing to Lithuania's development (Art.72.1); Policies and other measures shall be designed to bring about the economic and social development of Lithuania (Art.72.2); Special attention shall be devoted to measures capable of fostering cooperation between the three Baltic countries, and with the countries of central and eastern Europe as well as with the other countries bordering the Baltic Sea with a view to an integrated development of the region (Art.72.4); The exchange of information and know-how concerning SMEs (Art.75); Cooperation in science and technology (Art.77); Cooperation in education and training (Art.78); Integration of energy markets (Art.81); Cooperation in telecommuncations, postal services and broadcasting (Art.85); Information infrastructure cooperation (Art. 86); Cooperation on regional development and land-use planning (Art.91); Cooperation in housing and construction sectors (Art.92); Social cooperation (Art.93) Cooperation in field of tourism (Art.94); Information and communication cooperation (Art.95); Consumer protection in line with UN guidelines (Art.96); Statistical cooperation (Art.98); Customs cooperation (Art.97); Economic cooperation with focus on strategies for development (Art.99); Public administration cooperation (Art.100); Cooperation in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of policies and measures to counter the illicit production, supply and traffic of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; reference to the Chemical Action Task Force (CATF) (Art.101; Protocol 5, Art.11, p.487); The Parties shall cooperate with the aim of preventing illegal immigration and the illegal presence of their nationals on the other's territory, illegal transactions involving industrial waste and counterfeit products; illegal trafficking in drugs and psychotropic substances; organized crime (Art.102); Cultural cooperation (Art.103); Lithuania may participate in Community framework programmes in the fields of: research, education, training and youth, social policy and health, consumer protection, tourism, culture, etc. (Annex XX, p.423-424); Promotion of the exchange of visits by persons, groups and delegations from business, trade and industry, to facilitate contacts in the industrial, commercial and technical fields (Protocol I, Art.16, p.434); Administrative cooperation (Protocol A, Art.17-21) ","Annex I-IX, XI-XV,Annex II, Annexes to Protocol A , Annex to Protocol B; Annex To Protocol C, Annex I-III to Protocol 2, Annex I-II, V of Protocol 3, Annex A,B of Protocol 4, are not included (not available)",,,,,,,,,,,, 327,327,327,327,ECMAASTRICHT,EC Maastricht,1992,EC Maastricht 1992 consolidated.PDF/EC Maastricht 1992.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT,1,1,1993,1,1999,0,,,,,,,,,,2,12,66,1,1,3,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,"Preamble to the TEU: Confirming their attachment to the principles of liberty, democracy and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and of the rule of law; Desiring to deepen the solidarity between their peoples while respecting their history, their culture and their traditions; Desiring to enhance further the democratic and efficient functioning of the institutions; Determined to promote economic and social progress for their peoples, within the context of the accomplishment of the internal market and of reinforced cohesion and environmental protection; Resolved to implement a common foreign and security policy including the eventual framing of a common defense policy, in order to promote peace, security and progress; Ensuring the safety and security of their people. Preamble to the Treaty Establishing the EC: Resolved to ensure the economic and social progress of their countries; Affirming as the essential objective of their efforts the constant improvement of the living and working conditions of their peoples; Anxious to strengthen the unity of their economies and to ensure their harmonious development; Intending to confirm the solidarity which binds Europe and the overseas countries and desiring to ensure the development of their prosperity, in accordance with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, Resolved by thus pooling their resources to preserve and strengthen peace and libeny,",1,"Member states shall take the same measures to counter fraud affecting the financial interests of the Community as they take to counter fraud affecting their own financial interests (Title 2, Art.209a, p.74; Title 3, Art.78i, p.86; Title 4, Art.183a, p.93); Combatting fraud on an international scale (Title 6, Art.k.1, p.97)",0,,1,"Abolition of any discrimination based on nationality between workers as regards employment, renumeration and other conditions of work and employment (Title 2, Art.48, p.20); The Council shall adopt such measures in the field of social security as are necessary to provide freedom of movement for workers (Title 2, Art.51, p.21); Improved working conditions (Title 2, Art. 117, p.45; Agreement on Social Policy, Art.1,2, p.127); Close cooperation between member states in matters relating to labour law and working conditions, social security, prevention of occupational accidents and diseases, occupations hygiene; the right of association and collective bargaining between employers and employees (Title 2, Art.118, p.45); Improvements in working environment as regards the health and safety of workers (Title 2, Art,118a, p.45; Agreement on Social Policy, Art.2, p.127); Equal pay for equal work by men and women (Title 2, Art.119, p.45; Agreement on Social Policy, Art.6, p.127); Equivalence between paid holiday schemes (Title 2, Art.120, p.92); Possibility of common measures with regards to social security for migrant workers (Title 2, Art.121, p.46); Proper social protection (Agreement on Social Policy, Art.1, p.127); Equality between men and women with regard to labour market opportunities and treatment at work (Agreement on Social Policy, Art.2, p.127); ",0,,1,"Promotion of sustainable and non-inflationary growth respecting the environment (Title II, Art.2, p.8); The Community shall include an environmental policy (Title 2, Art.3, p.8); A high level of environmental protection (Title 2, Art.100a, p.32); ""Enumeration of environmental measures"" (Title 2, Art.130r-t,p.52-53)",0,,1,"The Union shall respect fundamental rights, as guaranteed by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms signed in Rome on 4 November 1950 (Title I, Art.F, p.6); Community policy in area of development cooperation shall respect human rights and fundamental freedoms (Title 2, Art.130u, p.53); Reference to the Council of Europe (Title 2, Art.230, p.78); Common foreign and security policy with the objective of developing respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (Title 5, Art.J.1, p. 94)",1,"Reference to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Title I, Art.F, p.6; Title 6, Art.K.2, p.97); Reference to the objectives of the Paris Charter (Title 5, Art.J.1, p.94); Reference to the principles of the Helsinki Final Act (Title 5, Art.J.1, p.94)",1,"Reference to the principles of democracy (Title I, Art.F, p.6); Reference to institution building (Title 2, Art.4, p.9; Title 2, Art.241-246); Community policy in area of development cooperation to contribute to developing and consolidating democracy and the rule of law (Title 2, Art.130u, p.53); Provisions governing the institutions of the Community (Title 2, Ch.1, p.55-70; Title 3, Art.H.1-H.18, p.80-86; Title 4, Art I.1-I.24,p.86-93; Protocol on the Statute of the ESCB and ECB, p.104-115; Protocol on the Statue of the European Monetary Institute, p.115-120); Reference to common foreign and security policy (Title 2, Art.199, p.70; Title 5, p.94-5); Reference to the Council of Europe (Title 2, Art.230, p.78); Common foreign and security policy with the objective of developing and consolidating democracy and the rule of law (Title 5, Art.J.1, p. 94)",1,"Reference to the objectives of the Paris Charter (Title 5, Art.J.1, p.94)",1,"The implementation of a common foreign and security policy induding the eventual framing of a common defence policy (Title I, Art.B, p.5; Title 5, Art.J.4, p.95; Title 2, Art.199, p.70; Title 5, p.94-5); The Union shall in particular ensure the consistency of its external activities as a whole in the context of security (Title I, Art.C, p.5); Provisions shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions justified on grounds of public security (exceptions) (Title 2, Art.36, p.16; Title 2, Art.48, p.20; Title 2, Art.73d, p.26; Title 2, Art.100c, p.33; Title 2, Art.135, p.55; Title 6, Art.K.2, p.97); The provisions of this Chapter and measures taken in pursuance thereof shall not prejudice the applicability of provisions providing for special treatment for foreign nationals on grounds of public security (exception) (Title 2, Art.56, p.22); Member States shall consult each other with a view to taking together the steps needed to prevent the functioning o the common market being affected in the event of war etc., or in order to carry out obligation it has accepted for the puspose of maintaining peace and international security (Title 2, Art.224, p.76); Common foreign and security policy to strengthen the security of the Union, to preserve peace and strengthen international security in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter, as well as the principles of the Helsinki Final Act and objectives of the Paris Charter (Title 5, Art.J.1, p.94); The policy of the Union shall respect the obligations of certain member states under NATO and be compatible with the common security and defence policy (Title 5, Art.J.4, p.95); Reference to the United Nations Security Council (Title 5, Art.J.5, p.96); Police cooperation for the purposes of preventing and combatting terrorism (Title 6, Art.k.1, p.97)",1,"Reference to the principles of the Helsinki Final Act (Title 5, Art.J.1, p.94); Reference to the principles of the United Nations Charter (Title 5, Art.J.1, p.94); Reference to the objectives of the Paris Charter (Title 5, Art.J.1, p.94); ","Objective of promoting economic and social progress (Title I, Art.B, p.5; Protocol on economic and social cohesion, p.129); The promotion of a harmonious and balanced development of economic activities; a high level of employment and of social protection, the raising of the standard of living and quality of life, and solidarity (Title 2, Art.2, p.8); Economic and social cohesion (Title 2, Art.2, p.8, Title 2, Art.130a-e, p.49-50) Approximation of laws (Title 2, Art.3, p.8; Title 2, Art.100-102 ,p.32; Title 2, Art.27, p.15); Policy in the social sphere comprising a European Social Fund; strengthening of economic and social cohesion; the promotion of research and technological development; health protection; a contribution to education and training quality and to the flowering of the cultures of the Member States; a policy in the sphere of development cooperation; tbe association of the overseas countries and territories in order to increase trade and promote jointly economic and social development; measures in the spheres of energy, civil protection and tourism (Title 2, Art.3, p.8); The Commission shall take into account the extent of the effort that certain economies showing differences in development will have to sustain (Title 2, Art.7c, p.10); The achievement of a balance between supply and demand in the employment market in such a way as to avoid serious threats to the standard of living and level of employment (Title 2, Art.49, p.21); Encouragement of the exchange of young workers (Title 2, Art.50, p.21); Directives for the mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications (Title 2, Art.57.1, p.23); Aid of a social character, granted to consumers, aid to make good damage caused by natural disasters, aid to promote economic development where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there is serious underemployment, aid to facilitate development of economic activities or areas, aid to promote culture and heritage conservation (Title 2, Art.92, p.30); The EMI shall promote the harmonization of statistics (Title 2, Art.Art.109f, p.40); Harmonization of aid to third countries (Title 2, Art.112, p.44); Improved standard of living for workers and harmonization of social systems (Title 2, Art.117, p.45); Close cooperation between members states in matters relating to basic and advanced vocational training. Also, the arrangement of consultations (Title 2, Art.118, p.45); Commission shall include a chapter on social development in its annual report to the EP (Title 2, Art.121, p.46); Establishment of the European Social Fund which will contribute to raising the standard of living (Title 2, Art.123, p.46); Education, vocational training, youth, reference to the Council of Europe about education (Title 2, Chapter 3, p.46-47); Culture (Title 2, Art.128, p.47); Public health (Title 2, Art.129, p.48); Trans-European networks in transport, telecommunications, energy infrastructure (Title 2, Art.129b, p.48); Fostering better exploitation of the industrial potential of policies of innovation, research and technological development (Title 2, Art.130, p.49; Title 2, Art.130f-p,p.50-52); Development cooperation, reference to the United Nations and other competent international organisations (Title 2, Art. 130u-y, p.53-54); The member States agree to associate with Non-European countries and territoires which have special relations with member states to promote the economic, social, and cultural development (Title 2, Art.131, p.54); Reference to common foreign and security policy (Title 2, Art.199, p.70); Economic and social development of French overseas departments (Title 2, Art. 227, p.77); The Commision to ensure the maintenance of all appropriate relations with the organs of the United Nations, its specialised agencies, the GATT, all international organisations (Title 2, Art.229, p.78); The Community shall establish close cooperation with the OECD (Title 2, Art.231, p.78; Title 4, Art.201, p.93); Cooperation in asylum policy, immigration policy, combatting drug addiction, police cooperation for the purposes of preventing and combatting unlawful drug trafficking, other forms of international crime, etc. (Title 6, Art.K.1, p.97); Refrence to the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (1951) (Title 6, Art.K.2, p.97); Social policy, reference to the 1989 Social Charter (Protocol on Social Policy, p.126- 129); Improved lviing conditions (Agreement on Social Policy, Art.1, p.127);",EC Maastricht 1992.pdf is coded (not the consolidated version),,,,,,,,,,,, 328,328,328,328,EC_MKD,EC Macedonia SAA,2001,EC Macedonia SAA 2001.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-LT-MK,EU-MK,1,1,2004,0,,0,,,,,EC FYR of Macedonia (SAA),FTA,2,,,3,16,15,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Establishment and consolidation of a stable European order based on cooperation, of which the European Union is a mainstay, as well as in the framework of the Stability Pact; Development of civic society and democratisation, institution building; Strengthening of national and regional security; Increased cooperation in justice and home affairs; Commitment to increasing political freedoms; Commitment to respect human rights and the ruleof law, including the rights of persons belonging to national minorities, and democratic principles through free and fair elections and a multiparty system; Establishing regular political dialogue; Readiness of the Community to contribute to the economic reforms in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Financial and economic assistance to Macedonia; Reference to the UN Charter, of the OSCE, the Helsinki Final Act, the concluding documents of the Madrid and Vienna Conferences, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, and the Cologne Stability Pact for south-eastern Europe",1,Cooperation to reduce the potential for fraud in the application of the trade provisions of the Agreement (Art. 42); Preventing and combating crime and other illegal activities such as corruption (Art. 78),0,,1,"No discrimination based on nationality as regards working conditions (Art. 44); Coordination of social security system for workers (Art. 46); Adjustment of legislation Macedonia concerning working conditions, improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers (Art. 90)",0,,1,"Economic and social development for Macedonia should ensure that environmental considerations are also fully incorporated (Art. 80); Improving the protection of environment in transport, reduction of harmful effects and pollution (Art. 98); Promotion of energy saving, energy efficiency, renewable energy and studying the environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art. 99); Environment: Combating local, regional and cross-border pollution (air, water quality), development of strategies with regard to global and climate issues etc. (Art. 103)",1,Reference to the European Energy Charter Treaty (Art. 99); Reference to the Basle Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal (Basle 1989) (Art. 103); Reference to international Conventions inthe area of environment to which the Community is Party (unspecified) (Art. 103); Reference to theEuropean Environment Agency (Art. 103),1,Respect of human rights (Art. 2),1,"Reference to the Universal Declarationof Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 2); Reference to 1951 Geneva Convention to respect non-refoulement in the area of asylum (Art. 75)",1,"Providing a framework for political dialogue and development of close political relations (Art. 1), development of political dialogue (Art. 7, Art. 8, Art. 9, Art. 10); Respect of democratic principles and the rule of law (Art. 2, Art. 91); Approximation of Macedonias laws to those of the EU (Art. 68); Consolidaton of the rule of law (Art. 74), improvement and independence of the Parties judiciary (Art. 74)",1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 2)",1,"International and regional peace and stability, the development of good neighbourly relations as central elements to the Stabilisation and Association Process (Art. 3); Macedonia's commits to enter into cooperation and good neighbourly relations with the other countries of the region, the Agreement shall contribute to regional stability (Art. 4; Art.80); Political dialogue shall promote the development of good neighbourly relations, common views on security and stability in Europe, including in the areas covered by Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union (Art. 7); In conformity with its commitment to peace and stability, and to the development of goodneighbourly relations, Macedonia will actively promote regional cooperation (Art. 11); Fighting and preventing criminal and illegal activities such as illicit arms trafficking and terrorism (Art. 78); Nuclear safety: upgrading the laws and regulations of Macedonia on nuclear safety and strengthening the supervisory authorities and their resources, radiation protection etc (Art. 103); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which relate to research, development or production arms, munitions or war materials indispensable for defence purposes / which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order (added to exceptions) (Art. 116)",0,,"Aim of the Agreement: fostering regionalcooperation (Art. 1); Political dialogue shall promote regional cooperation (Art. 7); Macedonia's cooperation with other countries having signed a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (Art. 12); Macedonia's cooperation with other countries concerned by the Stabilisation and Association Process (Art. 13); Macedonia's cooperation with countries candidate for EU accession (Art. 14); Measures against illegal activities: cooperation to reduce the potential for fraud in the application of the trade provisions of this Agreement for example when there is a failure to provide administrative cooperation as required for the verification of evidence of origin by the other Party (Art. 42), None of the provisions of Title V shall be construed to prevent the enforcement by the Parties of any measure aimed at preventing the avoidance or evasion of taxes (Art. 64); Preventing the use of the Parties' financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities and drugs (Art. 77); Fighting and preventing criminal and illegal activities such as illegal transactions of industrial waste, radioactive material, illicit trafficking in drugs, smuggeling etc (Art. 78); Fight against fiscal fraud (Art. 89); Examining steps for the mutual recognition of qualifications related to professional activities (Art. 52); Cooüeration in the areas of visa, border control, asylum and migration (Art. 75); Prevention and control of illegal immigration also the trafficking of human beings; readmission (Art. 76); Cooperation on illicit drugs (Art. 79); Measures will be designed to bring about the economic and social development of Macedonia (Art. 80); Statistical cooperation (Art. 82); Modernisation and restructuring of the industry and individual sectors of Macedonia (Art. 85); Cooperation in the fields of tourism (Art. 87); Social cooperation: providing back-up measures and promoting local development to assist industrial and labour market restructuring, adapting the social security system of Macedonia, equal opportunities for women and men etc (Art. 90); Aim of raising the level of general education and professional qualifications in Macedonia (Art. 91); Promoting cultural cooperation (Art. 92); Providing the general public with basic information about the Community (Art. 93); Cooperation in the audio-visual field, encouraging co-production in the fields of cinema and television (Art. 94); Modernisation of Macedonia's electronic infrastructure and its integration into European and world networks (Art. 95); Developing the Information Society in Macedonia (Art. 96); Aligning the standards of consumer protection in Macedonia on those of the Community (Art. 97); Restructuring and modernising transport and related infrastructure (Art. 98); Cooperation in the fields of energy (Art. 99); modernisation and restructuring of agriculture and the agro-industrial sector in Macedonia (Art. 100); Regional and local development with the objective of contributing to economic development and reducing regional imbalances (Art. 101); Cooperation in research and technological development (Art. 102); Financial assistance from the Community to Macedonia (Art. 104, Art. 105, Art. 106, Art. 107); Main elements of the repatriation policy of the European Community (p. 179)",Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 328,328+2,32802,894,EC_MKD_p2,EC Macedonia SAA Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-LT-MK-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,EU-MK-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Establishment and consolidation of a stable European order based on cooperation, of which the European Union is a mainstay, as well as in the framework of the Stability Pact; Development of civic society and democratisation, institution building; Strengthening of national and regional security; Increased cooperation in justice and home affairs; Commitment to increasing political freedoms; Commitment to respect human rights and the ruleof law, including the rights of persons belonging to national minorities, and democratic principles through free and fair elections and a multiparty system; Establishing regular political dialogue; Readiness of the Community to contribute to the economic reforms in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Financial and economic assistance to Macedonia; Reference to the UN Charter, of the OSCE, the Helsinki Final Act, the concluding documents of the Madrid and Vienna Conferences, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, and the Cologne Stability Pact for south-eastern Europe",1,Preventing and combating crime and other illegal activities such as corruption (Art. 78),0,,1,"No discrimination based on nationality as regards working conditions (Art. 44); Coordination of social security system for workers (Art. 46); Adjustment of legislation Macedonia concerning working conditions, improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers (Art. 90)",0,,1,"Economic and social development for Macedonia should ensure that environmental considerations are also fully incorporated (Art. 80); Improving the protection of environment in transport, reduction of harmful effects and pollution (Art. 98); Promotion of energy saving, energy efficiency, renewable energy and studying the environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art. 99); Environment: Combating local, regional and cross-border pollution (air, water quality), development of strategies with regard to global and climate issues etc. (Art. 103)",1,Reference to the European Energy Charter Treaty (Art. 99); Reference to the Basle Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal (Basle 1989) (Art. 103); Reference to international Conventions inthe area of environment to which the Community is Party (unspecified) (Art. 103); Reference to theEuropean Environment Agency (Art. 103),1,Respect for human rights (Art. 2),1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 2); Reference to the 1951 Geneva Convention and the principle of non-refoulement (Art. 75)",1,"Aim of the Agreement: providing an appropriate framework for political dialogue (Art. 1); Respect for democratic principles (Art. 2); Developing and intensifying political dialogue between the Parties (Art. 7); Framework of political dialogue (Art. 8, Art. 9, Art. 10); Macedonia's law approximation to that of the Community (Art. 68); Consolidation of Macedonia's rule of law and independence of its judiciary (Art. 74)",1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 2)",1,"International and regional peace and stability, the development of good neighbourly relations as central elements to the Stabilisation and Association Process (Art. 3); Macedonia's commits to enter into cooperation and good neighbourly relations with the other countries of the region, the Agreement shall contribute to regional stability (Art. 4); Political dialogue shall promote the development of good neighbourly relations, common views on security and stability in Europe, including in the areas covered by Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union (Art. 7); In conformity with its commitment to peace and stability, and to the development of goodneighbourly relations, Macedonia will actively promote regional cooperation (Art. 11); Fighting and preventing criminal and illegal activities such as illicit arms trafficking and terrorism (Art. 78); Nuclear safety: upgrading the laws and regulations of Macedonia on nuclear safety and strengthening the supervisory authorities and their resources, radiation protection etc (Art. 103); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which relate to research, development or production arms, munitions or war materials indispensable for defence purposes / which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order (added to exceptions) (Art. 116)",0,,"Aim of the Agreement: fostering regionalcooperation (Art. 1); Political dialogue shall promote regional cooperation (Art. 7); Macedonia's cooperation with other countries having signed a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (Art. 12); Macedonia's cooperation with other countries concerned by the Stabilisation and Association Process (Art. 13); Macedonia's cooperation with countries candidate for EU accession (Art. 14); Measures against illegal activities: cooperation to reduce the potential for fraud in the application of the trade provisions of this Agreement for example when there is a failure to provide administrative cooperation as required for the verification of evidence of origin by the other Party (Art. 42), None of the provisions of Title V shall be construed to prevent the enforcement by the Parties of any measure aimed at preventing the avoidance or evasion of taxes (Art. 64); Preventing the use of the Parties' financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities and drugs (Art. 77); Fighting and preventing criminal and illegal activities such as illegal transactions of industrial waste, radioactive material, illicit trafficking in drugs, smuggeling etc (Art. 78); Fight against fiscal fraud (Art. 89); Examining steps for the mutual recognition of qualifications related to professional activities (Art. 52); Cooüeration in the areas of visa, border control, asylum and migration (Art. 75); Prevention and control of illegal immigration also the trafficking of human beings; readmission (Art. 76); Cooperation on illicit drugs (Art. 79); Measures will be designed to bring about the economic and social development of Macedonia (Art. 80); Statistical cooperation (Art. 82); Modernisation and restructuring of the industry and individual sectors of Macedonia (Art. 85); Cooperation in the fields of tourism (Art. 87); Social cooperation: providing back-up measures and promoting local development to assist industrial and labour market restructuring, adapting the social security system of Macedonia, equal opportunities for women and men etc (Art. 90); Aim of raising the level of general education and professional qualifications in Macedonia (Art. 91); Promoting cultural cooperation (Art. 92); Providing the general public with basic information about the Community (Art. 93); Cooperation in the audio-visual field, encouraging co-production in the fields of cinema and television (Art. 94); Modernisation of Macedonia's electronic infrastructure and its integration into European and world networks (Art. 95); Developing the Information Society in Macedonia (Art. 96); Aligning the standards of consumer protection in Macedonia on those of the Community (Art. 97); Restructuring and modernising transport and related infrastructure (Art. 98); Cooperation in the fields of energy (Art. 99); modernisation and restructuring of agriculture and the agro-industrial sector in Macedonia (Art. 100); Regional and local development with the objective of contributing to economic development and reducing regional imbalances (Art. 101); Cooperation in research and technological development (Art. 102); Financial assistance from the Community to Macedonia (Art. 104, Art. 105, Art. 106, Art. 107); Main elements of the repatriation policy of the European Community (p. 179)",Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 328,328+1,32801,895,EC_MKD_p10,EC Macedonia SAA Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-LT-MK-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,EU-MK-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Establishment and consolidation of a stable European order based on cooperation, of which the European Union is a mainstay, as well as in the framework of the Stability Pact; Development of civic society and democratisation, institution building; Strengthening of national and regional security; Increased cooperation in justice and home affairs; Commitment to increasing political freedoms; Commitment to respect human rights and the ruleof law, including the rights of persons belonging to national minorities, and democratic principles through free and fair elections and a multiparty system; Establishing regular political dialogue; Readiness of the Community to contribute to the economic reforms in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Financial and economic assistance to Macedonia; Reference to the UN Charter, of the OSCE, the Helsinki Final Act, the concluding documents of the Madrid and Vienna Conferences, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, and the Cologne Stability Pact for south-eastern Europe",1,Preventing and combating crime and other illegal activities such as corruption (Art. 78),0,,1,"No discrimination based on nationality as regards working conditions (Art. 44); Coordination of social security system for workers (Art. 46); Adjustment of legislation Macedonia concerning working conditions, improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers (Art. 90)",0,,1,"Economic and social development for Macedonia should ensure that environmental considerations are also fully incorporated (Art. 80); Improving the protection of environment in transport, reduction of harmful effects and pollution (Art. 98); Promotion of energy saving, energy efficiency, renewable energy and studying the environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art. 99); Environment: Combating local, regional and cross-border pollution (air, water quality), development of strategies with regard to global and climate issues etc. (Art. 103)",1,Reference to the European Energy Charter Treaty (Art. 99); Reference to the Basle Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal (Basle 1989) (Art. 103); Reference to international Conventions inthe area of environment to which the Community is Party (unspecified) (Art. 103); Reference to theEuropean Environment Agency (Art. 103),1,Respect for human rights (Art. 2),1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 2); Reference to the 1951 Geneva Convention and the principle of non-refoulement (Art. 75)",1,"Aim of the Agreement: providing an appropriate framework for political dialogue (Art. 1); Respect for democratic principles (Art. 2); Developing and intensifying political dialogue between the Parties (Art. 7); Framework of political dialogue (Art. 8, Art. 9, Art. 10); Macedonia's law approximation to that of the Community (Art. 68); Consolidation of Macedonia's rule of law and independence of its judiciary (Art. 74)",1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 2)",1,"International and regional peace and stability, the development of good neighbourly relations as central elements to the Stabilisation and Association Process (Art. 3); Macedonia's commits to enter into cooperation and good neighbourly relations with the other countries of the region, the Agreement shall contribute to regional stability (Art. 4); Political dialogue shall promote the development of good neighbourly relations, common views on security and stability in Europe, including in the areas covered by Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union (Art. 7); In conformity with its commitment to peace and stability, and to the development of goodneighbourly relations, Macedonia will actively promote regional cooperation (Art. 11); Fighting and preventing criminal and illegal activities such as illicit arms trafficking and terrorism (Art. 78); Nuclear safety: upgrading the laws and regulations of Macedonia on nuclear safety and strengthening the supervisory authorities and their resources, radiation protection etc (Art. 103); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which relate to research, development or production arms, munitions or war materials indispensable for defence purposes / which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order (added to exceptions) (Art. 116)",0,,"Aim of the Agreement: fostering regionalcooperation (Art. 1); Political dialogue shall promote regional cooperation (Art. 7); Macedonia's cooperation with other countries having signed a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (Art. 12); Macedonia's cooperation with other countries concerned by the Stabilisation and Association Process (Art. 13); Macedonia's cooperation with countries candidate for EU accession (Art. 14); Measures against illegal activities: cooperation to reduce the potential for fraud in the application of the trade provisions of this Agreement for example when there is a failure to provide administrative cooperation as required for the verification of evidence of origin by the other Party (Art. 42), None of the provisions of Title V shall be construed to prevent the enforcement by the Parties of any measure aimed at preventing the avoidance or evasion of taxes (Art. 64); Preventing the use of the Parties' financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities and drugs (Art. 77); Fighting and preventing criminal and illegal activities such as illegal transactions of industrial waste, radioactive material, illicit trafficking in drugs, smuggeling etc (Art. 78); Fight against fiscal fraud (Art. 89); Examining steps for the mutual recognition of qualifications related to professional activities (Art. 52); Cooüeration in the areas of visa, border control, asylum and migration (Art. 75); Prevention and control of illegal immigration also the trafficking of human beings; readmission (Art. 76); Cooperation on illicit drugs (Art. 79); Measures will be designed to bring about the economic and social development of Macedonia (Art. 80); Statistical cooperation (Art. 82); Modernisation and restructuring of the industry and individual sectors of Macedonia (Art. 85); Cooperation in the fields of tourism (Art. 87); Social cooperation: providing back-up measures and promoting local development to assist industrial and labour market restructuring, adapting the social security system of Macedonia, equal opportunities for women and men etc (Art. 90); Aim of raising the level of general education and professional qualifications in Macedonia (Art. 91); Promoting cultural cooperation (Art. 92); Providing the general public with basic information about the Community (Art. 93); Cooperation in the audio-visual field, encouraging co-production in the fields of cinema and television (Art. 94); Modernisation of Macedonia's electronic infrastructure and its integration into European and world networks (Art. 95); Developing the Information Society in Macedonia (Art. 96); Aligning the standards of consumer protection in Macedonia on those of the Community (Art. 97); Restructuring and modernising transport and related infrastructure (Art. 98); Cooperation in the fields of energy (Art. 99); modernisation and restructuring of agriculture and the agro-industrial sector in Macedonia (Art. 100); Regional and local development with the objective of contributing to economic development and reducing regional imbalances (Art. 101); Cooperation in research and technological development (Art. 102); Financial assistance from the Community to Macedonia (Art. 104, Art. 105, Art. 106, Art. 107); Main elements of the repatriation policy of the European Community (p. 179)",Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 329,329,329,329,EC_MLT,EC Malta,1970,EC Malta 1970.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-MT,EU-MT,1,1,1971,1,2004,1,EC Malta Association Agreement,24-Mar-71,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Malta (English Version/Version Anglaise),EC Malta (Association Agreement),CU,3,CU,3,3,7,6,2,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,Joint declarration concerning co-operation and contacts between the European Parliament and the Maltese Parliament (Final Act p. 8 and p. 9),0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 329,329+2,32902,896,EC_MLT_p3,EC Malta Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-MT-PT-ES-AT-FI-SE,EU-MT-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,2004,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,Joint declarration concerning co-operation and contacts between the European Parliament and the Maltese Parliament (Final Act p. 8 and p. 9),0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 329,329+1,32901,897,EC_MLT_p2,EC Malta Portugal Spain accession,1985,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-MT-PT-ES,EU-MT-PT-ES,1,,,1,2004,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,2,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,Joint declarration concerning co-operation and contacts between the European Parliament and the Maltese Parliament (Final Act p. 8 and p. 9),0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 330,330,330,330,EC_MEX,EC Mexico,2000,EC Mexico 2000/EC Mexico 2000.pdf/EC Mexico 2000_complete.PDF,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-MX,EU-MX,1,1,2000,0,,1,EC Mexico,25-Jul-2000(G),GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EC Mexico,EC Mexico,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,16,15,2,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,"CONSIDERING their full commitment to respecting democratic principles and fundamental human rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ",1,Nothing shall preclude the adoption or enforcement by any Party of measures to prevent deceptive practices (added to exceptions) (Art. 22),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Respect for democratic principles and fundamental human rights, proclaimed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, underpins the domestic and external policies of both Parties and constitutes an essential element of this Agreement (Art.1)",1,"Respect for democratic principles and fundamental human rights, proclaimed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, underpins the domestic and external policies of both Parties and constitutes an essential element of this Agreement (Art.1)",0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 330,330+2,33002,898,EC_MEX_p2,EC Mexico Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-MX-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,EU-MX-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,Nothing shall preclude the adoption or enforcement by any Party of measures to prevent deceptive practices (added to exceptions) (Art. 22),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 330,330+1,33001,899,EC_MEX_p10,EC Mexico Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-MX-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,EU-MX-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,Nothing shall preclude the adoption or enforcement by any Party of measures to prevent deceptive practices (added to exceptions) (Art. 22),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 331,331,331,331,EC_MNE,EC Montenegro SAA,2007,EC Montenegro SAA 2007.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EE-LV-LT-CY-MT-CZ-SI-SK-HU-PL-BG-RO-ME,EU-ME,1,1,2010,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,3,28,27,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,"Allowing Montenegro to strengthen and extend the relationship with the European Union; CONSIDERING the commitment of the Parties to increasing political and economic freedoms as the very basis of this Agreement, as well as their commitment to respect human rights and the rule of law, including the rights of persons belonging to national minorities, and democratic principles through a multi-party system with free and fair elections; REAFFIRMING the right of return for all refugees and internally displaced persons and to the protection of their property and other related human rights; CONSIDERING the commitment of the Parties to the principles of free market economy and to sustainable development as well as the readiness of the Community to contribute to the economic reforms in Montenegro; ",1,"Montenegro commits itself to continue to foster cooperation and good neighbourly relations with the other countries of the region including an appropriate level of mutual concessions concerning the movement of persons, goods, capital and services as well as the development of projects of common interest, notably those related to border management and combating organised crime, corruption, money laundering, illegal migration and trafficking, including in particular in human beings, small arms and light weapons, as well as illicit drugs (Art.6); In their cooperation on justice, freedom and security, the Parties shall attach particular importance to the consolidation of the rule of law, and the reinforcement of institutions at all levels in the areas of administration in general and law enforcement and the administration of justice in particular. Cooperation shall notably aim at strengthening the independence of the judiciary and improving its efficiency, improving the functioning of the police and other law enforcement bodies, providing adequate training and fighting corruption and organised crime (Art 80); The Parties shall cooperate on combating and preventing criminal and illegal activities, organised or otherwise, such as: (a) smuggling and trafficking in human beings; (b) illegal economic activities, and in particular counterfeiting of cash and non-cash means of payments, illegal transactions on products such as industrial waste, radioactive material and transactions involving illegal, counterfeit or pirated products; (c) corruption, both in the private and public sector, in particular linked to non-transparent administrative practices; (d) fiscal fraud; (e) identity theft; (f) illicit trafficking in drugs and psychotropic substances; (g) illicit arms trafficking; (h) forging documents; (i) smuggling and illicit trafficking of goods including cars; (j) cyber crime (Art.86); Cooperation shall also be geared to enhancing transparency and fighting corruption, and to include exchange of information with the Member States in an effort to facilitate the enforcement of measures preventing tax fraud, evasion and avoidance (Art.100)",0,,1,"1. Subject to the conditions and modalities applicable in each Member State: (a) treatment accorded to workers who are nationals of Montenegro and who are legally employed in the territory of a Member State shall be free of any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions, remuneration or dismissal, compared to nationals of that Member State; (b) the legally resident spouse and children of a worker legally employed in the territory of a Member State, with the exception of seasonal workers and of workers coming under bilateral Agreements within the meaning of Article 50, unless otherwise provided by such Agreements, shall have access to the labour market of that Member State, during the period of that worker's authorised stay of employment. 2. Montenegro shall, subject to the conditions and modalities applicable in that Republic, accord the treatment referred to in paragraph 1 to workers who are nationals of a Member State and are legally employed in its territory as well as to their spouse and children who are legally resident in Montenegro (Art. 49); 1. Rules shall be laid down for the coordination of social security systems for workers with nationality of Montenegro, legally employed in the territory of a Member State, and for the members of their families legally resident there. To that effect, a decision of the Stabilisation and Association Council, which should not affect any rights or obligations arising from bilateral Agreements where the latter provide for more favourable treatment, shall put the following provisions in place: . (a)  all periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such workers in the various Member States shall be added together for the purpose of pensions and annuities in respect of old age, invalidity and death and for the purpose of medical care for such workers and such family members; . (b)  any pensions or annuities in respect of old age, death, industrial accident or occupational disease, or of invalidity resulting therefrom, with the exception of non- contributory benefits, shall be freely transferable at the rate applied by virtue of the law of the debtor Member State or States; (c) the workers in question shall receive family allowances for the members of their families as defined above. 2. Montenegro shall accord to workers who are nationals of a Member State and legally employed in their territory, and to members of their families legally resident there, treatment similar to that specified in points (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 (Article 51) ",0,,1,"With regard to international maritime transport, the Parties undertake to apply effectively the principle of unrestricted access to the international maritime markets and trades on a commercial basis, and to respect international and European obligations in the field of safety, security and environmental standards (Art.61); Policies and other measures shall be designed to bring about sustainable economic and social development of Montenegro. These policies should ensure that environmental considerations are also fully incorporated from the outset and that they are linked to the requirements of harmonious social development (Art.88); Cooperation shall aim to promote the modernisation and restructuring of industry and individual sectors in Montenegro. It shall also cover industrial cooperation between economic operators, with the objective of strengthening the private sector under conditions which ensure that the environment is protected (Art.94); The objective of the cooperation should be to achieve operating standards comparable to those in the Community as well as to develop a transport system in Montenegro compatible and aligned with the Community system and improving protection of the environment in transport (Art.108); the promotion of energy saving, energy efficiency, renewable energy and studying the environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art.109); Environment The Parties shall develop and strengthen their cooperation in the environmental field with the vital task of halting further degradation and start improving the environmental situation with the aim of sustainable development. 100 The parties shall, in particular, establish cooperation with the aim of strengthening administrative structures and procedures to ensure strategic planning of environment issues and coordination between relevant actors and shall focus on the alignment of Montenegro's legislation to the Community acquis. Cooperation could also centre on the development of strategies to significantly reduce local, regional and trans-boundary air and water pollution, to establish a framework for efficient, clean, sustainable and renewable production and consumption of energy, and to execute environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment. Special attention shall be paid to the ratification and the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol (ARt.111) ",1,Special attention shall be paid to the ratification and the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol (Art.111),1,"Respect for human rights (Art. 2); International and regional peace and stability, the development of good neighbourly relations, human rights and the respect and protection of minorities are central to the Stabilisation and Association process referred to in the conclusions of the Council of the European Union on 21 June 1999 (Art.5)",1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Respect for the democratic principles and the rule of law (Art. 1) , respect for international law principles (Art. 1)",1,"Reference to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the Helsinki Final Act, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 2)",1,The Parties reaffirm the importance that they attach to the fight against terrorism and the implementation of international obligations in this area (Art.7),1," The Parties reaffirm the importance that they attach to the fight against terrorism and the implementation of international obligations in this area (unspecified) (Art.7)","Cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (Art. 1); Transit traffic: unrestricted access to the Parties territory (Art. 34), Simplification the flow of goods by rail and road (Art. 34); Montenegros regional cooperation: Fostering cooperation with any country candidate for accession to the EU (Art. 57)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 332,332,332,332,EC_MAR2,EC Morocco,1976,EC Morocco 1976,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-MA,EU-MA,1,1,1978,1,2000,1,EC Morocco Cooperation Agreement,,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Morocco (Cooperation Agreement),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,3,10,9,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Wishing to demonstrate their common desire to maintain and strengthen their friendly relations in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter (EEC); Resolved to establish wide-ranging cooperation which will contribute to Morocco's economic and social development (EEC); Resolved to promote, having regard to their respective levels of development, economic cooperation (EEC); ",0,,0,,1,"The treatment accorded by each Member State to workers of Moroccan nationality shall be free from any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions or remuneration (Art.40 EEC); Social security treatment free from discrimination based on nationality; All periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such workers in the various Member States shall be added together for the purpose of pensions and annuities in respect of oldage, invalidity and death and also for that of medical care for the workers and for members of their families resident in the Community (Art.41 EEC)",0,,1,Cooperation in protection of the environment (Art.4 EEC),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.35 EEC); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.53 EEC).",0,,"Object of the Agreement is to contribute to the economic and social development of Morocco. Measures in the field of economic, technical and financial cooperation, and in the trade and social fields (Art.1 EEC); Cooperation with the aim of contributing to the development of Morocco (Art.2 EEC); The importance of promoting regional cooperation between Morocco and other States (Art.3 EEC); Development of Morocco's production and economic infrastructure (Art.4 EEC); Cooperation in science and technology (Art.4 EEC); The Community shall participate in the financing of any measures to promote the development of Morocco under the conditions laid down in Protocol 1 on technical and financial cooperation (Art.6 EEC)","The agreements coded are the COOPERATION AGREEMENT between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Morocco, AND the AGREEMENT between the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community and the Kingdom of Morocco. For example, the articles are labelled as follows: ""Art.53 EEC"" or ""Art.2 ECSC"". ",,,,,,,,,,,, 333,333,333,333,EC_MAR1,EC Morocco Association Agreement,1969,EC Morocco 1969.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-MA,EU-MA,1,1,1969,1,1976,1,EC Morocco Association Agreement of 1969,25395,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Morocco (Association Agreement),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,3,7,6,2,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Reference to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Furtherance of the progressive economic integration of the Maghreb (Art. 4),,,,,,,,,,,,, 332,332+2,33202,900,EC_MAR2_p3,EC Morocco Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-MX-PT-ES-AT-FI-SE,EU-MX-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,2000,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Wishing to demonstrate their common desire to maintain and strengthen their friendly relations in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter (EEC); Resolved to establish wide-ranging cooperation which will contribute to Morocco's economic and social development (EEC); Resolved to promote, having regard to their respective levels of development, economic cooperation (EEC); ",0,,0,,1,"The treatment accorded by each Member State to workers of Moroccan nationality shall be free from any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions or remuneration (Art.40 EEC); Social security treatment free from discrimination based on nationality; All periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such workers in the various Member States shall be added together for the purpose of pensions and annuities in respect of oldage, invalidity and death and also for that of medical care for the workers and for members of their families resident in the Community (Art.41 EEC)",0,,1,Cooperation in protection of the environment (Art.4 EEC),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.35 EEC); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.53 EEC).",0,,"Object of the Agreement is to contribute to the economic and social development of Morocco. Measures in the field of economic, technical and financial cooperation, and in the trade and social fields (Art.1 EEC); Cooperation with the aim of contributing to the development of Morocco (Art.2 EEC); The importance of promoting regional cooperation between Morocco and other States (Art.3 EEC); Development of Morocco's production and economic infrastructure (Art.4 EEC); Cooperation in science and technology (Art.4 EEC); The Community shall participate in the financing of any measures to promote the development of Morocco under the conditions laid down in Protocol 1 on technical and financial cooperation (Art.6 EEC)","The agreements coded are the COOPERATION AGREEMENT between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Morocco, AND the AGREEMENT between the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community and the Kingdom of Morocco. For example, the articles are labelled as follows: ""Art.53 EEC"" or ""Art.2 ECSC"". ",,,,,,,,,,,, 334,334,334,334,EC_MAR3,EC Morocco Euro-Med Association Agreement,1996,EC Morocco 1996.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-MA,EU-MA,1,1,2000,0,,1,EC Morocco,13-Oct-00,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Morocco,EC Morocco (Euro Mediterranean Agreement),FTA,2,FTA,2,3,16,15,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Human rights; political freedoms; Stability and security of the Euro-Mediterranean region; Economic and social development for Morocco: economic restructuring and technological modernisation, prosperity of the Euro-Mediterranean region; Regional integration of the Maghreb; Dialogue on economic, social and cultural issues; Reference to United Nations Charter",1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall have the effect of preventing the adoption of measures aimed at preventing fraud (Art. 89); Mutual assistance in customs matters to prevent, investigate and detect operations that contravene customs legislation (protocol 5: Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 7)",0,,1,"Working matters: equal treatment of the Parties workers (Art. 64), social security for workers of both Parties dealing with sickness, invalidity, old-age , industrial accident, unemployment etc. (Art. 65)",0,,1,"Preservation of the environment and ecological balances in the fields of economic cooperation (Art. 43); Regional cooperation in environmental matters (Art. 45); Environment: Preventiong the deterioration of the environment, improving its quality, protecting human health (Art. 48); Energy: renewable energy, energy saving (Art. 57)",0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 2),1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Regular political dialogue between the Parties (Art. 1, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Respect for democratic principles (Art. 2)",1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Political dialogue to contribute to stability and security of the Mediterranean region (Art. 3, Art. 4)",0,,"Economic and social development for Morocco (Art. 1, Art. 42, Art. 76); Encouraging integration of the Maghreb countries (Art. 1; Art. 43, ), regional cooperation in economic, cultural, scientific and customs matters (Art. 45); Promoting economic development in Morocco (Art. 1, Art. 42, Art. 43), modernise and restructure Morocco's public and private sector industry (Art. 49), restructuring Morocco's financial sectors (Art. 53), modernising Morrocos agriculture and fisheries (Art. 54), modernising Morrocos transport facilities (Art. 55); Financial assistance to Morroco (Art. 1, Art. 75); Promoting social development (Art. 1): improvement of Morrocos education and training (Art. 46), scientific, technical and technological cooperation (Art. 47); dialogue in social matters on the living and working conditions of migrants, (illegal) migration (Art. 69, Art. 70); Cooperation in the social field: reducing migratory pressure, repatriation, improving social and healt protection system etc. (Art. 71); Promoting cultural cooperation (Art. 1, Art. 74); Political dialogue to contribute to the prosperity of the Mediterranean region and regional development within the Maghreb group of countries (Art. 3, Art. 4); Cooperation in the fields of telecommunications and information technology (Art. 56); Cooperation to develop tourism (Art. 58); Cooperation in statistics (Art. 60); Combating drug use and trafficking with reference to Chemicals Action Task Force (CATF) (Art. 62; protocol 5: Art. 11); Establishing suitable standards against money laundering (Art. 61)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 334,334+2,33402,902,EC_MAR3_p2,EC Morocco Euro-Med Association Agreement Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-MA-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,EU-MA-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Human rights; political freedoms; Stability and security of the Euro-Mediterranean region; Economic and social development for Morocco: economic restructuring and technological modernisation, prosperity of the Euro-Mediterranean region; Regional integration of the Maghreb; Dialogue on economic, social and cultural issues; Reference to United Nations Charter",1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall have the effect of preventing the adoption of measures aimed at preventing fraud (Art. 89); Mutual assistance in customs matters to prevent, investigate and detect operations that contravene customs legislation (protocol 5: Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 7)",0,,1,"Working matters: equal treatment of the Parties workers (Art. 64), social security for workers of both Parties dealing with sickness, invalidity, old-age , industrial accident, unemployment etc. (Art. 65)",0,,1,"Preservation of the environment and ecological balances in the fields of economic cooperation (Art. 43); Regional cooperation in environmental matters (Art. 45); Environment: Preventiong the deterioration of the environment, improving its quality, protecting human health (Art. 48); Energy: renewable energy, energy saving (Art. 57)",0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 2),1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Regular political dialogue between the Parties (Art. 1, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Respect for democratic principles (Art. 2)",1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Political dialogue to contribute to stability and security of the Mediterranean region (Art. 3, Art. 4)",0,,"Economic and social development for Morocco (Art. 1, Art. 42, Art. 76); Encouraging integration of the Maghreb countries (Art. 1; Art. 43, ), regional cooperation in economic, cultural, scientific and customs matters (Art. 45); Promoting economic development in Morocco (Art. 1, Art. 42, Art. 43), modernise and restructure Morocco's public and private sector industry (Art. 49), restructuring Morocco's financial sectors (Art. 53), modernising Morrocos agriculture and fisheries (Art. 54), modernising Morrocos transport facilities (Art. 55); Financial assistance to Morroco (Art. 1, Art. 75); Promoting social development (Art. 1): improvement of Morrocos education and training (Art. 46), scientific, technical and technological cooperation (Art. 47); dialogue in social matters on the living and working conditions of migrants, (illegal) migration (Art. 69, Art. 70); Cooperation in the social field: reducing migratory pressure, repatriation, improving social and healt protection system etc. (Art. 71); Promoting cultural cooperation (Art. 1, Art. 74); Political dialogue to contribute to the prosperity of the Mediterranean region and regional development within the Maghreb group of countries (Art. 3, Art. 4); Cooperation in the fields of telecommunications and information technology (Art. 56); Cooperation to develop tourism (Art. 58); Cooperation in statistics (Art. 60); Combating drug use and trafficking with reference to Chemicals Action Task Force (CATF) (Art. 62; protocol 5: Art. 11); Establishing suitable standards against money laundering (Art. 61)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 334,334+1,33401,903,EC_MAR3_p10,EC Morocco Euro-Med Association Agreement Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-MA-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,EU-MA-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Human rights; political freedoms; Stability and security of the Euro-Mediterranean region; Economic and social development for Morocco: economic restructuring and technological modernisation, prosperity of the Euro-Mediterranean region; Regional integration of the Maghreb; Dialogue on economic, social and cultural issues; Reference to United Nations Charter",1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall have the effect of preventing the adoption of measures aimed at preventing fraud (Art. 89); Mutual assistance in customs matters to prevent, investigate and detect operations that contravene customs legislation (protocol 5: Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 7)",0,,1,"Working matters: equal treatment of the Parties workers (Art. 64), social security for workers of both Parties dealing with sickness, invalidity, old-age , industrial accident, unemployment etc. (Art. 65)",0,,1,"Preservation of the environment and ecological balances in the fields of economic cooperation (Art. 43); Regional cooperation in environmental matters (Art. 45); Environment: Preventiong the deterioration of the environment, improving its quality, protecting human health (Art. 48); Energy: renewable energy, energy saving (Art. 57)",0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 2),1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Regular political dialogue between the Parties (Art. 1, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Respect for democratic principles (Art. 2)",1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Political dialogue to contribute to stability and security of the Mediterranean region (Art. 3, Art. 4)",0,,"Economic and social development for Morocco (Art. 1, Art. 42, Art. 76); Encouraging integration of the Maghreb countries (Art. 1; Art. 43, ), regional cooperation in economic, cultural, scientific and customs matters (Art. 45); Promoting economic development in Morocco (Art. 1, Art. 42, Art. 43), modernise and restructure Morocco's public and private sector industry (Art. 49), restructuring Morocco's financial sectors (Art. 53), modernising Morrocos agriculture and fisheries (Art. 54), modernising Morrocos transport facilities (Art. 55); Financial assistance to Morroco (Art. 1, Art. 75); Promoting social development (Art. 1): improvement of Morrocos education and training (Art. 46), scientific, technical and technological cooperation (Art. 47); dialogue in social matters on the living and working conditions of migrants, (illegal) migration (Art. 69, Art. 70); Cooperation in the social field: reducing migratory pressure, repatriation, improving social and healt protection system etc. (Art. 71); Promoting cultural cooperation (Art. 1, Art. 74); Political dialogue to contribute to the prosperity of the Mediterranean region and regional development within the Maghreb group of countries (Art. 3, Art. 4); Cooperation in the fields of telecommunications and information technology (Art. 56); Cooperation to develop tourism (Art. 58); Cooperation in statistics (Art. 60); Combating drug use and trafficking with reference to Chemicals Action Task Force (CATF) (Art. 62; protocol 5: Art. 11); Establishing suitable standards against money laundering (Art. 61)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 332,332+1,33201,901,EC_MAR2_p2,EC Morocco Portugal Spain accession,1985,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-MX-PT-ES,EU-MX-PT-ES,1,,,1,2000,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Wishing to demonstrate their common desire to maintain and strengthen their friendly relations in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter (EEC); Resolved to establish wide-ranging cooperation which will contribute to Morocco's economic and social development (EEC); Resolved to promote, having regard to their respective levels of development, economic cooperation (EEC); ",0,,0,,1,"The treatment accorded by each Member State to workers of Moroccan nationality shall be free from any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions or remuneration (Art.40 EEC); Social security treatment free from discrimination based on nationality; All periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such workers in the various Member States shall be added together for the purpose of pensions and annuities in respect of oldage, invalidity and death and also for that of medical care for the workers and for members of their families resident in the Community (Art.41 EEC)",0,,1,Cooperation in protection of the environment (Art.4 EEC),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.35 EEC); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.53 EEC).",0,,"Object of the Agreement is to contribute to the economic and social development of Morocco. Measures in the field of economic, technical and financial cooperation, and in the trade and social fields (Art.1 EEC); Cooperation with the aim of contributing to the development of Morocco (Art.2 EEC); The importance of promoting regional cooperation between Morocco and other States (Art.3 EEC); Development of Morocco's production and economic infrastructure (Art.4 EEC); Cooperation in science and technology (Art.4 EEC); The Community shall participate in the financing of any measures to promote the development of Morocco under the conditions laid down in Protocol 1 on technical and financial cooperation (Art.6 EEC)","The agreements coded are the COOPERATION AGREEMENT between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Morocco, AND the AGREEMENT between the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community and the Kingdom of Morocco. For example, the articles are labelled as follows: ""Art.53 EEC"" or ""Art.2 ECSC"". ",,,,,,,,,,,, 335,335,335,335,ECNICE,EC Nice,2001,EC Treaty of Nice 2001 consolidated.PDF/EC Treaty of Nice 2001.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE,1,1,2003,1,2009,0,,,,,,,,,,2,15,105,1,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Community shall support the Member States in the following fields: improvement of the working environment to protect workers' health and safety; working conditions; social security and social protection of workers; protection of workers where their employment contract is terminated; representation and collective defence of the interests of workers and employers; conditions of employment for third-country nationals legally residing in Community territory; equality between men and women with regard to labour market opportunities and treatment at work; the modernisation of social protection systems (Art.2.9, on Art.137, p.17); The provisions adopted pursuant to this Article shall not affect the right of Member States to define the fundamental principles of their social security systems (exception) (Art.2.9 on Art.137, p.18); The provisions of this Article shall not apply to pay, the right of association, the right to strike or the right to impose lock-outs (exceptions) (Art.2.9 on Art.137, p.18); This Title shall not provide a basis for the introduction by the Community of any measure which could lead to a distortion of provisions relating to the rights and interests of employed persons (exception) (Art.2.12 on Art.157(3), p.19)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Cooperation with third countries to contribute to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms (Art.2.16 on Art.181a, p.20)",0,,1,"Common foreign policy (Art.1.2 on Art.17, p.7; Art.1.6 on Art.27d, p.8); Enhanced cooperation to respect the principles of common foreign and security policy (Art.1.6 on Art.27a, p.8); Cooperation with third countries to contribute to consolidating democracy and the rule of law (Art.2.16 on Art.181a, p.20)",0,,1,"Common foreign and security policy and a common defence policy (Art.1.2 on Art.17, p.7; Art.1.6 on Art.27d, p.8); The policy of the Union shall respect obligations to NATO (Art.1.2 on Art.17, p.7); Cooperation in the field of armaments (Art.1.2 on Art.17, p.7); Humanitarian and rescue tasks, peacekeeping tasks and tasks of combat forces in crisis management, including peacemaking (Art.1.2 on Art.17, p.7); The provisions of this Article shall not prevent the development of closer cooperation with the Western European Union (WEU) and NATO (Art.1.2 on Art.17, p.7); Enhanced cooperation to respect the principles of common foreign and security policy (Art.1.6, on Art.27a, p.8); Enhanced cooperation pursuant to this Title shall not relate to matters having military or defence implications (exception) (Art.1.6, on Art.27b, p.8); Progressively adopting measures establishing minimum rules relating to penalties in the field of terrorism (Art.1.8 on Art.31, p.10); Enhanced cooperation with the aim of enabling the Union to develop more rapidly into an area of security (Art. 1.9 on Art.40, p.10); ",0,,"Common foreign policy (Art.1.2 on Art.17, p.7); Enhanced cooperation to respect the principles of common foreign and security policy (Art.1.6, on Art.27a, p.8; Art.1.6 on Art.27d, p.8); Common action on judicial cooperation in criminal matters (Art.1.8 on Art.31, p.9); Progressively adopting measures establishing minimum rules relating to the constituent elements of criminal acts and to penalties in the fields of organised crime and illicit drug trafficking (Art.1.8 on Art.31, p.10); Promoting support by Eurojust for criminal investigations in cases of serious cross-border crime, particularly in the case of organised crime (Art.1.8 on Art.31, p.10); Advanced cooperation which does not undermine economic and social cohesion (Art.1.11 on Art.43, p.11); Community financial assistance after natural disasters or in exceptional circumstances (Art.2.5 on Art.100, p.80); Economic, financial and technical cooperation measures with third countries (Art.2.16 on Art.181a, p.20); Assets of the ECSC transfered to the EC are intended for research in the sectors related to the coal and steel industry (Protocol on the financial consequences of the expiry of the ECSC Treaty and on the research fund for coal and steel, Art.1, p.67);","Note: The document coded is ""EC Treaty of Nice 2001.pdf"". As this document amends previous treaties, the Article numbers listed are: the article number in the Treaty of Nice followed by the article number of the article that is being amended. For example: ""Art.1.1 on Art. B"" refers to Article 1.1 of the Treaty of Nice which amends Article B of the Treaty on European Union. ",,,,,,,,,,,, 336,336,336,336,EC_NOR,EC Norway,1973,EC Norway 1973.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-NO,EU-NO,1,1,1973,1,1994,1,EC Norway,26858,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Norway,EC Norway (EC EFTA Agreement) (superseded by EEA),FTA,2,FTA,2,3,10,9,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of law and order or public security (added to Gatt XX exceptions) (Art. 20)",0,,Improvement of living and employment conditions (Art. 1); Penalties for any person who draws up a document of origin which contains incorrect particulars (Art. 17),,,,,,,,,,,,, 336,336+1,33601,904,EC_NOR_p2,EC Norway Portugal Spain accession,1985,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-NO-PT-ES,EU-NO-PT-ES,1,,,1,1994,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of law and order or public security (added to Gatt XX exceptions) (Art. 20)",0,,Improvement of living and employment conditions (Art. 1); Penalties for any person who draws up a document of origin which contains incorrect particulars (Art. 17),,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,814,814,EC_PSE,EC PLO (Euro-Med interim),1997,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-PS,EU-PS,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,16,,2,6,,,,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,"For the benefeit of the PA: strenghten links between Palestinian community and PLO; observance of human rights (political and economical freedoms), democratic principles; strenghen relations between EC and Middle East; promote economic and social development in Gaza and West Bank; improve mutual understanding through dialogue on cultural, scientific and educational matters; Reference to United Nations Charter",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Considering conservation of the environment and ecological balance (Art. 36), promotion of environment-friendly agriculture and fisheries (Art. 44), promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency (Art. 48); Control pollution, prevent detoriation of environment, desertification, water resource management etc. (Art. 50); developing regional cooperation on the environment (Art. 55)",0,,1,"Respect of fundamental human rights (Art. 2, Art. 45), Promotion of the equality of the women (Art. 45)",1,Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2),1,"Respect of democratic principles (Art.1, Art. 45), Restrictions on the ground of policy (Art. 24) (Exceptions); Promote democratic civil society (Art. 58)",0,,1,Consolidate a peaceful coexistence and political stability,0,,"Promote social and economic development of the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Art. 1, Art. 35, Art. 36, Art. 38, Art. 39, Art. 44, Art. 45, Art. 46, Art. 48, Art. 55); Improve education (Art. 58); Art.1: Foster social relations; provisions on public aid (Art. 30); Scientific development (Art. 49); Promoting tourism (Art. 51); Cooperation in statistics on population, migration etc. (Art. 53); Promotion of cultural cooperation (Art. 57); financial aid (Art. 61)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 337,337,337,337,EC_POL,EC Poland,1991,EC Poland 1991.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-PL,EU-PL,1,1,1994,1,2004,1,EC Poland Europe Agreement,33697,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EC Poland,EC Poland (Europe Agreement),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,13,12,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing Poland to take part in the process of European integration, helping Poland to become a member of the EU; Strengthening the political freedoms; Recognizing Polands transition to a new political and order based on the rule of law and human rights, including a multiparty system with free and democratic elections, establishing and developing regular political dialogue; Social and economic development: Helping Poland to cope with the economic and social consequences of structural readjustment; Establishing in Europe a system of stability based on cooperation; Establishing cultural cooperation; Reference to Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Helsinki Final Act, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe",1,"Protocol 6 on mutual assistance in customs matters: Prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of customs legislation (Art. 2). assistance on request such as information regarding operations noted or planned which contravene such legislation (Art. 3), spontaneous assistance if there is information on operations which have contravened, contravene or would contravene such legislation (Art. 4)",0,,1,"According equal treatment to workers of Polish nationality working in the Community and vice versa (Art. 37); Social security systems for workers of Polish nationality, legally employed in the territory of a Member State and for the members of their family: pensions and annuities in respect of old age, invalidity, death and for the purpose of medical care, industrial accident, occupational disease and invalidity and vice versa; pensions shall be free transferable (Art. 38); The approximation of the Parties laws shall extend to the area of protection of workers at the workplace (Art. 69); Social coopration: improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers, adapting Polands social security system to the new economic and social situation (Art. 87) ",0,,1,"The approximation of the Parties laws shall extend to the area of protection of the environment (Art. 69); ensuring that environmental considerations are incorporated into policies of economic integration (Art. 71), Energy: cooperation shall focus on the promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency, the environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art. 78); Cooperation in the nuclear sector: environmental radiation monitoring, radioactive waste management, decontamination(Art. 79); Combating the deterioration of the environment (enumeration of various measures) (Art. 80) 1.",1,Reference to Basle Convention (waste management) (Art. 80); Reference to the European Environment Agency (Art. 80),0,,0,,1,"Providing a framework for the political dialogue allowing the development of close political relations between the parties (Art. 1); Establishing a regular political dialogue to support the political and economic changes under way in Poland, to accompany and consolidate the rapprochement between the Community and Poland, to facilitate Poland's full integration into the community of democratic nations (Art. 2); Procedures and measures for political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5)",0,,1,"Political dialogue shall enhance security and stability in the whole of Europe (Art. 2); Cooperation in the nuclear sector: nuclear safety, nuclear emergency preparedness and accident management (Art. 79)",0,,"Economic development: Fostering the dynamic economic development and prosperity in Poland (Art. 1), financial and technical assistance to Poland (Art. 1), technical assistance for Poland to appromximate its laws (Art. 70), bringing about the economic development of Poland including the industry, the miningsector, investment, agriculture, energy, transport (Art. 71), industrial cooperation: strengthening the private sector, modernize and restructure Polands industry (Art. 72), restructuring and modernizin Polands transport system (Art. 81); Social development: the Community shall provide technical assistance for the establishment of a suitable social security system in Poland (Art. 43); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 71, Art. 88), rainsing the level of general education and professional qualifications in Poland (Art. 76); Providing an appropriate framework for Poland's gradual integration into the Community (Art. 1); Promoting cooperation in cultural matters (Art. 1); The approximation of the Parties laws shall extend to the following areas: protection of health and life of humans, animals and plants, technical rules and standards and transport (Art. 69); Regional integration and development: fostering cooperation between the countries of central and eastern Europe with a view to integrated development of the region (Art. 71, Art. 86); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 75); Cooperation in education and training: elaborating teaching materials, equipping educational institutions, mutual recognition diplomas etc. (Art. 76); Cooperation in telecommunications (Art. 82); Approximation of Poland's customs system to that of the Community (Art. 91); Statistical cooperation (Art. 92); Drugs: countering the supply and illicit traffic of drugs and the reduction of its abuse (Art. 94); Cultural cooperation (Art. 95); Financial assistance for Poland (Art. 96, Art. 97, Art. 98, Art. 99, Art. 100); Cooperating in order to prevent the use of the Parties financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities in general and drug offences in particular (Art. 85)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 337,337+1,33701,905,EC_POL_p3,EC Poland Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-PL-AT-FI-SE,EU-PL-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,2004,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing Poland to take part in the process of European integration, helping Poland to become a member of the EU; Strengthening the political freedoms; Recognizing Polands transition to a new political and order based on the rule of law and human rights, including a multiparty system with free and democratic elections, establishing and developing regular political dialogue; Social and economic development: Helping Poland to cope with the economic and social consequences of structural readjustment; Establishing in Europe a system of stability based on cooperation; Establishing cultural cooperation; Reference to Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Helsinki Final Act, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe",1,"Protocol 6 on mutual assistance in customs matters: Prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of customs legislation (Art. 2). assistance on request such as information regarding operations noted or planned which contravene such legislation (Art. 3), spontaneous assistance if there is information on operations which have contravened, contravene or would contravene such legislation (Art. 4)",0,,1,"According equal treatment to workers of Polish nationality working in the Community and vice versa (Art. 37); Social security systems for workers of Polish nationality, legally employed in the territory of a Member State and for the members of their family: pensions and annuities in respect of old age, invalidity, death and for the purpose of medical care, industrial accident, occupational disease and invalidity and vice versa; pensions shall be free transferable (Art. 38); The approximation of the Parties laws shall extend to the area of protection of workers at the workplace (Art. 69); Social coopration: improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers, adapting Polands social security system to the new economic and social situation (Art. 87) ",0,,1,"The approximation of the Parties laws shall extend to the area of protection of the environment (Art. 69); ensuring that environmental considerations are incorporated into policies of economic integration (Art. 71), Energy: cooperation shall focus on the promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency, the environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art. 78); Cooperation in the nuclear sector: environmental radiation monitoring, radioactive waste management, decontamination(Art. 79); Combating the deterioration of the environment (enumeration of various measures) (Art. 80) 1.",1,Reference to Basle Convention (waste management) (Art. 80); Reference to the European Environment Agency (Art. 80),0,,0,,1,"Providing a framework for the political dialogue allowing the development of close political relations between the parties (Art. 1); Establishing a regular political dialogue to support the political and economic changes under way in Poland, to accompany and consolidate the rapprochement between the Community and Poland, to facilitate Poland's full integration into the community of democratic nations (Art. 2); Procedures and measures for political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5)",0,,1,"Political dialogue shall enhance security and stability in the whole of Europe (Art. 2); Cooperation in the nuclear sector: nuclear safety, nuclear emergency preparedness and accident management (Art. 79)",0,,"Economic development: Fostering the dynamic economic development and prosperity in Poland (Art. 1), financial and technical assistance to Poland (Art. 1), technical assistance for Poland to appromximate its laws (Art. 70), bringing about the economic development of Poland including the industry, the miningsector, investment, agriculture, energy, transport (Art. 71), industrial cooperation: strengthening the private sector, modernize and restructure Polands industry (Art. 72), restructuring and modernizin Polands transport system (Art. 81); Social development: the Community shall provide technical assistance for the establishment of a suitable social security system in Poland (Art. 43); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 71, Art. 88), rainsing the level of general education and professional qualifications in Poland (Art. 76); Providing an appropriate framework for Poland's gradual integration into the Community (Art. 1); Promoting cooperation in cultural matters (Art. 1); The approximation of the Parties laws shall extend to the following areas: protection of health and life of humans, animals and plants, technical rules and standards and transport (Art. 69); Regional integration and development: fostering cooperation between the countries of central and eastern Europe with a view to integrated development of the region (Art. 71, Art. 86); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 75); Cooperation in education and training: elaborating teaching materials, equipping educational institutions, mutual recognition diplomas etc. (Art. 76); Cooperation in telecommunications (Art. 82); Approximation of Poland's customs system to that of the Community (Art. 91); Statistical cooperation (Art. 92); Drugs: countering the supply and illicit traffic of drugs and the reduction of its abuse (Art. 94); Cultural cooperation (Art. 95); Financial assistance for Poland (Art. 96, Art. 97, Art. 98, Art. 99, Art. 100); Cooperating in order to prevent the use of the Parties financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities in general and drug offences in particular (Art. 85)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 338,338,338,338,EC_PRT1,EC Portugal,1972,EC Portugal 1972.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-PT,EU-PT,1,1,1973,1,1986,1,EC Portugal Agreement of 1972,26630,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Portugal FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,10,9,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Movement certificates are to have a green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 3, Art.12, p.174); Member States of the Community and Portugal shall assist each other, through their respective customs administrations, in checking the authenticity and accuracy of movement certificates (Protocol 3, Art.16, p.177); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate (Protocol 3, Art.17, p.179; Protocol 3, Annex 5, p.247; Protocol 3, Annex 6 p.260); Each item on A.P.1 movement certificates must be preceded by a serial number. A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to make any later addition impossible (Protocol 3, Annex 5, p.246, Protocol 3, Annex 6, p.259)",0,,1,"The improvement of employment conditions (Art.1, p.5)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.23, p.14; Art.16, p.298); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.24, p.15; Art.17, p.329)",0,,"The improvement of living conditions (Art.1, p.5)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 339,339,339,339,EC_PRT2,EC Portugal Additional Protocol,1976,EC Portugal Additional Protocol 1976.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-PT,EU-PT,1,1,1976,1,1985,1,EC Portugal Interim Agreement,29-Oct-76,GATT Art. XXIV,,,,,FTA,2,3,10,9,1,1,2,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Resolved to establish wide-ranging cooperation which will contribute to Portugal's economic and social development,0,,0,,1,"No discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions or remuneration (Art.10, p.6); No discrimination based on nationality in the field of social security (Art.11.1, p.6; Art.12, p.7); All periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such workers in the various Member States shall be added together for the purpose of pensions and annuities and medical care for the workers and for members of their families resident in the Community (Art.11.2, p.7); The workers in question shall be able to transfer freely to Portugal pensions or annuities in respect of industrial accident, occupational disease, old age or death, or of invalidity (Art.11.4, p.7)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Administrative cooperation (Art.14, p.8); Cooperation with the aim of contributing to the economic and social development of Portugal in the industrial, technical, technological and financial fields (Art.15, p.8); Industrial and technological cooperation to promote measures likely to contribute to the development of Portugal's economy (Art.16, p.8); The Community shall participate in the financing of measures to promote the development of Portugal (Art.17, p.8)",Annexes missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 340,340,340,340,EC_ROU,EC Romania,1993,EC Romania 1993.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-RO,EU-RO,1,1,1993,1,2006,1,EC Romania,23-Dec-94,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EC Romania,EC Romania (Europe Agreement),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,13,12,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing Romania to take part in the process of European integration, helping Romania to become a member of the Community; Romania's transition towards a new political system: respect for rule of law and human rights (minorities), multi-party system with free and democratic elections, strenghtening political freedoms, developing a regular political dialogue; Establishing in Europe a system of stability; Economic and social development for Romania; Establishing cultural cooperation; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the concluding documents of Vienna and Madrid, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, the CSCE Helsinki document 'The Challenges of Change`, the European Energy Charter",1,"Protocol 6 on mutual assistance in customs matters: Prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of the customs legislation (Art. 1, Art. 2), Assistance on request including information regarding operations contravene customs legislation, surveillance on naturally or legal persons, movement of goods etc (Art. 3), Spontaneous assistance (Art. 4)",0,,1,"The treatment accorded to workers of Romanian nationality, legally employed in the territory of a Member State shall be free from any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions (vice versa) (Art. 38); Social security systems for workers of Romanian nationality, legally employed in the territory of a Member State: pensions and annuities in respect of old age, invalidity, death, industrial accident or occupational disease shall be freely transferable (vice versa) (Art. 39); The approximation of laws shall extend the protection of workers at the workplace and social security (Art. 70); Social cooperation: improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers (Art. 89)",0,,1,"The approximation of laws shall extend to the protection of animals and plants and the environment (Art. 70); bringing about economic and social development of Romania while ensuring that that environmental considerations are also fully incorporated into these policies (Art. 72); Modernizing Romanias industriy under conditions while ensuring that the environment is protected (Art. 73); Energy: the promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency, the environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art. 79); Cooperation in the nuclear sector: radiation protection, including environmental radiation monitoring, radioactive waste management, decontamination (Art. 80); Environment: combating the deterioration of the environment (enumeration of various measures) (Art. 81); Water management (Art. 82) ",1,"Reference to the European Energy Charter (Art. 79), the Basle Convention (Art. 81), the European Environment Agency (Art. 81)",1,Respect for human rights (Art. 6),1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 6),1,"Providing an appropriate framework for the political dialogue between the Parties allowing the development of close political relations (Art. 1); Support Romania to consolidate its democracy (Art. 1); Establishing a regular political dialogue to support the political changes underway in Romania, facilitating Romanias integration into the community of democratic nations and progressive rapprochement with the Community (Art. 2); Institutions, procedures and mechanisms for political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Respect for democractic principles (Art. 6)",1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 6),1,"Political dialogue will contribute to the rapprochement of the Parties' positions on security issues and will enhance security and stability in the whole of Europe (Art. 2); Cooperation in the nuclear sector: nuclear safety, nuclear emergency preparedness and management (Art. 80)",0,,"Fostering the economic development in Romania (Art. 1, Art. 72): modernizing and restructuring Romanias industry from a centrally planned system to a market economy (Art. 73), modernization and restructuring of the agro-industrial sector in Romania (Art. 78), enabling Romania to restructure and modernize transport, improve the movement of passengers etc (Art. 83), encouragement and restructuring of a banking, insurance and financial services sector in Romania (Art. 85); Social development (Art. 72): Technical assistance for the establishment of a suitable social security system in Romania (Art. 44), Providing a basis for social, financial and cultural cooperation (Art. 1), Technical assistance for Romania to approximate its laws (Art. 71), Education and training such as raising the level of general education and professional qualifications in Romania, cooperation between universities, mutual recognition of diplomas etc (Art. 77), adapting the Romanian social security system to the new economic and social situation (Art. 89); Providing a framework for Romania's gradual integration into the Community (Art. 1); Taking steps to provide for the mutual recognition of qualifications in order to make it easier for Community nationals and Romanian nationals to pursue professional activities in Romania and the Community respectively (Art. 49); Exetending the approximation of laws to financial services, technical rules and standards, nuclear law and transport (Art. 70); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 76); Cooperation in telecommunications, postal services and broadcasting (Art. 84); Fostering cooperation between the countries of central and eastern Europe (Art. 72), enhancing regional development (Art. 72, Art. 88); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 72, Art. 90); Mutual exchange of information such as access to databases (Art. 92); Statistical Cooperation (Art. 95); Countering the supply and illicit traffic of drugs (Art. 97); Exchange programs for public administrations (Art. 98); Cultural cooperation: Enumeration of cooperaton fields and reference to the Solemn Declaration on European Union (Art. 99); Financial assistance to help Romania to cope with the economic and social consequences of structural readjustment (Art. 100, Art. 101, Art. 102, Art. 103, Art. 104, Art. 105); Preventing the use of the Parties financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities in general (Art. 87)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 340,340+1,34001,906,EC_ROU_p3,EC Romania Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-RO-AT-FI-SE,EU-RO-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,2006,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing Romania to take part in the process of European integration, helping Romania to become a member of the Community; Romania's transition towards a new political system: respect for rule of law and human rights (minorities), multi-party system with free and democratic elections, strenghtening political freedoms, developing a regular political dialogue; Establishing in Europe a system of stability; Economic and social development for Romania; Establishing cultural cooperation; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the concluding documents of Vienna and Madrid, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, the CSCE Helsinki document 'The Challenges of Change`, the European Energy Charter",1,"Protocol 6 on mutual assistance in customs matters: Prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of the customs legislation (Art. 1, Art. 2), Assistance on request including information regarding operations contravene customs legislation, surveillance on naturally or legal persons, movement of goods etc (Art. 3), Spontaneous assistance (Art. 4)",0,,1,"The treatment accorded to workers of Romanian nationality, legally employed in the territory of a Member State shall be free from any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions (vice versa) (Art. 38); Social security systems for workers of Romanian nationality, legally employed in the territory of a Member State: pensions and annuities in respect of old age, invalidity, death, industrial accident or occupational disease shall be freely transferable (vice versa) (Art. 39); The approximation of laws shall extend the protection of workers at the workplace and social security (Art. 70); Social cooperation: improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers (Art. 89)",0,,1,"The approximation of laws shall extend to the protection of animals and plants and the environment (Art. 70); bringing about economic and social development of Romania while ensuring that that environmental considerations are also fully incorporated into these policies (Art. 72); Modernizing Romanias industriy under conditions while ensuring that the environment is protected (Art. 73); Energy: the promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency, the environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art. 79); Cooperation in the nuclear sector: radiation protection, including environmental radiation monitoring, radioactive waste management, decontamination (Art. 80); Environment: combating the deterioration of the environment (enumeration of various measures) (Art. 81); Water management (Art. 82) ",1,"Reference to the European Energy Charter (Art. 79), the Basle Convention (Art. 81), the European Environment Agency (Art. 81)",1,Respect for human rights (Art. 6),1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 6),1,"Providing an appropriate framework for the political dialogue between the Parties allowing the development of close political relations (Art. 1); Support Romania to consolidate its democracy (Art. 1); Establishing a regular political dialogue to support the political changes underway in Romania, facilitating Romanias integration into the community of democratic nations and progressive rapprochement with the Community (Art. 2); Institutions, procedures and mechanisms for political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Respect for democractic principles (Art. 6)",1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 6),1,"Political dialogue will contribute to the rapprochement of the Parties' positions on security issues and will enhance security and stability in the whole of Europe (Art. 2); Cooperation in the nuclear sector: nuclear safety, nuclear emergency preparedness and management (Art. 80)",0,,"Fostering the economic development in Romania (Art. 1, Art. 72): modernizing and restructuring Romanias industry from a centrally planned system to a market economy (Art. 73), modernization and restructuring of the agro-industrial sector in Romania (Art. 78), enabling Romania to restructure and modernize transport, improve the movement of passengers etc (Art. 83), encouragement and restructuring of a banking, insurance and financial services sector in Romania (Art. 85); Social development (Art. 72): Technical assistance for the establishment of a suitable social security system in Romania (Art. 44), Providing a basis for social, financial and cultural cooperation (Art. 1), Technical assistance for Romania to approximate its laws (Art. 71), Education and training such as raising the level of general education and professional qualifications in Romania, cooperation between universities, mutual recognition of diplomas etc (Art. 77), adapting the Romanian social security system to the new economic and social situation (Art. 89); Providing a framework for Romania's gradual integration into the Community (Art. 1); Taking steps to provide for the mutual recognition of qualifications in order to make it easier for Community nationals and Romanian nationals to pursue professional activities in Romania and the Community respectively (Art. 49); Exetending the approximation of laws to financial services, technical rules and standards, nuclear law and transport (Art. 70); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 76); Cooperation in telecommunications, postal services and broadcasting (Art. 84); Fostering cooperation between the countries of central and eastern Europe (Art. 72), enhancing regional development (Art. 72, Art. 88); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 72, Art. 90); Mutual exchange of information such as access to databases (Art. 92); Statistical Cooperation (Art. 95); Countering the supply and illicit traffic of drugs (Art. 97); Exchange programs for public administrations (Art. 98); Cultural cooperation: Enumeration of cooperaton fields and reference to the Solemn Declaration on European Union (Art. 99); Financial assistance to help Romania to cope with the economic and social consequences of structural readjustment (Art. 100, Art. 101, Art. 102, Art. 103, Art. 104, Art. 105); Preventing the use of the Parties financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities in general (Art. 87)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 341,341,341,341,EC_SMR,EC San Marino,1991,EC San Marino 1991.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-SM,EU-SM,1,1,2002,0,,1,EU San Marino,40233,GATT Art. XXIV,EC San Marino,EC San Marino (Cooperation and Customs Union Agreement),CU,3,CU,3,3,13,12,1,1,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Strengthening existing links between the two Parties in the social and cultural sectors ,0,,0,,1,No discrimination based on nationality as regards working conditions (Art. 20); Provisions on social security for workers (Art. 21),0,,1,"Cooperation on matters relating to environmental protection and improvement with the aim of resolving the problems caused by contamination of water, soil and air, by erosion and by deforestation, special attention to the problems of pollution in the Adriatic Sea (Art. 16)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Promoting comprehensive cooperation with the aim of contributing to the social and economic development of the Republic of San Marino (Art. 1); Cooperation in the tourism sector, exchanges of information and tourist statistics, training in hotel management and administration, promotion of out-of-season tourism in San Marino (Art. 17); Joint operations in communications, information and cultural matters such as events of a cultural nature, cultural exchanges, academic exchanges (Art. 18); The Community will examine with a positive ear San Marino's wish to participate in the Erasmus programme for exchanges of students and teachers (p. 10)",Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 341,341+1,34101,907,EC_SMR_p3,EC San Marino Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-SM-AT-FI-SE,EU-SM-AT-FI-SE,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,1,1,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Strengthening existing links between the two Parties in the social and cultural sectors ,0,,0,,1,No discrimination based on nationality as regards working conditions (Art. 20); Provisions on social security for workers (Art. 21),0,,1,"Cooperation on matters relating to environmental protection and improvement with the aim of resolving the problems caused by contamination of water, soil and air, by erosion and by deforestation, special attention to the problems of pollution in the Adriatic Sea (Art. 16)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Promoting comprehensive cooperation with the aim of contributing to the social and economic development of the Republic of San Marino (Art. 1); Cooperation in the tourism sector, exchanges of information and tourist statistics, training in hotel management and administration, promotion of out-of-season tourism in San Marino (Art. 17); Joint operations in communications, information and cultural matters such as events of a cultural nature, cultural exchanges, academic exchanges (Art. 18); The Community will examine with a positive ear San Marino's wish to participate in the Erasmus programme for exchanges of students and teachers (p. 10)",Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 341,341+3,34103,908,EC_SMR_p2,EC San Marino Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-SM-AT-FI-SE-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,EU-SM-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,1,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Strengthening existing links between the two Parties in the social and cultural sectors ,0,,0,,1,No discrimination based on nationality as regards working conditions (Art. 20); Provisions on social security for workers (Art. 21),0,,1,"Cooperation on matters relating to environmental protection and improvement with the aim of resolving the problems caused by contamination of water, soil and air, by erosion and by deforestation, special attention to the problems of pollution in the Adriatic Sea (Art. 16)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Promoting comprehensive cooperation with the aim of contributing to the social and economic development of the Republic of San Marino (Art. 1); Cooperation in the tourism sector, exchanges of information and tourist statistics, training in hotel management and administration, promotion of out-of-season tourism in San Marino (Art. 17); Joint operations in communications, information and cultural matters such as events of a cultural nature, cultural exchanges, academic exchanges (Art. 18); The Community will examine with a positive ear San Marino's wish to participate in the Erasmus programme for exchanges of students and teachers (p. 10)",Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 341,341+2,34102,909,EC_SMR_p10,EC San Marino Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-SM-AT-FI-SE-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,EU-SM-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,1,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Strengthening existing links between the two Parties in the social and cultural sectors ,0,,0,,1,No discrimination based on nationality as regards working conditions (Art. 20); Provisions on social security for workers (Art. 21),0,,1,"Cooperation on matters relating to environmental protection and improvement with the aim of resolving the problems caused by contamination of water, soil and air, by erosion and by deforestation, special attention to the problems of pollution in the Adriatic Sea (Art. 16)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Promoting comprehensive cooperation with the aim of contributing to the social and economic development of the Republic of San Marino (Art. 1); Cooperation in the tourism sector, exchanges of information and tourist statistics, training in hotel management and administration, promotion of out-of-season tourism in San Marino (Art. 17); Joint operations in communications, information and cultural matters such as events of a cultural nature, cultural exchanges, academic exchanges (Art. 18); The Community will examine with a positive ear San Marino's wish to participate in the Erasmus programme for exchanges of students and teachers (p. 10)",Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 342,342,342,342,EC_SRB,EC Serbia SAA,2008,EC Serbia SAA 2008.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-EE-LV-LT-CY-MT-CZ-SI-SK-HU-PL-BG-RO-RS,EU-RS,1,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,3,28,27,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,"Considering the European Union's readiness to integrate Serbia to the fullest possible extent into the political and economic mainstream of Europe and its status as a potential candidate for EU membership; Considering the commitment of the Parties to contribute to the political, economic and institutional stabilisation in Serbia as well as in the region, through the development of civil society and democratisation, institution building and public administration reform, regional trade integration and enhanced economic cooperation, as well as through cooperation in a wide range of areas, particularly in justice, freedom and security, and the strengthening of national and regional security; The commitment of the Parties to increasing political and economic freedoms and to respect human rights and the rule of law, including the rights of persons belonging to national minorities, and democratic principles through a multi-party system with free and fair elections; The commitment of the Parties to the full implementation of all principles and provisions of the UN Charter, of the OSCE, notably those of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (hereinafter referred to as ""the Helsinki Final Act""), the concluding documents of the Madrid and Vienna Conferences, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, and of the Stability Pact for south-eastern Europe, so as to contribute to regional stability and cooperation among the countries of the region; The right of return for all refugees and internally displaced persons and to the protection of their property and other related human rights; Sustainable development; Further develop regular political dialogue; Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP); Considering the commitment of the Parties to combat organised crime and to strengthen cooperation in the fight against terrorism; This Agreement will create a new climate for economic relations and for the development of trade and investment, factors crucial to economic restructuring and modernisation; The commitment by Serbia to approximate its legislation; Technical, financial and economic assistance; Reference to the Zagreb Summit and enhanced regional cooperation; Reference to the Thessaloniki Summit on the prospect of the integration if the Western Balkan counties with the EU; closer cultural cooperation and developing exchanges of information,",1,"Combating money laundering, illegal migration; illegal economic activities, illegal transactions on products such as industrial waste, radioactive material, forging documents etc. (Art.6; Art.83; Art.84; Art.86); Administrative cooperation to combat irregularities and fraud in customs and related matters (Art.46); Fighting corruption (Art.6; Art.80; Art.86; 100); Preventing the use of their financial systems and relevant non-financial sectors for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities (Art.84); Restructuring of tax administration to fight against fiscal fraud (Art.100); In cases where any delay could impair the effectiveness of measures to control fraud, appropriate interim protective measures may be taken (Annex 2 to Protocol 2, Art.14, p.412); The customs authorities shall take any steps necessary to verify the originating status of the products; they shall have the right to call for any evidence; they shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol 3, Art.17, p. 560); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Protocol 3, Art.35, p.577); On movement certificates: they shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye; A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to make any later additions impossible (Annex 3 to Protocol 3, p.752, 754); Special surveillance of: natural or legal persons; places; goods; means of transport that are or may be used in such a way that there are reasonable grounds for believing that they are intended to be used in operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 6, Art.3,4 p.795-796)",1,"Reference to the Financial Action task Force (FATF) (Art.84); The OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital, the OECD Model Agreement on Exchange of Information in Tax Matters (Art.100)",1,"Treatment of workers to be free of discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions, renumeration or dismissal (Art.49); Coordination of social security systems for workers (Art.51; Art.101); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent Parties from applying their laws concering employment and working conditions (exception) (Art.66); Serbia shall harmonise its legislation to that of the Community in the fields of working conditions, notably on health and safety at work, and equal opportunities (Art.79); Adjustment of the legislation in Serbia concerning working conditions and equal opportunities for women and men, for people with disabilities and for people belonging to minority and other vulnerable groups as well as the improvement of the level of protection of the health and safety of workers (Art.101)",0,,1,"Policies on sustainable social and economic development should ensure that environmental considerations are fully incorporated (Art.88.2); Industrial cooperation with the objective of strengthening the private sector under conditions which ensure that the environment is protected (Art.94); Improving protection of the environment in transport (Art.108); The promotion of energy saving, energy efficiency, renewable energy and studying the environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art.109; Art.111); Nuclear safety (Art.110); Cooperation in the environmental field with the vital task of halting further degradation and start improving the environmental situation with the aim of sustainable development (Art.111); Reduce local, regional and trans-boundary air and water pollution, environmental impact assessments; implementation of the Kyoto Protocol (Art.111); Financial assistance with attention to sustainable development and environmental protecction (Art.116); In order to protect the environment, the Parties shall endeavour to introduce standards on gaseous and particulate emissions and noise levels for heavy goods vehicles, which ensure a high level of protection (Protocol 4, Art.15, p.780)",1,Reference to the Kyoto Protocol (Art.111),1,"Respect for human rights as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and as defined in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, in the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art.2); Human rights and the respect and protection of minorities (Art.5); Access to all levels of education and training in Serbia free of discrimination on the grounds of gender, colour, ethnic origin or religion (Art.102)",1,Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art.2); The Helsinki Final Act (Art.2); Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Helsinki Final Act (Art.2); Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art.2),1,"Strengthen democracy (Art.1.2); Strengthen the rule of law (Art.1.2; Art.2; Art.80; Art.89); Political dialogue (Art.1.2; Art.10; Art.11 Art.12; Art.13; Art.15); Respect for democratic principles as proclaimed in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, respect for principles of international law, including full cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) (Art.2); Political dialogue on WMDs (Art.3); Political dialogue to promote: full integration of Serbia into the community of democratic nations and gradual rapprochement with the European Union; convergence of positions with common foreign and security policy, etc. (Art.10); On political dialogue: reference to the United Nations, OSCE, Council of Europe; Thessaloniki agenda (Art.11); Political dialogue with other countries having signed a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (Art.15); Reinforcement of institutions, law enforcement, the administration of justice, strengthening the independence of the judiciary (Art.80); Institution-building (Art.114); Annual reviews of democratic and institutional reforms (Art.115); Arbitration panels shall apply and interpret the provisions of this Agreement in accordance with customary rules of interpretation of public international law, including the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Protocol 7, Art.13, p.820); Reference to common foreign and security policy (Art.10; Art.11)",1,"Reference to the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art.2); The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Protocol 7, Art.13, p.820)",1,"Association aims to contribute to political, economic and institutional stability in Serbia, as well as to the stabilisation of the region (Art.1.2); Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction represents one of the most serious threats to international stability and security. The Parties agree to cooperate and to contribute to countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery through full compliance with their existing obligations under international disarmament and non-proliferation Treaties (Art.3); International and regional peace and stability, the development of good neighbourly relations which contributes to regional stability (Art.5; Art.6; Art.14; Art.88.3); The fight against terrorism and the implementation of international obligations in this area (Art.7; Art.87); Reference to common foreign and security policy (Art.10; Art.11); Cooperation with other countries having signed a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with security provisions (Art.15); Limitations justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.45; Art.65; Protocol 6, Art.9, p.800); Security cooperation (Art.80); Preventing the use of their financial systems and relevant non-financial sectors for financing terrorism (Art.84); Nuclear safety (Art.110); Financial assistance paying attention to security (Art.116); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes; which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order, in time of war or serious international tension constituting threat of war or in order to carry out obligations it has accepted for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (exceptions) (Art.127); Approximation of law on fundamental elements of the Internal Market acquis such as security (Art.72)",1,"Reference to international disarmament and non-prolferation treaties (unspecified) (Art.3); Full implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001) and other relevant UN resolutions, international conventions and instruments (unspecified) (Art.87)","Association aims to support Serbia to develop its economic and international cooperation, including through the approximation of its legislation (Art.1.2); Foster regional cooperation (Art.1.2; Art.14; Art.15-17); Cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia or ICTY (Art.4); Serbia commits itself to continue to foster cooperation and good neighbourly relations with the other countries of the region (Art.5); Combating trafficking in human beings, small arms and light weapons, illicit drugs (Art.6); Reference to common foreign and security policy (Art.10); Community assistance programmes to support projects having a regional or cross-border dimension (Art.14); Cooperation with other countries having signed a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (Art.15); Facilities of access to employment for Serbian workers should be preserved and if possible improved (Art.50); Mutual recognition of qualifications (Art.57); The entry into and the temporary presence within the territory of the Community or in Serbia of Serbian nationals and Community nationals respec tively shall be permitted (Art.58.3, p.60); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the Parties from applying their laws and regulations regarding entry and stay (exception) (Art.66); None of the provisions of this Title shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by the Parties of any measure aimed at preventing the avoidance or evasion of taxes (exception) (Art.68); Approximation of laws (Art.72); Serbia shall take the necessary measures in order to gradually achieve conformity with Community technical regulations and European standardisation, metrology, accreditation and conformity assessment procedures (Art.77); Aligned standards of consumer protection (Art.78); Adequate police training and fighting organised crime (Art.80); Parties shall cooperate in the areas of visa, border control, asylum and migration; reference to the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees; rights of asylum seekers and refugees (Art.82); Cooperation to prevent and control illegal immigration (Art.83); Preventing the use of their financial systems and relevant non-financial sectors for drug offences (Art.84); Cooperation on illicit drugs (Art.85); Preventing and combating organised crime and other illegal activities; Reference to ompliance with recognised international standards in combating organised crime (unspecified) (Art.86); Policies to bring about the sustainable economic and social development of Serbia (Art.88); Economic reform (Art.89); Cooperation with the aim to speed up the inflow of know-how and access to new technologies (Art.89 (c)); Statistical cooperation; reference to the fundamental principles of statistics issued by the UN, the European Statistical Code of Practice and the stipulations of the European Statistical law (Art.90); Banking and insurance cooperation (Art.91); The modernisation and restructuring of industry and individual sectors in Serbia (Art.94); Cooperation concerning SMEs (Art.95); Tourism cooperation (Art.96); Social cooperation (Art.101); Education and training; reference to the Bologna process (Art.102); Cultural cooperation; Reference to the UNESCO Convention on the protection and the promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions (Art.103); Cooperation in the audio-visual field (Art.104); Information society (Art.105); Electronic communications networks and services (Art.106); Cooperation in research and technological development (Art.112); Regional and local economic development (Art.113); Public administration (Art.114); Financial assistance (Art.115-118); Administrative cooperation (Protocol 3, Title VI, p. 574); State aid to the steel industry (Protocol 5, p.788)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 343,343,343,343,ECSEA,EC Single European Act,1986,EC Single European Act 1986.PDF,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT,1,1,1987,1,1993,0,,,,,,,,,,2,12,66,1,1,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Reference to the Solemn Declaration of Stuttgart of 19 June 1983; Cooperation in the sphere of foreign policy; Determined to work together to promote democracy on the basis of the fundamental rights recognized in the constitutions and laws of the Member States, in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the European Social Charter, notably freedom, equality and social justice; the results achieved in the fields of economic integration and political cooperation correspond to the wishes of the democratic peoples of Europe, for whom the European Parliament, elected by universal suffrage, is an indispensable means of expression; Aware of the responsibility incumbent upon Europe to a display the principles of democracy and compliance with the law and with human rights to which they are attached, so that together they may make their own contribution to the preservation of international peace and security in accordance with the undertaking entered into by them within the framework of the United Nations Charter; Determined to improve the economic and social situation; Reference to the Conference in Paris from 19 to 21 October 1972",0,,0,,1,"Encouraging improvements in the working environment, as regards the health and safety of workers; The provisions adopted pursuant to this Article shall not prevent any Member State from maintaining or introducing more stringent measures for the protection of working conditions compatible with this Treaty (Art.21)",0,,1,"A high level of environmental protection (Art.18); Preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment; A prudent and rational utilization of natural resources; Preventive action should be taken, environmental damage should as a priority be rectified at source, and the polluter should pay; Environmental protection requirements shall be a component of the Community's other policies; Within their respective spheres of competence, the Community and the Member States shall co-operate with third countries and with the relevant international organizations (unspecified) (Art.25); ",0,,0,,0,,1,Institution-building (Art.2; Art.3; Art.4; Art.11; Art.26); Foreign policy cooperation (Art.30); Political dialogue with third countries and regional groupings (Art.30),0,,1,Co-ordination of positions on the political and economic aspects of security; The High Contracting Parties are determined to maintain the technological and industrial conditions necessary for their security (Art.30); Nothing in this Title shall impede closer cooperation in the field of security between certain of the High Contracting Parties within the framework of the Western European Union or the Atlantic Alliance (Art.30),1,Reference to NATO (Art.30),"Commission shall take into account the extent of the effort that certain economies showing differences in development will have to sustain during the period of establishment of the internal market (Art.15); Harmonization of legislation concerning turnover taxes, excise duties and other forms of indirect taxation (Art.17); High levels of health, saftey and consumer protection (Art.18); Cooperation in economic and monetary policy (Art.20); Economic and social cohesion (Art.23, p.9); Economic cooperation and access to structural funds (Art.23, p.9); Strengthening of the scientific and technological basis of European industry; encouragement of: small and medium-sized undertakings, research centres and universities in their research and technological development activities; common standards (Art.24, p.10); In preparing its action relating to the environment, the Community shall take account of: the economic and social Community as a whole development of its regions (Art.25); Foreign policy cooperation (Art.30)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 344,344,344,344,EC_SVK,EC Slovakia,1993,EC Slovakia 1993.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-SK,EU-SK,1,1,1995,1,2004,1,EC Slovak Republic Europe Agreement,13-May-96,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EC Slovak Republic,EC Slovak Republic (Europe Agreement),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,13,12,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Establishing close and lasting relations which would allow the Slovak Republic to take part in the process of European integration; Considering opportunities for a relationship of a new quality offered by the emergence of a new democracy in the Slovak Republic, Strengthening the political freedoms which constitute the very basis of the association; Recognizing the establishment in the Slovak Republic of a new political order which represents the rule of law and human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities, and operates a multi-party system with free and democratic elections; Contribution to the strengthening of this new democratic order; Desirous of establishing regular political dialogue; Helping the Slovak Republic cope with the economic and social consequences of structural readjustment; Establishing in Europe a system of stability based on cooperation; Economic, technical and financial assistance on a global and multiannual basis; Establishing cultural cooperation;Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the concluding documents of Vienna and Madrid and the Charter of Paris for a new Europe; Accomplishment of the Slovak Republic's political and legal reforms,",1,"Protocol 6: Definition of ""contravention"" as violation of the customs legislation as well as any attempted violation of such legislation (Art. 1), Scope of Protocol 6: prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of this legislation (Art. 2); Assistance on request including information regarding operations noted or planned which contravene or would contravene customs legislation (Art. 3); Spontaneous assistance when there is information pertaining to operations which have contravened, contravene or would contravene customs legislation (Art. 4); Execution of requests on information about contravening customs laws (Art. 7)",0,,1,"Treatment accorded to workers of Slovak Republic nationality shall be free from any discrimination as regards working conditions (Art. 38); Coordination of social security systems for workers of Slovak Republic nationality legally employed in the territory of a Member State and for the members of their family such as pensions and annuities in respect of old age, invalidity and death and for the purpose of medical care for such workers and such family members, any pensions or annuities in respect of old age, death, industrial accident or occupational disease, or of invalidity / the Slovak Republic shall accord to workers of a Member State a similar treatment(Art. 39); For the purpose of Title IV of this Agreement, nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the Parties from applying their laws and regulations regarding labour conditions (Art. 59); The approximation of laws shall extend to the protection of workers at the workplace (Art. 70); Social cooperation: aim of improving the level of protection of the health and safety workers (Art. 88)",0,,1,"The approximation of laws shall extend to the various areas in particular the environment (Art. 70); Economic cooperation aimed at contributing to the Slovak Republic's development fully incorporating environmental considerations (Art. 72); Cooperation in agriculture: providing training and monitoring in the use of antipollution methods (Art. 78); Cooperation in energy including technical assistance when appropriate in the promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency, and the environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art. 79); Cooperation in nuclear safety including environmental radiation monitoring and radioactive waste management (Art. 80); Strenghening cooperation on environment especially the monitoring of pollution levels, combating regional and transboundary air pollution, effective prevention and reduction of water pollution, waste reduction, recycling and safe disposal etc. (Art. 81)",1,"Reference to international conventions in the area of environment (unspecified) (Art. 81); Reference to the European Environment Agency, when established by the Community (Art. 81)",1,Respect for human rights (Art. 6),1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a new Europe (Art. 6),1,"The aim of this Agreement is to provide an appropriate framework for the political dialogue (Art. 1); Establishing political dialogue between the Parties to facilitate the Slovak Republic's full integration into the community of democratic nations and progressive rapprochement with the Community (Art. 2); Procedures and mechanisms for political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Respect for the democratic principles (Art. 6); The Slovak Republic's approximation of its existing and future legislation to that of the Community (Art. 69)",1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a new Europe (Art. 6),1,"Political dialogue to contribute to the rapprochement of the Parties' positions on security issues (Art. 2); The conversion of the Slovak's Repbulic defence industry (Art. 73); Cooperation in nuclear safety for a safer use of nuclear energy: nuclear emergency preparedness and management, radiation protection (Art. 80); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to the production of arms, munitions or war materials or to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes / which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order (added to Exceptions) (Art. 114)",0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Fostering the economic development and prosperity in the Slovak Republic, financial and technical assistance to the Slovak Republic, promoting cooperation in cultural matters (Art. 1); Technical assistance for the establishment of a suitable social security system in the Slovak Republic (Art. 44); Technical assistance to the Slovak Republic for the apporximation of laws (Art. 71), Economic cooperation aimed at contributing to the Slovak Republic's economic and social development with a special focus on energy, transport, regional development and tourism (Art. 72), Promoting the modernization and restructuring of Slovak Republic industry (Art. 73), Investment promotion in the Slovak Republik (Art. 74); The approximation of laws shall extend to the following areas in particular: customs law, protection of health and life of humans, animals and plants, consumer protection, nuclear law and regulation, transport (Art. 70); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 76); Cooperation in education and training with the aim of raising the level of general education and professional qualifications in the Slovak Republic (Art. 77); Cooperation in energy (Art. 79); Cooperation in transport to enable the Slovak Republic to restructure and modernize transport (Art. 82); Cooperation in telecommunications (Art. 83); Cooperation to prevent the use of the Parties financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities in general and drug offences in particular with reference to the standards of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) (Art. 86); Cooperation on regional development (Art. 87); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 89); Mutual exchange of information such as providing the general public with basic information about the Community (Art. 91); Consumer protection: cooperation with the aim of achieving full compatibility of the Slovak Republic with the Community consumer protection system (Art. 92); Statistical cooperation (Art. 94); Drugs: increasing the efficiency of policies and measures to counter the supply and illicit traffic of narcotics and psychotropic substances (Art. 96); Promoting cultural cooperation (Art. 97); Financial assistance to the Slovak Repbulic (Art. 98 - Art. 102); Checking certificates of origins to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol 4 Art. 12); Randomly verification of the movement certificates of origin whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of the document (Protocol 4 Art. 28); Penalties for any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining preferential treatment for products (Protocol 4 Art. 29)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 344,344+1,34401,910,EC_SVK_p3,EC Slovakia Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-SK-AT-FI-SE,EU-SK-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,2004,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Allowing the Slovak Republic to take part in the process of European integration, relationship of a new quality offered by the emergence of a new democracy in the Slovak Republic, strengthening the political freedoms, new political order which represents the rule of law and human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities, and operates a multiparty system with free and democratic elections, accomplishment of the Slovak Republic's political and legal reforms, establishing regular political dialogue, Helping the Slovak Republic cope with the economic and social consequences; technical and financial assistance, cultural cooperation, Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the concluding documents of Vienna and Madrid and the Charter of Paris for a new Europe",1,"Protocol 6: Definition of ""contravention"" as violation of the customs legislation as well as any attempted violation of such legislation (Art. 1), Scope of Protocol 6: prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of this legislation (Art. 2); Assistance on request including information regarding operations noted or planned which contravene or would contravene customs legislation (Art. 3); Spontaneous assistance when there is information pertaining to operations which have contravened, contravene or would contravene customs legislation (Art. 4); Execution of requests on information about contravening customs laws (Art. 7)",0,,1,"Coordinating social security systems for workers of Slovak Republic nationality, legally employed in the territory of a Member State and for the members of their family such as pensions and annuities in respect of old age, invalidity and death and for the purpose of medical care for such workers and such family members, any pensions or annuities in respect of old age, death, industrial accident or occupational disease, or of invalidity / the Slovak Republic shall accord to workers of a Member State a similar treatment (Art. 39); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the Parties from applying their laws and regulations regarding work and labour conditions (Art. 59); The approximation of laws shall extend to the protection of workers at the workplace (Art. 70); Social cooperation with the aim of improving the level of protection of the health and safety workers (Art. 88)",0,,1,"The approximation of laws shall extend to the various areas in particular the environment (Art. 70); Economic cooperation aimed at contributing to the Slovak Republic's development fully incorporating environmental considerations (Art. 72); Cooperation in agriculture: providing training and monitoring in the use of antipollution methods (Art. 78); Cooperation in energy including technical assistance when appropriate in the promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency, and the environmental impact of energy production and consumption (Art. 79); Cooperation in nuclear safety including environmental radiation monitoring and radioactive waste management (Art. 80); Strenghening cooperation on environment especially the monitoring of pollution levels, combating regional and transboundary air pollution, effective prevention and reduction of water pollution, waste reduction, recycling and safe disposal etc. (Art. 81)",1,Reference to international conventions in the area of environment (unspecified) and the European Environment Agency (Art. 81),1,Respect for human rights (Art. 6),1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a new Europe (Art. 6),1,"Objectives of the Agreement: Providing an appropriate framework for the political dialogue (Art. 1); Political dialogue to facilitate the Slovak Republic's full integration into the community of democratic nations / to lead to an increasing convergence of positions on international issues (Art. 2); Procedures and mechanisms of political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5); Respect for the democratic principles (Art. 6)",1,Reference to the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a new Europe (Art. 6),1,"Political dialogue to contribute to the rapprochement of the Parties' positions on security issues (Art. 2); The conversion of the Slovak's Repbulic defence industry (Art. 73); Cooperation in nuclear safety for a safer use of nuclear energy: nuclear emergency preparedness and management, radiation protection (Art. 80); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to the production of arms, munitions or war materials or to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes / which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order (added to Exceptions) (Art. 114)",0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Fostering the economic development and prosperity in the Slovak Republic, financial and technical assistance to the Slovak Republic, promoting cooperation in cultural matters (Art. 1); Technical assistance for the establishment of a suitable social security system in the Slovak Republic (Art. 44); Technical assistance to the Slovak Republic for the apporximation of laws (Art. 71), Economic cooperation aimed at contributing to the Slovak Republic's economic and social development with a special focus on energy, transport, regional development and tourism (Art. 72), Promoting the modernization and restructuring of Slovak Republic industry (Art. 73), Investment promotion in the Slovak Republik (Art. 74); The approximation of laws shall extend to the following areas in particular: customs law, protection of health and life of humans, animals and plants, consumer protection, nuclear law and regulation, transport (Art. 70); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 76); Cooperation in education and training with the aim of raising the level of general education and professional qualifications in the Slovak Republic (Art. 77); Cooperation in energy (Art. 79); Cooperation in transport to enable the Slovak Republic to restructure and modernize transport (Art. 82); Cooperation in telecommunications (Art. 83); Cooperation to prevent the use of the Parties financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities in general and drug offences in particular with reference to the standards of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) (Art. 86); Cooperation on regional development (Art. 87); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 89); Mutual exchange of information such as providing the general public with basic information about the Community (Art. 91); Consumer protection: cooperation with the aim of achieving full compatibility of the Slovak Republic with the Community consumer protection system (Art. 92); Statistical cooperation (Art. 94); Drugs: increasing the efficiency of policies and measures to counter the supply and illicit traffic of narcotics and psychotropic substances (Art. 96); Promoting cultural cooperation (Art. 97); Financial assistance to the Slovak Repbulic (Art. 98 - Art. 102); Checking certificates of origins to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol 4 Art. 12); Randomly verification of the movement certificates of origin whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of the document (Protocol 4 Art. 28); Penalties for any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining preferential treatment for products (Protocol 4 Art. 29)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 345,345,345,345,EC_SVN1,EC Slovenia,1993,EC Slovenia Cooperation Agreement 1993.docx,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-SI,EU-SI,1,1,1993,1,1997,1,EC Slovenia Cooperation Agreement,34912,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Slovenia (Cooperation Agreement),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,3,13,12,2,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"The promotion, development and diversification of economic, financial and trade cooperation to improve the welfare of populations; Reference to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe process (CSCE), the Helsinki Final Act, the concluding documents of the Madrid, Vienna and Copenhagen meetings and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, particularly with regard to the rule of law, democracy and human rights; Importance of guaranteeing the rights of ethnic and national groups and minorities; Strengthening Slovenia's democratic institutions and supporting the process of economic reform",1,"On movement certificates: the description of the products must be indicated without leaving any blank lines. Where the space is not completely filled, a horizontal line must be drawn below the last line of the description, the empty space being crossed through (Protocol, Art.9, p.23); It shall be the responsibility of the customs authorities to check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol, Art.10, p.23); Verification of certificates EUR.1 and of forms EUR.2 shall be carried whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of the document or the accuracy of the information regarding the true origin of the goods in question (Protocol, Art.23, p.30); The paper used for movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Annex 3, p.39)",0,,0,,0,,1,Aim of improving the environment; pooling technical know-how on environmental matters and encouraging cooperation on ecological problems (Art.9),0,,1,Respect for human rights established by the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe shall inspire the domestic and international policies of the Community and Slovenia (Art.1),1,Reference to the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art.1); The Helsinki Final Act (Art.1),1,Respect for the democratic principles established by the Charter of Paris for a New Europe shall inspire the domestic and international policies of the Community and Slovenia (Art.1),1,Reference to the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art.1),1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.28)",0,,"Contributing to the economic and social development of Slovenia (Art.1; Art.2); Economic, technical and financial cooperation (Art.1); Account shall be taken, in particular, of Slovenia's development objectives and priorities (Art.3); Community involvement in the efforts made by Slovenia to modernize and restructure its industry (Art.4); Encouragement of the transfer and development of technology in Slovenia (Art.4); Cooperation in field of energy (Art.4); Scientific and technological cooperation; Exchanges of information on tourism (Art.8); Aim of improving the quality and circumstances of life, living conditions (Art.9); Financial cooperation (Art.11); Cooperation in: information, development of human resources, education and training, statistics and customs, telecommunications, standardization (Art.12); Approximation of Slovenia's laws with those of the Community and technical assistance (Art.12)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 345,345+1,34501,911,EC_SVN1_p3,EC Slovenia Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-SI-AT-FI-SE,EU-SI-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,1997,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"The promotion, development and diversification of economic, financial and trade cooperation to improve the welfare of populations; Reference to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe process (CSCE), the Helsinki Final Act, the concluding documents of the Madrid, Vienna and Copenhagen meetings and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, particularly with regard to the rule of law, democracy and human rights; Importance of guaranteeing the rights of ethnic and national groups and minorities; Strengthening Slovenia's democratic institutions and supporting the process of economic reform",1,"On movement certificates: the description of the products must be indicated without leaving any blank lines. Where the space is not completely filled, a horizontal line must be drawn below the last line of the description, the empty space being crossed through (Protocol, Art.9, p.23); It shall be the responsibility of the customs authorities to check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol, Art.10, p.23); Verification of certificates EUR.1 and of forms EUR.2 shall be carried whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of the document or the accuracy of the information regarding the true origin of the goods in question (Protocol, Art.23, p.30); The paper used for movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Annex 3, p.39)",0,,0,,0,,1,Aim of improving the environment; pooling technical know-how on environmental matters and encouraging cooperation on ecological problems (Art.9),0,,1,Respect for human rights established by the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe shall inspire the domestic and international policies of the Community and Slovenia (Art.1),1,Reference to the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art.1); The Helsinki Final Act (Art.1),1,Respect for the democratic principles established by the Charter of Paris for a New Europe shall inspire the domestic and international policies of the Community and Slovenia (Art.1),1,Reference to the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art.1),1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.28)",0,,"Contributing to the economic and social development of Slovenia (Art.1; Art.2); Economic, technical and financial cooperation (Art.1); Account shall be taken, in particular, of Slovenia's development objectives and priorities (Art.3); Community involvement in the efforts made by Slovenia to modernize and restructure its industry (Art.4); Encouragement of the transfer and development of technology in Slovenia (Art.4); Cooperation in field of energy (Art.4); Scientific and technological cooperation; Exchanges of information on tourism (Art.8); Aim of improving the quality and circumstances of life, living conditions (Art.9); Financial cooperation (Art.11); Cooperation in: information, development of human resources, education and training, statistics and customs, telecommunications, standardization (Art.12); Approximation of Slovenia's laws with those of the Community and technical assistance (Art.12)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 346,346,346,346,EC_SVN2,EC Slovenia Europe Agreement,1996,EC Slovenia Europe Agreement 1996.docx,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-SI,EU-SI,1,1,1999,1,2004,0,,,,,EC Slovenia (Europe Agreement),FTA,2,,,3,16,15,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,"Reference to allowing Slovenia to take part in the process of European integration; Considering the opportunities for a relationship of a new quality offered by the emergence of a new democracy in Slovenia; Considering the commitment of the parties to strengthening the political and economic freedoms which constitute the very basis of the Association; Recognising the establishment in Slovenia of a new political order which respects the rule of law and human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities, and operates a multi-party system with free and democratic elections; Acknowledging the readiness of the Community to contribute to the strengthening of this new democratic order; Considering the firm commitment of the parties to the full implementation of all principles and provisions of CSCE process contained in particular in the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Helsinki document 1992 and the Budapest Summit 1994 and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe; Conscious of the importance of this Europe Agreement for establishing in Europe a system of stability based on cooperation; A link should be made between full implementation of association on the one hand and the actual accomplishment of Slovenia’s political, economic and legal reforms on the other hand; Desirous of establishing regular political dialogue; Recognising the contribution which the Pact on Stability in Europe can make to promoting stability and good neighbourly relations in the region; Taking account of the Community’s willingness to provide decisive support for the implementation of reform and to help Slovenia cope with the economic and social consequences of structural readjustment; The Community’s willingness to set up instruments of cooperation and economic, technical and financial assistance; Considering the commitment of the Community and Slovenia to the principles set out in the European Energy Charter of 17 December 1991 and in the Final Statement of the Lucerne Conference of April 1993; Bearing in mind the economic and social disparities between the Community and Slovenia; Economic restructuring and technological modernisation in Slovenia; Cultural cooperation and exchanges of information; Recognising the fact that Slovenia’s ultimate objective is to accede to the European Union",1,"None of the provisions of this Title shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by the parties of any measure aimed at preventing the avoidance or evasion of taxes (Art.59, p.18); Cooperating in order to prevent the use of their financial systems for laundering of proceeds from criminal activities (Art.87, p.27); Cooperation designed to prevent illegal activities such as illegal economic activities, notably corruption; illegal transactions (Art.98, p.30); Customs authorities shall check whether thespace reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol 4, Art.17, p.97); Community and Slovenia shall assist each other, through the competent customs administrations, in checking the authenticity of the movement certificates EUR.1 (Protocol 4, Art.31, p.101); Verifications of proofs of origin shall be carried out whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Protocol 4, Art.32, p.101); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Protocol 4, Art.34, p.101); The Community and Slovenia shall take all necessary steps to ensure that products traded under cover of a proof of origin which in the course of transport use a free zone situated in their territory, are not substituted by other goods (Protocol 4, Art.35, p.101); Movement certificate shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Annex 3, p.180); On movement certificates: Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to make any later additions impossible (Annex 3, p.182); The prevention, detection and investigation of operations in breach of customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art.2, p.191); At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall furnish it with all relevant information to enable it to ensure that customs legislation is correctly applied, including information regarding operations noted or planned which contravene or would contravene such legislation (Protocol 5, Art.3, p.191); Spontaneous assistance on operations which constitute breaches of customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art.4, p.191); Duly authorized officials may obtain information relating to the contravention of customs legislation (Protocol 5, Art.7, p.192)",1,"Reference to suitable standards and mechanisms to combat money laundering equivalent to those adopted by the Community and international fora in this field, in particular the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) (Art.87, p.27)",1,"Treatment accorded to workers of Slovenian nationality, legally employed in the territory of a Member State shall be free from any discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions, remuneration or dismissal, as compared to its own nationals (Art.38, p.12); Coordinating social security systems; Transferability of pensions or annuities in respect of old age, death, industrial accident or occupational disease (Art.39, p.12); Technical assistance for the establishment of a suitable social security system in Slovenia (Art.44, p.12); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the parties from applying their laws and regulations regarding employment and working conditions (exceptions) (Art.57, p.18); Approximation of laws in the field of the protection of workers' rights (Art.71, p.22); Cooperation with the aim of improving the level of protection of the health and safety of workers (Art.89, p.27); Cooperation between the parties shall seek to adapt the Slovenian social security system to the new economic and social requirements (Art.89, p.28)",0,,1," This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of exhaustible natural resources (exception) (Art.36, p.11); Approximation of laws in the field of the protection of the environment (Art.71, p.22; Art.82, p.25); Policies should ensure that environmental considerations are also fully incorporated from the outset (Art.73, p.22); Strengthening the private sector, while respecting the environment (Art.74, p.22); Provide training and monitoring in the use of anti-pollution methods (Art.79, p.24); The promotion of energy saving and energy efficiency; the environmental impact of energy production and consumption; the promotion and commercialisation of efficient energy technologies; use and support for the new and renewable energy sources (Art.80, p.24); Cooperation on nuclear safety such as protection against radiation, including monitoring of radiation in the environment; radioactive waste management (Art.81, p.24-25); Cooperation in the area of combating environmental degradation; effective monitoring of pollution levels; European Environment Agency; enumeration of environmental measures (Art.82, p.25); Reference to environmental aspects of road transport (Art. 83, p.26); Slovenia may participate in Community framework programmes, specific programmes, projects or other actions in the field of the environment (Annex 11, p.65)",1,"Reference to the Basel Convention; Reference to cooperation in the area of international conventions in the area of environment (unspecified); Reference to the European Environment Agency (Art.82, p.25)",1,"Respect for human rights (Art.2, p.5)",1,"Reference to the the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art.2, p.5)",1,"Political dialogue (Art.1, p.5; Art.4, p.6; Art.5, p.6; Art.6, p.6; Art.7, p.6); Respect for the democratic principles (Art.2, p.5); Political dialogue to promote: Slovenia’s full integration into the Community of democratic nations, better cooperation in areas covered by the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union, common views on security and stability in Europe (Art.4, p.6); Other procedures for political dialogue: including Slovenia in the group of countries receiving regular information on the activities managed within the framework of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (Art.6, p.6)",1,"Reference to the the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art.2, p.5)",1,"Political dialogue to promote: better cooperation in areas covered by the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union, common views on security and stability in Europe (Art.4, p.6); Including Slovenia in the group of countries receiving regular information on the activities managed within the framework of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (Art.6, p.6); This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.36, p.11); The provisions of this Title shall be applied subject to limitations justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.56, p.18); Cooperation on nuclear safety such as protection against radiation, including monitoring of radiation in the environment; radioactive waste management (Art.81, p.24-25); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures (b) which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes; (c) which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order, in time of war or serious international tension constituting threat of war or in order to carry out obligations it has accepted for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (exceptions) (Art.120, p.34); The Contracting parties may refuse to give assistance as provided for in this Protocol, where to do so would be likely to prejudice public security (exception) (Protocol 5, Art.9, p.192)",0,,"Fostering economic development and development of Slovenia's economy (Art.1, p.5; Art.88, p.27); Providing an appropriate framework for Slovenia's gradual integration into the European Union (Art.1, p.5); Better cooperation in areas covered by the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union (Art,4, p.6); Including Slovenia in the group of countries receiving regular information on the activities managed within the framework of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (Art.6, p.6); Existing facilities for access to employment for Slovenian workers accorded by Member States under bilateral agreements should be improved (Art.42, p.12); Improving the movement of workers (Art.43, p.13); Technical assistance for the establishment of a suitable social security system in Slovenia (Art.44, p.12); Reference to the entry into and the temporary presence within the territory if the Community or Slovenia of Slovenian and Community nationals (Art.50, p.15); Mutual recognition of qualifications (Art.51, p.16; Art.78, p.24); Temporary movement of natural persons providing the service (Art.53, p.17); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the parties from applying their laws and regulations regarding entry and stay and establishment of natural persons (exceptions) (Art.57, p.18); The exclusion of Community companies and nationals established in Slovenia from public aid granted by Slovenia in the areas of public education services, health related and social services and cultural services shall be deemed compatible (Art.57, p.18); The provisions of this Agreement shall not prejudice the application by each party of any measure necessary to prevent the circumvention of its measures concerning third-country access to its market through the provisions of this Agreement (Art.61, p.18); Approximation of Slovenia’s existing and future laws to that of the Community (Art.70, p.21; Art.71, p.22); Technical, financial and administrative assistance (Art.72, p.22; Art.74, p.22; Art.76, p.23; Art.77, p.23; Art.79, p.24; Art.80, p.24; Art.83, p.26; Art.85, p.27; Art.87, p.27; Art.88, p.27; Art.89, p.27; Art.91, p.28; Art.94, p.29; Art.95, p.29; Art.97, p.30; Art.98, p.30; Art.100, p.31; Art.101, p.31; Art.102, p.31; Art.103, p.31; Art.104, p.32); Economic cooperation aimed at contributing to Slovenia’s development and growth potential; economic and social development of Slovenia (Art.73, p.22); Cooperation in the mining sector (Art.73, p.22); Cooperation in investment (Art.73, p.22; Art.75, p.22-23); Cooperation in energy (Art.73, p.22; Art.80, p.24); Cooperation in regional development and regional cooperation (Art.73, p.22; Art.82, p.25; Art.88, p.27; Art.107, p.32); Cooperation in tourism (Art.73, p.22; Art.90, p.28); Cooperation between Slovenia and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Art.73, p.22); Industrial cooperation (Art.74, p.22); Cooperation in science and technology (Art.77, p.23); Cooperation in education and training (Art.78, p.23); Modernisation of rural infrastructure (Art.79, p.24); Safeguarding of nuclear materials, including measures against nuclear smuggling (Art.81, p.24); Cooperation in statistics (Art.83, p.26; Art.95, p.29); Cooperation in post and telecommunications (Art.84, p.26); Transfers of technology (Art.84, p.26); Cooperating in order to prevent the use of their financial systems for laundering of proceeds from drug offences (Art.87, p.27); Upgrading job-finding and careers advice services (Art.89, p.27); Promoting local development to assist industrial restructuring (Art.89, p.28); Cooperation between SMEs (Art.91, p.28); Cooperation in information communication (Art.92, p.28); Cooperation in consumer protection (Art.93, p.28); Customs cooperation (Art.94, p.29); Economic reform (Art.96, p.30); Increasing the efficiency of policies and measures to counter the illicit supply and traffic of narcotics and psychotropic substances (Art.97, p.30); Cooperation designed to prevent illegal activities such as: clandestine immigration, illegal trafficking in drugs and psychotropic substances, organised crime (Art.98, p.30); Cultural cooperation (Art.99, p.31); Slovenia may participate in Community framework programmes, specific programmes, projects or other actions in the fields of: research, education, training and youth, social policy and health, consumer protection, small and medium-sized enterprises, tourism, culture, the audiovisual sector, civil protection, energy, the fight against drugs and drug addiction (Annex 11, p.65)",,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,815,815,EC_SVN3,EC Slovenia Interim ,1996,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-SI,EU-SI,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,16,,2,1,,,,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,Providing an appropriate framework for political dialogue; assistance and promotion of cooperation in prevention of illegal activities and cultural matters; Allowing Slovenia to take part in the process of European integration,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 1),1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a new Euorpe (Art. 1) ",1,Respect for democractic principles (Art. 1),1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration of Human rights, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a new Euorpe (Art. 1)",0,,0,,,Annexes and Protocols are not added; Protocol 5 on mutual assistance between administrative authorities in customs matters may contain provisions against corruption,,,,,,,,,,,, 347,347,347,347,EC_ZAF,EC South Africa,1999,EC South Africa 1999.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-ZA,EU-ZA,1,1,2000,0,,1,EC South Africa,36832,GATT Art. XXIV,EC South Africa,"EC South Africa Trade, Development, and Cooperation Agreement (TDAC)",FTA,2,FTA,2,3,16,15,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,"Recognising the historical achievements of the South African people in abolishing the apartheid system and building a new political order based on the rule of law, human rights and democracy; Recalling the importance of opening a regular political dialogue; Recognising the Community's and Member States' political and financial support to the process of political change and transition in South Africa, Community's and Member States' support and encouragement for the economic restructuring currently under way in South Africa, Recognising the efforts by the South African Government to ensure economic and social development for the people of South Africa; Promoting regional cooperation between the countries of southern Africa; Respect for the fundamental rights of workers; Reference to the United Nations Charter and to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, to the relevant International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions; to principles set out in the Final Declarations of the International Conference on Population and Development in 1994, of the World Summit for Social Development in 1 995 and of the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995",0,,0,,1,"Ecnomic cooperation: Promoting cooperation on economic matters such protecting and promoting worker and trade union rights (Art. 50); Mining and Minerals: Supporting policy measures that improve health and safety standards in the mining industry as well as conditions of employment (Art. 58); Social issues: The Empahsis on the freedom of association of workers, the right to collective bargaining, the abolition of forced labour, the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation and the effective abolition of child labour (Art. 86)",1,Reference to the standards of the ILO (Art. 86),1,"Economic cooperation: Promoting cooperation on economic matters such as protecting and improving the environment (Art. 50); Backing the efforts of South Africa's public and private sectors to restructure and modernise industry under conditions ensuring environmental protection (Art. 51); Energy: modernising the energy producing, distributing and consuming subsectors so that appropriate services are provided on optimum terms of environmental acceptability, exploiting locally available energy resources in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner, promoting transfer and use of environmentally friendly technologies (Art. 57); Mining and Minerals: Supporting policies which ensure that mining activities take place with due consideration for the environment and sustainable development (Art. 58); Transport: Supporting the development of South Africas intermodal infrastructure networks and transport systems, that are environmentally sustainable (Art. 59); Toursim: providing positive interaction between tourism and environmental preservation (Art. 60); Cooperation in the area of fisheries shall aim at promoting sustainable management and use of fisheries resources in the long-term interest of both Partie (Art. 62); Priorities of development cooperation: reflecting the environmental dimension of development (Art. 66); Environment: Rational use of non-renewable natural resources and the sustainable use of renewable natural resources, promoting protection of the environment, prevention of its deterioration and the control of pollution, development of capacity in environmental management (enumerating various measures) (Art. 84); Annex 9: Public aid provided to support the public policy objectives such as environmental protection is also compatible with the proper functioning of the Agreement (p. 340)",0,,1,Respect for fundamental human rights (Art. 2); A regular political dialogue shall be established between the Parties with the intention to encourage the support for the respect of human rights (Art. 4),1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (Art. 2); Aims of development cooperation: Consolidating the foundations laid for a democratic society and a state governed by the rule of law in which human rights in their political, social and cultural aspects and fundamental freedoms are respected (Art. 65); Priorities of development cooperation: the protection of human rights (Art. 66)",1,"Respect for democratic principles as well as for the principles of the rule of law, attachment to the principles of good governance (Art. 2); A regular political dialogue shall be established between the Parties with the intention to encourage the support for democracy and the rule of law (Art. 4); Aims of development cooperation: Consolidating the foundations laid for a democratic society and a state governed by the rule of law (Art. 65); Priorities of development cooperation: support to democratisation, the strengthening of civil society (Art. 66)",1,Reference to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (Art. 2),1,Regional political dialogue between the European Union and the countries of Southern Africa with a view to promoting lasting peace and stability in the region (Art. 4),0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Supporting the efforts made by South Africa to consolidate the economic and social foundations of its transition process, promoting regional cooperation and economic integration in the southern African region (Art. 1); A regular political dialogue shall be established between the Parties with the intention to promote social justice and help create the necessary conditions to eliminate poverty and all forms of discrimination (Art. 4); Economic development: The Community shall provide South Africa with technical assistance in the restructuring of its competition law and policy (Art. 39), technical assistance for southern African capacity building initiatives in the fields of accreditation, metrology and standardisation (Art. 47), Promotion of integrated, harmonious and sustainable rural development in South Africa (Art. 61), Eligible Beneficiaries for financial and technical assistance (Art. 67); Cooperation in the field of statistics (Art. 49), facilitationg the restructuring and modernisation of the South African industry (Art. 51); Ecnomic cooperation: Promoting cooperation on economic matters such as promoting the economic empowerment of historically disadvantaged groups, including women (Art. 50) Cooperation in the field of trade development shall focus on: capacity building and development of human resources and professional skills, know-how and technology transfer, regional cooperation for the development of trade in southern Africa (Art. 53); Gender: Promoting cooperation between SMEs in the Community and in South Africa and the region in a manner that is sensitive to gender equality (Art. 54); Cooperation in the area of information and communication technology (ICT) as a vital element to economic and social development (Art. 55); Postal Cooperation (Art. 56); Energy: Supporting the development of appropriate energy policies and infrastructure in South Africa, promoting regional energy cooperation in southern Africa (Art. 57); Cooperation on mining and minerals technology research and development (Art. 58); Transport: Improving the access of South Africans to affordable, safe and reliable modes of transport, development of transport systems, supporting cooperation between the countries of the southern African region in order to create a sustainable transport network for regional needs (Art. 59); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 60): Consumer policy and protection of consumer health: exchanging information on effective ways of redressing any wrongs to consumers victimised by illegal activities (Art. 64); Aims of development cooperation: Contributing to South Africa's economic and social development (Art. 65); Priorities of development cooperation: Expansion of employment, enhancement of living conditions and delivery of basic social services, reflecting the gender dimension of development (Art. 66); Means and methods of development cooperation (Art. 68); Preparation, implementation and monitoring of the development cooperation (Art. 69); Project identification, preparation and appraisal of development cooperation (Art. 70); Financing pProposal and decision concerning development cooperation (Art. 71); Financing agreements concerning development cooperation (Art. 72); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 83); Cooperation in the sphere of culture (Art. 85); Engaging in a dialogue on social cooperation relating to the social problems of post-apartheid society, poverty alleviation, unemployment, gender equality, violence against women, children's rights etc. (Art. 86); Providing basic information about South Africa and the European Union for the general public (Art. 87); Cooperation in the field of press and audiovisual media (Art. 88); Cooperation in the field of human resources (Art. 89); Fighting against drugs and money laundering with reference to the UN Drugs Control Conventions, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the Chemical Action Task Force (CATF) (Art. 90); Health: Cooperation to improve the mental and physical health of populations by promoting health, and preventing disease such as HIV/AIDS (Art. 92); Financial assistance to South Africa (Art. 93, Art. 94, Art. 95, Art. 96); Public aid provided for regional development, industrial restructuring and the advancement of previously disadvantaged persons is compatible with the proper functioning of this Agreement (p. 340); Protocol 1: Checking the certificate of origin to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Art. 15 p. 355) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 347,347+2,34702,912,EC_ZAF_p2,EC South Africa Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-ZA-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,EU-ZA-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,"Recognising the historical achievements of the South African people in abolishing the apartheid system and building a new political order based on the rule of law, human rights and democracy; Recalling the importance of opening a regular political dialogue; Recognising the Community's and Member States' political and financial support to the process of political change and transition in South Africa, Community's and Member States' support and encouragement for the economic restructuring currently under way in South Africa, Recognising the efforts by the South African Government to ensure economic and social development for the people of South Africa; Promoting regional cooperation between the countries of southern Africa; Respect for the fundamental rights of workers; Reference to the United Nations Charter and to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, to the relevant International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions; to principles set out in the Final Declarations of the International Conference on Population and Development in 1994, of the World Summit for Social Development in 1 995 and of the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995",0,,0,,1,"Ecnomic cooperation: Promoting cooperation on economic matters such protecting and promoting worker and trade union rights (Art. 50); Mining and Minerals: Supporting policy measures that improve health and safety standards in the mining industry as well as conditions of employment (Art. 58); Social issues: The Empahsis on the freedom of association of workers, the right to collective bargaining, the abolition of forced labour, the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation and the effective abolition of child labour (Art. 86)",1,Reference to the standards of the ILO (Art. 86),1,"Economic cooperation: Promoting cooperation on economic matters such as protecting and improving the environment (Art. 50); Backing the efforts of South Africa's public and private sectors to restructure and modernise industry under conditions ensuring environmental protection (Art. 51); Energy: modernising the energy producing, distributing and consuming subsectors so that appropriate services are provided on optimum terms of environmental acceptability, exploiting locally available energy resources in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner, promoting transfer and use of environmentally friendly technologies (Art. 57); Mining and Minerals: Supporting policies which ensure that mining activities take place with due consideration for the environment and sustainable development (Art. 58); Transport: Supporting the development of South Africas intermodal infrastructure networks and transport systems, that are environmentally sustainable (Art. 59); Toursim: providing positive interaction between tourism and environmental preservation (Art. 60); Cooperation in the area of fisheries shall aim at promoting sustainable management and use of fisheries resources in the long-term interest of both Partie (Art. 62); Priorities of development cooperation: reflecting the environmental dimension of development (Art. 66); Environment: Rational use of non-renewable natural resources and the sustainable use of renewable natural resources, promoting protection of the environment, prevention of its deterioration and the control of pollution, development of capacity in environmental management (enumerating various measures) (Art. 84); Annex 9: Public aid provided to support the public policy objectives such as environmental protection is also compatible with the proper functioning of the Agreement (p. 340)",0,,1,Respect for fundamental human rights (Art. 2); A regular political dialogue shall be established between the Parties with the intention to encourage the support for the respect of human rights (Art. 4),1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (Art. 2); Aims of development cooperation: Consolidating the foundations laid for a democratic society and a state governed by the rule of law in which human rights in their political, social and cultural aspects and fundamental freedoms are respected (Art. 65); Priorities of development cooperation: the protection of human rights (Art. 66)",1,"Respect for democratic principles as well as for the principles of the rule of law, attachment to the principles of good governance (Art. 2); A regular political dialogue shall be established between the Parties with the intention to encourage the support for democracy and the rule of law (Art. 4); Aims of development cooperation: Consolidating the foundations laid for a democratic society and a state governed by the rule of law (Art. 65); Priorities of development cooperation: support to democratisation, the strengthening of civil society (Art. 66)",1,Reference to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (Art. 2),1,Regional political dialogue between the European Union and the countries of Southern Africa with a view to promoting lasting peace and stability in the region (Art. 4),0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Supporting the efforts made by South Africa to consolidate the economic and social foundations of its transition process, promoting regional cooperation and economic integration in the southern African region (Art. 1); A regular political dialogue shall be established between the Parties with the intention to promote social justice and help create the necessary conditions to eliminate poverty and all forms of discrimination (Art. 4); Economic development: The Community shall provide South Africa with technical assistance in the restructuring of its competition law and policy (Art. 39), technical assistance for southern African capacity building initiatives in the fields of accreditation, metrology and standardisation (Art. 47), Promotion of integrated, harmonious and sustainable rural development in South Africa (Art. 61), Eligible Beneficiaries for financial and technical assistance (Art. 67); Cooperation in the field of statistics (Art. 49), facilitationg the restructuring and modernisation of the South African industry (Art. 51); Ecnomic cooperation: Promoting cooperation on economic matters such as promoting the economic empowerment of historically disadvantaged groups, including women (Art. 50) Cooperation in the field of trade development shall focus on: capacity building and development of human resources and professional skills, know-how and technology transfer, regional cooperation for the development of trade in southern Africa (Art. 53); Gender: Promoting cooperation between SMEs in the Community and in South Africa and the region in a manner that is sensitive to gender equality (Art. 54); Cooperation in the area of information and communication technology (ICT) as a vital element to economic and social development (Art. 55); Postal Cooperation (Art. 56); Energy: Supporting the development of appropriate energy policies and infrastructure in South Africa, promoting regional energy cooperation in southern Africa (Art. 57); Cooperation on mining and minerals technology research and development (Art. 58); Transport: Improving the access of South Africans to affordable, safe and reliable modes of transport, development of transport systems, supporting cooperation between the countries of the southern African region in order to create a sustainable transport network for regional needs (Art. 59); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 60): Consumer policy and protection of consumer health: exchanging information on effective ways of redressing any wrongs to consumers victimised by illegal activities (Art. 64); Aims of development cooperation: Contributing to South Africa's economic and social development (Art. 65); Priorities of development cooperation: Expansion of employment, enhancement of living conditions and delivery of basic social services, reflecting the gender dimension of development (Art. 66); Means and methods of development cooperation (Art. 68); Preparation, implementation and monitoring of the development cooperation (Art. 69); Project identification, preparation and appraisal of development cooperation (Art. 70); Financing pProposal and decision concerning development cooperation (Art. 71); Financing agreements concerning development cooperation (Art. 72); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 83); Cooperation in the sphere of culture (Art. 85); Engaging in a dialogue on social cooperation relating to the social problems of post-apartheid society, poverty alleviation, unemployment, gender equality, violence against women, children's rights etc. (Art. 86); Providing basic information about South Africa and the European Union for the general public (Art. 87); Cooperation in the field of press and audiovisual media (Art. 88); Cooperation in the field of human resources (Art. 89); Fighting against drugs and money laundering with reference to the UN Drugs Control Conventions, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the Chemical Action Task Force (CATF) (Art. 90); Health: Cooperation to improve the mental and physical health of populations by promoting health, and preventing disease such as HIV/AIDS (Art. 92); Financial assistance to South Africa (Art. 93, Art. 94, Art. 95, Art. 96); Public aid provided for regional development, industrial restructuring and the advancement of previously disadvantaged persons is compatible with the proper functioning of this Agreement (p. 340); Protocol 1: Checking the certificate of origin to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Art. 15 p. 355) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 347,347+1,34701,913,EC_ZAF_p10,EC South Africa Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-ZA-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,EU-ZA-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,"Recognising the historical achievements of the South African people in abolishing the apartheid system and building a new political order based on the rule of law, human rights and democracy; Recalling the importance of opening a regular political dialogue; Recognising the Community's and Member States' political and financial support to the process of political change and transition in South Africa, Community's and Member States' support and encouragement for the economic restructuring currently under way in South Africa, Recognising the efforts by the South African Government to ensure economic and social development for the people of South Africa; Promoting regional cooperation between the countries of southern Africa; Respect for the fundamental rights of workers; Reference to the United Nations Charter and to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, to the relevant International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions; to principles set out in the Final Declarations of the International Conference on Population and Development in 1994, of the World Summit for Social Development in 1 995 and of the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995",0,,0,,1,"Ecnomic cooperation: Promoting cooperation on economic matters such protecting and promoting worker and trade union rights (Art. 50); Mining and Minerals: Supporting policy measures that improve health and safety standards in the mining industry as well as conditions of employment (Art. 58); Social issues: The Empahsis on the freedom of association of workers, the right to collective bargaining, the abolition of forced labour, the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation and the effective abolition of child labour (Art. 86)",1,Reference to the standards of the ILO (Art. 86),1,"Economic cooperation: Promoting cooperation on economic matters such as protecting and improving the environment (Art. 50); Backing the efforts of South Africa's public and private sectors to restructure and modernise industry under conditions ensuring environmental protection (Art. 51); Energy: modernising the energy producing, distributing and consuming subsectors so that appropriate services are provided on optimum terms of environmental acceptability, exploiting locally available energy resources in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner, promoting transfer and use of environmentally friendly technologies (Art. 57); Mining and Minerals: Supporting policies which ensure that mining activities take place with due consideration for the environment and sustainable development (Art. 58); Transport: Supporting the development of South Africas intermodal infrastructure networks and transport systems, that are environmentally sustainable (Art. 59); Toursim: providing positive interaction between tourism and environmental preservation (Art. 60); Cooperation in the area of fisheries shall aim at promoting sustainable management and use of fisheries resources in the long-term interest of both Partie (Art. 62); Priorities of development cooperation: reflecting the environmental dimension of development (Art. 66); Environment: Rational use of non-renewable natural resources and the sustainable use of renewable natural resources, promoting protection of the environment, prevention of its deterioration and the control of pollution, development of capacity in environmental management (enumerating various measures) (Art. 84); Annex 9: Public aid provided to support the public policy objectives such as environmental protection is also compatible with the proper functioning of the Agreement (p. 340)",0,,1,Respect for fundamental human rights (Art. 2); A regular political dialogue shall be established between the Parties with the intention to encourage the support for the respect of human rights (Art. 4),1,"Reference to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (Art. 2); Aims of development cooperation: Consolidating the foundations laid for a democratic society and a state governed by the rule of law in which human rights in their political, social and cultural aspects and fundamental freedoms are respected (Art. 65); Priorities of development cooperation: the protection of human rights (Art. 66)",1,"Respect for democratic principles as well as for the principles of the rule of law, attachment to the principles of good governance (Art. 2); A regular political dialogue shall be established between the Parties with the intention to encourage the support for democracy and the rule of law (Art. 4); Aims of development cooperation: Consolidating the foundations laid for a democratic society and a state governed by the rule of law (Art. 65); Priorities of development cooperation: support to democratisation, the strengthening of civil society (Art. 66)",1,Reference to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (Art. 2),1,Regional political dialogue between the European Union and the countries of Southern Africa with a view to promoting lasting peace and stability in the region (Art. 4),0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Supporting the efforts made by South Africa to consolidate the economic and social foundations of its transition process, promoting regional cooperation and economic integration in the southern African region (Art. 1); A regular political dialogue shall be established between the Parties with the intention to promote social justice and help create the necessary conditions to eliminate poverty and all forms of discrimination (Art. 4); Economic development: The Community shall provide South Africa with technical assistance in the restructuring of its competition law and policy (Art. 39), technical assistance for southern African capacity building initiatives in the fields of accreditation, metrology and standardisation (Art. 47), Promotion of integrated, harmonious and sustainable rural development in South Africa (Art. 61), Eligible Beneficiaries for financial and technical assistance (Art. 67); Cooperation in the field of statistics (Art. 49), facilitationg the restructuring and modernisation of the South African industry (Art. 51); Ecnomic cooperation: Promoting cooperation on economic matters such as promoting the economic empowerment of historically disadvantaged groups, including women (Art. 50) Cooperation in the field of trade development shall focus on: capacity building and development of human resources and professional skills, know-how and technology transfer, regional cooperation for the development of trade in southern Africa (Art. 53); Gender: Promoting cooperation between SMEs in the Community and in South Africa and the region in a manner that is sensitive to gender equality (Art. 54); Cooperation in the area of information and communication technology (ICT) as a vital element to economic and social development (Art. 55); Postal Cooperation (Art. 56); Energy: Supporting the development of appropriate energy policies and infrastructure in South Africa, promoting regional energy cooperation in southern Africa (Art. 57); Cooperation on mining and minerals technology research and development (Art. 58); Transport: Improving the access of South Africans to affordable, safe and reliable modes of transport, development of transport systems, supporting cooperation between the countries of the southern African region in order to create a sustainable transport network for regional needs (Art. 59); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 60): Consumer policy and protection of consumer health: exchanging information on effective ways of redressing any wrongs to consumers victimised by illegal activities (Art. 64); Aims of development cooperation: Contributing to South Africa's economic and social development (Art. 65); Priorities of development cooperation: Expansion of employment, enhancement of living conditions and delivery of basic social services, reflecting the gender dimension of development (Art. 66); Means and methods of development cooperation (Art. 68); Preparation, implementation and monitoring of the development cooperation (Art. 69); Project identification, preparation and appraisal of development cooperation (Art. 70); Financing pProposal and decision concerning development cooperation (Art. 71); Financing agreements concerning development cooperation (Art. 72); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 83); Cooperation in the sphere of culture (Art. 85); Engaging in a dialogue on social cooperation relating to the social problems of post-apartheid society, poverty alleviation, unemployment, gender equality, violence against women, children's rights etc. (Art. 86); Providing basic information about South Africa and the European Union for the general public (Art. 87); Cooperation in the field of press and audiovisual media (Art. 88); Cooperation in the field of human resources (Art. 89); Fighting against drugs and money laundering with reference to the UN Drugs Control Conventions, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the Chemical Action Task Force (CATF) (Art. 90); Health: Cooperation to improve the mental and physical health of populations by promoting health, and preventing disease such as HIV/AIDS (Art. 92); Financial assistance to South Africa (Art. 93, Art. 94, Art. 95, Art. 96); Public aid provided for regional development, industrial restructuring and the advancement of previously disadvantaged persons is compatible with the proper functioning of this Agreement (p. 340); Protocol 1: Checking the certificate of origin to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Art. 15 p. 355) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 348,348,348,348,EC_ESP,EC Spain,1970,EC Spain 1970.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-ES,EU-ES,1,1,1970,1,1986,1,EC Spain Agreement of 1970,25818,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Spain (Interim Ageement on Free Trade),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,3,7,6,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 349,349,349,349,EC_SWE,EC Sweden,1972,EC Sweden 1972.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-SE,EU-SE,1,1,1973,1,1995,1,EC Sweden Agreement,26633,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Sweden FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,10,9,1,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Harmonious development of Sweden's and the EC's commerce for the purpose or contributing to the work of constructing Europe,1,"Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 3, Art.12, p.80); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate enabling goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment (Protocol 3, Art.17, p.83; Annex 5, p.152; Annex 6, p.164); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to make any later addition impossible (Annex 5, p.151; Annex 6, p.163)",0,,1,"Improvement of employment conditions (Art.1, p.4); ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.20, p.12; Art.16, p.179); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.21, p.13; Art.17, p.179)",0,,"Improvement of living conditions (Art.1, p.4); The advance of economic activity and improved productivity and financial stability (Art.1, p.4); Administrative Cooperation (Protocol 3, Title 2, p.75; Protocol 3, Art.22, p.85)","Note: Both the ""Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Sweden"" and the ""Agreement between the Kingdom of Sweden on the one hand, and the member States of the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Coal and Steel Community"" have been coded. Pay special attention to the page numbers listed when looking up referenced articles.",,,,,,,,,,,, 349,349+1,34901,914,EC_SWE_p2,EC Sweden Portugal Spain accession,1985,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-SE-PT-ES,EU-SE-PT-ES,1,,,1,1995,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,1,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Harmonious development of Sweden's and the EC's commerce for the purpose or contributing to the work of constructing Europe,1,"Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 3, Art.12, p.80); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate enabling goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment (Protocol 3, Art.17, p.83; Annex 5, p.152; Annex 6, p.164); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to make any later addition impossible (Annex 5, p.151; Annex 6, p.163)",0,,1,"Improvement of employment conditions (Art.1, p.4); ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.20, p.12; Art.16, p.179); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.21, p.13; Art.17, p.179)",0,,"Improvement of living conditions (Art.1, p.4); The advance of economic activity and improved productivity and financial stability (Art.1, p.4); Administrative Cooperation (Protocol 3, Title 2, p.75; Protocol 3, Art.22, p.85)","Note: Both the ""Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Sweden"" and the ""Agreement between the Kingdom of Sweden on the one hand, and the member States of the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Coal and Steel Community"" have been coded. Pay special attention to the page numbers listed when looking up referenced articles.",,,,,,,,,,,, 350,350,350,350,EC_CHE_LIE,EC Switzerland Liechtenstein,1972,EC Switzerland Liechtenstein 1972.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-CH-LI,EU-CH-LI,1,1,1973,0,,1,EC Switzerland Liechtenstein,27-Oct-72,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Switzerland and Liechtenstein,EC Switzerland+Liechtenstein (EC EFTA Agreement),FTA,2,FTA,2,3,11,10,1,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Harmonious development of commerce for the purpose or contributing to the work of constructing Europe; ,1,"Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 3, Art.12, p.40); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate enabling goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment (Protocol 3, Art.17, p.42, Annex 5, p.83; Annex 6, p.88); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to make any later addition impossible (Annex 5, p.83; Annex 6, p.87)",0,,1,"The improvement of employment conditions (Art.1, p.1)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.20, p.6); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.21, p.6)",0,,"The improvement of living conditions (Art.1, p.1); The advance of economic activity and improved productivity and financial stability (Art.1, p.1); Administrative Cooperation (Protocol 3, Title 2, p.38)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 350,350+2,35002,915,EC_CHE_LIE_p3,EC Switzerland Liechtenstein Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-CH-LI-PT-ES-AT-FI-SE,EU-CH-LI-AT-FI-SE,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,6,1,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Harmonious development of commerce for the purpose or contributing to the work of constructing Europe; ,1,"Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 3, Art.12, p.40); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate enabling goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment (Protocol 3, Art.17, p.42, Annex 5, p.83; Annex 6, p.88); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to make any later addition impossible (Annex 5, p.83; Annex 6, p.87)",0,,1,"The improvement of employment conditions (Art.1, p.1)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.20, p.6); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.21, p.6)",0,,"The improvement of living conditions (Art.1, p.1); The advance of economic activity and improved productivity and financial stability (Art.1, p.1); Administrative Cooperation (Protocol 3, Title 2, p.38)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 350,350+4,35004,917,EC_CHE_LIE_p2a,EC Switzerland Liechtenstein Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-CH-LI-PT-ES-AT-FI-SE-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,EU-CH-LI-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,4,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Harmonious development of commerce for the purpose or contributing to the work of constructing Europe; ,1,"Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 3, Art.12, p.40); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate enabling goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment (Protocol 3, Art.17, p.42, Annex 5, p.83; Annex 6, p.88); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to make any later addition impossible (Annex 5, p.83; Annex 6, p.87)",0,,1,"The improvement of employment conditions (Art.1, p.1)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.20, p.6); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.21, p.6)",0,,"The improvement of living conditions (Art.1, p.1); The advance of economic activity and improved productivity and financial stability (Art.1, p.1); Administrative Cooperation (Protocol 3, Title 2, p.38)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 350,350+3,35003,916,EC_CHE_LIE_p10,EC Switzerland Liechtenstein Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-CH-LI-PT-ES-AT-FI-SE-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,EU-CH-LI-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Harmonious development of commerce for the purpose or contributing to the work of constructing Europe; ,1,"Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 3, Art.12, p.40); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate enabling goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment (Protocol 3, Art.17, p.42, Annex 5, p.83; Annex 6, p.88); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to make any later addition impossible (Annex 5, p.83; Annex 6, p.87)",0,,1,"The improvement of employment conditions (Art.1, p.1)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.20, p.6); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.21, p.6)",0,,"The improvement of living conditions (Art.1, p.1); The advance of economic activity and improved productivity and financial stability (Art.1, p.1); Administrative Cooperation (Protocol 3, Title 2, p.38)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 350,350+1,35001,918,EC_CHE_LIE_p2b,EC Switzerland Liechtenstein Portugal Spain accession,1985,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-CH-LI-PT-ES,EU-CH-LI-PT-ES,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,4,1,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Harmonious development of commerce for the purpose or contributing to the work of constructing Europe; ,1,"Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 3, Art.12, p.40); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate enabling goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment (Protocol 3, Art.17, p.42, Annex 5, p.83; Annex 6, p.88); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to make any later addition impossible (Annex 5, p.83; Annex 6, p.87)",0,,1,"The improvement of employment conditions (Art.1, p.1)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.20, p.6); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.21, p.6)",0,,"The improvement of living conditions (Art.1, p.1); The advance of economic activity and improved productivity and financial stability (Art.1, p.1); Administrative Cooperation (Protocol 3, Title 2, p.38)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 351,351,351,351,EC_SYR,EC Syria,1977,EC Syria 1977.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-SY,EU-SY,1,1,1977,0,,1,EC Syria,28321,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Syria,EC Syria (Cooperation Agreement),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,3,10,9,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Contributing to Syria's social and economic development; Reference to the United Nations Charter,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in the protection of environment (Art. 4),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Contributing to Syria's social and economic development (Art. 1, Art. 2) such as development of Syrias production industry, industrialization of Syria, modernization of Syria's agriculture etc (Art. 4); Promoting regional cooperation between Syria and other States (Art. 3); Cooperation in the fields of science and technology (Art. 4); Financial aid to Syria's social and economic development (Art. 6; protocol 1: Art. 1, Art. 3, Art. 5, Art. 7, Art. 8, Art. 9, Art. 10, Art. 11, Art. 16)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 351,351+2,35102,919,EC_SYR_p3,EC Syria Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-SY-PT-ES-AT-FI-SE,EU-SY-AT-FI-SE,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Contributing to Syria's social and economic development; Reference to the United Nations Charter,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in the protection of environment (Art. 4),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Contributing to Syria's social and economic development (Art. 1, Art. 2) such as development of Syrias production industry, industrialization of Syria, modernization of Syria's agriculture etc (Art. 4); Promoting regional cooperation between Syria and other States (Art. 3); Cooperation in the fields of science and technology (Art. 4); Financial aid to Syria's social and economic development (Art. 6; protocol 1: Art. 1, Art. 3, Art. 5, Art. 7, Art. 8, Art. 9, Art. 10, Art. 11, Art. 16)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 351,351+4,35104,920,EC_SYR_p2,EC Syria Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-SY-PT-ES-AT-FI-SE-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,EU-SY-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Contributing to Syria's social and economic development; Reference to the United Nations Charter,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in the protection of environment (Art. 4),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Contributing to Syria's social and economic development (Art. 1, Art. 2) such as development of Syrias production industry, industrialization of Syria, modernization of Syria's agriculture etc (Art. 4); Promoting regional cooperation between Syria and other States (Art. 3); Cooperation in the fields of science and technology (Art. 4); Financial aid to Syria's social and economic development (Art. 6; protocol 1: Art. 1, Art. 3, Art. 5, Art. 7, Art. 8, Art. 9, Art. 10, Art. 11, Art. 16)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 351,351+3,35103,921,EC_SYR_p10,EC Syria Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-SY-PT-ES-AT-FI-SE-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,EU-SY-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Contributing to Syria's social and economic development; Reference to the United Nations Charter,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in the protection of environment (Art. 4),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Contributing to Syria's social and economic development (Art. 1, Art. 2) such as development of Syrias production industry, industrialization of Syria, modernization of Syria's agriculture etc (Art. 4); Promoting regional cooperation between Syria and other States (Art. 3); Cooperation in the fields of science and technology (Art. 4); Financial aid to Syria's social and economic development (Art. 6; protocol 1: Art. 1, Art. 3, Art. 5, Art. 7, Art. 8, Art. 9, Art. 10, Art. 11, Art. 16)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 351,351+1,35101,922,EC_SYR_p2,EC Syria Portugal Spain accession,1985,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-SY-PT-ES,EU-SY-PT-ES,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Contributing to Syria's social and economic development; Reference to the United Nations Charter,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in the protection of environment (Art. 4),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Contributing to Syria's social and economic development (Art. 1, Art. 2) such as development of Syrias production industry, industrialization of Syria, modernization of Syria's agriculture etc (Art. 4); Promoting regional cooperation between Syria and other States (Art. 3); Cooperation in the fields of science and technology (Art. 4); Financial aid to Syria's social and economic development (Art. 6; protocol 1: Art. 1, Art. 3, Art. 5, Art. 7, Art. 8, Art. 9, Art. 10, Art. 11, Art. 16)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 352,352,352,352,EC_TUN2,EC Tunisia,1976,EC Tunisia 1976,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-TN,EU-TN,1,1,1978,1,1998,1,EC Tunisia Cooperation Agreement,,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Tunisia (Cooperation Agreement),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,3,10,9,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Reference to friendly relations in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter (EEC); Resolved to establish wide-ranging cooperation which will contribute to Tunisia's economic and social development (EEC); Resolved to promote, having regard to their respective levels of development, economic cooperation between Tunisia and the Community (EEC)",0,,0,,1,"No discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions or remuneration (Art.39 EEC, p.10); Workers and any members of their families living with them shall enjoy, in the field of social security, treatment free from any discrimination based on nationality; All periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such worker shall be added together for the purpose of pensions and annuities in respect of old age, death and invalidity, and also for that of medical care for the workers and for members oftheir families resident in the Community; The workers in question shall be able to transfer freely any pensions or annuities in respect of industrial accident, occupational disease, old age or death, or of invalidity (Art.40 EEC, p.10)",0,,1,"Cooperation in the protection of the environment (Art. 4 EEC, p.3)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.34 EEC, p.9); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.52 EEC, p.12)",0,,"Contributing to the economic and social development of Tunisia (Art.1 EEC, p.2); Provisions and measures will be adopted and implemented in the field of economic, technical and financial cooperation, and in the social field (Art.1, Art.2, Art.4 EEC, p.2; Art.6 EEC, p.3); The importance of promoting regional cooperation between Tunisia and other States (Art.3); the marketing and sales promotion of products exported by Tunisia (Art.4 EEC, p.3); Cooperation in the fields of science, technology (Art.4 EEC, p.3); Participation by Community operators in programmes for the exploration, production and processing of Tunisia's energy resources (Art.4 EEC, p.3); Administrative cooperation (Art.41 EEC, p.10)","The agreements coded are the ""COOPERATION AGREEMENT between the European Economic Community (EEC) and Tunisia"", AND the ""AGREEMENT between the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and Tunisia"". To clarify which articles come from which agreement, the articles are labelled/referenced as follows: ""Art.53 EEC"" or ""Art.2 ECSC"". Annexes and protocols missing",,,,,,,,,,,, 353,353,353,353,EC_TUN1,EC Tunisia Association Agreement,1969,EC Tunesia 1969.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-TN,EU-TN,1,1,1969,1,1976,1,EC Tunisia Association Agreement of 1969,25395,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Tunisia (Association Agreement),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,3,7,6,2,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Reference to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 352,352+2,35202,923,EC_TUN2_p3,EC Tunisia Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-TN-PT-ES-AT-FI-SE,EU-TN-AT-FI-SE,1,,,1,1998,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Reference to friendly relations in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter (EEC); Resolved to establish wide-ranging cooperation which will contribute to Tunisia's economic and social development (EEC); Resolved to promote, having regard to their respective levels of development, economic cooperation between Tunisia and the Community (EEC)",0,,0,,1,"No discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions or remuneration (Art.39 EEC, p.10); Workers and any members of their families living with them shall enjoy, in the field of social security, treatment free from any discrimination based on nationality; All periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such worker shall be added together for the purpose of pensions and annuities in respect of old age, death and invalidity, and also for that of medical care for the workers and for members oftheir families resident in the Community; The workers in question shall be able to transfer freely any pensions or annuities in respect of industrial accident, occupational disease, old age or death, or of invalidity (Art.40 EEC, p.10)",0,,1,"Cooperation in the protection of the environment (Art. 4 EEC, p.3)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.34 EEC, p.9); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.52 EEC, p.12)",0,,"Contributing to the economic and social development of Tunisia (Art.1 EEC, p.2); Provisions and measures will be adopted and implemented in the field of economic, technical and financial cooperation, and in the social field (Art.1, Art.2, Art.4 EEC, p.2; Art.6 EEC, p.3); The importance of promoting regional cooperation between Tunisia and other States (Art.3); the marketing and sales promotion of products exported by Tunisia (Art.4 EEC, p.3); Cooperation in the fields of science, technology (Art.4 EEC, p.3); Participation by Community operators in programmes for the exploration, production and processing of Tunisia's energy resources (Art.4 EEC, p.3); Administrative cooperation (Art.41 EEC, p.10)","The agreements coded are the ""COOPERATION AGREEMENT between the European Economic Community (EEC) and Tunisia"", AND the ""AGREEMENT between the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and Tunisia"". To clarify which articles come from which agreement, the articles are labelled/referenced as follows: ""Art.53 EEC"" or ""Art.2 ECSC"". Annexes and protocols missing",,,,,,,,,,,, 354,354,354,354,EC_TUN3,EC Tunisia Euro-Med Association Agreement,1995,EC Tunisia 1995.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-TN,EU-TN,1,1,1998,0,,1,EC Tunisia,36175,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Tunisia,EC Tunisia (Euro Mediterranean Agreement),FTA,2,FTA,2,3,16,15,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Observance of human rights; Observance of political freedom, considering Tunisias progress of integration in the community of democratic nations, developing regular political dialogue; Importance of the Agreemenfor lasting stability and security in the Euro-Mediterranean region; Regional integration of the Maghreb countries; Social and economic development for Tunisia; Dialogue on social and cultural issues; Reference to the United Nations Charter",1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall have the effect of preventing the adoption or application by either Party of any measure aimed at preventing fraud or the evasion of taxes (Art. 89); Mutual assistance in customs matters with a view to the prevention, investigation and detection of operations that contravene customs legislation (protocol 5: Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 7)",0,,1,"No discrimination based on nationality regarding working conditions, remuneration and dismissal (Art. 64); social security dealing with invalidity, old-age, industrial accident, unemployment etc for Tunisian workers in the EU and similar treatment for EU workers in Tunisia (Art. 65) ",0,,1,"Preservation of the environment and ecological balances as a field of economic cooperation (Art. 43), regional cooperation in environmental matters (Art. 45), Environment: Preventing deterioration and improvint the qualitiy of the environment, rational use of natural resources (enumeration of various measures) (Art. 48); Energy: renewable energy and saving of energy (Art. 57)",0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 2),0,,1,"Providing an appropriate framework for political dialogue (Art. 1), establishing a regular political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5, p. 182); respect for democratic principles (Art. 2), bringing Tunisia's legislation closer to that of the Community in the areas covered by the Agreement (Art. 52)",0,,1,"Political dialogue contributes to the prosperity, stability, peace and security of the Mediterranean region (Art. 3, Art. 4); Derogations from data protection be allowed to safeguard national security (p. 178) ",0,,"Foster social and economic development in Tunesia (Art. 1, Art. 42): Economic development: economic cooperation to generate growth and employment (Art. 43), modernising and restructuring Tunisia's industry (Art. 49, p. 182), restructuring Tunisia's financial sectors (Art. 53), financial cooperation for Tunisia (Art. 75, Art. 76); Social development: Cooperation in education and training (Art. 46), cooperation in the social field such as repatriation, improvement of healt and social protection system etc (Art. 71); Encouraging integration of the Maghreb countries (Art. 1), economic cooperation to foster economic integration within the Maghreb (Art. 43, Art. 45); Promoting social, cultural and financial cooperation (Art. 1), regional cooperation in the fields of research in science and technology and cultural matters (Art. 45); Scientific, technical and technological cooperation (Art. 47); Joint restructuring and modernisation of transport ways and infrastructure (Art. 55); Cooperation in telecommunications and information technology (Art. 56); Cooperation in developing tourism (Art. 58); Cooperation in statistics (Art. 60); Combating drug use and trafficking: combat the production, supply of and trafficking in narcotics, the establishment of clinics/hostels and information centres etc (Art. 62); Dialogue in social matters such as migration, illegal immigration (Art. 69, Art. 70); Cooperation on cultural matters (Art. 74); Derogations from data protection be allowed to prevent criminal offences (p. 178); Cooperation in preventing the use of the Parties financial systems to launder money such as establishing suitable standards against these activities (Art. 61)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 354,354+2,35402,925,EC_TUN3_p2,EC Tunisia Euro-Med Association Agreement Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-TN-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,EU-TN-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Observance of human rights; Observance of political freedom, considering Tunisias progress of integration in the community of democratic nations, developing regular political dialogue; Importance of the Agreemenfor lasting stability and security in the Euro-Mediterranean region; Regional integration of the Maghreb countries; Social and economic development for Tunisia; Dialogue on social and cultural issues; Reference to the United Nations Charter",1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall have the effect of preventing the adoption or application by either Party of any measure aimed at preventing fraud or the evasion of taxes (Art. 89); Mutual assistance in customs matters with a view to the prevention, investigation and detection of operations that contravene customs legislation (protocol 5: Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 7)",0,,1,"No discrimination based on nationality regarding working conditions, remuneration and dismissal (Art. 64); social security dealing with invalidity, old-age, industrial accident, unemployment etc for Tunisian workers in the EU and similar treatment for EU workers in Tunisia (Art. 65) ",0,,1,"Preservation of the environment and ecological balances as a field of economic cooperation (Art. 43), regional cooperation in environmental matters (Art. 45), Environment: Preventing deterioration and improvint the qualitiy of the environment, rational use of natural resources (enumeration of various measures) (Art. 48); Energy: renewable energy and saving of energy (Art. 57)",0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 2),0,,1,"Providing an appropriate framework for political dialogue (Art. 1), establishing a regular political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5, p. 182); respect for democratic principles (Art. 2), bringing Tunisia's legislation closer to that of the Community in the areas covered by the Agreement (Art. 52)",0,,1,"Political dialogue contributes to the prosperity, stability, peace and security of the Mediterranean region (Art. 3, Art. 4); Derogations from data protection be allowed to safeguard national security (p. 178) ",0,,"Foster social and economic development in Tunesia (Art. 1, Art. 42): Economic development: economic cooperation to generate growth and employment (Art. 43), modernising and restructuring Tunisia's industry (Art. 49, p. 182), restructuring Tunisia's financial sectors (Art. 53), financial cooperation for Tunisia (Art. 75, Art. 76); Social development: Cooperation in education and training (Art. 46), cooperation in the social field such as repatriation, improvement of healt and social protection system etc (Art. 71); Encouraging integration of the Maghreb countries (Art. 1), economic cooperation to foster economic integration within the Maghreb (Art. 43, Art. 45); Promoting social, cultural and financial cooperation (Art. 1), regional cooperation in the fields of research in science and technology and cultural matters (Art. 45); Scientific, technical and technological cooperation (Art. 47); Joint restructuring and modernisation of transport ways and infrastructure (Art. 55); Cooperation in telecommunications and information technology (Art. 56); Cooperation in developing tourism (Art. 58); Cooperation in statistics (Art. 60); Combating drug use and trafficking: combat the production, supply of and trafficking in narcotics, the establishment of clinics/hostels and information centres etc (Art. 62); Dialogue in social matters such as migration, illegal immigration (Art. 69, Art. 70); Cooperation on cultural matters (Art. 74); Derogations from data protection be allowed to prevent criminal offences (p. 178); Cooperation in preventing the use of the Parties financial systems to launder money such as establishing suitable standards against these activities (Art. 61)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 354,354+1,35401,926,EC_TUN3_p10,EC Tunisia Euro-Med Association Agreement Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-TN-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,EU-TN-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Observance of human rights; Observance of political freedom, considering Tunisias progress of integration in the community of democratic nations, developing regular political dialogue; Importance of the Agreemenfor lasting stability and security in the Euro-Mediterranean region; Regional integration of the Maghreb countries; Social and economic development for Tunisia; Dialogue on social and cultural issues; Reference to the United Nations Charter",1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall have the effect of preventing the adoption or application by either Party of any measure aimed at preventing fraud or the evasion of taxes (Art. 89); Mutual assistance in customs matters with a view to the prevention, investigation and detection of operations that contravene customs legislation (protocol 5: Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 7)",0,,1,"No discrimination based on nationality regarding working conditions, remuneration and dismissal (Art. 64); social security dealing with invalidity, old-age, industrial accident, unemployment etc for Tunisian workers in the EU and similar treatment for EU workers in Tunisia (Art. 65) ",0,,1,"Preservation of the environment and ecological balances as a field of economic cooperation (Art. 43), regional cooperation in environmental matters (Art. 45), Environment: Preventing deterioration and improvint the qualitiy of the environment, rational use of natural resources (enumeration of various measures) (Art. 48); Energy: renewable energy and saving of energy (Art. 57)",0,,1,Respect for human rights (Art. 2),0,,1,"Providing an appropriate framework for political dialogue (Art. 1), establishing a regular political dialogue (Art. 3, Art. 4, Art. 5, p. 182); respect for democratic principles (Art. 2), bringing Tunisia's legislation closer to that of the Community in the areas covered by the Agreement (Art. 52)",0,,1,"Political dialogue contributes to the prosperity, stability, peace and security of the Mediterranean region (Art. 3, Art. 4); Derogations from data protection be allowed to safeguard national security (p. 178) ",0,,"Foster social and economic development in Tunesia (Art. 1, Art. 42): Economic development: economic cooperation to generate growth and employment (Art. 43), modernising and restructuring Tunisia's industry (Art. 49, p. 182), restructuring Tunisia's financial sectors (Art. 53), financial cooperation for Tunisia (Art. 75, Art. 76); Social development: Cooperation in education and training (Art. 46), cooperation in the social field such as repatriation, improvement of healt and social protection system etc (Art. 71); Encouraging integration of the Maghreb countries (Art. 1), economic cooperation to foster economic integration within the Maghreb (Art. 43, Art. 45); Promoting social, cultural and financial cooperation (Art. 1), regional cooperation in the fields of research in science and technology and cultural matters (Art. 45); Scientific, technical and technological cooperation (Art. 47); Joint restructuring and modernisation of transport ways and infrastructure (Art. 55); Cooperation in telecommunications and information technology (Art. 56); Cooperation in developing tourism (Art. 58); Cooperation in statistics (Art. 60); Combating drug use and trafficking: combat the production, supply of and trafficking in narcotics, the establishment of clinics/hostels and information centres etc (Art. 62); Dialogue in social matters such as migration, illegal immigration (Art. 69, Art. 70); Cooperation on cultural matters (Art. 74); Derogations from data protection be allowed to prevent criminal offences (p. 178); Cooperation in preventing the use of the Parties financial systems to launder money such as establishing suitable standards against these activities (Art. 61)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 352,352+1,35201,924,EC_TUN2_p2,EC Tunisia Portugal Spain accession,1985,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-TN-PT-ES,EU-TN-PT-ES,1,,,1,1998,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Reference to friendly relations in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter (EEC); Resolved to establish wide-ranging cooperation which will contribute to Tunisia's economic and social development (EEC); Resolved to promote, having regard to their respective levels of development, economic cooperation between Tunisia and the Community (EEC)",0,,0,,1,"No discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions or remuneration (Art.39 EEC, p.10); Workers and any members of their families living with them shall enjoy, in the field of social security, treatment free from any discrimination based on nationality; All periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such worker shall be added together for the purpose of pensions and annuities in respect of old age, death and invalidity, and also for that of medical care for the workers and for members oftheir families resident in the Community; The workers in question shall be able to transfer freely any pensions or annuities in respect of industrial accident, occupational disease, old age or death, or of invalidity (Art.40 EEC, p.10)",0,,1,"Cooperation in the protection of the environment (Art. 4 EEC, p.3)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.34 EEC, p.9); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.52 EEC, p.12)",0,,"Contributing to the economic and social development of Tunisia (Art.1 EEC, p.2); Provisions and measures will be adopted and implemented in the field of economic, technical and financial cooperation, and in the social field (Art.1, Art.2, Art.4 EEC, p.2; Art.6 EEC, p.3); The importance of promoting regional cooperation between Tunisia and other States (Art.3); the marketing and sales promotion of products exported by Tunisia (Art.4 EEC, p.3); Cooperation in the fields of science, technology (Art.4 EEC, p.3); Participation by Community operators in programmes for the exploration, production and processing of Tunisia's energy resources (Art.4 EEC, p.3); Administrative cooperation (Art.41 EEC, p.10)","The agreements coded are the ""COOPERATION AGREEMENT between the European Economic Community (EEC) and Tunisia"", AND the ""AGREEMENT between the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and Tunisia"". To clarify which articles come from which agreement, the articles are labelled/referenced as follows: ""Art.53 EEC"" or ""Art.2 ECSC"". Annexes and protocols missing",,,,,,,,,,,, 355,355,355,355,EC_TUR4,EC Turkey,1995,EC Turkey 1995.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-TR,EU-TR,1,1,1996,0,,1,EC Turkey,22-Dec-95,GATT Art. XXIV,EC Turkey,EC Turkey Customs Union,CU,3,CU,3,3,16,15,2,6,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Annex 7 on mutual assistance between administrative authorities in customs matters: Ensuring that customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection and investigation of operations in breach of that legislation (Art. 2); Assistance on request including information regarding operations noted or planned which are or could be in breach of such legislation (Art. 3), Spontaneous assistance if is considered to be necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly about operations, new means and goods which appear to constitute breaches of such legislation (Art. 4); Execution of requests: Duly authorized officials of a Party may obtain from the offices of the requested authority information relating to the breaches of customs legislation (Art. 7)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"State aid / economic development: The following aid granted by member states of the Community or by Turkey through state resources shall be compatible: aid to make good the damage caused by natural disasters, aid granted to the economy of certain areas of the Federal Republic of Germany to compensate for the economic disadvantages, aid to promote economic development of Turkey's less developed regions, aid to promote the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there is serious underemployment, aid to promote culture and heritage conservation etc. (Art. 34)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 356,356,356,356,EC_TUR2,EC Turkey Additional Protocol,1970,EC Turkey 1970 Additional Protocol.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-TR,EU-TR,1,1,1973,0,,1,EC Turkey Additional Protocol,26184,GATT Art. XXIV,,,,,FTA,2,3,7,6,2,6,2,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Economic development for Turkey (Art. 22); Enabeling workers of Turkish nationality to have taken into account all periods of insurance or employment in the various Member States as regards pension and old-age, death and disability benefits and also medical care of workers and their families residing in the Community / Pension and old-age, death and disability benefits shall be transferable to Turkey (Art. 39); Regarding the special economic and social situation of Turkey considering restrictions on the freedom of establishment and the free supply of services (Art. 41); Aids designed to promote Turkey's economic development shall be deemed compatible with the proper functioning of the Association (Art. 43); The use of special assistance resources by turkey (Annex 4); Financial protocol is desirious of encouraging the accelerated expansion of the Turkish economy (p. 93); Finacial Protocol: promoting the development of Turkey (Art. 1 p. 95), investment projects shall be oligible for financing if they will contribute to increasing the productivity of the Turkish economy and are intended to create in Turkey a bettor economic infrastructure (Art. 2 p. 95); Applications for loans and financing concerning Turkey (Art. 4 p. 96); The assistance granted may take the form of particination in international financing organizations or with authorities and institutions responsible for credit and development inTurkey (Art. 8 p. 97); Arrangements which might be made to provide financial assistance for a further period (Art. 10 p. 98)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 357,357,357,357,EC_TUR1,EC Turkey Association Agreement (Ankara Agreement),1963,EC Turkey 1963.docx,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-TR,EU-TR,1,1,1964,0,,1,EC Turkey Association Agreement of 1963,23419,GATT Art. XXIV,,EC Turkey (Association Agreement),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,3,7,6,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,"Strenghten liberty, strenghen peace, granting economic aid to Turkey",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Contribute to Turkish economic development (Art. 20),,,,,,,,,,,,, 357,357+2,35702,929,EC_TUR1_p3,EC Turkey Association Agreement (Ankara Agreement) Austria Finland Sweden accession,1994,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-TR-PT-ES-AT-FI-SE,EU-TR-AT-FI-SE,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,16,3,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,"Strenghten liberty, strenghen peace, granting economic aid to Turkey",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Contribute to Turkish economic development (Art. 20),,,,,,,,,,,,, 357,357+1,35701,930,EC_TUR1_p2,EC Turkey Association Agreement (Ankara Agreement) Portugal Spain accession,1985,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-TR-PT-ES,EU-TR-PT-ES,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,"Strenghten liberty, strenghen peace, granting economic aid to Turkey",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Contribute to Turkish economic development (Art. 20),,,,,,,,,,,,, 355,355+2,35502,927,EC_TUR4_p3,EC Turkey Bulgaria Romania accession,2005,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-TR-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,EU-TR-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,28,2,2,6,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Annex 7 on mutual assistance between administrative authorities in customs matters: Ensuring that customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection and investigation of operations in breach of that legislation (Art. 2); Assistance on request including information regarding operations noted or planned which are or could be in breach of such legislation (Art. 3), Spontaneous assistance if is considered to be necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly about operations, new means and goods which appear to constitute breaches of such legislation (Art. 4); Execution of requests: Duly authorized officials of a Party may obtain from the offices of the requested authority information relating to the breaches of customs legislation (Art. 7)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"State aid / economic development: The following aid granted by member states of the Community or by Turkey through state resources shall be compatible: aid to make good the damage caused by natural disasters, aid granted to the economy of certain areas of the Federal Republic of Germany to compensate for the economic disadvantages, aid to promote economic development of Turkey's less developed regions, aid to promote the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there is serious underemployment, aid to promote culture and heritage conservation etc. (Art. 34)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 355,355+1,35501,928,EC_TUR4_p10,EC Turkey Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia accession,2003,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-ES-PT-AT-FI-SE-TR-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,EU-TR-CY-CZ-EE-HU-LV-LT-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,26,10,2,6,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Annex 7 on mutual assistance between administrative authorities in customs matters: Ensuring that customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection and investigation of operations in breach of that legislation (Art. 2); Assistance on request including information regarding operations noted or planned which are or could be in breach of such legislation (Art. 3), Spontaneous assistance if is considered to be necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly about operations, new means and goods which appear to constitute breaches of such legislation (Art. 4); Execution of requests: Duly authorized officials of a Party may obtain from the offices of the requested authority information relating to the breaches of customs legislation (Art. 7)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"State aid / economic development: The following aid granted by member states of the Community or by Turkey through state resources shall be compatible: aid to make good the damage caused by natural disasters, aid granted to the economy of certain areas of the Federal Republic of Germany to compensate for the economic disadvantages, aid to promote economic development of Turkey's less developed regions, aid to promote the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there is serious underemployment, aid to promote culture and heritage conservation etc. (Art. 34)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 358,358,358,358,EC_TUR3,EC Turkey Supplementary Protocol,1973,EC Turkey Association 1973.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-TR,EU-TR,1,1,1974,0,,1,EC Turkey Association Agreement of 1973,27046,GATT Art. XXIV,,,,,CU,3,3,10,9,2,6,3,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Joint Declaration on the Industrialization of Turkey: need to ensure an accelerated development of the Turkish economy and to improve the level of employment and of the living conditions of the Turkish people, Turkey's application of a long-term industrialization policy within the framework of its Development Plans which will aim to improve the economic and social structure of the country (p. 55)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 359,359,359,359,EC_YUG,EC Yugoslavia,1980,EC Yugoslavia 1980,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-RS,EU-RS,1,1,1980,1,1991,1,"EC Yugoslavia, Socialist Federal Republic of, Interim Agreement",29424,GATT Art. XXIV,,,,,FTA,2,3,11,10,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,"Reference to the G-77; the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (EEC, p.1); Economic development of Yugoslavia (EEC, p.1); The development and diversification of economic and financial cooperation; Improvement of the welfare of populations (EEC, p.1)",1,"Customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the goods has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions. To this end, the description of the goods must be indicated without leaving any blank lines. Where the space is not completely filled a horizontal line must be drawn below the last line of the description, the empty space being crossed through (Protocol 3, Art.8); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 3, Art.9); Yugoslavia and the Community shall take all necessary steps to ensure that goods trade under cover of a movement certificate EUR. 1 and are not replaced by other goods (Protocol 3, Art.21); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate enabling goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment (Protocol 3, Art. 23)",0,,1,"No discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions or remuneration (Art.44 EEC, p.10); Workers and any members of their families living with them shall enjoy, in the field of social security, treatment free from any discrimination based on nationality; All periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such worker shall be added together for the purpose of pensions and annuities in respect of old age, death and invalidity, and also for that of medical care for the workers and for members oftheir families resident in the Community; The workers in question shall be able to transfer freely any pensions or annuities in respect of industrial accident, occupational disease, old age or death, or of invalidity (Art.45 EEC, p.10)",0,,1,"Aim of improving the quality and circumstances of the environment; pooling technical know-how on environmental matters and encouraging cooperation on ecological problems (Art.10, p.4)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.34 EEC, p.8); ",0,,"Contributing to the economic and social development of Yugoslavia (Art.1 EEC, p.2); Provisions and measures will be adopted and implemented in the field of economic, technical and financial cooperation, and in the social field (Art.1 EEC, p.2; Art.2 EEC, p.2; Art.4 EEC, p.3; Art.12 EEC, p.4); Participation by the Community in the efforts made by Yugoslavia to develop its production and economic infrastructure (Art.5 EEC, p.3); Encouragement of the transfer and development of technology in Yugoslavia (Art.5 EEC, p.3); Cooperation in the field of energy (Art.5 EEC, p.3); Scientific and technological cooperation (Art.6 EEC, p.3); Improvement and development of infrastructure (Art.8 EEC, p.4); Exchanges of information on tourism (Art.9 EEC, p.4); Aim of improving the quality and circumstances of life and living conditions in the Community and Yugoslavia (Art.10 EEC, p.4); Financing of projects designed to contribute to the economic development of Yugoslavia (Protocol 2 EEC, Art.1); Loans from European Investment Bank to Yugoslavia (Protocol 2, Art.2-10); Aid contributed by the Bank for the execution of projects (Protocol 2 EEC, Art.5); Administrative Cooperation (Protocol 3 EEC)","The agreements coded are the ""COOPERATION AGREEMENT between the European Economic Community (EEC) and Yugoslavia"", AND the ""AGREEMENT between the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and Yugoslavia"". To clarify which articles come from which agreement, the articles are labelled/referenced as follows: ""Art.53 EEC"" or ""Art.2 ECSC"". ",,,,,,,,,,,, 359,359+1,35901,931,EC_YUG_p2,EC Yugoslavia Portugal Spain accession,1985,,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-DK-IE-GB-GR-RS-PT-ES,EU-RS-PT-ES,1,,,1,1991,,,,,,,,,,,6,13,2,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,"Reference to the G-77; the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (EEC, p.1); Economic development of Yugoslavia (EEC, p.1); The development and diversification of economic and financial cooperation; Improvement of the welfare of populations (EEC, p.1)",1,"Customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the goods has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions. To this end, the description of the goods must be indicated without leaving any blank lines. Where the space is not completely filled a horizontal line must be drawn below the last line of the description, the empty space being crossed through (Protocol 3, Art.8); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 3, Art.9); Yugoslavia and the Community shall take all necessary steps to ensure that goods trade under cover of a movement certificate EUR. 1 and are not replaced by other goods (Protocol 3, Art.21); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate enabling goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment (Protocol 3, Art. 23)",0,,1,"No discrimination based on nationality, as regards working conditions or remuneration (Art.44 EEC, p.10); Workers and any members of their families living with them shall enjoy, in the field of social security, treatment free from any discrimination based on nationality; All periods of insurance, employment or residence completed by such worker shall be added together for the purpose of pensions and annuities in respect of old age, death and invalidity, and also for that of medical care for the workers and for members oftheir families resident in the Community; The workers in question shall be able to transfer freely any pensions or annuities in respect of industrial accident, occupational disease, old age or death, or of invalidity (Art.45 EEC, p.10)",0,,1,"Aim of improving the quality and circumstances of the environment; pooling technical know-how on environmental matters and encouraging cooperation on ecological problems (Art.10, p.4)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.34 EEC, p.8); ",0,,"Contributing to the economic and social development of Yugoslavia (Art.1 EEC, p.2); Provisions and measures will be adopted and implemented in the field of economic, technical and financial cooperation, and in the social field (Art.1 EEC, p.2; Art.2 EEC, p.2; Art.4 EEC, p.3; Art.12 EEC, p.4); Participation by the Community in the efforts made by Yugoslavia to develop its production and economic infrastructure (Art.5 EEC, p.3); Encouragement of the transfer and development of technology in Yugoslavia (Art.5 EEC, p.3); Cooperation in the field of energy (Art.5 EEC, p.3); Scientific and technological cooperation (Art.6 EEC, p.3); Improvement and development of infrastructure (Art.8 EEC, p.4); Exchanges of information on tourism (Art.9 EEC, p.4); Aim of improving the quality and circumstances of life and living conditions in the Community and Yugoslavia (Art.10 EEC, p.4); Financing of projects designed to contribute to the economic development of Yugoslavia (Protocol 2 EEC, Art.1); Loans from European Investment Bank to Yugoslavia (Protocol 2, Art.2-10); Aid contributed by the Bank for the execution of projects (Protocol 2 EEC, Art.5); Administrative Cooperation (Protocol 3 EEC)","The agreements coded are the ""COOPERATION AGREEMENT between the European Economic Community (EEC) and Yugoslavia"", AND the ""AGREEMENT between the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and Yugoslavia"". To clarify which articles come from which agreement, the articles are labelled/referenced as follows: ""Art.53 EEC"" or ""Art.2 ECSC"". ",,,,,,,,,,,, 360,360,360,360,CEMAC1,Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC),1994,Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa 1994.pdf,CM-CF-TD-GQ-GA-CG,CM-CF-TD-GQ-GA-CG,0,1,1999,0,,1,Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC),36362,Enabling Clause,CEMAC,Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC or CAEMC) (formerly Central African Customs and Economic Union (CACEU) created by Treaty of Brazzaville in 1964),FTA_CU,3,CU,3,2,6,15,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,"Fostering public welfare; Giving a new impulse in the Central African integration process; Confirming principles of liberty, democracy, respect of fundemental personal laws and the state of law ",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Developing common environmental policies (Art. 3 p. 6; Art. 5 p. 7); Coordination of common environmental protection policies (Art. 39 p. 16; Art. 40 p. 16); Environmental protection objectives: fighting against desertification, floodings and other natural disasters, the protection of biolocigal diversity, preventing the importation of dangerous wastes, fostering renewable energy etc. (Art. 41 p. 16); Environmental protection at touristic sites (Art. 46 p. 18)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Establishment of different organs and institutions, their structures and tasks (Art.2 - Art.5)",0,,0,,0,,"Developing common politics in the fields of tourism, energy, science and education (Art. 3 p. 6; Art. 4 p. 6); Improvement of education and research performance (Art. 29 p. 13); Improvement transport and telecommunications infrastructure (Art. 31 p. 14); Coordination of energy politics (Art. 36 p. 15; Art. 37 p. 15; Art. 38 p. 15); Coordination of tourism policies (Art. 44 p. 17; Art. 45 p. 18); Tourism: Protecting the population from international crime (Art. 46 p. 18)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 361,361,361,361,CEMAC2,Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) revised ,2008,CEMAC Traité Revisé 2008.pdf,CM-CF-TD-GQ-GA-CG,CM-CF-TD-GQ-GA-CG,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,6,15,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,"Conscious of the necessity to develop the human resources of the Member States and to put them to use for the welfare of their people in all areas; Resolved to give a new impetus to the process of integration in Central Africa through increased political and economic harmonisation; Reference to the Organisation of African Unity; Desiring to reinforce solidarity between their peoples in respect of their respective national identities; Reaffirming their attachement to the principles of democracy, human rights, the rule of law, good governance, social dialogue; Sound functioning of the institutions and organs envisaged in this treaty ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Institution-building and institutional provisions (Art.10-39); The Community Parliament is in charge of democratic control (oversight) over the institutions (Art.47),0,,1,"Essential aim of the Community is to promote peace (Art.2); The Member States are to consult eachother on decisions necessary to avoid the functioning of the Community being affected by measures that one of them takes in a situation of public disorder, war or international tension threatening war (Art.5)",0,,Economic cooperation and integration (Art.2); The Commuity is to establish cooperation with regional and sub-regional organisations (Art.8; Art.9); The Community can appeal for technical or financial aid from any state or international organisation which accepts (Art.8); Promotion of integration and socio-economic development of Member States (Art.35); Reference to accepting financial support from third countries and national and international organisations (Art.50),Annexes missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 362,362,362,362,CEMAC_STP,Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) Sao Tome and Principe,2004,,CM-CF-TD-GQ-GA-CG-ST,CM-CF-TD-GQ-GA-CG-ST,0,0,,0,,0,,,,,CEMAC/CAEMC Sao Tome+Principe,FTA,,,,2,7,21,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 363,363,363,363,ECCAS,Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS-CEEAC),1983,Economic Community of Central African States 1983.pdf,BI-CM-CF-CG-GA-GQ-RW-ST-TD-CD,BI-CM-CF-CG-GA-GQ-RW-ST-TD-CD,0,1,1984,0,,0,,,,ECCAS,,,,,,2,10,45,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"Emphasis on the need to promote the economic and social development of their States in order to improve the living standards of their peoples; Recognizing the principles of sovereignty, equality and independence of all States, non-interference in their internal affairs and the principle of the rule of law in mutual relations; Reference to the Charter of the Organization of African Unity, the Declaration of African Cooperation, Development and Economic Independence, the Monrovia Declaration of Commitment,the Lagos Plan of Action and the Final Act of Lagos relating to the economic, social and cultural development of Africa and the Declaration of Libreville",0,,0,,1,"Cooperation in agriculture and food with the aim of improving rural working conditions (Art. 43); Social Affairs: Harmonizing the labour laws, social security systems and civil status law (Art. 60)",0,,1,Cooperation in science and technology: ensuring the proper application of science and technology to the conservation of the environment (Art. 51); Cooperation in energy and natural resources such as promoting renewable forms of energy (Art. 54); Assessment of mineral and water resources (Art. 55),0,,0,,0,,1,"Reference to the the principles of international law (unspecified) (Art. 3); Respect of the rule of law in their mutual relations (Art.3); Establishments of institutions of the Community such as the Conference of Heads of State and Government, the Council of Ministers, the Court of Justice, the General Secretariat, the Consultative Commission, specialized technical committees, their powers, organizations, and regulations (Art. 7 - Art. 26)",0,,1,"Commitment to the principles of sovereignty and independence of all States, good neighbourliness, non-interference in their internal affairs, non-use of force to settle disputes (Art. 3); Fostering close and peaceful relations between Member States (Art. 4); Any Member State, after having shall be free to impose or continue to impose restrictions or prohibitions affecting the control of strategic products (added to Exceptions) (Art. 34)",0,,"Strenghtening self-sustained development in all fields of economic and social activity such as communications, human resources, tourism, education, culture, science and technology, raising the standard of living of its peoples, contributing to the progress and development of the African continent (Art. 4); Cooperation in agriculture and food with the aim of raising the standard of living of rural populations, creating job opportunities, enhancing food security etc. (Art. 43); Cooperation in transport and communications (Art. 47); Cooperation in posts and telecommunications (Art. 49); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 51), Implementing joint scientific research and technological development programmes (Art. 52); Cooperation in energy such as increasing the Community’s energy resources (Art. 54); Harmonizing policies for prospecting, producing and processing mineral resources as well as for prospecting, exploiting and distributing of water resources (Art. 56);Preparing a joint policy for upgrading mineral and water resources (Art. 57); Cooperation in the development and use of human resources (Art. 59); Social Affairs: Exchanges of experience and information on literacy, vocational training and employment, improving the economic, social and cultural status of women, initiating sub-regional cooperation in public health, medical research, promotion of studies in traditional medicine (Art. 60); Cooperation in training and education (Art. 61); Cooperaton in culture: Preserving cultural heritage, exchanges of cultural programmes, exchanging cinema, television and radio programme materials (Art. 62); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 64, Art. 65); Cooperation in planning of development, statistics and demography (Art. 70); Economic development: Special treatment for landlocked, semi-landlocked, island and part-island countries such as the least advanced countries (Art. 71, Art. 72); Establishment of the Community Cooperation and Development Fund provinding financial and technical assistance to promote the economic and social development of Member States (Art. 75, Art. 76)",Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 363,363+1,36301,932,ECCAS_p1,Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS-CEEAC) Angola accession,1999,,BI-CM-CF-CG-GA-GQ-RW-ST-TD-CD-AO,BI-CM-CF-CG-GA-GQ-RW-ST-TD-CD-AO,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,11,10,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"Emphasis on the need to promote the economic and social development of their States in order to improve the living standards of their peoples; Recognizing the principles of sovereignty, equality and independence of all States, non-interference in their internal affairs and the principle of the rule of law in mutual relations; Reference to the Charter of the Organization of African Unity, the Declaration of African Cooperation, Development and Economic Independence, the Monrovia Declaration of Commitment,the Lagos Plan of Action and the Final Act of Lagos relating to the economic, social and cultural development of Africa and the Declaration of Libreville",0,,0,,1,"Cooperation in agriculture and food with the aim of improving rural working conditions (Art. 43); Social Affairs: Harmonizing the labour laws, social security systems and civil status law (Art. 60)",0,,1,Cooperation in science and technology: ensuring the proper application of science and technology to the conservation of the environment (Art. 51); Cooperation in energy and natural resources such as promoting renewable forms of energy (Art. 54); Assessment of mineral and water resources (Art. 55),0,,0,,0,,1,"Reference to the the principles of international law (unspecified) (Art. 3); Respect of the rule of law in their mutual relations (Art.3); Establishments of institutions of the Community such as the Conference of Heads of State and Government, the Council of Ministers, the Court of Justice, the General Secretariat, the Consultative Commission, specialized technical committees, their powers, organizations, and regulations (Art. 7 - Art. 26)",0,,1,"Commitment to the principles of sovereignty and independence of all States, good neighbourliness, non-interference in their internal affairs, non-use of force to settle disputes (Art. 3); Fostering close and peaceful relations between Member States (Art. 4); Any Member State, after having shall be free to impose or continue to impose restrictions or prohibitions affecting the control of strategic products (added to Exceptions) (Art. 34)",0,,"Strenghtening self-sustained development in all fields of economic and social activity such as communications, human resources, tourism, education, culture, science and technology, raising the standard of living of its peoples, contributing to the progress and development of the African continent (Art. 4); Cooperation in agriculture and food with the aim of raising the standard of living of rural populations, creating job opportunities, enhancing food security etc. (Art. 43); Cooperation in transport and communications (Art. 47); Cooperation in posts and telecommunications (Art. 49); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 51), Implementing joint scientific research and technological development programmes (Art. 52); Cooperation in energy such as increasing the Community’s energy resources (Art. 54); Harmonizing policies for prospecting, producing and processing mineral resources as well as for prospecting, exploiting and distributing of water resources (Art. 56);Preparing a joint policy for upgrading mineral and water resources (Art. 57); Cooperation in the development and use of human resources (Art. 59); Social Affairs: Exchanges of experience and information on literacy, vocational training and employment, improving the economic, social and cultural status of women, initiating sub-regional cooperation in public health, medical research, promotion of studies in traditional medicine (Art. 60); Cooperation in training and education (Art. 61); Cooperaton in culture: Preserving cultural heritage, exchanges of cultural programmes, exchanging cinema, television and radio programme materials (Art. 62); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 64, Art. 65); Cooperation in planning of development, statistics and demography (Art. 70); Economic development: Special treatment for landlocked, semi-landlocked, island and part-island countries such as the least advanced countries (Art. 71, Art. 72); Establishment of the Community Cooperation and Development Fund provinding financial and technical assistance to promote the economic and social development of Member States (Art. 75, Art. 76)",Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 364,364,364,364,ECCASpta,Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS-CEEAC) PTA/FTA/CU,2004,,AO-BI-CM-CF-CG-GA-GQ-RW-ST-TD-CD,AO-BI-CM-CF-CG-GA-GQ-RW-ST-TD-CD,0,0,,0,,0,,,,,"Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC) Preferential Tariff and Free Trade Area Projects (also known as ECCAS) (combination of CEMAC, CEPGL and Sao Tome+Principe)",CU,,,,2,11,55,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 364,364_1,364001,982,ECCAS_m1,Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS-CEEAC) PTA/FTA/CU withdrawal Rwanda,2007,,AO-BI-CM-CF-CG-GA-GQ-ST-TD-CD,AO-BI-CM-CF-CG-GA-GQ-ST-TD-CD,0,,,1,2007,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 365,365,365,365,CEPGL,Economic Community of the Great Lakes (CEPGL) Economic and Customs Cooperation Agreement,1978,,BI-RW-CD,BI-RW-CD,0,0,,,,0,,,,CEPGL,Economic Community of the Great Lakes (CEPGL),PTA/FTA/CU,,,,2,3,3,3,3,,,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"Emphasis on the respective countries' common interests and aspirations for peace, security and progress; Joining forces in economic, cultural and social development endeavours; Maintenance of friendly and peaceful relations between the respective countries; Reference to the Charter of the United Nations and the Charter of the Organization of African Unity",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Cooperation in the political field (Art. 2); Establishing Community Institutions, their tasks and procedures (Art. 5): The Conference of the Heads of State (Art. 6-Art. 10); The Council of Ministers and the State Commisioner (Art. 11-Art. 18); The Permanent Executive Secretariat (Art. 19-Art. 23); The Arbitration Commission (Art. 24-Art. 30)",0,,1,The aims of the Community: Ensuring the security of the States and their people in such a way that nothing disturbs peace and order along their respective frontiers (Art. 2); Cooperation in the military field (Art. 2),0,,"Cooperation in the social, scientific, cultural, technical and tourist fields (Art. 2); The Assistant Executive Secretaries shall be responsible for social, cultural and scientific affairs (Art. 20); Immunities and privileges to be granted to the Community, its representatives and the staff of the Executive Secretariat in the territories of the member States (Art. 34)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 366,366,366,366,ECOWAS1,Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS),1975,ECOWAS 1975.pdf,BJ-BF-CI-GM-GH-GW-LR-ML-MR-NE-NG-SN-SL-TG,BJ-BF-CI-GM-GH-GW-LR-ML-MR-NE-NG-SN-SL-TG,0,1,1975,1,1993,0,,,,,Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (revised treaty entered into force in 1993),FTA_CU,3,,,2,14,105,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Foster and encourage economic and social development in order to improve living standards; harmonious economic development and economic cooperation; Reference to the Declaration of African Cooperation, Development and Economic Independence; Accelerated and sustained economic development",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Institution-building (Art.4-11, p.21-24; Art.61, p.39)",0,,1,"A Member State may introduce or continue to execute restrictions or prohibitions affecting: the application of security laws and regulations and the control of arms, ammunition and other war equipment, and military items (exceptions) (Art.18, p.27)",0,,"Cooperation and development in all fields of economic activity such as: transport, telecommunications, energy, natural resources, social and cultural matters etc. for the purpose of raising the standard of living of its peoples, increasing and maintaining economic stability; Common projects in the fields of marketing and research (Art.2, p.20); Citizens of Member States are not to need vistor's visas or residence permits and can work within their territories (Art.27, p.30); Industrial cooperation (Art.2, p.20, Art.32, p.31); Exchange of information on major industrial projects and financing of joint research (Art.29, p.30); Personnel exchange, training and joint ventures (Art.31,p.31); Cooperation in monetary and fiscal matters (Art.36, p.32); Common communication policy (Art.40, p.33); Establishment of a telecommunications network and links necessary for the economic and social development of the Community (Art.46, p.34); Cooperation in energy and mineral resources (Art.48, p.35); Cooperation in social and cultural matters (Art.49, p.35); Fund for cooperation, compensation and development (Art.50-52, p.36)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 367,367,367,367,ECOWAS2,Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS),1993,ECOWAS 1993.pdf,BJ-BF-CV-CI-GM-GH-GW-LR-ML-MR-NE-NG-SN-SL-TG,BJ-BF-CV-CI-GM-GH-GW-LR-ML-MR-NE-NG-SN-SL-TG,0,1,1993,0,,1,Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS),38539,Enabling Clause,ECOWAS,,,,CU,3,2,15,120,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,"Emphasis on the need to encourage, foster and accelerate the economic and social development of their States in order to improve the living standards of their peoples; Emphasis on the the need to face together the political, economic and sociocultural challenges; Reference to the African Charter on Human and People's Rights, the Declaration of Political Principles of the Economic Community of West African States adopted in Abuja and the Lagos Plan of Action",0,,0,,1,"Objectives of the Agreement: the encouragement and strengthening of associations of worker (Art. 3); Cooperation in the development of agriculture, forestry, livestock and fisheries in order to improve conditions of work in rural areas (Art. 25); Social affairs: harmonization of labour laws and social security legislations (Art. 61); Cooperation with socio economic organizations in particular workers and employers (Art. 82)",0,,1,"Objectives of the Agreement: the harmonization and coordination of policies for the protection of the environment (Art. 3); Cooperation in agricultural development and food security to develop and protect marine and fishery resources, for reasons of plant and animal protection (Art. 25); Cooperation in science and technology: Ensuring the proper application of science and technology to the conservation of the environment (Art. 27); Cooperation in energy: promotiong the development of new and renewable energy particularly solar energy in the framework of the policy of diversification of sources of energy (Art. 28); Cooperation in environment: emphasis to protect, preserve and enhance the natural environment of the region and cooperate in the event of natural disasters, control of erosion, deforestation, desertification (Art. 29); Preventing the importation, transiting, dumping and burying of hazardous and toxic wastes in the region (Art. 30); Coordination of policies and programmes in the field of natural resources (Art. 31)",0,,1,Fundamental principles of the Agreement: recognition promotion and protection of human and peoples' rights (Art. 4); The press: ensuring respect for the rights of journalists (Art. 66),1,"Reference to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (Art. 4, Art. 56)",1,"Fundamental principles of the Agreement: promotion and consolidation of a democratic system of governance in each Member State (Art. 4); Institutions of the community such as the Authority of Heads of State and Government, the Council of Ministers, the Community Parliament, the Economic and Social Council, the Community Court of Justice, the Executive Secretariat, the Fund for Cooperation, Compensation and Development, Specialised Technical Commissions - their establishment, composition and functions (Art. 6 - Art. 24); Cooperation on political matters (Art. 56); Cooperation in judicial and legal matters with a view to harmonizing judicial and legal systems (Art. 57)",1,"Reference to the Declaration of Political Principles adopted in Abuja on 6 July 1991 (Art. 4, Art. 56)",1,"Fundamental principles of the Agreement: non-aggression between Member States, maintenance of regional peace, stability and security through the promotion and strengthening of good neighbourliness, peaceful settlement of disputes among Member States, promotion of a peaceful environment (Art. 4); Regional security: Consolidationg relations conducive to the maintenance of peace, stability and security within the region; establishing and strengthening appropriate mechanisms for the timely prevention and resolution of intra-State and inter-State conflicts (Art. 58)",1,Reference to the Protocol on Non-Aggression the Protocol on Mutual Assistance on Defence (Art. 56),"Objectives of the Agreement: Raising the living standards of its peoples, contributing to the progress and development of the African Continent, ensuring activities food, transport and communications, energy, human resources, education, information, culture, science, technology, health, tourism / encouragement and strengthening of relations and the promotion of the flow of information particularly among rural populations, women and youth organizations and socio professional organizations such as associations of the media and women (Art. 3) (Art. 3); Fundamental principles of the Agreement: Social justice (Art. 4); Cooperation in the development of agriculture, forestry, livestock and fisheries in order to ensure food security and generating employment opportunities in rural areas (Art. 25); The modernization of priority sectors of the economy especially communications, tourist and cultural industries (Art. 26); Cooperation in science and technology: Ensuring the proper application of science and technology to the development of communications, health and hygiene, energy, education and manpower (Art. 27); Cooperation in energy: ensuring the effective development of the energy resources of the region (Art. 28); Cooperation in communications: evolving common communications policies, laws and regulations (Art. 32); Copperation in posts and telecommunicatons (Art. 33); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 34); A Member State may introduce or continue to execute restrictions or prohibitions affecting the control of narcotics, hazardous and toxic wastes, nuclear materials, radioactive products or any other material used in the development or exploitation of nuclear energy (added to Exceptions) (Art. 41); Provisions on immigration (Art. 59); Cooperation in human resources (Art. 60); Social affairs: Exchanges of experiences in literacy, professional training and employment, promoting women's and youth organizations, cooperation in health matters etc. (Art. 61); Cultural affairs (Art. 62); Women and development (Art. 63); Population and development: ensuring a balance between demographic factors and socio economic development (Art. 64); Exchanges of radio and television programmes (Art. 65); The press: Facilitationg the exchange of information between their press organ, modernizing the media by introducing training facilities for new information techniques, encouraging dissemination of information in indigenous languages, strengthening cooperation between national press agencies (Art. 66); Economic development: Special treatment for land-Locked and island member states (Art. 68); Cooperation with regional non-governmental organizations and voluntary development organizations (Art. 81); Cooperation with socio economic organizations in particular university teachers and administrators, journalists, youth, women, artisans and other professional (Art. 82)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 366,366+1,36601,933,ECOWAS1_p1,Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) Cape Verde accession,1976,,BJ-BF-CI-GM-GH-GW-LR-ML-MR-NE-NG-SN-SL-TG-CV,BJ-BF-CI-GM-GH-GW-LR-ML-MR-NE-NG-SN-SL-TG-CV,0,,,1,1993,,,,,,,,,,,5,15,14,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Foster and encourage economic and social development in order to improve living standards; harmonious economic development and economic cooperation; Reference to the Declaration of African Cooperation, Development and Economic Independence; Accelerated and sustained economic development",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Institution-building (Art.4-11, p.21-24; Art.61, p.39)",0,,1,"A Member State may introduce or continue to execute restrictions or prohibitions affecting: the application of security laws and regulations and the control of arms, ammunition and other war equipment, and military items (exceptions) (Art.18, p.27)",0,,"Cooperation and development in all fields of economic activity such as: transport, telecommunications, energy, natural resources, social and cultural matters etc. for the purpose of raising the standard of living of its peoples, increasing and maintaining economic stability; Common projects in the fields of marketing and research (Art.2, p.20); Citizens of Member States are not to need vistor's visas or residence permits and can work within their territories (Art.27, p.30); Industrial cooperation (Art.2, p.20, Art.32, p.31); Exchange of information on major industrial projects and financing of joint research (Art.29, p.30); Personnel exchange, training and joint ventures (Art.31,p.31); Cooperation in monetary and fiscal matters (Art.36, p.32); Common communication policy (Art.40, p.33); Establishment of a telecommunications network and links necessary for the economic and social development of the Community (Art.46, p.34); Cooperation in energy and mineral resources (Art.48, p.35); Cooperation in social and cultural matters (Art.49, p.35); Fund for cooperation, compensation and development (Art.50-52, p.36)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 367,367_1,367001,934,ECOWAS2_m1,Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) withdrawal Mauritania,2000,,BJ-BF-CV-CI-GM-GH-GW-LR-ML-NE-NG-SN-SL-TG,BJ-BF-CV-CI-GM-GH-GW-LR-ML-NE-NG-SN-SL-TG,0,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,"Emphasis on the need to encourage, foster and accelerate the economic and social development of their States in order to improve the living standards of their peoples; Emphasis on the the need to face together the political, economic and sociocultural challenges; Reference to the African Charter on Human and People's Rights, the Declaration of Political Principles of the Economic Community of West African States adopted in Abuja and the Lagos Plan of Action",0,,0,,1,"Objectives of the Agreement: the encouragement and strengthening of associations of worker (Art. 3); Cooperation in the development of agriculture, forestry, livestock and fisheries in order to improve conditions of work in rural areas (Art. 25); Social affairs: harmonization of labour laws and social security legislations (Art. 61); Cooperation with socio economic organizations in particular workers and employers (Art. 82)",0,,1,"Objectives of the Agreement: the harmonization and coordination of policies for the protection of the environment (Art. 3); Cooperation in agricultural development and food security to develop and protect marine and fishery resources, for reasons of plant and animal protection (Art. 25); Cooperation in science and technology: Ensuring the proper application of science and technology to the conservation of the environment (Art. 27); Cooperation in energy: promotiong the development of new and renewable energy particularly solar energy in the framework of the policy of diversification of sources of energy (Art. 28); Cooperation in environment: emphasis to protect, preserve and enhance the natural environment of the region and cooperate in the event of natural disasters, control of erosion, deforestation, desertification (Art. 29); Preventing the importation, transiting, dumping and burying of hazardous and toxic wastes in the region (Art. 30); Coordination of policies and programmes in the field of natural resources (Art. 31)",0,,1,Fundamental principles of the Agreement: recognition promotion and protection of human and peoples' rights (Art. 4); The press: ensuring respect for the rights of journalists (Art. 66),1,"Reference to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (Art. 4, Art. 56)",1,"Fundamental principles of the Agreement: promotion and consolidation of a democratic system of governance in each Member State (Art. 4); Institutions of the community such as the Authority of Heads of State and Government, the Council of Ministers, the Community Parliament, the Economic and Social Council, the Community Court of Justice, the Executive Secretariat, the Fund for Cooperation, Compensation and Development, Specialised Technical Commissions - their establishment, composition and functions (Art. 6 - Art. 24); Cooperation on political matters (Art. 56); Cooperation in judicial and legal matters with a view to harmonizing judicial and legal systems (Art. 57)",1,"Reference to the Declaration of Political Principles adopted in Abuja on 6 July 1991 (Art. 4, Art. 56)",1,"Fundamental principles of the Agreement: non-aggression between Member States, maintenance of regional peace, stability and security through the promotion and strengthening of good neighbourliness, peaceful settlement of disputes among Member States, promotion of a peaceful environment (Art. 4); Regional security: Consolidationg relations conducive to the maintenance of peace, stability and security within the region; establishing and strengthening appropriate mechanisms for the timely prevention and resolution of intra-State and inter-State conflicts (Art. 58)",1,Reference to the Protocol on Non-Aggression the Protocol on Mutual Assistance on Defence (Art. 56),"Objectives of the Agreement: Raising the living standards of its peoples, contributing to the progress and development of the African Continent, ensuring activities food, transport and communications, energy, human resources, education, information, culture, science, technology, health, tourism / encouragement and strengthening of relations and the promotion of the flow of information particularly among rural populations, women and youth organizations and socio professional organizations such as associations of the media and women (Art. 3) (Art. 3); Fundamental principles of the Agreement: Social justice (Art. 4); Cooperation in the development of agriculture, forestry, livestock and fisheries in order to ensure food security and generating employment opportunities in rural areas (Art. 25); The modernization of priority sectors of the economy especially communications, tourist and cultural industries (Art. 26); Cooperation in science and technology: Ensuring the proper application of science and technology to the development of communications, health and hygiene, energy, education and manpower (Art. 27); Cooperation in energy: ensuring the effective development of the energy resources of the region (Art. 28); Cooperation in communications: evolving common communications policies, laws and regulations (Art. 32); Copperation in posts and telecommunicatons (Art. 33); Cooperation in tourism (Art. 34); A Member State may introduce or continue to execute restrictions or prohibitions affecting the control of narcotics, hazardous and toxic wastes, nuclear materials, radioactive products or any other material used in the development or exploitation of nuclear energy (added to Exceptions) (Art. 41); Provisions on immigration (Art. 59); Cooperation in human resources (Art. 60); Social affairs: Exchanges of experiences in literacy, professional training and employment, promoting women's and youth organizations, cooperation in health matters etc. (Art. 61); Cultural affairs (Art. 62); Women and development (Art. 63); Population and development: ensuring a balance between demographic factors and socio economic development (Art. 64); Exchanges of radio and television programmes (Art. 65); The press: Facilitationg the exchange of information between their press organ, modernizing the media by introducing training facilities for new information techniques, encouraging dissemination of information in indigenous languages, strengthening cooperation between national press agencies (Art. 66); Economic development: Special treatment for land-Locked and island member states (Art. 68); Cooperation with regional non-governmental organizations and voluntary development organizations (Art. 81); Cooperation with socio economic organizations in particular university teachers and administrators, journalists, youth, women, artisans and other professional (Art. 82)",,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,802,802,ECOIZMR2,Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) (Treaty of Izmir revised),1996,ECO Treaty of Izmir 1996.doc,AF-AZ-IR-KZ-KG-PK-TJ-TR-TM-UZ,AF-AZ-IR-KZ-KG-PK-TJ-TR-TM-UZ,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,10,,3,2,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"Conscious of the deep-rooted historical and cultural ties among the peoples of their Countries; Recognizing that peace and stability constitute one of the pre-requisite for economic cooperation; reiterating their commitment to the U.N. Charter, the purposes and principles of which provide the basis for fruitful cooperation amongst all peoples; Resolved to ensure the economic and social progress of the ECO Member States;",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Cooperation in the fields of ecological and environmental protection within the region (Art.2, p.4)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objectives: to promote conditions for sustainable economic development and to raise on this basis the standard of living and quality of life in the Member States through mobilization of economic and social potentials of the region; Increased economic cooperation; To promote active regional collaboration and mutual assistance in economic, social, cultural, technical and scientific fields; To accelerate development of transport and communications infrastructures; increased participation of the private sector in the regional economic development through joint ventures and investments; To develop joint programmes for human resource development in ECO region; To intensify mobilization and utilization of ECO region’s natural resources in particular energy resources; To enhance efforts for effective utilization of the industrial potential of ECO region; To develop regional cooperation to eradicate drug abuse; To promote mutually beneficial interaction and cooperation between ECO and other regional and international organizations as well as financial institutions; To further strengthen historical and cultural ties among the peoples of the ECO region as well as exchanges in the field of tourism (Art.2, p.3, p.4); Common endeavors by the Member States in order to enhance their participation in regional and global arrangements; Exchanges in educational, scientific, technical and cultural fields (Art.3, p.5)",Annexes and protocols missing.,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,803,803,ECOIZMR1,Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) (Treaty of Izmir),1977,Treaty of Izmir 1977.pdf,IR-PK-TR,IR-PK-TR,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,3,,3,2,,,,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,"Recalling the decision of the Istanbul Summit Conference of July 20-21, 1964 whereby the Regional Cooperation for Development was created for strengthening development efforts through active and sustained collaboration on a regional basis; Noting that the solid basis for collaboration provided by the strong cultural and historical ties had been strengthened with the emergence of Regional Cooperation for Development (also in the Protocol Amending the Treaty of Izmir, Preamble, p.220); Determined to further their cooperation in all fields; Reaffirming their resolve to promote political stability and security in their Region so that their nations will be able to concentrate their efforts on attaining a higher level of economic and social development in peace; Desirous of enlarging the scope of their cooperation; ",1,"The Organization and Contracting States shall cooperate at all times to facilitate the proper administration of justice, secure the observance of police regulations and prevent the occurrence of any abuse in connection with the immunities and privileges set out in the present Agreement (Annex, Art.2, p.211)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in this Article shall be construed to preclude the adoption of appropriate security precautions to be determined by agreement between a Contracting State and the Secretary General, acting on behalf of the Secretariat (exception) (Annex, Art.10.3, p.213)",0,,"Economic, technical cooperation among themselves; evolving a common approach in international forums (Art.2, p.203-204); The promotion in each Member State conditions for sustained economic growth in order to achieve continuous improvement in the standard of living of the people (Art.2, p.203; Protocol, (b), p.218); Cultural cooperation (Art.2, p.203-204; Art.16, p.205) Industrial collaboration through the establishment of joint ventures and inter-industry cooperation and specialization in production of components (Art.3, p.204); The prmotion of intra-regional and international tourism (Art.7, p.204); The Member States shall take all necessary steps with a view to providing efficient post, telephone, telegraph and telex services within the Region (Art.8, p.204); The Member States shall make provision for an efficient transport system (Art.9, p.205); Adequate shipping services (Art.10, p.205); Closer cooperation among their national airlines (Art.11, p.205); Technical assistance and expertise (Art.12); The establishment from time to time of institutions to provide education and training on a regional basis (Art.13, p.205); With a view to building up a reservoir of highly skilled, scientific and technical manpower and strengthening the scientific and research institutions in the Member States an RCD Science Foundation, with Headquarters in Islamabad shall be established (Art.14, p.205); An RCD Youth Foundation shall be created to promote cultural exchanges, friendship and greater contacts among the youths of the Member States (Art.15, p.205); Information media agencies shall establish close cooperation (Art.17, p.205); Consideration to regional co-operation in the formulation of development plans (Art.20, p.206); The planning, financial and, wherever necessary, other competent authorities of the three Member States shall establish close contact among them (Art.21, p.6)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 370,370,370,370,ECO1,Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Preferences,1991,ECO 91 (preferences).doc ECO 91 (preferences1).doc,IR-PK-TR,IR-PK-TR,0,1,1992,0,,1,Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO),33795,Enabling Clause,,ECO Tariff Preferences,PTA_PSA,1,PTA,1,2,3,3,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 371,371,371,371,ECO2,Economic Cooperation Organization Trade Agreement (ECOTA),2003,Economic Cooperation Organisation 2003.pdf,AF-IR-PK-TJ-TR,AF-IR-PK-TJ-TR,0,1,2008,0,,0,,,,Economic Cooperation Organization,,,,,,2,5,10,3,2,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,Commitment to promote regional cooperation for the prosperity and stability of the region,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The Agreement shall not preclude the prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit justified on grounds of religious faith or to pursue sanitary and quarantine objectives / Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the right of any Contracting Party to take any measures of public regulation, which it considers necessary, provided these measures refer to delivery of fissionable materials and sources of radio active substances, utilization of radio active wastes (added to General Exceptions) (Art. 15)",Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 372,372,372,372,ECU_MEX,Ecuador Mexico,1993,Ecuador Mexico 1993,EC-MX,EC-MX,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""Incorporate to the integration framework of the Treaty of Montevideo, 1980, the trade and tariff preferences…"" as the goal of the agreement (Art. 1)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 373,373,373,373,ECU_PRY,Ecuador Paraguay,1994,Ecuador Paraguay 1994 Partial PTA.pdf,EC-PY,EC-PY,0,1,1995,1,2005,0,,,,,"Ecuador Paraguay (ECA 30, leads to ECA 59)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,Paraguayan and Ecuadorian democracy shall legitimate their joint undertaking; Regional economic integration for social and economic development in Latin America and to enhance living conditions,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Facilitation of technologic transfer (Art. 1, Art. 26, Art. 27); Cooperation in matters of transport to strenghten joint commerce and tourism (Art. 1, Art. 25)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 727,727,727,727,ECU_PER,Ecuador Peru,1998,,EC-PE,EC-PE,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 374,374,374,374,ECU_URY,Ecuador Uruguay,1994,Ecuador Uruguay 1994 Partial PTA.pdf,EC-UY,EC-UY,0,1,1994,1,2005,0,,,,,"Ecuador Uruguay (ECA 28, leads to ECA 59)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Promoting Latinoamerican integration; Promoting integral development,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Cooperation in science and technology to enhance competitiveness (Art. 12, Art. 13); Cooperation in matters of transport to strenghten joint commerce and tourism (Art. 15, Art. 16)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 375,375,375,375,EFTA,EFTA,1960,EFTA StockholmConvention 1960.pdf,AT-DK-PT-CH-NO-SE-GB,AT-DK-PT-CH-NO-SE-GB,0,1,1960,0,,1,European Free Trade Association (EFTA),14-Nov-1959(G) ,GATT Art. XXIV & ,EFTA (Stockholm Convention),EFTA (Stockholm Convention) (strengthened by Vaduz Convention of 2002),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,2,7,21,1,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the GATT; Economic cooperation,1,"Nothing in Articles 10 and 11 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime or to prevent deceptive practices (exceptions) (Art.12, p.8);On movement certificates: the customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Annex B, Art.17.5, p.41); Verifications of proofs of origin whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Annex B, Art.32, p.48); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Annex B, Art.34, p.49); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Appendix III to Annex B, p.135); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to mark any later additions impossible (Appendix III to Annex B, p.137); The Member States shall assist each other in ensuring that the customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection and investigation of operations in breach of that legislation (Annex I, Art. 2, p.179); Special surveillance of: persons, places, goods in breach of customs legislation and customs assistance (Annex I, Art.3-4, p.180-181)",0,,0,,0,,1,"On draft technical regualtion, Member States shall communicate the anticipated effects of the measure on the environment (Annex H, Art.2, p.175)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Institution-building (Art.1.4, p.1; Art.32, p.17)",0,,1,"Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of aliens where such measures are justified by reasons of national security (exception) (Art.16.5, p.11); Nothing in this Convention shall prevent any Member State from taking action to ensure that nuclear materials and equipment made available for peaceful purposes do not further military purposes. Nothing in this Convention shall prevent any Member State from taking action to carry out undertakings into which that Member State has entered for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security (exceptions) (Art.18, p.11); The Member States may refuse to give assistance as provided for in this Annex, where to do so would be likely to prejudice their security (exception) (Annex I, Art.9, p.183)",0,,"Aim of promoting full employment amd continous improvement in living standards (Art.2, p.1-2); Nothing in Articles 10 and 11 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime (exceptions) (Art.12, p.8); Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of aliens where such measures are justified for the prevention of a serious imbalance in the social or demographic structure of that Member State (Art.16.5, p.11); Reference to the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (Art.36, p.18); Nothing in this Convention shall be regarded as exempting any Member State from obligations which it has undertaken by virtue of the Convention for European Economic Co-operation, the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and other international agreements to which it is a party (Art.37, p.18); Administrative cooperation (Annex B, Title VI, p.48); Information may be communicated to other authorities directly involved in the combat of illicit drug traffic (Annex I, Art.11, p.184); EFTA Industrial Development Fund for Portugal (p.196)","Note: As there are only page numbers given for the Annexes (not the main treaty), the page numbers of the pdf are listed rather than those of the treaty.",,,,,,,,,,,, 376,376,376,376,EFTA_EGY,EFTA Egypt,2007,EFTA Egypt 2007.pdf,LI-IS-NO-CH-EG,LI-IS-NO-CH-EG,0,1,2007,0,,1,EFTA Egypt,39280,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Egypt,,,,FTA,2,3,5,4,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,Commitment to the principles and objectives set out in the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Creating new employment opportunities while promoting sustainable development,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Investment promotion: Recognizing that it is inappropriate to encourage investment by relaxing environmental standards (Art. 25); Methods and means of financial and technical cooperation: With a view to fostering sustainable development efforts, Parties shall to agree on environmental aspects that could be taken into consideration (Art. 35)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which relate to the production of war materials or to research, developments or productions indispensable for defence purposes / which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order (added to exceptions) (Art. 22)",0,,Objectives of the Agreement: Supporting the harmonious development of economic relations between the Parties through technical and financial assistance (Art. 1); Declaration of the EFTAs readiness to provide technical and financial assistance to Egypt to achieve sustainable economic and social development(Art. 34); Methos and means of technical and finacial assistance (Art. 35); Fields of cooperation to enhance Egypt’s capacities (enumeration) (Art. 36),,,,,,,,,,,,, 377,377,377,377,EFTA_EST,EFTA Estonia,1995,EFTA Estonia 1995.pdf,LI-IS-NO-CH-EE,LI-IS-NO-CH-EE,0,1,1996,1,2004,1,EFTA Estonia Free Trade Agreement,35271,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Estonia,EFTA Estonia,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,5,4,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,"Preserve and protect the environment, sutainable growth, optimal use of natural resources; Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law; Human rights (minorities, fundamental freedoms); Reference to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) and Council of Europe",0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The EFTA-Estonia Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions of imports or goods in transit on grounds of the protection of the environment, imposed under the provisions of Article 8 (General exceptions) (Record of Understanding p. 21); Annex 5: Consistent with state aid is the following: environmental aid (p. 224); Appendix 2: Objective(s) of aid measure: environment, energy-saving (p. 231)",0,,1,Respect of human rights (Art. 1),1,Helsinki Final Act; Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1),1,Respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),1,Helsinki Final Act; Charter of Paris for a New Europe (Art. 1),0,,0,,"Improvement of living conditions (Art 1.); Protocol B: Issueing certificates of origin in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Art. 17); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Art. 34); Annex 5: Consistent with state aid is the following: the aid in form of general public services, general aid for the creation of new employment opportunities (p. 224); Objective aid measure: employment (p. 231)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 445,445,445,445,EFTA_FIN,EFTA Finland,1961,FINEFTA 1961.pdf,AT-DK-PT-CH-NO-SE-GB-FI,AT-DK-PT-CH-NO-SE-GB-FI,0,1,1961,1,1986,1,Finland European Free Trade Association (FINEFTA),22395,GATT Art. XXIV,,FIN EFTA Association (under which Finland becomes an associate member of EFTA and eventually leads to EFTA accession of Finland),FTA,2,FTA,2,3,8,7,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 375,375+2,37502,976,EFTA_p1b,EFTA Finland accession,1985,,AT-PT-CH-NO-SE-IS-FI,AT-PT-CH-NO-SE-IS-FI,0,0,1986,1,1995,0,,,,,EFTA (Accession of Liechtenstein),A,,,,5,7,6,1,1,2,0,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the GATT; Economic cooperation,1,"Nothing in Articles 10 and 11 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime or to prevent deceptive practices (exceptions) (Art.12, p.8);On movement certificates: the customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Annex B, Art.17.5, p.41); Verifications of proofs of origin whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Annex B, Art.32, p.48); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Annex B, Art.34, p.49); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Appendix III to Annex B, p.135); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to mark any later additions impossible (Appendix III to Annex B, p.137); The Member States shall assist each other in ensuring that the customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection and investigation of operations in breach of that legislation (Annex I, Art. 2, p.179); Special surveillance of: persons, places, goods in breach of customs legislation and customs assistance (Annex I, Art.3-4, p.180-181)",0,,0,,0,,1,"On draft technical regualtion, Member States shall communicate the anticipated effects of the measure on the environment (Annex H, Art.2, p.175)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Institution-building (Art.1.4, p.1; Art.32, p.17)",0,,1,"Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of aliens where such measures are justified by reasons of national security (exception) (Art.16.5, p.11); Nothing in this Convention shall prevent any Member State from taking action to ensure that nuclear materials and equipment made available for peaceful purposes do not further military purposes. Nothing in this Convention shall prevent any Member State from taking action to carry out undertakings into which that Member State has entered for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security (exceptions) (Art.18, p.11); The Member States may refuse to give assistance as provided for in this Annex, where to do so would be likely to prejudice their security (exception) (Annex I, Art.9, p.183)",0,,"Aim of promoting full employment amd continous improvement in living standards (Art.2, p.1-2); Nothing in Articles 10 and 11 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime (exceptions) (Art.12, p.8); Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of aliens where such measures are justified for the prevention of a serious imbalance in the social or demographic structure of that Member State (Art.16.5, p.11); Reference to the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (Art.36, p.18); Nothing in this Convention shall be regarded as exempting any Member State from obligations which it has undertaken by virtue of the Convention for European Economic Co-operation, the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and other international agreements to which it is a party (Art.37, p.18); Administrative cooperation (Annex B, Title VI, p.48); Information may be communicated to other authorities directly involved in the combat of illicit drug traffic (Annex I, Art.11, p.184); EFTA Industrial Development Fund for Portugal (p.196)","Note: As there are only page numbers given for the Annexes (not the main treaty), the page numbers of the pdf are listed rather than those of the treaty.",,,,,,,,,,,, 379,379,379,379,EFTA_GCC,EFTA GCC,2009,EFTA GCC 2009.pdf,IS-LI-NO-CH-AE-BH-KW-OM-SA-QA,IS-LI-NO-CH-AE-BH-KW-OM-SA-QA,0,1,,0,,1,EFTA GCC,,,,,,,FTA_EIA,2,4,10,24,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,"Reaffirming their commitment to the principles and objectives set out in the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Aiming to create new employment opportunities, improve health and living standards, promote opportunities for transfer of technology; Reaffirming their commitment to economic and social development based on the principles set out in the relevant International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions; Seeking to preserve and protect the environment in accordance with the principle of sustainable development; ",1,Nothing in this Article shall preclude the exclusion of any supplier on grounds such as false declarations (Art.6.11),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Reference to jurisdiction in accordance with international law (Art.1.2); The arbitration panel shall make its ruling based on the provisions of this Agreement, applied and interpreted in accordance with the rules of interpretation of public international law as laid down in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Art.8.6)",1,Reference to thhe Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Art.8.6),0,,0,,Nothing in this Agreement shall require any Party to disclose confidential information which would impede law enforcement (Art.1.7); Co-operation in the field of technical regulations (Art.2.7); Cooperation with the aim of putting an end to anti-competitive practices (Art.4.2); Nothing in this Article shall preclude the exclusion of any supplier on grounds such as conviction for serious crime such as participation in criminal organizations (Art.6.11); Co-operation in the area of technical assistance (Art.6.21),All annexes other than Annex VI are missing.,,,,,,,,,,,, 380,380,380,380,EFTA_HUN,EFTA Hungary,1993,EFTA Hungary 1993.pdf,AT-FI-SE-LI-IS-NO-CH-HU,AT-FI-SE-LI-IS-NO-CH-HU,0,1,1993,1,2004,1,EFTA Hungary Agreement,23-Dec-93,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Hungary,EFTA Hungary,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,8,7,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Reaffirming the commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; the agreement as an important contribution to European integration; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe and the Council of Europe",0,,0,,1,Objectives of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 11); The EFTA States and Hungary agree that measures referred to in Article 11 of this Agreement for the protection of the environment may be applied to the extent permitted under Article XX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (p. 23); Environmental aid under the general principle that the polluter-paysprinciple is observed; investment specifically designated to reduce pollution (p. 215)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Printing instructions concerning certificates of origin in order to avoid any falsifications (p. 80); Aid to research, development and innovation (p. 214); Regional development aid (p. 215); General aid for the creation of new employment opportunities (p. 215)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 380,380_1,380001,939,EFTA_HUN_m3,"EFTA Hungary withdrawal Austria, Finland, Sweden",1994,,LI-IS-NO-CH-HU,LI-IS-NO-CH-HU,0,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Reaffirming the commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; the agreement as an important contribution to European integration; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe and the Council of Europe",0,,0,,1,Objectives of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 11); The EFTA States and Hungary agree that measures referred to in Article 11 of this Agreement for the protection of the environment may be applied to the extent permitted under Article XX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (p. 23); Environmental aid under the general principle that the polluter-paysprinciple is observed; investment specifically designated to reduce pollution (p. 215)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Printing instructions concerning certificates of origin in order to avoid any falsifications (p. 80); Aid to research, development and innovation (p. 214); Regional development aid (p. 215); General aid for the creation of new employment opportunities (p. 215)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 375,375+1,37501,935,EFTA_p1a,EFTA Iceland accession,1969,EFTA-Iceland Accession 1969.pdf,AT-DK-PT-CH-NO-SE-GB-IS,AT-DK-PT-CH-NO-SE-GB-IS,0,1,1970,0,,1,EFTA accession of Iceland,25598,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Accession of Iceland,EFTA (Accession of Iceland),A,4,FTA,2,5,8,7,1,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the GATT; Economic cooperation (EFTA Treaty); Desiring to facilitate the development of the economy of Iceland (Accession text),1,"Nothing in Articles 10 and 11 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime or to prevent deceptive practices (exceptions) (Art.12, p.8);On movement certificates: the customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Annex B, Art.17.5, p.41); Verifications of proofs of origin whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Annex B, Art.32, p.48); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Annex B, Art.34, p.49); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Appendix III to Annex B, p.135); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to mark any later additions impossible (Appendix III to Annex B, p.137); The Member States shall assist each other in ensuring that the customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection and investigation of operations in breach of that legislation (Annex I, Art. 2, p.179); Special surveillance of: persons, places, goods in breach of customs legislation and customs assistance (Annex I, Art.3-4, p.180-181) (EFTA Treaty)",0,,0,,0,,1,"On draft technical regualtion, Member States shall communicate the anticipated effects of the measure on the environment (Annex H, Art.2, p.175) (EFTA Treaty)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Institution-building (Art.1.4, p.1; Art.32, p.17) (EFTA Treaty)",0,,1,"Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of aliens where such measures are justified by reasons of national security (exception) (Art.16.5, p.11); Nothing in this Convention shall prevent any Member State from taking action to ensure that nuclear materials and equipment made available for peaceful purposes do not further military purposes. Nothing in this Convention shall prevent any Member State from taking action to carry out undertakings into which that Member State has entered for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security (exceptions) (Art.18, p.11); The Member States may refuse to give assistance as provided for in this Annex, where to do so would be likely to prejudice their security (exception) (Annex I, Art.9, p.183) (EFTA Treaty)",0,,"Aim of promoting full employment amd continous improvement in living standards (Art.2, p.1-2); Nothing in Articles 10 and 11 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime (exceptions) (Art.12, p.8); Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of aliens where such measures are justified for the prevention of a serious imbalance in the social or demographic structure of that Member State (Art.16.5, p.11); Reference to the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (Art.36, p.18); Nothing in this Convention shall be regarded as exempting any Member State from obligations which it has undertaken by virtue of the Convention for European Economic Co-operation, the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and other international agreements to which it is a party (Art.37, p.18); Administrative cooperation (Annex B, Title VI, p.48); Information may be communicated to other authorities directly involved in the combat of illicit drug traffic (Annex I, Art.11, p.184); EFTA Industrial Development Fund for Portugal (p.196) (EFTA Treaty)","Note: As there are only page numbers given for the Annexes (not the main treaty), the page numbers of the pdf are listed rather than those of the treaty. Both the accession document and the EFTA treaty are coded (refer to notes to see where references are taken from)",,,,,,,,,,,, 382,382,382,382,EFTA_ISR,EFTA Israel,1992,EFTA Israel 1992.pdf,AT-FI-SE-LI-IS-NO-CH-IL,AT-FI-SE-LI-IS-NO-CH-IL,0,1,1993,0,,1,EFTA Israel,33938,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Israel,EFTA Israel,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,8,7,2,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 8)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and the Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 382,382_1,382001,940,EFTA_ISR_m3,"EFTA Israel withdrawal Austria, Finland, Sweden",1994,,LI-IS-NO-CH-IL,LI-IS-NO-CH-IL,0,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 8)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and the Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 383,383,383,383,EFTA_JOR,EFTA Jordan,2001,EFTA Jordan 2001.pdf,LI-IS-NO-CH-JO,LI-IS-NO-CH-JO,0,1,2002,0,,1,EFTA Jordan,37273,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Jordan,EFTA Jordan,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,5,4,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to the principles of the United Nations Charter, in particular pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law and political and economic freedoms and observance of human rights, including rights of persons belonging to minorities; Efforts to strengthen political stability in the region through the encouragement of bilateral and regional co-operation; Considering the political developments such as the Middle East Peace Process; Agreement shall constitute an important contribution to Euro-Mediterranean integration; Objective to preserve and protect the environment and to ensure an optimal use of natural resources in accordance with the principle of sustainable development",0,,0,,1,Objectives of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (Art. 10) (added to Exceptions)",0,,1,The objective of the Agreement is based on respect human rights (Art. 1),0,,1,The objective of the Agreement is based on respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Technical and financial assistance for Jordan (Art. 3, p. 17 related to Art. 3)",Annexes and the Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 384,384,384,384,EFTA_KOR,EFTA Korea,2005,EFTA Korea 2005.pdf,LI-IS-NO-CH-KR,LI-IS-NO-CH-KR,0,1,2006,0,,1,"EFTA Korea, Republic of",38952,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EFTA Korea,EFTA Korea,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,5,4,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,"Optimal use of the world's resources, sustainable development, protect and preserve the environment, create new employment opportunities and improve living standards, Reference to Universal Declaration of Human Rights and United Nationas Charter",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 385,385,385,385,EFTA_LVA,EFTA Latvia,1995,EFTA Latvia 1995.pdf,LI-IS-NO-CH-LV,LI-IS-NO-CH-LV,0,1,1996,1,2004,1,EFTA Latvia,35271,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Latvia\n,EFTA Latvia,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,5,4,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,"Reaffirming the commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights, including rights of persons belonging to minorities; Objective to preserve and protect the environment and to ensure an optimal use of natural resources in accordance with the principle of sustainable growth;the Agreement shall constitute an important contribution to European integration; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe and the Europe Council",0,,0,,1,Objectives of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (Art. 8) (added to Exceptions); The EFTA-Latvia Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions of imports or goods in transit on grounds of the protection of the environment, imposed under the provisions of Article 8 (General exceptions) (Record of Understanding p. 22); Environmental aid under the general principle that the polluter-pays-principle is observed; investment specifically designated to reduce pollution (p. 235); Objective(s) of aid measure: environment and energy-saving (p. 242)",0,,1,The objectives of the Agreement are based on the respect of human rights (Art. 1),0,,1,The objectives of the Agreement are based on the respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Completion of certificates of origin in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (p. 121); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Art. 34 p. 130); Aid to research, development and innovation, regional development aid, aid in form of general public services, general aid for the creation of new employment opportunities (p. 234f); Objective(s) of aid measure: employment (Art. 242)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 386,386,386,386,EFTA_LBN,EFTA Lebanon,2004,EFTA Lebanon 2004.pdf,LI-IS-NO-CH-LB,LI-IS-NO-CH-LB,0,1,2007,0,,1,EFTA Lebanon,22-Dec-06,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Lebanon,EFTA Lebanon FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,5,4,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,"Preserve and protect the environment, human rights (fundamental freedoms, minority rights), commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law; Reference to United Nations Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Reference to Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, Council of Europe",0,,0,,1,Improving employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,1,Respect to human rights (Art. 1),0,,1,Respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 375,375+3,37503,977,EFTA_p1c,EFTA Liechtenstein accession,1991,,AT-FI-SE-IS-NO-CH-LI,AT-FI-SE-IS-NO-CH-LI,0,0,1991,0,,0,,,,,,FTA,,,,5,7,6,1,1,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the GATT; Economic cooperation,1,"Nothing in Articles 10 and 11 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime or to prevent deceptive practices (exceptions) (Art.12, p.8);On movement certificates: the customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Annex B, Art.17.5, p.41); Verifications of proofs of origin whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Annex B, Art.32, p.48); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Annex B, Art.34, p.49); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Appendix III to Annex B, p.135); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to mark any later additions impossible (Appendix III to Annex B, p.137); The Member States shall assist each other in ensuring that the customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection and investigation of operations in breach of that legislation (Annex I, Art. 2, p.179); Special surveillance of: persons, places, goods in breach of customs legislation and customs assistance (Annex I, Art.3-4, p.180-181)",0,,0,,0,,1,"On draft technical regualtion, Member States shall communicate the anticipated effects of the measure on the environment (Annex H, Art.2, p.175)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Institution-building (Art.1.4, p.1; Art.32, p.17)",0,,1,"Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of aliens where such measures are justified by reasons of national security (exception) (Art.16.5, p.11); Nothing in this Convention shall prevent any Member State from taking action to ensure that nuclear materials and equipment made available for peaceful purposes do not further military purposes. Nothing in this Convention shall prevent any Member State from taking action to carry out undertakings into which that Member State has entered for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security (exceptions) (Art.18, p.11); The Member States may refuse to give assistance as provided for in this Annex, where to do so would be likely to prejudice their security (exception) (Annex I, Art.9, p.183)",0,,"Aim of promoting full employment amd continous improvement in living standards (Art.2, p.1-2); Nothing in Articles 10 and 11 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime (exceptions) (Art.12, p.8); Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of aliens where such measures are justified for the prevention of a serious imbalance in the social or demographic structure of that Member State (Art.16.5, p.11); Reference to the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (Art.36, p.18); Nothing in this Convention shall be regarded as exempting any Member State from obligations which it has undertaken by virtue of the Convention for European Economic Co-operation, the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and other international agreements to which it is a party (Art.37, p.18); Administrative cooperation (Annex B, Title VI, p.48); Information may be communicated to other authorities directly involved in the combat of illicit drug traffic (Annex I, Art.11, p.184); EFTA Industrial Development Fund for Portugal (p.196)","Note: As there are only page numbers given for the Annexes (not the main treaty), the page numbers of the pdf are listed rather than those of the treaty.",,,,,,,,,,,, 388,388,388,388,EFTA_LTU,EFTA Lithuania,1995,EFTA Lithuania 1995.pdf,LI-IS-NO-CH-LT,LI-IS-NO-CH-LT,0,1,1996,1,2004,1,EFTA Lithuania,35271,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Lithuania,EFTA Lithuania,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,5,4,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,"Objective to preserve and protect the environment and to ensure an optimal use of natural resources in accordance with the principles of sustainable growth; Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights, including rights belonging to minorities, and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall constitute an important contribution to European integration; Reference the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe and the Council of Europe",0,,0,,1,Objectives of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (Art. 9) (added to Exceptions); The EFTA-Lithuania Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions of imports or goods in transit on grounds of the protection of the environment, imposed under the provisions of Article 9 (General exceptions) (Record of Understanding p. 18); Environmental aid under the general principle that the polluter-pays-principle is observed; investment specifically designated to reduce pollution (p. 235); Objective(s) of aid measure: environment and energy-saving (p. 242)",0,,1,The objectives of the Agreement are based on the respect of human rights (Art. 1),0,,1,The objectives of the Agreement are based on the respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Completion of certificates of origin in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (p. 121); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up a document (p. 120); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Art. 34 p. 130f); Printing instructions for certificates of origin in order to make any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Art. 214); Aid to research, development and innovation, regional development aid, aid in form of general public services, general aid for the creation of new employment opportunities (p. 234f); Objective(s) of aid measure: employment (Art. 242)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 389,389,389,389,EFTA_MKD,EFTA Macedonia,2000,EFTA Macedonia 2000.pdf,LI-IS-NO-CH-MK,LI-IS-NO-CH-MK,0,1,2002,0,,1,EFTA Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,11-Dec-00,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia\n,EFTA FYR of Macedonia,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,5,4,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,"Objective to preserve and protect the environment and to ensure an optimal use of natural resources in accordance with the principle of sustainable development; Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights, including rights of persons belonging to minorities, and fundamental freedoms; EFTA States’ and Macedonia’s commitment and readiness to support the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe; Agreement shall contribute to European integration; Reference to the Helsinki Final Act, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe and the United Nations Charter",0,,0,,1,Objectives of the Agreement: Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (Art. 9) (added to Exceptions)",0,,1,The Agreement is based on on the respect of human rights (Art. 1),0,,1,The Agreement is based on on the respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,Objectives of the Agreement: Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Provisions on modalities for technical assistance and co-operation of the respective authorities in particular in the fields of customs matters and technical regulations to facilitate the implementation of the Agreement (Art. 28),Annexes and the Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 390,390,390,390,EFTA_MEX,EFTA Mexico,2000,EFTA Mexico 2000.pdf,LI-IS-NO-CH-MX,LI-IS-NO-CH-MX,0,1,2001,0,,1,EFTA Mexico,37097,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EFTA Mexico,EFTA Mexico,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,5,4,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Creating new employment opportunities, improving working conditions and living standards; Fostering environmental protection and conservation and promoting sustainable development",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and Appendices are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 391,391,391,391,EFTA_MAR,EFTA Morocco,1997,EFTA Morocco 1997.pdf,LI-IS-NO-CH-MA,LI-IS-NO-CH-MA,0,1,1999,0,,1,EFTA Morocco,36545,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Morocco,EFTA Morocco,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,5,4,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,"Objective to preserve and protect the environment and to ensure an optimal use of natural resources in accordance with the principle of sustainable development; Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to Euro-Mediterranean integration; Economic and social assistance to Morocco; Reference to the principles of the United Nations Charter",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (Art. 9; Record of Understanding p. 29) (added to Exceptions)",0,,1,The Agreement is based on on the respect of human rights (Art. 1),0,,1,The Agreement is based on on the respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,"Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Modalities for technical assistance and co-operation of the respective authorities in particular in the fields of customs matters and technical regulations to facilitate the implementation of the Agreement (Art. 29); Record of Understanding: EFTA'swillingness to support the efforts of Morocco in consideration of its long-lasting social and economic development (p. 27); Protocol B on Administrative Cooperation: Verification of proofs of origin whenever there are reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Art. 33), penalties for any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect information (Art. 35) / excluding all possibility of fraudulent additions in documents (Art. 17)",,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,816,816,EFTA_PSE,EFTA PLO,1998,,IS-LI-NO-CH-PS,IS-LI-NO-CH-PS,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,5,,2,6,,,,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,"Objective to preserve and protect the environment and to ensure an optimal use of natural resources in accordance with the principle of sustainable development; Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights, including rights of persons belonging to minorities, and fundamental freedoms; Considering the importance of the Middle East peace process; Agreement as an important contribution to Euro-Mediterranean integration; Efforts to promote economic and social development in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip; Reference to the United Nations Charter",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (Art. 9) (added to Exceptions)",0,,1,The Agreement is based on on the respect of human rights (Art. 1),0,,1,The Agreement is based on on the respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,"Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Record of Understanding: EFTA States will provide technical assistance to the Palestinian Authority in trade policy matters (p. 15)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 392,392,392,392,EFTA_POL,EFTA Poland,1992,EFTA Poland 1992.pdf,AT-FI-SE-LI-IS-NO-CH-PL,AT-FI-SE-LI-IS-NO-CH-PL,0,1,1993,1,2004,1,EFTA Poland Agreement,20-Oct-93,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Poland,EFTA Poland,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,8,7,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Agreement as an an important contribution to European integration; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (Art. 10) (added to Exceptions); Environmental aid under the general principle that the polluter-pays-principle is observed; investment specifically designated to reduce pollution (p. 240)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Completion of certificates of origin in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (p. 121); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up a document (p. 116); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Art. 34 p. 125); Printing instructions for certificates of origin in order to make any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Art. 212); Aid to research, development and innovation, regional development aid, aid in form of general public services, general aid for the creation of new employment opportunities (p. 239f)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 392,392_1,392001,941,EFTA_POL_m3,"EFTA Poland withdrawal Austria, Finland, Sweden",1994,,LI-IS-NO-CH-PL,LI-IS-NO-CH-PL,0,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Agreement as an an important contribution to European integration; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (Art. 10) (added to Exceptions); Environmental aid under the general principle that the polluter-pays-principle is observed; investment specifically designated to reduce pollution (p. 240)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Completion of certificates of origin in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (p. 121); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up a document (p. 116); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Art. 34 p. 125); Printing instructions for certificates of origin in order to make any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Art. 212); Aid to research, development and innovation, regional development aid, aid in form of general public services, general aid for the creation of new employment opportunities (p. 239f)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 393,393,393,393,EFTA_ROU,EFTA Romania,1992,EFTA Romania 1992.pdf,AT-FI-SE-LI-IS-NO-CH-RO,AT-FI-SE-LI-IS-NO-CH-RO,0,1,1993,1,2006,1,EFTA Romania Free Trade Agreement,24-May-93,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Romania,EFTA Romania,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,8,7,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities and fundamental freedoms; Agreement as an important contribution to European integration; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (Art. 10) (added to Exceptions)",0,,1,The Agreement is based on on the respect of human rights (Art. 1),0,,1,The Agreement is based on on the respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes and the Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 393,393_1,393001,942,EFTA_ROU_m3,"EFTA Romania withdrawal Austria, Finland, Sweden",1994,,LI-IS-NO-CH-RO,LI-IS-NO-CH-RO,0,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities and fundamental freedoms; Agreement as an important contribution to European integration; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (Art. 10) (added to Exceptions)",0,,1,The Agreement is based on on the respect of human rights (Art. 1),0,,1,The Agreement is based on on the respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes and the Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 394,394,394,394,EFTA_SRB,EFTA Serbia,2009,EFTA Serbia 2009,LI-IS-NO-CH-RS,LI-IS-NO-CH-RS,0,1,2010,0,,1,EFTA Serbia,,,,,,,,,3,5,4,2,1,2,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,"Commitment to democracy, human rights and fundamental (political) freedoms; Commitment to economic and social development, the protection of health and safety, and the respect for the fundamental rights of workers; Aiming to create new employment opportunities and improve health and living standards in their respective territories; Implementing this Agreement with the objectives to preserve and protect the environment and to ensure the use of natural resources in accordance with the principle of sustainable development; Preventing and combating corruption and promoting the principles of transparency and good governance; Reference to the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the principles set out in the relevant International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Recognition that it is inappropriate to encourage investment by relaxing environmental standards (Art. 25),0,,1,The objectives of this Agreement are based the respect of human rights (Art. 1),0,,1,The objectives of this Agreement are based the respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,,Protocols and Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 395,395,395,395,EFTASERV,EFTA services,2001,EFTA services 2001.pdf,IS-LI-NO-CH,IS-LI-NO-CH,0,1,2002,0,,1,European Free Trade Association (EFTA),15-Jul-2002(S),GATS V,,,,,,,2,4,6,1,1,4,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,"Reaffirming the high priority they attach to the privileged relationship between the Member States and the European Union, which are based on proximity, long-standing common values and European identity; Building on their respective rights and obligations under the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization and other multilateral and bilateral instruments of co-operation (unspecified); Mutually supportive environmental policies in order to achieve the objective of sustainable development; Affirming their commitment to the observance of recognised core labour standards, noting their endeavours to promote such standards in the appropriate multilateral fora",1,"Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Appendix III to Annex A, p.86; Appendix 3B to Annex A, p.486); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to mark any later additions impossible (Appendix III to Annex A, p.88; Annex A on Rules of Origin, Art.17, p.474; Appendix 3B to Annex A, p.488); The prevention, detection and investigation of operations in breach of customs legislation (Annex B, Art.2, p.124); At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall furnish it with all relevant information which may enable it to ensure compliance with customs legislation, including information regarding operations which might be in breach of such legislation (Annex B, Art.3, Art.4 p.125-126c); On movement certificates: customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Annex A on Rules of Origin, Art.17, p.475)",0,,1,"Same employment and working conditions for nationals of Member States (Art.20; Annex K, Ch.8, Art.1,p.91, Art.7,p.93; Annex K, Ch.9, Art.1, p.100, Art.7, p.101; Appendix 1, Art.9, p.112); Coordination of social security systems, securing equality of treatment (Art.21; Annex K, Ch.8, Annex K, Art.8, p.93; Ch.8, Art.14, p.97; Annex K, Ch.9, Art.8, p.102; Annex K, Ch.9, Art.14, p.105; Protocol regarding free movement of persons between Switzerland and Liechtenstein, p.356; Appendix 2, p.495-545; Protocol 1 to Appendix 2, p.546-547; protocol 2 to Appendix 2, p.548-549; Protocol 3 to Appendix 2, p.550); Bilateral social security agreements between the Member States shall be suspended upon entry into force of this Annex, in so far as the latter covers the same subject matter (Annex K,Ch.8, Art.18; Annex K, Ch.9, Art.18, p.106); Those seeking employment shall have the right, in the territory of the Member State concerned, to receive the same assistance as employment agencies in that State grant to its own nationals (Appendix 1, Art.2.1, p.109); A valid residence permit may not be withdrawn from an employed person merely on the grounds that he is no longer working, either because he has become temporarily unable to work owing to an accident or illness (Appendix 1, Art.6.6, p.112)",0,,1,"The provisions of a specific article shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions justified on grounds of the environment (exception) (Art.13, p.8; Art.33, p.20); The provisions of this Chapter shall not prejudice the applicability of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action providing for special treatment for foreign companies or firms on grounds of the environment (exception) (Art.27); On draft technical regulations: Member States shall communicate the anticipated effects of the measure on the environment (Annex H, Art.2, p.187); Requirements imposed on a product for the purpose of protecting the environment (Annex H, Art.1, p.185); If serious environmental difficulties are arising, a Member State may unilaterally take appropriate measures (Art.40, p.22, Protocol regarding the free movement of persons between Switzerland and Liechtenstein, p.355)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Institution-building and institutional provisions (Ch.16, p.24)",0,,1," The provisions of this Chapter shall not prejudice the applicability of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action providing for special treatment for foreign companies or firms on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.27); Nothing in this Convention shall prevent a Member State from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes; in time of war or serious international tension constituting threat of war or in order to carry out obligations it has accepted for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (exceptions) (Art.39); The rights granted under the provisions of the Annex may be restricted only by means of measures which are justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Appendix I, Art.5.1, p.111); The Member States may refuse to give assistance as provided for in this Annex, where to do so would be likely to prejudice their security (exception) (Annex B, Art.9, p.129); Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply in urgent cases relating to the protection of security (exception) (Annex H, Art.3.6, p.189)",0,,"Mutual acceptance of reports, certificates, etc. (Art.15; Annex 1, p.367-374); Free movement of persons (Annex K); On movement of persons: same living conditions for nationals of Member States (Art.20; Annex K,Ch.8, Art.1; Art.7); Mutual recognition of professional qualifications, diplomas (Art.22; Annex K, Ch.8, Art.8; Annex K, Ch.9, Art.9, p.103; Protocol regarding free movement of persons between Switzerland and Liechtenstein, p.356); Recognition of standards, criteria for authorization, licensing or certification of service suppliers (Art.26); The right of residence and access to an economic activity shall be guaranteed (Annex K, Ch.8, Art.4); The children of a national of a Member State shall be admitted to general education, apprenticeships and vocational training courses on the same basis as nationals of the host State, if those children are living in its territory (Appendix 1, Art.3.6, p.110); A national of a Member State who has a right of residence and his principal residence in the host State shall enjoy the same rights as a national as regards the purchase of immovable property (Appendix 1, Art.24, p.119); Administrative cooperation (Annex A on rules of origin, p.484); Such information may be communicated to other authorities directly involved in the combat of illicit drug traffic (Annex B,Art.11, p.130)","Annex S: ""Organs, committees and other bodies set up by the Council"" is missing. ",,,,,,,,,,,, 396,396,396,396,EFTA_SGP,EFTA Singapore,2002,EFTA Singapore 2002.pdf,LI-IS-NO-CH-SG,LI-IS-NO-CH-SG,0,1,2003,0,,1,EFTA Singapore,37635,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,EFTA Singapore,EFTA Singapore,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,5,4,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,"Reference to the principles set out in the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Creating new employment opportunities, improving living standards; Seeking to protect and preserve the environment",1,"Provisions on money transfer are without prejudice to the good faith application of laws relating to criminal or penal offences, and the recovery of proceeds of crimes (Art. 44)",0,,1,Provisions on money transfer are without prejudice to obligations under social security and public retirement schemes (Art. 44),0,,1,Investment: Nothing in the Chapter shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting any measure consistent with this Chapter that is in the public interest such as environmental concerns (Art. 43),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Investment: Nothing in the Chapter shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting any measure consistent with this Chapter that is in the public interest such as safety concerns (Art. 42),0,,"Provisions on entry, stay and work of natural persons (investors, spouses, minor childeren) (Art. 45)",Annexes and Appendices are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,804,804,EFTA_SVK,EFTA Slovakia,1992,,AT-FI-SE-IS-LI-NO-CH-SK,AT-FI-SE-IS-LI-NO-CH-SK,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,8,,2,1,,,,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement as an important contribution to European integration; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe and the Council of Europe",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (Art. 10) (added to Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes and the Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 398,398,398,398,EFTA_SVN,EFTA Slovenia,1995,EFTA Slovenia 1995.pdf,LI-IS-NO-CH-SI,LI-IS-NO-CH-SI,0,1,1995,1,2004,1,EFTA Slovenia,18-Oct-95,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Slovenia,EFTA Slovenia,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,5,4,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,"Objective to preserve and protect the environment and to ensure an optimal use of natural resources in accordance with the principle of sustainable growth; Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights, including rights of persons belonging to minorities, and fundamental freedoms; Agreement as an important contribution to European integration; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe and the Council of Europe",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (Art. 9) (added to Exceptions); The EFTA-Slovenia Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions of imports or goods in transit on grounds of the protection of the environment, imposed under the provisions of Article 9 (Record of Understanding p. 21); Environmental aid, under the general principle that the polluter-pays-principle is observed; investment specifically designated to reduce pollution may be aided up (p. 234); Objective(s) of aid measure: environment, energy-saving (p. 241)",0,,1,The Agreement is based on on the respect of human rights (Art. 1),0,,1,The Agreement is based on on the respect of democratic principles (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,"Objective of the Agreement: Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Completion of certificates of origin in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Art. 17 p. 120); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products. (Art. 34 p. 129); Printing instructions in order to make any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (p. 217); Aid to research, development and innovation, regional development aid, aid in form of general public services, general aid for the creation of new employment opportunities (p. 233f); Objective(s) of aid measure: employment (p. 241)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 399,399,399,399,EFTA_SACU,EFTA Southern African Customs Union (SACU),2006,EFTA SACU 2006.pdf,IS-LI-NO-CH-BW-LS-NA-SZ-ZA,IS-LI-NO-CH-BW-LS-NA-SZ-ZA,0,1,2008,0,,1,EFTA SACU,29-Oct-08,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA-SACU,EFTA SACU FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,4,9,20,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,"Recoginising the efforts by the SACU States to further economic and social development for their people and the willingness of the EFTA States to support this process, recognisiong the special needs and interests of the SACU States as developing or least-developed countries, commitment of the Parties to promote regional co-operation; Desiring to create new employment opportunities and to improve working conditions and living standards; Commitment to the principles and objectives set out in the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The Parties recognise that it is inappropriate to encourage investment by relaxing environmental standards (Art. 28); the environment shall be taken into account in the implementation of economic and social assistance to the SACU States (Art. 31),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Economic development: Special Treatment for Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland such as restriction of the importation or exportation of goods for purposes of rural development and poverty alleviation in a manner not inconsistent with the WTO Agreement (Art. 25), technical assistance to the SACU States in order to support the SACU States’ own efforts to achieve economic and social development. (Art. 30), Means of economic and social assistance (Art. 31); Fields of cooperation such as capacity building, infrastructure development (Art. 32)",Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 400,400,400,400,EFTA_ESP,EFTA Spain,1979,EFTA Spain 1979.pdf,AT-PT-CH-NO-SE-IS-ES,AT-PT-CH-NO-SE-IS-ES,0,1,1980,1,1986,1,EFTA Spain Agreement,29164,GATT Art. XXIV,,EFTA Spain,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,7,6,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the goods has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions; to this end the description of the goods must be given without leaving any blank lines. Where the box is not completely filled a horizontal line must be drawn below the last line of the description, the empty space being crossed through (Annex 3 to the Agreement, Art.10.2, p.160); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Annex 3 to the Agreement, Art.11. p.160); Member states shall assist each other, through their respective Customs administrations, in checking the authenticity and accuracy of EUR. 1 certificates (Annex 3 to the Agreement, Art.16, p.163); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for goods. (Annex 3 to the Agreement, Art.16.4, p.164)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1," This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.13, p.7); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a State Party to it from taking any measure: Which relates to to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.14, p.7)",0,,"Administrative cooperation (Annex 3 to the Agreement, Title 2, p.157); ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 401,401,401,401,EFTA_TUN,EFTA Tunisia,2004,EFTA Tunisia 2004.pdf,LI-IS-NO-CH-TN,LI-IS-NO-CH-TN,0,1,2005,0,,1,EFTA Tunisia,38506,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Tunisia,EFTA Tunisia,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,5,4,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,"Objective to preserve and protect the environment and to ensure an optimal use of natural resources in accordance with the principle of sustainable development; Objective of integration between the countries of the Maghreb; The principles of the United Nations Charter, particularly the observance of human rights and political and economic freedom as the very basis for co-operation between the EFTA States and Tunisia; Supporting efforts to liberalize the Tunisian economy to contribute to the improvement of economic and social conditions in Tunisia; Strenghtening relations in the scientific, technical, social and cultural fields",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: improving employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,EFTA's social and economic assistance: Conservation of the environment shall be taken into account in the implementation of assistance (Art. 32),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objective of the Agreement: Raising standards of living (Art. 1); EFTA's readiness to engage in economic co-operation and provide technical assistance to Tunisia, to facilitate the implementation of the overall objectives of this Agreement and to support Tunisia’s own efforts to achieve economic and social development (Art. 31), Means and Methods of EFTA's assistance (Art. 32); Fields of cooperation to enhance Tunisia’s capacities such as vocational training in the customs field, modernisation of economic sectors or tourism (Art. 33)",Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 402,402,402,402,EFTA_TUR,EFTA Turkey,1991,EFTA Turkey 1991.pdf,AT-FI-SE-LI-IS-NO-CH-TR,AT-FI-SE-LI-IS-NO-CH-TR,0,1,1992,0,,1,EFTA Turkey,06-Mar-92,GATT Art. XXIV,EFTA Turkey,EFTA Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,3,8,7,2,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 8)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 402,402_1,402001,943,EFTA_TUR_m3,"EFTA Turkey withdrawal Austria, Finland, Sweden",1994,,LI-IS-NO-CH-TR,LI-IS-NO-CH-TR,0,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 8)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 375,375_3,375003,936,EFTA_m3,"EFTA withdrawal Austria, Finland, Sweden",1995,,IS-NO-CH-LI,IS-NO-CH-LI,0,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the GATT; Economic cooperation,1,"Nothing in Articles 10 and 11 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime or to prevent deceptive practices (exceptions) (Art.12, p.8);On movement certificates: the customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Annex B, Art.17.5, p.41); Verifications of proofs of origin whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Annex B, Art.32, p.48); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Annex B, Art.34, p.49); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Appendix III to Annex B, p.135); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to mark any later additions impossible (Appendix III to Annex B, p.137); The Member States shall assist each other in ensuring that the customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection and investigation of operations in breach of that legislation (Annex I, Art. 2, p.179); Special surveillance of: persons, places, goods in breach of customs legislation and customs assistance (Annex I, Art.3-4, p.180-181)",0,,0,,0,,1,"On draft technical regualtion, Member States shall communicate the anticipated effects of the measure on the environment (Annex H, Art.2, p.175)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Institution-building (Art.1.4, p.1; Art.32, p.17)",0,,1,"Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of aliens where such measures are justified by reasons of national security (exception) (Art.16.5, p.11); Nothing in this Convention shall prevent any Member State from taking action to ensure that nuclear materials and equipment made available for peaceful purposes do not further military purposes. Nothing in this Convention shall prevent any Member State from taking action to carry out undertakings into which that Member State has entered for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security (exceptions) (Art.18, p.11); The Member States may refuse to give assistance as provided for in this Annex, where to do so would be likely to prejudice their security (exception) (Annex I, Art.9, p.183)",0,,"Aim of promoting full employment amd continous improvement in living standards (Art.2, p.1-2); Nothing in Articles 10 and 11 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime (exceptions) (Art.12, p.8); Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of aliens where such measures are justified for the prevention of a serious imbalance in the social or demographic structure of that Member State (Art.16.5, p.11); Reference to the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (Art.36, p.18); Nothing in this Convention shall be regarded as exempting any Member State from obligations which it has undertaken by virtue of the Convention for European Economic Co-operation, the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and other international agreements to which it is a party (Art.37, p.18); Administrative cooperation (Annex B, Title VI, p.48); Information may be communicated to other authorities directly involved in the combat of illicit drug traffic (Annex I, Art.11, p.184); EFTA Industrial Development Fund for Portugal (p.196)","Note: As there are only page numbers given for the Annexes (not the main treaty), the page numbers of the pdf are listed rather than those of the treaty.",,,,,,,,,,,, 375,375_1,375001,937,EFTA_m2,EFTA withdrawal Denmark and United Kingdom,1973,,AT-PT-CH-NO-SE-IS,AT-PT-CH-NO-SE-IS,0,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the GATT; Economic cooperation,1,"Nothing in Articles 10 and 11 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime or to prevent deceptive practices (exceptions) (Art.12, p.8);On movement certificates: the customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Annex B, Art.17.5, p.41); Verifications of proofs of origin whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Annex B, Art.32, p.48); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Annex B, Art.34, p.49); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Appendix III to Annex B, p.135); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to mark any later additions impossible (Appendix III to Annex B, p.137); The Member States shall assist each other in ensuring that the customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection and investigation of operations in breach of that legislation (Annex I, Art. 2, p.179); Special surveillance of: persons, places, goods in breach of customs legislation and customs assistance (Annex I, Art.3-4, p.180-181)",0,,0,,0,,1,"On draft technical regualtion, Member States shall communicate the anticipated effects of the measure on the environment (Annex H, Art.2, p.175)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Institution-building (Art.1.4, p.1; Art.32, p.17)",0,,1,"Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of aliens where such measures are justified by reasons of national security (exception) (Art.16.5, p.11); Nothing in this Convention shall prevent any Member State from taking action to ensure that nuclear materials and equipment made available for peaceful purposes do not further military purposes. Nothing in this Convention shall prevent any Member State from taking action to carry out undertakings into which that Member State has entered for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security (exceptions) (Art.18, p.11); The Member States may refuse to give assistance as provided for in this Annex, where to do so would be likely to prejudice their security (exception) (Annex I, Art.9, p.183)",0,,"Aim of promoting full employment amd continous improvement in living standards (Art.2, p.1-2); Nothing in Articles 10 and 11 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime (exceptions) (Art.12, p.8); Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of aliens where such measures are justified for the prevention of a serious imbalance in the social or demographic structure of that Member State (Art.16.5, p.11); Reference to the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (Art.36, p.18); Nothing in this Convention shall be regarded as exempting any Member State from obligations which it has undertaken by virtue of the Convention for European Economic Co-operation, the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and other international agreements to which it is a party (Art.37, p.18); Administrative cooperation (Annex B, Title VI, p.48); Information may be communicated to other authorities directly involved in the combat of illicit drug traffic (Annex I, Art.11, p.184); EFTA Industrial Development Fund for Portugal (p.196)","Note: As there are only page numbers given for the Annexes (not the main treaty), the page numbers of the pdf are listed rather than those of the treaty.",,,,,,,,,,,, 375,375_2,375002,938,EFTA_m1,EFTA withdrawal Portugal,1986,,AT-CH-NO-SE-IS-FI,AT-CH-NO-SE-IS-FI,0,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the GATT; Economic cooperation,1,"Nothing in Articles 10 and 11 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime or to prevent deceptive practices (exceptions) (Art.12, p.8);On movement certificates: the customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Annex B, Art.17.5, p.41); Verifications of proofs of origin whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Annex B, Art.32, p.48); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Annex B, Art.34, p.49); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Appendix III to Annex B, p.135); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to mark any later additions impossible (Appendix III to Annex B, p.137); The Member States shall assist each other in ensuring that the customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection and investigation of operations in breach of that legislation (Annex I, Art. 2, p.179); Special surveillance of: persons, places, goods in breach of customs legislation and customs assistance (Annex I, Art.3-4, p.180-181)",0,,0,,0,,1,"On draft technical regualtion, Member States shall communicate the anticipated effects of the measure on the environment (Annex H, Art.2, p.175)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Institution-building (Art.1.4, p.1; Art.32, p.17)",0,,1,"Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of aliens where such measures are justified by reasons of national security (exception) (Art.16.5, p.11); Nothing in this Convention shall prevent any Member State from taking action to ensure that nuclear materials and equipment made available for peaceful purposes do not further military purposes. Nothing in this Convention shall prevent any Member State from taking action to carry out undertakings into which that Member State has entered for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security (exceptions) (Art.18, p.11); The Member States may refuse to give assistance as provided for in this Annex, where to do so would be likely to prejudice their security (exception) (Annex I, Art.9, p.183)",0,,"Aim of promoting full employment amd continous improvement in living standards (Art.2, p.1-2); Nothing in Articles 10 and 11 shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member State of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime (exceptions) (Art.12, p.8); Nothing in this Article shall prevent the adoption and enforcement by a Member State of measures for the control of entry, residence, activity and departure of aliens where such measures are justified for the prevention of a serious imbalance in the social or demographic structure of that Member State (Art.16.5, p.11); Reference to the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (Art.36, p.18); Nothing in this Convention shall be regarded as exempting any Member State from obligations which it has undertaken by virtue of the Convention for European Economic Co-operation, the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and other international agreements to which it is a party (Art.37, p.18); Administrative cooperation (Annex B, Title VI, p.48); Information may be communicated to other authorities directly involved in the combat of illicit drug traffic (Annex I, Art.11, p.184); EFTA Industrial Development Fund for Portugal (p.196)","Note: As there are only page numbers given for the Annexes (not the main treaty), the page numbers of the pdf are listed rather than those of the treaty.",,,,,,,,,,,, 403,403,403,403,EGY_IRN,Egypt Iraq,2001,,EG-IQ,EG-IQ,0,0,2001,,,0,,,,,Egypt Iraq,PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 404,404,404,404,EGY_JOR3,Egypt Jordan,1998,Egypt Jordan 1998.pdf,EG-JO,EG-JO,0,1,1999,0,,0,,,,Egypt Jordan,Executive Program to Support Trade Egypt Jordan,FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,No application of the Agreement to products which are prohibited on religious grounds (Exceptions) (Art. 8),,,,,,,,,,,,, 405,405,405,405,EGY_JOR2,Egypt Jordan,1996,Egypt Jordan 1996.pdf,EG-JO,EG-JO,0,1,,1,1999,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"The promotion of economic integration, development and progress for the brotherly two countries; Reference to the framework of the Arab states league (Arab League?)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Joint cooperation for environmental protection (Art.14, p.5); The rules of this Agreement do not apply to the products or to the items banned to be introduced for environmental reasons (exception) (Art.9, p.4))",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The rules of this Agreement do not apply to the products or to the items banned to be introduced for security reasons (exception) (Art.9, p.5)",0,,"The rules of this Agreement do not apply to the products or to the items banned to be introduced for religious or health reasons (exceptions) (Art.9, p.4); Assisting and facilitating visits for businessmen of both countries (Art.14, p.5); Encouraging the joint industrial activities including market development activities (Art.14, p.5); Assisting and cooperating in creating promotion channels and marketing in their countries (Art.14, p.5); Encouraging and promoting trade fairs (exhibitions) and public fairs, conferences, publicity, advertising (Art.14, p.5, Art.16, p.5)",The document provided is translated - sligtht discrepancies may exist,,,,,,,,,,,, 406,406,406,406,EGY_JOR1,Egypt Jordan ,1967,Egypt Jordan 1967.pdf,EG-JO,EG-JO,0,1,,1,NA,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,Coordinate the labor and social security legislations between both countries (Art.15),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Coordinate planning and industrial development programs; Coordinate foreign trade policy between both countries, as well as their customs, financial and monetary affairs (Art.15); Both contracting parties agree to participate in the international fairs and markets organized in each of them (Art.16); Technical economic cooperation and exchange of technical expertise and assistance, as well as scientific studies and research (Art.17); Encouragement of tourism (Art.18)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 407,407,407,407,EGY_LBN,Egypt Lebanon,1999,,EG-LB,EG-LB,0,0,1999,,,0,,,,,Executive Program to Support Trade Egypt Lebanon,PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 408,408,408,408,EGY_LBY1,Egypt Libya,1990,,EG-LY,EG-LY,0,0,1991,,,0,,,,,Egypt Libya,PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 409,409,409,409,EGY_LBY2,Egypt Libya,2003,,EG-LY,EG-LY,0,0,2007,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 410,410,410,410,EGY_MAR3,Egypt Morocco,1998,Egypt Morocco 1998_Arab.pdf,EG-MA,EG-MA,0,1,1999,0,,0,,,,,Egypt Morocco,PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,3,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 411,411,411,411,EGY_MAR2,Egypt Morocco,1988,,EG-MA,EG-MA,0,0,,1,1999,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 728,728,728,728,EGY_MAR1,Egypt Morocco,1976,,EG-MA,EG-MA,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 412,412,412,412,EGY_PSE,Egypt PLO,1998,Egypt PLO 1998.pdf,EG-PS,EG-PS,0,1,,0,,0,,,,Egypt Palestine,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,5,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Reference to the Arab Free Trade Area; Working on activating the economic and technical cooperation agreement of 1994; Developing, supporting and consolidating business relations",0,,0,,1,"Both countries will work on taking necessary actions towards any trouble that can face trade cooperation, especially those in the customs outlets. Both sides will work on coordinating custom issues including exchange of information, data and technical experience and to cooperate in permitting (preventing?) custom breach (Art.8)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Both countries will work on participating in exhibitions, and international trade fairs that are held in the others' country (Art.6); Both sides will work on promoting mutual cooperation and delegations among chambers of commerce and industry, and other similar institutions; to enhance meetings between businessmen from both sides in order to introduce business and investment opportunities and in both countries (Art.10); Both sides will work on enhancing cooperation between them for exchanging experience, technical assistance, training in local and international business (Art.11)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 729,729,729,729,EGY_SAU1,Egypt Saudi Arabia,1958,,EG-SA,EG-SA,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 730,730,730,730,EGY_SAU2,Egypt Saudi Arabia,1999,,EG-SA,EG-SA,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 413,413,413,413,EGY_SYR2,Egypt Syria,1991,Egypt Syria 1991_Arab.pdf,EG-SY,EG-SY,0,1,1991,0,,0,,,,,Egypt Syria,PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 731,731,731,731,EGY_SYR1,Egypt Syria,1958,,EG-SY,EG-SY,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 414,414,414,414,EGY_TUN,Egypt Tunisia,1998,,EG-TN,EG-TN,0,0,2007,,,0,,,,,Egypt Tunisia,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 415,415,415,415,EGY_TUR,Egypt Turkey,2005,Egypt Turkey 2005.pdf,EG-TR,EG-TR,0,1,2007,0,,1,Egypt Turkey,05-Oct-07,Enabling Clause,Egypt Turkey,Egypt Turkey FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,Efforts to strengthen political stability in the region through the encouragement of regional co-operation; cooperation in technical fields,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which relate to the production of arms, munitions or war materials or to research, development or production indispensable for defense purposes / which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances (added to Security Exceptions) (Art. 32)",0,,Objective of the Agreement: Raising the living standards of the populaton of the two countries (Art. 1),Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 790,790,790,790,SLV_GTM,El Salvador Guatemala,1991,El Salvador Guatemala 1992.pdf,SV-GT,SV-GT,0,1,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,"""it is necessary to foster economic development .. In order to improve the living standards of their peoples""",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 416,416,416,416,SLV_HND_TWN,El Salvador Honduras Taiwan,2007,El Salvador Honduras Taiwan 2007.pdf,SV-HN-TW,SV-HN-TW,0,1,2008,0,,1,"Honduras El Salvador and the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu",40274,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,El Salvador Honduras Taiwan,El Salvador Honduras Taiwan,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,2,3,3,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Promoting economic development in accordance with the protection and conservation of the environment, as well as sustainable development; Creating employment opportunities and improve living standards in their territories; Preserving the capacity to safeguard the public welfare",1,"Establish or maintain measures that impose criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations related to origin of goods (art. 5.09.). Prevent a transfer through the equitable, nondiscriminatory, and good faith application of its laws relating to administrative or judicial definitive resolutions or criminal offences (art. 10.10).; Measures against criminal activities: Completing, signing, and dating a certificate of origin through an affidavit, committing to assume administrative, civil or criminal liability whenever the exporter includes false or incorrect information in the certificate of origin (Art. 5.02); An exporter completing a false certificate of origin shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer in its territory that makes a false statement in connection with an importation (Art. 5.04); Each Party shall provide that, when an advance ruling has been issued to a person who had falsely stated or omitted substantial facts or circumstances on which the ruling was based, the competent authority may apply measures against that person (Art. 5.07); Penalities: Each Party shall establish measures that impose criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws related to the provisions of the Chapter Rules of Origin (Art. 5.09); Joint cooperation with the purpose of discovering and preventing illegal transshipments of goods from a Party or non-Party (Art. 5.12), A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal offences (Art. 10.10; Art. 11.13); ",0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in paragraph 1 (b), (c), or (f) or paragraph 2 (a) or (b) of Article 10.07 shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting or maintaining environment measures (Art. 10.07); Environmental measures: Recognition that it is inappropriate to encourage investment by relaxing environmental measures (Art. 10.16); In every cooperation measure initiated under this Agreement, the Parties must take into account the need to protect, preserve, and improve their environment and natural resources (Art. 17.01); The cooperation activities shall be carried out taking into account the environmental differences between the Parties (Art. 17.04); Supporting the use of alternative and renewable energies that protect the environment, and the promotion of recycling projects and waste treatment for energy use (Art. 17.09)",1,"Reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), done at Washington, March 3, 1973, as amended June 22, 1979; the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, done at Montreal, September 16, 1987, as amended June 29, 1990 and September 27, 1997; and the Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, done at Basel, March 22, 1989 (Art. 1.03)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Article 16.03 National Security: Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed:(iii) relating to the implementation of national policies or international agreements respecting the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.,0,,"Measures against criminal activities: Completing, signing, and dating a certificate of origin through an affidavit, committing to assume administrative, civil or criminal liability whenever the exporter includes false or incorrect information in the certificate of origin (Art. 5.02); An exporter completing a false certificate of origin shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer in its territory that makes a false statement in connection with an importation (Art. 5.04); Each Party shall provide that, when an advance ruling has been issued to a person who had falsely stated or omitted substantial facts or circumstances on which the ruling was based, the competent authority may apply measures against that person (Art. 5.07); Penalities: Each Party shall establish measures that impose criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws related to the provisions of the Chapter Rules of Origin (Art. 5.09); Joint cooperation with the purpose of discovering and preventing illegal transshipments of goods from a Party or non-Party (Art. 5.12), A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal offences (Art. 10.10; Art. 11.13); Scope of Investment: If an investor provides carries out functions such as income security or unemployment insurance, social security services, social welfare, water supply, public education, public training, health, and child care, his investment shall be protected by the provisions of Chapter 10 (Art. 10.02); The cooperation activities shall be carried out taking into account the economic, financial, geographical, social, technological, cultural, and legal differences between the Parties (Art. 17.04); Cooperation in the matter of tourism (Art. 17.08); Cooperation in the matter of energy (Art. 17.09); Cooperation in the matter of quality, productivity, innovation, and technological development (Art. 17.12)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 417,417,417,417,SLV_MEX,El Salvador Mexico,1986,El Salvador Mexico 1986.pdf,SV-MX,SV-MX,0,1,,1,2001,0,,,,,"El Salvador Mexico (PSA 15, subsumed in El Salvador Mexico FTA)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo and to the General Treaty of Central American Economic Integration,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""Foster the Latin-American integration process"" (Art. 1); ""exchange of commercial missions and delegations… as well as participation in fairs and exhibitions"" (Art. 26)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 418,418,418,418,SLV_NIC,El Salvador Nicaragua Free Trade Area,1951,El Salvador Nicaragua 1951.doc,SV-NI,SV-NI,0,1,1951,1,1959,1,El Salvador Nicaragua Free Trade Area,07-Mar-51,GATT Art. XXIV,,El Salvador Nicaragua FTA (leads to General Treaty for Central American Economic Integration by way of the Multilateral Central American Free Trade and Economic Integration Treaty) (other bilateral initiatives existed contemporaneously in Central America but are not listed here (see K.R. Simmonds)),FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,4,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""the dispositions of the three previous articles will not hinder the formalities… for reasons of security, police, hygiene, and protection of public or fiscal interests"" (Art. XVI)",0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 419,419,419,419,SLV_PAN1,El Salvador Panama,1970,El Salvador-Panama 1970.pdf,SV-PA,SV-PA,0,1,1974,1,2003,0,,,,El Salvador Panama\n\n,El Salvador Panama (subsumed in CACM Panama FTA),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Raising standards of living and creating employment for the respective peoples,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,805,805,SLV_PAN2,El Salvador Panama,1986,,SV-PA,SV-PA,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,2,,3,4,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Raising the standards of living and creating employment for the respective peoples,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of national treatment for transport vehicles are without prejudice to compliance with control formalities for reasons of safety and police control (Art. 20; Decree: Art. 36 p. 18, Art. 38 p. 18)",0,,"Improvement of the communication systems in order to facilitate and increase the flow of traffic between the respective territories / national treatment for transport vehicles such as vessels, planes etc. (Art. 20, Decree: Art. 37 p. 18); Decree on Customs Facilities: The Contracting States agree to provide facilities as may be necessary to ensure that established trade between them is conducted as smoothly as possible avoiding any discriminatory administrative or customs practice (Art. 35 p. 18)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 421,421,421,421,SLV_VEN,El Salvador Venezuela,1986,El Salvador Venezuela 1986.doc,SV-VE,SV-VE,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,El Salvador Venezuela (PSA 27),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo as the framework for the agreement; ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""Application of security laws and regulations"" (exception) (Art. 10.b) ",0,,"""Help the consolidation of Latin America's integration process"" (art. 1); ""exportation, use, and consumption of nuclear materials, radioactive products, or any other material usable in the development of nuclear energy"" (exception) (Art. 10.g) ""facilitate the exchange of commercial delegations and missions, as well as the participation in fairs and exhibitions"" (Art. 38)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 422,422,422,422,EQCUSUN,Equatorial Customs Union,1959,Equatorial Customs Union 1959.pdf,CF-TD-GA-CG,CF-TD-GA-CG,0,1,,1,1966,0,,,,,Equatorial Customs Union (ECU) (Union Douaniere Equatoriale (UDE)) (precursor to CEMAC or CAEMC by way of CACEU or UDEAC),CU,3,,,2,4,6,3,3,3,0,0,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 422,422+1,42201,944,EQCUSUN_p1,Equatorial Customs Union Cameroon accession,1961,,CF-TD-GA-CG-CM,CF-TD-GA-CG-CM,0,,,1,1966,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,4,3,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 423,423,423,423,EQCUSUN_CMR,Equatorial Customs Union Cameroon Association,1961,Equatorial Customs Union Cameroon Association 1961.pdf,CF-TD-GA-CG-CM,CF-TD-GA-CG-CM,0,1,1962,1,1966,1,Equatorial Customs Union Cameroon Association,23267,GATT Art. XXIV,,Equatorial Customs Union (ECU) Cameroon (precursor to CEMAC or CAEMC by way of CACEU or UDEAC),FTA_CU,3,FTA,2,3,5,4,3,3,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,Ensuring the repression of any fraudulent traffic by the customs offices (p. 14),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 424,424,424,424,EST_FRO,Estonia Faroe Islands,1997,Estonia FaroeIslands 1997.pdf,EE-FO,EE-FO,0,1,1998,1,2004,1,Estonia Faeroe Islands,36186,GATT Art. XXIV,Estonia Faroe Islands,Estonia Faroe Islands,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 425,425,425,425,EST_FIN,Estonia Finland,1992,EstoniaLatviaLithuania Finland 1992.pdf,EE-FI,EE-FI,0,1,1992,1,1995,1,Finland Estonia Protocol,01-Dec-92,GATT Art. XXIV,,Estonia Finland Protocol on Temporary Arrangements on Trade and Economic Cooperation,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"The promotion of commercial and economic co-operation in areas of common interest on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and international law; Taking into consideration the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter; Taking into account their respective levels of economic development; Taking into account the respective economic policies of the Parties and the favourable effect of the economic transformation under way in Estonia",1,"In order to ensure the proper application of this Annex, the Parties shall assist each other through their respective customs authorities in checking the authenticity and accuracy of declarations of origin (Annex, Art.6, p.7)",0,,1,"The improvement of employment conditions (Art.1, p.2)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The improvement of living conditions (Art.1, p.2); Harmonious development of economic relations between the Parties and the advance of economic activity (Art.1, p.2); Fostering a favourable climate for investments, joint ventures and sub-contracting (Art.4, p.3); Possibility of developing and deepening relations in order to extend them to investment protection, economic assistance as well as economic, industrial and scientific co-operation (Art.6, p.3) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 426,426,426,426,EST_HUN,Estonia Hungary,1998,Estonia Hungary 1998.pdf,EE-HU,EE-HU,0,1,2001,1,2004,1,Hungary Estonia,04-Oct-01,GATT Art. XXIV,Estonia Hungary,Estonia Hungary,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms; economic integration as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Objective to preserve the environment and to ensure an optimal use of natural resources; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on the grounds of the protection of environment (Art. 16) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and the Protocol are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 427,427,427,427,EST_NOR,Estonia Norway,1992,EstoniaLatviaLithuania Norway 1992.pdf,EE-NO,EE-NO,0,1,1992,1,1996,1,Estonia Norway Free Trade Agreement,23-Oct-92,GATT Art. XXIV,,Estonia Norway,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Promotion of commercial and economic co-operation in areas of common interest on the basis of international law; Reaffirming their commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms and sharing the principles of the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Concluding Documents of the Madrid and Vienna meetings, and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe; Having regard for the emerging process of economic liberalization taking place in Latvia; Bearing in mind that this Agreement should assist the restructuring process of the economy of Latvia and contribute to the establishment of an appropriate social dimension",0,,0,,1,An objective of this Agreement is the improvement of employment conditions (Art.1),0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit, justified on grounds of protection of the environment (exception) (Art.7)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit, justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.7); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures relating to the non-proliferation of biological and chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, or other nuclear explosive devices (exception) (Art.22)",0,,An objective of this Agreement is the improvement of living conditions (Art.1); Administrative cooperation (Atr.4); Economic cooperation (Art.13),,,,,,,,,,,,, 791,791,791,791,EST_POL,Estonia Poland,1998,,EE-PL,EE-PL,0,0,2002,1,2004,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,1,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 428,428,428,428,EST_SVK,Estonia Slovakia,1996,Estonia Slovakia 1996.pdf,EE-SK,EE-SK,0,1,1998,1,2004,1,Slovak Republic Estonia,36063,GATT Art. XXIV,Estonia Slovak Republic,Estonia Slovak Republic,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Economic integration as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),The Annexes I to IV to the Agreement and the Protocols 1 to 3 are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 429,429,429,429,EST_SVN,Estonia Slovenia,1996,Estonia Slovenia 1996.pdf,EE-SI,EE-SI,0,1,1997,1,2004,1,Slovenia Estonia,35481,GATT Art. XXIV,Estonia Slovenia,Estonia Slovenia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,"Commitment to democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Preserving the environment and ensuring an optimal use of natural resources in accordance with the principle of sustainable growth; Economic integration as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 430,430,430,430,EST_SWE,Estonia Sweden,1991,Estonia Sweden 1991.pdf,EE-SE,EE-SE,0,1,1992,1,1995,1,Estonia Sweden Free Trade Agreement,33788,GATT Art. XXIV,,Estonia Sweden,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Developing both the exchange of goods and services,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 431,431,431,431,EST_CHE,Estonia Switzerland,1992,Estonia Switzerland 1992.pdf,EE-CH,EE-CH,0,1,1993,1,1996,1,Estonia Switzerland Free Trade Agreement,28-May-93,GATT Art. XXIV,,Estonia Switzerland FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe",1,"Protocol B: Originationg products: Customs authorities of the exporting State must check whether forms have been completed in such a manner as to exclude any possibility of fraudulent additions (Art. 10), provisions on the material of the form in order to prevent any falsification by mechanical or chemical means (Art. 11), penalties for persons who draws up document which contains incorrect particulars (Art. 17); verifications of certificates whenever there is reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of the document (Art. 18)",0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (Art. 9) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 432,432,432,432,EST_TUR,Estonia Turkey,1997,Estonia Turkey 1997.pdf,EE-TR,EE-TR,0,1,1998,1,2004,1,Turkey Estonia,23-Mar-99,GATT Art. XXIV,Estonia Turkey,Estonia Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of environment (Art. 22) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Protocols and Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 433,433,433,433,EST_UKR,Estonia Ukraine,1995,Estonia Ukraine 1995.pdf,EE-UA,EE-UA,0,1,1996,1,2004,1,Estonia Ukraine,36732,GATT Art. XXIV,Estonia Ukraine,Estonia Ukraine,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,"Commitment to the idea of law state based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"Developing cooperation in the areas which are not covered by this Agreement such as environment protection (Art. 1); the Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the environment (Art. 8) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Developing scientific cooperation and economic aid ()Art. 1),Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 434,434,434,434,EAEC,Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC),1999,Eurasian Economic Community 2000.pdf,BY-KZ-KY-RU-TJ,BY-KZ-KY-RU-TJ,0,1,2001,0,,0,,,,Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC),EurAsian Economic Community (EAEC) Agreement on Customs Union and Common Economic Area (formerly the Belarus Russia Kazakh Kyrgyz Tajik CU),CU,3,,,2,5,10,3,6,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Coordinating socioeconomic reforms; using of the economic potentials to improve the living standards of the citizens; Commitment to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations Organization; Reference to the Agreement on Deepening Integration in Economic and Humanitarian Spheres dated 29 March 1996,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Defining the relevant institutions forming the EAEC (Art. 3): Interstate Council (Art. 5), Integration Committee (Art. 6), Inter-Parliamentary Asembly (Art. 7), Community Court (Art. 8), Provisions on the decision-making procedure in the various institutions (Art. 13)",0,,0,,0,,Implementing objectives and tasks outlined in the Agreement on Deepening Integration in Economic and Humanitarian Spheres (Art. 2); Financing of the EAEC (Art. 15); Privileges and immunities of EAEC officials (Art. 16),Complementary Protocol is not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 434,434+1,43401,945,EAEC_p1,Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEc) Uzbekistan accession,2006,,BY-KZ-KY-RU-TJ-UZ,BY-KZ-KY-RU-TJ-UZ,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,6,4,3,6,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Coordinating socioeconomic reforms; using of the economic potentials to improve the living standards of the citizens; Commitment to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations Organization; Reference to the Agreement on Deepening Integration in Economic and Humanitarian Spheres dated 29 March 1996,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Defining the relevant institutions forming the EAEC (Art. 3): Interstate Council (Art. 5), Integration Committee (Art. 6), Inter-Parliamentary Asembly (Art. 7), Community Court (Art. 8), Provisions on the decision-making procedure in the various institutions (Art. 13)",0,,0,,0,,Implementing objectives and tasks outlined in the Agreement on Deepening Integration in Economic and Humanitarian Spheres (Art. 2); Financing of the EAEC (Art. 15); Privileges and immunities of EAEC officials (Art. 16),Complementary Protocol is not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 435,435,435,435,EURASEC,Eurasian Economic Community (Union of the Five),1995,,BY-KZ-RU,BY-KZ-RU,0,0,,1,1999,1,Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC),36271,GATT Art. XXIV,,Belarus Russia CU Accession of Kazakhstan (evolves into EAEC),A,,CU,,2,3,3,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 435,435+1,43501,983,EURASEC_p1a,Eurasian Economic Community (Union of the Five) Kyrgyz Republic accession,1996,,BY-KZ-RU-KG,BY-KZ-RU-KG,0,,,1,1999,,,,,,,,,,,5,4,3,3,6,3,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 435,435+2,43502,984,EURASEC_p1b,Eurasian Economic Community (Union of the Five) Tajikistan accession,1998,,BY-KZ-RU-KG-TJ,BY-KZ-RU-KG-TJ,0,,,1,1999,,,,,,,,,,,5,5,4,3,6,3,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 436,436,436,436,ECSC,European Coal and Steel Community,1951,European Coal and Steel Community (Traité de Paris) 1951.docx,BE-FR-DE-IT-LU-NL,BE-FR-DE-IT-LU-NL,1,1,1952,1,2002,0,,,,,ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) (important foundation of the EU),PTA,1,,,2,6,15,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,"Considering that world peace may be safeguarded only by creative efforts equal to the dangers which menace it; Convinced that the contribution which an organized and vital Europe can bring to civilization is indispensable to the maintenance of peaceful relations; Conscious of the fact that Europe can be built only by concrete actions which create a real solidarity and by the establishment of common bases for economic development; Raising the standard of living and in furthering the works of peace; Resolved to substitute for historic rivalries a fusion of their essential interests; to establish, by creating an economic community, the foundation of a broad and independent community among peoples long divided by bloody conflicts; and to lay the bases of institutions capable of giving direction to their future common destiny",1,The High Authority may impose fines and daily penalty payments upon those enterprises which evade their obligations or which knowingly furnish false information (Art.47; Art.65; Art.68),0,,1,"Promotion of the improvement of working conditions of the labor force in each of the industries (Art.3); Enterprises, workers, consumers and dealers, and their associations, may present any suggestions or observations to the High Authority on questions which concern them (Art.46); The High Authority shall participate in the study of the possibilities of reemployment, either in existing industries or through the creation of new activities, of workers set at liberty by the evolution of the market or by technical transformations (Art.46); The High Authority shall gather all information necessary to the appraisal of the possibilities of improving the working conditions of the labor forces (Art.46); The High Authority will call upon producers’ associations provided that the associations in question give a satisfactory place in their organization to the expression of the workers’ and consumers’ interests (Art.48) The High Authority shall encourage technical and economic research concerning labor safety (Art.55); If the introduction of technical processes or new equipment should lead to an exceptional reduction in labor requirements in the coal or steel industries, creating special difficulties in one or more areas for the re-employment of the workers released, the High Authority may facilitate activities capable of assuring productive employment to the workers thus released, grant non-reimbursable assistance (Art.56); If the action of that State produces harmful effects in case of a variation in wages and in working conditions, the High Authority may authorize that State to grant to such enterprises assistance (Art.67); The methods of fixing wages and social benefits in force in the various member States shall not be affected, as regards the coal and steel industries, by the application of the present Treaty (Art.68); If the High Authority finds that a lowering of wages is leading to a drop in the standard of living of the labor force, it shall address to the enterprise or government concerned and give a recommendation intended to assure the labor force of compensatory benefits to be paid for by the enterprise in question (Art.68); Facilitation of the reemployment of workers from the coal and steel industries of other member States (Art.69); They will prohibit any discrimination in remuneration and working conditions between national workers and immigrant workers, without prejudice to special measures concerning frontier workers; in particular, they will work out among themselves any arrangements necessary so that social security measures do not stand in the way of the movement of labor (Art.69)",0,,1,"A policy of rational development of natural resources, avoiding inconsiderate exhaustion of such resources (Art.3)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Institution-building and provisions (Title 2, Art.7-45); The function of the Court is to ensure the rule of law in the interpretation and application of the present Treaty and of its implementing regulations (Art.31; Art.33)",0,,0,,0,,"The mission of the European Coal and Steel Community is to contribute to economic expansion, the development of employment and the improvement of the standard of living in the participating countries (Art.2); Safeguarding the continuity of employment (Art.2); Promotion of the improvement of living conditions of the labor force in each of the industries (Art.3); Promote the regular expansion and the modernization of production as well as the improvement of its quality (Art.3); The Community will: enlighten and facilitate the action of the interested parties by collecting information, organizing consultations; place financial means at the disposal of enterprises for their investments (Art.5); The High Authority shall gather all information necessary to the appraisal of the possibilities of improving the living conditions of the labor force in the industries under its jurisdiction, and of the risks which menace such living conditions (Art.46); Levies intended to cover: expenditures to encourage technical and economic research (Art.50); The High Authority carrying out of investment programs by granting loans to enterprises or by giving its guarantee to loans which they may obtain elsewhere (Art.54); The High Authority shall encourage technical and economic research concerning the production and the development of consumption of coal and steel (Art.55); The High Authority will maintain whatever relationships appear useful with the United Nations and the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (Art.93)",Annexes missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 437,437,437,437,EEA,European Economic Area (EEA),1992,EEA 1992,BE-DK-DE-FR-GR-ES-IE-IT-LU-NL-PT-GB-AT-FI-IS-LI-NO-SE,EU-AT-FI-IS-LI-NO-SE,1,1,1994,0,,1,European Economic Area (EEA),35321,GATS Art. V,EEA,Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA),FTA,2,EIA,2,4,18,72,1,1,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,"Construction of a Europe based on peace, democracy and human rights; Reference to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and provisions of the GATT; Reduction of economic and social regional disparities; Strengthening of the cooperation between the members of the European Parliament and of the Parliaments of the EFTA States, as well as between the social partners in the European Community and in the EFTA States; Determined to preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment and to ensure a prudent and rational utilization of natural resources on the basis of the principles of sustainable development, precautionary and preventive action should be taken; A high level of protection concerning health, safety and the environment; Development of the social dimension, including equal treatment of men and women and promoting conditions for full employment, an improved standard of living and improved working conditions; Aiming at a high level of consumer protection; Strengthening the scientific and technological basis of European industry; Independence of the courts; reference to limitations set by public international law",1,"Fraud as the use or presentation of false, incorrect or incomplete statements or documents, which has as its effect the misappropriation or wrongful retention of funds; Serious fraud shall be considered to be fraud involving a minimum amount not to be set at a sum exceeding Euro 50 000 (Annex 9, p.17-18); Combatting fraud (Annex 10, p.1); Measures against illicit commercial practices attributable to third countries shall not be applied in relations between the Contracting Parties, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement (Art.26); Reference to Council Directive 91/308/EEC of 10 June 1991 on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering (Annex 9, p.17); An expert from each EFTA State may participate in the tasks of the Contact Committee on money laundering (Annex 9, p.18); Reference to Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing (Annex 9, p.18); The payment service provider of the payee shall comply with any applicable law or administrative provisions relating to money laundering and terrorist financing (Annex 9, p.19); Measures against illicit commercial practices attributable to third countries (Protocol 13, p.1); Internal controls capable of detecting illegal or irregular transactions (Protocol 10, p.15); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Art.36, Protocol 4, p.22); On movement certificates: they shall be printed on a green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 4, p.118, p.124); Customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol 4, Art.16, p.15); Contracting Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the departments responsible for combatting customs fraud establish direct personal contacts, including when applicable at the level of local customs authorities, in order to facilitate exchange of information and handling of requests (Protocol 11, Art.14); Notification when a product referred to in this Protocol does not comply with the rules concerning trade in wine or has been the subject of fraudulent action to obtain or market such a product (Protocol 47, p.10); At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall furnish it with all relevant information to enable it to ensure that customs legislation is correctly applied, including information regarding operations noted or planned which contravene or would contravene such legislation (Protocol 11, Art.3,4, p.2-3; Protocol 47, Art.5, p.9)",0,,1,"Abolition of any discrimination based on nationality between workers of EC Member States and EFTA States as regards employment, remuneration and other conditions of work and employment (Art.28.2); Aggregation of benefits in the field of social security (Art.29); Improved working conditions (Art.66); Improvements in the working environment, as regards the health and safety of workers (Art.67); In the field of labour law, the Contracting Parties shall introduce the measures necessary to ensure the good functioning of this Agreement (Art.68); Men and women should receive equal pay for equal work and equal treatment (Art.69; Art.70); Dialogue between management and labour at European level (Art.70) Social security with reference to relevant legislation in the Contracting Parties (Annex 6); Health and safety at work, labour law, and equal treatment for men and women (Annex 18); Reference to Council Directives such as: Council Directive 91/383/EEC of 25 June 1991 supplementing the measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of workers with a fixed-duration employment relationship or a temporary employment relationship (Annex 18, p.8); Council Directive 79/7/EEC of 19 December 1978 on the progressive implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security (Annex 18, p.12, see Annex 18 for more examples); During the period of validity of the permit, the seasonal worker shall be entitled to unemployment benefits (Protocol 16, Art.2, p.1)",0,,1,"Closer cooperation in the environment (Art.1.2); Preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment and ensure a prudent and rational utilization of natural resources; Preventive action should be taken, environmental damage should as a priority be rectified at source, the polluter should pay; Environmental protection requirements (Art.73); Production and dissemination of coherent and comparable statistical information for describing and monitoring all relevant environmental aspects of the EEA (Art.76); Broadening of cooperation in the environment (Art.78); In case of serious environmental difficulties, a Contracting Party may unilaterally take appropriate measures (exception) (Art.112); The Directive shall not apply to injury or damage arising from nuclear accidents and covered by an international convention (unspecified) ratified by EFTA States and EC Member States (exception) (Annex 3: Product Liability, p.2); Reference to Council Directive 70/220/EEC of 20 March 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by gases from positive-ignition engines of motor vehicles (Annex II, p.7); Reference to Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources (Annex 4, p.8); Reference to Council Directive 72/306/EEC of 2 August 1972 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles (Annex 2, p.12); Other references to Council directives on emissions of pollutants (Annex 2, p.35-38, 43, 49, 189); Reference to Community guidelines on state aid for environmental protection (Annex 15, p.4); Reference to Council Directives on the environment including waste (Annex 10; Annex 12, p.13); Environmental risk (Protocol 10, Art.9a, p.6); The provisions of this Chapter shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the environment (exception) (Protocol 10, Art.9j, p.11); Suspension of the status of authorised economic operator where the threat to the environment so requires (Protocol 10, Art.7, p.19); Reference to Commissions Decisions on the environment such as Commission Decision 97/150/EC of 24 February 1997 on the setting-up of a European consultative forum on the environment and sustainable development (Protocol 31, Art.3, p.8; See also p.9,10,27,29); Funding shall be available for projects in the areas of environment, including urban renewal, reduction of urban pollution (Protocol 31, p.44)",0,,0,,0,,1,Institutional provisions (Art.89-96); Political dialogue between parliamentarians (Art.95); Establishment of EFTA Court (Art.108),0,,1,"Limitations justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.13; Art.28.3; Art.33; Protocol 10, Art.9j, p.11; Art.7, p.19; Protocol 11, Art.9, p.4; Protocol 47, Art.9, p.11); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes; to carry out obligations it has accepted for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (exception) (Art.123)",0,,"For example: Closer cooperation in research and development, education and social policy (Art.1.2); Mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications (Art.30); Economic and monetary policy cooperation (Art.46); Aid having a social character, aid to make good the damage caused by natural disasters or exceptional occurrences; aid to promote the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there is serious underemployment, aid to facilitate the development of certain economic activities (Art.61); Improved standard of living for workers (Art.66); Environmental action to contribute towards protecting human health (Art.73); Production and dissemination of coherent and comparable statistical information for describing and monitoring all relevant economic, social aspects of EEA (Art.76); Broadening of cooperation in research and technological development, education, vocational training training and youth, social policy, consumer protection, small and medium-sized enterprises, tourism, the audiovisual sector, and civil protection (Art.78; Protocol 31, Art.6, p.19; Protocol 29, p.1); Coordination of efforts and activities via, or in the context of, international organizations (Art.80); Cooperation between economic and social partners (Art.96); The need to reduce the economic and social disparities between their regions (Art.115); recognition of professional qualifications (Annex 7); Electronic communication, audiovisual services and information society (Annex 11); Reference to Council Directive 77/486/EEC of 25 July 1977 on the education of the children of migrantworkers (Annex 5, p.3); Reference to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1277/2005 of 27 July 2005 laying down implementing rules for Regulation (EC) No 273/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on drug precursors and for Council Regulation (EC) No 111/2005 laying down rules for the monitoring of trade between the Community and third countries in drug precursors (Annex 2, p.130); Reference to Commission Decision 2003/641/EC of 5 September 2003 on the use of colour photographs or other illustrations as health warnings on tobacco packages Annex 2, p.191); Reference to Decision No 189 of 18 June 2003 aimed at introducing a European health insurance card (Annex 6, p.45); Detailed opinions from EFTA States may not affect any cultural policy measures, which EFTA States might adopt in accordance with EEA law, taking account of their linguistic diversity, their specific national and regional characteristics and their cultural heritages (Annex 2, p.174; Annex 11, p.12); These provisions are not applicable to information concerning offences relating to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (Annex 11, p.5); Reference to Council Resolution of 22 November 1993 on strengthening of the competitiveness of enterprises, in particular of small and medium-sized enterprises and craft enterprises, and developing employment (Protocol 31, p.21); Cooperation in the field of employment including exchange of information (Protocol 31, p.31); Dialogue in social policy (Protocol 31, Art.5.1, p.15); Approximations of laws (Annex 13, p.10; Annex 18, p.1,3,15; Annex 19, p.2)","The document ""EEA protocols"" is also coded.",,,,,,,,,,,, 437,437+3,43703,946,EEA_p2,European Economic Area (EEA) Bulgaria and Romania accession,2005,,BE-DK-DE-FR-GR-ES-IE-IT-LU-NL-PT-GB-AT-FI-IS-LI-NO-SE-LI-CZ-EE-CY-LV-LT-HU-MT-PL-SK-SI-BG-RO,EU-BG-RO,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,31,8,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,"Construction of a Europe based on peace, democracy and human rights; Reference to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and provisions of the GATT; Reduction of economic and social regional disparities; Strengthening of the cooperation between the members of the European Parliament and of the Parliaments of the EFTA States, as well as between the social partners in the European Community and in the EFTA States; Determined to preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment and to ensure a prudent and rational utilization of natural resources on the basis of the principles of sustainable development, precautionary and preventive action should be taken; A high level of protection concerning health, safety and the environment; Development of the social dimension, including equal treatment of men and women and promoting conditions for full employment, an improved standard of living and improved working conditions; Aiming at a high level of consumer protection; Strengthening the scientific and technological basis of European industry; Independence of the courts; reference to limitations set by public international law",1,"Fraud as the use or presentation of false, incorrect or incomplete statements or documents, which has as its effect the misappropriation or wrongful retention of funds; Serious fraud shall be considered to be fraud involving a minimum amount not to be set at a sum exceeding Euro 50 000 (Annex 9, p.17-18); Combatting fraud (Annex 10, p.1); Measures against illicit commercial practices attributable to third countries shall not be applied in relations between the Contracting Parties, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement (Art.26); Reference to Council Directive 91/308/EEC of 10 June 1991 on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering (Annex 9, p.17); An expert from each EFTA State may participate in the tasks of the Contact Committee on money laundering (Annex 9, p.18); Reference to Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing (Annex 9, p.18); The payment service provider of the payee shall comply with any applicable law or administrative provisions relating to money laundering and terrorist financing (Annex 9, p.19); Measures against illicit commercial practices attributable to third countries (Protocol 13, p.1); Internal controls capable of detecting illegal or irregular transactions (Protocol 10, p.15); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Art.36, Protocol 4, p.22); On movement certificates: they shall be printed on a green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 4, p.118, p.124); Customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol 4, Art.16, p.15); Contracting Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the departments responsible for combatting customs fraud establish direct personal contacts, including when applicable at the level of local customs authorities, in order to facilitate exchange of information and handling of requests (Protocol 11, Art.14); Notification when a product referred to in this Protocol does not comply with the rules concerning trade in wine or has been the subject of fraudulent action to obtain or market such a product (Protocol 47, p.10); At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall furnish it with all relevant information to enable it to ensure that customs legislation is correctly applied, including information regarding operations noted or planned which contravene or would contravene such legislation (Protocol 11, Art.3,4, p.2-3; Protocol 47, Art.5, p.9)",0,,1,"Abolition of any discrimination based on nationality between workers of EC Member States and EFTA States as regards employment, remuneration and other conditions of work and employment (Art.28.2); Aggregation of benefits in the field of social security (Art.29); Improved working conditions (Art.66); Improvements in the working environment, as regards the health and safety of workers (Art.67); In the field of labour law, the Contracting Parties shall introduce the measures necessary to ensure the good functioning of this Agreement (Art.68); Men and women should receive equal pay for equal work and equal treatment (Art.69; Art.70); Dialogue between management and labour at European level (Art.70) Social security with reference to relevant legislation in the Contracting Parties (Annex 6); Health and safety at work, labour law, and equal treatment for men and women (Annex 18); Reference to Council Directives such as: Council Directive 91/383/EEC of 25 June 1991 supplementing the measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of workers with a fixed-duration employment relationship or a temporary employment relationship (Annex 18, p.8); Council Directive 79/7/EEC of 19 December 1978 on the progressive implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security (Annex 18, p.12, see Annex 18 for more examples); During the period of validity of the permit, the seasonal worker shall be entitled to unemployment benefits (Protocol 16, Art.2, p.1)",0,,1,"Closer cooperation in the environment (Art.1.2); Preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment and ensure a prudent and rational utilization of natural resources; Preventive action should be taken, environmental damage should as a priority be rectified at source, the polluter should pay; Environmental protection requirements (Art.73); Production and dissemination of coherent and comparable statistical information for describing and monitoring all relevant environmental aspects of the EEA (Art.76); Broadening of cooperation in the environment (Art.78); In case of serious environmental difficulties, a Contracting Party may unilaterally take appropriate measures (exception) (Art.112); The Directive shall not apply to injury or damage arising from nuclear accidents and covered by an international convention (unspecified) ratified by EFTA States and EC Member States (exception) (Annex 3: Product Liability, p.2); Reference to Council Directive 70/220/EEC of 20 March 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by gases from positive-ignition engines of motor vehicles (Annex II, p.7); Reference to Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources (Annex 4, p.8); Reference to Council Directive 72/306/EEC of 2 August 1972 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles (Annex 2, p.12); Other references to Council directives on emissions of pollutants (Annex 2, p.35-38, 43, 49, 189); Reference to Community guidelines on state aid for environmental protection (Annex 15, p.4); Reference to Council Directives on the environment including waste (Annex 10; Annex 12, p.13); Environmental risk (Protocol 10, Art.9a, p.6); The provisions of this Chapter shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the environment (exception) (Protocol 10, Art.9j, p.11); Suspension of the status of authorised economic operator where the threat to the environment so requires (Protocol 10, Art.7, p.19); Reference to Commissions Decisions on the environment such as Commission Decision 97/150/EC of 24 February 1997 on the setting-up of a European consultative forum on the environment and sustainable development (Protocol 31, Art.3, p.8; See also p.9,10,27,29); Funding shall be available for projects in the areas of environment, including urban renewal, reduction of urban pollution (Protocol 31, p.44)",0,,0,,0,,1,Institutional provisions (Art.89-96); Political dialogue between parliamentarians (Art.95); Establishment of EFTA Court (Art.108),0,,1,"Limitations justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.13; Art.28.3; Art.33; Protocol 10, Art.9j, p.11; Art.7, p.19; Protocol 11, Art.9, p.4; Protocol 47, Art.9, p.11); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes; to carry out obligations it has accepted for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (exception) (Art.123)",0,,"For example: Closer cooperation in research and development, education and social policy (Art.1.2); Mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications (Art.30); Economic and monetary policy cooperation (Art.46); Aid having a social character, aid to make good the damage caused by natural disasters or exceptional occurrences; aid to promote the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there is serious underemployment, aid to facilitate the development of certain economic activities (Art.61); Improved standard of living for workers (Art.66); Environmental action to contribute towards protecting human health (Art.73); Production and dissemination of coherent and comparable statistical information for describing and monitoring all relevant economic, social aspects of EEA (Art.76); Broadening of cooperation in research and technological development, education, vocational training training and youth, social policy, consumer protection, small and medium-sized enterprises, tourism, the audiovisual sector, and civil protection (Art.78; Protocol 31, Art.6, p.19; Protocol 29, p.1); Coordination of efforts and activities via, or in the context of, international organizations (Art.80); Cooperation between economic and social partners (Art.96); The need to reduce the economic and social disparities between their regions (Art.115); recognition of professional qualifications (Annex 7); Electronic communication, audiovisual services and information society (Annex 11); Reference to Council Directive 77/486/EEC of 25 July 1977 on the education of the children of migrantworkers (Annex 5, p.3); Reference to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1277/2005 of 27 July 2005 laying down implementing rules for Regulation (EC) No 273/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on drug precursors and for Council Regulation (EC) No 111/2005 laying down rules for the monitoring of trade between the Community and third countries in drug precursors (Annex 2, p.130); Reference to Commission Decision 2003/641/EC of 5 September 2003 on the use of colour photographs or other illustrations as health warnings on tobacco packages Annex 2, p.191); Reference to Decision No 189 of 18 June 2003 aimed at introducing a European health insurance card (Annex 6, p.45); Detailed opinions from EFTA States may not affect any cultural policy measures, which EFTA States might adopt in accordance with EEA law, taking account of their linguistic diversity, their specific national and regional characteristics and their cultural heritages (Annex 2, p.174; Annex 11, p.12); These provisions are not applicable to information concerning offences relating to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (Annex 11, p.5); Reference to Council Resolution of 22 November 1993 on strengthening of the competitiveness of enterprises, in particular of small and medium-sized enterprises and craft enterprises, and developing employment (Protocol 31, p.21); Cooperation in the field of employment including exchange of information (Protocol 31, p.31); Dialogue in social policy (Protocol 31, Art.5.1, p.15); Approximations of laws (Annex 13, p.10; Annex 18, p.1,3,15; Annex 19, p.2)","The document ""EEA protocols"" is also coded.",,,,,,,,,,,, 437,437+2,43702,947,EEA_p10,"European Economic Area (EEA) Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovak Republic and Slovenia accession",2003,,BE-DK-DE-FR-GR-ES-IE-IT-LU-NL-PT-GB-AT-FI-IS-LI-NO-SE-LV-CZ-EE-CY-LV-LT-HU-MT-PL-SK-SI,EU-CZ-EE-CY-LV-LT-HU-MT-PL-SK-SI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,29,40,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,"Construction of a Europe based on peace, democracy and human rights; Reference to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and provisions of the GATT; Reduction of economic and social regional disparities; Strengthening of the cooperation between the members of the European Parliament and of the Parliaments of the EFTA States, as well as between the social partners in the European Community and in the EFTA States; Determined to preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment and to ensure a prudent and rational utilization of natural resources on the basis of the principles of sustainable development, precautionary and preventive action should be taken; A high level of protection concerning health, safety and the environment; Development of the social dimension, including equal treatment of men and women and promoting conditions for full employment, an improved standard of living and improved working conditions; Aiming at a high level of consumer protection; Strengthening the scientific and technological basis of European industry; Independence of the courts; reference to limitations set by public international law",1,"Fraud as the use or presentation of false, incorrect or incomplete statements or documents, which has as its effect the misappropriation or wrongful retention of funds; Serious fraud shall be considered to be fraud involving a minimum amount not to be set at a sum exceeding Euro 50 000 (Annex 9, p.17-18); Combatting fraud (Annex 10, p.1); Measures against illicit commercial practices attributable to third countries shall not be applied in relations between the Contracting Parties, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement (Art.26); Reference to Council Directive 91/308/EEC of 10 June 1991 on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering (Annex 9, p.17); An expert from each EFTA State may participate in the tasks of the Contact Committee on money laundering (Annex 9, p.18); Reference to Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing (Annex 9, p.18); The payment service provider of the payee shall comply with any applicable law or administrative provisions relating to money laundering and terrorist financing (Annex 9, p.19); Measures against illicit commercial practices attributable to third countries (Protocol 13, p.1); Internal controls capable of detecting illegal or irregular transactions (Protocol 10, p.15); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Art.36, Protocol 4, p.22); On movement certificates: they shall be printed on a green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 4, p.118, p.124); Customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol 4, Art.16, p.15); Contracting Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the departments responsible for combatting customs fraud establish direct personal contacts, including when applicable at the level of local customs authorities, in order to facilitate exchange of information and handling of requests (Protocol 11, Art.14); Notification when a product referred to in this Protocol does not comply with the rules concerning trade in wine or has been the subject of fraudulent action to obtain or market such a product (Protocol 47, p.10); At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall furnish it with all relevant information to enable it to ensure that customs legislation is correctly applied, including information regarding operations noted or planned which contravene or would contravene such legislation (Protocol 11, Art.3,4, p.2-3; Protocol 47, Art.5, p.9)",0,,1,"Abolition of any discrimination based on nationality between workers of EC Member States and EFTA States as regards employment, remuneration and other conditions of work and employment (Art.28.2); Aggregation of benefits in the field of social security (Art.29); Improved working conditions (Art.66); Improvements in the working environment, as regards the health and safety of workers (Art.67); In the field of labour law, the Contracting Parties shall introduce the measures necessary to ensure the good functioning of this Agreement (Art.68); Men and women should receive equal pay for equal work and equal treatment (Art.69; Art.70); Dialogue between management and labour at European level (Art.70) Social security with reference to relevant legislation in the Contracting Parties (Annex 6); Health and safety at work, labour law, and equal treatment for men and women (Annex 18); Reference to Council Directives such as: Council Directive 91/383/EEC of 25 June 1991 supplementing the measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of workers with a fixed-duration employment relationship or a temporary employment relationship (Annex 18, p.8); Council Directive 79/7/EEC of 19 December 1978 on the progressive implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security (Annex 18, p.12, see Annex 18 for more examples); During the period of validity of the permit, the seasonal worker shall be entitled to unemployment benefits (Protocol 16, Art.2, p.1)",0,,1,"Closer cooperation in the environment (Art.1.2); Preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment and ensure a prudent and rational utilization of natural resources; Preventive action should be taken, environmental damage should as a priority be rectified at source, the polluter should pay; Environmental protection requirements (Art.73); Production and dissemination of coherent and comparable statistical information for describing and monitoring all relevant environmental aspects of the EEA (Art.76); Broadening of cooperation in the environment (Art.78); In case of serious environmental difficulties, a Contracting Party may unilaterally take appropriate measures (exception) (Art.112); The Directive shall not apply to injury or damage arising from nuclear accidents and covered by an international convention (unspecified) ratified by EFTA States and EC Member States (exception) (Annex 3: Product Liability, p.2); Reference to Council Directive 70/220/EEC of 20 March 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by gases from positive-ignition engines of motor vehicles (Annex II, p.7); Reference to Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources (Annex 4, p.8); Reference to Council Directive 72/306/EEC of 2 August 1972 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles (Annex 2, p.12); Other references to Council directives on emissions of pollutants (Annex 2, p.35-38, 43, 49, 189); Reference to Community guidelines on state aid for environmental protection (Annex 15, p.4); Reference to Council Directives on the environment including waste (Annex 10; Annex 12, p.13); Environmental risk (Protocol 10, Art.9a, p.6); The provisions of this Chapter shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the environment (exception) (Protocol 10, Art.9j, p.11); Suspension of the status of authorised economic operator where the threat to the environment so requires (Protocol 10, Art.7, p.19); Reference to Commissions Decisions on the environment such as Commission Decision 97/150/EC of 24 February 1997 on the setting-up of a European consultative forum on the environment and sustainable development (Protocol 31, Art.3, p.8; See also p.9,10,27,29); Funding shall be available for projects in the areas of environment, including urban renewal, reduction of urban pollution (Protocol 31, p.44)",0,,0,,0,,1,Institutional provisions (Art.89-96); Political dialogue between parliamentarians (Art.95); Establishment of EFTA Court (Art.108),0,,1,"Limitations justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.13; Art.28.3; Art.33; Protocol 10, Art.9j, p.11; Art.7, p.19; Protocol 11, Art.9, p.4; Protocol 47, Art.9, p.11); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes; to carry out obligations it has accepted for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (exception) (Art.123)",0,,"For example: Closer cooperation in research and development, education and social policy (Art.1.2); Mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications (Art.30); Economic and monetary policy cooperation (Art.46); Aid having a social character, aid to make good the damage caused by natural disasters or exceptional occurrences; aid to promote the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there is serious underemployment, aid to facilitate the development of certain economic activities (Art.61); Improved standard of living for workers (Art.66); Environmental action to contribute towards protecting human health (Art.73); Production and dissemination of coherent and comparable statistical information for describing and monitoring all relevant economic, social aspects of EEA (Art.76); Broadening of cooperation in research and technological development, education, vocational training training and youth, social policy, consumer protection, small and medium-sized enterprises, tourism, the audiovisual sector, and civil protection (Art.78; Protocol 31, Art.6, p.19; Protocol 29, p.1); Coordination of efforts and activities via, or in the context of, international organizations (Art.80); Cooperation between economic and social partners (Art.96); The need to reduce the economic and social disparities between their regions (Art.115); recognition of professional qualifications (Annex 7); Electronic communication, audiovisual services and information society (Annex 11); Reference to Council Directive 77/486/EEC of 25 July 1977 on the education of the children of migrantworkers (Annex 5, p.3); Reference to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1277/2005 of 27 July 2005 laying down implementing rules for Regulation (EC) No 273/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on drug precursors and for Council Regulation (EC) No 111/2005 laying down rules for the monitoring of trade between the Community and third countries in drug precursors (Annex 2, p.130); Reference to Commission Decision 2003/641/EC of 5 September 2003 on the use of colour photographs or other illustrations as health warnings on tobacco packages Annex 2, p.191); Reference to Decision No 189 of 18 June 2003 aimed at introducing a European health insurance card (Annex 6, p.45); Detailed opinions from EFTA States may not affect any cultural policy measures, which EFTA States might adopt in accordance with EEA law, taking account of their linguistic diversity, their specific national and regional characteristics and their cultural heritages (Annex 2, p.174; Annex 11, p.12); These provisions are not applicable to information concerning offences relating to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (Annex 11, p.5); Reference to Council Resolution of 22 November 1993 on strengthening of the competitiveness of enterprises, in particular of small and medium-sized enterprises and craft enterprises, and developing employment (Protocol 31, p.21); Cooperation in the field of employment including exchange of information (Protocol 31, p.31); Dialogue in social policy (Protocol 31, Art.5.1, p.15); Approximations of laws (Annex 13, p.10; Annex 18, p.1,3,15; Annex 19, p.2)","The document ""EEA protocols"" is also coded.",,,,,,,,,,,, 437,437+1,43701,948,EEA_p1,European Economic Area (EEA) Liechtenstein accession,1992,,BE-DK-DE-FR-GR-ES-IE-IT-LU-NL-PT-GB-AT-FI-IS-LI-NO-SE-LI,EU-AT-FI-IS-LI-NO-SE-LI,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,19,18,1,1,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,"Construction of a Europe based on peace, democracy and human rights; Reference to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and provisions of the GATT; Reduction of economic and social regional disparities; Strengthening of the cooperation between the members of the European Parliament and of the Parliaments of the EFTA States, as well as between the social partners in the European Community and in the EFTA States; Determined to preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment and to ensure a prudent and rational utilization of natural resources on the basis of the principles of sustainable development, precautionary and preventive action should be taken; A high level of protection concerning health, safety and the environment; Development of the social dimension, including equal treatment of men and women and promoting conditions for full employment, an improved standard of living and improved working conditions; Aiming at a high level of consumer protection; Strengthening the scientific and technological basis of European industry; Independence of the courts; reference to limitations set by public international law",1,"Fraud as the use or presentation of false, incorrect or incomplete statements or documents, which has as its effect the misappropriation or wrongful retention of funds; Serious fraud shall be considered to be fraud involving a minimum amount not to be set at a sum exceeding Euro 50 000 (Annex 9, p.17-18); Combatting fraud (Annex 10, p.1); Measures against illicit commercial practices attributable to third countries shall not be applied in relations between the Contracting Parties, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement (Art.26); Reference to Council Directive 91/308/EEC of 10 June 1991 on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering (Annex 9, p.17); An expert from each EFTA State may participate in the tasks of the Contact Committee on money laundering (Annex 9, p.18); Reference to Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing (Annex 9, p.18); The payment service provider of the payee shall comply with any applicable law or administrative provisions relating to money laundering and terrorist financing (Annex 9, p.19); Measures against illicit commercial practices attributable to third countries (Protocol 13, p.1); Internal controls capable of detecting illegal or irregular transactions (Protocol 10, p.15); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Art.36, Protocol 4, p.22); On movement certificates: they shall be printed on a green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 4, p.118, p.124); Customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol 4, Art.16, p.15); Contracting Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the departments responsible for combatting customs fraud establish direct personal contacts, including when applicable at the level of local customs authorities, in order to facilitate exchange of information and handling of requests (Protocol 11, Art.14); Notification when a product referred to in this Protocol does not comply with the rules concerning trade in wine or has been the subject of fraudulent action to obtain or market such a product (Protocol 47, p.10); At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall furnish it with all relevant information to enable it to ensure that customs legislation is correctly applied, including information regarding operations noted or planned which contravene or would contravene such legislation (Protocol 11, Art.3,4, p.2-3; Protocol 47, Art.5, p.9)",0,,1,"Abolition of any discrimination based on nationality between workers of EC Member States and EFTA States as regards employment, remuneration and other conditions of work and employment (Art.28.2); Aggregation of benefits in the field of social security (Art.29); Improved working conditions (Art.66); Improvements in the working environment, as regards the health and safety of workers (Art.67); In the field of labour law, the Contracting Parties shall introduce the measures necessary to ensure the good functioning of this Agreement (Art.68); Men and women should receive equal pay for equal work and equal treatment (Art.69; Art.70); Dialogue between management and labour at European level (Art.70) Social security with reference to relevant legislation in the Contracting Parties (Annex 6); Health and safety at work, labour law, and equal treatment for men and women (Annex 18); Reference to Council Directives such as: Council Directive 91/383/EEC of 25 June 1991 supplementing the measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of workers with a fixed-duration employment relationship or a temporary employment relationship (Annex 18, p.8); Council Directive 79/7/EEC of 19 December 1978 on the progressive implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security (Annex 18, p.12, see Annex 18 for more examples); During the period of validity of the permit, the seasonal worker shall be entitled to unemployment benefits (Protocol 16, Art.2, p.1)",0,,1,"Closer cooperation in the environment (Art.1.2); Preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment and ensure a prudent and rational utilization of natural resources; Preventive action should be taken, environmental damage should as a priority be rectified at source, the polluter should pay; Environmental protection requirements (Art.73); Production and dissemination of coherent and comparable statistical information for describing and monitoring all relevant environmental aspects of the EEA (Art.76); Broadening of cooperation in the environment (Art.78); In case of serious environmental difficulties, a Contracting Party may unilaterally take appropriate measures (exception) (Art.112); The Directive shall not apply to injury or damage arising from nuclear accidents and covered by an international convention (unspecified) ratified by EFTA States and EC Member States (exception) (Annex 3: Product Liability, p.2); Reference to Council Directive 70/220/EEC of 20 March 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by gases from positive-ignition engines of motor vehicles (Annex II, p.7); Reference to Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources (Annex 4, p.8); Reference to Council Directive 72/306/EEC of 2 August 1972 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles (Annex 2, p.12); Other references to Council directives on emissions of pollutants (Annex 2, p.35-38, 43, 49, 189); Reference to Community guidelines on state aid for environmental protection (Annex 15, p.4); Reference to Council Directives on the environment including waste (Annex 10; Annex 12, p.13); Environmental risk (Protocol 10, Art.9a, p.6); The provisions of this Chapter shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the environment (exception) (Protocol 10, Art.9j, p.11); Suspension of the status of authorised economic operator where the threat to the environment so requires (Protocol 10, Art.7, p.19); Reference to Commissions Decisions on the environment such as Commission Decision 97/150/EC of 24 February 1997 on the setting-up of a European consultative forum on the environment and sustainable development (Protocol 31, Art.3, p.8; See also p.9,10,27,29); Funding shall be available for projects in the areas of environment, including urban renewal, reduction of urban pollution (Protocol 31, p.44)",0,,0,,0,,1,Institutional provisions (Art.89-96); Political dialogue between parliamentarians (Art.95); Establishment of EFTA Court (Art.108),0,,1,"Limitations justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.13; Art.28.3; Art.33; Protocol 10, Art.9j, p.11; Art.7, p.19; Protocol 11, Art.9, p.4; Protocol 47, Art.9, p.11); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes; to carry out obligations it has accepted for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security (exception) (Art.123)",0,,"For example: Closer cooperation in research and development, education and social policy (Art.1.2); Mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications (Art.30); Economic and monetary policy cooperation (Art.46); Aid having a social character, aid to make good the damage caused by natural disasters or exceptional occurrences; aid to promote the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there is serious underemployment, aid to facilitate the development of certain economic activities (Art.61); Improved standard of living for workers (Art.66); Environmental action to contribute towards protecting human health (Art.73); Production and dissemination of coherent and comparable statistical information for describing and monitoring all relevant economic, social aspects of EEA (Art.76); Broadening of cooperation in research and technological development, education, vocational training training and youth, social policy, consumer protection, small and medium-sized enterprises, tourism, the audiovisual sector, and civil protection (Art.78; Protocol 31, Art.6, p.19; Protocol 29, p.1); Coordination of efforts and activities via, or in the context of, international organizations (Art.80); Cooperation between economic and social partners (Art.96); The need to reduce the economic and social disparities between their regions (Art.115); recognition of professional qualifications (Annex 7); Electronic communication, audiovisual services and information society (Annex 11); Reference to Council Directive 77/486/EEC of 25 July 1977 on the education of the children of migrantworkers (Annex 5, p.3); Reference to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1277/2005 of 27 July 2005 laying down implementing rules for Regulation (EC) No 273/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on drug precursors and for Council Regulation (EC) No 111/2005 laying down rules for the monitoring of trade between the Community and third countries in drug precursors (Annex 2, p.130); Reference to Commission Decision 2003/641/EC of 5 September 2003 on the use of colour photographs or other illustrations as health warnings on tobacco packages Annex 2, p.191); Reference to Decision No 189 of 18 June 2003 aimed at introducing a European health insurance card (Annex 6, p.45); Detailed opinions from EFTA States may not affect any cultural policy measures, which EFTA States might adopt in accordance with EEA law, taking account of their linguistic diversity, their specific national and regional characteristics and their cultural heritages (Annex 2, p.174; Annex 11, p.12); These provisions are not applicable to information concerning offences relating to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (Annex 11, p.5); Reference to Council Resolution of 22 November 1993 on strengthening of the competitiveness of enterprises, in particular of small and medium-sized enterprises and craft enterprises, and developing employment (Protocol 31, p.21); Cooperation in the field of employment including exchange of information (Protocol 31, p.31); Dialogue in social policy (Protocol 31, Art.5.1, p.15); Approximations of laws (Annex 13, p.10; Annex 18, p.1,3,15; Annex 19, p.2)","The document ""EEA protocols"" is also coded.",,,,,,,,,,,, 732,732,732,732,FRO_FIN,Faroe Islands Finland,1992,Faroe Islands Finland 1992.pdf,FO-FI,FO-FI,0,1,1993,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"On movement certificates: If the space is not used in its entirety, a horizontal line must be drawn under the last line used and the space that is left unused must be marked off by striking it out (Annex 3, Art.17.2, p.351-352); The authorities issuing the certificate must make sure that the forms referred to in paragraph 2 are completed properly. In particular, they shall ascertain that the space reserved for the description of the product is completed so that no room for possible fraudulent additions is left therein (Annex 3, Art.17.7, p.352); 1. In order to ensure the proper implementation of this Annex, the Faroe Islands and Finland shall assist each other, through the mediation of competent customs authorities, in the verification of the authenticity of EUR. 1 product certificates and invoice declarations and the correctness of the information contained in these documents (Annex 3, Art.32, p.359); The follow-up control of the EUR. 1 product certificates and the invoice declarations shall be exercised every time the customs authorities or the importing country or territory has reason to suspect the authenticity of such documents or doubt the place of origin of the products or fulfilment of the other conditions set forth in this Annex (Annex 3, Art.33, p.359); Sanctions shall be imposed on anyone who prepares, or proceeds to have prepared for him- or herself, a document containing incorrect information with the intent of securing preferential treatment for products (Annex 3, Art.35, p.359); Movement certificates must have a green, printed wavelike background pattern which makes all cases of mechanical and chemical forgery clearly visible (Appendix IV, p.367)",0,,1,"To promote improved working conditions (Art.1, p.332)",0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the use of such import, export or transit prohibitions or restrictions that are necessary to protect the environment or necessary to preserve non-renewable natural resource (exceptions) (Art.11, p.8)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the use of such import, export or transit prohibitions or restrictions that are necessary to protect public security (exception) (Art.11, p.8); The provisions of this Agreement shall not prevent the use of the Contracting Parties' authority to take any measures it deems necessary: to implement international commitments or national action programmes that: Relate to the efforts to limit the spread of biological and chemical weapons, nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosives (exceptions) (Art.12, p.334)",0,,"To promote increased economic activity, improved living conditions (Art.1, p.332)",Annex 1 is missing.,,,,,,,,,,,, 438,438,438,438,FRO_ISL1,Faroe Islands Iceland,1992,Faroe Islands Iceland 1992.pdf,FO-IS,FO-IS,0,1,1993,1,2006,1,Faeroe Islands Iceland,14-Dec-95,GATT Art. XXIV,Faroe Islands Iceland,Faroe Islands Iceland (broadened in scope in 2006 (Hoyvik Agreement signed 8/31/2005),FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to European co-operation; ,0,,0,,1,"The improvement of employment conditions (Art.1, p.2)",0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (exception) (Art.11, p.4)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.11, p.4); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures which it considers necessary: relating to the non-proliferation of biological and chemical weapons, nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices (exception) (Art.12, p.4)",0,,"To foster the advance of economic activity, the improvement of living conditions, and increased productivity and financial stability (Art.1, p.2)",Annexes not included,,,,,,,,,,,, 439,439,439,439,FRO_ISL2,Faroe Islands Iceland,2005,Faroe Islands Iceland 2006.pdf,FO-IS,FO-IS,0,1,2006,0,,1,Iceland Faroe Islands,39639,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Faroe Islands Iceland (2006),,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Determined to develop and enhance their co-operation in other fields (unspecified); Harmonize their economic development;,1,"The Contracting Parties shall assist each other, in the manner and under the conditions laid down in this Protocol, in ensuring that customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection and investigation of contraventions of such legislation (Protocol 3, Art.2); At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall furnish it with all relevant information to enable it to ensure that customs legislation is correctly applied, including information regarding operations noted or planned which contravene or would contravene such legislation and surevillance (Protocol 3, Art.3); Assistance when when they obtain information pertaining to: operations which have contravened, contravene or would contravene such legislation,goods known to be subject to substantial contravention of customs legislation on import, export, transit or any other customs procedure (Protocol 3, Art.4); The Contracting Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the departments responsible for combating customs fraud establish direct personal contacts, including when applicable at the level of local customs authorities, in order to facilitate exchange of information and handling of requests (Protocol 3, Art.14)",0,,1,The Contracting Parties are parties to Nordic Conventions regarding common social security such as the Nordic Convention on Social Security (Protocol 4),0,,1,Environmental cooperation (Art.7),0,,0,,0,,1,"Three years of residence by Icelandic natural persons in the Faroe Islands and of Faroese natural persons in Iceland shall entail the right to stand for municipal election and cast a vote in municipal elections (Art.5c,iv)",0,,1,"Assistance may be refused where to do so would be likely to prejudice security (exception) (Protocol 3, Art.9)",0,,"Any discrimination, in law or in fact, regarding the right to residence or free movement of persons, shall be prohibited (Art.5c,ii); Access to schools, universities and other institutions of learning shall be granted without discrimination (Art.5c,ii); A Contracting Party shall recognize, as if issued in its own territory, comparable diplomas and other evidence of professional qualifications (Art.5c,iii); Cooperation in: culture, education, training, sport and youth, energy, health services, human resource development in the public sector, research and technological development, resource management, telecommunications, tourism (Art.7); These provisions are not applicable to information concerning offences relating to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (exception) (Protocol 3, Art.11); The Contracting Parties are parties to Nordic Conventions regarding common social assistance such as the Nordic Convention on Social Assistance and Social Services (Protocol 4)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 440,440,440,440,FRO_NOR,Faroe Islands Norway,1992,FaroeIslands Norway 1992.pdf,FO-NO,FO-NO,0,1,1993,0,,1,Faroe Islands Norway,35107,GATT Art. XXIV,Faroe Islands Norway,Faroe Islands Norway,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (Art. 11) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 441,441,441,441,FRO_POL,Faroe Islands Poland,1998,FaroeIslands Poland 1998.pdf,FO-PL,FO-PL,0,1,1998,1,2004,1,Poland Faeroe Islands,36390,GATT Art. XXIV,Faroe Islands Poland,Faroe Islands Poland,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 733,733,733,733,FRO_SWE1,Faroe Islands Sweden,1975,,FO-SE,FO-SE,0,0,1976,1,1995,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,1,1,,,0,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,"Note: Appendices, protocols and annexes are missing",,,,,,,,,,,, 442,442,442,442,FRO_SWE2,Faroe Islands Sweden,1992,,FO-SE,FO-SE,0,0,,1,2004,0,,,,,Faroe Islands Sweden,FTA,,,,1,2,1,1,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 443,443,443,443,FRO_CHE,Faroe Islands Switzerland,1992,Faroe Islands Switzerland 1992.pdf,FO-CH,FO-CH,0,1,1995,0,,1,Faroe Islands Switzerland,35107,GATT Art. XXIV,Faroe Islands Switzerland,Faroe Islands Switzerland,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 444,444,444,444,FJI_PNG,Fiji Papua New Guinea,1996,,FJ-PG,FJ-PG,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Papua New Guinea Fiji Trade Agreement (likely to be subsumed in PICTA at some point),PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,5,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 736,736,736,736,FJI_TON,Fiji Tonga,1995,,FJ-TO,FJ-TO,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,5,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 446,446,446,446,FIN_DDR,Finland German Democratic Republic,1975,Finland GDR 1975.pdf,FI-DE,FI-DE,0,1,1975,1,1990,1,Finland German Democratic Republic Agreement,27634,GATT Art. XXIV,,Finland German Democratic Republic Trade Agreement,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Penalties shall be imposed in accordance with national legislation on any person who prepares or causes to be prepared a document containing materially false information for the purpose of obtaining a certificate of origin which may entitle goods to preferential treatment under this Agreement (Protocol 3, Art.10, p.112)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1, The Contracting Party concerned may take such security measures as in its opinion are necessary to deal with the situation (Art.10),0,,Economic and technical co-operation (Art.1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 447,447,447,447,FIN_HUN,Finland Hungary,1974,Finland Hungary 1974.pdf,FI-HU,FI-HU,0,1,1975,1,1995,1,Finland Hungary Agreement,27416,GATT Art. XXIV,,Finland Hungary Agreement on the Reciprocal Removal of Obstacles to Trade,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Penalties shall be imposed, according to national legislation, on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a declaration of origin which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining for the goods the preferential treatment provided for by this Agreement (Protocol 3, Art.10, p.189)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.12); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: Which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.13)",0,,"Economic, industrial and technical co-operation to the mutual benefit of their economies (Art.1)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 448,448,448,448,FIN_LVA,Finland Latvia,1992,EstoniaLatviaLithuania Finland 1992.pdf,FI-LV,FI-LV,0,1,1993,1,1995,1,Finland Latvia Protocol,01-Dec-92,GATT Art. XXIV,,Finland Latvia FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,Promotion of commercial and economic co-operation in areas of common interest on the basis of international law; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Paris Charter; Taking into account their respective levels of economic development; Taking into account the respective economic policies of the Parties and the favourable effect of the economic transformation under way in Latvia son their trade and economic relations; ,1,"The Parties shall assist each other through their respective customs authorities in checking the authenticity and accuracy of declarations of origin (Annex, Art.6)",0,,1,"To foster the improvement of employment conditions (Art.1, p.8)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"To foster the advance of economic activity, the improvement of living conditions, increased productivity, financial stability (Art.1); Fostering a favourable climate for investments, joint ventures and sub-contracting, facilitating trade promotion activities (Art.4); Possibility of developing and deepening their relations in order to extend them to investment protection, economic assistance as well as economic, industrial and scientific co-operation (Art.6)",Could not have been encoded due to language,,,,,,,,,,,, 449,449,449,449,FIN_LTU,Finland Lithuania,1992,Finland Lithuania 1992.pdf,FI-LT,FI-LT,0,1,1993,1,1995,1,Finland Lithuania Protocol,01-Dec-92,GATT Art. XXIV,,Finland Lithuania FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,"Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); developing relations in order to extend them to fields such as economic assistance or scientific co-operation (Art. 6),Annexes to this Protocol are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 450,450,450,450,FIN_POL,Finland Poland,1976,Finland Poland 1976.pdf,FI-PL,FI-PL,0,1,1978,1,1995,1,Finland Poland Agreement,28606,GATT Art. XXIV,,Finland Poland,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,"Confirming their resolve to pay due regard to and implement the provisions of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe; The provisions of the Final Act relating to the development of cooperation in the field[-s of] economics, of science and technology and of the environment are of particular importance",1,"Additional documentary evidence of the nature of the goods and the conditions under which they have been exhibited may be required in the case of serious suspicion (Protocol 3, Art.8); In order to ensure the proper application of the provisions of this Protocol, Finland and Poland shall assist each other, through their respective customs administrations, in checking the authenticity and accuracy of declarations of origin (Protocol 3, Art.9); Penalties shall be imposed, according to national legislation, on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a declaration of origin which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining for the goods the preferential treatment provided for by this Agreemen (Protocol 3, Art.10)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.14); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from taking any measures: Which relate to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (exception) (Art.15)",0,,"To create the most favourable conditions for the development of economic, industrial and technical cooperation (Art.1)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 451,451,451,451,FIN_SUN,Finland USSR,1960,,FI-RU,FI-RU,0,0,,1,1990,0,,,,,Finland USSR,PTA,,,,1,2,1,2,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 452,452,452,452,FRA_MCO,France Monaco,1963,France Monaco 1963.pdf,FR-MC,FR-MC,0,1,1963,0,,0,,,,,France Monaco Customs Convention (other arrangements predate this treaty),CU,,,,1,2,1,1,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"French customs employees and officers may request that the Mongasque authorities should investigate those involved in fraud or accessories thereto (Art.11); The Government of the Principality agrees to take all necessary steps to prevent and punish action with respect to any goods, especially items of value or precious metals, which defrauds the French Treasury and is detrimental to French trade (Protocol of signature, V, p.72)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,French regulations and fees pertaining to health inspection shall be applicable in the Principality (Art.3); French customs employees and officers may request that the Mongasque authorities should place in custody those accused of smuggling (Art.11),,,,,,,,,,,,, 453,453,453,453,FRA_TUN,France Tunisia Customs Union Convention,1955,France Tunisia Customs Union Convention 1955.pdf,FR-TN,FR-TN,0,1,1956,1,1959,0,,,,,Franco Tunisian Customs Union Convention,CU,3,,,1,2,1,2,6,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"France is prepared to: guarantee the currency backing, the public debt and the equilibrium of the external balance of payments of Tunisia, to bring a financial and technological contribution to further economic and social progress in Tunisia; The financial burdens borne or to be borne by France in respect of the economic development of Tunisia warrant the granting of special guarantees to French undertakings in Tunisia, such undertakings being instruments for cooperation between France and Tunisia; Purpose is to provide for the forms of financial assistance that France may continue bringing to Tunisia and to promote the economic development of Tunisia",1,"Each contracting party may subject its trade with the other contracting party to prohibitions or restrictions necessary to secure the prevention of deceptive practices (exception) (Protocol, Art. 16, p.14)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Each contracting party may subject its trade with the other contracting party to prohibitions or restrictions necessary for the conservation of exhaustible natural resources (exception) (Protocol, Art.16, p.14)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The co-ordination of commercial policy within the Customs Union (Art.16); Tunisian officials may be seconded to diplomatic missions abroad, where they shall assist commercial counsellors and attache?es and serve as members of economic expansion services (Art.19); Considering that ther economies, on account of their structures and their unequal degree of development, could not possibly be forged indiscrimninately into one single entity (Protocol, p.7); Recognizing that Tunisia is in need of promptly speeding up her process of industrialization (Protocol, p.7); The temporary suspension of any rate of duty shall should not: bring about a notable increase in the cost of living; generally result in appreciable disturbances to economic life (Protocol, p.8); Temporary adjustments may be effected by common agreement with a view to the development of a local industy (Protocol, p.9); In exceptional circumstances, thc two governments may, for social or political reasons, decide that a non-compettitive local industry should be protected (Protocol, p.9); Cooperation In matters of ships' supplies: Tunisian ships shall enjoy the same treatment as French ships in French ports (Protocol, Art. 25, p.16)",Articles 20-36 on Financial Relations and Economic Co-operation and Private Investments are missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 454,454,454,454,GEO_KAZ,Georgia Kazakhstan,1997,Georgia Kazakstan 1997.pdf,GE-KZ,GE-KZ,0,1,1999,0,,1,Georgia Kazakhstan,36930,GATT Art. XXIV,Georgia Kazakhstan,Georgia Kazakhstan,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The agreement does not prevent the right to implement the measures adopted in international practice that are considered necessary for protection of the Side's fundamental interests such as the protection of the environment (Art. 11) (Exceptions),1,Reference to international agreements (Art. 11) (unspecified),0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The agreement does not prevent the right to implement the measures adopted in international practice that are considered necessary for protection of the Side's fundamental interests such as investigations and production concerning defensive needs (Art. 11) (Exceptions),1,Reference to international agreements (Art. 11) (unspecified),,,,,,,,,,,,,, 740,740,740,740,GEO_MDA,Georgia Moldova,1997,,GE-MD,GE-MD,0,0,2007,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 455,455,455,455,GEO_RUS,Georgia Russia,1994,Georgia Russia 1994.pdf,GE-RU,GE-RU,0,1,1994,0,,1,Georgia Russian Federation,36930,GATT Art. XXIV,Georgia Russia,Georgia Russia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The agreement does not prevent the right to implement the measures adopted in international practice that are considered necessary for protection of the Side's fundamental interests such as investigations and production concerning defensive needs (Art. 12) (Exceptions),1,Reference to international agreements (Art. 12) (unspecified),Promoting the extension of scientific and technical cooperation of economic entities (Art. 7),,,,,,,,,,,,, 456,456,456,456,GEO_TUR,Georgia Turkey,2007,Georgia Turkey 2007.pdf,GE-TR,GE-TR,0,1,2008,0,,1,Turkey Georgia,39862,GATT Art. XXIV,Georgia Turkey,,,,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,Efforts to strengthen political stability and economic development in the region through the encouragement of regional co-operation; cooperation in the technical fields,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of environment (Art. 16) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which relate to the production of arms, munitions or war materials for defense purposes (Art. 29) (Exceptions)",0,,Objective of the Agreement: Raising the living standards of the population of the two countries (Art. 1),Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 457,457,457,457,GEO_TKM,Georgia Turkmenistan,1996,Georgia Turkmenistan 1996.pdf,GE-TM,GE-TM,0,1,2000,0,,1,Georgia Turkmenistan,36930,GATT Art. XXIV,Georgia Turkmenistan,Georgia Turkmenistan,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Insurance of complete employment,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Maintenance of irreplaceable natural resources (Exceptions) (Art. 9),1,"Reference to international agreements, participant of which the Side is or intends to be (Exceptions) (Art. 9)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 458,458,458,458,GEO_UKR,Georgia Ukraine,1995,Georgia Ukraine 1995.pdf,GE-UA,GE-UA,0,1,1996,0,,1,Georgia Ukraine,36930,GATT Art. XXIV,Georgia Ukraine,Georgia Ukraine,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The agreement does not prevent the right of any Side to take governmental regulation measures in the sphere of foreign economic relations that are considered to be necessary for fulfilment of international agreements such as the protection of the environment (Art. 3) (Exceptions),1,Reference to international agreements (Art. 3) (unspecified),0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the agreement prevents the right of any Side to apply any measures of governmental regulation that are considered to be necessary, if such measures concern the maintenance of national security, including prevention of the leakage of confidential information related to the governmental secret (Art. 3) (Exceptions)",0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 459,459,459,459,GEO_UZB,Georgia Uzbekistan,1995,,GE-UZ,GE-UZ,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Georgia Uzbekistan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 460,460,460,460,GHA_HVO,Ghana Upper Volta Trade Agreement,1961,Ghana Upper Volta (Burkina Faso 1961).pdf,GH-BF,GH-BF,0,1,1962,1,1962,1,Ghana Upper Volta Trade Agreement,17-May-62,GATT Art. XXIV,,Ghana Upper Volta Customs Union,CU,3,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 461,461,461,461,GSTP,Global System of Trade Preferences (GSTP),1988,Global System of Trade Preferences 1988.PDF,DZ-AR-AO-BD-BJ-BO-BR-CM-CL-CO-CU-KP-KR-EC-EG-GH-GN-GY-HT-IN-ID-IR-IQ-LY-MY-MX-MA-MZ-NI-NG-PK-PE-QA-PH-RO-SG-LK-SD-TH-TT-TN-TZ-UY-VE-VN-ZW-CD-RS,DZ-AR-AO-BD-BJ-BO-BR-CM-CL-CO-CU-KP-KR-EC-EG-GH-GN-GY-HT-IN-ID-IR-IQ-LY-MY-MX-MA-MZ-NI-NG-PK-PE-QA-PH-RO-SG-LK-SD-TH-TT-TN-TZ-UY-VE-VN-ZW-CD-RS,0,1,1989,0,,1,Global System of Trade Preferences among Developing Countries (GSTP),32776,Enabling Clause,GSTP,,,,PTA,1,2,48,1128,3,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Emphasis on the aim of encreasing employment,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Recognition of the special needs of the least developed countries (Art. 3), special treatment for least developed countries such as technical assistance by the United Nationas and other participants (Art. 17); Annex III: additional measures of least developed countries such as technical assistance, cooperation arrangements, establishment of industrial and agricultural projects, buy-back arrangements, support of their export, provision of special facilities etc. (p. 26) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 461,461_1,461001,949,GSTP_m1,Global System of Trade Preferences (GSTP) withdrawal Romania,2007,,DZ-AR-AO-BD-BJ-BO-BR-CM-CL-CO-CU-KP-KR-EC-EG-GH-GN-GY-HT-IN-ID-IR-IQ-LY-MY-MX-MA-MZ-NI-NG-PK-PE-QA-PH-SG-LK-SD-TH-TT-TN-TZ-UY-VE-VN-ZW-CD-RS,DZ-AR-AO-BD-BJ-BO-BR-CM-CL-CO-CU-KP-KR-EC-EG-GH-GN-GY-HT-IN-ID-IR-IQ-LY-MY-MX-MA-MZ-NI-NG-PK-PE-QA-PH-SG-LK-SD-TH-TT-TN-TZ-UY-VE-VN-ZW-CD-RS,0,,,1,2007,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Emphasis on the aim of encreasing employment,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Recognition of the special needs of the least developed countries (Art. 3), special treatment for least developed countries such as technical assistance by the United Nationas and other participants (Art. 17); Annex III: additional measures of least developed countries such as technical assistance, cooperation arrangements, establishment of industrial and agricultural projects, buy-back arrangements, support of their export, provision of special facilities etc. (p. 26) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 462,462,462,462,GAFTA,Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement,1997,Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement 1997.pdf,BH-EG-IQ-JO-KW-LB-LY-MA-OM-QA-SA-SD-SO-SY-TN-AE-YE-PS,BH-EG-IQ-JO-KW-LB-LY-MA-OM-QA-SA-SD-SO-SY-TN-AE-YE-PS,0,1,1998,0,,1,Pan Arab Free Trade Area (PAFTA),03-Oct-06,GATT Art. XXIV,PAFTA,Pan Arab FTA (also called Greater Arab Free Trade Area or GAFTA),FTA,2,FTA,2,2,18,153,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of the Program shall not apply to products and materials whose import, trading or use in any of the states is banned for environmental reasons (p. 3)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of this Program shall not apply to products and materials whose import, trading or use in any of the states is banned for security reasons (p. 3); Selection of Arab goods and products shall be guided by the following criteria: Growth of trade in the good shall lead to realization of national security in general and military security in particular (Art. 4)",0,,"The provisions of this Program shall not apply to products and materials whose import, trading or use in any of the states is banned for religious reasons (p. 3); Special treatment of less developed Arab States such as preferential treatment (p. 4, Art. 7); Cooperation to facilitate transport and communications between the Member States (Art. 18)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 462,462+1,46201,950,GAFTA_p1,Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement Algeria accession,2002,,BH-EG-IQ-JO-KW-LB-LY-MA-OM-QA-SA-SD-SO-SY-TN-AE-YE-PS-DZ,BH-EG-IQ-JO-KW-LB-LY-MA-OM-QA-SA-SD-SO-SY-TN-AE-YE-PS-DZ,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,19,18,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of the Program shall not apply to products and materials whose import, trading or use in any of the states is banned for environmental reasons (p. 3)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of this Program shall not apply to products and materials whose import, trading or use in any of the states is banned for security reasons (p. 3); Selection of Arab goods and products shall be guided by the following criteria: Growth of trade in the good shall lead to realization of national security in general and military security in particular (Art. 4)",0,,"The provisions of this Program shall not apply to products and materials whose import, trading or use in any of the states is banned for religious reasons (p. 3); Special treatment of less developed Arab States such as preferential treatment (p. 4, Art. 7); Cooperation to facilitate transport and communications between the Member States (Art. 18)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 463,463,463,463,GRL_ISL,Greenland Iceland,1985,,GL-IS,GL-IS,0,0,1985,,,0,,,,,Greenland Iceland,FTA,,,,1,2,1,1,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 741,741,741,741,GRL_SWE,Greenland Sweden,1984,,GL-SE,GL-SE,0,0,1985,1,1995,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,1,6,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,"Note: Appendices, protocols and annexes are missing",,,,,,,,,,,, 464,464,464,464,G3,Group of Three,1994,Group of Three _complete 1994.pdf,CO-MX-VE,CO-MX-VE,0,1,1995,0,,1,Colombia Mexico,40434,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,,Colombia Mexico Venezuela (Group of Three) (ECA 33),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,2,3,3,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Fostering Latin American integration; Creating new working opportunities, improvement of labour conditions and the living standars in the respective territories; Safeguarding public welfare; Promoting a sustainable development",1,"Penalities: Each Party shall establish measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations related to the provisions of Chapter 6 on Customs Procedures (Art. 6-09)",0,,0,,0,,1,"A party may indicate the measures, restrictions and prohibitions concerning the importation or exportation of good for reasons of the preservation of the flora, fauna and the environment (Art. 3-13)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"A party may indicate the measures, restrictions and prohibitions concerning the importation or exportation of good for reasons of national security (Art. 3-13)",0,,See for example measures against illegal activities: A false certification by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer that makes a false statement or representation (Art. 6-04),This Agreement is not complete,,,,,,,,,,,, 465,465,465,465,G3AUTO,Group of Three Auto Agreement,2004,Group of Three Auto Agreement 2005.pdf,CO-MX-VE,CO-MX-VE,0,1,2005,1,2005,0,,,,,"Colombia Mexico Venezuela (ECA 61, dealing with certain sectors including automotive and fertilizers)",PTA_PSA,1,,,2,3,3,3,4,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"""need to strengthen Latin America's integration process to achieve the goals of the Treaty of Montevideo""",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 465,465_1,465001,952,G3AUTO_m1,Group of Three Auto Agreement withdrawal Venezuela,2006,,CO-MX,CO-MX,0,,,1,2006,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"""need to strengthen Latin America's integration process to achieve the goals of the Treaty of Montevideo""",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 464,464_1,464001,951,G3_m1,Group of Three withdrawal Venezuela,2006,,CO-MX,CO-MX,0,,,1,2006,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Fostering Latin American integration; Creating new working opportunities, improvement of labour conditions and the living standars in the respective territories; Safeguarding public welfare; Promoting a sustainable development",1,"Penalities: Each Party shall establish measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations related to the provisions of Chapter 6 on Customs Procedures (Art. 6-09)",0,,0,,0,,1,"A party may indicate the measures, restrictions and prohibitions concerning the importation or exportation of good for reasons of the preservation of the flora, fauna and the environment (Art. 3-13)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"A party may indicate the measures, restrictions and prohibitions concerning the importation or exportation of good for reasons of national security (Art. 3-13)",0,,See for example measures against illegal activities: A false certification by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer that makes a false statement or representation (Art. 6-04),This Agreement is not complete,,,,,,,,,,,, 466,466,466,466,GUAM,GUAM/GUUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development,2002,GUAM GUUAM 2002.pdf,AZ-GE-MD-UA,AZ-GE-MD-UA,0,1,2003,0,,0,,,,GUUAM,,,,,,2,4,6,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Desirous to permanently increase the living standards of the population of the respective states,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,This Agreement shall not prejudice the right of any Contracting Party to take generally accepted in international practice measures of state regulation of foreign economic connections that are deemed necessary by such Party to protect its vital interests such as the protection of environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 14),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prejudice any Contracting Party from introduction of any measures of state regulation that it deems necessary, if such measures concern the prevention of leakage of confidential information relating to state secrets; rendering of se rvices of military character, transfer of technologies and rendering of services for manufacturing of arms and military equipment and other military purposes; utilization of radioactive waste (added to exceptions) (Art. 14)",1,Reference to the UN Charter for maintenance of international peace and security (Art. 14),"Objectives of the Agreement: cooperation in conducting trade and economic policy to achieve the goals of this Agreement in the fields of the social sphere (Art. 1); Scientific/technical cooperation at interstate (inter-branch, regional) level and at the level of business entities (Art. 13)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 467,467,467,467,GTM_MEX1,Guatemala Mexico,1984,Guatemala Mexico 1984.pdf,GT-MX,GT-MX,0,1,,1,2001,0,,,,,"Guatemala Mexico (PSA 10, leads to Guatemala Mexico FTA)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference tot he Treaty of Montevideo of 1980; ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""Foster the Latin-American Integration process on the basis of the Treaty of Montevideo"" (Art. 1); ""invigorate Latin America's integration process"" (Art. 1.d)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 468,468,468,468,GTM_MEX2,Guatemala Mexico,1999,Guatemala Mexico 1999.doc,GT-MX,GT-MX,0,1,,1,2001,0,,,,Guatemala Mexico,Guatemala Mexico (PSA 37),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Cooperation in the fields of technology and energy to better use regional ressources,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Fostering the constuction of gas pipelines while ensuring the applicaton of environmental measures (Art. 4) ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 469,469,469,469,GTM_PAN,Guatemala Panama,1974,Guatemala panama 1974,GT-PA,GT-PA,0,1,1975,1,2009,0,,,,,"Guatemala Panama Free and Preferential Trade Agreement (absent a Guatemala component of CACM Panama, this treaty stays in force)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Raising the standard of living and the level of employment of the respective peoples ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 470,470,470,470,GTM_TWN,Guatemala Taiwan,2005,Guatemala Taiwan 2005.PDF,GT-TW,GT-TW,0,1,2006,0,,0,,,,,Guatemala Taiwan,FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Creating employment opportunities and improving living standards of their people in the respective territories; Promotiong economic development in a manner consistent with environmental protection, conservation, and sustainable development; Safeguarding the public welfare",1,"Penalities: Each Party shall establish measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations related to the provisions of Chapter 5 on Customs Procedures (Art. 5.10)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in Chapter 10 on Investment shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting environment measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health or to conserve living or non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 10.07); Investment and environmental measures: ensuring that investment activity in the respective territory is undertaken under the Parties ecological or environmental laws (Art. 10.15)",1,"Reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973; the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer done at Montreal, 1987; the Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, 1989 (all Art. 1.03)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Emphasis on the necessity to ensure border security relating to Chapter 14 on Temporary Entry for Business Person (Art. 14.02),0,,"Measures against illegal activities: Each Party shall provide that if a false certification by its exporter or producer resulted in a good qualifying as an originating good, that exporter or producer shall have the similar legal consequences, as would apply to an importer in its territory for contravening its customs laws and regulations by false statement (Art. 5.04); A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 10.10; Art. 12.17)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 471,471,471,471,GTM_VEN,Guatemala Venezuela,1985,Guatemala Venezuela 1985,GT-VE,GT-VE,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,Guatemala Venezuela (PSA 23),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objectives of the Agreement: consolidation of the Latin American integration process (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 742,742,742,742,GIN_MAR,Guinea Morocco,1997,Guinea Morocco 1997.pdf,GN-MA,GN-MA,0,1,2000,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of this Convention shall not preclude the application of prohibitions and restrictions on imports and exports to safeguard security (exception) (Art.6, p.2)",0,,,Annexes missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 473,473,473,473,GCC1,Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC),1981,GCC 1981.pdf,BH-KW-OM-QA-SA-AE,BH-KW-OM-QA-SA-AE,0,1,1982,1,2003,1,Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC),11-Oct-84,Enabling Clause,GCC,Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) United Economic Agreement,PTA_PSA,1,CU,3,2,6,15,3,2,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Coordination of the Parties external (monetary) policies in the sphere of international and regional development aid (Art. 23),0,,0,,0,,"Technical cooperation aimed at building a genuine local base founded on support of research and applied sciences and technology (Art. 14, Art. 15), coordinated programs for technical, vocational and professional training and qualification / linking education and technology with the development needs of the Member States (Art. 16); Coordination and establishment of infrastructure projects such as seaports, airports, water and power stations and roads, with a view to realizing joint economic development (Art. 19); Realizing their peoples' aspirations for development and progress through financial and monetary cooperation (Art. 21); Endevour to establish a joint currency (Art. 22)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 474,474,474,474,GCC2,Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC),2001,GCC 2001.pdf,BH-KW-OM-QA-SA-AE,BH-KW-OM-QA-SA-AE,0,1,2003,0,,1,Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC),06-Oct-09,GATT Art. XXIV,,Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC),CU,3,CU,3,2,6,15,3,2,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,"Responding to the aspirations and expectations of GCC citizens including equality of treatment in the exercise of their rights to residence, work, education, health and social services",0,,0,,1,"Member States shall undertake the policies necessary to develop and unify their labor rules and legislation, eliminate all obstacles restricting intra-GCC movement of national labor force (Art. 16)",0,,1,"Taking into account environmental considerations and the interests of future generations while adopting integrated policies in all phases of oil, gas, and minerals industries (Art. 9); Agricultural development: adopting the policies necessary to achieve long-tem optimal utilization of available resources especially water (Art. 10); Policies and mechanisms necessary to protect the environment (Art. 11)",0,,0,,0,,1,Coordination of the Parties' external policies related to international and regional development aid (Art. 6),0,,0,,0,,"GCC citizens shall be accorded, in any Member State, the same treatment accorded to its own citizens such as movement and residence, work, pension and social security (Art. 3); cooperation in supporting and developing research in the fields of oil, gas, and natural resources (Art. 9); Adopting integrated economic policies such as transport; communications; electricity; information technology; health, education and tourism projects (Art. 12); Population Strategy: development of human resources, provision of health care and social services, enhancement of the role of women in development, emphasize the Parties' Arab and Islamic identity and maintain their stability and solidarity (Art. 13); Compulsory Basic Education and Eradication of Illiteracy (Art. 14); Provisions on Education (Art. 15); Adopting unified criteria for job description and classification for all professions, exchanging all information related to the Parties' labor markets such as unemployment rates, job opportunities and training programs (Art. 16); Increasing labor participation rates and training of nationals (Art. 17); Scientific and Technical Research: adopting policies to support joint scientific and technical research, developing own joint scientific, technical, and information technology databases (Art. 18); Utilization of the scientific, technical, and information technology base (Art. 19); Infrastructure Integration: integrational policies for the establishment of the infrastructure projects such as seaports etc. to realize common economic development (Art. 23); Integration of communication policies such as telecommunication, post and data network services (Art. 24)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 475,475,475,475,GCC_SGP,Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Singapore,2008,GCC Singapore 2008.pdf,BH-KW-OM-QA-SA-AE-SG,BH-KW-OM-QA-SA-AE-SG,0,1,2009,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,3,7,6,3,4,2,0,0,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,,1,"Each Party shall maintain measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations relating to customs procedures (Art. 4.12)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent any Party from taking any action which it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests relating to the protection of critical public infrastructure, including, but not limited to, critical communications infrastructures, power infrastructures and water infrastructures, from deliberate attempts intended to disable or degrade such infrastructures / taken in time of domestic emergency(added to Exceptions) (Art. 1.10); Nothing in the Chapter on Government Procurement shall be construed to prevent any Party from taking any action which it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests relating to the procurement of arms, ammunition or war materials, or to procurement indispensable for national security or for national defence purpose (Art. 6.24)",0,,"Measures agains criminal activities: Nothing shall preclude an entity from excluding a supplier from a procurement on grounds of false declaration, provided that such an action is consistent with Article 6.4 (Art. 6.18); Affirming the importance of all forms of cooperation such as information and communications technology (ICT), media, energy, halal certification standards and halal mark etc (Art. 8.1), Cooperation in the field of information and communications technology (ICT) (Art. 8.2); Areas and forms of cooperation in ICT (Art. 8.3); Halal certification standards and halal mark (Art. 8.5)",Annexes and Side Letters are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 743,743,743,743,GUY_PAN,Guyana Panama,1973,,GY-PA,GY-PA,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 476,476,476,476,GUY_VEN,Guyana Venezuela,1990,Guyana Venezuela 1990.pdf,GY-VE,GY-VE,0,1,1991,0,,0,,,,,Guyana Venezuela (PSA 22),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 477,477,477,477,HND_MEX1,Honduras Mexico,1984,Honduras Mexico 1984.pdf,HN-MX,HN-MX,0,1,,1,2001,0,,,,,"Honduras Mexico (PSA 11, leads to Honduras Mexico FTA)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo as the framework for the agreement; ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""foster the Latin-American integration process"" as the main goal of the agreement (Art. 1); ""exchange of commercial missions and delegations, as well as participation in fairs and exhibitions"" (Art. 23);",,,,,,,,,,,,, 744,744,744,744,HND_MEX2,Honduras Mexico,1994,,HN-MX,HN-MX,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 478,478,478,478,HND_PAN,Honduras Panama,1973,Honduras Panama 1973.pdf,HN-PA,HN-PA,0,1,1974,1,2009,0,,,,Honduras Panama,"Honduras Panama (absent a Honduras component of CACM Panama, this treaty is considered to remain in force)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,Raising employment conditions; raising living conditions,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Non-observance of transport measures as far as security and police matters are concerned (Art. 22),0,,"Measures to regulate transit and transport (Art. 1, Art. 19, Art. 20)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 480,480,480,480,HND_VEN,Honduras Venezuela,1986,Honduras Venezuela 1986,HN-VE,HN-VE,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,Honduras Venezuela (PSA 16),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objectives of the Agreement: consolidaton of the Latin American integration process (Art. 1); Application of a solidarity principle considering especially the level of less developped economies (Art. 33),,,,,,,,,,,,, 481,481,481,481,HUN_ISR,Hungary Israel,1997,Hungary Israel 1997.pdf,HU-IL,HU-IL,0,1,1998,1,2004,1,Hungary Israel,24-Mar-98,GATT Art. XXIV,Hungary Israel\n,Hungary Israel FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,Improvement of labour conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports of goods in transit justified on grounds of environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health (added to exceptions) (Art. 15)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Co-operation between the customs authorities of the Parties shall focus on the prevention of illicit trade in drugs, focus on the prevention of smuggling and tax evasion (Art. 13)",Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 482,482,482,482,HUN_LVA,Hungary Latvia,1999,Hungary Latvia 1999.pdf,HU-LV,HU-LV,0,1,2000,1,2004,1,Hungary Latvia,36538,GATT Art. XXIV,Hungary Latvia,Hungary Latvia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law; Respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms; Economic integration as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Objective to preserve and protect the environment; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports exports or goods in transit justified on the grounds of the protection of environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 18),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 483,483,483,483,HUN_LTU,Hungary Lithuania,1998,Hungary Lithuania 1998.pdf,HU-LT,HU-LT,0,1,2000,1,2004,1,Hungary Lithuania,36537,GATT Art. XXIV,Hungary Lithuania,Hungary Lithuania,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law; Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; Economic integration as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Objective to preserve and protect the environment; Reference to Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports exports or goods in transit justified on the grounds of the protection of environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 16),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 487,487,487,487,HUN_SVN,Hungary Slovenia,1994,Hungary Slovenia 1994.pdf,HU-SI,HU-SI,0,1,1995,1,2004,1,Hungary Slovenia Free Trade Agreement,34926,GATT Art. XXIV,,Hungary Slovenia FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; References to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvment of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, of goods in transit, justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 18)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 488,488,488,488,HUN_TUR,Hungary Turkey,1997,Hungary Turkey 1997.pdf,HU-TR,HU-TR,0,1,1998,1,2004,1,Hungary Turkey,12-May-98,GATT Art. XXIV,Hungary Turkey,Hungary Turkey FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489,489,489,489,IND_KOR,India Korea,2009,India Korea 2009.pdf,IN-KR,IN-KR,0,1,2010,0,,1,"Korea, Republic of India",40352,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,India Korea,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,"Allowing for the optimal use of natural resources in accordance with the objective of sustainable development, seeking both to protect and preserve the environment",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting, maintaining or enforcing any measure consistent with this Agreement that is in the public interest, such as measures to meet environmental concerns / The Parties recognize that it is inappropriate to encourage investment by relaxing environmental measures (Art. 10.16); Nothing in the Chapter on Investment shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Party of measures necessary to protect the environment (Art. 10.18); Renewable energy resources: recognising the importance of development of renewable energy resources in the respective economies, agreement to cooperate in research, design and development of various renewable energy technologies, including solar, wind, bioenergy (Art. 13.13); Cooperation in tourism such as sustainable development of tourism, including eco-tourism (Art. 13.10)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting, maintaining or enforcing any measure consistent with this Agreement that is in the public interest, such as safety concerns / The Parties recognize that it is inappropriate to encourage investment by relaxing domestic safety measures (Art. 10.16); Nothing in the Chapter on Investment shall be construed to protect critical public infrastructures for communications, power and water supply from deliberate attempts intended to disable or degrade such infrastructures (added to Security Exceptions) (Art. 10.18)",0,,See especially Chapter 13 on Bilateral Cooperation,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490,490,490,490,IND_MRCSR,India MERCOSUR,2004,India MERCOSUR 2004.pdf,IN-AR-BR-PY-UY,IN-AR-BR-PY-UY,0,1,2009,0,,1,MERCOSUR India,40232,Enabling Clause,MERCOSUR India,India MERCOSUR PTA (PTA signed on 1/25/04 with offer lists exchanged on 3/19/05 following up on framework of 6/17/03),PTA_PSA,1,PTA,1,3,5,4,3,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Regional integration and trade among developing countries contribute to the social and economic development of their peoples,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 490,490+1,49001,953,IND_MRCSR_p1,India MERCOSUR Venezuela accession,2006,,IN-AR-BR-PY-UY-VE,IN-AR-BR-PY-UY-VE,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,6,1,3,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Regional integration and trade among developing countries contribute to the social and economic development of their peoples,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 491,491,491,491,IND_NPL1,India Nepal,1991,India Nepal 1991.pdf,IN-NP,IN-NP,0,1,1991,1,2009,0,,,,India Nepal\n,"India Nepal (renewed at 5 year intervals, currently the Indo Nepal Treaty of Trade 2002) (extended for another five year term in March 2007)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Cooperation to prevent infringement and circumvention of the laws, rules and regulations of either country in regard to matters relating to foreign exchange and foreign trade (Art. 8); Agreement of cooperation between government of Inia and his majesty's government of Nepal to control unauthorised trade: Cooperation to prevent infringement and circumvention of the laws, rules and regulations of either country in regard to matters relating to Customs and shall for this purpose assist each other with regard to matters concerning such infringement or circumvention (Art. 2 p. 53)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Economic development: India agrees to promote the industrial development of Nepal through the grant on the basis of non-reciprocity of specially favourable treatment to imports into India of industrial products manufactured in Nepal (Art. 5); Measures against criminal activities: Nothing in the treaty shall prevent either Contracting Party from taking any measures in pursuance of general international conventions to which it is a party relating to transit, export or import of particular kinds of articles such as narcotics and psychotropic substances or in pursuance of general conventions relating to false indications of origin (Art. 10; Treaty of Transit: Art. 9 p. 23); Agreement of cooperation between government of Inia and his majesty's government of Nepal to control unauthorised trade: Cooperation to prevent infringement and circumvention of the laws, rules and regulations of either country in regard to matters relating to Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances, and shall for this purpose assist each other with regard to matters concerning such infringement or circumvention (Art. 2 p. 53)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 492,492,492,492,IND_NPL2,India Nepal,2009,India Nepal 2009.pdf,IN-NP,IN-NP,0,1,2009,0,,1,India Nepal,40392,Enabling Clause,,,,,PTA,1,1,2,1,3,2,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Convinced of the benefits of mutual sharing of scientific and technical knowledge and experience to promote mutual trade; Encouraging collaboration in economic development,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Measures against illegal activities: cooperation to prevent infringement and circumvention of the laws, rules and regulations of either country in regard to matters relating to foreign exchange and foreign trade (Art. 8); Economic development to Nepal: assisting Nepal to increase its capacity to trade through improvement in technical standards, quarantine and testing facilities and related human resource capacities (p. 6)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 493,493,493,493,IND_SGP,India Singapore,2005,India Singapore 2005.pdf,IN-SG,IN-SG,0,1,2005,0,,1,India Singapore,03-May-07,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,India Singapore,India Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA),PTA_PSA,1,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Aiming to enhance social benefits, improving living standards; Emphasis on the optimal use of natural resources in accordance with the objective of sustainable development, seeking both to protect and preserve the environment",0,,0,,1,"Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to social security, public retirement including retirement gratuity programmes and employees insurance programmes (Art. 6.6)",0,,1,Nothing in the Chapter on Investment shall be construed to prevent the judicial bodies of a Party from taking any measures that is in the public interest including measures to meet environmental concerns (Art. 6.10),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Chapter on Investment shall be construed to prevent the judicial bodies of a Party from taking any measures that is in the public interest including measures to safety concerns (Art. 6.10); Nothing in the Chapter on Investment / on Trade in Services shall be construed to prevent a Party from taking any action which it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests relating to the production or supply of arms and ammunition; or to protect critical public infrastructures, including communication, power and water infrastructures, from deliberate attempts intended to disable or degrade such infrastructures (added to Security Exceptions) (Art. 6.12; Art. 7.22)",0,,See especially Chapter 12 on Science and Technology; Chapter 13 on Education; Chapter 14 on Media,,,,,,,,,,,,, 494,494,494,494,IND_LKA,India Sri Lanka,1998,India SriLanka 1998.pdf,IN-LK,IN-LK,0,1,2001,0,,1,India Sri Lanka,37424,Enabling Clause,India Sri Lanka,India Sri Lanka FTA (ISLFTA) (negotiations underway to upgrade agreement and tackle nontariff barriers),FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Measures necessary to investigate or to take legal and/or administrative action to prevent circumvention of this Agreement through false declaration concerning country of origin or falsification of original documents (p. 10),,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,817,817,IND_THA,India Thailand Framework Agreement,2003,,IN-TH,IN-TH,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,2,,3,2,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Improving living standards,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation shall be extended to other areas such as environment and forestry (Art. 6),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Areas of Economic Cooperation: Information and communications technology, space technology, biotechnology, tourism, infrastructure development, health care, construction, education, civil aviation, mining, energy and sub-regional development (Art. 6)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 495,495,495,495,IND_JPN,Indonesia Japan,2007,Indonesia Japan 2007.pdf,ID-JP,ID-JP,0,1,2008,0,,1,Japan Indonesia,39626,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Japan Indonesia,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Agreement shall lead to the development of human resources,1,Measures against Corruption and Bribery (Art. 8),0,,0,,0,,1,"Environmental Measures: Not derogating from environmental measures as an encouragement for establishment, acquisition or expansion of investments (Art. 74); Environmental Aspects in the area of energy and mineral resources: Emphasis on the importance of avoiding harmful environmental impacts of all activities related to energy and mineral resources (Art. 102); Promoting cooperation in the field of environmental protection (Art. 134)",1,Reference to international agreements concerning environment to which Indonesia and Japan are a party (unspecified) (Art. 102),0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"A Party may delay or prevent a money transfers through the application of its laws relating to issuing, trading or dealing in securities (Art. 67)",0,,"Provisions on penalties and measures against false declarations in certificates of origin or measures against the trafficking of prohibited goods (for example Art. 47, Art. 55); See also Chapter 13 on (general) Cooperation (tourism, technology…)",Annexes and Notes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 496,496,496,496,INTERARAB,Inter-Arab Trade Agreement,1981,Inter-Arab Trade Agreement 1981.pdf,BH-JO-AE-TN-DZ-DJ-SA-SD-SY-SO-IQ-OM-PS-QA-KW-LB-LY-MA-MR-YE,BH-JO-AE-TN-DZ-DJ-SA-SD-SY-SO-IQ-OM-PS-QA-KW-LB-LY-MA-MR-YE,0,1,1998,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,21,210,3,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,"The promotion of Pan-Arab development in the context of a free, developed, inter-related and balanced Arab economy; Reference to the Charter of the League of Arab States; The need to achieve close cooperation among Member States in economic and financial affairs; Reference to the Joint Defense and Economic Cooperation Treaty of the Arab League",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Criterion that the growth of trade in the good lead to realization of national security in general and military security in particular (Art.4, p.6); The party-states shall determine a comparative advantage for Arab goods related to national security in general (Art.8, p.9)",0,,"Taking into account the development conditions of each of the party-states to the Agreement, particularly those of the less developed states (Art.2,p.5); Criterion that the growth of trade in the good lead to increased acquisition of technological capacity and development of appropriate technology (Art.4, p.6); The products of party-states determined by the Council to be less developed shall be granted preferential treatment (Art.7, p.8); The party-states shall determine a comparative advantage for Arab goods related to food security (Art.8, p.9); Cooperation in communications (Art.18, p.14); Strengthening of and coordination of economic and trade relations with international and regional economic organisations and blocs and unified stands in international economic conferences and seminars (Art.19, p.14)",End of the preamble is cut off,,,,,,,,,,,, 497,497,497,497,IRN_PAK,Iran Pakistan,2004,Iran Pakistan 2004.pdf,IR-PK,IR-PK,0,1,2006,0,,0,,,,Iran Pakistan,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,"Economic cooperation to improve the living standards of the Parties peoples, desire of cultural cooperation; Economic cooperation to promote regional peace and stability",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Strenghtening the political relationship between the Contracting parties (Art. 1.1),0,,0,,0,,"Nothing in the Agreement shall preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of religious values (added to exceptions) (Art. 8)","Annexes A, B and C are not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 498,498,498,498,IRN_SYR,Iran Syria,2006,Iran Syria 2006.pdf,IR-SY,IR-SY,0,1,2010,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"Recognizing that strengthening of their closer economic partnership will bring economic and social benefits and improve the living standards of their peoples; Bearing in mind that the expansion of mutual trade and economic relations will foster further interaction between the Contracting Parties thus promoting regional peace and stability; Having regard to the need to support Syria’s and Iran's efforts in accession to the World Trade Organization; Stressing the need for the diversification of traded products with a view to fostering further development of their respective economies; Considering that the expansion of their domestic markets through commercial cooperation, is an important prerequisite for accelerating their processes of economic development",1,"The importing Contracting Party may request a retroactive check at random and/or when it has reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of the document or as to the accuracy of the information regarding the true origin of the products in question or of certain parts thereof (Annex C, Rule 11, p.5); The Certificate of Origin should not contain spaces that may be used for manipulation (Annex C, p.9)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Administrative cooperation (Annex C, Rule 9, p.4)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 500,500,500,500,IRQ_JOR1,Iraq Jordan,1953,Iraq Jordan 1953.pdf,IQ-JO,IQ-JO,0,1,,1,NA,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 499,499,499,499,IRQ_JOR3,Iraq Jordan,2009,,IQ-JO,IQ-JO,0,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 745,745,745,745,IRQ_JOR2,Iraq Jordan,2002,,IQ-JO,IQ-JO,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 501,501,501,501,IRQ_LBN1,Iraq Lebanon,1967,,IQ-LB,IQ-LB,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Iraq Lebanon,PTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 746,746,746,746,IRQ_LBN2,Iraq Lebanon,2002,,IQ-LB,IQ-LB,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 747,747,747,747,IRQ_LBY,Iraq Libya,2001,,IQ-LY,IQ-LY,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 750,750,750,750,IRQ_QAT,Iraq Qatar,2002,,IQ-QA,IQ-QA,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 751,751,751,751,IRQ_SAU,Iraq Saudi Arabia,1957,,IQ-SA,IQ-SA,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 752,752,752,752,IRQ_SDN,Iraq Sudan,2002,,IQ-SD,IQ-SD,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 753,753,753,753,IRQ_SYR1,Iraq Syria,1961,,IQ-SY,IQ-SY,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 754,754,754,754,IRQ_SYR2,Iraq Syria,2001,,IQ-SY,IQ-SY,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 502,502,502,502,IRQ_TUN,Iraq Tunisia,2001,,IQ-TN,IQ-TN,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Iraq Tunisia FTA,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 504,504,504,504,IRQ_ARE1,Iraq UAE,1977,Iraq UAE 1977.pdf,IQ-AE,IQ-AE,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Each of the Contracting Parties shall provide the necessary facilities for setting up trade centers, permanent and temporary exhibitions, participation in exhibitions and international markets (Art.8)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 503,503,503,503,IRQ_ARE2,Iraq UAE,2001,,IQ-AE,IQ-AE,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Iraq UAE,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 755,755,755,755,IRQ_YEM,Iraq Yemen,2001,,IQ-YE,IQ-YE,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 505,505,505,505,IRL_GBR,Ireland UK Free Trade Area,1965,Ireland UK 1965.pdf,GB-IE,GB-IE,0,1,1966,1,1977,1,Ireland United Kingdom Free Trade Area,24127,GATT Art. XXIV,,Anglo Irish FTA (subsumed by EC Accession of Ireland and the UK),FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Full employment and the continuous improvement of living standards in the respective countries,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent either party from taking action which it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests, where such action relates to research, development or production of arms, ammunition or war materials (added to exceptions) (Art. 17)",0,,"Nothing in Article VI, VII or XI shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by either party of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime / Nothing in Article V or VII shell prevent either party from adopting or enforcing in respect of exports from its territory measures temporarily applied to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs or other products essential to that party (added to exceptions) (Art. 10)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 506,506,506,506,ISR_JOR,Israel Jordan,1995,Israel Jordan 1995.pdf,IL-JO,IL-JO,0,1,1995,0,,0,,,,Israel Jordan,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"Reference to the peace agreement signed by the HKJ and the government of SI in 1994; Reference to Art.7 of peace treaty which states: As a starting point that considers economic development and prosperity as two pillars for peace and security and desirable relationships between states, nations and human beings; Economic cooperation including trading activity and investment, banking work, industrial and manpower cooperation with the aim of establishing beneficial relations based on agreed upon principles and on human development considerations, region-wide; In recognition of the importance of the economic development and prosperity as peace and security supports and harmonized relations; Promote cooperation interalia in the economic industrial and technical fields and infrastructure; The view of reducing the differences in the levels of the economic development between them",0,,0,,1,The individuals employed legally by the other party shall enjoy the rights and social insurance and the other privileges normally granted by each party to the workers from other states (Art.18),0,,1,"To protect and enhance environment through joint cooperation with the framework of providing the productive operations, devices, equipments and services properly suited for environment (Art.6)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The two parties shall encourage the participation of their country establishments and companies in international fairs (exhibitions) (Art.11); The customs authorities of both countries shall cooperate to block out smuggling, escaping from taxes, and unlawful drugs trading (Art.16); To encourage the natural recognition of the certificates and reports of lab tests issued by the concerned institutions in both countries per the metrology applicable by the importing party; Exchange product certificates and approve the systems of quality department per ISO 9000 (Art.17)",Note: the document provided is a rough translation. There may be some discrepancies,,,,,,,,,,,, 507,507,507,507,ISR_JOR,Israel Jordan,2004,,IL-JO,IL-JO,0,0,,0,,0,,,,,Israel Jordan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 508,508,508,508,ISR_MRCSR,Israel MERCOSUR,2007,Israel Mercosur 2007.PDF,IL-AR-BR-PY-UY,IL-AR-BR-PY-UY,0,1,2009,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,3,5,4,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Assistance in the prevention, investigation, combating and prosecution of offenses such as illegal importation (mutual assistance in customs matters) (Art. 2 p. 111; Art. 3 p. 112; Art. 4 p. 112, Art. 6 p. 116)",0,,0,,0,,1,Procedure when there is information on offenses relating to environmental protection (Art. 11 p. 119),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Procedure when there is information on offenses relating to the public security (Art. 11 p. 119),0,,"Technical cooperation to develop the infrastructure concerning health, education etc (Art. 2 p. 68); Controlled delivery concerning illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (Art. 9 p. 118, Art. 11 p. 119); Procedure when there is information on offenses relating to the public health (Art. 11 p. 119)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 509,509,509,509,ISR_MEX,Israel Mexico,2000,Israel Mexico 2000.pdf,IL-MX,IL-MX,0,1,2000,0,,1,Israel Mexico,36944,GATT Art. XXIV,Israel Mexico,Israel Mexico FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Creating new employment opportunities and improving living standards in the respective territories,1,"Measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of the Parties laws and regulations relating to customs procedures (Art. 4-10 p. 63)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Israeli restrictions on imports of waste and scrap of plastic, rubber etc that are maintained for ecological purposes (Annex 2-02 p.7); Article XX(b) of GATT 1994 includes environmental measures necessary relating to the conservation of living and non-living exhaustible natural resources (added to exceptions) (Art. 11-02 p. 133)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Measures when there is contravention of customs laws and regulations regarding the making of a false statement on origins of products (customs procedures) (Art. 4-03 p. 54, Art. 4-04 p. 55)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 510,510,510,510,ISR_PSE,Israel PLO,1994,Israel PLO 1994 (Gaza Jericho Agreement),IL-PS,IL-PS,0,1,1994,0,,0,,,,,Israel Palestinian Authority,CU,3,,,1,2,1,3,2,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,"Economic domain as one of the cornerstone in the mutual relations with a view to enhance their interest in the achievement of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace; Strengthening the economic base of the Palestinian side",0,,0,,1,"Palestinians employed in Israel will be insured in the Israeli social insurance system / Israel will transfer to a relevant pension insurance institution to be established by the Palestinian Authority, pension insurance deductions collected from wages of Palestinians employed in Israel / Israel will respect any agreement reached between a trade-union representing the Palestinians employed in Israel, and a representative organization of employees or employers in Israel, concerning contributions to such organization according to any collective agreement / Palestinians employed in Israel will have the right to bring disputes arising out of employee - employer relationships and other issues before the Israeli Labor Courts(Art. 7)",0,,1,"Taking the necessary measures in the area of agriculture under respective jurisdiction to prevent damage which may be caused by respective agriculture to the environment of the other side (Art. 8); Cooperation in the prevention of trade in goods which may endanger the environment, taking necessary measures in to prevent damage which may be caused by the repsective industry to the environment of the other side (Art. 9); Tourism: protecting the environment and the ecology around the tourist sites, ensuring that development and construction on the Mediterranean coast will be planned and carried out in a manner that will not adversely affect the ecology, environment or the functions of the coastline and beaches of the other side (Art. 10)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The Palestinian side has the right to employ various methods in encouraging and promoting the development of the Palestinian industry by way of providing grants, loans, research and development assistance and direct-tax benefits / cooperation in the prevention of deceptive practices, trade in goods which may endanger health and safety (Art. 9); Establishing a Palestinian Tourism Authority for regulating, licensing, classifying and supervising tourist services, sites and industries, for developing the Palestinian tourist resources and sites / each side shall protect, guard and ensure the maintenance and good upkeep of historical, archaeological, cultural and religious sites etc (Art. 10); Insurance issues: transferring the authorities, powers and responsibilities in the insurance sphere inter alia the licensing of insurers, insurance agents and the supervision of their activities to the Palestinian Authority (Art. 11)","This is just a part of the Gaza Jericho Agreement, namely Annex IV, the Protocol on Economic Relations between the Government of the State of Israel and the P.L.O.",,,,,,,,,,,, 511,511,511,511,ISR_POL,Israel Poland,1997,Israel Poland 1997.pdf,IL-PL,IL-PL,0,1,1998,1,2004,1,Poland Israel,36216,GATT Art. XXIV,Israel Poland,Israel Poland,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 16)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 512,512,512,512,ISR_ROU,Israel Romania,2001,Israel Romania 2001.pdf,IL-RO,IL-RO,0,1,2001,1,2006,1,Romania Israel,38467,GATT Art. XXIV,Israel Romania,Israel Romania,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Creating a new climate for technological cooperation,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of of the protection of environment including environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health (added to exceptions) (Art. 17)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of the living standard and employment opportunities (Art. 1),Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 513,513,513,513,ISR_SVK,Israel Slovakia,1996,Israel Slovakia 1996.pdf,IL-SK,IL-SK,0,1,1997,1,2004,1,Slovak Republic Israel,25-Mar-98,GATT Art. XXIV,Israel Slovak Republic,Slovak Republic Israel,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Creating a new climate for technological cooperation,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment including environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health (Art. 15) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Co-operation between the customs authorities of the Parties will focus on the on the prevention of smuggling and illicit trade in drugs (Art. 13),Annexes and the Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 514,514,514,514,ISR_SVN,Israel Slovenia,1998,Israel Slovenia 1998.pdf,IL-SI,IL-SI,0,1,1998,1,2004,1,Slovenia Israel,08-Mar-99,GATT Art. XXIV,Israel Slovenia,Israel Slovenia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Creating a new climate for technological cooperation,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment including environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health (Art. 15) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Co-operation between the customs authorities of the Parties will focus on the on the prevention of smuggling and illicit trade in drugs (Art. 13),Annexes and the Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 515,515,515,515,ISR_TUR,Israel Turkey,1996,Israel Turkey 1996.pdf,IL-TR,IL-TR,0,1,1997,0,,1,Turkey Israel,35901,GATT Art. XXIV,Israel Turkey,Israel Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of environment protection (Art. 12) (Exceptions; text is uncomplete)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Party to it from taking any measures which relate to the production of arms, munitions or war materials or to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes (Art. 31) (Exceptions)",0,,,Protocols and Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 516,516,516,516,ISR_USA,Israel US,1985,Israel US 1985.pdf,IL-US,IL-US,0,1,1985,0,,1,US Israel,31303,GATT Art. XXIV,United States Israel,Israel United States Free Trade Agreement with Annexes and Exchange of Letters,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Recognizing that Israel's economy is still in a process of development; Recognizing the significance of trade in services to the parties economic and social progress (p. 51),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,The Agreement shall not preclude the adoption or enforcement by either Party of measures relating to prohibitions on religious or ritual grounds (Art. 8) (special exception),,,,,,,,,,,,, 517,517,517,517,JPN_MYS,Japan Malaysia,2005,Japan Malaysia 2005.pdf,JP-MY,JP-MY,0,1,2006,0,,1,Japan Malaysia,38910,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Japan-Malaysia,Japan Malaysia EPA,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Environmental Measures: Each Country shall not encourage investments by investors of the other Country by relaxing ist environmental measures (Art. 90); Fields of cooperation: agriculture, forestry, fisheries and plantation and the environment (Art. 140)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Enhancing closer cooperation on socio-economic partnership (Art. 1); Criminial activities: Request for checking certificate of origin when there are reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of the certificate of origin or the accuracy of the information (Art. 43), Penalties and measures against false declaration (Art. 47), Protection from Strife: Each Country shall accord to investors of the other Country that have suffered loss relating to their investment activities in the former Country due to armed conflict or state of emergency such as revolution, insurrection in the former Country, treatment, as regards restitution, indemnification, compensation or any other settlement (Art. 82); A country may delay or prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offences or obligations of investors arising from social security and public retirement plans (Art. 83); Promoting co-operation under this Agreement for the respective countries mutual benefits in order to promote the well-being of their peoples, to enhance socio-economic development and to advance human resource development(Art. 139); Fields of cooperation: education and human resource development, information and communications technology, science and technology and tourism (Art. 140)",Annexes and Notes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 518,518,518,518,JPN_MEX,Japan Mexico,2004,Japan Mexico 2004.pdf,JP-MX,JP-MX,0,1,2005,0,,1,Japan Mexico,31-Mar-05,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Japan Mexico,Japan Mexico Economic Partnership Agreement,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,Cooperation in the field of technical and vocational education and training including labor policy (Art. 143),0,,1,"Environmental Measures: The Parties recognize that it is inappropriate to encourage investment by relaxing domestic health, safety or environmental measures (Art. 74); Cooperation in the field of agriculture: Development in the field of agriculture is of mutual interest and of economic and social importance for the Rational and sustainable use of natural resources (Art. 145); Cooperation in the field of environment: The need for environmental preservation and Improvement to promote sound and sustainable development, cooperation in the field of environment (Art. 147); Public comment procedures: Endeavoring to maintain public comment procedures, except in cases of emergency, inter alia, a real or imminent danger to the preservation of the environment or to the conservation of exhaustible natural resources (Art. 161)",1,Reference to the Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Art. 147),0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Entry and temporary stay of nationals for business purposes: Establishing transparent criteria and procedures for entry and temporary stay to ensure border security in either Party (Art. 113); Public comment procedures: The Government of each Party shall, in accordance with the domestic laws, endeavor to maintain public comment procedures, except in cases of emergency, inter alia, a real or imminent danger to safety (Art. 161)",0,,"Criminal activities: Each Party shall ensure that providing false declarations or documents to its competent governmental authority by its exporters stating that the good qualifies as an originating good shall be subject to penalties (Art. 41), Origin Verifications: When there are indications that an exporter or a producer has repeatedly made false representations that a good qualifies as an originating good, the customs authority may withhold preferential tariff treatment (Art. 44), Penalties: criminal, civil or administrative penalties against its importers, exporters and producers for providing false declaration or documents shall be established or maintained (Art. 46), A Party may delay or prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 63); Nothing in the Chapter on Investment shall be construed to prevent a Party from providing a service or performing a function such as law enforcement, income security or insurance, social security, social welfare, public education, public training, health, and child care, in a manner that is not inconsistent with this Chapter (Art. 57); Protection from Strife: Measures such as restitution, indemnification, compensation or any other settlement relating to losses suffered by investments (Art. 62); Nothing in the Chapter on Financial Services shall be construed to prevent a Party from exclusively conducting or providing in its Area services forming part of a public retirement plan or statutory system of social security (Art. 107); Entry and temporary stay of nationals for business purposes: Establishing transparent criteria and procedures for entry and temporary stay to protect the domestic labor force and permanent employment in either Party (Art. 113); Cooperation in the field of science and technology (Art. 142); Cooperation in the field of technical and vocational education and training (Art. 143); Cooperation in the field of agriculture: encouragement of joint scientific and technological research in agriculture (Art. 145); Cooperation in the field of tourism (Art. 146)",Annexes and Notes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 519,519,519,519,JPN_PHL,Japan Philippines,2006,Japan Philippines 2006.pdf,JP-PH,JP-PH,0,1,2008,0,,1,Japan Philippines,11-Dec-08,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Japan-Philippines,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,Measures and efforts to prevent and combat corruption (Art. 8),0,,1,"Investment and Labor: Recognition that it is inappropriate to encourage investment by weakening or reducing the protections afforded in domestic labor laws, definition of ""labor laws” as directly related to internationally recognized labor rights such as the right of association, labor protections for children etc. (Art. 103)",1,Reference to the internationally recognized labor rights (unspecified) (Art. 103),1,"Cooperation in relation to export: The Parties shall cooperate with each other on the utilization of appropriate mechanism on the conformance with the importing Party’s safety and environmental standards (Art. 27); Nothing in the Chapter on Mutual Recognition shall be construed to limit the authority of a Party to take measures it considers appropriate, for protecting the environment (Art. 66); Environmental Measures: Recognition that it is inappropriate to encourage investments by investors of the other Party by relaxing environmental measures (Art. 102); Cooperation in the fields of energy and environment (Art. 144)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in the Chapter on Mutual Recognition shall be construed to limit the authority of a Party to take measures it considers appropriate for protecting safety (Art. 66); Nothing in the Chapter on Trade in Services shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by either Party of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws or regulations which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Chapter including those relating to safety (added to Exceptions) (Art. 83); Nothing in the Chapter on Movement of Natural Persons shall be construed to prevent the adoption by either Party of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Chapter including those relating to safety (Art. 114),0,,"Penalties, Sanctions or Other Measures: Each Party shall ensure that appropriate penalties, sanctions or other measures are established against its exporters to whom a certificate of origin has been issued for providing false declaration or documents to its competent governmental authority or its designees prior to the issuance of certificate of origin (Art. 47); Measures against criminal activities: Cooperation and exchanging information in the fields of customs procedures, including their enforcement against trafficking of prohibited goods (Art. 55); Nothing in the Chapter on Mutual Recognition shall be construed to limit the authority of a Party to take measures it considers appropriate for protecting health or or for the prevention of deceptive practices (Art. 66); Nothing in the Chapter on Trade in Services shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by either Party of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Chapter including those relating to the prevention of deceptive and fraudulent practices and the protection of the privacy of individuals in relation to the processing and dissemination of personal data (added to Exceptions) (Art. 83); Protection from Strife: Treatment, as regards restitution, indemnification, compensationthe to the other Party that have suffered loss or damage relating to their investments in the Area of the former Party due to armed conflict or state of emergency (Art. 96); A Party may delay or prevent a money transfer into and out of its Area through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offences (Art. 97); Nothing in the Chapter on Movement of Natural Persons shall be construed to prevent the adoption by either Party of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Chapter including those relating to the prevention of deceptive and fraudulent practices or the protection of the privacy of individuals in relation to the processing and dissemination of personal data (Art. 114); Promoting cooperation to promote the wellbeing of the peoples of the Parties, cooperation in the fields of human resource development, information and communications technology, science and technology, tourism, transportation and road development (Art. 144)",Annexes and Notes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 520,520,520,520,JPN_SGP,Japan Singapore,2002,Japan Sigapore 2002.pdf,JP-SG,JP-SG,0,1,2002,0,,1,Japan Singapore,37568,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Japan Singapore,Japan Singapore Economic Agreement for a New Age Partnership (JSEPA),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Chapter on Mutual Recognition shall be construed to limit the authority of a Party to take measures it considers approriate, for protectiong the environment (Art. 54)",0,,0,,0,,1,Exchange of goverment officials: The Parties shall promote exchanges of their goverment officials with a view to enhancing mutual understanding of ther respective policies (Art. 124),0,,1,Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to prevent a Party from taking any action which it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests relating to procurement indispensable for national security and for national defence purposes / which protect communications infrastructure of critical importance from unlawful acts against such infrastructure (Art. 4) (added to Security Exceptions); Nothing in the Chapter on Mutual Recognition shall be construed to limit the authority of a Party to take measures it considers approriate for protecting safety (Art. 54); Nothing in the Chapter on Trade in Services shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by either Party of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws relating to safety (Art. 64); A Party may delay or prevent a money transfer into and out of its Area through the application of its laws relating to dealing in securities (Art. 80); Nothing in the Chapter on Trade in Services shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement of measures necessary to secure the compliance with laws relating to safety (Art. 83); Nothing in the Chapter on Movement of Natural Persons shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement of measures necessary to secure the compliance with laws relating to safety (Art. 95),0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Promoting the development and use of information and communication technology, cooperation in the field of science and technology and in the field of human resources developement, cooperation in the field of broadcasting and tourism (Art. 1); Nothing in the Chapter on Mutual Recognition shall be construed to limit the authority of a Party to take measures it considers approriate, for protectiong health or prevention of deceptive practices (Art. 54); Nothing in the Chapter on Trade in Services shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by either Party of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws relating to the prevention of deceptive and fraudulent practices and the protection of the privacy of individuals in relation to the processing and dissemination of personal data (Art. 64); Investment protection from strife: Treatment, as regards restitution, indemnification, compensationthe to the other Party that have suffered loss or damage relating to their investments in the Area of the former Party due to armed conflict or state of emergency (Art. 76); A Party may delay or prevent a money transfer into and out of its Area through the application of its laws relating to criminal matters and obligations of investors arising from social security and public retirement plans (Art. 80); Nothing in the Chapter on Trade in Services shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement of measures necessary to secure the compliance with laws relating to the prevention of deceiptive and fraudulent actions and the protection of the privacy of individuals in relation to the processing and dissemination of personal data (Art. 83); Nothing in the Chapter on Movement of Natural Persons shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement of measures necessary to secure the compliance with laws relating to the prevention of deceiptive and fraudulent actions and the protection of the privacy of individuals in relation to the processing and dissemination of personal data (Art. 95); Cooperation in the field of information and communications technology (Art. 112); Cooperation in the field of science and technology (Art. 115); Cooperation in the field of human resources development (Art. 121); Encouraging exchanges of scholars, teachers, students etc. engaging in scientific or educational activities / exchanges between the Parties youth and youth organisations (Art. 122); Cooperation between educational and research institutions (Art. 123); Ageing population: The Parties shall exchange views and experiences on policy issues concerning an ageing population (Art. 125); Cooperation in the field of broadcasting (Art. 133), Exchanging views and information on issues relating to the field of broadcasting which may include broadcasting policy etc. (Art. 134); Cooperation in the field of tourism (Art. 136); Tourist promotion and development (Art. 137)",Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 521,521,521,521,JPN_CHE,Japan Switzerland,2009,Japan Switzerland 2009,JP-CH,JP-CH,0,1,2009,0,,1,Japan Switzerland,40057,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Japan Switzerland,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,1,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,"Commitment to democracy, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with their obligations under international law; Seeking to preserve and protect the environment, to promote the optimal use of natural resources in accordance with the objective of sustainable development and to adequately address the challenges of climate change; Reference to the United Nations Charter and the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights",1,"Customs clearance: applying respective customs procedures in a predictable, consistent and transparent manner (Art. 29); Measures against illegal activities: cooperation and exchange of information in the field of customs procedures, including the enforcement against the trafficking of prohibited products (Art. 31); Nothing in Chapter 6 on Trade in Services shall be so construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement by either Party of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws of the Party relating to the prevention of deceptive and fraudulent practices / measures which apply to non-residents or residents in order to prevent the avoidance or evasion of taxes (Art. 55); Money transfers are without prejudice to the equitable, non-discriminatory and good faith application by a Party of its laws relating to criminal or penal offences and the recovery of proceeds of crimes (Art. 82);",0,,1,Not encouraging investment activities by lowering labour standards (Art. 101),0,,1,Promotion of trade in environmental products and environment-related services (Art. 9); Not encouraging investment activities by relaxing environmental measures (Art. 101); Providing the same level of protection for new varieties of all plant genera and species as provided under the 1991 UPOV Convention (Art. 118),1,Reference to the 1991 UPOV Convention (Art. 118),0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Chapter 7 on the Movement of Natural Persons shall not prevent a Party from applying measures necessary to protect the integrity of its borders (Art. 62); Emphasis on the need to ensure border security (Art. 63); Cooperation in the fields of cyber-security (Art. 82),0,,"Cooperation in the field of electronic commerce in relation to public morals, in particular ethics for young generations (Art. 82); Treatment in case of strife: according to investors of the other Party that have suffered investment loss due to armed conflict, revolution, insurrection, civil disturbance or any other similar event in its Area, treatment, as regards restitution, indemnification, compensation or any other settlement (Art. 92); Not encouraging investment activities by relaxing domestic health and safety measures (Art. 101)",Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 522,522,522,522,JPN_THA,Japan Thailand,2007,Japan Thailand 2007.pdf/Japan Thailand Annexes/Japan Thailand.txt,JP-TH,JP-TH,0,1,2007,0,,1,Japan Thailand,25-Oct-07,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Japan Thailand,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Developing and strengthening cooperation with nations in Southeast Asia for prosperity and well-being of the people thereof,1,Measures against Corruption: Each Party shall ensure that measures and efforts are undertaken to prevent and combat corruption of its public officials (Art. 7),0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Chapter on Mutual Recognition shall be construed to limit the authority of a Party to take measures it considers appropriate for protecting the environment (Art. 68); Environmental measures: Each Party recognises that it is inappropriate to encourage investment by relaxing its environmental measures (Art. 111); Fields of cooperation: agriculture, forestry and fisheries, energy and environment (Art. 153)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in the Chapter on Mutual Recognition shall be construed to limit the authority of a Party to take measures it considers appropriate for protecting safety (Art. 68),0,,"Measures against criminal activities: Penalties and measures against false declaration concerning certificates of origin (Art. 47); Cooperation and exchange of information: The Parties shall cooperate and exchange information in the field of customs procedures, including their enforcement against trafficking of prohibited goods (Art. 55); Nothing in the Chapter on Mutual Recognition shall be construed to limit the authority of a Party to take measures it considers appropriate, for protecting health or for preventing deceptive practices (Art. 68),A Party may delay or prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal matters (Art. 104); Protection from strife: Each Party shall accord to investors of the other Party that have suffered loss or damage relating to their investments due to armed conflict or state of emergency such as revolution, insurrection, civil disturbance or any other similar event in the Area of that former Party, treatment, as regards restitution, indemnification, compensation (Art. 103); Cooperation: developing and expanding cooperation, enhancing tourism between the Parties and promoting sustainable development and enhancement of better quality of life for the peoples of the Parties, the Greater Mekong Subregion and Asia as a whole; cooperation to produce positive effects on the economic and social development (Art. 152); Fields of cooperation: education and human resource development, information and communication technology, science, technology and tourism (Art. 153) ",Annexes and Notes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 523,523,523,523,JPN_VNM,Japan Vietnam,2008,Japan Vietnam 2008.pdf,JP-VN,JP-VN,0,1,2009,0,,1,Japan Viet Nam,01-Oct-09,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Japan Vietnam,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Chapter on Technical Regulations, Standards, and Conformity Assessment Procedures shall limit the right of a Party to prepare, adopt, and apply technical regulations and standards to fulfill a legitimate objective such as the protection of the environment (Art. 51); Promoting cooperation to promote the well-being of the peoples of the Parties, cooperation in the fields of environment (Art. 111)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Chapter on Technical Regulations, Standards, and Conformity Assessment Procedures shall limit the right of a Party to prepare, adopt, and apply technical regulations and standards to fulfill a legitimate objective such as national security requirements (Art. 51)",0,,"Measures against criminal activities: Cooperation and exchanging of information in the field of customs procedures, including the enforcement against the trafficking of prohibited goods (Art. 43); Nothing in the Chapter on Technical Regulations, Standards, and Conformity Assessment Procedures shall limit the right of a Party to prepare, adopt, and apply technical regulations and standards to fulfill a legitimate objective such as the prevention of deceptive practices (Art. 51); Promoting cooperation to promote the well-being of the peoples of the Parties, cooperation in the fields of human resource management and development, tourism, information and communications technology and transportation (Art. 111)",Annexes and Notes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 524,524,524,524,JOR_KWT2,Jordan Kuwait,2001,Jordan Kuwait 2001_Arab.pdf,JO-KW,JO-KW,0,1,2005,0,,0,,,,,Jordan Kuwait,FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""Joint co-operation to protect and improve the environment."" (Article, 12, Clause, 5)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 525,525,525,525,JOR_KWT1,Jordan Kuwait ,1986,Jordan Kuwait 1986.pdf,JO-KW,JO-KW,0,1,,1,2005,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Desirous to enhance and develop economical, commercial and technical cooperation; Reference to the Arab League",0,,0,,1,The exchange of experts in labor safety according to applicable laws in both countries (Art.10),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The extension of different commercial and economic activities of natural and legal persons in both countries according to their development requirements (Art.1); Encouragement of the establishment of permanent and temporary exhibitions to increase the acquaintance of their products (Art.5); The exchange of experts in vocational training and social, health securities (Art.10); Exchange of studies, scientific, technical researches (Art.11); Cooperation in tourism (Art.12); Encouragement and promotion of the exchange of technical experiences in different aspects of transport (Art.13)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 526,526,526,526,JOR_LBN1,Jordan Lebanon,1992,Jordan Lebanon 1992.pdf,JO-LB,JO-LB,0,1,1993,0,,0,,,,,Jordan Lebanon,FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Technical cooperation and mutual studies and scientific researches to activate tourism (Art. 8); Establishing joint sectoral agencies (tourism) (Art. 9),,,,,,,,,,,,, 527,527,527,527,JOR_LBN2,Jordan Lebanon,2002,Jordan Lebanon 2002.pdf,JO-LB,JO-LB,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Provision of paragraphs (1) and (2) above shall not be applied on items for environment reasons (exception) (Art.3.3); Environmental protection (Art.10.5),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) above shall not be applied on items for security reasons (exception) (Art.3.3); Exchanged goods and products shall be conferred the treatment of national products in respect of security precaution restrictions (Art.4.3),0,,"Exchanged goods and products shall be conferred the treatment of national products in respect of health precaution restrictions (Art.4.3); Conformity in standards and metrology (Art.7); Economic and commercial cooperation such as: encouraging joint industrial activities including market development activities in their countries and the joint activities in a third country; Encouraging direct communications and contacts among the commercial industrial and economic agencies; Encouraging and promoting the activities aiming at facilitating trading exchange including holding trading fairs (exhibitions) and public fairs, conferences, publicity, advertising, consultant services and other services (Art.10); The contracting parties shall encourage the participation of their country establishments and companies to join international fairs (Art.12); Establishment of technical cooperation, exchange of scientific studies and research in order to ensure the development of their economy and to activate tourism (Art.13)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 528,528,528,528,JOR_LBY,Jordan Libya,1992,Jordan Libya 1992.pdf,JO-LY,JO-LY,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,The two Parties shall stress on the importance of participating in international fairs which held in both countries (Art.8); Without prejudice to the articles of this agreement the exchanged goods shall be subject to health conditions (Art.9),,,,,,,,,,,,, 529,529,529,529,JOR_MAR1,Jordan Morocco,1994,Jordan-Morocco 1994.pdf,JO-MA,JO-MA,0,1,1999,1,1999,0,,,,Jordan Morocco,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 530,530,530,530,JOR_MAR2,Jordan Morocco,1998,Jordan Morocco 1998.pdf,JO-MA,JO-MA,0,1,1999,0,,0,,,,,Jordan Morocco,FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,3,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Reference to the charter of the League of Arab States,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of this Agreement do not apply to the products or materials, which are prohibited from being brought in, circulated or used in either country for environmental reasons (added to exceptions) (Art. 11)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The provisions of this Agreement do not apply to the products or materials, which are prohibited from being brought in, circulated or used in either country for religious (added to exceptions) (Art. 11)",Protocol are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 531,531,531,531,JOR_PSE,Jordan PLO,1995,Jordan PLO 1995.pdf,JO-PS,JO-PS,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,Jordan Palestinian Authority,FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Economic aid to Palestinian Territories: Agreement on the secure of all or part of the Palestinian party requirements from oil products (Art. 7); Agreement on all or part of the Palestinian party needs from construction cement, and steel (Art. 8)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 532,532,532,532,JOR_QAT,Jordan Qatar,1980,Jordan Qatar 1980.pdf,JO-QA,JO-QA,0,1,,1,NA,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Encouragement of economic development between the two countries such as: Tourism and summer holidays of nationals of each country, and the establishment of joint tourism projects between them (Art.6)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 533,533,533,533,JOR_SAU,Jordan Saudi Arabia,1962,Jordan Saudi Arabia 1962.pdf,JO-SA,JO-SA,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,"Fisherman have the right to be supplied by necessary food, fuel and to get medical aids form any of these ports (Art.14)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Facilitation of ownership rights, wells, and inheritance (Art.2); To study industrial coordination to achieve economic cooperation (Art.3.3); Each of the contracting parties shall permit the professional fishermen of the other party to hunt inside the territorial waters of the other country (Art.12); The two contracting parties shall grant fishermen all assistance required by the military or ports authorities equivalent to the amount of facilitations and assistance conferred to the nationals of each party within its territory (Art.15)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 534,534,534,534,JOR_SGP,Jordan Singapore,2004,Jordan Singapore 2004.pdf,JO-SG,JO-SG,0,1,2005,0,,1,Jordan Singapore,38905,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Jordan Singapore,Jordan Singapore,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,"Raising living standards and promoting development, prosperity and employment in the Parties' territories",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Forms of cooperation: jointly organising industry-specific missions with a focus on water treatment (Art. 6.2),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Forms of Cooperation: jointly organising industry-specific missions with a focus on healthcare snf tourism-related travel (Art. 6.2),,,,,,,,,,,,, 535,535,535,535,JOR_SDN3,Jordan Sudan,2003,Jordan Sudan 2003_Arab.pdf,JO-SD,JO-SD,0,1,2003,0,,0,,,,,Jordan Sudan,FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""Joint co-operation to protect and improve the environment."" (Article, 10, Clause, 5)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 536,536,536,536,JOR_SDN1,Jordan Sudan,1966,Jordan Sudan 1966.pdf,JO-SD,JO-SD,0,1,,1,NA,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Each of the contracting parties shall permit the other party to take place in international fairs which held in his country (Art.7),,,,,,,,,,,,, 756,756,756,756,JOR_SDN2,Jordan Sudan amended,1989,Jordan Sudan 1989.pdf,JO-SD,JO-SD,0,1,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Industrial coordination, scientific and technical cooperation in the field of establishing joint projects",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The two parties agreed to benefit from facilities provided by the Arab Monetary Fund and the Islamic Development Bank for the funding of environmental trading operations (First, Point 6, p.2)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Scientific and technical cooperation such as: Encouraging cooperation among establishments, and corporations in the economical, scientific and technical fields to serve the objectives of social, and economical development in both countries (Fifth, point 1, p.4); Both countries shall encourage the exchange of visits, delegations, missions, qualified cadres, and experts in order to enhance the relations of economical, technical cooperation and scientific research between the two countries (Fifth, point 2, p.4); Training Sudanese cadres in the field of marketing (Fifth, point 3, p.4)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 537,537,537,537,JOR_SYR3,Jordan Syria,2001,Jordan-Syria 2001.pdf,JO-SY,JO-SY,0,1,2002,0,,0,,,,Jordan Syria,Jordan Syria,FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Products and articles prohibited for environmental reasons which listed in the executive program of agreement of developing and facilitating trade exchange between the Arab countries to establish a Great Arab Free Trade Zone, shall be excluded from the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 3 (Art. 3); Joint cooperation in protection and developing of environment (Art. 11)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Products and articles prohibited for religious reasons which listed in the executive program of agreement of developing and facilitating trade exchange between the Arab countries to establish a Great Arab Free Trade Zone, shall be excluded from the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 3 (Art. 39",,,,,,,,,,,,, 538,538,538,538,JOR_SYR1,Jordan Syria,1965,Jordan Syria 1965.pdf,JO-SY,JO-SY,0,1,,1,NA,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the economic development between them ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Private vehicles benefit from the system of Int’l traffic books (Triptic) on entering the territory of the other party within the rules of the int’l agreements of Tourism (unspecified) (Art.15.3); Technical cooperation, exchange of studies and scientific research and coordination in a way that guarantees the development of their economy and activates tourism (Art.19)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 539,539,539,539,JOR_SYR2,Jordan Syria,1975,Jordan Syria 1975.pdf,JO-SY,JO-SY,0,1,,1,NA,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Technical cooperation, exchange of studies and scientific research and industrial coordination in a way that guarantees the development of their economy and activates tourism (Art.11B); Both Parties shall agree to participate in exhibitions and international markets which held in both countries (Art.12)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 540,540,540,540,JOR_TUN,Jordan Tunisia,1998,Jordan-Tunisia 1998.pdf,JO-TN,JO-TN,0,1,1999,0,,0,,,,Jordan Tunisia,Jordan Tunisia FTA,FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,3,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Backing up development and progress for both,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The rules of the agreement don’t apply to the products or materials banned to enter or negotiated or used in any of the two countries for environmental reasons under the rules and regulations operative in the two countries (Art. 8),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The rules of the agreement don’t apply to the products or materials banned to enter or negotiated or used in any of the two countries for security reasons under the rules and regulations operative in the two countries (Art. 8),0,,The rules of the agreement don’t apply to the products or materials banned to enter or negotiated or used in any of the two countries for religious and medical reasons under the rules and regulations operative in the two countries (Art. 8),,,,,,,,,,,,, 541,541,541,541,JOR_TUR,Jordan Turkey,2009,Jordan Turkey 2009.pdf,JO-TR,JO-TR,0,1,2011,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Reference to the association agreement between Turkey and the EEC and the association agreement between Jordan and the EC; Taking into account the difference in economic and scoial development between the Parties and the need to intensify efforts to promote economic and social development in Jordan; Believing that development of trade and cooperation in the economic and technical fields is one of the main elements of rapid development strategies of both countries,1,"Reinforcement of national organisations involved in enforcement and protection against counterfeiting and piracy (Art.39); On movement certificates: Where the box is not ecompletely filled, a horizontal line must be drawn below the last line of the description, the empty space being crossed through (Protocol 2, Art.17.2; Annex 3a, p.191; Annex 3b, p.197); Customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol 2, Art.17.7); Jordan and Turkey shall assist eachother in checking the authenticity of the movement certificates (Protocol 2, Art.32); Verifications of proofs of origin shall be carried out whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Protocol 2, Art.33); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for products (Protocol 2, Art.36); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Annex 3a, p.190; Annex 3b, p.195)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1," This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (Art.46)",1,Reference to Art. XXI of the GATT 1994 (Art.45),"Objective of this Agreement is to raise living standards (Art.1); Technical regulations and conformity standards to be governed by WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade; mutual recognition agreements; co-operation in the field of metrology and accreditation (Art.10); Mutual technical assistance in the field of competition laws and policies (Art.25); Efforts to develop economic, scientific, technical and commercial co-operation; reference to Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Art.30; Art.32); Intra-regional cooperation and training programmes (Art.31.1); Extension of economic cooperation to transportation, irrigation, communications, higher education, tourism, banking, finance, public works, shipping, engineering etc. (Art.31.2); Economic co-operation in indusrty, SMEs, business (Art.33; Art.34; Art.38); Vocational training in customs field; enhanced cooperation to improve education and training; capacity building and development of human resources (Art.39)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 542,542,542,542,JOR_ARE,Jordan UAE,2000,Jordon-UAE 2000.pdf,JO-AE,JO-AE,0,1,2001,0,,0,,,,Jordan United Arab Emirates (UAE),Jordan UAE,FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of this Agreement do not apply to the products or materials which are not allowed to be brought in, transacted or used in either country, for environmental reasons agreed upon within the framework of the Arab Economic and Social Council (Art. 5)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of this Agreement do not apply to the products or materials which are not allowed to be brought in, transacted or used in either country, for security reasons agreed upon within the framework of the Arab Economic and Social Council (Art. 5)",0,,"The provisions of this Agreement do not apply to the products or materials which are not allowed to be brought in, transacted or used in either country, for religious and hygienic reasons agreed upon within the framework of the Arab Economic and Social Council (Art. 5)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 543,543,543,543,JOR_USA,Jordan US,2000,Jordan US 2000.pdf,JO-US,JO-US,0,1,2001,0,,1,US Jordan,37271,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,United States Jordan,"Jordan United States Free Trade Agreement with Annexes, Schedules, Memoranda of Understanding, Joint Statements, and Exchange of Letters",FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Promote higher labour standards, enforcement of labour law; Protect and preserve environment, enforcement of environment law, sustainable development; Raising living standards, promote employment; foster creativity and innovation",0,,0,,1,"Protect ILO labour rights by domestic law, consistency of domestic law with the internationally recognized labour rights, enumeration of internationally recognized labour rights (Art. 6)",1,"ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up, paragraph 6 (Art. 6)",1,"Abiding to domestic environmental law, emission polluants, toxic substances etc. (Art. 5); ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Economic development (Art. 13); Visa commitments (Art. 8),,,,,,,,,,,,, 544,544,544,544,KAZ_KGZ,Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan,1995,Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan 1995.pdf,KZ-KG,KZ-KG,0,1,1995,1,1996,1,Kyrgyz Republic Kazakhstan,36340,GATT Art. XXIV,Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan,Kazakhstan Kyrgyz Republic (assumed to be subsumed in scope of Belarus Russia Kazakh Kyrgyz Customs Union),FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The Agreement shall not prevent either of the Parties from the right to take measures concerning the protection of fauna and flora (added to exceptions) (Art. 11),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The Agreement shall not prevent either of the Parties from the right to take measures concerning information damaging interests of the national defense and investigations or production connected with needs of defense (added to exceptions) (Art. 11),0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 545,545,545,545,KAZ_MDA,Kazakhstan Moldova,1995,,KZ-MD,KZ-MD,0,0,1996,,,0,,,,,Kazakhstan Moldova,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 546,546,546,546,KAZ_RUS,Kazakhstan Russia,1992,,KZ-RU,KZ-RU,0,0,1998,,,0,,,,,Kazakhstan Russia,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 547,547,547,547,KAZ_TJK,Kazakhstan Tajikistan,1995,,KZ-TJ,KZ-TJ,0,0,1997,,,0,,,,,Kazakhstan Tajikistan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 548,548,548,548,KAZ_UKR,Kazakhstan Ukraine,1994,Kazakhstan Ukraine 1994.pdf,KZ-UA,KZ-UA,0,1,1998,0,,1,Ukraine Kazakhstan,39678,GATT Art. XXIV,Kazakhstan Ukraine,Kazakhstan Ukraine,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"The Commission shall consider issues of export control, including the facts of violation of requirement to export control (Art. 12)",0,,0,,0,,1,The Agreement shall not preclude the right of each of the Parties from taking measures which it considers necessary for the protection of the environment (Art. 3),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 549,549,549,549,KAZ_UZB,Kazakhstan Uzbekistan,1997,,KZ-UZ,KZ-UZ,0,0,1998,,,0,,,,,Kazakhstan Uzbekistan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 550,550,550,550,KOR_SGP,Korea Singapore,2005,Korea Singapore 2005.pdf,KR-SG,KR-SG,0,1,2006,0,,1,"Korea, Republic of Singapore",38769,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Singapore Korea,Korea Singapore,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Convinced that the respective economic integration would provide greater work opportunities,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Environmental measures: Nothing in the Chapter on Investment shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting any measure that it considers appropriate to ensure that investment activity in its territory is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 10.18); Cooperation in environmental technology (Art. 18.5); Environment: Desiring to promote closer co-operation between interested organisations and industries of the Parties in the field of CNG technologies and applications to environmental protection (Art. 18.9),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Establishing transparent criteria and procedures for temporary entry of (business) persons to ensure border security (Art. 13.2, Art. 13.3), Granting temporary entry to business persons who are qualified for entry under applicable measures relating to safety and national security (Art. 13. 4)",0,,"Provisions on penalties for a contravention of customs laws regarding the making of a false statements om certificates of origin (Art. 5.4, Art. 5.12); See also Chapter 11 on Telecommunications; Chapter 18 on (general) Cooperation such as science, technology, communications, film productio, energy, gaming and animation etc.",Annexes and Appendices are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 551,551,551,551,KOR_USA,Korea US,2007,Korea US 2007.pdf,KR-US,KR-US,0,1,,0,,1,"Korea, Republic of US",,,,,,,,,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Desiring to raise living standards, to create new employment opportunities, and improve the general welfare in their territories; Development and enforcement of labor and environmental laws, promoting basic workers’ rights and sustainable development, implementing the Agreement in a manner consistent with environmental protection and conservation",1,Customs cooperation: preventing circumvention of international agreements affecting trade in textile or apparel good (Art. 4.3); Customs cooperation: a reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity (including smuggeling) means a suspicion based on relevant factual information obtained from public or private sources (Art. 7.6); Penalities: Adopting measures that allow for the imposition of civil or administrative penalties and criminal sanctions for violations of customs laws and regulations (Art. 7.9); Anti-corruption: eliminating bribery and corruption in international trade and investment (Art. 21.6),0,,1,"Reference to fundamental labor rights such as freedom of association, the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of all forms of compulsory or forced labor, the effective abolition of child labor etc. (Art. 19.2); Application and enforcement of labor laws (Art. 19.3); Promoting public awareness of the Parties labor laws and procedural guarantees to enforce labor laws (Art. 19.4); Establisment of a Labor Affairs Council and a national labor advisory committee (Art. 19.5); Labor cooperation such as promoting respect for core labor standards embodied in the ILO Declaration (Art. 19.6); Labor consultations (Art. 19.7); Definition of labor law (Art. 19.8); Annex 19-A on Labor Cooperation Mechanism with the aim of establishing priorities for cooperative activities on labor matters, exchaning information regarding labor law and practice in each Party; and ways of its improvement, advancing the understanding of the principles reflected in the ILO Declaration and ILO Convention (p. 436); Diplomatic correspondance about labor rights and labor cooperation (p. 438f)",1,"Reference to the Parties obligations as members of the International Labor Organization (Art. 19.1) and to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-Up (1998) (ILO Declaration) (Art. 19.2; Annex 19-A p. 436); Reference to the ILO Convention No. 182 Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (1999) (Art. 19. 6), ",1,"Nothing in the Chapter on Investment shall not be construed to prevent a Party from adopting measures, including environmental measures necessary to protect animal or plant life or health / related to the conservation of living or non-living exhaustible natural resource (Art. 11.8); Investment and environment: ensuring that investment activity is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 11.10); Levels of environmental protection (Art. 20.1); Application and enforcememnt of environmental laws (Art. 20.3); Procedural matters to investigate alleged violations of its environmental laws / provisions of sanctions or remedies for violations of environmental laws (Art. 20.4); Mechanisms to enhance environmental performance (Art. 20.5); Establishment of an Environmental Affairs Council (Art. 20.6); Promoting public awareness of environmental laws by ensuring that information is available to the public regarding its environmental laws and environmental law enforcement (Art. 20.7); Environmental cooperation: recognition of the importance of strengthening the Parties capacity to protect the environment and of promoting sustainable development in concert with strengthening trade and investment relations (Art. 20.8); Environmental consultation and panel procedure (Art. 20.9); Definition of environmental law such as the prevention or control of the release of pollutants, the control of environmentally hazardous or toxic chemicals, substances, materials, and wastes or the protection of wild flora or fauna (Art. 20.11); Diplomatic correspondance on environmental matters (p. 449-452)",1,"Reference to obligations under the multilateral environmental agreements listed in Annex 20-A (unspecified) (Art. 20.2); Reference to the Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Korea on Environmental Cooperation (ECA) (Art. 20.8); Recognizing that certain multilateral environmental agreements play an important role globally and domestically in protecting the environment (unspecified) (Art. 20.10); Appendix 20-A: References to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973: the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1987; the Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973; the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, 1971; the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, 1980; the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, 1946; the Convention for the Establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, 1949 (all p. 448)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"See for example provisions of Chapter 5 on Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices to improve the health of the nationals, ethical standards etc.; Chapter 14 on Telecommunications",,,,,,,,,,,,, 552,552,552,552,KWT_LBN,Kuwait Lebanon,1998,,KW-LB,KW-LB,0,0,1999,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 553,553,553,553,KWT_TUN,Kuwait Tunisia,1988,,KW-TN,KW-TN,0,0,1989,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 554,554,554,554,KWT_ARE,Kuwait UAE,1972,Kuwait UAE 1972.pdf,KW-AE,KW-AE,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Coordination of economic policy and financial and monetary legislation and customs rules (Art.1); Economic and technical cooperation; economic development (Art.2); The Contracting Parties shall take part in trade exhibitions set up in the territory of the other party (Art.6),,,,,,,,,,,,, 555,555,555,555,KGZ_MDA,Kyrgyzstan Moldova,1995,Kyrgyzstan Moldova 1995.pdf,KG-MD,KG-MD,0,1,1996,0,,1,Kyrgyz Republic Moldova,36326,GATT Art. XXIV,Kyrgyzstan Moldova,Kyrgyz Republic Moldova,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Ensuring full employment,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 556,556,556,556,KGZ_RUS,Kyrgyzstan Russia,1992,Kyrgyzstan Russia 1992.pdf,KG-RU,KG-RU,0,1,1993,0,,1,Kyrgyz Republic Russian Federation,36326,GATT Art. XXIV,Kyrgyzstan Russia,Kyrgyz Republic Russia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,"Reference to the multilateral Agreement on the Coordination of Work on the Issues of Export Control of Raw Materials, Materials, Equipment, Technologies and Services, which can be used to create weapons of mass extermination and rocket resources",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing herein must prevent a Contracting Party from taking measures which it considers necessary to protect its vital interests or which are undoubtedly necessary for the implementation of the international agreements to which it is a signatory, if these measures concern investigations or production connected with needs of defence (Art. 11) (Exceptions); Establishing an Intergovernmental Coordinating Council for Export Control to comply with the Agreement on the Coordination of Work on the Issues of Export Control of Raw Material etc. which can be used to create weapons of mass extermination (Art. 12)",1,Reference to international agreements (Art. 11) (unspecified),,,,,,,,,,,,,, 557,557,557,557,KGZ_TJK,Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan,2000,,KG-TJ,KG-TJ,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Kyrgyz Republic Tajikistan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 558,558,558,558,KGZ_UKR,Kyrgyzstan Ukraine,1995,Kyrgyzstan Ukraine 1995.pdf,KG-UA,KG-UA,0,1,1998,0,,1,Kyrgyz Republic Ukraine,36326,GATT Art. XXIV,Kyrgyzstan Ukraine,Kyrgyz Republic Ukraine,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The Agreement shall not prevent either of the Contracting Parties from the right to take measures considered necessary for the protection of its vital interests or which are undoubtedly necessary for the implementation of international agreements if these measures concern investigations or production connected with needs of defence (Art. 9) (Exceptions),1,Reference to international agreements (Art. 9) (unspecified),,,,,,,,,,,,,, 559,559,559,559,KGZ_UZB,Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan,1996,Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan 1996.pdf,KG-UZ,KG-UZ,0,1,1998,0,,1,Kyrgyz Republic Uzbekistan,36326,GATT Art. XXIV,Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan\n,Kyrgyz Republic Uzbekistan,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The Agreement shall not hamper the right of any of the Contracting Parties to unilaterally take measures of state regulation necessary for the protection of ist vital interests if these measures concern protection of the environment (Art. 5) (Exceptions),1,Reference to international treaties (Art. 5) (unspecified),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 560,560,560,560,LAO_THA,Laos Thailand,1991,Laos Thailand 1991.pdf,LA-TH,LA-TH,0,1,1991,0,,1,Lao People's Democratic Republic Thailand,33568,Enabling Clause,Laos Thailand,Thailand Laos,PTA_PSA,1,PTA,1,1,2,1,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Assisting and cooperating with the Lao PDR as a land-locked, least developed, neighbouring country (p. 1, not part of the original text; Art. 4); promoting sustained economic development in the Lao PDR (p. 1, not part of the original text); Laying down regulations for the protection and inspection at the two Parties' border checkpoints (Art. 7)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 561,561,561,561,LAFTA,Latin American Free Trade Area (LAFTA),1960,Latin American Free Trade Area 1960.pdf,AR-BR-CL-MX-PY-PE-UY,AR-BR-CL-MX-PY-PE-UY,0,1,1961,1,1981,1,Latin American Free Trade Area (LAFTA),21859,GATT Art. XXIV,,Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA) (ALALC) (later sets stage for LAIA/ALADI) (original Treaty of Montevideo),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,2,7,21,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Acceleration of the economic development process in such a way as to ensure a higher level of living for the respective people; Poper compensation, by means for the special situation of countries which are at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The Contracting Parties shall seek to co-ordinate their agricultural development and agricultural commodity trade policies with a view to securing the most efficient utilization of their natural resources (Art. 27),0,,0,,0,,1,"Organs of the Association, its competences and procedures: The conference (Art. 34, Art. 35, Art. 36, Art. 37, Art. 38), the committee (Art. 39, Art. 40. Art. 45), the secretary (Art. 41, Art. 42), advisory commissions (Art. 43)",0,,0,,0,,"The Contracting Parties shall seek to co-ordinate their agricultural development and agricultural commodity trade policies, with a view to raising the standard of living of the rural population (Art. 27); Measures in favour of countries at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development (Art. 32); Privileges and immunities for the representatives of the Contracting Parties and the international staff and advisers of the Association (Art. 47); No provision of the present Treaty shall be construed as to constitute an impediment to the adoption and execution of measures relating to the export, use and consumption of nuclear materials, radio-active products or any other material that may be used in the development or exploitationneo.uncelfgerayrxploitation of nuclear energy (added to exceptions) (Art. 53); Protocol 5: Bolivia and Paraguay are at present in a position to invoke in their favour the provisions in the Treaty concerning special treatment for countries at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development within the Free-Trade Area (p. 26)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 561,561+3,56103,954,LAFTA_p1b,Latin American Free Trade Area (LAFTA) Bolivia accession,1967,,AR-BR-CL-MX-PY-PE-UY-CO-EC-VE-BO,AR-BR-CL-MX-PY-PE-UY-CO-EC-VE-BO,0,,,1,1981,,,,,,,,,,,5,11,10,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Acceleration of the economic development process in such a way as to ensure a higher level of living for the respective people; Poper compensation, by means for the special situation of countries which are at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The Contracting Parties shall seek to co-ordinate their agricultural development and agricultural commodity trade policies with a view to securing the most efficient utilization of their natural resources (Art. 27),0,,0,,0,,1,"Organs of the Association, its competences and procedures: The conference (Art. 34, Art. 35, Art. 36, Art. 37, Art. 38), the committee (Art. 39, Art. 40. Art. 45), the secretary (Art. 41, Art. 42), advisory commissions (Art. 43)",0,,0,,0,,"The Contracting Parties shall seek to co-ordinate their agricultural development and agricultural commodity trade policies, with a view to raising the standard of living of the rural population (Art. 27); Measures in favour of countries at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development (Art. 32); Privileges and immunities for the representatives of the Contracting Parties and the international staff and advisers of the Association (Art. 47); No provision of the present Treaty shall be construed as to constitute an impediment to the adoption and execution of measures relating to the export, use and consumption of nuclear materials, radio-active products or any other material that may be used in the development or exploitationneo.uncelfgerayrxploitation of nuclear energy (added to exceptions) (Art. 53); Protocol 5: Bolivia and Paraguay are at present in a position to invoke in their favour the provisions in the Treaty concerning special treatment for countries at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development within the Free-Trade Area (p. 26)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 561,561+1,56101,955,LAFTA_p2,Latin American Free Trade Area (LAFTA) Colombia and Ecuador accession,1961,,AR-BR-CL-MX-PY-PE-UY-CO-EC,AR-BR-CL-MX-PY-PE-UY-CO-EC,0,,,1,1981,,,,,,,,,,,5,9,14,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Acceleration of the economic development process in such a way as to ensure a higher level of living for the respective people; Poper compensation, by means for the special situation of countries which are at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The Contracting Parties shall seek to co-ordinate their agricultural development and agricultural commodity trade policies with a view to securing the most efficient utilization of their natural resources (Art. 27),0,,0,,0,,1,"Organs of the Association, its competences and procedures: The conference (Art. 34, Art. 35, Art. 36, Art. 37, Art. 38), the committee (Art. 39, Art. 40. Art. 45), the secretary (Art. 41, Art. 42), advisory commissions (Art. 43)",0,,0,,0,,"The Contracting Parties shall seek to co-ordinate their agricultural development and agricultural commodity trade policies, with a view to raising the standard of living of the rural population (Art. 27); Measures in favour of countries at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development (Art. 32); Privileges and immunities for the representatives of the Contracting Parties and the international staff and advisers of the Association (Art. 47); No provision of the present Treaty shall be construed as to constitute an impediment to the adoption and execution of measures relating to the export, use and consumption of nuclear materials, radio-active products or any other material that may be used in the development or exploitationneo.uncelfgerayrxploitation of nuclear energy (added to exceptions) (Art. 53); Protocol 5: Bolivia and Paraguay are at present in a position to invoke in their favour the provisions in the Treaty concerning special treatment for countries at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development within the Free-Trade Area (p. 26)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 561,561+2,56102,956,LAFTA_p1a,Latin American Free Trade Area (LAFTA) Venezuela accession,1966,,AR-BR-CL-MX-PY-PE-UY-CO-EC-VE,AR-BR-CL-MX-PY-PE-UY-CO-EC-VE,0,,,1,1981,,,,,,,,,,,5,10,9,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Acceleration of the economic development process in such a way as to ensure a higher level of living for the respective people; Poper compensation, by means for the special situation of countries which are at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The Contracting Parties shall seek to co-ordinate their agricultural development and agricultural commodity trade policies with a view to securing the most efficient utilization of their natural resources (Art. 27),0,,0,,0,,1,"Organs of the Association, its competences and procedures: The conference (Art. 34, Art. 35, Art. 36, Art. 37, Art. 38), the committee (Art. 39, Art. 40. Art. 45), the secretary (Art. 41, Art. 42), advisory commissions (Art. 43)",0,,0,,0,,"The Contracting Parties shall seek to co-ordinate their agricultural development and agricultural commodity trade policies, with a view to raising the standard of living of the rural population (Art. 27); Measures in favour of countries at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development (Art. 32); Privileges and immunities for the representatives of the Contracting Parties and the international staff and advisers of the Association (Art. 47); No provision of the present Treaty shall be construed as to constitute an impediment to the adoption and execution of measures relating to the export, use and consumption of nuclear materials, radio-active products or any other material that may be used in the development or exploitationneo.uncelfgerayrxploitation of nuclear energy (added to exceptions) (Art. 53); Protocol 5: Bolivia and Paraguay are at present in a position to invoke in their favour the provisions in the Treaty concerning special treatment for countries at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development within the Free-Trade Area (p. 26)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 562,562,562,562,ALADI,Latin American Integration Association (ALADI LAIA),1980,ALADI LAIA 1980.pdf,AR-BO-BR-CL-CO-EC-MX-PY-PE-UY-VE,AR-BO-BR-CL-CO-EC-MX-PY-PE-UY-VE,0,1,1981,0,,1,Latin American Integration Association (LAIA),30133,Enabling Clause,Latin American Integration Asssociation (LAIA) (ALADI),"Latin American Integration Association (LAIA or ALADI) (regional preference, regional scope agreements, partial scope agreements)",PTA_PSA,1,PTA,1,2,11,55,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Economic regional integration as one of the principal means for the Latin American countries to speed up their economic and social development process in order to ensure better standards of life for their peoples; Special treatment for countries at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The preservation of the environment shall be considered (Art. 14); Taking into consideration the preservation of the environment (p. 26),0,,0,,0,,1,"Pluralism in economic and political matters as a principle of the Agreement (Art. 3); Institutional organization of ALADI such as the structure, duties and mechanisms of its political bodies (Art. 28 - Art. 43)",0,,0,,0,,"Promoting the harmonious and balanced socio-economic development of the region (Art. 1); Scientific and technological cooperation, tourism promotion shall be considered (Art. 14); Economic development: Actions favouring relatively less developed countries (Art. 15, Art. 16, Art. 17, Art. 18, Art. 20, Art. 21, Art. 22, p. 20, p. 22, p. 24, p. 26, p. 27, p. 28, p. 30), Duty of the secretariat: organizing and putting into operation an Economic Promotion Unit for relatively less developed countries and carry out actions to obtain technical and financial resources for it (Art. 28); Regional integration: the agreements shall tend to create conditions necessary to deepen the regional integration process (p. 22); Taking consideration scientific and technological cooperation, tourism (p. 26)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 562,562+1,56201,957,ALADI_p1,Latin American Integration Association Cuba accession,1998,Latin Amercian Integration Cuba Accession 1998.doc,AR-BO-BR-CL-CO-EC-MX-PY-PE-UY-VE-CU,AR-BO-BR-CL-CO-EC-MX-PY-PE-UY-VE-CU,0,1,1999,0,,0,,,,,,A,4,,,5,12,11,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Economic regional integration as one of the principal means for the Latin American countries to speed up their economic and social development process in order to ensure better standards of life for their peoples; Special treatment for countries at a relatively less advanced stage of economic development",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The preservation of the environment shall be considered (Art. 14); Taking into consideration the preservation of the environment (p. 26),0,,0,,0,,1,"Pluralism in economic and political matters as a principle of the Agreement (Art. 3); Institutional organization of ALADI such as the structure, duties and mechanisms of its political bodies (Art. 28 - Art. 43)",0,,0,,0,,"Promoting the harmonious and balanced socio-economic development of the region (Art. 1); Scientific and technological cooperation, tourism promotion shall be considered (Art. 14); Economic development: Actions favouring relatively less developed countries (Art. 15, Art. 16, Art. 17, Art. 18, Art. 20, Art. 21, Art. 22, p. 20, p. 22, p. 24, p. 26, p. 27, p. 28, p. 30), Duty of the secretariat: organizing and putting into operation an Economic Promotion Unit for relatively less developed countries and carry out actions to obtain technical and financial resources for it (Art. 28); Regional integration: the agreements shall tend to create conditions necessary to deepen the regional integration process (p. 22); Taking consideration scientific and technological cooperation, tourism (p. 26)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 564,564,564,564,LVA_NOR,Latvia Norway,1992,EstoniaLatviaLithuania Norway 1992.pdf,LV-NO,LV-NO,0,1,1992,1,1996,1,Latvia Norway Free Trade Agreement,23-Oct-92,GATT Art. XXIV,,Latvia Norway,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Promotion of commercial and economic co-operation in areas of common interest on the basis of international law; Reaffirming their commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms and sharing the principles of the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Concluding Documents of the Madrid and Vienna meetings, and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe; Having regard for the emerging process of economic liberalization taking place in Latvia; Bearing in mind that this Agreement should assist the restructuring process of the economy of Latvia and contribute to the establishment of an appropriate social dimension",0,,0,,1,An objective of this Agreement is the improvement of employment conditions (Art.1),0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit, justified on grounds of protection of the environment (exception) (Art.7)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit, justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.7); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures relating to the non-proliferation of biological and chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, or other nuclear explosive devices (exceptions) (Art.22)",0,,An objective of this Agreement is the improvement of living conditions (Art.1); Economic cooperation (Art.13),,,,,,,,,,,,, 565,565,565,565,LVA_POL,Latvia Poland,1997,Latvia Poland 1997.pdf,LV-PL,LV-PL,0,1,1999,1,2004,1,Poland Latvia,36432,GATT Art. XXIV,Latvia Poland,Poland Latvia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"The Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of environment (Art. 18) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),"Annexes, Protocols and Amendments are not added",,,,,,,,,,,, 566,566,566,566,LVA_SVK,Latvia Slovakia,1996,Latvia Slovakia 1996.pdf,LV-SK,LV-SK,0,1,1997,1,2004,1,Slovak Republic Latvia,18-Dec-97,GATT Art. XXIV,Latvia Slovak Republic,Slovak Republic Latvia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,"Economic integration as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; the Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 567,567,567,567,LVA_SVN,Latvia Slovenia,1996,Latvia Slovenia 1996.pdf,LV-SI,LV-SI,0,1,1996,1,2004,1,Slovenia Latvia,35481,GATT Art. XXIV,Latvia Slovenia,Latvia Slovenia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,"Commitment to a pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Charter of Paris",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (Art. 12) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 568,568,568,568,LVA_SWE,Latvia Sweden,1992,Latvia Sweden 1992.pdf,LV-SE,LV-SE,0,1,1992,1,1995,1,Latvia Sweden Free Trade Agreement,33788,GATT Art. XXIV,,Latvia Sweden,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,"Reaffirming their commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights, and fundamental freedoms; Reference to the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Concluding Documents of the Madrid and Vienna meetings, and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit, justified on grounds of protection of the environment (Art. 6) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Protocol A: checking forms if completed in such a manner as to exclude any possibility of fraudulent additions (Art. 10), Provision on the material of certificats in order to make any falsification by apparent to the eye (Art. 11), Penalties on any person who draws up a document which contains incorrect particulars (Art. 17), verifications of certificates and of exporters' declarations at random whenever the customs authorities have doubt as to the authenticity of the document (Art. 18)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 569,569,569,569,LVA_CHE,Latvia Switzerland,1992,EstoniaLatviaLithuania Switzerland 1992.pdf,LV-CH,LV-CH,0,1,1993,1,1996,1,Latvia Switzerland Free Trade Agreement,28-May-93,GATT Art. XXIV,,Latvia Switzerland FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of Law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a new Europe",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 9)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),"Annexes and Protocols are not added, this document contains three (similar) agreements!!",,,,,,,,,,,, 570,570,570,570,LVA_TUR,Latvia Turkey,1998,Latvia Turkey 1998.pdf,LV-TR,LV-TR,0,1,2000,1,2004,1,Turkey Latvia,36913,GATT Art. XXIV,Latvia Turkey,Latvia Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 23)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Protocols and Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 571,571,571,571,LVA_UKR,Latvia Ukraine,1995,,LV-UA,LV-UA,0,0,,1,2004,0,,,,,Latvia Ukraine,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 785,785,785,785,LVA_UKRAGRIC,Latvia Ukraine Agriculture,1998,Latvia Ukraine Agriculture 1998.pdf,LV-UA,LV-UA,0,1,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Scientific and technical cooperation (Art.10, p.2)","As this whole Agreement is an agricultural agreement, it was all coded and the agriculture sections were not skipped. ",,,,,,,,,,,, 757,757,757,757,LBN_SAU1,Lebanon Saudi Arabia,1957,,LB-SA,LB-SA,0,0,,1,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 758,758,758,758,LBN_SAU2,Lebanon Saudi Arabia,1971,,LB-SA,LB-SA,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,1,1,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 759,759,759,759,LBN_SDN,Lebanon Sudan,1969,,LB-SD,LB-SD,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 572,572,572,572,LBN_SYR,Lebanon Syria,1993,,LB-SY,LB-SY,0,0,,,,0,,,,,"Lebanon Syria (as a precedent, there is the CU that lapsed in the 1950s)",PTA/PSA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 573,573,573,573,LBN_ARE,Lebanon UAE,2000,,LB-AE,LB-AE,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Lebanon UAE,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 574,574,574,574,LBY_MAR,Libya Morocco,1990,Libya Morocco 1990_Arab.pdf,LY-MA,LY-MA,0,1,1990,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 575,575,575,575,LBY_TUN,Libya Tunisia,2001,,LY-TN,LY-TN,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Libya Tunisia FTA,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 576,576,576,576,LTU_NOR,Lithuania Norway,1992,EstoniaLatviaLithuania Norway 1992.pdf,LT-NO,LT-NO,0,1,1992,1,1996,1,Lithuania Norway Free Trade Agreement,23-Oct-92,GATT Art. XXIV,,Lithuania Norway,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Promotion of commercial and economic co-operation in areas of common interest on the basis of international law; Reaffirming their commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms and sharing the principles of the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Concluding Documents of the Madrid and Vienna meetings, and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe; Bearing in mind the economic and social situation in Lithuania; Having regard for the emerging process of economic liberalization taking place in Lithuania; Bearing in mind that this Agreement should assist the restructuring process of the economy of Lithuania and contribute to the establishment of an appropriate social dimension",0,,0,,1,An objective of this Agreement is the improvement of employment conditions (Art.1),0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit, justified on grounds of protection of the environment (exception) (Art.7)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit, justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.7); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures relating to the non-proliferation of biological and chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, or other nuclear explosive devices (exceptions) (Art.22)",0,,An objective of this Agreement is the improvement of living conditions (Art.1); Economic cooperation (Art.13),,,,,,,,,,,,, 577,577,577,577,LTU_POL,Lithuania Poland,1996,Lithuania Poland 1996.pdf,LT-PL,LT-PL,0,1,1997,1,2004,1,Poland Lithuania,35810,GATT Art. XXIV,Lithuania Poland,Lithuania Poland,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 18)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Protocols and Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 578,578,578,578,LTU_SVK,Lithuania Slovakia,1996,Lithuania Slovakia 1996.pdf,LT-SK,LT-SK,0,1,1997,1,2004,1,Slovak Republic Lithuania,35448,GATT Art. XXIV,Lithuania Slovakia\n,Slovak Republic Lithuania,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,"Economic integration as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Protocols and Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 579,579,579,579,LTU_SVN,Lithuania Slovenia,1996,Lithuania Slovenia 1996.pdf,LT-SI,LT-SI,0,1,1997,1,2004,1,Slovenia Lithuania,35481,GATT Art. XXIV,Lithuania Slovenia,Lithuania Slovenia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,"Commitment to a pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; Reference to to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Charter of Paris for a new Europe",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 12)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Protocols and Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 580,580,580,580,LTU_SWE,Lithuania Sweden,1991,Lithuania Sweden 1991.pdf,LT-SE,LT-SE,0,1,1992,1,1995,1,Lithuania Sweden Free Trade Agreement,33788,GATT Art. XXIV,,Lithuania Sweden,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights, and fundamental freedoms; Reference to the economic and social situation in Latvia; Reference to the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Concluding Documents of the Madrid and Vienna meetings, and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 6)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objective of the Agreement: improvement of living conditions (Art. 1); Criminal acitivities: Checking EUR.I certificates in such a manner as to exclude any possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol A: Art. 10), penalties for any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a preferential treatment for goods (Protocol A: Art. 17), subsequent verifications of EUR.l certificates and of exporters' declarations whenever the customs authorities have reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of the document (Protocol A: Art. 18)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 581,581,581,581,LTU_CHE,Lithuania Switzerland,1992,EstoniaLatviaLithuania Switzerland 1992.pdf,LT-CH,LT-CH,0,1,1993,1,1996,1,Lithuania Switzerland Free Trade Agreement,28-May-93,GATT Art. XXIV,,Lithuania Switzerland FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights, and fundamental freedoms; Reference to the Final Act on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: the improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 9); Prohibitions of imports and exports for environmental reasons (p. 36)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),Protocols and Annexes are not completely added,,,,,,,,,,,, 582,582,582,582,LTU_TUR,Lithuania Turkey,1997,Lithuania Turkey 1997.pdf,LT-TR,LT-TR,0,1,1998,1,2004,1,Turkey Lithuania,35954,GATT Art. XXIV,Lithuania Turkey\n,Lithuania Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 23)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Protocols and Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 583,583,583,583,LTU_UKR,Lithuania Ukraine,1995,,LT-UA,LT-UA,0,0,,1,2004,0,,,,,Lithuania Ukraine,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 584,584,584,584,LOME1,Lomé I ,1975,Lomé I.pdf,BE-DE-DK-IE-GB-FR-IT-LU-NL-BS-BB-BW-BI-CM-CF-TD-CD-ET-BJ-FJ-GA-GM-GH-GD-GN-GW-GQ-GY-JM-KE-LS-LR-CI-MW-MG-ML-MR-MU-NE-NG-CG-RW-SN-SL-SO-SD-SZ-TG-TZ-TO-TT-UG-WS-BF-ZM,EU-BS-BB-BW-BI-CM-CF-TD-CD-ET-BJ-FJ-GA-GM-GH-GD-GN-GW-GQ-GY-JM-KE-LS-LR-CI-MW-MG-ML-MR-MU-NE-NG-CG-RW-SN-SL-SO-SD-SZ-TG-TZ-TO-TT-UG-WS-BF-ZM,1,1,1976,1,1980,1,First Convention of Lomé,27577,GATT Art. XXIV,,"EC ACP (Lome Conventions 1 4, evolve into Cotonou Agreement) (product of EC association policy (Articles 131 136 of the Treaty of Rome))",PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,4,55,414,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Efforts toword the ecnomic development and social progress of the ACP countries; Fosterin the industrial development of the ACP countries; Reference to the United Nations Charter,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Actions of commercial promotion with the aim of helping ACP states to participate at best conditions in the regional and international market and that of the Community (Art. 12); Enumeration of actions for the ACP's commercial promotion (Art. 13); Submitting requests for the financing of actions of commercial promotion (Art. 14); The Communities' participation in the financing of actions of commercial promotion (Art. 15); The Community establishes a stabilization system to assure the stability, profitability and the growth of the ACPs economies, (Art. 16); Financial aid of the Community to set up this stabilization system (Art. 18); Conditions to implement the stabilization system (Art. 19); The use of the ressources is decided by the ACP beneficiary (Art. 20); ACP countries help to refund the stabilization system (Art. 21); Statistical and customs cooperation in order to guarantee the effective functioning of the stabilization system (Art. 22); Fostering the industrial development of ACP countries by supporting their infrastructure, industrial enterprises, technology and research (Art. 26, Art. 27, Art. 28, Art. 29, Art. 30, Art. 31, Art. 32, Art. 33, Art. 34, Art. 35, Art. 36); Industrial cooperation funded by the Community (Art. 37, Art. 38); Establishment of specific arrangements between ACP and Community states concerning the development of ACP's energy, agriculture etc ressources (Art. 39); Financial and technical cooperation to contribute to the ACP's social and economic development (Art. 40, Art. 41, Art. 48); Amount of financial aid given by the Community (Art. 42); Financing action programs and projects (Art. 43, Art. 44, Art. 45, Art. 51); The project financing includes rural development, tourism, social and economic infrastructure etc. (Art. 46); Fostering regional and interregional cooperation of APC countries (Art. 47); Active participation of ACP countries in the different stages of establishing aid projects (Art. 50); The preparation of projects and action programs funded by the Community falls under the responsability of the ACP countries (Art. 52); The Community instrucs the projects and programms in close cooperation with the ACP countries (Art. 53); Submission of financial propositions to the relevant Community bodies (Art. 54); ACP countries are responsible for the implementation of programs funded by the Community (Art. 55); The evaluation of implemented projects (Art. 57); Exceptional aid / Prolongation of financial aid if it is of essential importance for the social and economic development of the ACP countries (Art. 58); Accorded priviledges and immunities (Art. 82)",Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 585,585,585,585,LOME2,Lomé II,1979,Lomé II 1979.pdf,BE-DE-DK-IE-GB-FR-IT-LU-NL-BS-BB-BW-BI-CM-CF-TD-CD-CV-KM-DJ-DM-ET-BJ-FJ-GA-GM-GH-GD-GN-GW-GQ-GY-JM-KE-KI-LS-LR-CI-MW-MG-ML-MR-MU-NE-NG-CG-PG-RW-SB-SN-SL-LC-ST-SC-SO-SD-SR-SZ-TG-TZ-TO-TT-TV-UG-WS-BF-ZM,EU-BS-BB-BW-BI-CM-CF-TD-CD-CV-KM-DJ-DM-ET-BJ-FJ-GA-GM-GH-GD-GN-GW-GQ-GY-JM-KE-KI-LS-LR-CI-MW-MG-ML-MR-MU-NE-NG-CG-PG-RW-SB-SN-SL-LC-ST-SC-SO-SD-SR-SZ-TG-TZ-TO-TT-TV-UG-WS-BF-ZM,1,1,1981,1,1985,1,Second Convention of Lomé,29602,GATT Art. XXIV,,"EC ACP (Lome Conventions 1 4, evolve into Cotonou Agreement) (product of EC association policy (Articles 131 136 of the Treaty of Rome))",PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,4,67,522,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Resolved to intensify their efforts together for the economic development and social progress of the ACP States, and to ensure the greater well-being of their populations; Wishing to demonstrate their common desire to maintain and develop the friendly relations existing between their countries, in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter; Having regard to their respective levels of development; The particular need to accelerate economic co-operation and development within and between the regions of the ACP States; Rural development of the ACP States; Desirous of developing their resources; Anxious to promote the industrial development of the ACP States; Acknowledging the need for special treatment to be accorded to the least-developed ACP States and for special measures to be introduced in favour of the landlocked and island ACP States; ",1,"Customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the goods has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol 1, Art.8, p.242); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 1, Art.9, p.243); The ACP States shall take all necessary steps to ensure that goods traded under cover of a movement certificate EUR. 1, and which in the course of transport use a free zone situated in their territory, are not replaced by other goods (Protocol 1, Art.22, p.251); Member States, the countries and territories and the ACP States shall assist each other, through their respective customs administrations, in checking the authenticity of movement certificates EUR. 1 (Protocol 1, Art.23, p.252); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who, in order to enable goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment, draws up, or causes to be drawn up, either a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate EUR. 1 (Protocol 1, Art.24, p.252); Subsequent verifications of movement certificates EUR. 1 and of forms EUR. 2 shall be carried out whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of the document (Protocol 1, Art.25, p.252)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Implementation of alternative energy strategies in programmes and projects that will take special account of the experience of the ACP States and cover inter alia wind, solar, geothermal and hydro-energy sources; The application of energy-saving techniques; Implementation of measures that will minimize the negative impact of energy production on the environment as well as promote environmentally positive projects; Conservation of existing and future energy resources of the ACP States (Art.76, p.87-88); Improving the productivity of and diversifying rural activities while protecting the environment (Art.83, p.97); Exploitation and development of forestry resources for environmental protection purposes (Art.84, p.99); Protection of the environment projects (Art.93, p.107); Particular attention shall be paid to the effects of the project on the environment (Art.112, p.133)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The provisions of Article 3 shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.5, p.33)",0,,"Approximation of laws (Art.7, p.34); Technical and financial assistance and cooperation (Art.21, p.42-44; Art.22, p.44; Art.51, p.68; Art.52, p.69; Art.53, p.70; Art.54, p.70-71; Art.55, p.71-72; Art.56, p.72; Art.57, p.73; Art.58, p.73; Art.59, p.74; Art.68, p.80-81; Art.69, p.82-83; Art.70, p.83; Art.71, p.84; Art.72, p.85; Art.76, p.87-89; Art.77, p.89-90; Art.80, p.93; Art.83, p.99; Art.85, p.100; Art.91, p.105; Art.92, p.106; Art.93, p.107; Art.94, p.109; Art.95, p.111; Art.96, p.112; Art.97, p.113; Art.98, p.113; Art.99, p.114; Art.100, p.114; Art.101, p.114; Art.102, p.115; Art.103, p.115; Art.104, p.116; Art.105, p.118; Art.106, p.121; Art.107, p.121; Art.108, p.122; Art.109, p.127; Art.110, p.129; Art.113, p.133; Art.114, p.135; Art.115, p.136; Art.116, p.136; Art.117, p.137; Art.119, p.139; Art.120, p.140; Art.121, p.140; Art.122, p.141; Art.123, p.144-147; Art.124, p.147; Art.125, p.148; Art.126 p.150; Art.127, p.151; Art.128, p.151-152; Art.129, p.153; Art.131, p.154; Art.135, p.158; Art.136, p.159; Art.137, p.160; Art.138, p.163; Art.139, p.164; Art.140, p.166; Art.141, p.167; Art.143, p.170; Art.144, p.170; Art.145, p.172; Art.146, p.173; Art.147, p.174; Art.148, p.175; Art.152, p.176; Art.153, p.177; Art.154, p.178; Art.186, p.199; Protocol 4, Art.2, p.337; Protocol 4, Art.3, p.338); Economic and social progress and development (Art.23, p.45; Art.91, p.105; Art.92, p.106; Art.94, p.110; Art.109, p.127; Art.133, p.155; Art.139, p.166; Art.141, p.169; Art.146, p.173; Protocol 1, Art.30, p.257); Statistical and customs co-operation (Art.45, p.62); Industrial development and cooperation (Art.60, p.75; Art.62, p.75; Art.63, p.76; Art.64, p.76; Art.65, p.77; Art.66, p.77-79; Art.67, p.80; Art.68, p.80-81; Art.69, p.82; Art.70, p.83; Art.72, p.85; Art.73, p.87; Art.74, p.86; Art.75, p.86; Art.77, p.89-90; Art.79, p.94; Art.80, p.93; Art.82, p.96; Art.86, p.100; Art.93, p.107-108; Art.94, p.110; Art.135, p.157; Art.156, p.182; Art.186, p.199; Protocol 1, Art.30, p.256); Co-operation at both regional and interregional levels (Art.66, p.78; Art.73, p.86; Art.81, p.95; Art.87, p.101; Art.91, p.105; Art.93, p.106; Art.96, p.113; Art.101, p.114; Art.119, p.139; Art.125, p.150; Art.133, p.155; Art.134, p.157; Art.136, p.157); Transfer of technology and technology cooperation (Art.66, p.78; Art.67, p.80; Art.68, p.80-81; Art.69, p.82; Art.70, p.83; Art.71, p.84; Art.76, p.88; Art.79, p.94; Art.80, p.94; Art.82, p.96; Art.83, p.97; Art.93, p.107; Art.135, p.158; Art.141, p.167); The creation of jobs for nationals of the ACP States and raising incomes; The improvement of the quality of life of their peoples; employment; a higher standard of living (Art.66, p.79; Art.68, p.80; Art.73, p.85; Art.83, p.97; Art.92, p.106; Protocol 1, Art.30, p.257); Co-operation between universities and specialized institutes (Art.68, p.81; Art.71, p.84); Scientific development and training (Art.71, p.84; Art.82, p.96; Art.88, p.101; Art.93, p.108); Assistance and cooperation in communications and telecommunications (Art.72, p.87; Art.105, p.118; Art.135, p.157,159); Community contribution to undertakings in the fields which have a favourable effect on employment (Art.73, p.86); Cooperation in the field of energy (Art.76, p.87-89; Art.93, p.107,109; Art.101, p.114; Art.105, p.118; Art.135, p.158); Paying attention to the special problems of least developed, landlocked and island ACP States (Art.80, p.94; Art.82, p.96; Art.90, p.104; Art.91, p.105; Art.93, p.108-109; Art.106, p.120; Art.107, p.121; Art.119, p.139; Art.125, p.149; Art.133, p.156; Art.135, p.159; Art.145, p.173; Art.152, p.176; Art.153, p.177; Art.155, p.179; Protocol 1, Art.30, p.256); Rural development and food security; examples: village water-engineering microprojects, implementation of measures to raise the standard of living in rural areas (Art.83, p.97-98; Art.84, p.98-99; Art.85, p.100; Art.86, p.100; Art.87, p.101; Art.88, p.101; Art.89, p.104; Art.93, p.107; Art.146, p.173); Social and cultural development of the rural community, in particular through integrated health and educational schemes (Art.83, p.98); Tourism projects (Art.93, p.107; Art.101, p.114; Art.105, p.118; Art.135, p.158; Art.144, p.171); Micro-projects for grassroots development (Art.93, p.108); Appraisal of economic, social, technical, financial and administrative aspects of projects (Art.112, p.131-132); Education and training (Art.135, p.158); Emergency aid to ACP States faced with serious economic and social difficulties (Art.137, p.160)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 586,586,576,576,LOME3,Lomé III,1984,Lomé III 1984.doc,BE-DE-DK-IE-GB-GR-FR-IT-LU-NL-AG-BS-BB-BW-BI-BZ-CM-CF-TD-CD-CV-DJ-DM-ET-BJ-FJ-GA-GM-GH-GD-GN-GW-GQ-GY-JM-KE-KI-KM-LS-LR-CI-MW-MG-ML-MR-MU-MZ-NE-NG-CG-PG-RW-KN-LC-VC-SB-SN-SL-ST-SC-SO-SD-SR-SZ-TG-TZ-TO-TT-TV-VU-UG-WS-BF-ZM-ZW,EU-AG-BS-BB-BW-BI-BZ-CM-CF-TD-CD-CV-DJ-DM-ET-BJ-FJ-GA-GM-GH-GD-GN-GW-GQ-GY-JM-KE-KI-KM-LS-LR-CI-MW-MG-ML-MR-MU-MZ-NE-NG-CG-PG-RW-KN-LC-VC-SB-SN-SL-ST-SC-SO-SD-SR-SZ-TG-TZ-TO-TT-TV-VU-UG-WS-BF-ZM-ZW,1,1,1986,1,1990,1,Third Convention of Lomé,22-Dec-86,GATT Art. XXIV,,"EC ACP (Lome Conventions 1 4, evolve into Cotonou Agreement) (product of EC association policy (Articles 131 136 of the Treaty of Rome))",PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,4,75,650,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,"Reference to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations; Reaffirming their adherence to the principles of the said Charter and their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small; Resolved to step up their common efforts to contribute towards international co-operation and to the solution of international problems of economic, social, intellectual, and humanitarian nature; Resolved to make through their co-operation, a significant contribution to the economic development and social progress of the ACP States and to the greater well-being of their populations",1,"Customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the goods has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility fraudulent additions. To this end, the description of the goods must be indicated without leaving any blank lines (Protocol 1, Art.8, p.165); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Protocol 1, Art.9, p.166); Member States shall assist eachother in checking the authenticity of movement certificates and the accuracy of the information concerning the actual origin of the products (Protocol 1, Art.23, p.171); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who, in order to enable goods to be accepted as eligible for preferential treament, draws up, or causes to be drawn up, either a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate (Protocol 1, Art.24, p.171); Subsequent verifications of movement certificates shall be carried out whenver the customs authorities of the importing State have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of the document of accuracy of the information (Protocol 1, Art.25, p.172)",0,,1,Health and safety of workers (Art.124),0,,1,"In the framework of efforts to protect the environment and restore natural balances, co-operation towards the control of drought and desertification (Art.11; Art.38; Art.190); The development of new and renewable sources of energy; improve the environment; better conservation of biomass resources (Art.13; Art.76); Halting the deterioration of land and forest potential, re-establishing ecological equilibria. protecting natural resources and exploiting them efficiently constitute inter alia, fundamental objectives in order to improve their peoples living conditions (Art.39); Restoration of natural balances by means of better water control and a campaign against practices encouraging the appearance and development of the phenomenon of desertification (Art.40); Improving man's knowledge of, and ability to forecast desertification phenomena by observing developments in the field; establishing a system for the prevention and control of bush fires and deforestation (Art.41); A ""drought and desertification control"" component must be incorporated into all rural development operations; reafforestation; research, application of and information on, new and renewable sources of energy such as wind, solar and bio energy; forestry management plans aimed at op (sic.) the exploitation of forestry resources; Campaigns to educate the people concerned to be aware of the phenomena of drought and desertifcation and to train them in the possible ways of controlling them (Art.42); Energy programming, operations for saving and making efficient use of energy, reconnaissance of energy potential and the economically and technically appropriate promotion of new and renewable sources of energy (Art.75); Protect the natural environment (Art.76; Art.190); Prevention of shipping pollution (Art.90); Conservation of natural resources (Art.103); Regional cooperation to combat desertification, coastal degradation and marine pollution (Art.113); Rational utilisation of natural resources (Art.185); The effectiveness of programes shall be assessed looking at the effects from an environmental viewpoint (Art.219)",0,,0,,0,,1,recognising in the rights of landlocked states to participate in the exploitation of sea fisheries and the right of coastal states to exercise jurisdiction over the living marine resources of their exclusive economic zones in conformity with current international law and notably the conclusions of the third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (Art.50),0,,1,"Article 131 shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.132)",0,,"Promote and expedite the economic, cultural and social development of the ACP States; technical cooperation (Art.1; Art.101; Art.185; Art.215); Each state has the right to determine its own political, social, cultural and economic policy options (Art.2); The ACP States shall determine the development principles strategies and models for their economies and societies in all sovereignty (Art.3); Support shall be in ACP-EEC co-operation for the ACP States' own efforts to achieve more self-reliant and self-sustained development based on their cultural and social values, their human capacities, their natural resources and their economic potential in order to promote the ACP States' social and economic progress and the well-being of their population through the satisfaction of their basic needs, the recognition of the role of women and the enhancement of people's capacities with respect for their dignity (Art.4); Special efforts to promote rural development food security (Art.5; Art.12; Art.26; Art.33; Art.36; Art.37; Art.103; Art.190); Special attention to improving the living conditions of the poorest section of the population (Art.7); Technical assistance and dialogue (Art.8); Account shall be taken of the cultural dimension and social implications of such operations (Art.10); Co-operation in the fields of mining and energy shall be directed at promoting and expediting in the mutual interest, diversified economic development, deriving full benefit from the ACP States' human potential and natural resources; Co-operation shall be aimed at creating and consolidating the cultural, social and economic environment and the infrastructure required to achieve that objective; Improving living conditions (Art.13; Art.26); Industrial development (Art.14); Stepping up ACP countries' capacity to innovate and to adapt and transform technology (Art.16); Arrangements to promote the development of the ACP States' tourism (Art.17; Art.76); The Community shall contribute by providing adequate financial resources and appropriate technical assistance, helping to raise their population's standard of living and well-being (Art.19; Art.185); Diversifying job-creating, rural activities (Art.26); Development of social and cultural activities (such as health, education, and culture) essential for improving rurual lifestyles (Art.30); Food aid (Art.35); Halting environmental deterioration to improve living conditions (Art.39); Industrial development (Art.60); Industrial cooperation to create jobs and generate and distribute income; facilitate the transfer of technology (Art.61); Community shall provide the assistance required in the field of industrial training at all levels (Art.64); Community contributions to development of SMEs (Art.67; Art.190; Art.206) Financial, scientific and technical cooperation (Art.68; Art.98; Art.104; Art.105; Art.120; Art.185; Art.186; Art.187; Art.188; Art.191; Art.201; Art.207; Art.208; Art.209; Art.211; Art.213; Art.214; Art.219; Art.226; Art.241; Art.245); Community shall pay special attention to the specific needs and problems of the least-developed, landlocked and island States (Art.74; Art.93; Art.96; Art.185; Art.190; Art.197; Art.246; Art.255; Art.256; Art.259; Art.262); Promoting economic development by exploiting domestic and regional energy resources (Art.76); Energy cooperation (Art.77; Art.199); Mining Cooperation and strengthening of scientific and technical capacity in the fields of geology and mining (Art.78-82; Art.176; Art.190; Art.199); Communications cooperation serving the needs of social and economic development (Art.84; Art.92; Art.121; Art.190); Transfer of technology and know-how in communications (Art.85); Tourism (Art.96; Art.97; Art.98; Art.113; Art.190); Regional cooperation (Art.102; Art.103; Art.104; Art.105; Art.108; Art.110; Art.111; Art.112; Art.113; Art.185; Art.190; Art.216); Educational cooperation (Art.113; Art.119; Art.122; Art.214); Cultural and social cooperation (Art.114; Art.115; Art.116; ARt.219); Role of women, employment and training, integration of local cultural heritage (Art.117); Enhancing value of human resources (Art.118; Art.185; Art.190); Cooperation in information (Art.121); Grassroots communities to be involved in development (Art.122; Art.190); Expanding job opportunities (Art.122); Enhancing the work of women, improving their living conditions etc. (Art.123; Art.190); Nutrition, hygiene, health education, primary health care services and preventive medicine, control of the major endemic, and enhancing the value of traditional medicine and pharmacy (Art.124; Art.190); Promotion of cultural identities (Art.125-128); Statistical and customs co-operation (Art.166); Emergency aid (Art.203; Art.205; Art.216; Art.234); Aid to states taking in refugees in conjunction with specialized organizations, in particular the United Nations (Art.204; Art.205)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 587,587,587,587,LOME4,Lomé IV,1989,Lomé IV 1989.pdf,BE-DE-DK-ES-IE-GB-GR-FR-IT-LU-NL-PT-AO-AG-BS-BB-BW-BI-BZ-CM-CF-TD-CD-CV-DJ-DM-DO-ET-BJ-FJ-GA-GM-GH-GD-GN-GW-GQ-GY-HT-JM-KE-KI-KM-LS-LR-CI-MW-MG-ML-MR-MU-MZ-NE-NG-CG-PG-RW-KN-LC-VC-SB-SN-SL-ST-SC-SO-SD-SR-SZ-TG-TZ-TO-TT-TV-VU-UG-WS-BF-ZM-ZW,EU-AO-AG-BS-BB-BW-BI-BZ-CM-CF-TD-CD-CV-DJ-DM-DO-ET-BJ-FJ-GA-GM-GH-GD-GN-GW-GQ-GY-HT-JM-KE-KI-KM-LS-LR-CI-MW-MG-ML-MR-MU-MZ-NE-NG-CG-PG-RW-KN-LC-VC-SB-SN-SL-ST-SC-SO-SD-SR-SZ-TG-TZ-TO-TT-TV-VU-UG-WS-BF-ZM-ZW,1,1,1991,1,2000,0,,,,,"EC ACP (Lome Conventions 1 4, evolve into Cotonou Agreement) (product of EC association policy (Articles 131 136 of the Treaty of Rome))",PTA_PSA,1,,,4,80,816,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,"Reference to the principles of the United Nations Charter; Reaffirming their adherence to the principles of the said Charter and their faith in fundamental human rights, in all aspects of human dignity and in the worth of the human person, as the central agent and beneficiary of development, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations; Recalling the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; recognizing the need to respect and guarantee civil and political rights and to strive to bring about full enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights; Welcoming the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of the Council of Europe, the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights and the American Covention on Human Rights as positive regional contributions to the respect of human rights in the Community and in the ACP States; Resolved to step up their common efforts to contribute towards international cooperation and to the solution of international problems of economic, social, intellectual and humanitarian nature; to make, through their cooperation, a significant contribution to the economic, social and cultural development of the ACP States and to the greater well-being of their populations",1,"Customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions and where the space is not completely filled a horizontal line must be drawn below the last line of the description (Protocol 1, Art.12, p.114; Annex 4, p.127); Verification of movement certificates EUR. 1 and of forms EUR. 2 shall be carried out whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of the document (Protocol 1, Art.26-27 p.118); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who, in order to enable products to be accepted as eligible for preferential treatment, draws up or causes to be drawn up either a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining a movement certificate (Protocol 1, Art.28, p.119); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Annex 4, p.126); Enquiries to be carried out with due urgency to identify and prevent contraventions of this Protocol (Protocol 1, Art.26, p.118)",0,,1,"Migrant workers, students and other foreign nationals legally within their territory are not subjected to discrimination on the basis of racial, religious, cultural or social differences, notably in respect of social services and employment (Art.5); Counterpart funds for the payment of redundancy benefits to public or semi-public workers made redundant, or as a contribution towards keeping them in employment for a specific period, or as a form of assistance for finding alternative employment (Art.226); ",0,,1,"Reference to the rational management of the environment and conservation of natural resources (Art.4; Art.6; Art.16; Art.33; Art.34; Art.42; Art.77; Art.140; Art.155; Art.159; Art.229); Environmental protection (Art.14; Art.33; Art.35; Art.36; Art.38; Art.42; Art.77; Art.102; Art.106; Art.153; Art.155; Art.159; Art.226; Art.229; Art.244); Protection of ecosystems and the control of drought, desertification and deforestation (Art.14; Art.42; Art.54; Art.56; Art.57; Art.159; Art.229); Locust control, the protection and utilization of water resources, the preservation of tropical forests and biological diversity, a better balance between urban and rural areas, and the urban environment (Art.14); Development of new and renewable sources of energy (Art.16; Art.106; Art.107); Better conservation of biomass resources (Art.16; Art.106); Halting of the deterioration of land and forests, the restoration of ecological balances (Art.33; Art.34); With regards to environment, attention to incorporating educational, training, information and research schemes in projects and programmes (Art.36); Cooperation instruments appropriate to environmental needs (Art.37); Environmental impact assessments (Art.37); Effort to ensure that international movements of hazardous waste and radioactive waste are generally controlled and technical assistance can be given (Art.39; Art.40); Value of exchanging views on major ecological hazards (Art.41); Sustainable development (Art.55); Exploit mineral resources while also meeting environmental concerns (Art.99); In view of the effects the use of fossil fuels have on the climate, the ACP States and the Community agree to cooperate in this area (Art.105); Efficient use of energy, promotion of new and renewable sources of energy (Art.105); Developing domestic and regional energy resources in an appropriate manner from the environmental viewpoints (Art.106); Guarding against adverse repurcussions on the environment (Art.152); Paying attention to the role women play in the management of natural resources and environmental protection (Art.153); Programmes to combat coastal deterioration, marine pollution (Art.159); Project and programme appraisal shall take into account environmental aspects (Art.287)",0,,1,"The respect for and promotion of all human rights and enjoyment of fundamental human rights; reference to civil and political rights; economic, social and cultural rights (Art.5); The need for both men and women to participate and benefit on equal terms (Art.13; Art.153)",0,,1,"Reaffirmation of existing obligations and commitment in international law to strive to eliminate all forms of discrimination based on ethnic group, origin, race, nationality, colour, sex, language, religion (Art.5); Community shall assist the ACP States in the improvement of their institutional framework, reinforcement of their financing institutions (Art.79); On mining: Community shall cooperate with the ACP States as defined in international law (Art.101); Strengthening institutions capable of encouraging participation by the people (Art.144)",0,,1,"Article 169 shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.170)",0,,"Aim of promoting and expediting the economic, cultural and social development of the ACP States (Art.1; Art.13; Art.22; Art.42; Art.99; Art.102; Art.106; Art.139-Art.149; Art.156; Art.159; Art.186; Art.216; Art.227; Art.229; Art.243); The ACP States shall determine the development principles, strategies and models for their economies and societies (Art.3); Promotion of social, cultural and economic progress and the well-being of populations through the satisfaction of their basic needs, the recognition of the role of women, women's participation, and the enhancement of people's capacities (Art.4; Art.143; Art.144; Art.150; Art.153; Art.155; Art.226; Art.244); Food security (Art.6; Art.15; Art.34; Art.42; Art.49-52; Art.54; Art.158; Art.159; Art.229; Art.244); Rural development (Art.6; Art.15; Art.46); Regional cooperation and integration (Art.7; Art.46; Art.102; Art.136; Art.140; Art.156-163; Art.165; Art.328); Improving living conditions and standard of living (Art.8; Art.16; Art.33; Art.42; Art.106; Art.220); Special attention to improving the living conditions of the poorest sections of the population (Art.8); Mining and energy cooperation (Art.16; Art.97; Art.100; Art.101; Art.102; Art.103; Art.105; Art.106; Art.107; Art.108; Art.159; Art.216; Art.217; Art.229; Art.236); Industrialisation to meet basic human needs (Art.17); Co-operation in economic, cultural, social development (Art.20); Tourism (Art.24; Art.159; Art.229; Art.236); Consultation between the ACP States and the Community in international fora and organizations (Art.28); Special attention to assisting and enabling least-developed, landlocked and island ACP States (Art.8; Art.26; Art.52; Art.97; Art.136; Art.159; Art.165; Art.180; Art.220; Art.238; Art.246; Art.328; Art.329; Art.332; Art.335; Protocol 1, Art.31, p.120); Exchange of information; training; scientific and technical cooperation and assistance; technology (Art.21; Art.26; Art.53; Art.80; Art. 84; Art.85; Art.97; Art.100; Art.101;Art.103; Art.107; Art.108; Art.112; Art.137; Art.148; Art.142; Art.150; Art.152; Art.154; Art.155; Art.158; Art.159; Art.216; Art.218; Art.220; Art.221; Art.224; Art.226; Art.229; Art.247; Art.258; Art.267-269; Art.275; Art.276; Art.278-280; Art.287); Cooperation in commodities (Art.69-76); Enhancement of human resources (Art.72; Art.99; Art.107; Art.136; Art.140; Art.142; Art.150; Art.158; Art.220; Art.221; Art.229); Taking account of the economic and social impact of the operations (Art.73); Industrial cooperation (Art.78; Art.79; Art.81-86; Art.98; Art.147; Art.159; Art.220; Art.229); Enterprise development (Art.109; Art.111); Increasing employment and promotion of employment (Art.77; Art.81; Art.107; Art.110; Art.114; Art.143; Art.144; Art.226; Art.243); Role of grassroots communities in development (Art.144; Art.224; Art.229); Education (Art.144; Art.151; Art.152; Art.159; Art.226; Art.229; Art.280); Communications and information (Art.149; Art.159; Art.229; Art.328); Health and nutrition (Art.150; Art.154; Art.159; Art.226; Art.229); Combat drug trafficking (Art.159); Law approximation (Art.172); Cooperation in commodities (Art.186; Art.236); Statistical cooperation (Art.199; Art.200; Art.276); Emergency assistance (Art.220; Art.254; Art.256; Art.257; Art.300; Art.301); Financial assistance and cooperation (Art.231-238; Art.245; Art.246; Art.253; Art.255; Art.267; Art.281-285; Art.288; Art.290-293; Art.297; Art.299; Art.324; Financial Protocol, Art.1-3, p.110 ); Investment (Art.258-260; Art.262-273); Approximation of law (Art.172)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 588,588,588,588,MKD_KV,Macedonia Kosovo,2005,,MK-KV,MK-KV,0,0,2006,1,2007,0,,,,,FYR of Macedonia UNMIK (Kosovo),FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 589,589,589,589,MKD_MDA,Macedonia Moldova,2004,Macedonia Moldova 2004.pdf,MD-MK,MD-MK,0,1,2004,1,2007,1,Moldova Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,38383,GATT Art. XXIV,FYROM Moldova,FYR of Macedonia Moldova,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Confirming the intention to participate actively in the process of regional economic integration in South Eastern Europe and in the process of European integration; Commitment to pluralist democracy based on observance of the rules, rights and basic human liberties of the state governed by the rule of law",0,,0,,1,Objective of the Agreement: improvement of the conditions of work (Art. 1),0,,1,"The provisions of the Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on import, export, or goods in transit justified on grounds of environment protection (added to Exceptions) (Art. 20)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: improvement of living standards (Art. 1),Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 590,590,590,590,MKD_ROU,Macedonia Romania,2003,Macedonia Romania 2003.pdf,MK-RO,MK-RO,0,1,2004,1,2006,1,Romania Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,38397,GATT Art. XXIV,FYROM Romania,FYR of Macedonia Romania,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedom; Strengthening the economic integration in Europe as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; the Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit, justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 18)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 591,591,591,591,MKD_SRB_MNE,Macedonia Serbia and Montenegro,1996,,MK-RS,MK-RS,0,0,,1,2006,0,,,,,FYR of Macedonia Serbia+Montenegro,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 760,760,760,760,MKD_SRB_MNE,Macedonia Serbia and Montenegro,2005,,MK-RS,MK-RS,0,0,2006,1,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 592,592,592,592,MKD_SVN,Macedonia Slovenia,1996,Macedonia Slovenia 1996.pdf,MK-SI,MK-SI,0,1,1996,1,2004,1,Slovenia Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,35481,GATT Art. XXIV,Slovenia The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia\n,FYR of Macedonia Slovenia,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law; Human rights and fundamental freedoms,0,,0,,1,Improvement of employment conditions (Art. 1),0,,1,"If goods of the Parties pollute the environment of people, the Parties shall apply international agreements and conventions (Art. 19) (Exceptions)",1,Reference to environmental provisions and regulations prescribed by international agreements and conventions (Art. 19) (Exceptions),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Improvement of living conditions (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 593,593,593,593,MKD_TUR,Macedonia Turkey,1999,Macedonia Turkey 1999.pdf,MK-TR,MK-TR,0,1,2000,0,,1,Turkey Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,36896,GATT Art. XXIV,FYROM Turkey,FYR of Macedonia Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objective of the Agreement: raising the living standard of the population of the two countries (Art. 1),Protocols and Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 594,594,594,594,MKD-UKR,Macedonia Ukraine,2001,Macedonia Ukraine 2001.pdf,MK-UA,MK-UA,0,1,2001,0,,1,Ukraine Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,39678,GATT Art. XXIV,FYROM Ukraine,FYR of Macedonia Ukraine,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,The Agreement shall the process of integration in Europe,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit, justified on the grounds of the protection of ot the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 23)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objective of the Agreement: raising the standards of living of population of the respective countries (Art. 1); Crimes: Verification of a certificate of origin when there are reasonable doubts concerning authenticity of such documents (Protocol C Art. 29), Penalty sanctions to any person who prepares or causes to prepare a document that contains untrue information (Protocol C Art. 31), Requirements for EUR.1 certificates to avoid mechanical or chemical falsifications (Annex III to Protocol C p. 165)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 761,761,761,761,MDG_MUS,Madagascar Mauritius (under Indian Ocean Commission),1984,,MG-MU,MG-MU,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 762,762,762,762,MWI_ZAF2,Malawi South Africa,1990,,MW-ZA,MW-ZA,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 595,595,595,595,MWI_MOZ,Malawi Mozambique,2005,Malawi Mozambique 2005.pdf,MW-MZ,MW-MZ,0,1,2006,0,,0,,,,,Malawi Mozambique,PTA,1,,,1,2,1,3,3,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"Surveillance within the respective jurisdicition of certain persons suspected by the customs administration to engage in activities contrary to the respective customs legislation (Art. 13); Preventing, investigating and repressing breaches of customs laws (Art. 14)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Where urgend problems of environmental protection arise, the Contracting Party may omit such of the steps mentioned in the same article (Art. 4); Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures relating to the conservation of exhaustibel natural resources and the environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 9)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Where urgent problems of national security arise, the Contracting Party may omit such of the steps mentioned in the same article (Art. 4)",0,,Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures necessary to prevent or relief critical shortages of foodstuffs (added to exceptions) (Art. 9); Enhancing cooperation and exchanging of useful information with a view to eliminating smuggling of goods (Art. 13),,,,,,,,,,,,, 596,596,596,596,MWI_ZAF1,Malawi South Africa,1967,,MW-ZA,MW-ZA,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Malawi South Africa PTA,PTA,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 764,764,764,764,MWI_ZWE2,Malawi Zimbabwe,2006,Malawi Zimbabwe 2006.pdf,MW-ZW,MW-ZW,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Considering that the development of trade relations between the two countries shall contribute towards economic development,1,"Nothing in Articles 7 and 8 of this Agreement shall be contstrued as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures by a Contracting Party necessary to prevent deceptive trade practices (exception) (Art. 9, p.14)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in Articles 7 and 8 of this Agreement shall be construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures by a Contracting Party relating to the conservation of exhaustible natural resources and the environment (exception) (Art. 9, p.15)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Where urgent problems of national security arise or threaten to arise, the Contracting Party may omit such of the steps enumerated in paragraph 3 as it finds necessary (exception) (Art.4.4, p.10); Nothing in Articles 7 and 8 of this Agreement shall be construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures by a Contracting Party relating to import and export restrictions taken in time of war or any other emergency (exception) (Art. 9, p.15)",0,,"The Contracting Parties shall ensure that their respective national standards are in harmony with international standards and WTO norms (Art.4.2, p.8); Nothing in Articles 7 and 8 of this Agreement shall be construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures by a Contracting Party necessary to ensure compliance with existing obligations under international agreements (unspecified) (Art. 9, p.15)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 763,763,763,763,MWI_ZWE1,Malawi Zimbabwe,1995,,MW-ZW,MW-ZW,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 598,598,598,598,MYS_NZL,Malaysia New Zealand,2009,Malaysia New Zealand 2009.pdf,MY-NZ,MY-NZ,0,1,2010,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,2,2,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Economic partnership should bring economic and social benefits, creating new opportunities for employment and improving the living standards of their people; Economic development, social development and environmental protection as components of sustainable development; Enhancing communication and cooperation on labour and environment",1,Mutual assistance in customs matters in order to prevent and/or investigate breaches of Customs law (Art. 4.4),0,,0,,0,,1,Investment and environment: ensuring that investment activity is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 10.15),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Emphasis on the need to ensure border security (Art. 9.2),0,,"See for example Objectives of the Agreement (Art. 1.2); Chapter 13 on Economic Cooperation concerning various fields such as education, science and technology, health etc.; More favourable treatment to Maori with reference to the fulfilment the Treaty of Waitangi (Art. 17. 6); Annex 8 on Areas of Cooperation such as education, healt sector, biotechnology etc.",,,,,,,,,,,,, 599,599,599,599,MYS_PAK,Malaysia Pakistan,2007,Malaysia Pakistan 2007.pdf,MY-PK,MY-PK,0,1,2008,0,,1,Pakistan Malaysia,39497,Enabling Clause & GATS Art. V,Malaysia Pakistan,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,"Strengthening the economic partnership shall bring economic and social benefits and improve living standards in the respective countries; Recognizing the need for good governance and a predictable, transparent and stable business environment; Desiring to promote greater regional economic integration through the Agreement",1,"Applying customs procedures in a predictable, consistent and transparent manner (Art. 38), Customs cooperation in relation to joint efforts to combat customs fraud (Art. 40), mutual assistance to ensure the prevention of violation or attempted violation of customs laws (Art. 41); Exchaning information on means or methods of committing (sic!) violation or attempted violation of customs laws, attempted violation of customs laws, as well as transport and storage methods used for such goods as well as persons known to have committed or suspected of having violated or attempted violation of customs laws (Art. 42); The requested authority shall, on request by the requesting authority having reasons to believe that a customs offence has been committed in its territory, communicate available information (Art. 44)",1,"Reference to international standards and best practices, such as those recommended by the World Customs Organization (Art. 38)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Cooperation and exchaning information in their enforcement against the trafficking of illicit drugs and other prohibited goods (Art. 47); Protection from strife: Investors whose investments suffer losses owing to war or other armed conflict, revolution, a state of national emergency, revolt, insurrection or riot shall be accorded treatment as regards restitution, indemnification, compensation or other settlement (Art. 95); Delaying or preventing money transfers through the application of laws relating to criminal or penal offences as well as social security, public retirement or compulsory savings scheme (Art. 96)",Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 600,600,600,600,MANORIVER,Mano River Union,1973,Mano River Union 1973.pdf,LR-SL,LR-SL,0,1,1973,0,,0,,,,Mano River Union (MRU),Mano River Union (implementation has encountered many obstacles),CU,3,,,1,2,1,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"Desiring to establish a firm economic foundation for lasting peace, friendship, freedom and social progress between our countries; To accelerate the economic growth, social progress and cultural advancement of our two countries; active collaboration and mutual assistance in matters of common interest in economic, social, technical, scientific and administrative fields; Closer economic cooperation",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Institution-building (Protocol 2, p.269-271)",0,,0,,0,,Aim of the Union shall be to secure a fair distribution of the benefits from economic cooperation (Art.2.2); Great importance of extending economic cooperation within Africa (Art.9),,,,,,,,,,,,, 601,601,601,601,MRT_MAR,Mauritania Morocco,1986,Mauritania Morocco 1986.pdf,MR-MA,MR-MA,0,1,1993,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The two contracting parties to encourage the exchange of commercial, economic and business delegations (Art.7)",Annexes missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 765,765,765,765,MRT_TUN,Mauritania Tunisia,1964,,MR-TN,MR-TN,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 602,602,602,602,MUS_PAK,Mauritius Pakistan,2007,Mauritius Pakistan 2007.pdf,MU-PK,MU-PK,0,1,2007,0,,0,,,,Mauritius Pakistan,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude prohibitions and/or restrictions on imports or exports of products, which are justified on grounds of genetic resources (added to Exceptions) (Art. 10)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Objectives of the Agreement: Promoting a more predictable and secure environment for the sustainable growth of trade between the Contracting Parties,0,,"Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude prohibitions and/or restrictions on imports or exports of products, which are justified on grounds of religious values (added to Exceptions) (Art. 10)",Annex is not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 603,603,603,603,MSG,Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG ),1993,Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG).pdf,PG-SB-VU,PG-SB-VU,0,1,1994,0,,1,Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG),36375,Enabling Clause,Melanesian Spearhead Group,Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG),PTA_PSA,1,PTA,1,2,3,3,3,5,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Accelerating and encouraging the economic and social development of their States in order to improve the living standards of their peoples,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by a Party of measures necessary to protect its indigenous flora and fauna (added to Exceptions) (Art. 15),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by a Party of measures necessary for the preventin of crime, necessary to reserve for approval purposes the use of the national and provincial costs of arms, flags and seats, necessary to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs, necessary to prevent deceptive practices (added to Exceptions) (Art. 15)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 603,603+1,60301,958,MSG_p1,Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG ) Fiji accession,1998,,PG-SB-VU-FJ,PG-SB-VU-FJ,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,4,3,3,5,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Accelerating and encouraging the economic and social development of their States in order to improve the living standards of their peoples,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by a Party of measures necessary to protect its indigenous flora and fauna (added to Exceptions) (Art. 15),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by a Party of measures necessary for the preventin of crime, necessary to reserve for approval purposes the use of the national and provincial costs of arms, flags and seats, necessary to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs, necessary to prevent deceptive practices (added to Exceptions) (Art. 15)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 604,604,604,604,MRCSR,MERCOSUR,1991,MERCOSUR goods 1991.pdf,AR-BR-PY-UY,AR-BR-PY-UY,0,1,1991,0,,1,Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR),17-Feb-1991(G) ,Enabling Clause & ,MERCOSUR,Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) (bringing Treaty of Asuncion into ALADI framework) (ECA 18) (Protocol of Montevideo included services and entered into force on 7 December 2005),CU,3,CU_EIA,3,2,4,6,3,4,3,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Considering that the expansion of their domestic markets, through integration, is a vital prerequisite for accelerating their processes of economic development with social justice; The need to promote the scientific and technological development of the States Parties with a view to enhancing the living conditions of their populations; Preserving the environment",1,"Administrative penalties for cases of false certification, without prejudice to the corresponding criminal proceedings (Annex 2, Art.12)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The co-ordination of positions in regional and international economic and commercial forums (Art.1); Coordination of policies such as: communications, industry, foreign exchange and harmonization of legislation to strengthen the integration process (Art.1)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 605,605,605,605,MRCSR_MEXAUTO,MERCOSUR Mexico Auto Agreement,2002,MERCOSUR Mexico 2002.pdf,AR-BR-PY-UY-MX,AR-BR-PY-UY-MX,0,1,2003,0,,0,,,,,MERCOSUR Mexico FTA (framework agreement provides for negotiations to achieve free trade between Mexico and MERCOSUR) (ECA 54),C,5,,,3,5,4,3,4,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Emphasis on the need to foster the process of Latin American integration,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: A false certification by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to juridical consequences equivalent to those that would apply to an importer that makes a false statement or representation (Art. 24); Establishing or maintaining criminal, civil, or administrative penalties for violations of laws and regulations as related to the provisions of Annex II on Rules of Origin (Art. 28) ",This Agreement deals mostly with provisions on the automobil industry / sector,,,,,,,,,,,, 605,605+1,60501,960,MRCSR_MEXAUTO_p1,MERCOSUR Mexico Auto Agreement Venezuela accession,2006,,AR-BR-PY-UY-MX-VE,AR-BR-PY-UY-MX-VE,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,6,1,3,4,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Emphasis on the need to foster the process of Latin American integration,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: A false certification by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to juridical consequences equivalent to those that would apply to an importer that makes a false statement or representation (Art. 24); Establishing or maintaining criminal, civil, or administrative penalties for violations of laws and regulations as related to the provisions of Annex II on Rules of Origin (Art. 28) ",This Agreement deals mostly with provisions on the automobil industry / sector,,,,,,,,,,,, 606,606,606,606,MRCSR_PER,MERCOSUR Peru,2005,MERCOSUR Peru 2005.pdf,AR-BR-PY-UY-PE,AR-BR-PY-UY-PE,0,1,2006,0,,0,,,,,Peru FTA with MERCOSUR countries (part of Andean Community MERCOSUR FTA) (ECA 58),PTA_PSA,1,,,3,5,4,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Strenghtening the integration process of Latin America; the economic integration process as an essential instrument for the social development of the Latin-American countries and garant for better living conditions of the respective peoples ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Cooperation in energy, science and technology (Art. 1); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 19)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 606,606+1,60601,961,MRCSR_PER_p1,MERCOSUR Peru Venezuela accession,2006,,AR-BR-PY-UY-PE-VE,AR-BR-PY-UY-PE-VE,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,6,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Strenghtening the integration process of Latin America; the economic integration process as an essential instrument for the social development of the Latin-American countries and garant for better living conditions of the respective peoples ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Cooperation in energy, science and technology (Art. 1); Cooperation in science and technology (Art. 19)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 608,608+1,60801,962,MRCSR_SACU1_p1,MERCOSUR SACU Venezuela accession,2006,,AR-BR-PY-UY-BW-LS-NA-ZA-SZ-VE,AR-BR-PY-UY-BW-LS-NA-ZA-SZ-VE,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,6,10,3,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"social and economic development, promote a zone of peace",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 607,607,607,607,MRCSRSERV,MERCOSUR services,1997,MERCOSUR services 1997 spanish.pdf,AR-BR-PY-UY,AR-BR-PY-UY,0,1,2005,0,,1,Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR),05-Dec-2006(S),GATS Art. V,,,,,,,2,4,6,3,4,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""the public order exception can only be invoked when there is an imminent and serious enough threat to one of the fundamental interests of society"" (exception) (Art. XIII.a); "" necessary to secure compliance with laws or regulations which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement, including those relating to... security"" (exception) (Art. XIII.c.iii)""",0,,"Art XI: mutual recognition of education degrees, licenses and certificates: "" each party commits to encourage the responsible institutions, in cooperation with the responsible institutions of the other states, to develop mutually acceptable rules and criteria for the development of activities and professions in the area of services"" (Art. XI.2); ""The rules and criteria referred to in par.2 can be developed, among others, on the basis of the following elements: education, exams, experience, behaviour and ethics, professional development and renewal of certification, scope of action, local knowledge, protection of consumers, and requirements for nationality, residence or home address"" (Art. XI.3); ""based on this examination, each Party commits to command their respective competent authorities... to enact what competent authorities of MERCOSUR establish within a mutually agreed period"" (Art XI.4);",,,,,,,,,,,,, 608,608,608,608,MRCSR_SACU1,MERCOSUR Southern African Customs Union (SACU),2004,Mercosur Sacu 2004.pdf,AR-BR-PY-UY-BW-LS-NA-ZA-SZ,AR-BR-PY-UY-BW-LS-NA-ZA-SZ,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,4,9,20,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"social and economic development, promote a zone of peace",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 789,789,789,789,MRCSR_SACU2,MERCOSUR Southern African Customs Union (SACU),2008,Mercosur SACU 2008.pdf,AR-BR-PY-UY-BW-LS-NA-ZA-SZ,AR-BR-PY-UY-BW-LS-NA-ZA-SZ,0,1,2010,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,4,9,20,3,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,Whereas these negotiations have taaken into account the principle of special and differential treatment for the smaller and the lesser developed economies in MERCOSUR and SACU; Regional integration as contributing to the social and economic development of their peoples; Whereas the Contracting Parties reiterate their will to promote the South Atlantic as a zone of peace and cooperation,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting or enforcing measures consistent with Article XX of the GATT 1994 (exception) (Art.13, p.5); On certificates of origin: the description of the products must be given in the box reserved for this purpose without leaving any blank line; where the box is not completely filled, a horizontal line must be drawn below the last line of the description, the empty space being crossed through (Annex 3, Art.16.2, p.84; Annex 3, Appendix 3, 2, p.115); Customs authorities shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all ossibility of fraudulent additions (Annex 3, Art.16.5, p.84); Verifications of certificates of origin shall be carried out whenever the customs or competent authority of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Annex 3, Art.28, p.88); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining preferential treatment for products (Annex 3, Art.30, p.89); MERCOSUR and SACU shall take all necessary steps to ensure that products traded under cover of a proof of origin, which use a free zone, are not subsituted by other goods (Annex 3, Art.31, p.90); Certificates of origin shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye (Annex 3, Appendix 3, 1, p.113); Preventing, investigating, and combating Customs offences (Annex 7, Art.3.2, p.140); The Customs Administrations shall supply any information that may contribute to ensure the proper application of Customs law and in order to prevent, investigate, and combat Customs offences (Annex 7, Art.4.1, p.141); The Customs administrations shall supply information related to transactions which constitute or appear to constitute a Customs offence (Annex 7, Art.5.1, p.141); The customs administrations shall communicate to eachother all information which may contribute to the prevention of customs fraud (Annex 7, Art.6, p.141); Each customs administration shall provide the requesting administration with information on persons, goods, places or means of transport that are suspected of being used to commit Customs offences (Annex 7; Art.8, p.142); The requested administration shall provide information when the requesting administration has reason to doubt the truth or accuracy of a declaration (Annex 7, Art.7.1, p.142)",1,"Reference to GATT Art.XX which mentions the prevention of deceptive practices (Art.13, p.5)",0,,0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting or enforcing measures consistent with Article XX of the GATT 1994 (exception) (Art.13, p.5). ",1,"Reference to GATT Art.XX (Art.13, p.5)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1," The Customs administrations shall supply information in cases that could involve substantial damage to public security (Annex 7, Art.5.2, p.141); If the requested administration considers that the assistance requested might be prejudicial to the security of the Signatory Party it may decline to provide assistance (exception) (Annex 7, Art.13.1, p.145)",1,"Reference to GATT Art.XXI on security exceptions (Art.13, p.5)","The Customs administrations shall provide each other with technical assistance, consulting services, training, and exchanges of officials (Annex 7, Art.6.3, p.142)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 604,604+1,60401,959,MRCSR_p1,MERCOSUR Venezuela accession,2006,Mercosur Venezuela accession 2006 .pdf,AR-BR-PY-UY-VE,AR-BR-PY-UY-VE,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,A,4,,,5,5,4,3,4,3,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Mercosur Agreement: Considering that the expansion of their domestic markets, through integration, is a vital prerequisite for accelerating their processes of economic development with social justice; The need to promote the scientific and technological development of the States Parties with a view to enhancing the living conditions of their populations; Preserving the environment. Accession document: Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980 and the Treaty of Asuncion of 1991; ""Reaffirming the importance of the adhesion of Venezuela to MERCOSURE for the consolidation of the integration process of South America in the context of Latin-American integration""""integration… is an effective instrument to promote comprehensive development, face poverty and eliminate social exclusion"" ",1,"Mercosur Agreement: Administrative penalties for cases of false certification, without prejudice to the corresponding criminal proceedings (Annex 2, Art.12)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Mercosur Agreement: The co-ordination of positions in regional and international economic and commercial forums (Art.1); Coordination of policies such as: communications, industry, foreign exchange and harmonization of legislation to strengthen the integration process (Art.1). Accession document: ""the Parties affirm their commitment to work together in order to identify and apply measures devoted to foster social inclusion and ensure decent living standard for their peoples"" (Art. 9)",This is the Mercosur Agreement and any additional entries from the accession document.,,,,,,,,,,,, 610,610,610,610,MEX_NIC1,Mexico Nicaragua,1985,Mexico Nicaragua 1985.doc,MX-NI,MX-NI,0,1,,1,1998,0,,,,,"Mexico Nicaragua (PSA 13, leads to Mexico Nicaragua FTA)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo;,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""foster the Latin-American integration process"" as the main goal of the agreement (Art. 1); ""exchange of commercial missions and delegations, as well as participation in fairs and exhibitions"" (Art. 21);",,,,,,,,,,,,, 611,611,611,611,MEX_NIC2,Mexico Nicaragua,1997,Mexico Nicuragua 1997.PDF,MX-NI,MX-NI,0,1,1998,0,,1,Mexico Nicaragua,17-Oct-05,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Mexico Nicaragua,Mexico Nicaragua FTA,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Creating new employment opportunities, improving working and living conditions in the respective territories; Protectiong fundamental labour rigths; Emphasis on the protection and conservation of the environment; Safeguarding public welfare ",1,"Penalties: Establishing or maintaining measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations related to the provisions of Chapter 7 on Customs Procedures (Art. 7-09)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in Chapter 10 on Trade in Services shall not be construed to prevent a Party from adopting measures necessary to apply the rules of international agreements of which the Parties are members in order to conserve the environment (Art. 13-07); Environmental protection and dealing with substances dangerous for the environment, fauna and flora (Art. 14-14); Investment and environment: ensuring that investment activity is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 16-14) ",1,"Reference to the rules of international agreements of which the Parties are members in order to conserve the environment (unspecified) (Art. 13-07); Application of provisions and recommodations of the UN and international agreements of which de Parties are members (unspecified) (Art. 14-14) ",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Emphasis on the need to guarantee the security of national borders concerning Chapter 12 on Temporary Entry for Business Persons (Art. 12-02) ,0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: A false certification by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer that makes a false statement or representation (Art. 7-04); A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offences (Art. 13-17; Art. 16-08) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 612,612,612,612,MEX_NTRI,Mexico Northern Triangle,2000,Mexico Northern Triangle 2000.pdf,MX-SV-GT-HN,MX-SV-GT-HN,0,1,2001,0,,1,Mexico Honduras (Mexico Northern Triangle),10-Jul-2006(G) ,GATT Art. XXIV & ,"Mexico Triangulo Norte (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras)",El Salvador Mexico (component of Mexico Northern Triangle FTA),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,3,4,3,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Creating new employment opportunities, improving working and living conditions in the respective territories; Emphasis on the protection and conservation of the environment; Safeguarding public welfare ",1,"Penalties: Maintaining measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations related to the provisions of Chapter 7 on Customs Procedures (Art. 7-09)",0,,0,,0,,1,Investment and environment: ensuring that investment activity is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 14-16); Handling dangerous substances and wastes which constitute a danger for the environment (Art. 15-19) ,1,Reference to international agreements of which the Parties are members in order to conserve the environment (unspecified) (Art. 15-03); Reference to the provisions and recommendations of the UN Charter and the Basle Convetion concerning the control and dealing with substances and radioactive wastes which constitute a danger to the environment (Art. 15-19) ,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Emphasis on the need to guarantee the security of national borders concerning Chapter 13 on Temporary Entry for Business Persons (Art. 13-02),0,,See for example measures against illegal activities: A false certification by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer that makes a false statement or representation (Art. 7-04); A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 11-17; Art. 14-10); Treatment of investor's losses in case of civil strife etc. (Art. 14-06),,,,,,,,,,,,, 613,613,613,613,MEX_PAN,Mexico Panama,1985,Mexico Panama 1985.pdf,MX-PA,MX-PA,0,1,1986,0,,0,,,,,Mexico Panama (PSA 14),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo as the framework for the agreement; ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""help the consolidation of Latin America's integration process"" (Art. 1); ""exchange of commercial missions and delegation, from the official sector, the private sector o mixed, as well as participation in fairs and exhibitions"" (Art. 26)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 766,766,766,766,MEX_PRY,Mexico Paraguay,1993,,MX-PY,MX-PY,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 767,767,767,767,MEX_PER,Mexico Peru,1987,Mexico Peru 1987.pdf,MX-PE,MX-PE,0,1,1987,0,,0,,,,,Mexico Peru (ECA 8),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""Intensify economic relations … in the context of the integration process established by the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980"" as one of the goals of the agreement (art. 1(a)); ""stimulate investment"" as a goal of the agreement (Art. 1.e); ""the parties will stimulate investment"" (Art. 29); ""facilitating the activity of official and private missions, the organization of fairs and exhibitions, the realization of information workshops, and market studies"" (Art 28); ""Strengthening of mutual communications as much as possible, especially concerning aerial and maritime transportation of commodities"" (Art.30); ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 615,615,615,615,MEX_URY1,Mexico Uruguay,1986,Mexico Uruguay 1986.pdf,MX-UY,MX-UY,0,1,1986,1,2004,0,,,,,"Mexico Uruguay (ECA 5, leads to ECA 60, the Mexico Uruguay FTA)",PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"""Inspired in the goal of fostering regional integration""; Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo as the framework of the agreement;",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""intensify economic and trade relations between the signatory countries in the context of the integration process established by the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980"" (Art. 1.a); ""facilitate the activity of official and private missions, the organization of fairs and exhibitions, of informative workshops, market studies.."" (Art. 38); ""parties will foster investment as much as possible"" (Art. 39); ""strengthening of mutual communications as much as possible, especially with regards to maritime and aerial transportation of goods, in order to facilitate trade and consolidate the integration process between the parties"" (Art. 40); ""promote as well understandings between the authorities of both countries in order to coordinate actions that allow for the more appropriate and convenient use of the Reciprocal Payments and Credits Agreement of the ALADI countries and the more effective financing of the trade resulting from the present agreement"" (Art.41); ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 616,616,616,616,MEX_URY2,Mexico Uruguay,2003,Mexico Uruguay 2003.pdf,MX-UY,MX-UY,0,1,2004,0,,0,,,,,Mexico Uruguay Free Trade Agreement (ECA 60) (negotiated in the context of MERCOSUR Mexico framework provided by ECA 54),FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,4,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Economic integration as an essential instrument for the social development of the Latin American countries and a garant for better living conditions of the respective peoples ,1,"Establishing or maintaining civil, or administrative sanctions for violations of laws and regulations as related to the provisions of Chapter 5 on Customs Procedures (Art. 5-11) ",0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in Chapter 13 on Investment shall not be construed to prevent a Party from adopting environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or related to the conservation of living or non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 13-07)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Emphasis on the need to guarantee the security of national borders concerning Chapter 12 on Temporary Entry for Business Persons (Art. 12-02) ,0,,See for example measures against illegal activities: A false certification by an exporter or a producer shall be subject to penalties equivalent to those that would apply to an importer that makes a false statement or representation (Art. 5-04); Costums cooperation with the aim to discover and prevent illicit transfers of goods (Art. 5-14); A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 13-08),,,,,,,,,,,,, 617,617,617,617,MDA_ROU,Moldova Romania,1994,Moldova Romania 1994.pdf,MD-RO,MD-RO,0,1,1995,1,2006,1,Romania Moldova,35697,GATT Art. XXIV,Moldova Romania\n\n,Moldova Romania,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, of human rights and fundamental human freedoms; Agreement as an important contribution to the European integration process",0,,0,,1,Objectives of the Agreement: Improvement of employment standards (Art. 1),0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of the environment (added to Exceptions) (Art. 12)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objectives of the Agreement: Improvement of living standards (Art. 1),Annexes and the Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 618,618,618,618,MDA_RUS,Moldova Russia,1993,,MD-RU,MD-RU,0,0,1993,,,0,,,,,Moldova Russia,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 619,619,619,619,MDA_SRB,Moldova Serbia,2003,Moldova Serbia Montenegro 2003.pdf,MD-RS,MD-RS,0,1,2004,1,2007,1,Moldova Serbia and Montenegro,38380,GATT Art. XXIV,Moldova Montenegro Serbia ,Moldova Serbia+Montenegro,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralist democracy based on observance of the rules, rights and basic human liberties of the state governed by the rule of law; Agreement shall contribute to the process of European integration",0,,0,,1,Objectives of the Agreement: Improvement of conditions of work (Art. 1),0,,1,"The provisions of the Agreement shall not prevent from applying prohibitions or restrictions on import, export, or goods in transit justified on grounds of environment protection (added to Exceptions) (Art. 16)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objectives of the Agreement: Improvement of living standards (Art. 1),Probably not all Annexes and Protocols added,,,,,,,,,,,, 620,620,620,620,MDA_TKM,Moldova Turkmenistan,1993,,MD-TM,MD-TM,0,0,1996,,,0,,,,,Moldova Turkmenistan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 621,621,621,621,MDA_UKR,Moldova Ukraine,2003,Moldova Ukraine 2003.pdf,MD-UA,MD-UA,0,1,2005,0,,1,Ukraine Moldova,39678,GATT Art. XXIV,Moldova Ukraine,,,,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,Economic cooperation as an important factor of stability on the European continent; Agreement shall promote the process of European integration; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Cooperation and Security in Europe and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe,0,,0,,1,Development of economic relations should contribute to the conditions of work (Art. 1),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Development of economic relations should contribute to the improvement of living standards (Art. 1),,,,,,,,,,,,, 622,622,622,622,MDA_UKR,Moldova Ukraine,1995,,MD-UA,MD-UA,0,0,1996,,,0,,,,,Moldova Ukraine,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 623,623,623,623,MDA_UZB,Moldova Uzbekistan,1995,,MD-UZ,MD-UZ,0,0,1995,,,0,,,,,Moldova Uzbekistan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 624,624,624,624,MNE_TURK,Montenegro Turkey,2008,Montenegro Turkey 2008 .pdf,ME-TR,ME-TR,0,1,2010,0,,1,Turkey Montenegro,12-Mar-10,GATT Art. XXIV,,,,,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Economic cooperation and cooperation in fields of joint interest (unspecified); ,1,"The customs authorities shall take any steps necessary to verify the originating status of the products. They shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions (Protocol 2, Art.17.5); The customs administrations shall assist each other in checking the authenticitiy of movement certificates (Protocol 2, Art.32); Verifications of proofs of origin shall be carried out whenever the customs authorities have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents (Protocol 2, Art.33); Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up or causes to be drawn up a document which contains incorrect information for the purpose of obtaining preferential treatment for products (Protocol 2, Art.35); Movement certificates shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemincal means apparent to the eye (Annex 3, p.119); On movement certificates: A horizontal line must be drawn immediately below the last item. Any unused space must be struck through in such a manner as to make any later additions impossible (Annex 3, p.121)",0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit, justified on grounds of the environment (exception) (Art.31)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which it considers necessary: relating to the non-proliferation of biological and chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, or other nuclear explosive devices (exceptions) (Art.30); This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports, or goods in transit, justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.31)",0,,"Objectives of Agreement are to increase and enhance economic cooperation and raise standard of living of population (Art.1); Cooperation and exchange of information in standardization, metrology, accreditation (Art.8)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 768,768,768,768,MAR_SAU,Morocco Saudi Arabia,1966,Morocco Saudi Arabia 1966_Arab.pdf,MA-SA,MA-SA,0,1,1968,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"""Co-operation in the fields of culture, tourism and transport."" ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Culture: ""Cultural co-operation."" (Article 1); Education: ""Each party vows to provide a range of scholarships offered to a number of students from the other party on annual basis. In addition, both parties vow to exchange cultural and educational missions composed of lecturers and professors."" (Article, 2); Education: ""Full co-operation in the filed of culture and education.""(Articles, 3, 4, 5); Tourism: ""Full co-operation and encouraging citizens to travel between the two countries"" (Chapter 4, Article 3, appendix); Transport: ""Full co-operation in the filed of air and maritime transport."" (Chapter 4, Article 4, appendix). ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 769,769,769,769,MAR_SEN,Morocco Senegal,1963,Morocco Senegal 1963.pdf,MA-SN,MA-SN,0,1,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 625,625,625,625,MAR_TUN,Morocco Tunisia,1999,Morocco Tunisia 1999_Arab.pdf,MA-TN,MA-TN,0,1,1999,0,,0,,,,,Morocco Tunisia FTA,FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,3,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 626,626,626,626,MAR_TUR,Morocco Turkey,2004,Morocco Turkey 2004.pdf,MA-TR,MA-TR,0,1,2006,0,,1,Turkey Morocco,38758,GATT Art. XXIV,Morocco Turkey,Morocco Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and Protocols have not been added,,,,,,,,,,,, 627,627,627,627,MAR_ARE,Morocco UAE,2001,Morocco UAE 2001_Arab.pdf,MA-AE,MA-AE,0,1,2003,0,,0,,,,,Morocco UAE,FTA,2,,,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 628,628,628,628,MAR_USA,Morocco US,2004,Morocco United States 2004.pdf,MA-US,MA-US,0,1,2006,0,,1,US Morocco,30-Dec-05,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,United States Morocco,Morocco United States Free Trade Agreement,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Morocco’s commitment to reform to improve the lives of its people; Desiring to raise living standards, to create new employment opportunities, and to improve the general welfare in the respective territories; Fostering rural development and increasing prosperity in the respective territories; Emphasis on the desire to eliminate corruption in international trade and investment; Desiring to strengthen the development and enforcement of labor and environmental laws, promoting basic workers’ rights; Implementing the Agreement in a manner consistent with environmental protection and conservation; Contributiong to regional integration and economic development in the Middle East / North Africa",1,"Customs cooperation with the aim of preventing the circumvention of international agreements affecting trade in textile and apparel goods (Art. 4.4); Customs administration: Where a Party has a reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity related to its laws governing importation, the Party may request that the other Party provide specific confidential information that pertains to that activity / a reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity means a suspicion based on relevant factual information obtained from public or private sources (Art. 6.5); Adopting measures that provide for the imposition of civil, administrative, and, where appropriate, criminal sanctions for violations of customs laws and regulations (Art. 6.9); Ensuring integrity in procurement practices: Further to Article 18.5 (Anti-Corruption), each Party shall adopt procedures to declare ineligible for participation in the Party’s procurements, suppliers that the Party has determined to have engaged in fraudulent or illegal action in relation to procurement (Art. 9.11); Anti-corruption: The Parties reaffirm their continuing resolve to eliminate bribery and corruption in international trade and investment (Art. 18.5)",0,,1,"Statement of shared commitment to the ILO (Art. 16.1); Enforcement of labor laws (Art. 16.2); Enforcement of its labor laws and promotion of public awareness of the Parties labor laws (Art. 16.3); Institutional arrangements such as convening a national labor advisory committee, comprising members of its public, including representatives of its labor and business organizations (Art. 16.4); Labor cooperation: cooperative activities relating to labor matters of common interest, such as eliminating the worst forms of child labor or improving working conditions (Art. 16.5); Labor consultations (Art. 16.6); Definition of labor law such as the right of association, a prohibition on the use of any form of forced or compulsory labor, labor protections for children and young people etc. (Art. 16.7); Annex 16-A: Establishing a Labor Cooperation Mechanism with the aim of establishing priorities for cooperative activities on labor matters, exchaning information regarding labor law and practice in each Party, improving labor law and practice etc. (p. 208f) ",1,Reference to the obligations as members of the International Labor Organization (“ILO”) and the Parties commitments under the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up (1998) (Art. 16.1); Reference to the labor standards embodied in the ILO Declaration and compliance with ILO Convention No. 182 Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (1999) (“ILO Convention 182”) (Art. 16.5; Annex 16-A p. 208),1,"Investment and Environment: ensuring that investment activity is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 10.10); Levels of environmental protection (Art. 17.1); Enforcement of environmental laws (Art. 17.2); Environmental cooperation to protect the environment and to promote sustainable development in concert with strengthening bilateral trade and investment relations (Art. 17.3); Procedural matters to sanction or remedy violations of environmental laws (Art. 17.4); Complementary mechanism to enhance environmental performance (Art. 17.5); Opportunities for public participation in environmental matters (Art. 17. 6); Environmental consultations (Art. 17.7); Definition of environmental law means such as the prevention or control of the release, discharge, or emission of pollutants, the control of environmentally hazardous or toxic chemicals, substances, materials, and wastes, the protection or conservation of wild flora or fauna (Art. 17.9)",1,"Recognizing that multilateral environmental agreements to which the US and Morroco are both party play an important role, globally and domestically, in protecting the environment / Reference to multilateral environmental agreements (unspecified) (Art. 17.8)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"For greater certainty, measures that a Party considers necessary for the protection of its own essential security interests may include, inter alia, measures relating to the production of or traffic in arms (added to Security Exceptions ) (Art. 21.2)",0,,See Chapter 13 on Telecommunications,,,,,,,,,,,,, 629,629,629,629,MOZ_ZWE,Mozambique Zimbabwe,2004,,MZ-ZW,MZ-ZW,0,0,2005,0,,0,,,,,Mozambique Zimbabwe PTA,PTA,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 630,630,630,630,NAM_ZWE,Namibia Zimbabwe,1992,Namibia-Zimbabwe 1992.pdf,NA-ZW,NA-ZW,0,1,1992,0,,0,,,,Namibia Zimbabwe,Namibia Zimbabwe PTA,PTA,1,,,1,2,1,3,3,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"The Contracting Parties shall use their best endeavours to prevent all movement between their two countries of goods, the import or export of which is contrary to the relevant laws and regulations in force in either country, as well as the movement of goods inclined to bypass established entry points (Art.4)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 631,631,631,631,NZL_SGP,New Zealand Singapore,2000,New Zealand Singapore 2000.pdf,NZ-SG,NZ-SG,0,1,2001,0,,1,New Zealand Singapore,37138,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Singapore New Zealand,New Zealand Singapore (leads to Transpacific Strategic Economic Partnership),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,"Open, transparent and competitive markets as key drivers of wealth creation and consumer welfare; Raising the standard of living and creating new employment opportunities in the respective territories",1,"A Party may prevent a (money) transfer through the equitable, non-discriminatory and good faith application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offences and the recovery of proceeds of crime (Art. 31); Nothing in the Agreement shall preclude the adoption by any Party of measures in the exercise of its legislative, rule-making and regulatory powers necessary to secure compliance with laws and regulations relating to customs enforcement, tax avoidance or evasion (added to Exceptions) (Art. 71) ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The following classes of procurement are exempt from the application: defence procurement of a strategic nature and other procurement where national security is a consideration (Art. 55); Nothing in the Agreement shall preclude the adoption by any Party of measures in the exercise of its legislative, rule-making and regulatory powers to protect peace and good order (added to Exceptions) (Art. 71)",0,,"A Party may prevent a (money) transfer through the equitable, non-discriminatory and good faith application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offences and the recovery of proceeds of crime (Art. 31); The following classes of procurement are exempt from the application: the urgent procurement of goods in the event of emergencies, such as natural disasters, or to meet the urgent requirements of United Nations peacekeeping or humanitarian operations / procurement under development assistance programmes (Art. 55); Nothing in the Agreement shall preclude the adoption by any Party of measures in the exercise of its legislative, rule-making and regulatory powers necessary to prevent crime (added to Exceptions) (Art. 71); Privisions on the movement of natural persons (Art. 72); Nothing in the Agreement shall preclude the adoption by New Zealand of measures it deems necessary to accord more favourable treatment to Maori (Art. 74)",Annexes and Appendices are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 632,632,632,632,NZL_THA,New Zealand Thailand,2005,New Zealand Thailand 2005.pdf,NZ-TH,NZ-TH,0,1,2005,0,,1,Thailand New Zealand,01-Dec-05,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,New Zealand -Thailand,New Zealand Thailand CEP,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Economic partnership shall bring social benefits and improve the living standards of the respective people; Closer social and political relationships can play an important role in promoting sustainable development,1,Definition of “customs offence” as any breach or attempted breach of customs law (Art. 3.3); Customs cooperation: the customs administrations of both Parties shall provide each other with mutual assistance in order to prevent breaches of customs law (Art. 3.7),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Security of trade and repression of terrorist activity: if a Party desires to adopt procedures to ensure the security of trade in goods and/or the movement of craft between the Parties, the customs administrations shall consult with a view to agreeing procedures to secure such trade and/or movement of craft (Art. 3.11)",0,,"Compensation for investment losses owing to war or other armed conflict, revolution, a state of national emergency, civil disturbance or other similar events (Art. 9.12); Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal matters including but not limited to money laundering, and the recovery of proceeds from crime (Art. 9.13); General Exceptions for Investment and Trade in Services: Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by a Party of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws which are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Agreement including those relating to the prevention of deceptive and fraudulent practices / the protection of the privacy of individuals in relation to the processing and dissemination of personal data (Art. 15.2); Treaty of Waitangi: Nothing in the Agreement shall preclude the adoption by New Zealand of measures it deems necessary to accord more favourable treatment to Maori (Art. 15.8)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 633,633,633,633,NIC_PAN,Nicaragua Panama,1973,Nicaragua Panama 1973.doc,NI-PA,NI-PA,0,1,1974,1,2009,0,,,,,Nicaragua Panama Free and Preferential Trade Agreement (will be subsumed in Nicaragua component of CACM Panama if and when that negotiation completes),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,"""elevate the standards of living and of labour of both peoples""",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""goods.. will not be subject to any measure, except for...security controls"" (art. 12); goods in transit… will be subject to compliance of health, security and policing measures"" (Art. 19); Cooperation in transportation does not entail not abiding by the rules with regards to health, security, policing or protection of public and fiscal interests"" (Art. 20)",0,,"""Signatory states commit to improving their communications systems as much as possible, in order to facilitate the increase of traffic between them. Moreover, they accept to negotiate the equality of transportation prices in both territories as well as the level and statutory provisions on the issue"" (Art. 20)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 634,634,634,634,NIC_TWN,Nicaragua Taiwan,2006,Nicaragua Taiwan 2006.pdf,NI-TW,NI-TW,0,1,2008,0,,1,"Nicaragua and the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu",40003,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,China Nicaragua,Nicaragua Taiwan,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,4,2,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Elimination of corruption in international trade and investment; Fosterin social development and enhancing the standard of living in the respective territories; Emphasis on the protection and conservation of the environment, environmental cooperation; Safeguarding public welfare",1,"Penalities: Each Party shall establish measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations related to the provisions of Chapter 5 on Customs Procedures (Art. 4.21); Ensuring high integrity of personal and procedures in trade facilitation processes (Art. 5.01); Elimination of bribery and corruption in international trade and investment (Art. 20.07); Anti-corruption measures (Art. 20.08); Recognition of the importance of regional and multilateral initiatives to prevent and combat corruption, including bribery, in international trade and investment (Art. 20.09)",0,,1,Emphasis on the right to establish own labour rights while garantuing that they are consistent with internationally recognized labour laws (Art. 18.01); Labour law application (Art. 18.02); Labour law enforcement and promotion of public awareness of the respective labour laws (Art. 18.03); Establishing a Committee on Labour Affairs (Art. 18.04); Establishing a labour cooperation mechanism and fostering the improvement of labour norms etc. (Art. 18.05); Cooperative labour consultation (Art. 18.07); Enummeration of labour principles (Annex 18.01 p. 360f); Annex 18.05 relating to the Labour Cooperation Mechanism (p. 362ff),1,"Reference to internationally recognized labour laws (not specified) (Art. 18.01, Art. 18.08)",1,"Nothing in Chapter 10 on Investment shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting environment measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health or to conserve living or non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 10.09); Investment and environmental measures: ensuring that investment activity in the respective territory is undertaken under the Parties ecological or environmental laws (Art. 10.11); Companies should implement development policies consistent with social objectives (Art. 18.06); Environmental protection levels (Art. 19.01); Application of environmental laws (Art. 19.02); Enforcement of environmental laws, juridical procedures against contraventions of environmental law etc (Art. 19.03); Voluntary mechanism to improve enviromental protection (Art. 19.04); Companies should implement policies of sustainable development which are coherent with environmental objectives (Art. 19.05); Establishing a Committee of Environmental Affairs (Art. 19.06); Opportunities for public participation in environmental protection (Art. 19.07); Environmental cooperation: fostering environmental protection capacities parallel to strenghtening trade and investment relations (Art. 19.08); Consultations concerning environmental protection (Art. 19.09); Definition of environmental law (Art. 19.11); Annex 19.08 on Environmental Cooperation Mechanism (p. 372-375); The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 / Article XIV(b) of the GATS include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health, and that Article XX(g) of the GATT 1994 applies to measures relating to the conservation of living and non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 23.1) ",1,"Reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973; the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer done at Montreal, 1987; the Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, 1989 (all Art. 1.04); Reference to international / multilateral environment agreements (unspecified) (Art. 19.10); Reference to Article XX(b) of GATT 1994, Article XX(g) of GATT 1994 and Article XIV(b) of GATS (Art. 23.1)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Emphasis on the necessity to ensure border security relating to Chapter 15 on Temporary Entry for Business Person (Art. 15.01),0,,"Measures against illegal activities: Each Party shall provide that if a false certification by its exporter or producer resulted in a good qualifying as an originating good, that exporter or producer shall have the similar legal consequences, as would apply to an importer in its territory for contravening its customs laws and regulations by false statement (Art. 4.16), A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 10.08, Art. 11.11); Treatment of investor's losses in case of strife, armed conflict (Art. 10.06); Companies should implement development policies consistent with social objectives (Art. 18.06) ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 635,635,635,635,NIC_VEN,Nicaragua Venezuela,1986,Nicaragua Venezuela 1986.doc,NI-VE,NI-VE,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,Nicaragua Venezuela (PSA 25),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo;,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"""Help the consolidation of Latin America's integration process"" (Art. 1); ""exportation, use, and consumption of nuclear materials, radioactive products and any other material usable in the development of nuclear energy"" (Art. 10.g); "" exchange of commercial missions and delegations, as well as participation in fair an exhibitions"" (Art. 48)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 770,770,770,770,NER_TUN,Niger Tunisia,1982,,NE-TN,NE-TN,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 636,636,636,636,NAFTA,North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),1992,NAFTA 1993.pdf/NAFTA (Canada) 1992.pdf,CA-MX-US,CA-MX-US,0,1,1994,0,,1,North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),29-Jan-1993(G) ,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),"North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) (subsuming US Canada and adding two new treaties, Canada Mexico and Mexico United States)",FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,2,3,3,2,4,2,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Build on their respective rights and obligations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and other multilateral and bilateral instruments of cooperation (unspecified); Create new employment opportunities and improve working conditions and living standards in their respective territories; Undertake each of the preceding in a manner consistent with environmental protection and conservation; Preserve their flexibility to safeguard the public welfare; Promote sustainable development; Strengthen the development and enforcement of environmental laws and regulations; Protect, enhance and enforce basic workers' rights;",1,"No special duty or penalty shall be imposed for failure to comply with country of origin marking requirements of that Party, unless the good is removed from customs custody or control without being properly marked, or a deceptive marking has been used (Annex 311, 9, p.43); Each Party shall provide that a false certification by an exporter or a producer in its territory that a good to be exported to the territory of another Party qualifies as an originating good shall have the same legal consequences (Art.504, 2, p.137); A Party may conduct a verification solely by means of: written questionnaires or visits to the premises of an exporter or a producer in the territory of another Party to review the records referred to in Article 505(a) and observe the facilities used in the production of the good (Art.506, 1, p.138); Where an exporter or a producer has not given its written consent to a proposed verification visit within 30 days of receipt of notification pursuant to paragraph 2, the notifying Party may deny preferential tariff treatment to the good that would have been the subject of the visit (Art.506, 4, p.138-139); Where verifications by a Party indicate a pattern of conduct by an exporter or a producer of false or unsupported representations that a good imported into its territory qualifies as an originating good, the Party may withhold preferential tariff treatment to identical goods exported or produced by such person until that person establishes compliance with Chapter Four (Rules of Origin) (Art.506, 10, p.139); Each Party shall maintain measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its laws and regulations relating to this Chapter (Art.508, p.140); The Parties shall cooperate for purposes of the detection and prevention of unlawful transshipments of textile and apparel goods of a non-Party (Art.512, 2b, p.144)",0,,1,"Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent a Party, including its public entities, from exclusively conducting or providing in its territory activities or services forming part of a public retirement plan or statutory system of social security (exception) (Art.1401); Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent a Party from providing a service or performing a function such as social security or insurance in a manner that is not inconsistent with this Chapter (exception) (Art.1101, 4, p.265)",0,,1,"Mexico reserves to itself the transportation and storage of nuclear waste (Annex 602.3, 1d, p.152); Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting, maintaining or enforcing any measure otherwise consistent with this Chapter that it considers appropriate to ensure that investment activity in its territory is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (exception) (Art.1114, 1, p.272); The Parties recognize that it is inappropriate to encourage investment by relaxing environmental measures (Art.1114, 2, p.272); Reference to the the Parties understanding that the measures referred to in GATT Article XX(b) include environmental measures and that GATT Article XX(g) applies to measures relating to the conservation of living and non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art.2101, 1, p.386)",1,"Reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, done at Washington, March 3, 1973, as amended June 22, 1979 (Art. 104); Reference to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, done at Montreal, September 16, 1987, as amended June 29, 1990 (Art.104); Reference to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, done at Basel, March 22, 1989, on its entry into force for Canada, Mexico and the United States (Art.104); Reference to The Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America Concerning the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Waste, signed at Ottawa, October 28, 1986 (Annex 104.1); Reference to The Agreement Between the United States of America and the United Mexican States on Cooperation for the Protection and Improvement of the Environment in the Border Area, signed at La Paz, Baja California Sur, August 14, 1983 (Annex 104.1); Reference to Art.XX(g) of the GATT 1994 (Art.315, p.14; Art.605, p.87); Reference to GATT Art.XX: The Parties understand that the measures referred to in GATT Art.XX(b) include environmental measures and that GATT Art.XX(g) applies to measures relating to the conservation of living and non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art.2101, 1, p.366))",0,,0,,1,"Reference to the applicable rules of international law (Art.102; Annex 201.1; Art.1131, 1, p.278; Art.1105, 1, p.266); A Tribunal established under this Section shall decide the issues in dispute in accordance with this Agreement and applicable rules of international law (Art.1131, 1, p.278); ",1,Reference to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Annex 201.1),1,"No Party may adopt or maintain a measure restricting imports of an energy or basic petrochemical good from, or exports of an energy or basic petrochemical good to, another Party under Article XXI of the GATT or under Article 2102 (National Security), except to the extent necessary to: supply a military establishment of a Party or enable fulfillment of a critical defense contract of a Party; respond to a situation of armed conflict involving the Party taking the measure; implement national policies or international agreements (unspecified) relating to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices; or respond to direct threats of disruption in the supply of nuclear materials for defense purposes (exceptions) (Art.607, p.150); Nothing in this agreement cionstrued to prevent implementation of national policies or international agreements respecting the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices (exceptions) (Art.2102, p.387); National security exemptions include oil purchases related to any strategic reserve requirements and procurements made in support of safeguarding nuclear materials or technology (Annex 1001.2b, p.260)",0,,"Establish a framework for further trilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation (Art.102); Cooperation in the exchange of statistics regarding the importation and exportation of goods, the harmonization of documentation used in trade, the standardization of data elements, the acceptance of an international data syntax and the exchange of information (Art.512, 2c, p.145); The Parties recognize that it is inappropriate to encourage investment by relaxing domestic health measures (Art.1114, 2, p.272); Cooperation in telecommunications and reference to the International Telecommunication Union and the International Organization for Standardization (Art.1301-1309); Exchange of technical information, the development of government-to-government training programs (Art.1309, p.393); The need to ensure border security and to protect the domestic labor force and permanent employment in their respective territories (Art.1601); Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to require a Party to furnish or allow access to information the disclosure of which would impede law enforcement (exception) (Art.2105); Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent a Party from providing a service or performing a function such as law enforcement, correctional services, income security or insurance, social welfare, public education, public training, health, and child care, in a manner that is not inconsistent with this Chapter (exception) (Art.1101, 4, p.265))","""NAFTA 1993.pdf"" was coded, not ""NAFTA(Canada)1992.pdf""",,,,,,,,,,,, 637,637,637,637,OMN_USA,Oman US,2006,Oman US 2006 (part I).pdf PLUS PARTS II AND III,OM-US,OM-US,0,1,2009,0,,1,US Oman,39843,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,United States Oman,Oman United States (not yet in force),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Desiring to create new employment opportunities and raise the standard of living for the respective citizens; Commitment to transparency and to eliminate bribery and corruption in international trade and investment; Desiring to foster creativity and innovation, Improving technology; Desiring to protect, enhance, and enforce basic workers’ rights and to strengthen the development and enforcement of labor laws and policies; Desiring to strengthen the development and enforcement of environmental laws",1,"Customs cooperation for textile and apparel goods: The Parties shall cooperate for purposes of preventing circumvention of international agreements affecting trade in textile or apparel goods (Art. 3.3); Customs cooperation: Definition of a reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity as a suspicion based on relevant factual information obtained from public or private sources / where a Party has a reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity related to its laws governing importation, it may request that the other Party provide specific confidential information (Art. 5.5); Penalities: Each Party shall adopt measures that provide for the imposition of civil, administrative, and, where appropriate, criminal sanctions for violations of its customs laws (Art. 5.9); Ensuring integrity in procurement practices: Adopting procedures to declare ineligible for participation in the Party’s procurements suppliers that the Party has determined to have engaged in fraudulent or other illegal actions in relation to procurement (Art. 9.10); Anti-Corruption: Confirment to eliminate bribery and corruption in international trade and investment (Art. 18.5)",1,Recognition of the importance of regional and multilateral initiatives to eliminate bribery and corruption in international trade and investment (unspecified) (Art. 18.5),1,"Ensuring that the respective laws provide for labor standards consistent with the internationally recognized labor rights (Art. 16.1); Application and enforcement of labor laws (Art. 16.2); Enforcement of the Party’s labor laws and promoting public awareness of respective labor laws (Art. 16.3); Institutional arrangements such as activities related to labor including the Labor Cooperation Mechanism (Art. 16.4): Labor cooperation: advancing common commitments regarding labor matters hereby establishing a Labor Cooperation Mechanism (Art. 16.5); Labor consultations (Art. 16.6); Definition of internationally recognized labor rights as the right of association, a prohibition on the use of any form of forced or compulsory labor, labor protections for children and young people etc. (Art. 16.7); Annex 16-A on Labor Cooperation Mechanism: exchanging information regarding labor law, exchaning information on ways to improve labor law and practice, advancing respect for the ILO Declaration and ILO Convention 182 etc. (p. 190)",1,Confirmenet of obligations as members of the International Labor Organization (“ILO”) and their commitments under the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up (1998) (“ILO Declaration”) (Art. 16.1); Respect for core labor standards embodied in the ILO Declaration and ILO Convention No. 182 Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (1999) (“ILO Convention 182”) (Art. 16.5; Annex 16-A p. 190),1,"Nothing in Chapter 10 on Investment shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting environmental measures related to the conservation of living or non-living exhaustible natural resources (Art. 10.8); Investment and environment: ensuring that investment activity in the respective territory is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 10.10); Levels of environmental protection (Art. 17.1); Application and enforcement of environmental laws (Art. 17.2); Ensuring judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative proceedings to sanction or remedy violations of its environmental laws (Art. 17.3); Voluntary mechanisms to encance environmental performance (Art. 17.4); Establishing a Subcommittee on Environmental Affairs (Art. 17.5); Opportunities for public participation concerning environmental protection (Art. 17.6); Environmental cooperation: undertaking cooperative environmental activities pursuant to a United States – Oman Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Cooperation (Art. 17.7); Environmental consultations (Art. 17.8); Definition of environmental law such as the prevention of the release or emission of pollutants or environmental contaminants, the control of environmentally hazardous or toxic substances and wastes, the protection or conservation of wild flora and fauna etc. (Art. 17.10); Diplomatic corresondance concernig the environment (p. 197f); The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of GATT 1994 include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health (Art. 21.1); Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Cooperation between the US and Oman (p. 293-298)",1,Recognition that the multilateral environmental agreements to which the US and Omam are both parties play an important role in protecting the environment and that their respective implementation of these agreements is critical to achieving the environmental objectives of these agreements (unspecified) (Art. 17.9),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"See for example: Technical assistance in customs procedures by the United States to Oman (Art. 5.11); Preventing a money transfer through the application of respective laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 10.7, Art. 11.10); Chapter 13 on Telecommunications",,,,,,,,,,,,, 638,638,638,638,OECS,Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS),1981,OECS 1981.pdf,AG-DM-GD-MS-KN-LC-VC,AG-DM-GD-MS-KN-LC-VC,0,1,1981,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,7,21,3,4,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Affirming their determination to achieve social development for their peoples; Determined to satisfy the legitimate aspirations of their peoples for development,1,"Member States undertake to introduce legislation, making such provision as may be necessary for penalties against persons who, in their territory, furnish or cause to be furnished a document which is untrue in a material particular in support of a claim in another Member State that goods should be accepted as eligible for Market Area tariff treatment. The penalties applicable shall be similar to those applicable in cases of untrue declarations in regard to payment of duty on imports (Annex A, Rule 10, p.42)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Major purposes of the Organisation is to to assist the Member States in the realisation of their obligations and responsibilities to the international community with due regard to the role of international law and the harmonisation of foreign policy (Art.3.1, p.4); Institution-building (Art.5, p.6); Harmonisation of foreign policy (Art.11, p.10); Setting-up of the Institutions (Art.19, p.14)",0,,1,"The Member States will endeavour to co-ordinate, harmonise and pursue joint policies in the field of Mutual Defence and Security (Art.3.2, p.5); Collective defence and the preservation of peace and security against external aggression and the development of close ties among the Member States of the Organisation in matters of external defence and security, including measures to combat the activities of mercenaries (Art.8, p.8); Any Member State may withhold its participation in respect of Foreign Affairs and/or Defence and Security matters (exception) (Art.23)",1,Reference to Art. 51 of the Charter of the United Nations (Art.8),"Major purposes of the Organisation are to promote co-operation among the Member States and at the regional and international levels and the harmonisation of foreign policy; reference to the Charter of the United Nations (Art.3.1, p.4); The Member States will endeavour to co-ordinate, harmonise and pursue joint policies in the fields of: External Relations including overseas representation; Financial and Technical Assistance from external sources; International Marketing of Goods and Services including Tourism; External Transportation and Communications; Matters relating to the sea and its resources; The Judiciary; Currency and Central Banking; Statistics; Tertiary Education including University; Training in Public Administration and Management; Scientific, Technical and Cultural Co-operation (Art.3.1, p.5); Harmonisation of foreign policy (Art.11, p.10); Social development (Annex 1, preamble, p.21); Economic development (Annex 1, preamble, p.21); Improvement of living standards (Annex 1, preamble, p.21); The objectives of the Common Market shall be: to promote harmonious development of economic activities; accelerated improvement in the standard of living (Annex 1, Art.2, p.22); Harmonization of investment and development policies, including industrial development; co-ordination of currency and financial policies; progressive harmonization of taxation policies; co-operative approach to infra-structural development (Annex 1, Art.3, p.22); Harmonisation of development, investement and industrial policies (Annex 1, Art.13, p.28); Harmonisation of fiscal policy (Annex 1, Art.15, p.29)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 639,639,639,639,PICTA,Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA ),2001,PICTA Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement 2001.pdf,CK-FJ-KI-NR-NU-WS-TO-TV-VU,CK-FJ-KI-NR-NU-WS-TO-TV-VU,0,1,2003,0,,1,Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA),39688,Enabling Clause,Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA),"Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA) (now being implemented and later to be extended to services) (in time, to be fully integrated into the PACER format for regional economic and trade cooperation)",FTA,2,FTA,2,2,9,36,3,5,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Emphasis on the historical, political and cultural links between the Parties; Common trade shall bring social benefits and improve the living standards in the region",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the adaption or enforcement by a Party of measures necessary to protect the indigenous flora and fauna (added to Exceptions) (Art. 16),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the adaption or enforcement by a Party of measures necessary to reserve for approved purposes the use of Royal Arms or national, state, provincial and territorial arms (added to Exceptions) (Art. 16)",0,,"Objective of the Agreement: Technical cooperation (Art. 2), Special treatment for the least developed countries while establishing a free trade area (Art. 3); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the adaption or enforcement by a Party of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder and crime / necessary to prevent or relieve shortages of foodstuffs (added to Exceptions) (Art. 16)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 639,639+1,63901,963,PICTA_p2,Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA ) Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands accession,2002,,CK-FJ-KI-NR-NU-WS-TO-TV-VU-PG-SB,CK-FJ-KI-NR-NU-WS-TO-TV-VU-PG-SB,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,11,18,3,5,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Emphasis on the historical, political and cultural links between the Parties; Common trade shall bring social benefits and improve the living standards in the region",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the adaption or enforcement by a Party of measures necessary to protect the indigenous flora and fauna (added to Exceptions) (Art. 16),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the adaption or enforcement by a Party of measures necessary to reserve for approved purposes the use of Royal Arms or national, state, provincial and territorial arms (added to Exceptions) (Art. 16)",0,,"Objective of the Agreement: Technical cooperation (Art. 2), Special treatment for the least developed countries while establishing a free trade area (Art. 3); Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the adaption or enforcement by a Party of measures necessary for the prevention of disorder and crime / necessary to prevent or relieve shortages of foodstuffs (added to Exceptions) (Art. 16)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 640,640,640,640,PAK_LKA,Pakistan Sri Lanka,2002,Pakistan Sri Lanka 2002.pdf,PK-LK,PK-LK,0,1,2005,0,,1,Pakistan Sri Lanka,39610,Enabling Clause,Pakistan Sri Lanka,Pakistan Sri Lanka FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 641,641,641,641,PAN_SGP,Panama Singapore,2006,Panama-Singapore 2006.pdf,PA-SG,PA-SG,0,1,2006,0,,1,Panama Singapore,39176,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Singapore Panama,Panama Singapore,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,Economic partnership shall bring social benefits and improve living standards,1,"Penalties: Each Party shall maintain criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of its customs laws (Art. 4.12)",0,,1,Strategic cooperation such as job creation and workers' well- being (Art. 16.3),0,,1,"The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of GATT 1994 include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health / The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XIV(b) of GATS include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health (Art. 18.1) ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offences, social security, public retirement or compulsory savings schemes (Art. 9.9; Art. 10.11); Nothing in the Chapter on Investment shall be construed to prevent the adoption of measures necessary to secure compliance with laws relating to the prevention of deceptive and fraudulent practices (Art. 11.11); Promoting and fostering technical and scientific cooperation in areas of mutual interest (Art. 16.1, Art. 16.2, Art. 16.4)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 642,642,642,642,PAN_TWN,Panama Taiwan,2003,Panama Taiwan 2003.pdf,PA-TW,PA-TW,0,1,2004,0,,1,"Panama and the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu",40022,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Panama Taiwan,Panama Taiwan,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Creating employment opportunities and improve living standards of their people in their respective territories; Promoting economic development in a manner consistent with environmental protection, conservation, and sustainable development; Preserving the ability to safeguard the public welfare",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Chapter on Investment shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting or maintaining measures, including environment measures necessarty to ensure compliance with laws and regulations that are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement (Art. 10.07); Environmental Measures: Nothing shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting any measure appropriate to ensure that investment activity in its territory is undertaken under its ecological or environmental laws / it is inappropriate to encourage investment by relaxing domestic environmental measures (Art. 10.15)",1,"Reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), done at Washington, March 3, 1973, as amended June 22, 1979; the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer done at Montreal, September 16, 1987, as amended June 29, 1990; or the Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, done at Basel, March 22, 1989 (Art. 1.03)",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Chapter 10 does not apply to measures adopted by a Party to limit the participation of investment of investors of the other Party in its territory for reasons of national security (Art. 10.01); It is inappropriate to encourage investment by relaxing domestic safety measures (Art. 10.15),0,,"Measures against illegal activities: Each Party shall provide that if a false certification or information by its exporter or producer resulted in a good to be exported to the territory of the other Party qualifying as an originating good, that exporter or producer shall have the similar legal consequences, as would apply to an importer in its territory for contravening its customs laws and regulations by false statement or representation (Art. 5.04), Where a verification by a Party demonstrates that an exporter has certified more than once in a false manner stating that a good qualifies as an originating good, the importing Party may suspend the preferential tariff treatment to the identical good (Art. 5.07); Penalties: Measures imposing criminal, civil or administrative penalties for violations of the Parties laws and regulations related to the provisions of the Chapter on Customs Procedures (Art. 5.10), A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 10.10, Art. 12.17); Chapter 10 does not apply to government services such as income security or unemployment insurance, social security services, social welfare, public education, public training, health, and child care. Notwithstanding if an investor from a Party provides the above mentioned services, his investment shall be protected by the provisions of Chapter 10 / 11 (Art. 10.01, Art. 11.02); Nothing in the Chapter on Finacial Services shall be construed to prevent a Party from providing in its territory services forming part of a public retirement plan or statutory system of social security (Art. 12.02); Access to and use of public telecommunications transport networks or services (Art. 13.02, Art. 13.03)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 643,643,643,643,PAN_USA,Panama US,2007,Panama US 2007.pdf,PA-US,PA-US,0,1,,0,,1,US Panama,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,2,4,2,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Fostering creativity and innovation; Promoting transparency and eliminate bribery and corruption in international trade and investment; Creating new opportunities for economic and social development; Protecting, enhancing, and enforcing basic workers’ rights and strengthen their cooperation on labor matters; Creating new employment opportunities and improving working conditions and living standards in the respective territorie; Emphasis on environmental protection and conservation; Safeguarding the public welfare",1,"Customs cooperation: deterring circumvention of laws, regulations, and procedures of either Party or international agreements affecting trade in textile or apparel goods / swift action to deter circumvention relating to customs cooperation / establish criminal penalties and civil or administrative penalties that effectively deter engaging in activities related to circumvention (Art. 3.21); Monitoring to ascertain whether a violation of the Parties laws relating to trade in textile or apparel goods or an act of circumventio has occurred (Art. 3.22); Definition of circumvention as providing false information for the purpose of violating customs / Examples of circumvention include illegal transshipmen, fraud, false declarations, falsification of documents, and smuggling (Art. 3.20); Customs cooperation: Where a Party has a reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity related to its laws governing importations, it may request the other Party to provide specific confidential information / definition of “a reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity"" (Art. 5.5); Penalties: Adopting measures that allow for the imposition of civil or administrative penalties and, where appropriate, criminal sanctions for violations of the respective Parties customs laws (Art. 5.9); Affirment of the resolve to eliminate bribery and corruption in international trade and investment (Art. 18.7); Anti-corruption measures (Art. 18.8) ",1,Recoginition of the importance of regional and multilateral initiatives to eliminate bribery and corruption in international trade and investment (unspecified) (Art. 18.9),1,"Reaffirment of obligations as members of the International Labor Organization (ILO) (Art. 16.1); Enummeration of fundamental labor rights (Art. 16.2); Enforcement of labor laws (Art. 16.3); Enforcement of the Party’s labor laws and promition of its labor laws (Art. 16.4); Institutional arrangements such as establishing a Labor Affairs Council (Art. 16.5); Labor cooperation and capacity building mechanism (Art. 16.6); Coorparative labor consultations (Art. 16.7); Establishing and maintaining a labor roster (Art. 16.8); Definition of labor laws such as freedom of association, the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, the effective abolition of child labor etc. (Art. 16.9); Annex 16.6 on Labor Cooperation and Capacity Building Mechanism with the aim of exchanging information regarding each Party’s labor laws and practices, seeking from international organizations etc. (p. 250f)",1,"Reaffirment of obligations as members of the International Labor Organization (ILO) (Art. 16.1); Reference to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up (1998) (ILO Declaration) (Art. 16.2, Appendix 16.6 p. 250); Reference to the ILO Declaration and ILO Convention No. 182 Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (1999) (ILO Convention 182) (Art. 16.6, Appendix 16.6 p. 250); Reference to the International Labor Organization, the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, and the Organization of American States, to advance common commitments regarding labor matters (Appendix 16.6 p. 250)",1,"Investment and environment: ensuring that investment activity in its territory is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 10.11); Levels of environment protection (Art. 17.1); Enforcement of environmental laws (Art. 17.3); Procedural matters: ensuring that judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative proceedings to sanction or remedy violations of its environmental laws (Art. 17.4); Voluntary mechanisms to enhance environmental performance (Art. 17.5); Establishing an Environmental Affairs Council (Art. 17.6); Opportunities for public participation in environmental protection (Art. 17.7); Submissions on enforcement matters when a Party is failing to effectively enforce its environmental laws (Art. 17.8); Environmental cooperation: Recognition of the importance of strengthening capacity to protect the environment and to promote sustainable development in concert with strengthening trade and investment relations (Art. 17.10); Collaborative environmental consultations and panel procedure (Art. 17.11); Establishing an environmental roster (Art. 17.12); Definition of environmental law such as the prevention or control of the emission of pollutants or environmental contaminants, the control of environmentally hazardous or toxic chemicals or the protection or conservation of wild flora and fauna etc. (Art. 17. 14); The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 and in Article XIV(b) of the GATS include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health (Art. 21.1)",1,"Reference to the multilateral environmental agreements (unspecified) (Art. 17.2; Art. 17.13); Reference to the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Panama on Environmental Cooperation (“ECA”) (Art. 17.7); Reference to the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (“NAAEC”) (Art. 17.8); Reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973; the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1987; the Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973; the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl; the Convention for the Establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, 1949 (all Annex 17.2 p. 265); Annex 17.10 on Environmental Cooperation (p. 266f); Reference to Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 and in Article XIV(b) of the GATS (Art. 21.1)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Measures against illegal activities: A false certification by an exporter or a producer in its territory that a good to be exported to the territory of the other Party is originating shall be subject to penalties (Art. 4.18); Customs cooperation: Providing information that would assist in determining whether an importer or exporter is in compliance with that Party’s laws or regulations governing importations, in particular those related to the prevention of smuggling (Art. 5.5); A Party may prevent a money transfer through application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offenses (Art. 10.8; Art. 11.10); Treatment in case of strife: Acoording to investors of the other Party non-discriminatory treatment with respect to measures it adopts relating to losses suffered by investments in its territory owing to armed conflict or civil strife (Art. 10.6); Nothing shall prevent a Party from taking measures to protect public health by promoting access to medicines for all, in particular concerning cases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and other epidemics as well as circumstances of extreme urgency or national emergency (Art. 15.12)",Annexes and Appendices are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 781,781,781,781,PRY_VEN,Paraguay Venezuela,2008,Paraguay Venezuela 2008.pdf,PY-VE,PY-VE,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"""Reaffirming the principles of food security""; ""Reaffirming the principles and objectives of the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980""; ""consolidation of the integration process of South America in the context of Latin-American integration""; ""integration… is an effective instrument to promote comprehensive development, face poverty and eliminate social exclusion"" ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 644,644,644,644,PER_SGP,Peru Singapore,2008,Peru Singapore 2008.pdf,PE-SG,PE-SG,0,1,2009,0,,1,Peru Singapore,40024,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Peru Singapore,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,,1,"Customs cooperation in the investigation and prevention of prima facie customs offences (Art. 5.5); Penalties: Adoptiong measures that provide for the imposition of civil, criminal or administrative penalties for violations of respective customs laws (Art. 5.9); Any penalty shall be subject to the domestic law of each Party that is dealing with the offence under its jurisdiction (Art. 5.18; Art. 5.19)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in Chapter 10 on Investment shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health or the conservation of living or nonliving exhaustible natural resources (Art. 10.); Investment and Environment: ensuring that investment activity is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (Art. 10.8); The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 / Article XIV(b) of the GATS include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health (Art. 18.1)",1,Reference to Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 / Article XIV(b) of the GATS (Art. 18.1),0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Emphasis on the need to ensure border security (Art. 12.1); Each Party shall grant temporary entry to business persons who are otherwise qualified for entry under applicable measures relating to safety and national security (Art. 12.4),0,,"See for example measures against illegal activities: If the Certification of Origin is fraudulent, the importing Party may apply the appropriate measures as provided in Article 5.9 (Penalties) (Art. 5.14), A false Certification of Origin shall be subject to penalties that are sufficiently deterrent (Art. 5.19); Compensation of investment losses in the case of strife (Art. 10.6); A Party may prevent a money transfer through the application of its laws relating to criminal or penal offences / ensuring compliance with social security, public retirement or compulsory savings schemes (Art. 10.11; Art. 11.10); Emphasis to protect the domestic labor force and permanent employment in the respective territories (Art. 12.1); Protection from fraudulent and deceptive commercial practices: adopting measures to protect consumers from fraudulent and deceptive commercial practices when they engage in electronic commerce (Art. 13.2)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 771,771,771,771,PER_THA,Peru Thailand,2005,Peru Thailand 2005.pdf,PE-TH,PE-TH,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,"The Parties agree that their customs administrations shall provide each other mutual assistance to prevent breaches in customs legislation (Art.6.2, p.3); In case of doubts relating to the authenticity of the certificate of origin, the truthfulness of the information contained in the certificate or the presumption of breach of the provisions of this Annex, the customs authorities of the importing Party may require a guarantee equivalent to the value of the corresponding customs duty or its payment, in accordance with their respective domestic legislation (Annex 2, Art.17, p.11 of Annex 2); In case of doubts relating to the authenticity of the certificate of origin, the truthfulness of the information contained in the certificate or the presumption of breach of the provisions of this Annex, the competent authority of the importing Party may initiate an investigation (Annex 2, Art.18.1, p.12 of Annex 2); If, as a result of the investigation of origin: it is verified that the certificate contains false information or that the good does not qualify as originating, the importing Party shall collect the corresponding liens or shall honor the guaranties. Additionally, the importing Party may apply the corresponding sanctions according to its domestic laws (Annex 2, Art.20, p.13 of Annex 2); Each Party shall adopt or keep measures that allow the imposition of civil, administrative and criminal sanctions in case of any violation regarding the certification of origin (Annex 2, Art.21, p.13 of Annex 2); The customs administrations of both Parties shall provide each other mutual assistance to prevent significant differences in customs legislation as well as to protect the economical, fiscal, social and trade interests of each country (Annex Art.5, Art.5, p.2 of Annex 5); Where a Party has reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity related to its laws and regulations governing importation, it may request the other Party in writing for information (Annex 5, Art.6, p.2 of Annex 5); Each Party shall adopt or keep measures that allow it to impose civil, administrative and criminal sanctions in case of any violation to its customs laws and regulations (Annex 5, Art.11, p.4 of Annex 5)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"An arbitral tribunal shall make its award in accordance with this Protocol and its Annexes and applicable rules of international law (Annex 7, Art.7, p.4)",0,,0,,0,,"The customs administrations of each Party shall work together in order to have customs reports in electronic media as soon as possible (Annex 5, Art.8, p.3 of Annex 5)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 645,645,645,645,PER_USA,Peru US,2006,Peru United States 2006.pdf,PE-US,PE-US,0,1,2009,0,,1,US Peru,39847,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,United States Peru,,,,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,4,2,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Promote economic development in order to reduce poverty and generate opportunities for sustainable economic alternatives to drug-crop production; Create new employment opportunities and improve labor conditions and living standards in their respective territories; Promote transparency and prevent and combat corruption, including bribery, in international trade and investment; Protect, enhance, and enforce basic workers’ rights, strengthen their cooperation on labor matters, and build on their respective international commitments on labor matters; Implement this Agreement in a manner consistent with environmental protection and conservation, promote sustainable development, and strengthen their cooperation on environmental matters; Reference to the Marrakesh Agremment Establishing the WTO; Reference to the Cartagena Agreement",1,"Cooperation for purposes of: enforcing and deterring circumvention of the laws, regulations, and procedures; technical assistance for these purposes (Art.3.2, p.640); A Party may deny preferential tariff treatment to an imported good where there are false or unsupported declarations or certifications that a good imported into its territory is an originating good (Art.4.18, p.723); A false certification shall be subject to penalties (Art.4.20, p.725); Prevention of unlawful activities (Art.5.5, p.832); Each Party shall adopt or maintain measures that allow for the imposition of civil or administrative penalties and, where appropriate, criminal sanctions for violations of its customs laws and regulations (Art.5.9, p.834); If a requester provides false information or omits relevant facts or circumstances relating to the advance ruling, or does not act in accordance with the ruling’s terms and conditions, the importing Party may apply appropriate measures, including civil, criminal, and administrative actions, monetary penalties, or other sanctions (Art.5.10, p.834); The Parties recognize the importance of maintaining and adopting transparent and effective measures to protect consumers from fraudulent and deceptive commercial practices when they engage in electronic commerce (Art.15.5, p.1000); Each Party commits to combat trade associated with illegal logging and illegal trade in wildlife (Annex 18.3.4, 1, p.1057); Peru shall: increase the number and effectiveness of personnel devoted to enforcing Peru’s laws, regulations, and other measures relating to the harvest of, and trade in, timber products, with a view to substantially reducing illegal logging and associated trade (Annex 18.3.4, 3, p.1057); The Parties shall cooperate for the purpose of enforcing or assisting in the enforcement, and deterring circumvention, of the laws, regulations, and other measures of each Party related to forest sector governance (Annex 18.3.4, 5, p.1061); The Parties affirm their commitment to prevent and combat corruption, including bribery, in international trade and investment; The Parties are hereby committed to promoting, facilitating, and supporting international cooperation in the prevention and fight against corruption (Art.19.7; p.1067); The Parties recognize the importance of regional and multilateral initiatives to prevent and combat corruption, including bribery, in international trade and investment. The Parties shall work jointly to encourage and support appropriate initiatives in relevant international fora (Art.19.8, p.1067); Each Party shall adopt or maintain the necessary legislative or other measures to establish that it is a criminal offense under its law for a public official of that Party or a person who performs public functions for that Party intentionally to solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, any article of monetary value or other benefit in exchange for any act or omission in the performance of his public functions; Penalties to enforce criminal measures; Each Party shall endeavor to adopt or maintain appropriate measures to protect persons who, in good faith, report acts of corruption, including bribery (Art.19.9, p.1067)",1,"Reference to the 1996 Inter-American Convention Against Corruption and the 2003 United Nations Convention Against Corruption (Art.19.8, p.1067)",1,"The United States reserves the right to adopt or maintain the following services to the extent they are social services established or maintained for a public purpose: income security or insurance, social security or insurance (Annex 2, p.11); Peru reserves the right to adopt or maintain the following services to the extent that they are social services established or maintained for a public purpose: income security and insurance, social security (Annex 2, p.78); Reference to the ILO (Art.17.1, p.1033); Each Party shall adopt and maintain the following rights: freedom of association; the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of compulsory or forced labor; the effective abolition of child labor and, for purposes of this Agreement, a prohibition on the worst forms of child labor; and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation (Art.17.2, p.1033); A Party shall not fail to effectively enforce its labor laws, including those it adopts or maintains in accordance with Article 17.2.1 (Art.17.3, p.1033); Each Party shall ensure that persons with a legally recognized interest in a particular matter have appropriate access to tribunals for the enforcement of the Party’s labor laws (Art.17.4); Each Party shall promote public awareness of its labor laws, including by: ensuring the availability of public information related to its labor laws and enforcement and compliance procedures and encouraging education of the public regarding its labor laws (Art.17.4, p.3035); Support, as appropriate, from international organizations such as the ILO, the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, and the Organization of American States, to advance common commitments regarding labor matters (Art.17.5, p.3036); Recognizing that cooperation on labor issues plays an important role in advancing development in the territory of the Parties and in enhancing opportunities to improve labor standards, the Parties hereby establish a Labor Cooperation and Capacity Building Mechanism (Art.17.6, p.1037); Labor laws means a Party’s statutes and regulations, or provisions thereof, that are directly related to the following internationally recognized labor rights: freedom of association; the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor; the effective abolition of child labor, a prohibition on the worst forms of child labor, and other labor protections for children and minors; the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation; and acceptable conditions of work with respect to minimum wages, hours of work, and occupational safety and health (Art.17.8, p.1038); Developing and pursuing bilateral or regional cooperation activities on labor issues, which may include for example: fundamental rights at work; public awareness of the principles and rights contained in the ILO Declaration; elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor; the effective abolition of child labor; the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation; occupational safety and health (enumeration of labour rights issues) (Annex 17.6, 2, p.1040-1042); Technical assistance, exchange of information, development of studies etc. to carry out activities above (Annex 17.6, 3, p.1042)",1,"Reference to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-Up (1998) (Art.17.2, p.1033); Reference to the ILO Declaration and ILO Convention No. 182 Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (1999) (Art.17.6, p.1037)",1,"Reference to environmental measures (Art.10.9, p.895); Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting, maintaining, or enforcing any measure otherwise consistent with this Chapter that it considers appropriate to ensure that investment activity in its territory is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental concerns (exception) (Art.10.11, p.896); To promote the optimal use of resources in accordance with the objective of sustainable development (Ch.18, Objectives, p.1043); Recognizing the sovereign right of each Party to establish its own levels of domestic environmental protection and environmental development priorities, and to adopt or modify accordingly its environmental laws and policies, each Party shall strive to ensure that those laws and policies provide for and encourage high levels of environmental protection (Art.18.1, p.1043); A Party shall adopt, maintain, and implement laws, regulations, and all other measures to fulfill its obligations under the multilateral environmental agreements listed in Annex 18.2 (Art.18.2, p.1043); A Party shall not fail to effectively enforce its environmental laws; The Parties recognize that it is inappropriate to encourage trade or investment by weakening or reducing the protections afforded in their respective environmental laws (Art.18.3, p.1043-1044); Each Party shall ensure that interested persons may request the Party’s competent authorities to investigate alleged violations of its environmental laws, Each Party shall provide appropriate and effective sanctions or remedies for violations of that Party’s environmental laws (Art.18.4, p.1044-1045); The Parties recognize that flexible, voluntary, and incentive-based mechanisms can contribute to the achievement and maintenance of environmental protection (Art.18.5, p.1046); Reference to the Environmerntal Cooperation Agreement (ECA) begtween Peru and the US (Art.18.6, p.1047; Art.18.9, p.1050; Art.18.11 p.1052); Each Party shall promote public awareness of its environmental laws (Art.18.7, p.1047); Any person of a Party may file a submission asserting that a Party is failing to effectively enforce its environmental laws (Art.18.8, p.1048); The Parties recognize the importance of strengthening their capacity to protect the environment and of promoting sustainable development (Art.18.10, p.1051); The Parties recognize the importance of the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and their role in achieving sustainable development (Art.18.11, p.1051); The Parties recognize that multilateral environmental agreements (unspecified) to which they are all party, play an important role globally and domestically in protecting the environment (Art.18.13, p.1053); The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of the GATT 1994 include environmental measures and that Article XX(g) of the GATT 1994 applies to measures relating to the conservation of living and non-living exhaustible natural resources (exceptions) (Art.22.1, p.1087); Nothing in this Annex shall be construed to prevent any state entity from applying restrictions that promote the general environmental quality in that state (exception) (Notes to the Schedule of the United States, 3, p.1104)",1,"A Party shall adopt, maintain, and implement laws, regulations, and all other measures to fulfill its obligations under the multilateral environmental agreements listed in Annex 18.2 (“covered agreements”) (Art.18.2); Reference to the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) (Art.18.8, p.1049); The Parties recognize that multilateral environmental agreements (unspecified) to which they are all party, play an important role globally and domestically in protecting the environment (Art.18.13); Reference to: the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, done at Washington, March 3, 1973; the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, done at Montreal, September 16, 1987; The Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, done at London, February 17, 1978; The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, done at Ramsar, February 2, 1971; The Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, done at Canberra, May 20, 1980; The International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, done at Washington, December 2, 1946; and the Convention for the Establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, done at Washington, May 31, 1949 (Annex 18.2, p.1056); Article XX and XX(b) of the GATT 1994 (Art.22.1, p.1087); ",1,"The United States reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure according rights or preferences to socially or economically disadvantaged minorities (Annex 2, p.11)",0,,1,"Each Party shall accord to covered investments treatment in accordance with customary international law, including fair and equitable treatment and full protection and security (Art.10.5, p.890); The tribunal shall apply such rules of international law as may be applicable (Art.10.22, p.907); The Parties confirm their shared understanding that “customary international law” generally and as specifically referenced in Article 10.5 results from a general and consistent practice of States that they follow from a sense of legal obligation. With regard to Article 10.5, the customary international law minimum standard of treatment of aliens refers to all customary international law principles that protect the economic rights and interests of aliens (Annex 10-A, p.916)",1,"Reference to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) (Art.10.16, 3-4, p.900; Art.10.20, 4, p.904; Art.10.25, 8, p.909; Art.10.26, 6, p.911; Art.10.28, p.915)",1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed: to preclude a Party from applying measures that it considers necessary for the fulfillment of its obligations with respect to the maintenance or restoration of international peace or security (exception) (Art.22.2, p.1087)",0,,"Prevent smuggling (Art.5.5, p.832); The United States reserves the right to maintain the following services: social welfare, public education, public training, health, and child care (Annex 2, p.11); Peru reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure giving preferential treatment to persons of other countries pursuant to any existing or future bilateral or multilateral international agreement between Peru and any such country containing specific commitments regarding cultural cooperation or co-production by cultural industries, including audio-visual cooperation agreements (Annex 2, p.72); Peru reserves the right to adopt or maintain the following services to the extent that they are social services established or maintained for a public purpose: social welfare, public education, public training, health, and childcare (Annex 2, p.78); Cooperation in competition policy and competition law enforcement (Art.13.3, p.979); Each Party shall ensure that enterprises of another Party have access to and use of any public telecommunications service (Art.14.2, p.984); Recognizing that trade capacity building is a catalyst for the reforms and investments necessary to foster poverty reduction (Art.20.4, p.1072); This Chapter does not apply to preferences or restrictions associated with programs promoting the development of distressed areas, or businesses owned by minorities, disabled veterans, or women (exception) (Notes to the Schedule of the United States, 2, p.1104)",Note: Annex 2 is included twice in the pdf!,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,818,818,PSE_TUR,PLO Turkey,2004,,PS-TR,PS-TR,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,2,,2,2,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,Considering the difference in economic and social development existing between the Parties and the need to intensify existing efforts to promote economic and social development in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip; Considering the importance of the Middle East peace process (Reference to the Oslo Agreements),0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Possible extention of cooperation on areas of environment (Art. 32); Exchanging of scientific and technical information and experiences relating to forestry, and water resources (Art. 37)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objective of the Agreement: Raising the living standards of the Parties (Art. 1); Economic assistance: Assisting the Palestinian side on the road to economic development (Art. 29), supporting the Palestinian Authority's own efforts to achieve sustainable economic and social development (Art. 29), cooperation and technical assistance especially in the fields of Palestinian infant industries and sectors undergoing restructuring (Art. 30), capacity building and training programs for Palestine (Art. 30), encouraging inter-regional cooperation (Art. 30), Economic cooperation and technical assistance by transfer of advice, expertise and training, technical, administrative and regulatory assistance etc. (Art. 31); Creation of a stable environment for investment in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (Art. 33), supporting the Palestinian Authority in its efforts to modernize and diversify its industry (Art. 36); Primary field of cooperation: Tourism (Art. 32, Art. 39), possible extention of cooperation on areas of information, telecommunication, energy, scientific and technological cooperation, higher education and regional issues (Art. 32); Exchanging of scientific and technical information and experiences relating to agriculture and rural development (Art. 37); Cooperation in customs: technical assistance provided by experts from Turkish side (Art. 40); Provisions on payments and transfers are without prejudice to the equitable, nondiscriminatory application of the respective legislation in connection with criminal offences (Art. 23) ",Protocols and Annexes are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 646,646,646,646,POL_TUR,Poland Turkey,1999,Poland Turkey 1999.pdf,PL-TR,PL-TR,0,1,2000,1,2004,1,Turkey Poland,36706,GATT Art. XXIV,Poland Turkey,Poland Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Technological co-operation,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of health and life of humans, animals or plants including environmental measures (Art. 16) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Services not encoded; Annexes and the Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,819,819,TPSOIC,"Preferential Tariff Scheme, Organisation of the Islamic Conference (TPS OIC) PRETAS",2005,,BD-CM-EG-GN-IR-JO-LB-LY-MY-PK-SN-SY-TN-TR-UG-AE,BD-CM-EG-GN-IR-JO-LB-LY-MY-PK-SN-SY-TN-TR-UG-AE,0,1,2010,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,16,,3,6,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Promoting welfare among the OIC member states; Recognizing the special needs of the Least Developed Member States of OIC,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 647,647,647,647,PTN,Protocol on Trade Negotiations (PTN),1971,ProtocolTradeNegotiations.pdf,BR-CL-EG-GR-IN-IL-MX-PE-KR-PK-PH-ES-TN-TR-UY-RS,BR-CL-EG-GR-IN-IL-MX-PE-KR-PK-PH-ES-TN-TR-UY-RS,0,1,1973,0,,1,Protocol on Trade Negotiations (PTN),26246,Enabling Clause,Protocol on Trade Negotiations (PTN),,,,PTA,1,2,16,120,3,6,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Determined to contribute to the development of their economies and to promote a sustained increase in their standards of living through efforts based on their mutual co-operation; Recalling that trade expansion, economic co-operation and economic integration among developing countries have been accepted as important elements of an international development strategy and as making an essential contribution to the economic development of developing countries; ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 647,647_1,647001,964,PTN_m1b,Protocol on Trade Negotiations (PTN) withdrawal Greece,1981,,BR-CL-EG-IN-IL-MX-PE-KR-PK-PH-TN-TR-UY-RS-ES,BR-CL-EG-IN-IL-MX-PE-KR-PK-PH-TN-TR-UY-RS-ES,0,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Determined to contribute to the development of their economies and to promote a sustained increase in their standards of living through efforts based on their mutual co-operation; Recalling that trade expansion, economic co-operation and economic integration among developing countries have been accepted as important elements of an international development strategy and as making an essential contribution to the economic development of developing countries; ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 647,647_2,647002,965,PTN_m1a,Protocol on Trade Negotiations (PTN) withdrawal Spain,1987,,BR-CL-EG-IN-IL-MX-PE-KR-PK-PH-TN-TR-UY-RS,BR-CL-EG-IN-IL-MX-PE-KR-PK-PH-TN-TR-UY-RS,0,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Determined to contribute to the development of their economies and to promote a sustained increase in their standards of living through efforts based on their mutual co-operation; Recalling that trade expansion, economic co-operation and economic integration among developing countries have been accepted as important elements of an international development strategy and as making an essential contribution to the economic development of developing countries; ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 772,772,772,772,ESAFRICAN,PTA for Eastern and Southern African States,1981,PTA for Eastern and Southern African States 1981.pdf,AO-BW-BI-KM-CD-DJ-ET-KE-LS-MG-MW-MU-MZ-RW-SC-SO-SZ-TZ-UG-ZM-ZW,AO-BW-BI-KM-CD-DJ-ET-KE-LS-MG-MW-MU-MZ-RW-SC-SO-SZ-TZ-UG-ZM-ZW,0,1,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,21,210,3,3,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,"Conscious of the overriding need to foster, accelerate and encourage the economic and social development of their States in order to improve the living standards of their peoples; Convinced that the promotion of harmonious economic development of their States calls for effective economic co-operation; Reference to the African Declaration on Co-operation, Development and Economic Independence of 1973; Reference to the Organisation of African Unity; Having in mind the principles of international law governing relations between nations",1,"The Member States agree that goods being imported or re-exported in contravention of the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 3 shall not benefit from the transit facilities and privileges provded for in this Treaty (Art.19.4, p.19)",0,,0,,0,,1,"Notwithstanding the provisions of this Article, a Member State may, after having given notice to the other Member State of its intention to do so, introduce or continue to impose restrictions or prohibitions affecting: the control of nuclear materials, radio-active products or any other material used in the development or exploitation of nuclear energy (exceptions) (Art.16, p.20)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Notwithstanding the provisions of this Article, a Member State may, after having given notice to the other Member State of its intention to do so, introduce or continue to impose restrictions or prohibitions affecting: the application of security laws and regulations; the control of arms, ammunition and other war equipment and military items; the control of nuclear materials, radio-active products or any other material used in the development or exploitation of nuclear energy (exceptions) (Art.16, p.20)",0,,"This PTA aims to promote co-operation and development in all fields of economic activity such as: customs, industry, transport, communications, and natural resources with the aim of raising the standard of living of its peoples (Art.3, p.6); Improve and expand existing transport and communications links and establish new ones (Art.23, p.22); Enhance industrial development (Art.24, p.23); Common policy with regard to the standardization and quality control of goods (Art.27, p.23); Promote the establishment ot direct contacts between, and regulate the exchange of information among, their commercial organizations such as State trading corporations, export promotion and marketing organizations, chambers of commerce, associations of businessmen and trade information and publicity centres; promote the establishment of common training programmes and institutions (Art.28, p.24); Creation of the ""The Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank"" to: provide financial and technical assistance to promote the economic and social development of the Member States, and co-operate with other institutions and organizations which are interested in the economic and social development of the Member States (Art.32-33, p.26); The Preferential Trade Area shall maintain such continuous working relations with the Organization of African Unity, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (Art.43.3, p.31)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 648,648,648,648,ROU_SRB,Romania Serbia,2003,Romania Serbia Montenegro 2004.pdf,RO-RS,RO-RS,0,1,2004,1,2006,1,Romania Serbia and Montenegro,38397,GATT Art. XXIV,Serbia-Montenegro-Romania,Romania Serbia+Montenegro,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,"Objective to preserve and protect the environment and to ensure an optimal use of natural resources; Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; strenghtening the economic integration in Europe as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Reference to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Paris Charter",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of environment (Art. 17) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Protocol 3 is not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 649,649,649,649,ROU_SVK,Romania Slovakia,1994,Romania Slovak Republic 1994.pdf,RO-SK,RO-SK,0,1,1995,1,2004,1,Slovak Republic Romania Free Trade Agreement,35223,GATT Art. XXIV,,Slovak Republic Romania FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,"Recalling their intention to participate actively in the process of economic integration as an important dimension of the stability on the European continent; Recalling their firm commitment to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter; Firmly convinced that this Agreement will contribute to the process of integration in Europe; Considering that no provision of this Agreement may be interpreted as exempting the Parties from their obligations under other international agreements (unspecified); ",0,,0,,1,"To foster the improvement of employment conditions (Art.1, p.2)",0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the conservation of exhaustible natural resources (exception) (Art.18)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.18, p.6); Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any appropriate measure which it considers necessary for the implementation of international obligations or national policies provided that such measures do not impair the conditions of competition in respect of products not intended for specifically military purposes, or relating to the non-proliferation of biological and chemical weapons, nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices (exceptions) (Art.19, p.6)",0,,"To foster in the Parties the advance of economic activity, the improvement of living conditions (Art.1, p.2)",Annexes and protocols missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 650,650,650,650,ROU_TUR,Romania Turkey,1997,Romania Turkey 1997.pdf,RO-TR,RO-TR,0,1,1998,1,2006,1,Romania Turkey,18-May-98,GATT Art. XXIV,Romania Turkey,Romania Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,"Commitment to pluralistic democracy based on the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms; the Agreement shall contribute to the process of integration in Europe",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of environment (Art. 20) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which relate to the production of arms, ammunition or war materials or to research, development or the production indispensable for defense purposes (Art. 21) (Exceptions); nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order (Art. 21) (Exceptions)",0,,,Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 651,651,651,651,RUS_SRB_MNE,Russia Serbia and Montenegro,2000,,RU-RS,RU-RS,0,0,,0,,0,,,,,Russia Serbia+Montenegro,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,1,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 652,652,652,652,RUS_TJK,Russia Tajikistan,1992,,RU-TJ,RU-TJ,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Russia Tajikistan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 653,653,653,653,RUS_TKM,Russia Turkmenistan,1992,,RU-TM,RU-TM,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Russia Turkmenistan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 654,654,654,654,RUS_UKR,Russia Ukraine,1993,Russia Ukraine 1993.pdf,RU-UA,RU-UA,0,1,1994,0,,1,Ukraine Russian Federation,39678,GATT Art. XXIV,Russian Federation Ukraine,Russia Ukraine,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in the Agreement shall hinder any of the Contracting Parties to take measures it considers necessary for the protection of its vital interests if these measures concern research or production related to the needs of defense (Art. 10) (Exceptions),0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 655,655,655,655,RUS_UZB,Russia Uzbekistan,1992,,RU-UZ,RU-UZ,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Russia Uzbekistan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 773,773,773,773,SAU_SYR1,Saudi Arabia Syria,1955,,SA-SY,SA-SY,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 774,774,774,774,SAU_SYR2,Saudi Arabia Syria,2001,,SA-SY,SA-SY,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 656,656,656,656,SAU_ARE,Saudi Arabia UAE,1978,Saudi Arabia UAE 1978.pdf,SA-AE,SA-AE,0,1,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,1,"Their nationals shall be equal and without any discrimination for the following: The right of work and employment (Art.1, p.1)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Cooperation and non-discrimination in the right of ownership and heritage according to the rules in force in the two countries on the basis of similar treatment (Art.1, p.4); Joint projects of economic development (Art.2, p.4)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 776,776,776,776,SEN_TUN1,Senegal Tunisia,1962,,SN-TN,SN-TN,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 657,657,657,657,SRB_TUR,Serbia Turkey ,2009,Serbia Turkey 2009.doc,RS-TR,RS-TR,0,1,2010,0,,1,Turkey Serbia,40400,GATT Art. XXIV,,,,,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the “Agreement Establishing an Association between the Republic of Turkey and the European Economic Community” and the “Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Serbia”; Economic restructuring and modernisation,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit, justified on grounds of the protection of environment or the conservation of exhaustible natural resources (exception) (Art.32, p.17)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the Parties from taking any measures for the implementation of international obligations or national policies relating to the non-proliferation of biological and chemical weapons, nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices (exceptions) (Art.31, p.17); This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit, justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.32, p.17)",0,,"An objective of the Agreement is to raise the living standard of the population (Art.1, p.4)",Protocols and annexes missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 658,658,658,658,SGP_USA,Singapore US,2003,Singapore United States 2003.pdf,SG-US,SG-US,0,1,2004,0,,1,US Singapore,17-Dec-03,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,United States Singapore,Singapore United States Free Trade Agreement with Annexes and Exchange of Letters,FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,1,2,1,2,6,2,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,"Recognizing that economic development, social development, and environmental protection are interdependent and mutually reinforcing components of sustainable development; Desiring to promote transparency and to eliminate bribery and corruption in business transactions; Raising the standard of living and creation of new employment opportunities through the liberalized trade in goods and services; Consistency with the protection and enhancement of the environment, including through regional environmental cooperative activities and implementation of multilateral environmental agreements",1,"Customs Administration: Measuress when there is a reasonable suspicion of apparent offense in cases of fraud and unlawful activity related to laws or regulations governing importations, measures related to the prevention or investigation of unlawful shipments (Art. 4.5), criminal penalties for violations of customs laws and regulations (Art. 4.7); Enforcing laws relating to circumvention in the fields of textiles and apparels, penalties that effectively deter such circumventions (Art. 5.2), monitoring systems to ascertain whether a violation of laws relating to trade in textile and apparel goods or an act of circumvention has occurred (Art. 5.3), general cooperation relating to circumvention such as facilitating the gathering by the other Party’s enforcement authorities of information relevant to circumvention, briefment of observations made at shipments and enterprises relating to circumvention etc. (Art. 5.3), enforcement action to address any violations of laws relating to circumvention (Art. 5.4), consultations when there a circumvention relating to trade between the Parties is occurring (Art. 5.8), definition of circumvention (Art. 5.11)",0,,1,"Ch. 17 ""Labour"": The Parties reaffirm their obligations as members of the International Labor Organization (AILO”)... Each Party shall strive to ensure that such labor principles and the internationally recognized labor rights set forth in Article 17.7 are recognized and protected by domestic law. Recognizing the right of each Party to establish its own domestic labor standards, and to adopt or modify accordingly its labor laws and regulations, each Party shall strive to ensure that its laws provide for labor standards consistent with the internationally recognized labor rights set forth in Article 17.7 and shall strive to improve those standards in that light. (Art.17.1); A Party shall not fail to effectively enforce its labor laws, through a sustained or recurring course of action or inaction, in a manner affecting trade between the Parties, after the date of entry into force of this Agreement (Art.17.2); 1. Each Party shall ensure that persons with a legally recognized interest under its law in a particular matter have appropriate access to administrative, quasi-judicial, judicial, or labor tribunals for the enforcement of the Party’s labor laws. 17-1 The Parties recall that paragraph 5 of this ILO Declaration states that labor standards should not be used for protectionist trade purposes (Art.17.3); Establishment of a Labor Cooperation Mechanism. Recognizing that cooperation provides enhanced opportunities to improve labor standards, and to further advance common commitments (Annex 17A); This Chapter does not apply to measures adopted or maintained by a Party relating to:(a) activities or services forming part of a public retirement plan or statutory system of social security (exception) (Art.10.5)",1,"The Parties reaffirm their ... commitments under the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up (Art.17.1); Recognizing that cooperation provides enhanced opportunities to promote respect for core labor standards embodied in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-Up and compliance with ILO Convention 182 Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor, and to further advance other common commitments, the Parties establish a Labor Cooperation Mechanism, as set out in Annex 17A to this Chapter (Art.17.5); Establishment of a Recognizing that cooperation provides enhanced opportunities to improve labor standards, and to further advance common commitments, including the June 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up (Annex 17a)",1,"The Parties understand that paragraph 1(b) includes environmental measures (exception) (Art.13.4); (c) Paragraphs 1(b), (c), and (f), and 2(a) and (b), shall not be construed to prevent a Party from adopting or maintaining measures, including environmental measures (exception) (Art.15.8); Without prejudice to the appointment of other kinds of experts where authorized by the applicable arbitration rules, a tribunal, at the request of a disputing party or, unless the disputing parties disapprove, on its own initiative, may appoint one or more experts to report to it in writing on any factual issue concerning environmental, ... matters raised by a disputing party in a proceeding (Art.15.23); Ch. 18 ""Environment"": Recognizing the right of each Party to establish its own levels of domestic environmental protection and environmental development policies and priorities, and to adopt or modify accordingly its environmental laws, each Party shall ensure that its laws provide for high levels of environmental protection and shall strive to continue to improve those laws (Art.18.1); A Party shall not fail to effectively enforce its environmental laws, through a sustained or recurring course of action or inaction, in a manner affecting trade between the Parties, after the date of entry into force of this Agreement ... The Parties recognize that it is inappropriate to encourage trade or investment by weakening or reducing the protections afforded in domestic environmental laws (Art.18.2); Each Party shall ensure that judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative proceedings are available under its law to sanction or remedy violations of its environmental laws (Art.18.3); Each Party may convene, or consult with an existing, national advisory committee, composed of representatives of its environmental and business organizations and other members of its public, to advise it on the implementation of this Chapter, as appropriates (Art.18.5); The Parties recognize the importance of strengthening capacity to protect the environment and to promote sustainable development in concert with the strengthening of trade and investment relations between them. The Parties shall, as appropriate, pursue cooperative environmental activities (Art.18.6); Art.20.7 ""NON-IMPLEMENTATION IN CERTAIN DISPUTES"" If, in its final report, a panel determines that a Party has not conformed with its obligations under Article 17.2.1(a) (Application and Enforcement of Labor Laws) or Article18.2.1(a) (Application and Enforcement of Environmental Laws) ...The panel shall determine the amount of the monetary assessment in U.S. dollars within 9 0 days after it reconvenes under paragraph 1....Assessments shall be paid into a fund established by the Joint Committee and shall be expended at the direction of the Joint Committee for appropriate labor or environmental initiatives, including efforts to improve or enhance labor or environmental law enforcement, as the case may be (Art.20.7) ",1,"The Parties recognize the critical role of multilateral environmental agreements in addressing some environmental challenges, including through the use of carefully tailored trade measures to achieve specific environmental goals and objectives (unspecified) (Art.18.8)",0,,0,,1,"The obligation in paragraph 1 to provide “full protection and security” requires each Party t o provide the level of police protection required under customary international law (Art.15.5); Subject to paragraph 2, a tribunal shall decide the issues in dispute related to an alleged breach of an obligation in Section B in accordance with this Agreement and applicable rules of international law (Art.15.21)",0,,1,"Each Party shall grant temporary entry to business persons listed in Annex 11A who are otherwise qualified for entry under applicable measures relating to public health and safety and national security (Art.11.4); Each Party may also provide exceptions to the prohibited conduct referred to in paragraph 7(a) for lawfully authorized activities carried out by government employees, agents, or contractors for the purpose of law enforcement, intelligence, national defense, essential security, or similar government activities (Art.16.4);Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed: ... to preclude a Party from applying measures that it considers necessary for the fulfillment of its obligations with respect to the maintenance or restoration of international peace or security, or the protection of its own essential security interests (Art.21.2 - note word: ""restoration"" goes beyond GATT) ",0,,"Customs Administration: Publications and notifications of new guidelines and establishing of enquiry points (Art. 4.1); Technical advice and assistance for the purpose of improving risk assessment techniques, simplifying and expediting customs procedures, advancing the technical skill of personnel to enforce laws or regulations governing importations (Art. 4.5, 4.9)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 659,659,659,659,SVK_SVN,Slovakia Slovenia,1993,Slovakia Slovenia 1993.pdf,SI-SK,SI-SK,0,1,1994,1,2004,1,Slovak Republic Slovenia Free Trade Agreement,04-May-94,GATT Art. XXIV,,Slovak Republic Slovenia FTA,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,"Recalling their firm commitment to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter;",0,,0,,1,"To foster the improvement of employment conditions (Art.1.2, p.2)",0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit, justified on grounds of the conservation of exhaustible natural resources (exception) (Art.18, p.7); ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit, justified on grounds of public security (exception) (Art.18, p.7)",0,,"To foster in the Parties the advance of economic activity, the improvement of living conditions (Art.1.2, p.2)",Annexes and Protocols missing,,,,,,,,,,,, 660,660,660,660,SVK_TUR,Slovakia Turkey,1997,Slovakia Turkey 1997.pdf,SK-TR,SK-TR,0,1,1998,1,2004,1,Slovak Republic Turkey,24-Mar-99,GATT Art. XXIV,Slovak Republic Turkey,Slovak Republic Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Technological co-operation,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of health and life of humans animals or plants including environmental measures (Art. 16) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 661,661,661,661,SVN_TUR,Slovenia Turkey,1998,Slovenia Turkey 1998.pdf,SI-TR,SI-TR,0,1,2000,1,2004,1,Turkey Slovenia,06-Mar-02,GATT Art. XXIV,Slovenia Turkey ,Slovenia Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Technological co-operation,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of the protection of health and life of humans animals or plants including environmental measures (Art. 25) (Exceptions)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,806,806,ZAF_RHODNYA,South Africa Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland,1955,,ZA-ZW-MW,ZA-ZW-MW,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,3,,3,3,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The parties agree to adopt, as far as possible, similar customs measures and procedures in order to facilitate tourism (Art.12, p.5)","NOTE: The text supplied was incorrect (it was only a communication document); therefore, the text available on the WTO website was used (available at: http://www.wto.org/gatt_docs/English/SULPDF/90690101.pdf)",,,,,,,,,,,, 663,663,663,663,ZAF_RH0,South Africa Southern Rhodesia Customs Union,1948,South Africa Southern Rhodesia 1948.pdf,ZA-ZW,ZA-ZW,0,1,1949,1,1955,1,South Africa Southern Rhodesia Customs Union,10-Mar-49,GATT Art. XXIV,,South Africa Southern Rhodesia Customs Union,CU,3,CU,3,1,2,1,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"The Governments of the Union of South Africa and Southern Rhodesia agree to co-operate to bring about conditions in which, ultimately, each country will develop to the fullest extent those industries most suited to it; Contributing to the establishment and maintenance of a high level of production, employment and real income",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Fostering industrial expansion (Art.4, p.1); The two Governments recognise the desirability of consultation and co-ordination of policy in all relevant matters (Art.4, p.1); The Parties shall have regard to the less advanced stage of industrial development in Southern Rhodesia and the importance of reasonable industrial development in that Territory (Art.7, p.3)","Note: The document available on dropbox was only a communication document. The actual fulltext is available at . Also, this is an interim agreement",,,,,,,,,,,, 664,664,664,664,ZAF_ZWE,South Africa Zimbabwe,1964,South Africa Zimbabwe 1964.pdf,ZA-ZW,ZA-ZW,0,1,1964,1,1996,0,,,,,South Africa Zimbabwe PTA (reworked in August 1996),PTA,1,,,1,2,1,3,3,1,0,0,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 777,777,777,777,ZAF_ZWE,South Africa Zimbabwe,1996,,ZA-ZW,ZA-ZW,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 666,666,666,666,SAPTA1,"South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA)",1993,SAPTA 1993.pdf,BD-BT-IN-PK-MV-NP-LK,BD-BT-IN-PK-MV-NP-LK,0,1,1995,1,2006,1,South Asian Preferential Trade Arrangement (SAPTA),35541,Enabling Clause,South Asian Preferential Trade Arrangement (SAPTA),SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA),PTA_PSA,1,PTA,1,2,7,21,3,2,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Aware that the expansion of trade could act as a powerful stimulus to the development of their national economies, by expanding investment and production, thus providing greater opportunities of employment and help securing higher living standards for their population; Reference to the Fourth SAARC Summit and Sixth SAARC Summit meetings; ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Taking into account respective levels of economic and industrial development (Art.3, p.2); Special consideration shall be given by Contracting States to requests from Least Developed Contracting States for technical assistance (Art.6, p.3); Special and more favourable treatment exclusively to the Least Developed Contracting States (Art.10, p.4; Annex 1, p.8); Developing and improving communication system (Art.12, p.4); ",,,,,,,,,,,,, 667,667,667,667,SAFTA2,South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA),2004,SAFTA 2004.pdf,BD-BT-IN-MV-NP-PK-LK,BD-BT-IN-MV-NP-PK-LK,0,1,2006,0,,1,South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA),39559,Enabling Clause,SAFTA,South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA),FTA,2,FTA,2,2,7,21,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,"Full respect for the principles of sovereign equality, independence and territorial integrity of all States; Maximising the realization of the region’s potential for development for the benefit of their people, differential treatment for the least developed countries; technolocial cooperation",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Institutional arrangements: Establishing the SAFTA Ministerial Council (SMC) and the Committee of Experts (COE) (Art. 10),0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Establishing a framework for further regional cooperation, recoginition of special needs of the Least Developed Contracting States (Art. 3); Special and Differential Treatment for the Least Developed Contracting States such as economic and technical assistance (Art. 11); Additional measures to support SAFTA such as customs cooperation, development of communication systems and transport infrastructure, visa politics (Art. 8)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 667,667+1,66701,966,SAFTA2_p1,South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) Afghanistan accession,2008,,BD-BT-IN-MV-NP-PK-LK-AF,BD-BT-IN-MV-NP-PK-LK-AF,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,8,7,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,"Full respect for the principles of sovereign equality, independence and territorial integrity of all States; Maximising the realization of the region’s potential for development for the benefit of their people, differential treatment for the least developed countries; technolocial cooperation",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Institutional arrangements: Establishing the SAFTA Ministerial Council (SMC) and the Committee of Experts (COE) (Art. 10),0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Establishing a framework for further regional cooperation, recoginition of special needs of the Least Developed Contracting States (Art. 3); Special and Differential Treatment for the Least Developed Contracting States such as economic and technical assistance (Art. 11); Additional measures to support SAFTA such as customs cooperation, development of communication systems and transport infrastructure, visa politics (Art. 8)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 668,668,668,668,SPARTECA,South Pacific Trade and Economic Co Operation Agreement (SPARTECA ),1980,SPARTECA 1980.pdf,AU-CK-FJ-KI-NZ-NU-PG-SB-TO-TV-WS,AU-CK-FJ-KI-NZ-NU-PG-SB-TO-TV-WS,0,1,1981,0,,1,South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement (SPARTECA),29593,Enabling Clause,South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement (SPARTECA),South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Agreement (SPARTECA),PTA_PSA,1,PTA,1,2,11,55,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,"Promotion of sustained economic development of the island countries in the region, mindful of the differing economic potential of Forum Island countries and their special development problems",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objectives of the Agreement: Accelerating the development of the Forum Island countries, promoting technical cooperation (Art. 2); Nothing in the Agreement shall preclude the enforcement by the Government of Australia or the Government of New Zealand of measures for the prevention of crime or unfair, deceptive and misleading practices (Exceptions) (Art. 6); Administrative and technical cooperation (Art. 8); Economic assistance: Development assistance programs for individual Forum Island countries in the fields of export development and trade promotion, industrial development and the development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (enummeration of various measures) (Art. 8), special treatment for Smaller Forum Island countries (Art. 9)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 669,669,669,669,SACU1,Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU),1969,SACU 1969.pdf,BW-LS-SZ-ZA,BW-LS-SZ-ZA,0,1,1970,1,2004,0,,,,,South African Customs Union (SACU),CU,3,,,2,4,6,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Arrangements of the Agreement shall encourage the development of the less advanced members of the customs union,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Recognition of the right of each party to prohibit or restrict the importation into or exportation from its area of any goods for social and cultural reasons (Art. 11); Rail and road traffic (Art. 15),,,,,,,,,,,,, 670,670,670,670,SACU2,Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU),2002,SACU 2002.doc,BW-LS-NA-SZ-ZA,BW-LS-NA-SZ-ZA,0,1,2004,0,,1,Southern African Customs Union (SACU),39258,GATT Art. XXIV,Southern African Customs Union (SACU) ,,,,CU,3,2,5,10,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Mindful of the different levels of economic development of the Member States and the need for their integration into the global economy,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Member States shall have the right to impose restrictions on imports or exports in accordance with national laws and regulations for the protection of the environment and exhaustible natural resources (exception) (Art.18, p.4)",0,,0,,0,,1,"The objectives of this Agreement are to create effective, transparent and democratic institutions which will ensure equitable trade benefits to Member States (Art.2, p.2); Establishment of institutions (Art.7, p.2)",0,,1,"A Member State may impose such conditions upon such transit as it deems necessary to protect its legitimate interests in respect of goods of a kind of which the importation into its area is prohibited on grounds of security (exception) (Art.24, p.5)",0,,"An objective of the Agreement Is to enhance the economic development, diversification, industrialization and competitiveness of Member States (Art.2, p.2); Member States recognize the right of each Member State to prohibit or restrict the importation into or exportation from its area of any goods for economic, social, or cultural reasons (exceptions) (Art.25, p.5); Common industrial development policy (Art.38, p.9)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 671,671,671,671,SADC1,Southern African Development Community (SADC),1992,SADC 1992.pdf,AO-BW-LS-NA-MW-MZ-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW,AO-BW-LS-NA-MW-MZ-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW,0,1,1993,0,,0,,,,SADC-Revision,,,,,,2,10,45,3,3,5,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,"Guarantee of democratic rights, observance of human rights and the rule of law; Ensuring the progress and well-being of the people of Southern Africa; Emphasis on good neighbourliness and meaningful co-operation among the countries of the region; Reference to the Lagos Plan of Action and the Final Act of Lagos of April 1980 and the Treaty establishing the African Economic Community",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Objectives of the Agreement: Achieving sustainable utilisation of natural resources and effective protection of the environment (Art. 5); Areas of cooperation: natural resources and environment (Art. 21),0,,1,"Principles of the Agreement: Human rights (Art. 4); General untertakings: SADC and Member States shall not discriminate against any person on grounds of gender, religion, race, ethnic origin (Art. 6)",0,,1,"Principles of the Agreement: democracy, and the rule of law (Art. 4); Objectives of the Agreement: evolving common political values, systems and institutions (Art. 5); General untertakings: SADC and Member States shall not discriminate against any person on grounds of political views (Art. 6); Establishment of Insitutions (Art. 9): The Summit of Heads of State or Government (Art. 10), the Council of Ministers (Art. 11), commissions (Art. 12), the Standing Committee of Officials (Art. 13), the Secretariat (Art. 14), the Executive Secretary (Art. 15), the Tribunal (Art. 16); Decision by Consensus (Art. 19); Areas of cooperation: politics, diplomacy, international relations (Art. 21)",0,,1,"Principles of the Agreement: peace and security, peaceful settlement of disputes (Art. 4); Objectives of the Agreement: promoting and defending peace and security (Art. 5); Areas of cooperation: peace and security (Art. 21)",0,,"Legal status of SADC (Art. 3); Principles of the Agreement: solidarity, equity, balance and mutual benefit (Art. 4); Objectives of the Agreement: alleviating poverty, enhancing the standard and quality of life of the people of Southern Africa and supporting the socially disadvantaged through regional integration, promoting employment and utilisation of resources of the Region, strengthening the long standing historical, social and cultural affinities among the people of the Region (Art. 5); initiatives to develop social and cultural ties across the Region, promoting the development of human resources, promoting the development of technology (Art. 5); General undertakings: SADC and Member States shall not discriminate against any person on grounds of gender, culture or disability (Art. 6); Provisions on membership and admission of new members (Art. 7, Art. 8); Areas of Cooperation: Fostering regional development and integration: human resources development, science and technology, social welfare, information and culture (Art. 21); Involving fully the people of the region and non-governmental organisations in the process of regional integration and development efforts (Art. 23, Art. 24) ",Founding document of SADC (most about institution building),,,,,,,,,,,, 672,672,672,672,SADC2,Southern African Development Community (SADC),1996,SADC 1996.pdf,BW-LS-MU-MW-MZ-NA-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW-ZA,BW-LS-MU-MW-MZ-NA-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW-ZA,0,1,2000,0,,1,Southern African Development Community (SADC),38201,GATT Art. XXIV,SADC,South African Development Community (SADC) (outgrowth of the Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) established in 1980) (treaty establishing SADC to replace SADCC agreed 8/17/92),FTA_CU,3,FTA,2,2,11,55,3,3,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Convinced of the need to combat illicit trade within the Community; the creation of a viable Development Community in Southern Africa,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in the Protocol shall be construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures by a Member State relating to the conservation of the environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 6),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objectives of the Agreement: enhancing the economic development and industrialisation of the Region (Art. 2); Nothing in the Protocol shall be construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures by a Member State necessary to prevent deceptive trade practices or to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs (added to exceptions) (Art. 6); Developing co-operation and concluding agreements with third countries and international organisations (Art. 30),Annexex have not been added,,,,,,,,,,,, 672,672+3,67203,969,SADC2_p1c,Southern African Development Community (SADC) Angola accession,2003,,BW-LS-MU-MW-MZ-NA-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW-ZA-CD-SC-AO,BW-LS-MU-MW-MZ-NA-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW-ZA-CD-SC-AO,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,14,13,3,3,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Convinced of the need to combat illicit trade within the Community; the creation of a viable Development Community in Southern Africa,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in the Protocol shall be construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures by a Member State relating to the conservation of the environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 6),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objectives of the Agreement: enhancing the economic development and industrialisation of the Region (Art. 2); Nothing in the Protocol shall be construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures by a Member State necessary to prevent deceptive trade practices or to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs (added to exceptions) (Art. 6); Developing co-operation and concluding agreements with third countries and international organisations (Art. 30),Annexex have not been added,,,,,,,,,,,, 672,672+1,67201,970,SADC2_p1a,Southern African Development Community (SADC) DR Congo accession,1997,,BW-LS-MU-MW-MZ-NA-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW-ZA-CD,BW-LS-MU-MW-MZ-NA-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW-ZA-CD,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,12,11,3,3,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Convinced of the need to combat illicit trade within the Community; the creation of a viable Development Community in Southern Africa,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in the Protocol shall be construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures by a Member State relating to the conservation of the environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 6),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objectives of the Agreement: enhancing the economic development and industrialisation of the Region (Art. 2); Nothing in the Protocol shall be construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures by a Member State necessary to prevent deceptive trade practices or to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs (added to exceptions) (Art. 6); Developing co-operation and concluding agreements with third countries and international organisations (Art. 30),Annexex have not been added,,,,,,,,,,,, 672,672+4,67204,971,SADC2_p1d,Southern African Development Community (SADC) Madagascar accession,2006,,BW-LS-MU-MW-MZ-NA-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW-ZA-CD-SC-AO-MG,BW-LS-MU-MW-MZ-NA-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW-ZA-CD-SC-AO-MG,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,15,14,3,3,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Convinced of the need to combat illicit trade within the Community; the creation of a viable Development Community in Southern Africa,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in the Protocol shall be construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures by a Member State relating to the conservation of the environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 6),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objectives of the Agreement: enhancing the economic development and industrialisation of the Region (Art. 2); Nothing in the Protocol shall be construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures by a Member State necessary to prevent deceptive trade practices or to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs (added to exceptions) (Art. 6); Developing co-operation and concluding agreements with third countries and international organisations (Art. 30),Annexex have not been added,,,,,,,,,,,, 671,671+2,67102,967,SADC1_p1b,Southern African Development Community (SADC) Mauritius accession,1995,,AO-BW-LS-NA-MW-MZ-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW-ZA-MU,AO-BW-LS-NA-MW-MZ-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW-ZA-MU,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,12,11,3,3,5,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,"Guarantee of democratic rights, observance of human rights and the rule of law; Ensuring the progress and well-being of the people of Southern Africa; Emphasis on good neighbourliness and meaningful co-operation among the countries of the region; Reference to the Lagos Plan of Action and the Final Act of Lagos of April 1980 and the Treaty establishing the African Economic Community",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Objectives of the Agreement: Achieving sustainable utilisation of natural resources and effective protection of the environment (Art. 5); Areas of cooperation: natural resources and environment (Art. 21),0,,1,"Principles of the Agreement: Human rights (Art. 4); General untertakings: SADC and Member States shall not discriminate against any person on grounds of gender, religion, race, ethnic origin (Art. 6)",0,,1,"Principles of the Agreement: democracy, and the rule of law (Art. 4); Objectives of the Agreement: evolving common political values, systems and institutions (Art. 5); General untertakings: SADC and Member States shall not discriminate against any person on grounds of political views (Art. 6); Establishment of Insitutions (Art. 9): The Summit of Heads of State or Government (Art. 10), the Council of Ministers (Art. 11), commissions (Art. 12), the Standing Committee of Officials (Art. 13), the Secretariat (Art. 14), the Executive Secretary (Art. 15), the Tribunal (Art. 16); Decision by Consensus (Art. 19); Areas of cooperation: politics, diplomacy, international relations (Art. 21)",0,,1,"Principles of the Agreement: peace and security, peaceful settlement of disputes (Art. 4); Objectives of the Agreement: promoting and defending peace and security (Art. 5); Areas of cooperation: peace and security (Art. 21)",0,,"Legal status of SADC (Art. 3); Principles of the Agreement: solidarity, equity, balance and mutual benefit (Art. 4); Objectives of the Agreement: alleviating poverty, enhancing the standard and quality of life of the people of Southern Africa and supporting the socially disadvantaged through regional integration, promoting employment and utilisation of resources of the Region, strengthening the long standing historical, social and cultural affinities among the people of the Region (Art. 5); initiatives to develop social and cultural ties across the Region, promoting the development of human resources, promoting the development of technology (Art. 5); General undertakings: SADC and Member States shall not discriminate against any person on grounds of gender, culture or disability (Art. 6); Provisions on membership and admission of new members (Art. 7, Art. 8); Areas of Cooperation: Fostering regional development and integration: human resources development, science and technology, social welfare, information and culture (Art. 21); Involving fully the people of the region and non-governmental organisations in the process of regional integration and development efforts (Art. 23, Art. 24) ",Founding document of SADC (most about institution building),,,,,,,,,,,, 672,672+2,67202,972,SADC2_p1b,Southern African Development Community (SADC) Seychelles accession,1997,,BW-LS-MU-MW-MZ-NA-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW-ZA-CD-SC,BW-LS-MU-MW-MZ-NA-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW-ZA-CD-SC,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,13,12,3,3,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Convinced of the need to combat illicit trade within the Community; the creation of a viable Development Community in Southern Africa,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Nothing in the Protocol shall be construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures by a Member State relating to the conservation of the environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 6),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Objectives of the Agreement: enhancing the economic development and industrialisation of the Region (Art. 2); Nothing in the Protocol shall be construed as to prevent the adoption or enforcement of any measures by a Member State necessary to prevent deceptive trade practices or to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs (added to exceptions) (Art. 6); Developing co-operation and concluding agreements with third countries and international organisations (Art. 30),Annexex have not been added,,,,,,,,,,,, 671,671+1,67101,968,SADC1_p1a,Southern African Development Community (SADC) South Africa accession,1994,,AO-BW-LS-NA-MW-MZ-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW-ZA,AO-BW-LS-NA-MW-MZ-SZ-TZ-ZM-ZW-ZA,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,11,10,3,3,5,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,"Guarantee of democratic rights, observance of human rights and the rule of law; Ensuring the progress and well-being of the people of Southern Africa; Emphasis on good neighbourliness and meaningful co-operation among the countries of the region; Reference to the Lagos Plan of Action and the Final Act of Lagos of April 1980 and the Treaty establishing the African Economic Community",0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Objectives of the Agreement: Achieving sustainable utilisation of natural resources and effective protection of the environment (Art. 5); Areas of cooperation: natural resources and environment (Art. 21),0,,1,"Principles of the Agreement: Human rights (Art. 4); General untertakings: SADC and Member States shall not discriminate against any person on grounds of gender, religion, race, ethnic origin (Art. 6)",0,,1,"Principles of the Agreement: democracy, and the rule of law (Art. 4); Objectives of the Agreement: evolving common political values, systems and institutions (Art. 5); General untertakings: SADC and Member States shall not discriminate against any person on grounds of political views (Art. 6); Establishment of Insitutions (Art. 9): The Summit of Heads of State or Government (Art. 10), the Council of Ministers (Art. 11), commissions (Art. 12), the Standing Committee of Officials (Art. 13), the Secretariat (Art. 14), the Executive Secretary (Art. 15), the Tribunal (Art. 16); Decision by Consensus (Art. 19); Areas of cooperation: politics, diplomacy, international relations (Art. 21)",0,,1,"Principles of the Agreement: peace and security, peaceful settlement of disputes (Art. 4); Objectives of the Agreement: promoting and defending peace and security (Art. 5); Areas of cooperation: peace and security (Art. 21)",0,,"Legal status of SADC (Art. 3); Principles of the Agreement: solidarity, equity, balance and mutual benefit (Art. 4); Objectives of the Agreement: alleviating poverty, enhancing the standard and quality of life of the people of Southern Africa and supporting the socially disadvantaged through regional integration, promoting employment and utilisation of resources of the Region, strengthening the long standing historical, social and cultural affinities among the people of the Region (Art. 5); initiatives to develop social and cultural ties across the Region, promoting the development of human resources, promoting the development of technology (Art. 5); General undertakings: SADC and Member States shall not discriminate against any person on grounds of gender, culture or disability (Art. 6); Provisions on membership and admission of new members (Art. 7, Art. 8); Areas of Cooperation: Fostering regional development and integration: human resources development, science and technology, social welfare, information and culture (Art. 21); Involving fully the people of the region and non-governmental organisations in the process of regional integration and development efforts (Art. 23, Art. 24) ",Founding document of SADC (most about institution building),,,,,,,,,,,, 673,673,673,673,SDN_TUN2,Sudan Tunisia,1983,,SD-TN,SD-TN,0,0,1984,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 674,674,674,674,SYR_TUN,Syria Tunisia,2002,,SY-TN,SY-TN,0,0,2005,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,6,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 675,675,675,675,SYR_TUR,Syria Turkey,2004,Syria Turkey 2004.pdf,SY-TR,SY-TR,0,1,2007,0,,1,Turkey Syria,39128,GATT Art. XXIV,Syria Turkey,Syria Turkey Free Trade Agreement,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,Importance of the Agreement to achieve permanent security and stability in the region; Promoting economic and social development in the two countries,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Cooperation in the fields of irrigation (Art. 30), exchange of scientific and technological information and expertise relating to forestry and water resources (Art. 34)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Raising the living standards of people in both countries (Art. 1); Payment and transfers: Provision are without prejudice to the application of the Parties legislation in connection with criminal offences (Art. 23); Developing scientific and technical cooperation (Art. 29, Art. 31); developing cooperation among the countries of the region and particularly the ones taking part within the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Art. 29, Art. 30); Economic development for Syria: Technical assistance for sectors being affected by the process of liberalization in Syria (Art. 30, Art. 31), industrial cooperation to support Syria in the modernisation of its industry (Art. 33), Turkey supports Syrian efforts towards capacity building for private sector institutions (Art. 36), Association Council supports Syrian economic reform and development efforts (Art. 38); Cooperation in the fields of transportation, communication, higher education, tourism, development and planning (Art. 30)",Annexes and Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 676,676,676,676,SYR_ARE,Syria UAE,2000,,SY-AE,SY-AE,0,0,2001,,,0,,,,,Syria UAE,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 677,677,677,677,TJK_UKR,Tajikistan Ukraine,2001,Tajikistan Ukraine 2002.pdf,TJ-UA,TJ-UA,0,1,2002,0,,1,Ukraine Tajikistan,39678,GATT Art. XXIV,Tajikistan Ukraine,,,,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The right of the Parties from taking unilateral measures which it considers necessary for the protection of the environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 3),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 678,678,678,678,TJK_UZB,Tajikistan Uzbekistan,1995,,TJ-UZ,TJ-UZ,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Tajikistan Uzbekistan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 679,679,679,679,TRANSPACIFIC,Trans Pacific Strategic EPA,2005,Trans Pacific SEPA 2005.pdf,BN-CL-NZ-SG,BN-CL-NZ-SG,0,1,2006,0,,1,Trans Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership,18-May-07,GATT Art. XXIV & GATS V,Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership,TransPacific SEP (Strategic Economic Partnership),FTA,2,FTA_EIA,2,2,4,6,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,"Emphasis that economic development, social development and environmental protection are interdependent and mutually reinforcing components of sustainable development; Fostering creativity and innovation; Creating new opportunities for employment and to improving the living standards of their peoples; Preserving the flexibility to safeguard the public welfare; Enhancing cooperation on labour and environmental matters",1,"Definition of customs offence as any breach or attempted breach of customs law (Art. 5.1); Customs cooperation in investigation and prevention of prima facie customs offences (Art. 5.5); Penalties: adopting measures that provide for the imposition of civil, criminal or administrative penalties for violations of its customs laws (Art. 5.12); Ensuring integrity in procurement practices: Each Party shall ensure that criminal or administrative penalties exist to address corruption in its government procurement (Art. 11.19)",0,,0,,0,,1,"The Parties understand that the measures referred to in Article XX(b) of GATT 1994 / Article XIV(b) of GATS include environmental measures necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health (Art. 19.1); ",0,,0,,0,,1,"Support policy dialogue and exchange of experience on state sector reform, civil service organisations and e-government (p. 907)",0,,1,"Transparent immigration clearance procedures for temporary entry, while at the same time ensuring border security (Art. 13.2)",0,,"See for example: Objectives of the Agreement: scientific, technological cooperation (Art. 1); See Chapter 16 on Strategic Partnership where all forms of cooperation ( economic, scientific, technological, educational, cultural) are emphasized; Treaty of Waitangi: according more favourable treatment to Maori (Art. 19.5), Fostering research and scientific networks in the areas biotechnology and materials sciences, including nanotechnology and biomaterials (p. 905); Cooperation in education (Art. 905f); Cultural cooperation (Art. 906); Promoting exchange programmes for young people",,,,,,,,,,,,, 680,680,680,680,TEA,Treaty of Economic Association,1960,Treaty of Economic Association 1960.pdf,GT-SV-HN,GT-SV-HN,0,1,1961,1,1961,0,,,,,Treaty of Economic Association (superseded by General Treaty for Central American Economic Integration),CU,3,,,2,3,3,3,4,3,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,"""increase sources of labour""; ""improve the living standards of their inhabitants""; ""stimulate investment""",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 681,681,681,681,TTO_VEN,Trinidad and Tobago Venezuela,1989,TrinidadTobago Venezuela 1989.pdf,TT-VE,TT-VE,0,1,1989,0,,0,,,,,Trinidad and Tobago Venezuela (PSA 20),PTA_PSA,1,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,Reference to the Treaty of Montevideo as the framework for the agreement as well as to CARICOM; ,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"""application of security laws and regulations (exception) (Art. 6.b); Regulation of war materials ""and, under exceptional circumstances, of all other military articles"" (exception) (Art. 6.c); ""exportation, use and consumption of nuclear materials, radioactive products and any other material usble in the development or exploitation of nuclear energy"" (exception) (Art. 6.g);",0,,"""exchange of commercial missions and delegations, as well as participation in fair an exhibitions. The will as well favour meetings of businessmen."" (Art. 25)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 682,682,682,682,TRIPARTITE,Tripartite Agreement,1967,"Tripartite Agreement (India, United Arab Republic, Yugoslavia) 1967.pdf",IN-EG-RS,IN-EG-RS,0,1,1968,1,1993,1,Tripartite Agreement,24891,Enabling Clause,,Tripartite Trade Expansion and Cooperation Agreement,PTA_PSA,1,PTA,1,2,3,3,3,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,Co-operation on the basis of complete equality and friendly relations; Closer economic co-operation among developing countries for the efficient utilization of resources and the acceleration of the rate of-economic development; Reference to the Principles of the United Nations Charter,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"According to any other interested developing country full and prompt opportunity for consultations with respect to any matter or difficulty which may arise as a result of the implementation of this Agreement (Art. 5); This Agreement is open for accession by any developing country which is a member of the Group of ""77"", full and prompt opportunity for consultations will be given to any developing country in respect of any matter of difficulty which may arise as a result of the implementation of this Agreement (p. 27)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 683,683,683,683,TUN_TUR,Tunisia Turkey,2004,Tunisia Turkey 2004.pdf,TN-TR,TN-TR,0,1,2005,0,,1,Turkey Tunisia,38596,GATT Art. XXIV,Tunisia Turkey,Tunisia Turkey,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Economic cooperation in the fields of irrigation (Art. 31); Exchanging scientific and technical information relating to forestry and water resources (Art. 35),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Raising the living standards of the population of the two countries (Art. 1); Efforts to develop scientific and technical cooperation (Art. 30, Art. 32); Economic development for Tunisia: Turkey shall provide Tunisia with technical assistance in the fields of economic cooperation (Art. 30), supporting Tunisia to modernize its industry (Art. 34), Turkey shall support Tunisia's efforts towards capacity building for private sector institutions (Art. 37), ensuring technical support for standardization and quality in Tunisia (Art. 38); Regional integration: developing cooperation among the countries of the region and particularly the ones taking part within the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Art. 30); Economic cooperation in the fields of transportation, communication, higher education, tourism and other services (Art. 31); Focus of trade cooperation for a significant improvement in education and training (Art. 38); Enforcement and protection against counterfeiting and piracy (Art. 38)",Protocols are not added,,,,,,,,,,,, 684,684,684,684,TKM_UKR,Turkmenistan Ukraine,1994,Turkmenistan Ukraine 1994.pdf,TM-UA,TM-UA,0,1,1995,0,,1,Ukraine Turkmenistan,39678,GATT Art. XXIV,Turkmenistan Ukraine,Turkmenistan Ukraine,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Taking measures in the field of information affecting the interest of national defence and research or production related to the defence needs (added to exceptions) (Art. 8),0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 685,685,685,685,TKM_UZB,Turkmenistan Uzbekistan,1995,,TM-UZ,TM-UZ,0,0,,,,0,,,,,Turkmenistan Uzbekistan,FTA,,,,1,2,1,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 686,686,686,686,UKR_UZB,Ukraine Uzbekistan,1994,Ukraine Uzbekistan 1994.pdf,UA-UZ,UA-UZ,0,1,1996,0,,1,Ukraine Uzbekistan,39678,GATT Art. XXIV,Ukraine Uzbekistan,Ukraine Uzbekistan,FTA,2,FTA,2,1,2,1,3,6,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,The Party has the right to take unilateral measures in order to protect the environment (Exception) (Art. 4),0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,Unhindered and customs-free transit through the Parties territories of commodities (Art. 8),,,,,,,,,,,,, 687,687,687,687,USA_VNM,United States Vietnam,2000,United States Vietnam 2000.pdf,US-VN,US-VN,0,1,2001,0,,0,,,,United States Vietnam,,,,,,1,2,1,2,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,1,,0,,1,Art. 8 p. 86 applying labour laws,0,,1,Transfer of technology or production process only when applying environmental laws (Art. 7 p.85).,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,"Art. 2: Protection human safety, protection of national security (Art.2, p.96)",0,,"Protection of human health (Art. 2, p. 2); Prevent cross-border transfers relating to criminal and penal offenses (cross-border transactions) (Art. 1, p. 96)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 782,782,782,782,URY_VEN2,Uruguay Venezuela,2008,Uruguay Venezuela 2008.pdf,UY-VE,UY-VE,0,1,2009,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"""Reaffirming the principles and objectives of the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980""; ""consolidation of the integration process of South America in the context of Latin-American integration""; ""integration… is an effective instrument to promote comprehensive development, face poverty and eliminate social exclusion"" ",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 778,778,778,778,URY_VEN1,Uruguay Venezuela,1981,,UY-VE,UY-VE,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,2,1,3,4,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 779,779,779,779,UDAO,West African Customs Union (UDAO),1959,,SN-ML-MR-NE-BF-BJ-CI,SN-ML-MR-NE-BF-BJ-CI,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,2,7,21,3,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 688,688,688,688,UEMOA,West African Economic and Monetary Union,1994,West African Economic and Monetary Union 1994.PDF,BJ-BF-CI-ML-NE-SN-TG,BJ-BF-CI-ML-NE-SN-TG,0,1,2000,0,,1,West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU),27-Oct-99,Enabling Clause,West African Economic and Monetary Union,West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) (UEMOA),FTA_CU,3,CU,3,2,7,21,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Fostering economic and social development; Fostering regional integration,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Coordination of common politics in the field of environment (Art. 4); A member State can adopt or enforce measures relating to the conservation of the environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 79),0, ,1,Respect of human rights (Art. 3),1,Reference to Universal Declaration of human rights (1948) and the African Charter on Human and People Rights (1981) (Art. 3),1,"Establishing the organs of the Union, their structures, tasks and procedures (Art. 16 - Art. 43); Legislation harmonisation (Art. 60)",0,,1,"Ensuring the functioning of the Union even when one of the Members has to take measures owing to intern troubles, war or international tensions (Art. 15)",0,,Coordination of common politics in the fields of human ressources and energy (Art. 4); Emphasis on finacial solidarity between the Member States (Art. 49),,,,,,,,,,,,, 688,688+1,68801,973,UEMOA_p1,West African Economic and Monetary Union Guinea-Bissau accession,1997,,BJ-BF-CI-ML-NE-SN-TG-GW,BJ-BF-CI-ML-NE-SN-TG-GW,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,5,8,7,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Fostering economic and social development; Fostering regional integration,0,,0,,0,,0,,1,Coordination of common politics in the field of environment (Art. 4); A member State can adopt or enforce measures relating to the conservation of the environment (added to exceptions) (Art. 79),0, ,1,Respect of human rights (Art. 3),1,Reference to Universal Declaration of human rights (1948) and the African Charter on Human and People Rights (1981) (Art. 3),1,"Establishing the organs of the Union, their structures, tasks and procedures (Art. 16 - Art. 43); Legislation harmonisation (Art. 60)",0,,1,"Ensuring the functioning of the Union even when one of the Members has to take measures owing to intern troubles, war or international tensions (Art. 15)",0,,Coordination of common politics in the fields of human ressources and energy (Art. 4); Emphasis on finacial solidarity between the Member States (Art. 49),,,,,,,,,,,,, 780,780,780,780,CEAO,West African Economic Community (CEAO),1973,West African Economic Community 1973.pdf,SN-ML-MR-NE-BF-CI,SN-ML-MR-NE-BF-CI,0,1,,1,1994,0,,,,,,,,,,2,6,15,3,3,3,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Seeking to promote the concerted economic development of their States with a view to improving the standard of living of their peoples; An active policy of economic co-operation;,1,"The following, in particular, shall be treated the same as undeclared importation or exportation: Fraudulent marking of industrial products coming from third countries or manufactured in member States but not approved under the Regional Co-operation Tax system (Protocol H, Art.7, p.391); The customs and statistics documents employed shall be differentiated so as to make it possible to distinguish, without any danger of error, categories of traded products (Protocol H, Art.1, p.389)",0,,1,"National legislation and regulations concerning employment shall be applied without discrimination to nationals of all member States (Art.39, p.373)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The Community's mission shall be to foster the harmonious, balanced development of the economic activities of the member States with a view to achieving the fastest possible improvement in the standard of living of their peoples (Art.3, p.364); To implement, at the regional level, an active policy of economic co-operation and integration, in particular as relates to the development of: industry, transport and communications, and tourism (Art.4, p.364); With a view to the obtainment of the most precise knowledge possible concerning trade between member States, there is created an Inter-State Statistical Service (Art.19, p.367); A continual exchange of information concerning their economic situation, their programmes and their national and subregional development projects (Art.20, p.367-368); Joint policies and actions in the different fields of economic activity: scientific and technical research, energy production and distribution, industrial and mining development, tourist development, the co-ordination and development of transport and communications (Art.21, p.368); Joint industrial development policy (Art.23, p.368) Industrial development (Protocol B, Art.1; Art.2, p.378); Touristic projects (Protocol B, Art.2, p.378); The Secretariat-General of the Community shall seek out and endeavour to co-ordinate regional and international financing sources (Protocol B, Art.3, p.379); Cooperation in the area of statistics (Protocol G, Art. 1-4, p.387-388); The undersigned Heads of State solemnly proclaim their common will to bring about, together with all the other Heads of State of the region, a vast West African Economic Community in economic independence and the material and cultural advancement of their peoples (Final communiqué, p.413)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 780,780+1,78001,978,CEAO_p1,West African Economic Community (CEAO) Benin accession,1985,,SN-ML-MR-NE-BF-CI-BJ,SN-ML-MR-NE-BF-CI-BJ,0,,,1,1994,,,,,,,,,,,5,7,6,3,3,,,,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,Seeking to promote the concerted economic development of their States with a view to improving the standard of living of their peoples; An active policy of economic co-operation;,1,"The following, in particular, shall be treated the same as undeclared importation or exportation: Fraudulent marking of industrial products coming from third countries or manufactured in member States but not approved under the Regional Co-operation Tax system (Protocol H, Art.7, p.391); The customs and statistics documents employed shall be differentiated so as to make it possible to distinguish, without any danger of error, categories of traded products (Protocol H, Art.1, p.389)",0,,1,"National legislation and regulations concerning employment shall be applied without discrimination to nationals of all member States (Art.39, p.373)",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"The Community's mission shall be to foster the harmonious, balanced development of the economic activities of the member States with a view to achieving the fastest possible improvement in the standard of living of their peoples (Art.3, p.364); To implement, at the regional level, an active policy of economic co-operation and integration, in particular as relates to the development of: industry, transport and communications, and tourism (Art.4, p.364); With a view to the obtainment of the most precise knowledge possible concerning trade between member States, there is created an Inter-State Statistical Service (Art.19, p.367); A continual exchange of information concerning their economic situation, their programmes and their national and subregional development projects (Art.20, p.367-368); Joint policies and actions in the different fields of economic activity: scientific and technical research, energy production and distribution, industrial and mining development, tourist development, the co-ordination and development of transport and communications (Art.21, p.368); Joint industrial development policy (Art.23, p.368) Industrial development (Protocol B, Art.1; Art.2, p.378); Touristic projects (Protocol B, Art.2, p.378); The Secretariat-General of the Community shall seek out and endeavour to co-ordinate regional and international financing sources (Protocol B, Art.3, p.379); Cooperation in the area of statistics (Protocol G, Art. 1-4, p.387-388); The undersigned Heads of State solemnly proclaim their common will to bring about, together with all the other Heads of State of the region, a vast West African Economic Community in economic independence and the material and cultural advancement of their peoples (Final communiqué, p.413)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 689,689,689,689,YAOUNDE1,Yaoundé I,1963,Yaoundé I 1964.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-BI-CM-CF-TD-CD-BJ-GA-CI-MG-ML-MR-NE-CG-RW-SN-SO-TG-BF,EU-BI-CM-CF-TD-CD-BJ-GA-CI-MG-ML-MR-NE-CG-RW-SN-SO-TG-BF,1,1,1964,1,1969,1,Yaoundé I,31-Mar-64,GATT Art. XXIV,,Conventions of Association between the Community and the Association of African and Malagasy States (Yaounde 1 2) (evolve into Lome Conventions) (originally signed in July 1963 for a 5 year period and renewed for another 5 year period in July 1969),PTA_PSA,1,FTA,2,4,24,108,2,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,"Co-operation on the basis of complete equality and friendly relations; Pursuing efforts together with a view to the social and cultural progress of their countries; Industrialization of the Associated States and the diversification of their economies, with a view to enabling them to strengthen their economic independence and stability; Reference to the principles of the United Nations Charter",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Measures to promote the economic and social development of the Associated States (Art. 15); Financial assistance to the Associated States (Art. 16, Art. 18, Art. 20, Art. 26); Specifying fields benefiting of financial assistance (Art. 17); Opening a file for each scheme or programme for which Associated States are requesting financial assistance (Art. 21), Examining requests for financial assistance (Art. 22); Aid contributed by the Community may take the form of participation in financing in which international finance organizations, or credit and development institutions may take part (Art. 23); Beneficiaries from aids from the Fund (Art. 24); The Association Council shall lay down the general pattern for financial and technical co-operation (Art. 27); Establishing within the framework of a development plan, basic economic and-social schemes, preparing requests for technical assistance (Art. 1 p. 33); Technical assistance such as planning, special and regional development surveys, technical and economic surveys needed for the preparation of investment schemes etc. (Art. 4 p. 34); Technical cooperation and its financing (Art. 6 p. 34, Art. 7 p. 34, Art. 8 p. 34, Art. 9 p. 35, Art. 10 p. 35); Loans on special terms (Art. 11 p. 35, Art. 12 p. 36, Art. 13 p. 36); Loans by the European Investment Bank (Art. 14 p. 36, Art. 15 p. 36, Art. 16 p. 36, Art. 17 p. 36, Art. 18 p. 37); Advances to stabilization funds (Art. 19 p. 37, Art. 20 p. 37, Art. 21 p. 37); Aid to the Associated States for diversification and production (Art. 22 p. 37, Art. 23 p. 37, Art. 24 p. 38, Art. 25 p. 38, Art. 26 p. 38, Art. 27 p. 39, Art. 29 p. 40, Art. 30 p. 40, Art. 31 p. 41, Art. 32 p. 41, Art. 33 p. 41); States benefiting from aids for diversification (Art. 34 p. 41, Art. 35 p. 42, Art. 36 p. 42, Art. 37 p. 42, Art. 38 p. 42); Emergency help from Fund resources to any Associated State (Art. 39 p. 42); on the use of the balance of the Development Fund for the Overseas Countries and Territories (Annex 4 p. 57); Additional aid to the Republic of Somalia, to be drawn on the balance of the Development Fund for the Overseas Countries and Territories (Annex 5 p. 58); review of financial aid at the end of the three years following the entry into force of the Convention of Association (Annex 6 p. 59); Declaration by the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States concerning nuclear products (Annex 7 p. 60); Studying ways and means to promote increased consumption of goods originating in the Associated States (Annex 8 p. 61)",,,,,,,,,,,,, 690,690,690,690,YAOUNDE2,Yaoundé II,1969,Yaoundé II 1969.pdf,BE-DE-FR-IT-LU-NL-BI-CM-CF-TD-CD-BJ-GA-CI-MG-ML-MR-NE-CG-RW-SN-SO-TG-BF,EU-BI-CM-CF-TD-CD-BJ-GA-CI-MG-ML-MR-NE-CG-RW-SN-SO-TG-BF,1,1,1971,1,1976,1,Yaoundé II,10-Dec-69,GATT Art. XXIV,,Conventions of Association between the Community and the Association of African and Malagasy States (Yaounde 1 2) (evolve into Lome Conventions) (originally signed in July 1963 for a 5 year period and renewed for another 5 year period in July 1969),,,FTA,2,4,24,108,2,6,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,"Pursuing efforts with a view to the social and cultural progress of the respective countries; Furthering the industrialization of the Associated States and the diversification of their economies, with a view to enabling them to strengthen their economic independence and stability; Importance of the development of intra-African co-operation; Reference to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations",0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,"Objective: furthering the economic and social development of the Associated States by by putting into effect measures of financial intervention and technical co-operation, strenghtening the economic structure and economic independence of the Associated States and promoting their industrialization, encouraging African regional co-operation (Art. 1); The Associated States may retain or introduce quantitative restrictions on the importation of products originating in Member States, in order to meet their development needs (Art. 7); Promoting the economic and social development of the Associated States (Art. 17); Community's aid (Art. 18); Financial aid shall be used for the financing of schemes and programmes set up as far as possible within the framework of a development programme (Art. 19); Establishing a reserve fund to help the Associated States deal with extraordinary difficulties creating an exceptional situation resulting either from a fall in world prices or from calamities such as famine or floods (Art. 20); Granting advances from the liquid assets of the Fund in order to contribute to alleviating the consequences of temporary fluctuations in world prices (Art. 21); Informing the Commission of development plans and for which the Associate States intend to request financial aid from the Community (Art. 22); Examining the Associate States' requests for financing (Art. 23); Aid contributed by the Community take the form of co-financing (Art. 24); To whom financial aid is granted (Art. 25); Management and upkeep of the economic and social infrastructure by means of Community aids (Art. 28); Laying down the general pattern for financial and technical co-operation (Art. 29); The development needs of the Associated States referred to in Article 3(2) of the Convention are those arising from the implementaion of economic development programmes aimed at raising the general standard of living in the country in question (Art. 1 p. 25); The investments shall comprise investments in the fields of tourism, development measures concerning the economy of rural areas, investments in the economic and social-infra-structure including a basic infrastructure for industry and handicrafts (Art. 1 p. 29); Technical co-operation compromises development planning and special and regional development studies, technical, economic and commercial studies, and research and field studies required to prepare schemes etc. (Art. 2 p. 30); What technical cooperation shall compromise (Art. 3 p. 30); Aid for marketing and sales promotion of the Associated States (Art. 4 p. 31); Financing procedure / How aid is financed (Art. 5 p. 31, Art. 6 p. 32, Art. 7 p. 32, Art. 8 p. 32, Art. 9 p. 33, Art. 10 p. 33, Art. 11 p. 33); Utilization of the aids (Art. 13 p. 34, Art. 15 p. 34, Art. 17 p. 35, Art. 18 p. 35); The staff of the Co-ordinating Secretariat taking part, on the territory of the Member States or of the associated States shall enjoy the customary privileges, immunities and facilities while carrying out their duties (Art. 1 p. 41); Buildings occupied by the Co-ordinating Council and the archives of the Co-ordinating Council shall be inviolable (Art. 2 p. 42, Art. 3 p. 42); Official communication (Art. 6 p. 43); The Secretary and Deputy Secretary of the Co-ordinating Council shall enjoy the advantages granted to the diplomatic staff of diplomatic missions (Art. 7 p. 43); Immunity from suit and legal process to the permanent members of the staff of the Co-ordinating Secretariat (Art. 8 p. 43); The privileges, immunities and facilities provided for by this Protocol shall be granted to persons benefiting from them solely in the interests of their official duties (Art. 10 p. 44); Declaration by the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States and the Representatives of the Governments of the Associated States confirming the Resolutions of the Association Council concerning financialand technical co-operation (Annex 4 p. 57); Declaration by the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States and the Representatives of the Governments of the Associated States concerning Article 1 of Protocol No. 9 on privileges and immunities (Annex 7 p. 58); Declaration by the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States concerning nuclear products (Annex 10 p. 59); Declaration by the Community concerning Article 25 of the Convention of association and Article 9 of Protocol No. 6 concerning the administration of Community aids (Annex 12 p. 60)",,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,